#rina shopping cartoon
secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Jom kita pulang, dah ditunggu ayank... 🤭ups, maksud saya dah ditunggu ayah.. 😂😅
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yizihuo · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ KARINA
stage name: karina name: yu jimin (유지민) birthday: april 11, 2000 height: 167.8cm nationality: korean blood type: b nicknames: yooji, karomi, rina, yuja, sunfish, quail egg special talent: halli galli, catching stuff with her feet
favourite colour: blue favourite season: spring favourite word: cute, bbuing, uing, mallang mallang favourite food: donkatsu, jelly, carbonated drinks, guo bao rou, nasi goreng favourite animal: cat, dog, crocodile, tiger, shark favourite movie: rapunzel and frozen
recommended songs
fun facts: 
she was first revealed as a dancer in taemin’s want
she has been training for 4 years
she wanted to be a mother when she was younger
she stans iu, f(x), red velvet, yoona, taeyeon, beenzino, and park soojin
she can play the piano and has won an award for it
she was a former ulzzang
a country she wanted to visit was croatia
her ideal guy is over 180cm tall
she likes green/barley tea
she didn't know that ningning was younger when they first met, so she used honorifics for 3 weeks
she likes reading in quiet places, eating good food, and shopping to relieve stress
her favourite flavours of pringles are butter caramel and mayo and cheese
cracks her knuckles a lot
likes playing pubg but is bad at it
she likes reading webtoons and gaming
🥺 is her most frequently used emoji
she is caring and quick-witted, but can be shy
she also has bad memory
she loves lipsticks: collecting them, gifting them, getting gifted them
when their makeup artists are short on time, they sometimes let her apply her lipstick
wants to learn cooking, makeup, and producing
she especially wants to go into producing, and has been learning lyric writing, so she wants to now learn composition
her favourite amusement park ride are carousels
she gets easily startled, hence the nickname sunfish
her stage name was derived from her baptism name katarina
she can't sit down for long since she has a longer than average tailbone
she went to english, chinese and math (kumon) academies
she has an older sister who is five years older than her and is the youngest in her family
always has lipstick, perfume, ice tea, and hand cream in her bag
she didn't think she had any natural musical talent because she was casted and didn't audition, she thought she should work harder
she was inspired to become an idol after snsd, and especially admires taeyeon
she has defended snsd from hate comments on her askfm
she is very clumsy, a heodang according to winter
giselle attributes their good chemistry to karina's mischievousness
ningning thinks that she is really warm and looks after her juniors well
the reason why she has a heart as her symbol is because she wants to make her warm image even warmer with her symbol
she's into watching netflix
up until forever, she said her most memorable memory was aespa's debut performance
if she goes to japan, she'd want to visit disneyland and see the cherry blossoms
as the leader, she cares a lot about the help and wellbeing of her members
she looks up to kendall jenner for her power and aura as a model, and camila cabello for her timbre and charisma
she believes that hard work will never fail you, and that your efforts will always be recognized
prefers chicken over pizza, seasoned/marinated chicken over fried chicken
she likes watermelons
her favourite food is guo bao rou
would prefer having a five year old winter over five winters
has a bruise on her right shoulder from when she fell down from heaven, took 8 months to heal
describes giselle as long-legged person with the purest heart
describes winter as an angry maltese
describes ningning as baby with a loud voice
if she were to describe herself with three words/phrases, they would be blue, the mole next to my mouth, and I love you
if she were to describe aespa with three words, they would be sparkling, rainbow, and when we're together, the atmosphere is friendly and harmonious
musicians she looks up to include taeyeon, iu, lee hi, and kehlani
the first thing she notices of other people are their etiquette and good scent of their perfume/cologne
she uses pink shade lipsticks and keeps her fingernails short to maintain her beauty
her favourite tiktok that she did was the one where she parodied an old krn cartoon called old black shoes; it took a lot more retakes than expected but she remembered having a lot of fun filming it
enjoys swimming
once dreamt about being on a hippo with giselle
took her ged on the same day and same classroom as winter
bought succulents for the dorms named ttung-geun (short for ttungttung-han dangeun)
auditioned with taeyeon’s 11:11
was casted through instagram dms
ddongi (ningning’s pet gecko) really likes her
has a black belt in taekwondo
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acaseforpencils · 4 years
Rina Piccolo and Part Two Of Rhymes with Orange.
From time to time, A Case for Pencils has had experts on the blog. People at the top of their field outside of greyscale single panel cartoons, whom I admire and want to learn more from myself! I decided to have more people from the fields of newspaper strips, graphic novels, painting… people who inspire me and who I think it would be wonderful for artists to hear from. This week is the second installment of a three part series with the wonderful cartoonists of Rhymes with Orange, Hilary Price and Rina Piccolo. Of course Rina has also done quite a bit of fantastic work outside of Rhymes with Orange, and I am very happy to have her on Case!
Bio: Rina Piccolo’s cartoons have appeared in The New Yorker, Barron's Business Magazine, The Reader’s Digest, Parade Magazine, and more.
Her syndicated daily comic strip, Tina’s Groove ran from 2002 to 2017. Currently, Rina’s cartoons can be seen from Monday to Saturday in the comic feature Rhymes With Orange (in collaboration with Hilary Price, and Syndicated worldwide by King Features Syndicate). Rina is also the co-author of the book Quirky Quarks: A Cartoon Guide to the Fascinating Realm of Physics (Springer, 2016).
Lately, Rina has worked with King Features and Mental Canvas (a graphic-media-design system) to create interactive comics and cartoons that involve 3D environments.
She is also an avid doodler and sketchbook-keeper.
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Here’s one of two New Yorker cartoons from long, long ago... my drawing style has changed a little over the years...
Tools of choice:​ I have a few: Definitely can’t live without my daily sketchbook (I’m an obsessive doodler and art-journal keeper), my two fav fountain pens (Namiki Falcon, and Carbon Platinum desk pen), and I should also mention my iPad Pro for the digital stuff I do (including Rhymes With Orange)!
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Tool I wish I could use better: I’d like to master Mental Canvas — a software, mentioned above, that I used to build the Rhymes With Orange Interactive cartoon, and other 2d/3d drawing projects (in the pipeline)!
For Non-digital— watercolor. I want to learn how to do it better.
Tool I wish existed: I wish there was a pen that could skywrite like airplanes do. Like, you would literally just draw in the air in front of you, and the drawing would stay up for a few minutes, and then just gradually fade into nothing. The pen would have buttons for different colors, and different nibs/spouts so that the line could be changed from round, flat, puffy, etc. I would call it “the Jet.” Ha ha, I wish. Hey, all you inventors, get to work (Bonus: you could also use it for self-defence)!
Tricks: ​Not anything I’ve been using on a regular basis, but I have used twigs to draw thin lines, and once cut the quill of a pigeon feather so that I could use it as a dip pen (it worked better than I thought it would!) In terms of my daily cartoon work, I’ve developed weird writing rituals that verge on insanity, but a sort of insanity that gets me in the “zone” of writing usable stuff— I don’t want to say what they are because you’ll think I’m crazy. But maybe I am crazy, ha ha. In any case, my rituals have been highly effective over the decades!
Misc: Here’s something random that I’ve learned over the years. In the past, when people would ask me what I was doing over the weekend, I’d say, “I’m working.” To which people would reply, “oh, sorry you have to work,” or “you work too hard.” What they don’t get is that I LIKE spending time creating stuff, and often hate doing the other things people normally associate with weekends. Well, I grew a little, and now take another tack. Now when people ask what I’m doing, I give them specifics — without using the word “work”:  “This weekend I’m going to attempt to paint a watercolor of an underwater scene.” Or I might say, “I’m going to try to draw a holiday village scene with gingerbread men and snowmen.” When I say it that way, the response is always great. People even encourage me on, and wish me luck, and say, ‘have fun!’” The budding artists around me might say, “I wish I had time to do something like that.” So there you go. There are too many takeaways here, I’ll let the readers choose their own. But one thing is for sure, the word “Work” is way too vague to use in a sentence if you want people in your life to understand you better. 
Website, etc. 
If you enjoy this blog, and would like to contribute to labor and maintenance costs, there is a Patreon, and if you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee, there is a Ko-Fi account as well! I do this blog for free because accessible arts education is important to me, and your support helps a lot! You can also find more posts about art supplies on Case’s Instagram and Twitter! Thank you!
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rinas-ninjas · 5 years
Hey guys,
Something’s been brought to my attention that I’d like to address.
I am an adult. I am in college, graduating in the next year or so - I’ll be legally able to drink in the US in less than two months. So please, keep that in mind when you message me. There are certain things that I don’t feel comfortable discussing with anyone, and certain things I don’t feel comfortable discussing with people below a certain age. Just a general rule - if you wouldn’t say it to me in a coffee shop, please don’t run in saying it in my inbox or messages.
Also...I do actually exist. Rina is a real person, in real life. So I’m not someone who can be shipped with another person - internet or otherwise. I’m not a cartoon character, and the idea of being shipped with someone is frankly unsettling to me.
I love talking to new people! I love giving art advice, and I am always available to give constructive criticism! But please, try to remember that I am real behind the screen, and I do have boundaries. I try to be gentle about enforcing them, but every so often I do have to put my foot down.
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
Do we choose rule, or do we choose suck?
Alex Clifton: Juuls. Juuls. Juuls. Oh my god, Juuls. [7]
Katie Gill: It's a little bit telling how all the comments on the YouTube video are comparing this song to other meme songs and not talking about the merits of the song itself. Still, there will always be a place in the world for meme songs that are serviceable memes but less than serviceable songs that teenagers can obnoxiously quote on the bus. "Where's My Juul" fits that niche perfectly. I expect a fleet of TikToks featuring people lip-syncing to this and will be very disappointed when this inevitably doesn't happen because I am out of touch with the youth. [6]
Kalani Leblanc: I can see there's already an abundance of blurbs submitted for this song, and the number will have risen by the time I finish this. After thinking so hard about how to go about being the fifteenth person to say "It sounds like "Shoes"," I'm realizing it's not really "Shoes" anyway. While they're both jokes that bear a resemblance in the thrash of a breakdown, "Where's My Juul??" is also listenable. The comparison is getting tired because it's like did anyone listen to "Shoes"? As a song? In earnest??? While this is not an entirely impressive piece, no concerto or FKA Twigs production, it's enough. Since 2006, we've been making everything into jokes, so it makes perfect sense. Nicotine-induced freakouts would've been the subject of an after school special ten years ago, but now they're joke material for hypebeasts and others on Twitter. Lil Mariko makes an impressive case while trying to find her Juul; I can't find anything this song did wrong, sorry. [8]
Will Adams: The mid-song 0-to-11 ramp is what takes this past the mean-spiritedness of "#Selfie" and the meme-spiritedness of "Phone" into effortless "Shoes"/"Let Me Borrow That Top" absurdity. The Juul is a placeholder; sub in any other monosyllabic cultural artifact, and Lil Mariko's rage against Full Tac's electroclash-y beat would cut through just as effectively. "Sorry, guys!" she says at the end, except there's nothing to apologize for. [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I wrote 20 pages about Juul culture in 2018 so I should in theory be the exact target audience for this. Yet "Where's My Juul??" doesn't really click for me. It's charming and funny in parts (Lil Mariko's spoken verses, which transmit nervy anxiety and barely restrained fury effectively) but the hook, which takes up most of the very long minute-forty-five, is comedy via brute force principles: repeat a phrase enough and it will transfigure into a joke. [5]
Brad Shoup: About as funny as the related TikTok meme, though not as menacing, surprisingly. I wish so badly that Full Tac had gone full hardcore -- or even brostep! -- but am glad that Lil Mariko's Danny Brownian ad-libs and sudden reversals grind "#SELFIE" into the dirt. [7]
Oliver Maier: I need not catalogue the myriad ways in which this is transparently designed to blast off on TikTok -- you would probably know better than me -- but that cynicism detracts from "Where's My Juul??" for me. There's none of the spontaneity or sense of genuine fun that animates certain other genre-agnostic, threat-spewing, extremely online weirdo duos, more savvy than it is genuinely silly. It's not badly executed, but I felt like I got the picture before even hitting play. [4]
Will Rivitz: I get this is supposed to be more meme than song, but I so wish it had leaned into the latter for more than half its runtime. The "FUCK!!!" at the beginning of its second chorus is worth at least a [7] on its own, and its redlining nu-metal production is such a tight fusion of XXXTENTACION's sonic fingerprint and simplified TikTok trap that I'm surprised the "oh my God" ad-libs aren't followed by a "Ronny." As it stands, "Where's My Juul??" and its just-a-little-too-long interludes that grate after listen number four or so functions as a sort of "Thrift Shop" for the current day, a track defined by its novelty that we as an Internet music-Twitter hivemind all agree was genuinely good about five years after it's exited the public consciousness. It deserves more. [8]
Ian Mathers: Both less musically compelling and with less of a point than "Can I Get a Box?". [5]
Katherine St Asaph: It's kind of amazing how it took seven years for Rebecca Martinson to release her debut. [1]
Nortey Dowuona: Lil Mariko is actually kinda weird in the lol so random funny way that people think that [insert overrated white comic who had a Comedy Central show] is and has a really great metal screaming voice. I don't know who made this dull approximation of Kenny Beats and Pi'erre Bourne, nor do I care. Lil Mariko will hopefully get a recurring cameo role on Nora From Queens and get her own show from that. [5]
Mo Kim: The best joke here is the escalation of nonchalance (hey, where's my Juul?) into something desperate, and therefore dangerous: it hits like the drop in a rollercoaster when Lil Mariko finally breaks out the deep-throated metal screams, but the moment wouldn't have half the thrill without the masterful way she gradually ups the heat on the song's first chorus before that. Both of her spoken monologues, where she merges Valley Girl affect with murderous menace, only sweeten the deal. [8]
Ryo Miyauchi: "Where's My Juul??" gets spiked with an infectious dose of adrenaline when it suddenly turns a lot more aggro than you'd expect from a meme-y cross-section of Rico Nasty's mosh-pop and PC Music's ironic bubblegum. The demented beat stings with a pungent metallic sourness, and while her Valley Girl accent scans as an obvious put-on, Lil Mariko's blood-curdling scream is legitimately hair-raising. The song rapidly combusts, ensuring the joke doesn't overstay its welcome. [7]
Joshua Lu: Yes, hearing the unassuming Lil Mariko scream and snarl over a missing Juul is intrinsically funny, especially accompanied by a music video that knows exactly how to push the limits of its concept. But the real strength of "Where's My Juul??" lies in its sheer relatability. The title could be anything -- where's my wallet, my phone, my eraser -- because anyone who has ever misplaced anything can relate to the escalating panic and rage in not only the cataclysmic vocals, but also Full Tac's discordant production. Also crucial to the song is its sense of plot, as it steadily progresses from confusion to blame to outright violence. The ending, though predictable (Lizzo used the exact same twist not that long ago), is a necessary denouement, as it provides the moment where everyone involved can look back on the last minute and a half of chaos and laugh. [8]
Iain Mew: As a song structure trick, I love the fake-out final verse, those ones that seem like something slowly developing before the artist brutally cuts it off for the chorus or instrumental to come back stronger than ever; the "Don't Speak" and "Your Best American Girl" kind of thing. The key moment of "Where's My Juul??" comes in taking that same trick to a ludicrous, brilliant extreme. It has a drawn-out, jittery verse, a cartoon scowl of a chorus, and then one question into verse two it veers straight into swearing, screaming and fucking everything up. That's perfect enough that it would ideally be even shorter than it ends up. [7]
Kylo Nocom: Full Tac and Lil Mariko do in less than two minutes what took Justice five. The gimmick is the least fun part, and judging by my sample size of BigKlit's "Liar" and Full Tac's very own "CHOP" the producers behind this might not even be as funny as this video would imply. But I've long settled with music that's good on the merits of just being fun; when the production here is layered with discordant guitar sampling, analog drum kits, and distant screams of "piss!" and "fuck," I'm willing to buy into the ugliness. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Full Tac returns with another take on "Liar," succeeding because the goofy conceit here finds an appropriately goofy (that is, unexpected) vocal performance. Part of the appeal is how "Where's My Juul??" could sit comfortably alongside songs from Rico Nasty and Rina Sawayama, but has the appeal of shoddy viral videos from yesteryear. It's that "Kombucha Girl"-type reaction it's striving to elicit, and it accomplishes that as soon as the screaming starts. The best detail, though, is the most subtle: the moment Lil Mariko stops herself from saying "who" and politely asks "have you seen it?" [7]
Michael Hong: Have you ever been dragged to a party only for your only friend to disappear, leaving you to mingle with a group of people you don't know? And one person makes a comment so absurd that you just giggle along with the rest of the group even though you're not really sure if they're layering their statement with even a hint of irony or if there's something much more unsettling lurking underneath? But the jokes are getting more and more uncomfortable and suddenly fewer people are laughing along, instead furtively glancing across each other with an exasperated look as if to say "is this person for real?" And instead of backing away, that person instead starts doubling down, getting more and more aggressive, screaming across the room for what feels like hours and surely people must be ready to head out. Instead, when you finally catch a moment to glance down at your phone, you find that only two minutes have elapsed since you arrived and you realize that not even a quarter of the time has passed before your ride will come and you can leave this godforsaken party. You have absolutely no choice but to continue standing in the group in discomfort, waiting for this moment that feels like an eternity to finally finish, with the only background noise being the stereos blaring what sounds like someone's first attempt at using GarageBand. [0]
Crystal Leww: While I was digging through "likes" on SoundCloud, I noticed that a friend of mine had liked "Baby Let Me Know" by Full Tac, which sounds like the synth heavy dreamy pop that was popular at the beginning of last decade. I did not stick around for "Where's My Juul??" so imagine my surprise today when I turned this on and it's umm, screaming. A consistent genre as an essential part of an up-and-coming artist's brand is less essential than ever, especially in an age where (waves hands) dance music has eaten itself alive in its swirling storm of troll energy. Chaos in and of itself is a brand -- from 100 gecs to Alice Longyu Gao's dueling sister tracks "Rich Bitch Juice"/"Dumb Bitch Juice" to any DJ Bus Replacement Service set, it has fully infiltrated dance music. How this goes from sweetly threatening to full-on psychotic and back to cutely apologetic is chaotic so yes, I think Full Tac could make some noise (both in creating a fanbase and also like literally) with this. [8]
[Read and comment on The Singles Jukebox]
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01-bby-archive · 7 years
HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′4 or 5′3
DO YOU WEAR BRACES? i used to but not anymore 
WHAT IS YOUR FASHION STYLE? i have no idea! kdfgjg sometimes i dress really casual sometimes i throw on a cheetah print skirt and a faux fur jacket depends on my mood
WHAT KIND OF STUDENT ARE YOU? idk a bad one? kisbfskh
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE SUBJECTS? when i was in school it was music and art and p.e.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MOVIES? any studio ghibli (even tho i haven't watched all them), moana, sponge bob square pants movie i really love cartoons kfhfjsdh (and horror but ion have any favs)
WHAT ARE YOU FAVOURITE PASTIMES?  tumblr, twitter, sleeping 
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? i wanna be a florist! and own my own shop that just sounds really nice
WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET MARRIED? nope! i think its pointless to
DO YOU WANT KIDS? HOW MANY? yes i do but idk how many 
WHAT WAS YOUR SCARIEST DREAM? i get these dreams of a guy stalking me and just being really weird. it’s never the same dream it’s different ones but always the same guy. I remember this one where i had woken up in a completely red room and then the door opened and these giant men dragged me out and i looked behind me and that dude was there. its just really weird
Lullaby of bird land by sarah vaughan (it was in tae playlist but i really like the song )
Tyrant by kali uchis and jorja smith 
Summertime by louis armstrong and ella fitzgerald 
Living single by chance the rapper, big sean, and jeremih
Cranes in the sky by solange 
Take me as I am by rina sawayama
Heyahe by one
Tunnel vision by rina sawayama
Love never felt so good by michael jackson
Plain jane by a$ap ferg
Bad blood by nao
Wait a minute by willow smith
Blessed by daniel caesar 
Get you by daniel caesar
I’ll tag: @padtthai @43hy @18nth @all-smiles-lovee @yyouth @bwisgf @5tigma @soflee @shinee1 @1jmins @1honeyoongi @lovsoul @ilujimin                                               I wanted to tag some new mutuals so let me know if you don't wanna be tagged in stuff!
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beansonbread2 · 6 years
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2017 > Richard Dawson ‘Ogre’ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Solange ‘Cranes In the Sky’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Kendrick Lamar ‘The Blacker The Berry’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs ‘Two Weeks’ (see full list HERE)
2013 > Oliver Wilde ‘Perrett’s Brook’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > Untold ‘Stop What You’re Doing (James Blake Remix) (see full list HERE)
2009 > Joker - ‘Digidesign’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Lil’ Wayne - ‘A Milli’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Panda Bear - ‘Bros’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Hot Chip - ‘Over And Over’ (see full list HERE)
RULES - A maximum of THREE tracks from any one artist. Songs can be tied in the same position.
THE RUNNERS UP (in alphabetical order)..
700 Bliss ‘Ring The Alarm’
A$AP Rocky (feat. FKA Twigs) ‘Fukk Sleep’
Alabaster DePlume ‘Is It Enough’
Alabaster DePlume ‘They Put The Stars Far Away’
Alexis Taylor ‘Beautiful Things’
Aphex Twin ‘T69 Collapse’
Arctic Monkeys ‘One Point Perspective’
Arctic Monkeys ‘Four Out Of Five’
Ariana Grande ‘Thank U, Next’
ASBEST ‘They Kill’
Bas Jan ‘No Sign’
Bas Jan ‘Walton On The Naze’
Beak> ‘Brean Down’
Beak> ‘Alle Sauvage’
Bill Ryder-Jones ‘And Then There’s You’
Blood Orange ‘Saint’
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy ‘Blueberry Jam’
Brockhampton ‘1997 Diana’
Brockhampton ‘1999 Wildfire’
Cardi B ‘Be Careful’
Cardi B ‘I Like It’
Caroline Says ‘Sweet Home Alabama’
Charli XCX ‘1999’
Childish Gambino ‘This Is America’
Colin Self ‘Emblem’
Connan Mockasin ‘Con Conn Was Impatient’
Connan Mockasin ‘Charlotte’s Thong’
CupcakKe ‘Cartoons’
CupcakKe ‘Quiz’
Daphne & celeste ‘A.L.T.O’
Dean Blunt ‘A_X’
Dean Blunt ‘Beefa’
Death Grips ‘Black Paint’
Death Grips ‘Shitshow’
Death Grips ‘Streaky’
Deerhunter ‘Death In Midsummer’
Denzel Curry ‘SUMO’
Denzel Curry ‘SWITCH IT UP’
Dirty Projectors ‘Break-Thru’
DJ Taye ‘Trippin’
Django Django ‘Tic Tac Toe’
Django Django ‘In Your Beat’
Drake ‘Nice For What’
Drinks ‘Real Outside’
Earl Sweatshirt ‘Nowhere2go’
Emily Isherwood ‘Calibrate’
Everything Is Recorded ‘Mountains Of Gold’
The Evil Usses ‘Wowtown’
Felicita ‘Coughing Up Amber’
Fenne Lily ‘Car Park’
Fenne Lily ‘On Hold’
Field Music ‘Time In Joy’
Flohio ‘Bands’
Frankie Cosmos ‘Apathy’
Gang Gang Dance ‘J-Tree’
Giant Swan ‘The Plaque’
The Goon Sax ‘Make Time 4 Love’
Grasscourt ‘Stones Upon My Chest’
Grimes ‘We Appreciate Power’
Group Listening ‘Wenn Der Sudwind Weht’
Gruff Rhys ‘Frontier Man’
Gruff Rhys ‘Oh Dear!’
Hen Ogledd ‘Problem Child’
Hen Ogledd ‘First Date’
Herbal Tea ‘Kitchen Floor (4 am)’
Hinds ‘The Club’
Hyukoh ‘SkyWorld’
IDLES ‘Danny Nedelko’
Iglooghost ‘New Vectors’
Insecure Men ‘Subaru Nights’
Insecure Men ‘Teenage Toy’
James Blake ‘If The Car Beside You Moves Ahead’
James Ferraro ‘Remnant’
James Yorkston ‘My Mouth Ain’t No Bible’
Janelle Monae ‘Make Me Feel’
Jean Grae & Quelle Chris ‘Gold Purple Orange’
The Jelas ‘Interrupterruption’
Jimothy Lacoste ‘Fashion’
John Bence ‘Kill / Aftermath’
JPEGMAFIA ‘Baby I’m Bleeding’
JPEGMAFIA ‘I Cannot Fucking Wait Til Morrissey Dies’
Kate Stapley ‘Iceland’
Kendrick Lamar & Travis Scott ‘Big Shot’
Khruangbin ‘Lady and Man’
Khruangbin ‘Maria Tambien’
Kids See Ghosts ‘Freeee (Ghost Town Pt.2)’
Let’s Eat Grandma ‘Falling Into Me’
LICE ‘Stammering Bill’
LICE ‘Gentleman’s Magazine’
Limmy ‘Buckle My Shoe’
Little Simz ‘Offence’
The Lovely Eggs ‘Wiggy Giggy’
Low ‘Always Trying To Work It Out’
Marie Davidson ‘Work It’
Marie Davison ‘The Psychologist’
Melody’s Echo Chamber ‘Cross My Heart’
MGMT ‘She Works Out Too Much’
MGMT ‘Little Dark Age’
Mouse ‘3 Weeks’
Mun Sing ‘Balloon’
The Orielles ‘Blue Suitcase (Disco Wrist)’
Ought ‘Desire’
Panda Bear ‘Dolphin’
Peggy Guo ‘It Makes You Forget (itgehane)’
Peggy Guo ‘Han Jan’
Petite Noir ‘Blame Fire’
Playboi Carti ‘Long Time’
Post Yoga ‘Boy Doesn’t Eat Right’
Princess Nokia ‘Look Up Kid’
Pusha T ‘The Games We Play’
Rhain ‘Solid Gold’
Rina Sawayama ‘Cherry’
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever ‘Talking Straight’
Rosalia ‘Malamente’
Ryuichi Sakamoto ‘Andata’ (Oneohtrix Point Never remix)
S4U ‘Heart’
Sasami ‘Not The Time’
The Saxophones ‘Aloha’
Seamus Fogarty ‘The Old Suit’
Sega Bodega ‘Daddy’
Seth Graham ‘Flower Cheese’
Sharon Van Etten ‘Comeback Kid’
Shopping ‘The Hype’
Shygirl ‘Nasty’
SL ‘Tropical’
Snail Mail ‘Pristine’
Soccer Mommy ‘Cool’
Soccer Mommy ‘Your Dog’
Sock ‘Bored’
Something Anorak ‘And In The Current State’
Sorry ‘Starstruck’
Sorry ‘Tearz’
Squid ‘The Dial’
Steady Holiday ‘Mothers’
Steady Holiday ‘Who’s Gonna Stop Us’
Superorganism ‘Everybody Wants To Be Famous’
Superorganism ‘Nobody Cares’
Sweet Baboo ‘Lost Out On The Floor’
Tara Clerkin ‘Queeny’
Travis Scott ‘Sicko Mode’
Travis Scott ‘Skeletons’
Tyler The Creator ‘OKRA’
Tyler The Creator & A$AP Rocky ‘Potato Salad’
Vince Staples ‘FUN!’
Wasuremono ‘Rest In Peace’
Wiley (feat. JME) ‘I Call The Shots’
Wished Bone ‘Reasons’
Wished Bone ‘Yellow Bird’
Wished Bone ‘Spring Time Lover’
Yaeji ‘One More’
Yama Warashi ‘Kofun No Uta’
Yama Warashi ‘Jyomon Doki Doki’
Young Fathers ‘Wow’
Young Fathers ‘Holy Ghost’
Young Fathers ‘Toy’
Yung Lean ‘King Cobra’
Yves Tumor ‘Noid’
Yves Tumor ‘Lifetime’
TOP 50 SONGS OF 2018 (in no order)
Hannah Diamond ‘True’
Kamasi Washington ‘Fists Of Fury’
Haley Heynderickx ‘The Bug Collector’
Brockhampton ‘1989 Truman’
Frankie Cosmos ‘Being Alive’
Group Listening ‘A Little Lost’
Field Music ‘Count It Up’
Kali Uchis (feat. Tyler The Creator & Bootsy Collins) ‘After The Storm’
Alabaster DePlume ‘Be Nice To People’
Palm ‘Dog Milk’
Parquet Courts ‘Total Football’
Kate Stapley ‘These Planets’
JPEGMAFIA ‘1539 N. Calvert’
Poisonous Birds ‘Big Water’ / ‘Little Puzzle’
The Orielles ‘Old Stuff, New Glass’
Bas Jan ‘Let’s’
Tirzah (feat. Coby Sey) ‘Devotion’
Arctic Monkeys ‘Star Treatment’
Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Future, James Blake ‘King’s Dead’
Parquet Courts ‘Wide Awake’
Spiritualized ‘Here It Comes (The Road) Let’s Go’
DJ Koze ‘Bonfire’
Beach House ‘Lemon Glow’
Trust Fund ‘King Of CM’
Playboi Carti (feat. Nicki Minaj) ‘Poke It Out’
TOP 25 SONGS OF 2018 (in correct order)
25. Gaika ‘Immigrant Sons (Pesos & Gas)’
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24. Anderson .Paak ‘Bubblin’
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23. Pusha T ‘If You Know You Know’
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22. Daphne & Celeste ‘You & I Alone’ / ‘BB’
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21. Jimothy Lacoste ‘Subway System’
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20. SOPHIE ‘Is It Cold In The Water?’
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19. Blood Orange ‘Charcoal Baby’
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18. Oneohtrix Point Never ‘Black Snow’ / ‘The Station’
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17. Django Django (feat. Self Esteem) ‘Surface To Air’
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16. Spiritualized ‘I’m Your Man’
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15. SOPHIE ‘Immaterial’ / ‘Faceshopping’
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14. Tirzah ‘Holding On’
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13. Trust Fund ‘Abundant’
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12. Self Esteem ‘Rollout’ / ‘Wrestling’
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11. Let’s Eat Grandma ‘Hot Pink’
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10. Trust Fund ‘Embarrassing!’
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9. These New Puritans ‘Into The Fire’
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8. Julia Holter ‘I Shall Love 2’
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7. Kero Kero Bonito ‘Time Today’ / ‘Make Believe’
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6. Oneohtrix Point Never ‘We’ll Take It’
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5. Serpentwithfeet ‘Bless ur Heart’
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4. Hen Ogledd ‘Sky Burial’
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3. Kero Kero Bonito ‘Only Acting’
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2. Tirzah ‘Glady’
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1. Let’s Eat Grandma ‘It’s Not Just Me’
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Shopping dengan Mama Mantu.. 🤭😅
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Shopping dengan Mama Mantu.. 😅😂
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Shopping dengan Mama Mantu.. 😅
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Shopping dengan Mama Mantu.. 😅
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Sunday Funday..
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Keep Calm and Go Shopping..
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Shopping dengan Mama Mantu.. 😅
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Piss Baby ✌️
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Cartoon+AI) - Nak shopping kejap dengan mama mantu.. ehehehee..
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