#fe14 kin
findthebae · 2 years
Velouria kin from Fire Emblem Fates, specifically the Revelations route! I'm looking for anyone, but especially fellow 2nd-gen kins. In my canon, I was the daughter of Keaton and Camilla, and I was in a relationship with Shigure, who was a Kitsune.
Even if we're not from the same canon, I'd still love to meet other FE:Fates kins! 18+ strongly preferred as I am over 18. Message me @wolf-cub-velouria or on my Discord, CallMeRobin#2731 🐺
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vampthropologist · 1 year
ralsei deltarune, corrin fe14, makoto naegi, frisk undertale, chiaki nanami 💔💔
You are such a nice guy filled with such hope for the world despite how much it may have wronged you or how much you might have had to go through. You might be an optimist, or perhaps you are simply someone who has survived and still is able to see positives in things. You might keep your stresses, doubts, and worries to yourself so others don't have to see it or deal with it, which isn't healthy but is understandable. You believe that through it all, there will be a good ending, and if there isn't a good ending then it will be bittersweet at least. Also please don't sacrifice yourself you kind-hearted idiot. (affectionate)
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Elyos timeline vs Xenelyos timeline
I was bored so i decided to see how much things changed between the main Elyos and the Xenelyos 
and because spoilers ahead, see under the cut
1- Genesis vs Xenogenesis
Elyos was a peaceful lands until Sombron decided to go to war a 1 000 years ago. Chronogically, Sombron arrived in Elyos when he was a child and was taken by humans, but then Emblem 0 gone Sombron choosed violence and spent the time he was here growing and turn to conquest, making kids with Mage dragons. I guess that during his time here since he is as old as Lumimi this allowed people to make him the figure of the cult of Elusia for whatever reasons since Elusia seems to have been worshiping him for as long as he has been here but basically this means that Fell dragons don’t originate from Elyos but from whatever realm Sombron originates from, and Sombron is the sole survivor of his tribe in his world (unless there were others fell kids that survived and they were send into another world idk) whereas Divine one and Mage dragons are native species
Meanwhile XenElyos was a land without any dragon, until a dragon was born and then his descendence got splitted into divine dragons and fell one, making both species native to Elyos and originally of the same kin, which explain better why Xenobron might have been place as the same status as Lumera’s unlike in Elyos where we have to imagine how the heck was it possible for him to gain this much authority. It’s worth noting though that the Realms in Elyos exist as well, but reversed since the map is mirrored in it’s axis, and those realms have a different reputation : Firene is a peaceful land in Elyos but in Xenylos it’ a land of warior, in short they swaped with Brodia.
2- Emblems 
So the accessories and Emblems are different since Elyos was blessed with 12 rings whereas Xenylos was blessed with 7 bracelets. Unlike what was shown of our units, Emblem seems to be unique to their worlds, however the emblems all represent the same world.
Elyos                                                                                                     XenElyos
World of Fe1/Fe3 : Marth’s ring                                                        Tiki’s bracelet
World of Fe7 : Lyn’s ring                                                              Hector’s bracelet
World of Fe 9/10: Ike and Micaiah                                              Soren (yes 10 too since it’s older Ike that appear in Radiant Dawn even if it’s to represent Radiance)
World of Fe 13: Lucina’s ring                                      Chrom and Robin’s bracelet
World of Fe14: Corrin’s ring                                                       Camilla’s bracelet
World of Fe 16: Byleth                                                     Eddie, Dima and Claude
The others Emblem don’t have a counterpart to represent their world but Vero-chan being here to represent multiverse you could argue
3- War of 1000 : case of uchronie
In french we call uchronie a case of alternate history and here the war went way differently. But since it’s parallel world, the events took place in the same time in parallell fashion unlike a classical case of uchronie where it’s “what if things took place differently” in a universe independ, like that one Friends episode of what would have happened if Rachel married Barry and we aren’t in a alternate universe but just a bonus what if episode, so i think you get the difference now.
- Elyos was already peupled with Divine Dragons and Mage dragons since Sombron said that when he was a kid, Elyos was alreday full of it. In his world however, his entire kind as being slewed in a war to control Emblem rings against others dragons whose nature is not specified but seeing how Fell dragon were exclusive to his world and that Divine one are native of Elyos, I am guessing it was not Divine dragons. Sombron brought one of the ring of his homeworld with him, 0 emblem and they stayed together until villagers found baby Sombron and took him within, 0 Emblem left and Sombron went bersek, killed the village and then growing up decided to find a way to return to his world and reunite with 0 emblem. This happened a 1000 years ago, since Lumera and Sombron are of the same age, this means it happened when Lumera herself was very young. Then a 1 000 years later when Sombron and Lumera are both 2000 years old, Sombron started to wage war to get back the rings to open the world’s gate and to do date he mated with Mage dragon and had numerous children so many that he can’t recall the face and names of many despite being the one having given them their name. Overall he was in this world “close” to only 2 of his kids, being Alear and Veyle. By that time, Veyle was still very young and Alear was their last sibling alive since all of Sombron’s children perished in the war of 1000 years ago and that’s during this war that Alear was slayed by Sombron at the cost of sealing him. By that time Alear befriended Lumera and they had agree that Lumera could turn Alear into a divine dragon and adopt them, so in their “dying moments” Alear begged her to so and Lumera waited for them a 1 000 years infusing her essence, turning Alear into Pepsi protag. Also, chapter 24 proved that Sombron’s side had managed to get back a great number of rings, including Marth which was fighting by Alear side until Alear betrayed Sombron and stayed with Alear during their 1 000 slumber and that by that time Lumera was the last of her kind.This also means that Sombron was the sole representant of his kind and that all fell children are actually Mage dragon/Fell dragon hybrid. 
- In Alternate Elyos, there was no dragon. Until a 1 000 years ago a first dragon was born. By that time, Sombron arrive in Elyos in the main world. Then this dragon had among his descendance Divine dragon and Fell dragon, meaning that in this universe Lumeralt and Xenobron are long distant relatives and that Fell dragon and Divine dragon are cousins species. Seeing how 0Emblem was an emblem ring and Emblem are uniques, this meas that Xenobron had different motivation (might make a whole post about it). Just like Sombron did a 1 000 years ago, Xenobron started a war against Divine dragon with his spawn which, because of his different genetics, are all born as twins. Meanwhile, seeing how the chronolgy is different, Lumeralt had a bioligical child with one of her fellow Divine dragon (idk if it was the one that was Lumera’s spouse in MGElyos though) that child being Altlear, however 1000 years ago, during the war, Sombron got sealed, Lumera died and Nil died too, leaving Rafal to switch places and according to Rafal, that happened when both were still children and unlike what happened in the main world, many others of the Xenobron children survived before the twins betrayed Xenobron to joined side with Alear (remember in the last CG Xenobron said that it had been sometimes since Nel and Rafal betrayed him) since there was a CG showing Nel killing at least 4 others fell children. This was after that they joined side with Altlear and Altear fought Sombron at the cost of their lives, which must have happened recently enough for Nel to still be deeply hurt by it. 
4 - The 4 hounds vs the 4 winds
Biggest changes are them. So let’s see.
Zephia vs Zelestia : Zephia was a powerful Mage dragon, so powerful that according to Mauvier, she could have remplaced Sombron and destroyed her own village, before entering Sombron’s side. She fought along side him during the war of 1 000 and was the one that founded the 4 hounds. This happened when Sombron was in slumber, as she also managed to get Veyle back once she met the Fell Dragon sympathizers that took her away when she was a sleeping in the temple. She mets Griss and Marnies as children and took care of them, along with Mauvier to “form a family”
Zelestia however, had a very different life. She for some reason that i think must be biological was way weaker than her Mage dragons fellow. In this world, Mage dragon refused to side with Xenobron (which can only makes me wonder how Sombron got to have stick to their side) which resulted in their kind being exterminated by Xenobron and Zelestia foind refuge by Lumeralt and Altlear side. Unlike Zephia, Zelestia meet with the other members of the 4 winds very late, Gregory saved her during a battle and Mauvier, founder and second in commend, was with Maddie when they encontered. 
Griss vs Gregory : Both were Elusian boys with neglectful parents. Whereas Griss got abandonned Gregory was sold to the worshippers of Sombron. Both had to go though the same ritual, expect that Gregory came to hate pain unlike Griss who become a masochist after experiecning it. Griss was taken care of by Zephia who was both a mother and elder sister figure to him, who still jad quite a sequels as apparently he was unable to speak for a long moments, whereas Gregory meet Zelestia during a battle where he saved her from a Corrupted. But both guys have strong bond with Zephia and Zelestia.
Marni vs Madeline: Marni was the daughter of a poor woman and had numerous brothers. Although she helped her mother took care of the household, the latter saw her of having no value explaining why she was longing for praise. Despite her efforts, her mother ended up abandoning her at a church of the Fell dragon. There she was raised by the clergy and receive the affection her mother never gave her and her abilty attracted the Fell dragon sect, explaning why Zephia took her with her. 
Madeline had a different alternate family. Rather than being the child of Marni’s mom’s double, like Altlear, she had a knight mother and knight father who served the Lumeralt party and had no siblings at all, in short she was a lonely child. She lost both her parents during the war against Sombron, but she was saved by Mauve who took her as her apprentice and according to Zelestia they looked like father and daughter. 
Mauvier vs Mauve : We all know Mauvier. He is a Firene native that moved to Elusia with his mother when his father died due to an illness and then they become member of Sombron’s chruch. Mauvier became a knight serving Veyle and grew found of her as he was the first person she met when she woke up. He doesn’t join Alear’s party until Marni’s death mainly because of Veyle, but seeing what Zephia did to her and how she killed Marni, he drew the line and join Alear. 
Mauve (that’s how I call Parallel Mauvier)’s origins are unknown but his Veyle dying sooner than in the MG, he had no other reason to stay as I suspect that Xenobron was the one to get rid of her and that he was just as dedicated to her than Mauvier to Veyle. He took Madeline with him and founded the 4 winds to protect the Fell twins but it doesnt change the fact that Zelestia like Zephia was the leader as Mauve left her the spot. 
6- Fell dragons vs Fell dragons
Strangely enough, the Fell siblings and the Fell twins don’t quite exaclty belong to the same species because of the difference. Sombron isn’t a native to his Elyos, meaning he can’t be a descendant of Lumera’s ancestor unlike Xenobron and Lumeralt so Fell dragon in MG Elyos have no link to Divine one whereas in XenElyos, Fell dragons are cousin species of Divine ones. After all the only reason why Fell dragon in our world could awake Emblems was because of Sombron having similar rings but Xenobron and his spawn would be able to do it just fine since they have a common ancestor to explain the why. That’s without taking into account the fact that unlike in Elyos where Sombron was the only pure fell blood, Xenobron could have mate with other of his fellow fell dragon seeing how there many others and no Mage dragon, and he killed them way before Veyle and Nel and Rafal were born so it’s more likely. Which makes it very weird because
Alear : Fell dragon turned into a hybrid Fell/Divine dragon
Veyle : Hybrid Fell/Mage Dragon
Sombron : pure fell dragon
The Fell twins : Pure fell dragon but their species is slightly different due to their origins...
If you noticed Veyle and the twins shared the common trait of having weird taste buds, something Alear doesn’t have anymore since Lumera messed their anatomy and seeing how Alear can use both invocations and prayers as well as having only one side with bed hair, being the red one, I guess this means there isn’t that much difference but when you compared Sombron’s dragon froms to the twins, the twins looked more like lizard which i think is because of that change of ancestor because some of the Lumera dragon from feature reapears through their own dragon form. And seeing how Xenobron had that quirk of having only twins unlike Sombron, I guess that’s also proof that Fell dragon in Elyos arent quite the same species as in the XenElyos
And that’s all I spotted for now. 
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diakamu · 3 years
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vote Dwyer FE14
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findinyourkin · 3 years
hiya! I’m m!Corrin from Fe14 and im looking for literally anyone from my army!!! I was in the revelations pathway but I was closer to the Nohrians. I’d love to talk to Niles, Xander or Jakob if they’re out there. Please no minors as im an adult! Thanks!
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fekincalls · 4 years
I’m Ophelia from FE14 and I REEEAALLLY wanna find sourcemates !! Interact with this post and I’ll message u! I’m an adult so I would really prefer that minors not interact
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anjoartist · 5 years
Would you be willing to draw Forrest?
forrest good…when will my son be in FEH….
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send in something and ill draw it eventually dshbfjh
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firekinblem · 5 years
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♡ Moodboard for a Severa who is really worried about her missing Inigo/Laslow in muted red and grey tones!
sorry this is so late! ♡ Mod Dazai
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heroes-kin · 5 years
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Stimboard for Takumi, with cherry blossoms and glitter
x x x  /  x x x  /  x x x
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kin-help-central · 5 years
☆ + °•. aesthetic for felicia with themes of tea, flowers, and writing!
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imjustawaffle · 5 years
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Hey tumblr I’m back! take this Niles this I drew with no sensitivity.
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findthebae · 2 years
Hello! I'm Velouria from Fire Emblem Fates, looking for anyone (especially my parents Keaton and Camilla, or any of the other Deeprealms kids!) Keep in mind that I am 18+, so please dni if that makes you uncomfortable! Just message me @wolf-cub-velouria
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selkie-assist · 5 years
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Some example icons using different frames! 
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awakenyourfates · 5 years
FE: Fates & Awakening kin!
Hiya we’re a brand new server for any Fire Emblem Fates or Awakening kins! We’re doubles selective and minor+system friendly! Our server is currently run by two laid back goofball admins that just wanna create a safe, fun place for fates & awakening kinnies! some features include:
- plenty of organized channels for just about anything you might need! - role restricted 18+ channels that are carefully monitored - a channel for talk of spoilers (both fire emblem related spoilers & unrelated) - an anonymous blacklist system - a request channel for any server-related suggestions!
take a peak at our links to find our rules & members pages, then feel free to send in an app if you wish to join, and one of us admins will get back to you as soon as we can! our ask box is also open if you have any questions! ♥
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findinyourkin · 3 years
M!Corrin here from Fe14 looking for anyone from my army. I was from the Revelations route. I’m 22; please be 18+, like this post and I’ll get in touch.
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fekincalls · 4 years
hellooooooo!!! i'm Selkie from fe14!! soo i wanna find my friends again! it would be super cool to find my papa or annnnny of my friends again! i'm not sure who my mama was, but i had a red streak! and i was around ALL the kids, not just the hoshidan kids! i dunno who corrin married either, sorry this isnt suuuuper helpful! but if you wanna talk, hit that tiny heart button!!!!! i'll message you!!!!! okie dokie thanks bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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