#rhine & arle
gold-rhine · 22 days
Restraint for Arleccenio? (or honestly any of them I'm just very gay for her XD)
im sorry i cant talk about arlecchino or i start ranting, i'm so salty of how dirty they did her and clervie. to me, they should have been this, but the world is not ready to hear this
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monards · 5 months
i don't find joy in people losing interests in things;; but im slowly and slowly becoming more happy to see less and less of *those* (<- you know what group im referring to.) people being interested in genshin. because it very much means hoyo has a slightly slightly smaller group to please with the story. meaning that the insane lore fans that are gonna stay until we get any semblance of food are gonna be fed well (eventually)
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lwieserce · 9 months
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we need this
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oathofkaslana · 7 months
my wishes for unreleased characters i want (not leaks):
- arle being an off field pyro dps so i can trade her and xiangling when i get bored of one of them
- clorinde being literally anything that isn’t overload i will cry so hard please. Please. i don’t wanna build chevreuse
- tsaritsa has to be a support right like surely. surely good off-field cryo app so we can make abyss melt teams right.
- rhine. whatever her element is it has to buff geo. like surely it will.
- alice. hm. not sure i just need her to fit in w klee, albedo, and rhine so i can make a team w all of them
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blood-orange-juice · 6 months
Thoughts on Arlechinno's design and splash art?
I want her carnally.
Moon symbolism, the theme of defying fate and black hilichurl hands also hint at Khaenri'ah (especially together with the Perinheri book), so I also want her for lore reasons. But mostly carnally.
Actual thoughts on leaks and design under the cut.
She's like a combination of all European gothic/demonic tropes. Extremely sinister lady.
Werewolf themes? Check (all the moon mentions and Scaramouche's "wolf in sheep's clothing" line).
Vampire references? Check (her entire kit).
Grim reaper vibes? This woman has them.
The wing shape, the chair/throne, the black and red colour scheme, The Lying? It's straight out Christian devil aesthetic. Not some random demon, the big guy.
Her flickering idle animation points to her being someone who knows the fabric of the universe is fake (could still be just Fatui technology of course). It's also an Abyss thing.
Her six wings remind me of Seraphim imagery, and so do eyes on her clothes ("they were full of eyes within").
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I think she also has proper feathery wings in some attacks in the 2nd phase? I didn't look too closely to not spoil myself too much.
Everyone and their mother have already mentioned that, but I'll just reiterate that saraph is a Hebrew word for "burning". Whatever fire symbolism you can come up with, it's very likely there had been a medieval theologist or a poet who tried to connect it to seraphs.
(I also really dig one of my friends' favorite shitpost theory that angels' natural state is being in a flock or other kind of group. they are like some species of birds and wither without company. in other words, family is important)
The one-winged form in her ult. Fallen angel, Luciferian motif (again). Obligatory FFVII Sephiroth reference too. Sephiroth reference is important because he's something alien to the world (his kind corrupts reality just by being in the wrong place).
She has a moon/eclipsed sun in her ult animation.
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Reminds me of the red moon in Raiden's Plane of Euthymia.
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Something something the Crimson Moon Dynasty and the Eclipse Dynasty of Khaenri'ah.
Let's not forget the Statue of Omnipresent God in Inazuma. It's not a seraph but it still has a biblical angel vibe.
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Her colour scheme.
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Reminds me of Sustainer's cubes a bit (although they are darker).
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Then in the Perilous Trail event (thanks to @letpaimonbitepeople for reminding me) there are these strange red-and-black ghosts. They are theorised to be shadows of people consumed by the Abyss. When Xiao describes them Yelan also mentions things flickering in and out of existence, "objects that shouldn't be here".
*points at Arle's idle flickering animation and Sephiroth reference*
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Hoyo love to colour-code and red and black means something other than just fire (like Abyss is pastel and night sky coloured, dreams and memories are pink and light blue and honkai is magenta). My guess is destruction and unnatural things/things being in a wrong place.
I've seen people compare her design to Signora (fire magic that doesn't stem from using a Vision) and theorising about Primordial fire and Arle being a vessel for a shard of the Shade of Death.
Astro draws paralles between Albedo's and Arle's flower motifs, and it's possible she might be a creation of Rhine's. Or someone else who used Khemia.
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Her earrings also fit.
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(this was also the basis for theories connecting her to Narcissenkreuz. flowers, crosses, memory transfer, theme of rebirth... you name it. the black hands. but now I think it's just Narcissenkreuzers referencing Khemia)
I say we shouldn't pin everything on Rhine and she could have been another Surtalogi's creation (it would explain why they had to namedrop him). Someone from Khaenri'ah anyway and someone tapping into a very old power.
Could be someone from Remuria too, a continuation of Khaenri'ahn arts then. ''The Fall of the Faded Castle'' books mention someone terribly similar.
A stone slate at the entrance to her boss fight domain mentions the name Crucabena, and, as I wrote in another post, this points to her being connected to one of the dead Moon Sisters. Especially with what we know from Perinheri.
Also Perinheri mentions Khaenri'ahns betraying their god rather than simply abandoning them/being a godless nation, this is another Luciferian motif. Maybe she inherits the art of whoever came up with the idea. Maybe their god was an heir to the Shade of Death (like Focalors was the successor to the Shade of Life) and they killed them and took their power.
(maybe all of the above)
I have no idea about where her story will go (what could she possibly want from Fontaine or why would she possibly want to join us) and I'm excited.
Judging by how they handled Focalors (a better Jesus reference than most Christians manage) and how they handle references in general, it will be a marvel.
A special thanks goes to @a-yarn-of-purple-prose, @rayetherna and @letpaimonbitepeople with whom we were collectively shouting over Arlecchino's design and the ghost of Astro whom I know through Ray's quotes. Some of these ideas are theirs.
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Voltaire’s Paméla Letters Translated: Intro and Letter #1
The letters that Voltaire rewrote in the vein of Richardson’s Paméla after his falling out with Frederick the Great have intrigued me ever since I first heard of them in November or December. Only discovered to have been a rewrite and not originals in the late 20th century, it’s hard to say how much of it is authentic and how much exaggerated or made up, but for me, the fact that they have been altered only adds to the fascination.
Six months into learning French, I’m still not sure I’m quite ready to use this as translation exercises, but I’m impatient, I found the book for very cheap, and besides, I feel that to translate Voltaire you must channel some of the hubris, so bring it on. Poetry (to my surprise, it turns out I actually enjoy translating poetry in some masochistic way) and all. In the end, I am proud of the result.
This is not a very juicy letter, but I’m sure one will come along soon enough. I’m not sure how many will I be able to complete because there’s about fifty of them altogether, but I hope I manage at least a few.
Big thanks to everyone who helped me out with the draft. The rest under the cut for brevity, English followed by original French.
In Clèves, July 1750
It is to you, please, niece of mine, to you, woman of a wit superb, philosopher of the selfsame kind, to you who, like me, of Permesse, knows the many paths diverse; it is to you I now address this disarray of prose and verse, recount my long odyssey's story; recount unlike I back then did when, in my splendid age's glory, I still kept to Apollo's writ; when I dared, perhaps courting disaster, for counsel strike for Paris forth, notwithstanding our minds' worth, the god of Taste, my foremost master!
This journey is only too true, and puts too much distance between you and me. Do not imagine that I want to rival Chapelle, who has made, I do not know how, such a reputation for himself for having been from Paris to Monpellier and to papal land, and for having reported to a gourmand.
It was not, perhaps, difficult when one wished to mock monsieur d'Assoucy. We need another style, we need another pen, to portray this Plato, this Solon, this Achilles who writes his verses at Sans-Souci. I could tell you of that charming retreat, portray this hero philosopher and warrior, so terrible to Austria, so trivial for me; however, that could bore you.
Besides, I am not yet at his court and you should not anticipate anything: I want order even in my letters. Therefore know that I left Compiègne on July 25th, taking my road to Flanders, and as a good historiographer and a good citizen, I went to see the fields of Fontenoy, of Rocoux and of Lawfeld on my way. There was no trace of it left: all of it was covered with the finest wheat in the world. The Flemish men and women were dancing, as if nothing had happened.
Go on, innocent eyes of this bad-mannered populace; reign, lovely Ceres, where Bellona once flourished; countryside fertilised with blood of our warriors, I like better your harvests than all of the laurels: provided by chance and by vanity nourished Oh! that grand projects were prevented by doom! Oh! fruitless victories! Oh! the blood spilled in vain! French, English, German so tranquil today did we have to slit throats for friendship to bloom!
I went to Clèves hoping to find there the stage stations that all the bailiwicks provide, at the order of the king of Prussia, to those who to go to philosophise to Sans-Souci with the Solomon of the North and on whom the king bestows the favour of travelling at his expense: but the order of the king of Prussia had stayed in Wesel in the hands of a man who received it as the Spanish receive the papal bulls, with the deepest respect, and without putting them to any use. So I spent a few days in the castle of this princess that madame de La Fayette made so famous.
But this heroine and the duc of Nemours, we ignore in these places the gallant adventure; for  it is not here, I vow, the land of novels, nor the one of love.
It is a shame, for the country seems made for the princesses of Clèves: it is the most beautiful place of nature and art has further added to its position. It is a view superior to that of Meudon; it is a land covered in vegetation like the Champs-Élysées and the forests of Boulogne; it is a hill covered in gently sloping avenues of trees: a large pool collects  the waters of this hill; in the middle of the pool stands a statue of Minerva. The water of this first pool is received by a second, which returns it to the third; and at the foot of the hill ends in a waterfall pouring into a vast, semi-circular grotto. The waterfall lets the waters spill into a canal, which goes on to water a vast meadow and joins a branch of the Rhine. Mademoiselle de Scudéri and La Calprenède would have filled a volume of their novels with this description; but I, historiographer, I will only tell you that a certain prince Maurice de Nassau, the governor, during his lifetime, of this lovely solitude devised nearly all of these wonders there. He lies buried in the middle of the forest, in a great devil of an iron tomb, surrounded by all the ugliest bas-reliefs of the time of the Roman empire's decadence, and some gothic monuments that are worse still. But all of it would be something very respectable for those deep minds who fall into ecstasy at the sight of poorly cut stone, as long as it is two thousand years old.
Another ancient monument, the remains of a great stone road, built by the Romans, which led to Frankfurt, to Vienna, and to Constantinople. The Holy Empire devolved into Germany has fallen a little bit from its magnificence. One gets stuck in the mud in the summer nowadays, in the august Germania. Of all the modern nations, France and the little country of Belgium are the only ones who have roads worthy of Antiquity. We could above all boast of surpassing the ancient Romans in cabaret; and there are still certain points on which we equal them: but in the end, when it comes to durable, useful, magnificent monuments, which people can come close to them? which monarch does in his kingdom what a procosul did in Nîmes and in Arles?
Perfect in the trivial, in trifles sublime great inventors of nothing, envy we excite. Let our minds to the supreme heights strive of the children of Romulus so proud: they did a hundred times more for the vanquished crowd than we solely for ourselves contrive.
In the end, notwithstanding the beauty of the location of Clèves, notwithstanding the Roman road, in spite of a tower believed to have been built by Julius Caesar, or at least by Germanicus; in spite of the inscriptions of the twenty-sixth legion that quartered here for the winter; in spite of the lovely tree-lined roads planted by prince Maurice, and his grand iron tomb; in spite of, lastly, the mineral waters recently discovered here, there are hardly any crowds in Clèves. The waters there are, however, just as good as those of Spa or of Forges; and one cannot swallow the little atoms of iron in a more beautiful place. But it does not suffice, as you know, to have merits to be fashionable: usefulness and pleasantness are here; but this delicious retreat is frequented only by a few Dutchmen, who are attracted by the proximity and the low prices of living and houses there, and who come to admire and to drink.
I found there, to my great satisfaction, a well-known Dutch poet, who gave us the honour of elegantly, and even verse for verse, translating our tragedies, good or bad, to Dutch. Perhaps one day we will be reduced to translating the tragedies of Amsterdam: every nation gets their turn.
The Roman ladies, who leered at their lovers at the theatre of Pompeii, did not suspect that one day, in the middle of Gaul, in a little town called Lutèce, we would produce better plays than Rome.
The order of the king regarding the stage stations has finally reached me; so my delight at the princess of Clèves' place is over, and I am leaving for Berlin.
À Clèves, juillet 1750
C'est à vous, s'il vous plaît, ma nièce, vous, femme d'esprit sans travers, philosophe de mon espèce, vous qui, comme moi, du Permesse connaisez les sentiers divers ; c'est à vous qu'en courant j'adresse ce fatras de prose et de vers, ce récit de mon long voyage ; non tel que j'en fis autrefois quand, dans la fleur de mon bel âge, d'Apollon je suivais les lois ; quand j'osai, trop hardi peut-être, aller consulter à Paris, en dépit de nos beaux esprits, le dieu du Goût mon premier maître !
Ce voyage-ci n'est que trop vrai, et ne m'éloigne que trop du vous. N'allez pas vous imaginer que je veulle égaler Chapelle, qui s'est fait, je ne sais comment, tant de réputation, pour avoir été de Paris à Montpellier et en terre papale, et en avoir rendu compte à un gourmand.
Ce n'était pas peut-être un emploi difficile de railler monsieur d'Assoucy. Il faut une autre plume, il faut une autre style, pour peindre ce Platon, ce Solon, cet Achille qui fait des vers à Sans-Souci. Je pourrais vous parler de ce charmant asile, vous peindre ce héros philosophe et guerrier, si terrible à l'Autriche, et pour moi si facile ; mais je pourrais vous ennuyer.
D'ailleurs je ne suis pas encore à sa cour, et il ne faut rien anticiper : je veux de l'ordre jusque dans mes lettres. Sachez donc que je partis de Compiègne le 25 de juillet, prenant ma route par la Flandre, et qu'en bon historiographe et en bon citoyen, j'allai voir en passant les champs de Fontenoy, de Rocoux et de Lawfeld. Il n'y paraissait pas : tout cela était couvert des plus beaux blés du monde. Les Flamands et les Flamandes dansaient, comme si de rien n'eût été.
Durez, yeux innocents de ces peuples grossiers ; régnez, belle Cérès, où triompha Bellone ; campagnes qu'engraissa le sang de nos guerriers, j'aime mieux vos moissons que celles des lauriers : la vanité les cueille et le hasard les donne. Ô que de grands projets par le sort démentis ! Ô victoires sans fruits ! Ô meurtres inutiles ! Français, Anglais, Germains, aujourd'hui si tranquilles fallait-il s'égorger pour être bons amis !
J'ai été à Clèves comptant y trouver des relais que tous les bailliages fournissent, moyennant un ordre du roi de Prusse, à ceux qui vont philosopher à Sans-Souci auprès du Salomon du Nord et à qui le roi accorde la faveur de voyager à ses dépens : mais l'ordre du roi de Prusse était resté à Vesel entre les mains d'un homme qui l'a reçu comme les Espagnols reçoivent les bulles des papes, avec le plus profond respect, et sans en faire aucun usage. Je me suis donc quelques jours dans le château de cette princesse que madame de La Fayette a rendu si fameux.
Mais de cette heroïne, et du duc de Nemours, on ignore en ces lieux la galante aventure : ce n'est pas ici, je vous jure, le pays des romans, ni celui des amours.
C'est dommage, car le pays semble fait pour des princesses de Clèves : c'est le plus beau lieu de nature et l'art a encore ajouté à sa situation. C'est une vue supérieure à celle de Meudon ; c'est un terrain planté comme les Champs-Élysées et le bois de Boulogne ; c'est une colline couverte d'allées d'arbres en pente douce : un grand bassin reçoit les eaux de cette colline ; au milieu du bassin s'élève une statue de Minerve. L'eau de ce premier bassin est reçue dans un second, qui la renvoie à un troisième ; et le bas de la colline est terminé par une cascade ménagée dans une vaste grotte en demi-cercle. La cascade laisse tomber les eaux dans un canal qui va arroser une vaste prairie et se joindre à un bras du Rhin. Mademoiselle de Scudéri et La Calprenède auraient rempli de cette description un tome de leurs romans ; mais moi, historiographe, je vous dirai seulement qu'un certain prince Maurice de Nassau, gouverneur, de son vivant, de cette belle solitude, y fit presque toutes ces merveilles. Il s'est fait enterrer au milieu des bois, dans un grand diable de tombeau de fer, environné de tous les plus vilains bas-reliefs du temps de la décadence de l'empire romain, et de quelques monuments gothiques plus grossiers encore. Mais le tout serait quelque chose de fort respectable pour ces esprits profonds qui tombent en extase à la vue d'une pierre mal taillée, pour peu qu'elle ait deux mille ans d'antiquité.
Un autre monument antique, c'est le reste d'un grand chemin pavé, construit par les Romains, qui allait à Francfort, à Vienne et à Constantinople. Le Saint-Empire dévolu à l'Allemagne est un peu déchu de sa magnificence. On s'embourbe aujourd'hui en été, dans l'auguste Germanie. De toutes les nations modernes, la France et la petit pays des Belges sont les seules qui aient des chemins dignes de l'Antiquité. Nous pouvons surtout nous vanter de passer les anciens Romains en cabarets ; et il y a encore certains points sur lesquels nous les valons bien : mais enfin, pour les monuments durables, utiles, magnifiques, quel peuple approche d'eux ? quel monarque fait dans son royaume ce qu'un proconsul faisait dans Nîmes et dans Arles ?
Parfait dans le petit, sublimes en bijoux, grands inventeurs de riens, nous faisons des jaloux. Elevons nos esprits à la hauteur suprême des fiers enfants de Romulus : ils faisaient plus cent fois pour des peuples vaincus que nous ne faisons pour nous-mêmes.
Enfin, malgré la beauté de la situation de Clèves, malgré le chemin des Romains, en dépit d'une tour qu'on croit bâtie par Jules César, ou au moins par Germanicus ; en dépit des inscriptions d'une vingt-sixième légion qui était ici en quartier d'hiver ; en dépit des belles allées plantées par le prince Maurice, et de son grand tombeau de fer ; en dépit enfin des eaux minérales découvertes ici depuis peu, il n'y a guère d'affluence à Clèves. Les eaux y sont cependant aussi bonnes que celles de Spa et de Forges ; et on ne peut avaler de petits atomes de fer dans un plus beau lieu. Mais il ne suffit pas, comme vous savez, d'avoir du mérite pour avoir la vogue : l'utile et l'agréable sont ici ; mais ce séjour délicieux n'est fréquenté que par quelques Hollandais que le voisinage et le bas prix des vivres et de maisons y attirent, et qui viennent admirer et boire.
J'y ai retrouvé, avec une très grande satisfaction, un célèbre poète hollandais, qui nous a fait l'honneur de traduire élégamment en batave, et même vers pour vers, nos tragédies bonnes ou mauvaises. Peut-être un jour viendra que nous serons réduits à traduire les tragédies d'Amsterdam : chaque peuple a son tour.
Les dames romaines, qui allaient lorgner leurs amants au théâtre de Pompée, ne se doutaient pas qu'un jour au milieu des Gaules, dans un petit bourg nommé Lutèce, on ferait de meilleurs pièces de théâtre qu'à Rome.
L'ordre du roi pour les relais vient enfin de me parvenir ; voilà mon enchantement chez la princesse de Clèves fini, et je pars pour Berlin.
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peeyots · 6 years
シド・マイヤーズ・シヴィライゼーション:新たな夜明け (Sid Meier’s Civilization: A New Dawn) 7.0: レビュー
The Grizzled: At Your Orders! 未プレイ:そもそも基本も……
タルギ 完全日本語版  (Targi) 未プレイ:我が家から2人用ゲームを遊ぶという文化が消失した。
タルギ拡張セット 完全日本語版 (Targi: Die Erweiterung) 未プレイ
コロニスト:アンテポルタス (The Colonists: Ante Portas) 6.0: ※ソロプレイのみ。難易度調整が甘い気がする。
ヌスフィヨルド (Nusfjord) 8.0: レビュー
ファイブトライブス:スルタンの気まぐれ (Five Tribes: Whims of the Sultan) 未プレイ:好きなゲームの拡張を買って積む、の反復作業!
ドミニオン:ギルド (Dominion: Guilds) たぶん未プレイ。
フラムルージュ (Flamme Rouge) 5.5: 風避けにとBotを入れたら、そいつが強すぎてスベった。
フラムルージュ:プロトン (Flamme Rouge: Peloton) 5.5: 同上。
ライジングサン (Rising Sun) 6.5: プエルトリコ式のアクション選択でユーロ風なところがあるものの、最終的には同盟&裏切りごっこのゲームなので、それを楽しめないとしんどいかも。自分はOK。
ライジングサン Dynasty Invasion (Rising Sun: Dynasty Invasion) 6.5: でっかいフィギュアの存在が、せっかくだからこいつを買ってマップに放ってみるか、というモチベーションを作り、その結果、戦が始まるので、ゲーム的な意味がしっかりあると思った次第です。
文絵のために 未プレイ。
ドミニオン:冒険 (Dominion: Adventures) 未プレイ
フィンカ (Finca) 6.5: 4人でやるゲームではない。無意味に箱が厚い。
クイーンドミノ (Queendomino) 6.5: キングドミノがそこまで好きじゃない私が楽しめたので、そういうことなんでしょう。
パイオニア (Pioneers) 6.5: ネットワーク構築の佳作。ビンジョーシステムでプレイ時間を短縮!
Spirits of the Forest 6.5: リテール版は収納に問題あり。4人でできるようになり、フィラーとして活躍しそう。セットアップがちょっと面倒だけど。
イマジナリウム 日本語版 (Imaginarium) 5.0: 見た目で買ったら、プレイ感がちんまりしすぎてて、まさかのゲーム中にギブアップ宣言。
ナンバーナイン (NMBR 9) 6.5: 映えると思ってソーシャルメディアに写真を上げると、逮捕されるという罪なゲーム。
アズール 日本語版 (Azul) 6.5: (2人プレイ時) 2人以外では遊ぶ気にならないゲームの筆頭。
ケイブマン・カーリング (Caveman Curling) 5.5: アクティビティです。もっと摩擦係数の少ないコンポーネントだと良いのに。
七王国の玉座:ボードゲーム 第2版 (A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition) 未プレイ:遊びたい!
七王国の玉座:ボードゲーム 竜との舞踏 (A Game of Thrones: The Board Game: A Dance With Dragons) 未プレイ:シーズン4くらいまでのネタバレを含むので、参加者はしっかり準備をしてきてください。
七王国の玉座:ボードゲーム 乱鴉の饗宴 (A Game of Thrones: The Board Game: A Feast for Crows) 未プレイ:4人プレイのためのバランス調整拡張。4人でもメンツを揃えるのは難しそう……
Stew (Stew) 6.0: アートワークがおしゃれになったダンジョン・オブ・マンダム。
アルルの丘:紅茶と交易 日本語版 (Fields of Arle: Tea & Trade) 7.5: 生活の再現性を突き詰めていったらできてしまった拡張か? そこまで大きい拡張ではないものの、このロールプレイングゲームにとっては選択肢が増えるということが重要だと思う。
ドリームホーム 完全日本語版 (Dream Home) 5.5: この印象の残らなさはすごい。ただ、ちゃちゃっと終わるのは良い。
アルルの丘 日本語版 (Fields of Arle) 8.5: まさかのドイツ語版からの買い直し。勝ち負けを気にせず、己の生活に没頭できるピースフルな2人用ゲーム。本質は「そっちの調子はどうよ?ソリティア」。
ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ:ウェスタロスの陰謀 (Game of Thrones: Intrigue) 6.0: ペンギンパーティー in ウェスタロス。タイルを出し切ると追加勝利点のガチャが引けて、逆転のチャンスが増えているのは良い調整。
ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ:王の手 (A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King) 6.0: 実質2人専用。カード効果は原作ファンでないとピンと来ないので注意!
ル・アーブル コンプリートパック 日本語版 (Le Harve) 未プレイ:こちらも買い直し。
キングダムビルダー:収穫 (Kingdom Builder: Harvest) 未プレイ:Big Boxでなく普通の基本の箱になんとか今までの拡張を全部収納できるという情報を得て、それを試したかっただけという……
ハイヴ・ポケット (Hive Pocket) 6.5: 良アブストラクト。スライド移動というコマの動きの制限と手触りを考えれば、通常サイズのやつを買えば良かったかな、なんとも。
パルサー2849 日本語版 (Pulsar 2849) 8.5: 今年のベスト。語弊があることを覚悟しつつ、ガイアプロジェクトのあの感じをコンパクトに収めているのが素晴らしい。
Feudum Big Box 未プレイ:思っていたのより1.5倍くらい重いゲームだった。
わんぱく戦争 (La Guerre des Boutons) 6.0: ステディング×ブラックファイアということで、攻撃が際立っています。ちょっと調整不足のような……
電力会社:新しい発電所 (Funkenschlag Extension 3 : Die Neuen Kraftwerkskarten) 未プレイ
電力会社:中国/韓国マップ (Funkenschlag Extension 4 : China / Korea)未プレイ
すずめ雀 (Suzume-Jong) 6.0: 臭いけど滋味がある、くさやのようなゲーム。
北海の侵略者 (Raiders of the North Sea) 7.0: ワーカーの位が上がっていき、だんだんと打てるアクションが増えていくというデザインはわかりやすくて良い。システムとテーマも合ってる。
キングスウィル (The King's Will) 6.5: ブラックファイアのコンプリートのために購入。プエルトリコのアクション選択とトロワ風の目的カード。ディベロップ次第でもう少し伸びしろがありそうなのがブラックファイアっぽい。
クアックサルバー (Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg) 7.0: ドラマを演出できれば、運ゲーは成立するという好例。
タルバ 拡張 (Taluva Extension) 6.5: この線の中にしかタイルを置けません、と境界線を引いただけでゲームのシビアさが増す。拡張ってほどの拡張でもないけど、これがなかなか効く。
カードライン:恐竜編 日本語版 (Cardline: Dinosaurs) 6.0: 恐竜だいすき!
覇王龍城 日本語版 (Dragon Castle) 6.0: 上海です。これも実質2人専用のような。
ホイッスルストップ (Whistle Stop) 6.5: ファミリー向けのピック&デリバリーと見せかけて、なかなか骨太なゲーム。これくらいのプレイ時間とインタラクション、ボードゲームをやってるな〜と気分になる。
アルティプラーノ (Altiplano) 未プレイ:コインケースにチップを入れるくだりをやってみたくて購入!
VOID 未プレイ:届く前にネタバレを見てしまい、自分が一番サムいと思うやつだ!と思ってそのまま放置。
ツインイット! 日本語版 (Twin It!) 6.0: 素早さよりも記憶力寄せになったジャングルスピード。よって自分はnerfされました。
ハイソサエティ (High Society) 未プレイ 6.0: オスプレイ版。コンポーネントでは未プレイのような…… 誰かが盛大に死ぬゲーム、絶対盛り上がりますよね。
ブラッディ・イン 旅の一座 (Bloody Inn: The Carnies) 未プレイ:フォントのこだわりにより英語版���購入。そして遊ばない!
ガンシュンクレバー (Ganz schön clever) 6.5: フィラー枠として購入。
ブードゥープリンス (Voodoo Prince) 6.5: こちらもフィラー枠として購入。そして遊んでない気が……
ブラフ 日本語版 (Bluff) 6.0: フィラー買い集めブームでもあったのでしょうか? 普段ギャンブルはやりませんが、この手のゲームは命を賭けて遊んだほうが良いです。
サイズ 大鎌戦役:フェンリスの襲来 (Scythe: The Rise of Fenris) 未プレイ:最近は英語版を買って詰んでる間に日本語版が出るスパンが短い!
ワイナリーの四季:ルール渓谷からの訪問者 (Viticulture: Visit from the Rhine Valley) 未プレイ
センチュリー:イースタンワンダーズ 完全日本語版 (Century: Eastern Wonders) 5.0: ちんまりした作業感がしんどくて途中でギブアップ宣言。地味なくせに長考を誘発し、あげくドラマも生まれないというのはなかなかタチが悪い。
フォールアウト:ボードゲーム 日本語版 (Fallout: Board Game) 未プレイ
故宮 デラックス・エディション (Gùgōng: Deluxe edition) 7.5: レビュー
ローランド 日本語版 (Lowlands) 未プレイ
ワイナリーの四季:トスカーナ:果樹園とチーズ (Arboriculture and Formaggio Expansions for Viticulture from Tuscany ) 未プレイ
コインブラ 日本語版 (Coimbra) 6.5: 面白そうな雰囲気はあるんだけど、いろんなことが同時に決まってしまいすぎるため、自分でかっちりコントロールできている感じはあまりない。
キングドミノ:拡張 巨人の時代 日本語版 (Kingdomino: Age of Giants) 未プレイ:そもそも存在を忘れていた!
うんちしたのだあれ? (Who Did It?) 6.5: こんなシンプルなゲームがまだ発明されてなかったの!?という驚き。(自分が類似ゲームを知らないだけかもしれませんが。) こんなのが同人で出てきたら、痺れるのにな〜なんとも。
モダンアート 韓国版 (Modern Art) 未プレイ 7.5: 自分が持っているのが、ゴミにしか見えない絵面のメイフェア版ということもあり購入。
スプリングメドウ・春の草原 日本語版 (Spring Meadow) 5.5: 自分の趣味だと少しシンプルすぎる。
The Game 未プレイ 6.0: きゃわいいパンダサウルス版。ゆれひ会のコンペ賞品。
テラフォーミング・マーズ:プレリュード (Terraforming Mars: Prelude) 未プレイ
ピココ 日本語版 (Pikoko) 6.5: インディアンポーカーとトリックテイキングのマッシュアップ。ガンが付いたらダメなのに、非PP&非エンボス仕様のカードと気合の入ったカードホルダーというクオリティのギャップ!
ミープルサーカス 完全日本語版 (Meeple Circus) 未プレイ
ペーパーテイルズ:ビヨンド・ザ・ゲート (Paper Tales: Beyond The Gates) 未プレイ:英語版を買って積んでいる間に日本語版が出……この現象、そろそろ1単語で言えないとキツくないですか?
マイリトルサイズ (My Little Scythe) 6.5: 中距離走くらいのサイズかな?と思っていたら短距離走でした。正直、おうまのテーマで遊びたい。(うちの娘はピンキーパイ推し)
パンデミック:緊急事態宣言 日本語版 (Pandemic:State of Emergency) 未プレイ:そもそも買った記憶がないってすごくないですか?
ブラス:ランカシャー (Brass: Lancashire) 未プレイ
ブラス:バーミンガム (Clans of Caledonia) 未プレイ
エンデバー:航海の時代 (Endeavor: Age of Sail) 7.5: パラメーター上げ下げして陣取りしてるだけなのに、テーマとコンポーネントのおかげでちゃんと楽しいゲームに仕上がってる。
Prehistory 4.5: レビュー
テオティワカン:シティオブゴッズ 日本語版 (Teotihuacan: City of Gods) 6.5: ルールの要素の多さに対して、シナジーが薄い!(※初期配置で1度遊んだだけの感想です。)
アイル・オブ・スカイ:ドルイド (Isle of Skyes: Druids) 6.5: プレイ時間が長くなった分、ゲームも面白くなっているかと言うと、正直疑問が残る。今日の拡張ビジネスに抗うプフィスターパイセンの態度は一貫している!
エルドラド:ヒーロー&ヘックス (The Quest for El Dorado: Heroes & Hexes) 未プレイ:ルールを読んで面白くないやつだ!と確信してしまった……
ギズモス (GIZMOS) 5.5: 自分が大好きなギミックと自分が苦手なちんまり感。
ジンジャーブレッドハウス (Gingerbread House) 5.5: レビュー
Feudum: The Queen's Army (Feudum: The Queen's Army) 未プレイ:遊ぶ可能性が低いゲームならば、ソリティアで!という誤った態度。
テラフォーミングマーズ:コロニーズ (Terraforming Mars: The Colonies) 未プレイ:これも英語版を積んでる間に日……
ネオム (NEOM) 7.5: 志の低いことも時間を掛けてやっていけばマスターピースに仕上がるという好例。「エロい体をしているけど付き合うとバカにされる女みたいなゲーム」
フィレンツェ (Firenze) 7.0: ちょっと古くさいですが、誰かが死ぬゲームは良いゲームです。自分が死ななければ! 新版によりフィレンツェ語が爆誕。素直にPegasus版のドイツ語表記を英語に変えてくれるだけで良かったのに……
ストーンエイジ:10周年記念版 (Stone Age: Anniversary) 未プレイ 7.0: 値段と箱の厚みに大して、そこまでコンポーネントが良くなっているかというと全然! せめて「文明への第一歩」拡張の要素くらい入れましょうよ……
アルティプラーノ:旅人たち (Altiplano: Travelers) 未プレイ: 本体を積んだまま拡張まで買ってしまう現象も一語で表現したいですよね〜
トマドラキュラ 未プレイ:早くやらなければ!
サンディアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ 未プレイ:委託販売先の売り子の方が、楽しいですが点数計算がクソ面倒くさいです!と笑顔で言っていたのが印象的です。
コインブラ:ダイスボックス (Coimbra: Royal Treatment) 未プレイ
カルペ・ディエム (Carpe Diem) 6.5: よくわからない絵面のパズルを組み立てて虚無に襲われるゲーム。テーマと絵面とコンポーネントの質を見直したやつが欲しくなる。……と思ったら、第2版が出るって?
ヘヴン&エール (Heaven & Ale) 7.5: 全くテーマがはまってないのに、なまじ面白いから困る。私はテーマがちゃんとはまってる分、リバーボートのほうが好きです。
ソレニア (Solenia) 6.5: ちまちまピック&デリバリーとヘンギスト風ベルトスクロールというヤバめのマッシュアップも杞憂に終わる。コンパクトで締りのある軽量ゲームに仕上がってる。多分4人だとゲームにならなそう。例のごとく3人ベストっぽい。
フランチャイズ (Franchise) 6.0: 胡椒袋のリメイク。元のルールよりすっきりしているとのことだが、元を知らないのでなんとも評価できない! 得点行動を行うと自分の収入が減リ、打てるアクションが弱まっていく。縮小再生産でクロージングするという独特のプレイ感。収入重視から得点重視に切り替えるタイミングが非常に悩ましい。ただ、メカニカルすぎて果たしてテーマが乗ってるのかすら怪しい。
コンコルディア:ヴィーナス(拡張) (Concordia - Extension Venus) 未プレイ:コンコルディアの拡張はミニ拡張含めて全部持っていますが何ひとつ遊んだことがありません。
ニュートン (Newton) 8.0 マルコポーロ&モンバサのマッシュアップといった趣のテクニカルすごろく。勝ち手のパターンを検証するためにリプレイしたい。ただ、テットアップ次第でスベりそうな懸念もある。
サイズ 大鎌戦役:遭遇カード (Scythe: Encounters) 未プレイ
アンダーウォーター・シティーズ (Underwater Cities) 未プレイ
ストリーミング (Streaming) 6.0: OTTサービスの調達担当になるというテーマだけで購入。クラシカルな握り競りながら、ラウンド毎の小決算とゲーム終了時の大決算のどちらを優先するのか、ゲームの悩ましさは非常にわかりやすくデザインされている。
七王国の玉座:ボードゲーム:ドラゴンの母 (A Game of Thrones: The Boardgame: Mother of Dragons Expansion) 未プレイ:好きなんだからしょうがないじゃん!
リーフ (Reef) 6.5: 遊ばせてもらったあとに購入。初めて自分に合ったエマウチ! 毎ターン目標達成を要求されるため、自分のパズルに集中できる。
グレート・ウェスタン・トレイル:レイル・トゥ・ザ・ノース (Great Western Trail: Rails to the North) 未プレイ
ハンザ:日本語版 (Hansa) 未プレイ
ハンザ:変化の嵐 (Hansa: Changing Winds) 未プレイ
1位 パルサー2849
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2位 ヌスフィヨルド
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3位 リバーボート
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4位 ニュートン
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5位 ネオム
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6位 ヘヴン&エール
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7位 エンデバー:航海の時代
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8位 シド・マイヤーズ・シヴィライゼーション:新たな夜明け
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9位 クアックサルバー
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10位 北海の侵略者
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12 notes · View notes
blgrll · 4 years
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Maximian seized control of the government
My solely expertise with naval affairs was after we floated a military by means of Gaul, after Maximian seized management of the federal government at Arles. You’re youthful and extra adaptable than both of us, Crispus, so the duty should be yours.”
Constantine went to a big map he’d ordered drawn of the realm and indicated the neck of territory serving as a land bridge between Europe and what was ordinarily known as Asia Minor. It was lower solely in a single place by the slim waterway generally known as the Bosporus close by of Byzantium. “Our main objective is to take Byzantium and cross the Bosporus into Asia,” he stated.
I take it there isn’t a chance of any additional settlement with Licinius?” Dacius requested.
Constantine turned nearly savagely upon the outdated soldier who had been his tutor. ‘Would you will have me give him depart to go on harassing the church? And inspiring the Goths?”
Dacius was not intimidated. “I simply need to ensure that non secular issues aren’t directing navy coverage.”
“What do you imply by that?”
“The territory past the Bosporus is giant and we each understand how shortly a military might be lower to items in an space like Augusta Euphratensia. It’s one factor to threat a military to realize an vital navy victory, however fairly one other to ask males who aren’t Christians to place their lives in jeopardy so bishops and church buildings could also be preserved.”
With an effort, Constantine managed himself. From the point of view of logic alone every thing Dacius had stated was true. Nearly all of his topics, whether or not in Britain, Gaul, Italy or Illyricum, weren’t Christians. And his obligation as a ruler was as a lot to them as to these of the church to which he gave allegiance.
“I shall not ask males who adopted me throughout the Rhine and the Danube to die needlessly for any religion,” he stated and turned again to the map. “Right here is the Hellespont, Crispus. You possibly can see that it’s slim and lengthy, however should you reach opening it and driving by means of the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, we are going to lower off any retreat of the enemy throughout to Asia Minor. In any other case, if the siege begins to go in opposition to Licinius, he’ll depart Byzantium and go over into Asia.”
0 notes
bulgariaifos · 4 years
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Maximian seized control of the government
My solely expertise with naval affairs was after we floated a military by means of Gaul, after Maximian seized management of the federal government at Arles. You’re youthful and extra adaptable than both of us, Crispus, so the duty should be yours.”
Constantine went to a big map he’d ordered drawn of the realm and indicated the neck of territory serving as a land bridge between Europe and what was ordinarily known as Asia Minor. It was lower solely in a single place by the slim waterway generally known as the Bosporus close by of Byzantium. “Our main objective is to take Byzantium and cross the Bosporus into Asia,” he stated.
I take it there isn’t a chance of any additional settlement with Licinius?” Dacius requested.
Constantine turned nearly savagely upon the outdated soldier who had been his tutor. ‘Would you will have me give him depart to go on harassing the church? And inspiring the Goths?”
Dacius was not intimidated. “I simply need to ensure that non secular issues aren’t directing navy coverage.”
“What do you imply by that?”
“The territory past the Bosporus is giant and we each understand how shortly a military might be lower to items in an space like Augusta Euphratensia. It’s one factor to threat a military to realize an vital navy victory, however fairly one other to ask males who aren’t Christians to place their lives in jeopardy so bishops and church buildings could also be preserved.”
With an effort, Constantine managed himself. From the point of view of logic alone every thing Dacius had stated was true. Nearly all of his topics, whether or not in Britain, Gaul, Italy or Illyricum, weren’t Christians. And his obligation as a ruler was as a lot to them as to these of the church to which he gave allegiance.
“I shall not ask males who adopted me throughout the Rhine and the Danube to die needlessly for any religion,” he stated and turned again to the map. “Right here is the Hellespont, Crispus. You possibly can see that it’s slim and lengthy, however should you reach opening it and driving by means of the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, we are going to lower off any retreat of the enemy throughout to Asia Minor. In any other case, if the siege begins to go in opposition to Licinius, he’ll depart Byzantium and go over into Asia.”
0 notes
hotbulgaria · 4 years
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Maximian seized control of the government
My solely expertise with naval affairs was after we floated a military by means of Gaul, after Maximian seized management of the federal government at Arles. You’re youthful and extra adaptable than both of us, Crispus, so the duty should be yours.”
Constantine went to a big map he’d ordered drawn of the realm and indicated the neck of territory serving as a land bridge between Europe and what was ordinarily known as Asia Minor. It was lower solely in a single place by the slim waterway generally known as the Bosporus close by of Byzantium. “Our main objective is to take Byzantium and cross the Bosporus into Asia,” he stated.
I take it there isn’t a chance of any additional settlement with Licinius?” Dacius requested.
Constantine turned nearly savagely upon the outdated soldier who had been his tutor. ‘Would you will have me give him depart to go on harassing the church? And inspiring the Goths?”
Dacius was not intimidated. “I simply need to ensure that non secular issues aren’t directing navy coverage.”
“What do you imply by that?”
“The territory past the Bosporus is giant and we each understand how shortly a military might be lower to items in an space like Augusta Euphratensia. It’s one factor to threat a military to realize an vital navy victory, however fairly one other to ask males who aren’t Christians to place their lives in jeopardy so bishops and church buildings could also be preserved.”
With an effort, Constantine managed himself. From the point of view of logic alone every thing Dacius had stated was true. Nearly all of his topics, whether or not in Britain, Gaul, Italy or Illyricum, weren’t Christians. And his obligation as a ruler was as a lot to them as to these of the church to which he gave allegiance.
“I shall not ask males who adopted me throughout the Rhine and the Danube to die needlessly for any religion,” he stated and turned again to the map. “Right here is the Hellespont, Crispus. You possibly can see that it’s slim and lengthy, however should you reach opening it and driving by means of the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, we are going to lower off any retreat of the enemy throughout to Asia Minor. In any other case, if the siege begins to go in opposition to Licinius, he’ll depart Byzantium and go over into Asia.”
0 notes
gold-rhine · 4 months
i realy like the new windtrace! it finally gives rebels smth engaging to do, bc before i would just camp in disguise in like clippied into the wall place and thats it, and as hunter u run around empty map trying to find these camping bitches.
now playing as rebel is def more fun, bc like, its not hard to win as hunter just by time running out if you monitor the map, but it is hard to actually catch ppl if they know what they're doing even a lil bit. not even model advantages help, as a rebel, i was running circles as XQ around arlecchino like several times, to bait her and distract from going after favor\other ppl and wasnt caught once.
in fact, when hunter takes like 10 min to choose character and goes arle, you know its gonna be an easy clap. but if its like kazuha or gorou, its gonna be a bunnyhopping DEMON whos gonna catch everyone in 30 sec
25 notes · View notes
monards · 3 months
what is up with all the khaneriahns and their complicated family situations
18 notes · View notes
dealbulgaria · 4 years
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Maximian seized management of the federal government
My solely expertise with naval affairs was after we floated a military by Gaul, after Maximian seized management of the federal government at Arles. You’re youthful and extra adaptable than both of us, Crispus, so the duty must be yours.”
Constantine went to a big map he’d ordered drawn of the world and indicated the neck of territory serving as a land bridge between Europe and what was ordinarily referred to as Asia Minor. It was lower solely in a single place by the slender waterway referred to as the Bosporus nearby of Byzantium. “Our main goal is to take Byzantium and cross the Bosporus into Asia,” he mentioned.
I take it there isn’t a chance of any additional settlement with Licinius?” Dacius requested.
Constantine turned nearly savagely upon the previous soldier who had been his tutor. ‘Would you may have me give him go away to go on harassing the church? And inspiring the Goths?”
Dacius was not intimidated. “I simply wish to make certain that non secular issues will not be directing navy coverage.”
“What do you imply by that?”
“The territory past the Bosporus is massive and we each understand how rapidly a military will be lower to items in an space like Augusta Euphratensia. It’s one factor to threat a military to realize an vital navy victory, however fairly one other to ask males who will not be Christians to place their lives in jeopardy so bishops and church buildings could also be preserved.”
With an effort, Constantine managed himself. From the point of view of logic alone every little thing Dacius had mentioned was true. Nearly all of his topics, whether or not in Britain, Gaul, Italy or Illyricum, weren’t Christians. And his obligation as a ruler was as a lot to them as to these of the church to which he gave allegiance.
“I shall not ask males who adopted me throughout the Rhine and the Danube to die needlessly for any religion,” he mentioned and turned again to the map. “Right here is the Hellespont, Crispus. You possibly can see that it’s slender and lengthy, however in the event you reach opening it and driving by the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, we’ll lower off any retreat of the enemy throughout to Asia Minor. In any other case, if the siege begins to go towards Licinius, he’ll go away Byzantium and go over into Asia.”
0 notes
oathofkaslana · 6 months
ok bad hyv parent bracket would have like
genshin: ei, arle, rhine, kujou takayuki, draff, childe's dad? i think, eula's parents, shenhe's dad, wrio's foster parents, alice, chevreuse's dad? i think, how do we feel about fischls parents guys
hi3: cocolia, himeko's dad, otto, fu hua, siegfried, do we put suyi here i feel like we barely know anything about her shes definitely not like. awful, LMAO DO WE PUT WELT LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
3 notes · View notes
communistbulgaria · 4 years
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Maximian seized management of the federal government
My solely expertise with naval affairs was after we floated a military via Gaul, after Maximian seized management of the federal government at Arles. You’re youthful and extra adaptable than both of us, Crispus, so the duty should be yours.”
Constantine went to a big map he’d ordered drawn of the realm and indicated the neck of territory serving as a land bridge between Europe and what was ordinarily known as Asia Minor. It was reduce solely in a single place by the slender waterway generally known as the Bosporus nearby of Byzantium. “Our main objective is to take Byzantium and cross the Bosporus into Asia,” he mentioned.
I take it there isn’t a risk of any additional settlement with Licinius?” Dacius requested.
Constantine turned nearly savagely upon the outdated soldier who had been his tutor. ‘Would you will have me give him depart to go on harassing the church? And inspiring the Goths?”
Dacius was not intimidated. “I simply need to ensure that non secular concerns will not be directing army coverage.”
“What do you imply by that?”
“The territory past the Bosporus is massive and we each understand how rapidly a military might be reduce to items in an space like Augusta Euphratensia. It’s one factor to danger a military to achieve an vital army victory, however fairly one other to ask males who will not be Christians to place their lives in jeopardy so bishops and church buildings could also be preserved.”
With an effort, Constantine managed himself. From the perspective of logic alone every thing Dacius had mentioned was true. Nearly all of his topics, whether or not in Britain, Gaul, Italy or Illyricum, weren’t Christians. And his obligation as a ruler was as a lot to them as to these of the church to which he gave allegiance.
“I shall not ask males who adopted me throughout the Rhine and the Danube to die needlessly for any religion,” he mentioned and turned again to the map. “Right here is the Hellespont, Crispus. You’ll be able to see that it’s slender and lengthy, however should you achieve opening it and driving via the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, we’ll reduce off any retreat of the enemy throughout to Asia Minor. In any other case, if the siege begins to go towards Licinius, he’ll depart Byzantium and go over into Asia.”
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bulgarialife · 4 years
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Maximian seized control of the government
My solely expertise with naval affairs was once we floated a military via Gaul, after Maximian seized management of the federal government at Arles. You’re youthful and extra adaptable than both of us, Crispus, so the duty should be yours.”
Constantine went to a big map he’d ordered drawn of the realm and indicated the neck of territory serving as a land bridge between Europe and what was ordinarily known as Asia Minor. It was reduce solely in a single place by the slim waterway generally known as the Bosporus close by of Byzantium. “Our main function is to take Byzantium and cross the Bosporus into Asia,” he mentioned.
I take it there is no such thing as a chance of any additional settlement with Licinius?” Dacius requested.
Constantine turned nearly savagely upon the previous soldier who had been his tutor. ‘Would you could have me give him go away to go on harassing the church? And inspiring the Goths?”
Dacius was not intimidated. “I simply need to ensure that spiritual concerns will not be directing army coverage.”
“What do you imply by that?”
“The territory past the Bosporus is giant and we each understand how rapidly a military might be reduce to items in an space like Augusta Euphratensia. It’s one factor to danger a military to achieve an vital army victory, however fairly one other to ask males who will not be Christians to place their lives in jeopardy so bishops and church buildings could also be preserved.”
With an effort, Constantine managed himself. From the perspective of logic alone every thing Dacius had mentioned was true. Nearly all of his topics, whether or not in Britain, Gaul, Italy or Illyricum, weren’t Christians. And his obligation as a ruler was as a lot to them as to these of the church to which he gave allegiance.
“I shall not ask males who adopted me throughout the Rhine and the Danube to die needlessly for any religion,” he mentioned and turned again to the map. “Right here is the Hellespont, Crispus. You’ll be able to see that it’s slim and lengthy, however in case you achieve opening it and driving via the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, we’ll reduce off any retreat of the enemy throughout to Asia Minor. In any other case, if the siege begins to go towards Licinius, he’ll go away Byzantium and go over into Asia.”
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