#rhythm tengoku arcade
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time to post rhythm heaven at 12:48 AM
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2023
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Peach cosplaying as Tap Trial Girl/Miss/Yuka/Girl from the Rhythm Heaven series
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bpgpfesyi · 1 year
I hate but love this video at the same time
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notpastel2 · 5 months
i like the rating screens because
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jjrockerslefttoe · 10 days
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we drove 45 minutes to an arcade and found rhythm tengoku!!! i would cry if they didn’t have it lol but it was fun im so happy :3 thanks to the person who gave me a link to the locator!!
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even-more-than-before · 5 months
congrats to badge arcade for having like. the most off model Yuka I've ever seen
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like. who is this woman.
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peekychu · 11 months
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Holy Moly, day one of BLFC was SO FUNN and the party has just begun 😹 Got lots of Funfetti pics with cool fuzzies too!
Images feat @thestarlightoceann @sc00pie and a couple other non tumblr pals xD
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girlbasket · 1 year
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rhythm tengoku heaven
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we need to make the ultimate rhythm heaven summoning circle. just putting the games around a switch isn't enough we also need like. the flipper-flop and samurai slice towels that were a club nintendo reward at one point. tengoku arcade. uhhhhh there's other stuff. we need all of it and then we can summon rhythm heaven 5-
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janmisali · 4 months
found it funny in the video when you said one of your main criterion for a streamer being "one of your favorites" is "played rhythm heaven fever and enjoyed it" because while i wouldn't say i have the same criterion i have said for years that my favorite jerma985 stream is the one where he plays rhythm heaven fever, and it did bring me immeasurable amounts of joy when a streamer i already watched (grayfruit) streamed Fever a couple years ago and enjoyed it so much he went and played all the other games in the franchise (yes even tengoku arcade), then went on to make his own custom remixes and still to this day describes the rhythm heaven series as one of his fixations. And both of those guys are among my favorite streamers. so you might be onto something
it's a REALLY good litmus test for good streamers!
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gayarograce · 5 months
went to the arcade at my local mall and it had the rhythm tengoku arcade cabinet which means i've now (kinda) played all four rhythm heaven games
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55-degrees-fahrenheit · 10 months
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no way, i never knew that he was real
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2023
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Rhythm Heaven series
1 - 6. Cheer Readers
7 + 8. Squadmates
9 + 10. Pitcher
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everydaydg · 9 months
So Rhythm Tengoku's arcade port had a different method for handling perfects
Im too lazy to get screenshots today, dont mind that
So anyone familiar with the series might know this but rhythm heaven handles perfect attempts in an interest way.
Instead of being able to do a perfect attempt at any time and get rewarded for such at any time.
you can only attempt one while its being marked by the perfect campaign announcement, if done at any other time it just counts as a superb.
that pushes the player to be better in that limited 3 attempt window.
I... am not a big fan of this, I get why its done but have never been a huge fan of it but oh well
This is the standart for the series... except for one entry.
Rhythm Tengoku's Arcade convertion!
So because of the form factor of the arcade version, the usual random perfect attempt selection doesnt really work... sooooo
When performing exceptionally well in a stage, a perfect attempt text will appear at the bottom of the screen while you play.
I... like this approach alot, its sudden, it might surprise the player and it adds tension while not being limited to the perfect campaign announcements!
I know its a limitation of the arcade convertion, thats bound to happen but its still super cool!
A neat oddity that I somewhat wish sticked for the rest of the series...
Ah well I just have to get better at the game haha.
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jjrockerslefttoe · 10 days
please let this one have it. 🙏
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akfamilyhome · 2 years
YouTube 2022 Year in Review
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Sorry for the wait on this one! This is what catching COVID after Christmas does to your schedule, I guess. This will be my first Year in Review post shared on Tumblr instead of Patreon! They're freely available to read either way, but this is a more suitable place to put it, probably. For those who don't know, in each of these posts I look back on the stuff I put out on YouTube throughout the past year, and perhaps share more interesting facts about them that I haven't before!
This year has been sort of a continuation of what happened in 2021. I graduated and got into a day job at the end of that year, so this year was mostly me adjusting to things, and as a result, output on the YouTube channel hasn't been as frequent as I'd hoped as I didn't have too much time to write/continue scripts.
However, I did explore other avenues for smaller-scale but still interesting topics, including the videos I put up on my rebranded second channel, Akfamilyhome Plus! I'll talk more about those videos later in the post. And of course, I started a Tumblr account, which you're currently reading from right now. In addition to that, I've been upgrading my computer setup as well, going from my 2017 MacBook Pro to a full-fledged PC for gaming and editing work! Migrating stuff over and adjusting my workflow for it wasn't super annoying, and thankfully the videos I made in the latter half of the year helped with that.
So anyway, stuff that I DID put out! Let's see what fun facts I can share along the way.
Every Unique Level Gimmick in New Super Mario Bros.
You could say this is the one "big" video I put out this year, and man I really wished I could've put out more of them! Regardless, what started as a small interesting discussion with a couple of mutuals about New Super Mario Bros. DS ended up as a pretty fun romp down memory lane and an excuse for me to babble about obscure Mario enemies! I was also very satisfied with the jokes in this one -- hopefully they weren't too bothersome for some of you lol
Of course, my list of what constitutes as unique level gimmicks isn't 100% accurate, some people have pointed out a few objects that actually did appear in later games like the tilting lava plaforms, but I think I still got most of them!
Some folks have asked if I'll do similar videos on later games of the NSMB series. Like other potential sequels to my videos, it's something I can consider, but considering they most likely have less unique gimmicks compared to the DS entry I'm not in the biggest rush to do so. There are still other overlooked aspects of the later games I could potentially talk about though, like the Coin Rush packs in NSMB2.
"10-in-1" Nintendo Switch Sports Accessories
Most of the videos released this year were kinda spontaneous ideas rather than the topics that were stuck in burnout limbo, including this video on plastic Switch Sports accessories that a Twitter poll convinced me to make! Yes, it is a simple review of plastic accessories at the end of the day, but some of them actually did surprise me a little and I thought the video struck a nice balance between constructive demonstration and dunk-fest.
For those asking about further testing...this accessory kit has since found a new home. Would rather have a family actually have a reason for using this than it taking up space at my place!
Since I found this accessory pack, there are other similar ones that have started popping up in stores here as well, including ones that contain golf clubs as well! ...I'm not sure if I want to make reviewing these a regular thing though.
Regarding my tangent during the Volleyball segment about using Joy-Con strapped to your arms and legs as VR trackers...there's already a tool that tries to pull that off called SlimeVR Wrangler! I have not tried it myself yet, but for those who have spare Joy-Con lying around this could be something to look into.
I bought the arcade version of Rhythm Tengoku
...that title kinda says it all! This all happened from me stumbling across an auction for the arcade game cartridge itself and biting the bullet, and documenting the whole process of getting it to work has been both frustrating AND fun (and perhaps even useful for other arcade noobs like me lol). I still have the cab where it is and it does still work when it wants to! Someday I might be able to hook up larger arcade-style controls to it or even build a standalone station or cab for it...but there is absolutely zero room at my place for a setup like this right now, so that will have to be in the very far future!
A month after this video was posted, a listing popped up on Yahoo Japan Auctions for the original control panel itself! ...at that point I didn't have more money to burn for both that and the necessary adapters and wiring to get it to work though, so hopefully it went to a good home.
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Slightly unrelated, but it was a while since I posted an unscripted video on the main channel, and I thought I did a pretty good job in this one without stuttering or repeating too much! If you liked that and want to see more, I have more unscripted content over on Akfamilyhome Plus which I'll also touch on later!
The Famicom Disk System Cleaning Extravaganza
This is a case where I really just wanted to indulge in talking about the obscure of the obscure. I'm sure just generally talking about the Famicom Disk System and the stuff I've collected for it would make for a great video, but there actually hasn't been a YouTube video about these cleaning kits that aren't in Japanese! I also kinda liked the bootleg disk tangent, and hope that gave you an interesting glimpse at the early gaming scene in Hong Kong.
Like I said in the video, the cleaning spray counted as flammable material, so I wasn't able to ship it from Japan to Hong Kong. I'd like to thank PushDustIn for taking care of it in the meantime and also cameoing in the video! If anyone has further (legal) ideas on how to get that spray from Japan to Hong Kong, please let me know.
For those who were interested in the footage of early Hong Kong gaming stores shown in the video, I'd like to share its source! It's from a 1990 Japanese documentary featuring a local media personality investigating the booming Hong Kong video game market (and bootlegging scene). The clean rip I'm sharing below unfortunately doesn't have any subtitles (and the only reupload with subs I've seen was in Chinese), but it still shows some pretty fascinating accessories and scenes of a time period that even I was never around for!
Every Game I've Beaten in 2022
And here's my latest video, from...a few days ago as of this post! It's a quick review of every single game I've beaten during 2022, at nearly a game per minute! I would've loved to have it out earlier at the end of 2022, but then y'know, Christmas COVID happened.
As I said near the end of the video, I wanted it to be less of a simple "Top 10 Games of 2022" video and instead let me share a wild grab bag of games from different generations that might pique others' interest, and reading some of the comments, it seems that it accomplished exactly that! Thank you to those who watched it all the way.
I'm definitely down to do a similar video at the end of 2023 as well, but it hopefully will be shorter. I might write down each of these review sections as I finish each game as well, rather than doing it as one big batch near the end of the year. Actually, 2 games are already on the list so far. How many will it end up with? We'll see!
Akfamilyhome Plus videos
And that's not all, as I've shared quite a few unscripted videos on Akfamilyhome Plus this year! There have been new meme videos and core video commentaries posted this year, as well as a fun random idea I had of asking folks in my Discord server to GUESS! THAT! NINTENDO! IMPRINT! (you can watch the video above if you haven't yet)
Near the end of 2021, I started posting bonus unscripted videos for Patreon supporters. A handful of those videos have also been posted publicly since, so you can now enjoy videos of me:
Checking out four different variants of Tetris on the Game Boy
Trying the Hong Kong version of the Famicom
Write-protecting a Famicom disk
Flipping through a licensed Chinese Mario 64 strategy guide
Playing a 3DS game upside down
Messing with the GBA wireless adapter
Visiting a private retro museum in Hong Kong
Reminiscing about every 3DS Puzzle Swap panel
And throwing a Famicom disk into water!
And for patrons, there's still a bunch of exclusive videos available, from checking out the Nintendo DSi XL Demo Video carts, to reading the 2010 Nintendo anti-piracy manual! As more videos are posted on Patreon, some of the older ones will rotate out into public availability, and that's how I'd like to keep it going for a while. But if you can't wait around or want to show your support, all these videos are available on Patreon for as low as only 1 USD a month and will remain so for the forseeable future!
(It also gives you quick access to my semi-closed Discord server, but if you'd like a peek at this chill place of discussion, here's a 25-use invite link as thanks for reading all the way down here!)
That's almost everything I've put out on YouTube this year! That's not even counting the time I freaked out at Chris Pratt Mario!
This year, while I'll still be trying to get some of my limbo scripts off the ground, I'll probably embrace more spontaneous ideas like I did during 2022 as well, so I don't fall too heavily into a production rut. And after a year at my day job, I hope this year I can strike the balance between that and YouTube work more easily. I'd like to revamp my Patreon presentation later this year as well and continue to make cool stuff for it as thanks! The dream of being able to do YouTube work full time continues.
Thank you for your continued support, and hopefully this year will be a better one!
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