#rig trucks for sale
reasonsforhope · 5 months
"In cities across the country, people of color, many of them low income, live in neighborhoods criss-crossed by major thoroughfares and highways.
The housing there is often cheaper — it’s not considered particularly desirable to wake up amid traffic fumes and fall asleep to the rumble of vehicles over asphalt.
But the price of living there is steep: Exhaust from all those cars and trucks leads to higher rates of childhood asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and pulmonary ailments. Many people die younger than they otherwise would have, and the medical costs and time lost to illness contributes to their poverty.
Imagine if none of those cars and trucks emitted any fumes at all, running instead on an electric charge. That would make a staggering difference in the trajectory, quality, and length of millions of lives, particularly those of young people growing up near freeways and other sources of air pollution, according to a study from the American Lung Association.
The study, released [February 28, 2024], found that a widespread transition to EVs could avoid nearly 3 million asthma attacks and hundreds of infant deaths, in addition to millions of lower and upper respiratory ailments...
Prior research by the American Lung Association found that 120 million people in the U.S. breathe unhealthy air daily, and 72 million live near a major trucking route — though, Barret added, there’s no safe threshold for air pollution. It affects everyone.
Bipartisan efforts to strengthen clean air standards have already made a difference across the country. In California, which, under the Clean Air Act, can set state rules stronger than national standards, 100 percent of new cars sold there must be zero emission by 2035.
[Note: The article doesn't explain this, but that is actually a much bigger deal than just California. Basically, due to historically extra terrible pollution, California is the only state that's allowed to allowed to set stronger emissions rules than the US government sets. However, one of the rules in the Clean Air Act is that any other state can choose to follow California's standards instead of the US government's. And California by itself is the world's fifth largest economy - ahead of all but four countries. California has a lot of buying power. So, between those two things, when California sets stricter standards for cars, the effects ripple outward massively, far beyond the state's borders.]
Truck manufacturers are, according to the state’s Air Resources Board, already exceeding anticipated zero-emissions truck sales, putting them two years ahead of schedule...
Other states have begun to take action, too, often reaching across partisan lines to do so. Maryland, Colorado, New Mexico, and Rhode Island adopted zero-emissions standards as of the end of 2023.
The Biden administration is taking similar steps, though it has slowed its progress after automakers and United Auto Workers pressured the administration to relax some of its more stringent EV transition requirements.
While Barret finds efforts to support the electrification of passenger vehicles exciting, he said the greatest culprits are diesel trucks. “These are 5 to 10 percent of the vehicles on the road, but they’re generating the majority of smog-forming emissions of ozone and nitrogen,” Barret said...
Lately, there’s been significant progress on truck decarbonization. The Biden administration has made promises to ensure that 30 percent of all big rigs sold are electric by 2030...
Such measures, combined with an increase in public EV charging stations, vehicle tax credits, and other incentives, could change American highways, not to mention health, for good."
-via GoodGoodGood, February 28, 2024
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pancakesnake-exe · 3 months
The Stig
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It is The Stig
It was originally going to be called “The Gimp”, but was renamed The Stig, which means having a bad fashion sense while being born poor
“We don't know its name, we really don't know its name, nobody knows its name, and we don't want to know, because it's a racing driver.”
The Stig wears its helmet on set and most cast members don’t know who it is.
The Stig does not know who it is because they wiped its memory when it got the job.
It is the Pope.
There is only one The Stig.
The Stig used to work in Rome[as the pope], but gave up its job to be able to keep up with its work here
It has no face
It is terrified of scouts
The drinks cabinet in its car contains 14 different types of custard
Its favourite T-shirt has a picture of a T-shirt
It is afraid of bells
It is confused by stairs
It never blinks
The Stig is kept in the cupboard when not in use
It naturally faces magnetic north
It has a digital face
The Stig has an evil twin named Black Stig who died after driving off an aircraft carrier but came back to life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lkh0uWFg9c
It will charge you if you attempt to remove its helmet
Its nipples are explosive
It paid a $25,000 expenses claim for some gravel for his moat
The Stig has three legs
The Stig once dreamt for a whole week straight about what Rubens Barrichello would look like in a ham slicer
The Stig is banned from the town of Chichester
The Stig is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ
The Stig bought a slightly dented white Fiat Uno from the Duke of Edinburgh
If you hold it in the wrong way, it doesn't work properly
It is 47% horse
It has 17 children due to faulty condoms
The Stig has a special pissing technique that causes floods
It once punched a horse to the ground
It has Mansell Syndrome
The Stig runs on diesel
It has a very small brain
It “has no understanding of the concept of money”
The Stig’s credit card says “The Stig” and is issued by The Bank of Money
The Stig’s favorite genres of music are: Morse code, whale songs, baroque music, advertising jingles, country & western music, sales techniques, foreign language learning tapes, ABBA but French, speeches of Margaret Thatcher, Elton John, pipe bands, vuvuzelas, national anthems, Tuvan throat singing, self help audiotapes, and “an annoying ringing sound”
The Stig has to receive awards in its left hand, as its right one is magnetic
The Stig has decided all northerners are edible
It’s mission statement is to "just go out there and drive fast"
The Stig’s opinion is worthless
The Stig has died multiple times, but the Grim Reaper is too afraid to tell it.
The extent of The Stig’s knowledge outside racing is two facts about ducks
Both facts are wrong
The three others once reenacted the journey of the three wise men, and at the end, the manger held a baby The Stig.
The next episode a month later, it was fully grown. Due to “Stigs grow very quickly, and the new The Stig was thus already fully grown.”
Stigs must be transported in delivery crates
The Stig has a fatter American cousin called Big Stig, who is a more relaxed driver
The Stig has an African cousin who only wears boots, a loincloth, racing gloves, and a helmet, has watched “The Lion King” 1780 times, ands second-best friend is a Cape buffalo
The Stig has a cousin who works as a truck driver named Rig Stig who can power slide and drift in trucks, has only one sleeve and wears special gloves, favorite song is “Forever Autumn" by Justin Hayward, and owns the world’s largest porn collection
The Stig has a red-suited Vietnamese cousin who is a communist and rides a motorcycle.
The Stig has a vegetarian cousin named Janet Stig Porter whose helmet is solar powered and wears overalls and socks with sandals
The Stig has a German cousin named Herr Stig who is identical to The Stig in every way besides having a mullet
The Stig has an Italian cousin named Bunga-Bunga Stig who wears a suit, is followed everywhere by three women, and only drives Italian sports cars
The Stig has a Chinese cousin named Attack Stig who is a kung-fu master, attacks anyone on sight indiscriminately, kicked James Lemay in the balls, beat up a large amount of the crew(even stopping in the middle of his timed lap to attack a track Marshall who accidentally entered its line of sight), and looks almost the same as The Stig
The Stig has a teenage cousin who wears headphones, wears low waist line pants showing its underwear, always looks at its phone, and made a mobile game titled “Top Gear: Race The Stig”
The Stig has an Australian cousin who lives in an open cut iron ore mine, wears dusty overalls and flip-flops, is very muscular, and has a very “large gentlemanly sausage”
The Stig has three other teenage cousins who are triplets, wear three different colored headphones and smartphones, and all have low waist line pants showing their underwear
The Stig has a Emirati cousin who looks similar to the normal Stig but wears a ghutrah on top its helmet and a huge diamond watch
The Stig has a relative of unknown association called “StigFoot” who lives in the woods
The Stig has a Japanese cousin named Ninja Stig who is a ninja, and wears a black helmet, a black ninja outfit, and has a katana on its back
The Stig has a business cousin named Business Stig who wears a red tie and a set of braces
The Stig’s father is named StigDad and wears a tank top and flare trousers
The Stig has another Australian cousin who lives upside down
The Stig has a New Zealander cousin named The Stug
The Stig has a Colorodonian cousin named Backwoods Stig who wears white racing overalls with torn off sleeves.
The Stig has a Yorkshire cousin named T’Stig with a flat cap on its helmet and 2 dogs by his feet at all times
The Stig has its own children’s book trilogy
The Stig has a chiseled jawline
The Stig has no friends
The Stig never blinks
The Stig roams the woods at night, foraging for wolves
The Stig is wanted by the CIA
The Stig sleeps upside down like a bat
The Stig can catch fish with its tounge
The Stig appears on high value stamps in Sweden
The Stig is illegal in 17 states
The Stig blinks sideways
The Stig’s breath smells like magnesium
Two of The Stig’s legs are hydraulic
The Stig lives in a tree
It’s sweat can be used to clean precious metals
It’s heart ticks like a watch
It’s voice can only be heard by cats
The Stig has two sets of knees
There is an airport in Russia named after it
Its skin has the texture of a dolphin
No matter where you are in the world, if you tune a radio to 88.4, you can hear its thoughts
The Stig has no understanding of clouds
Its earwax tastes like Turkish delight
The Stig is a master of politics
It’s tears are adhesive
If you set The Stig on fire, it would burn for a thousand days
The Stig can swim seven lengths under the water
The Stig has webbed buttchecks
Its heart is upside down
Its teeth glow in the dark
Its ears “aren’t where you would expect them to be”
The Stig once had an affair with John Prescott
If it felt like it, it could fire Alan Sugar
The Stig has upside down genitals
If it wanted to, it could crack the DaVinci Code in 43 seconds
Its ears have a paisley lining
The Stig is banned from the Chelsea Flower Show
The outline of The Stig’s left nipple is the exact same shape as the Nürburgring
If given a truly important job, The Stig will slack off and play croquet instead
The Stig invented Branston Pickle
On exceptionally warm days, it will shed its skin like a snake
The Stig is allergic to the Dutch
It’s first name is The
If it went in Celebrity Love Island, every one would be pregnant, including the cameramen
The Stig once threw a microwave at someone
The Stig once had a vicious knife fight with Anthea Turner
The Stig has nothing to do with the cash-for-honors scandal
The Stig is a CIA experiment that went wrong
The Stig only eats cheese
If you lick its chest, it will taste exactly like piccalilli
The Stig sucks moisture from ducks
Its crash helmet is modeled after Brittany Spears’ head
The Stig isn’t machine washable
All its potted plants are named Steve
The Stig’s scrotum has its own gravity field
To unlock The Stig, you must run your finger down its face
The Stig thought Star Wars was a documentary
The Stig is afraid of Australian trees
61 years ago, The Stig accidentally introduced the Queen of England to a Greek racialist
The Stig was beheaded, but grew it back
When it slows down, break lights turn on in his butt
The Stig is bad at soccer
The Stig once lost a canoe on a beach in the Northeast
The Stig once had to do time in a prison in Canterbury, because its teddy bear was named Baby Jesus
The Stig has never sat on Santa’s knee
The Stig has never watched Moonraker on Boxing Day
After having sex, The Stig bites the head off its partner
The Stig had to give up binge drinking when prices reached $1.50 a litre
Each of its toenails are exactly the same length as a woman’s nipples
It thinks Credit Crunch is a type of cereal
Its droppings have been found as far as New York
The Stig has a full-size tattoo of The Stig’s face on its face
It is impossible for The Stig to wear socks
The Stig can open a beer bottle with its testes
The Stig sleeps inside out
The Stig once had sex with an answering machine
The Stig invented November
One of its eyes is a testicle
Its left leg gets longer when it sees someone it finds attractive
The Stig doesn’t like getting its helmet wet
The Stig invented the curtain
The Stig thinks potato chips are a type of animal
The Stig is baffled by urinals
The Stig has twelve GCSEs, all in domestic science
The Stig has been producing artificial sperm for years, even though the team has repeatedly asked it not to
On Thursdays, The Stig becomes extremely bulbous
The Stig is highly contagious of the “The Stig Flu”, which killed countless pigs in Mexico
If The Stig compensated a soldier for getting wounded, it wouldn't try to take it all back again
The Stig made someone bald once
In the Autumn, all its arms turn brown and fall off
if it wrote you a letter of condolence, The Stog would get your name right
The Stig has terrible plans involving the Moon
The Stig‘s new Christmas range of fragrances includes the great smell of Wednesday
The Stig was turned down for the job of EU President because its face was just too recognizable
The Stig has never once hit a fire hydrant.
You shouldn't go around to its house for your Christmas lunch unless you enjoy the taste of seagull
The Stig has to take his shoes off with an alum key
The Stig’s New Year's Resolution is to eat fewer mice
Its discharge is luminous
There are 17 different reasons why The Stig is banned from the North Hampton branch of Little Chef
Its favourite airline pilot is Mark Webber, or two, actually
The Stig has an irrational hatred of Rubens Barricello
The Stig is terrified the BBC will reveal its salary because its paid in hardcore porn
Some people think the Scottish released it a little bit too soon
The Stig once spent all week slowly pushing an effigy of Rubens Barricello through his desk fan
The Stig has recently been releasing pop records under the pseudonym of "Lady Gaga"
Under its race suit, The Stig also wears a red G-string and suspenders
The Stig doesn't understand the word "envelope"
The Stig is the only person in Britain not to have slept with Alan Johnson's policeman
The Stig once tore a goat in half
Its nipples are explosive
In its wallet, it keeps a photograph of its wallet
Its favourite disease it had as a child was gout
The Stig doesn’t know what dogs are for
The Stig can't eat mashed potato for religious reasons
The Stig once received 47,000 Olympic tickets, all of them for the final of women's wrestling
The Stig refuses to acknowledge the existence of Nottinghamshire
The Stig once hacked into its own helmet
The Stig is the only person in Britain who knows what B&Q stands for
The Stig once spent its $1.5 million dollar bonus on French breast implants
The Stig has 50,000 photographs of its own camera
The Stig has high horsepower
The Stig is skilled in cocktail-making
The Stig is the only person in history to buy a DFS sofa when it wasn’t on sale
Its favourite boxing venue is Munich Airport
The Stig stores all of its shoes and cassette tapes on the motorway central reservation
Following the vote on gay marriage in Britain, The Stig got engaged to James May’s lawnmower
Its convinced that Henry IV is buried under the Follow-Through
The Stig used to be a stormtrooper, but it was kicked out when it tried to eat Darth Vader
The Stig is made of rubber porcelain
The Stig’s shadow is that of a beluga whale
The Stig can play guitar with the clutch
Its carbon fibre beard is chiselled in the most streamlined way
The Stig knighted the former Queen of England
The Stig once saved the former Queen from God
The Stig can hypnotize sheep
If bothered, The Stig could swim the entire Atlantic Ocean-underwater
The Stig once co-presented a Brazilian show about blimp disasters
The Stig once actually punched God
The Stig once killed a giraffe with just its feet
The Stig has a black belt in paper maché
Some say it is five foot tall with lead in its feet
Others say six feet with tall with air in its head
....but it doesn't care what you say
The Stig has contracted every STD known to man
The Stig has large inflatable breasts to get them out of speeding tickets
The Stig is one of the protons in the Large Hadron Collider
The Stig creates miniature black holes every time he sneezes
The Stig was the one who actually pulled Excalibur from the stone and is the rightful King of England
The Stig gave birth to Chuck Norris and the mother was Superman
The Stig has no understanding of queuing
The Stig once modelled for Page 3
Its feet are made from dog leather
The Stig invented the mankini because it was frustrated with how its speedos looked on it
The Stig is the reason why The Beatles split up
And finally: The Stig has never watched an episode of Top Gear because it prefers a different show that airs at the same time
“Right, that's the track, now we needed someone who could tame it. So we got ourselves a professional racing driver who could post consistently fast lap times. We um, we couldn't do that. Now we call this thing The Stig, okay, we don't know its name, we really don't know its name, no-one knows its name and we don't want to know because it's a racing driver and racing drivers have tiny little brains and therefore worthless opinions and they're very dull; doctors actually call it Mansell Syndrome. Um, its job is simply to go out there and drive fast.”
-God probably
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lt-taylor7 · 2 months
i have a headcanon about Javi Rivera
He knows NOTHING about the actual car aspect of the storm par truck. (The Lion) if anything goes wrong with the actual tech part? Nah he’s fine he has no problem. But god forbid it goes unbalanced, or the oil change light comes on? He’s got no idea what to do.
(not proofread, bad grammar, GN reader, just a blurb that got too long)
that’s where you come in, a small local shop owner, one of the only in Oklahoma with a four post hoist. He had no idea what that means but he knows you specializes in heavy weight vehicles, and at a good price for its quality. So here he was, pulling the rig into the front of your shop, rushing in with a hand through his hair.
“can I help you?” You ask with a small laugh at his frantic state, washing some oil off your hands with an already dirty rag. He looks up at you, unsure as to what to say frantically searching for his words. “My truck- it’s custom- the tires.” You put a hand up and cut him off, “Javi Rivera, The big ram right?” You ask, remembering the booked consultation. He let out a relieved sigh, “yeah.” He said, his shoulders visibly dropping. A nervous hand through his hair again, “it needs an oil change and I was thinking of putting it on all season tires but I wasn’t sure if it would fit the truck well, or if I can even change them without rotations-“ he rambled, this time you let him go until he let out a large sigh and looked at you, “sorry it’s just, I’m not good with the actual truck aspect of the rig.” You smiled, “people come in here alot worse then you don’t worry. So your trucks just on summer tires? Oil change is no problem but those might cost you a pretty penny depending what your looking for.” You explained, picking up a sales book from behind your counter, flipping through until you found tires in stock, finding a few larger tires.
it took a while but the rig was finally up on the hoist, you could see Javi looking through the reception window into the shop as you walked past, you opened it, “wanna come in? I can tell the rig means a lot. She’s in safe hands.” You say, holding the door for him as he nervously steps in, unsure of where to sit or stare. You worked quickly as you mounted the tires into new rims, before tossing each tire into the balancer, he watched your work in awe. “How did you do that so quickly?” He asked as you lifted a tire under each arm. “Been doin’ it since high school, pretty much muscle memory.” You say with a shrug as you drop the tires under the truck, bringing the other two over.
There wasn’t any talking as you quickly pulled off the old tires, quickly labeling them with chalk, before lifting the new ones on. Waiting to torque them until it was on the ground. “That’s all it takes to change a tire?” Javi asks as you walk over to a large cabinet, searching for the oil you needed. “Yeah, then I torque them once it’s on the ground.” You said as you got under the truck again, sliding a catch pan under the rig, Pulling off the cap, letting it drain.
it wasn’t long before the rig was back on the ground, You torqued the tires before jumping into the drivers seat, just barely turning the key. “What are you doing?” Javi asked as he came over to the side of the door. “Gotta run through the safety checklist after every oil change, just to make sure everything is in working order.” You explained as you looked at the reflection to make sure all the back lights were working as well, and the wipers. You checked off everything before signing off and putting on a new oil change sticker. “So your gonna need some blinker fluid but other then that she’s good to go.” You said as you pulled the keys from the ignition. “Blinker fluid?” He asked, “I’ve never had to replace that, Is there any kind?” His response made you laugh, “Javi, Blinker fluid doesn’t exist.” You said still laughing as a hand laid on his shoulder, Shooting warmth through his bloodstream. “Oh- yeah yeah right I knew that.” He said nervously.
(I miss my mechanic job so much)
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Mitch, the Big Rig
For @tight-stories-and-growing-chav​
Mitch was feeling exhausted after a day of hitching. He was a traveller who had hitched and walked his way through the country wanting to explore before he really settled down and got a proper job and home. He saw this as his last big adventure in his prime. He has just hitched a few miles from a small town and ended up at a rest stop.
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It was a sleazy joint, grungy and worn down but Mitch needed a snack before he found a motel to settle in for the evening. The outside area had a bunch of trucks laying out the front. Mitch was impressed how big these rigs looked up close. 
He walked into the building and was looking through the drinks on sale, about to grab a bottle of juice when he noticed a slight musky aroma in the air. “Heh, thirsty, are we, Little man?” said a voice behind him. Mitch turned to see a bear of a man looking down to him.
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The man was topless, with his sweaty belly on display, hair matted and wet. The bear looked down with an almost possessive look as he inspected the man. Mitch staggered, intimidated by this mammoth of raw masculinity, the smell of a real mans musk making his cock excited
“Heh, You clearly like what ya see boy, are ya a hitchhiker? How’s about you come back to my truck, I could use a buddy for company for a little while, ya know? There's a motel about a half hour drive away I can take ya to.” The man knew he found his prey. It was clear he intended no good for Mitch, but… the way he talked, like he already owned the younger man had a effect on Mitch, and his towering beefy figure glistening with sweat, sweat with a stench that felt to Mitch like it was burrowing into his head…It was like he was encouraged to go along with the bears offer…. Almost like he had to Obey him.
Mitch stammered and nodded in agreement. The bear, who then introduced himself as Rusty, smirked. He wanted a new prey to play with and this guy was too fucking easy to hypnotise with his Alpha Musky pheromones. “Yeah, That’s a good boy” 
Mitch followed him out the back exit of the rest stop and was led to an empty parking space. Rusty then swiftly pushed the weaker man into the spot, and snapped his greasy fingers. There was a light shining for a second and then an impossibly heavy force pushed down on Mitch. His clothes ripped apart as his body grew and contorted. It seemed painful but in reality the man was feeling ecstasy like no other as he changed. His dick swelled and leaked as his face morphed into the front of a truck-like vehicle. His dick leaked black liquid. Not cum, no, but… what seemed like engine oil? Rusty just whipped out his dirty cock from his old jeans and wanked off to the sight. Mitch's hands and feet grew hard and rubbery as they blackened, and his screams and moans of pleasure faded before being amplified, but as a different sound, the sound of the horn of a big rig. Then when Rusty shot his load onto the morphing Mitch, sealing him as Rusty’s property, he snapped his fingers again, and with another flash, where the younger man was, was now a beautiful truck. Perfect to be broken in by a trucker like Rusty. 
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Rusty laughed as he opened the door, climbing in and getting used to his new truck. He sat in the driver's seat, and lay back, his back sweat seeping into the fabric of the truck. He saw the key in the ignition, and took it. Imprinted on the head of the key was the face of Mitch before he became property for a real man. He rubbed his dirty finger across the face, before jamming it into the ignition, which made Mitch’s consciousness, who was still fully aware, albeit in a truck haze of pleasure trapped within the truck, and made the engine start.
Fumes burst out of the exhaust, feeling like a release for Mitch, and Rusty decided to take his boytruck for a drive. When he heard the exhaust fumes he smirked “Heh, yeah boy, let it out… think I will too” before he farted loudly, his heavy sweaty arse right on top of the seat where part of Mitch's face was formed. Rusty turned up the heat in the truck and let himself sweat, letting it seep into every part of his mitch vehicle. Within minutes, the whole rig stank of musk and sweat.
“Yeah boy, You are mine now, My bitch truck taking my sweat, gas and fat ass wherever I fucking want” Rusty lit a cigar and just let the ash fall over the floor, as his dirty boots crushed into the cock and balls of Mitch that was now the pedals of the truck, as he pulled his horn, his sweaty, grimy hand all over it with force, knowing that some of Mitch's cock was not that horn, giving the truck a handjob.
Rusty forced his Mitch brand truck to drive down the highway, smirking as he broke in the poor bastard who happened to encounter him that day…
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Truck Driver Day
Professional truck drivers are honored and celebrated today with Truck Driver Day. In the United States, a driver is considered to be a truck driver when their vehicle has a gross vehicle weight—the weight of the vehicle loaded—of at least 26,000 pounds. They must obtain a commercial driver's license (CDL) to drive a vehicle of this weight. Employers often require their drivers to take a safety training program, and some also require a high school degree or GED.
Truck drivers carry all kinds of freight—livestock, food, canned goods, liquids, packages, and vehicles—all across the United States and the world. They often have to load and unload their freight and must inspect their trucks before taking to the road. Truck drivers often ship products to stores, and some may have to undertake sales duties. Many truck drivers work long hours. Some may have daily local routes that keep them close to home, while others may have routes and schedules that often change, and many have to be away from home for an extended amount of time.
Some trucks were on the road in the United States prior to World War I. Trucks continued to be used and developed during the war, and by 1920 there were more than a million trucks on the roads of America. Trucking continued to expand over the following decade, on account of advancements such as the introduction of the diesel engine, improved rural roads, the introduction of power brakes and steering, and the standardization of truck and trailer sizes. In the 1930s, a number of trucking regulations were implemented, and the American Trucking Association was created. Trucking activity increased in the 1950s and '60s, in large part because of the creation of the Interstate Highway System. Regulations on the weight of trucks continued to be updated.
The heyday of the truck driver came in the 1960s and '70s. At the time, a wide swath of the public viewed truck drivers as modern-day cowboys or outlaws. The rise of "trucker culture" was signaled with the proliferation of trucker songs and films, the wearing of plaid shirts and trucker hats by the public, and the wide use of CB radios and CB slang. The romanticization of trucker culture subsided by the dawn of the 1980s.
Many truckers went on strike during the energy crises of 1973 and 1979, after the cost of fuel rose. The Motor Carrier Act of 1980 partially deregulated the industry. As a result, many new trucking companies were started. Trucker union membership also drastically declined, leading to lower pay. But the deregulation did reduce consumer costs, and it increased production and competition in the trucking industry. By the twenty-first century, trucking dominated the freight industry. In 2006, there were 26 million trucks on America's roads, which hauled about 70 percent of the country's freight. Truckers continue to play a prominent role in keeping the wheels of the economy turning, and for the hard work they put in to make this happen, they are honored and celebrated today!
How to Observe Truck Driver Day
Some ideas of ways the day could be spent include:
If you are a truck driver, get out there and drive! Or, take the day off. It should be up to you!
Wave to truckers or make a gesture like you are pulling a truck horn in an attempt to get them to honk their horns.
Thank a truck driver. Tell them thanks in person or make a social media post of thanks. Include the hashtag #TruckDriverDay.
Become a truck driver.
Listen to some truck driving songs such as "Convoy" and "Truck Drivin' Man."
Watch some truck driving films such as Smokey and the Bandit, Convoy, and Big Rig.
Talk on a CB radio.
Eat at a truck stop.
Attend or take part in the National Truck Driving Championships, which are held around the time as Truck Driver Day.
Read a book about trucking or truckers such as Trucking Country: The road to America's Wal-Mart Economy or The Long Haul: A Trucker's Tales of Life on the Road.
Explore the websites of organizations and companies related to the industry such as American Trucker, Truckers News, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the American Trucking Associations, and the Women in Trucking Association.
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royhalls · 10 months
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Truck for Sale $200,000 OBO
Specs for 2003 378 Peterbilt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RAx91f-_i2J9T3hP9P8Vr4M30kpnn0jD/view?usp=drive_link
Moonlit Majesty: Peterbilt's Late-Night Showcase in Fort St. John
Under the starlit Canadian sky, just north of Fort St John, stands a pristine Peterbilt 2003 378 - unparalleled polished presence. 🌟 Coupled with a gleaming Stanley tanker, they've just concluded another flawless delivery. 🚚 The ambient lights from the nearby drilling rig paint this powerful duo in a golden hue, turning the oilfield into a nocturnal stage. 🌌 Their shimmer is a testament to the night's relentless dedication and untamed spirit. 🌠🌃🛢️💫
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thelaughingmerman · 2 years
spoilers but like barely im just lamenting whatever they did to clemmons character in s4
Clemmons wasn’t present a lot this season but when he was the writers seemed to forget he can and is canonically more than PANIC ALL THE TIME. There was a BRIEF moment in one episode, where he was talking about going back to basics that was reminiscent of his calmer moments in other seasons. But immediately it was back to 100 percent panic. Gonna just assume he was really goin through it behind the scenes the entire season. (All around the season was a bit of a shame. The turtle episode and on had a lot better writing but using the city founding and Billy and Maddie’s story as the driving force took a lot from the show. Don’t get me wrong I love the duo. But everyone else takes a backseat and isn’t able to shine which turns them all a little one note and takes away a lot of the city’s charm in my opinion.
Unrelated it was interesting to see them use a little more of the firefighter set pieces this season. The big rig fire truck as well as the big yellow helmets they get in official sets (still it’d be cool if we could have official pieces of the characters with their hair in the normal firefighter hats but given the shows conclusion I don’t think it’s ever going to come to fruition. They didn’t do a good job of tying the toys and show together anyway which from a business perspective is a shame because I feel like some better sets and better sales would come from it if they did. I know CITY is about building your own perfect city but lbr as of now the city sets are mostly vehicles and what are buildings are so lack luster and tragic. The line really needs a better push or angle but I guess it’s not getting it from City Adventures.
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arrowtrucksblog · 4 days
6 Tips for Staying in Touch 
Life on the road as a long-haul trucker offers freedom and adventure, but it can also make it challenging to stay connected with loved ones. Hours of driving, changing time zones, and being away from home for extended periods can create distance, not just physically but emotionally as well. However, staying in touch with friends and family is crucial for maintaining strong relationships and preserving mental well-being. With a bit of planning and technology, you can keep those bonds strong, even when you're hundreds of miles away. Here are 6 tips for staying connected while working as a long-haul trucker.
1.     Schedule Regular Check-Ins
One of the most effective ways to stay in touch is by scheduling regular calls or video chats with your loved ones. Whether it's a nightly call before bed or a weekly video chat on your day off, setting a consistent time to check in helps you maintain a routine. Planning these moments ahead of time helps avoid the unpredictability of the road, allowing your family to expect and look forward to hearing from you. This structure helps you stay involved in each other’s lives despite the physical distance.
2.     Use Video Calls for a Personal Touch
While phone calls are great, video calls add a personal, face-to-face element that makes conversations feel more intimate. Apps like FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom allow you to see your loved ones, which can make a world of difference when you're feeling far from home. Video chats let you share more meaningful moments, such as watching your kids play, participating in family dinners, or simply seeing your partner's smile. A quick five-minute video call can make the miles feel shorter.
3.     Take Advantage of Social Media
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are fantastic tools for staying updated on your loved ones' lives. You can see pictures, read updates, and share your own road adventures with your family and friends. Some truckers even create social media accounts to document their journeys, giving their loved ones a glimpse into their life on the road. Whether it's a quick message or commenting on a post, these small interactions can keep you engaged and present in each other’s lives.
4.     Send Personalized Messages
When you have time between driving or during breaks, sending quick, personalized messages via text, email, or messaging apps like WhatsApp can go a long way. Sending a simple "Thinking of you" message or a photo of the scenery on your route shows you're keeping your family and friends in mind. Personalized messages also let you share parts of your experience on the road, making it easier for them to understand and relate to your lifestyle.
5.     Plan Home Visits Carefully
When you're able to take a break from the road, make the most of your home visits by planning activities or spending quality time with loved ones. While it’s tempting to use your time off for rest, carving out time for family dinners, movie nights, or even a weekend trip helps strengthen the bonds that can sometimes feel strained by the distance. Use this time to recharge emotionally and mentally before your next long stretch on the road.
6.     Make Use of Truck Stops' Technology
Many modern truck stops offer Wi-Fi, charging stations, and other technology-friendly amenities. These are great places to catch up with family and friends, especially during long breaks. If you're ever on the hunt for a new rig while at a stop, you might even find a semi-truck for sale while you’re browsing online, making it a productive use of your downtime.
Stay in Touch
Staying connected with friends and family while working as a long-haul trucker can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. By using tools like video calls, social media, and regular check-ins, you can bridge the gap and keep your relationships strong. With a little effort and planning, maintaining those vital connections will ensure that, even though you're far away, you’ll never feel too distant from the people who matter most.
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inacastleimadie · 9 days
Where is your trip to that you’re trying to save for?
Ohio! To see my grandma / my love. It was supposed to be happening in early October, but i recently found out I have to quit my job because of my asshole roommates decisions. It's genuinely heart breaking.. but, like I said in the post I have something I love very much for sale and I'm so hopeful.
If I do end up getting the 1k/1.3k I'm asking I'll buy a shitty van or truck I can sleep in & then I'm moving back to Ohio. I swore I'd never go back but she genuinely makes me feel something I can't explain. I feel like she's healing me. She's recharging my battery. I've never been this crazy about someone. And that shows bc I'm selling my rig. I faced HOMELESSNESS and didn't even consider selling it. But I want to be with her so badly.
The round trip ticket is a pinch over $300 which is manageable. I just can't let her spend the whole $300... Originally I was going to pay most if not all. But life really loves throwing you curve balls... 3 months ago? I could do it . No problem. But my roommates decided hey let's move 30 minutes west! Such a good idea! I don't have transportation to work lol. It's so weird being employed but unemployed at the same time 💀
There is nothing I want more than spending time with her.. and all it'll take is $300..
I've known this girl since I was.. 14? My parents were alive so it was at least 14/15.. I met her when a close friend of mine met her. Rizzed her up and it's been history since lol
I've never met her irl, Columbus was about 2 hours west of me.. and we were teens, so, obviously it's difficult lol. We always fantasized about meeting.. and now? All these years later were literally the same person. Literally. Twin flame type shit. It's insane the things we've bonded over that I never imagined before. She's genuinely everything to me. I was so excited to see her.. and now? We don't know..
Im about to put in my 2 weeks notice at work and if I get approved for unemployment, I'm putting it away for a van. I'll live in it until I get on my feet. I want nothing more than a life with this girl. It's unbelievable.
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globalgrowthinsights · 2 months
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market Scope & Growth Projection till 2032
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key Attentions of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market Report:
The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market.
The market statistics represented in different Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant segments offers complete industry picture.
Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Major stakeholders, key companies Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/industrial-wastewater-treatment-plant-market-100570
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"In cities across the country, people of color, many of them low income, live in neighborhoods criss-crossed by major thoroughfares and highways.
The housing there is often cheaper — it’s not considered particularly desirable to wake up amid traffic fumes and fall asleep to the rumble of vehicles over asphalt.
But the price of living there is steep: Exhaust from all those cars and trucks leads to higher rates of childhood asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and pulmonary ailments. Many people die younger than they otherwise would have, and the medical costs and time lost to illness contributes to their poverty.
Imagine if none of those cars and trucks emitted any fumes at all, running instead on an electric charge. That would make a staggering difference in the trajectory, quality, and length of millions of lives, particularly those of young people growing up near freeways and other sources of air pollution, according to a study from the American Lung Association.
The study, released [February 28, 2024], found that a widespread transition to EVs could avoid nearly 3 million asthma attacks and hundreds of infant deaths, in addition to millions of lower and upper respiratory ailments...
Prior research by the American Lung Association found that 120 million people in the U.S. breathe unhealthy air daily, and 72 million live near a major trucking route — though, Barret added, there’s no safe threshold for air pollution. It affects everyone.
Bipartisan efforts to strengthen clean air standards have already made a difference across the country. In California, which, under the Clean Air Act, can set state rules stronger than national standards, 100 percent of new cars sold there must be zero emission by 2035.
[Note: The article doesn't explain this, but that is actually a much bigger deal than just California. Basically, due to historically extra terrible pollution, California is the only state that's allowed to allowed to set stronger emissions rules than the US government sets. However, one of the rules in the Clean Air Act is that any other state can choose to follow California's standards instead of the US government's. And California by itself is the world's fifth largest economy - ahead of all but four countries. So, between those two things, when California sets stricter standards for cars, they effects ripple outward massively, far beyond the state's borders.]
Truck manufacturers are, according to the state’s Air Resources Board, already exceeding anticipated zero-emissions truck sales, putting them two years ahead of schedule...
Other states have begun to take action, too, often reaching across partisan lines to do so. Maryland, Colorado, New Mexico, and Rhode Island adopted zero-emissions standards as of the end of 2023.
The Biden administration is taking similar steps, though it has slowed its progress after automakers and United Auto Workers pressured the administration to relax some of its more stringent EV transition requirements.
While Barret finds efforts to support the electrification of passenger vehicles exciting, he said the greatest culprits are diesel trucks. “These are 5 to 10 percent of the vehicles on the road, but they’re generating the majority of smog-forming emissions of ozone and nitrogen,” Barret said...
Lately, there’s been significant progress on truck decarbonization. The Biden administration has made promises to ensure that 30 percent of all big rigs sold are electric by 2030...
Such measures, combined with an increase in public EV charging stations, vehicle tax credits, and other incentives, could change American highways, not to mention health, for good."
-via GoodGoodGood, February 28, 2024
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Truck Driver Day
Professional truck drivers are honored and celebrated today with  Truck Driver Day. In the United States, a driver is considered to be a  truck driver when their vehicle has a gross vehicle weight—the weight of  the vehicle loaded—of at least 26,000 pounds. They must obtain a  commercial driver's license (CDL) to drive a vehicle of this weight.  Employers often require their drivers to take a safety training program,  and some also require a high school degree or GED.
Truck drivers carry all kinds of freight—livestock, food, canned  goods, liquids, packages, and vehicles—all across the United States and  the world. They often have to load and unload their freight and must  inspect their trucks before taking to the road. Truck drivers often ship  products to stores, and some may have to undertake sales duties. Many  truck drivers work long hours. Some may have daily local routes that  keep them close to home, while others may have routes and schedules that  often change, and many have to be away from home for an extended amount  of time.
Some trucks were on the road in the United States prior to World War  I. Trucks continued to be used and developed during the war, and by 1920  there were more than a million trucks on the roads of America. Trucking  continued to expand over the following decade, on account of  advancements such as the introduction of the diesel engine, improved  rural roads, the introduction of power brakes and steering, and the  standardization of truck and trailer sizes. In the 1930s, a number of  trucking regulations were implemented, and the American Trucking  Association was created. Trucking activity increased in the 1950s and  '60s, in large part because of the creation of the Interstate Highway  System. Regulations on the weight of trucks continued to be updated.
The heyday of the truck driver came in the 1960s and '70s. At the  time, a wide swath of the public viewed truck drivers as modern-day  cowboys or outlaws. The rise of "trucker culture" was signaled with the  proliferation of trucker songs and films, the wearing of plaid shirts  and trucker hats by the public, and the wide use of CB radios and CB  slang. The romanticization of trucker culture subsided by the dawn of  the 1980s.
Many truckers went on strike during the energy crises of 1973 and  1979, after the cost of fuel rose. The Motor Carrier Act of 1980  partially deregulated the industry. As a result, many new trucking  companies were started. Trucker union membership also drastically  declined, leading to lower pay. But the deregulation did reduce consumer  costs, and it increased production and competition in the trucking  industry. By the twenty-first century, trucking dominated the freight  industry. In 2006, there were 26 million trucks on America's roads,  which hauled about 70 percent of the country's freight. Truckers  continue to play a prominent role in keeping the wheels of the economy  turning, and for the hard work they put in to make this happen, they are  honored and celebrated today!
How to Observe Truck Driver Day
Some ideas of ways the day could be spent include:
If you are a truck driver, get out there and drive! Or, take the day off. It should be up to you!
Wave to truckers or make a gesture like you are pulling a truck horn in an attempt to get them to honk their horns.
Thank a truck driver. Tell them thanks in person or make a social media post of thanks. Include the hashtag #TruckDriverDay.
Become a truck driver.
Listen to some truck driving songs such as "Convoy" and "Truck Drivin' Man."
Watch some truck driving films such as Smokey and the Bandit, Convoy, and Big Rig.
Talk on a CB radio.
Eat at a truck stop.
Attend or take part in the National Truck Driving Championships, which are held around the time as Truck Driver Day.
Read a book about trucking or truckers such as Trucking Country: The road to America's Wal-Mart Economy or The Long Haul: A Trucker's Tales of Life on the Road.
Explore the websites of organizations and companies related to the industry such as American Trucker, Truckers News, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the American Trucking Associations, and the Women in Trucking Association.
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royhalls · 7 months
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Truck for Sale $200,000 OBO Side Dump Price Reduced to $100,000 Firm
Specs for 2003 378 Peterbilt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RAx91f-_i2J9T3hP9P8Vr4M30kpnn0jD/view?usp=drive_link
Heavy Duty Haul: Arctic Supply Run in Action! 🚚🏔
Braving the chill to deliver essentials, this rig rolls out, fully loaded with supplies for the remote corners of the icy north. Every container, a lifeline; every mile, a triumph. 🚚❄📦
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treeremovalpensacola · 6 months
Make the most of your space to keep your truck organized
If you're in the Pensacola area, then you have probably already experienced the need for having to remove a tree or stump or getting your tree's trimmed. The cost of tree removal varies depending on a few factors, such as: - The type of tree that needs to be removed - The size of the tree - The location of the tree - The condition of the tree Pensacola Tree Removal offers competitive pricing for our tree removal services. For a full list of services Tree removal services visit Pensacola Tree Removal Service for a fast, friendly and reliable quote that you can count on. This will help not only beautify your property but also is the safest way to do it. For lawn care operators (LCOs), proper organization is an essential element for completing any job. “If your trucks are organized, even if it comes down to your tools and putting them right back in their same spot, it makes things easier for workers to find stuff, get things fixed and be quicker on a site,” says Jennifer Wing, marketing manager for Hannay Reels. “If things are unorganized and you’re spending time looking for things, you’re wasting time and money. Organization leads to efficiency, which leads to the cost-effectiveness of a truck build or layout.” When Dave Arnett, sales manager for Graham Spray Equipment, talks to contractors about organizing their trucks, he often finds himself asking, ‘What do you think you need to go out there and maximize your daily revenue potential?’ “Our rigs are set up one way by their specifications, whereas multiple tanks and systems can spray turf and trees and shrubs,” Arnett says. “We can also offer accessories like backpack brackets and storage boxes for dry fertilizer.” According to Wing, proper organization is about knowing what you need, what things will come up during the day and trying to make the most of the space on the truck. “It’s very easy to roll up a hose and throw it in the truck and go, but when planning a truck layout, a hose or cable reel can save time and protect that piece of equipment,” Wing says. “It can be expensive, but sometimes, cables can be more expensive than the reel itself. It’s a safety issue a lot of the time.” In addition to a reel, contractors should be sure to include tanks for chemicals, mounts for equipment, hoses and safety tools on their spray trucks. Successful truck organization starts with the truck itself. Brian Tabel, vice president of Isuzu, says safety is the company’s No. 1 priority with its offerings to LCOs. When discussing the chassis and new diesel truck from Isuzu, he says that new configurations have made things easier for drivers while operating the vehicle. “The first generation of our truck came out in 2007 and a lot of changes have gone into making it more ergonomically user-friendly for the driver,” Tabel says. “There are different pockets, a rear passenger pocket to slide paperwork into, a new work surface, a center seat, different hooks and positioning of buttons.” As the times have changed, driving has become simpler, he adds. This means that Isuzu’s trucks have new features like steering controls, which limit the time a driver has to make adjustments while driving. While a contractor considers these options and accessories, knowing their budget is an important factor. “Expenses are at an all-time high for almost everything now, so I think contractors need to look at their overall initial expenses on a truck and the longevity of the product they’re putting on it,” Wing says. “You can get an aftermarket part fairly inexpensive, but will it last? Will you have to replace it in a year? Then you’re paying twice. So, paying a little more for a product that lasts will save you money in the long run. The post Make the most of your space to keep your truck organized first appeared on Landscape Management.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
BENTLEY Monaco #arrival at hôtel de Paris #millionaire #luxury #lifestyl...
They show the trikes then they show high performance cars they show trucks and this is what they're doing and we need them to do it but we need to get going on it and we need to get our stuff going and we need our car and they'll buy a car and see we're making them so theory but it needs to be tested and we'd like to do it the Austin Martin is very sufficient we're making a bunch of them and piggyback in sales
It's probably open a few more plants and they're saying they already are and that's great and we know what we're talking about
We have a huge calling for Aston Martin it's gigantic the world can't get enough of it and Sherry's name his son everywhere as a hero for the revolution the rebellion and she's famous world famous tons of people say that they should get together and make Giants and things like that and it's gross. It's his auntie and he doesn't want to do that because they would be kind of mean with a pic with a giant DNA yeah real name. mean. There's other things happening but we are having a discussion here what to do here everybody wants to be mean and the boss and they all suck they're going to have more demand for Harley-Davidson right now they need motorcycles and they're calling for the 883 they cannot handle the big ones at all it's like Chrissy she has to be 100% on it's a good example of what the bikes are like our son needs to be bigger in order to get one like that and even so it's a handful these professionals are always dumping them okay now it's tough to ride it's not easy but we're going to get going on these plants Harley Davidson and more and we are taking over a lot of companies using stock and we're going to mention them shortly and we might mention a few ancillary ones to see what happens we know they're going to start buying tons of stock so he's not sure if we want to do that but we do have the idea
-another news Trump is starting to get the math a little because the code is out there and everyone's repeating it all over the place finally it's horrible code it's a terrible situation nobody needs to make it worse
-we do have a lot of requests for our motor they want our version of the 883 and the sun says we could do the 883 with a better metal and it was way less and they would probably build the same one and it looked at that and it says that we can't do that there are aftermarket motors but none of them have as much power none of them are configured the same way and they don't have the torque for some reason the 900cc motorcycles in China and Asia have to rev the heck out of it for it to work basically the cylinder is smaller in diameter and the throw is longer and you have to get that thing going when it's shorter it wears quicker they think and it's pretty close but when you going faster to get the RPMs and where is quicker and there's a few places we could build them Mexico and we are hearing someone might be able to get us in and he has a manufacturer there and they want to do it and it's not Trump is someone else. And they do know how to do things with them you know son said the 737 this is single cylinder and as a single cylinder it has less power. But he wants to start with it and experiment with the width of the cylinder to see how to get more torque and maybe at least the same horsepower as we would normally we might do that and if you make it out of the better steel it should be fine but we have to look at it it is a good idea and lower octane is not really a solution and the stuff in there is junk but we do know what he's saying there's a way to do it it's a high performance piston and rigs it does work better if it's necessary it might not be so I'm going to have someone look at that and I guess I had someone look at it cuz they're coming in and they said here it is and the curves and you make it kind of wider and you get more torque and a teeny bit more horsepower it's still going to be five horsepower less and about 6 ft pounds of torque less and it is a bad thing with these men do when they're under stress I think around pulling people bullying and her son does not respond well can't wait can't wait to get bigger cuz he's just going to punch him out and it's actually true. It happened in the past it should all be excited about it like John remoulard it happened in St John's and they should thank their lucky stars that they have that opportunity they said think about the scale there's me.
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independant-business · 8 months
Small Independent Truck Repair Company Takes on Big Dealerships
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It always takes someone with a new idea or to fill a gap customers want but isn’t being offered by others. We all love the stories with a David and Goliath element in them, well that was the case with our first independent business. Scott Noga owned and operated a trucking business in Southwestern Pennsylvania for many years. One of his pet peeves was dealing with large truck dealerships whenever one of his rigs needed service. The big truck dealers had a lot of overhead with big fancy showrooms and waiting rooms and there was always the problem of trying to get an appointment quickly. Scott believed there should be a basic truck repair service that offered the same parts and level of service as the big dealerships but in a smaller facility to help reduce overhead.
Opportunity found Scott when a local truck repair center came up on the market. He bought the business to spend time and money to hire trained technicians and mechanics and upgrade their equipment to current service standards. It wasn’t easy because many of his competitors had the budgets and the capitol to market and advertise there dealerships in a big way across many media channels.
Scot started out on a grass roots level doing basic marketing as well as old fashioned referrals and slowly building a good and solid reputation for quality service that was cheaper than a dealership and able to help truckers get appointments quickly.
He started Noga Services as a truck and trailer repair service for Southwest Pennsylvania on a busy truck route just outside of Elizabeth, PA and focuses his attention on heavy duty trucks and commercial trailers as well as adding state and FHWA inspections and finally adding preventative maintenance.  
It just goes to show that an idea based on personal experience can lead to creating a solution for many other people who had the same problem. I have met Scott and am impressed with how dedicated he is to building his business and his reputation for good work. It takes a lot to make your dream or idea come true but is good to see when it comes together and encourages other small businesses to keep at it.
Here is his information:
Noga Services, 700 Hayden Blvd, Elizabeth, PA, 412-384-0400, https://www.noga-services.com/
Article by Neal Rabogliatti,
Neal has over 25 years of experience in economic development, sales and marketing, teaches SEO and analytics through CIRAS at Iowa State University and lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Neal has a passion for small business and small manufacturing companies and seeing them grow.
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