#rinaya surana
hexalt · 7 years
all the odd numbers for the ask thing :3c
1. How did your Warden react to Zevran’s failed attempt on their life? Were they amused? Angry?
she was severely annoyed. she’s the one coming after loghain, he’s not supposed to try her.3. What did your Warden know of the Crows before meeting Zevran? What did they think of the Crows afterward?
she had read about the crows, but she had never had any sort of experience with them before him. she knew they were supposed to be good, the best, and she definitely didn’t want to have any assassins coming after her. once she got stronger and more skilled, though, she wasn’t too worried about anyone trying to kill her, just annoyed. immediately after zevran’s attack she thought the crows must not be as good as she had been lead to believe, but once zev told her the story of his last love, she understood the failure had been purposeful and not attributable to the crows.5. How well did your Warden keep in contact with Zevran after the Blight? Did they ever see him again?
very well. they had grown to be great friends and even though they were often busy doing their own things, they still found the time to write each other letters, and sometimes zev would come back to help her.
1. What sort of attachment did your Warden form with Alistair, if any at all? Were they close due to their shared experiences as Grey Wardens?
if any… they initially grew close because he was the only one who could explain to her the new things happening to her after her joining. they ended up getting married, and she was the first elf and mage queen in ferelden because she was not going to let anyone stop her from being with him.
3. Was Alistair reunited with his sister, Goldanna? What did your Warden think of her? Did they relate to Alistair with their own familial struggles?
he was. she felt bad for her, struggling so much, and gave her money to help. surana did not remember much of her family as she had been taken from them so young, so she understood wanting to reunite with long-lost family.5. What became of Alistair after the Landsmeet? How did your Warden feel about their decision of Alistair’s future?
he became king. she felt no one would be better than him to rule and was pleased with the outcome, as alistair grew into his own once he became king.
1. What did your Warden think of Wynne’s views on the Circle? Did they have different experiences regarding the Circle?
already answered~3. How did your Warden feel about the Spirit of Faith within Wynne? Did they see it as possession?
no, she was happy wynne was alive and if that was what was helping her, she was perfectly fine with it. she knew if wynne ever became corrupted she would have to slay her, but wynne was still herself. she knew that spirits could inhabit someone in a non-harmful way sometimes.5. What did Wynne choose to do after the Blight was ended? Did your Warden  stay in touch with her?
wynne was sometimes difficult to stay in contact with, and surana often worried for her health. she left with shale to tevinter to see about getting shale back to their mortal form. surana was happy, though, when she ran into wynne in amaranthine.
1. What was your Warden’s position on the Chantry? Were they wary of Leliana due to their religious beliefs or lack thereof?
she was often confused by the chantry and did not follow their beliefs, despite being raised in the circle, but as an elf she felt disconnected from the institution. she was wary of leliana at first, but once she grew to know her that went away. she always accepted leliana’s beliefs and her vision, what surana worried about was how she’d act because of these beliefs.3. If your Warden received Leliana’s personal quest, what did they choose to do with Marjolaine and why?
already answered~5. How well did your Warden get along with Leliana? What was their relationship like?
they had a brief fling, jus being flirtatious with each other, but they grew very close as leliana loved to tell surana stories. they often kept watch together as the others slept. it took a while for leliana to get back to normal with surana because her feelings had grown so strong for surana, but eventually they did, and they remained quite close.
1. Had your Warden ever met a Qunari before Sten? What did they expect?
no, she had lived a very sheltered life in the circle. she had never given the qunari much thought, but he was still much more serious than she had expected. it took her an incredibly long time to get him to warm up to her, despite all her best efforts.3. Did your Warden retrieve Sten’s sword? Did your Warden’s choice to give it to him or withhold it affect their relationship with Sten at all?
yes, we found it and he really respected her after that. he knew she’d always have his back and that he could trust her.5. Was your Warden amused by Sten’s love of cookies?
yes, she tried to keep giving him different sweets, but in the end cookies always reigned supreme.
1. What did your Warden think of Orzammer? Were they impressed or did they become disillusioned with the city, like Oghren did?
she was impressed by it, at first, but all the bureaucracy, lack of agency, and classism disturbed her deeply. the architecture and long history intrigued her, as well as learning of the dwarves deep connection to the stone, and in turn, lyrium.
3. What was the fate of Branka? If she was killed, was your Warden regretful? How did they act around Oghren afterwards?
she was killed. she regretted it only for how it may affect oghren, but branka had gone too far and there was no turning back. she was willing to sacrifice anyone to further her own cause, and once she discovered that, she knew the woman couldn’t come back. she was understanding of oghren’s grief but explained why she had to do it, and he understood.5. Did your Warden stay on good terms with Oghren after the Blight? If Oghren got back together with Felsi, did your Warden ever go to meet Oghren’s child, who was named after the Warden?
yes, they were grey wardens together after all. she found him to be a thorn in her side but one she had grown accustomed to. he didn’t get back with felsi.
1. What was your Warden’s first impression of Morrigan? Did they trust her or were they cautious around her?
already answered~3. How close was your Warden to Morrigan? Did your Warden respect her abilities as a witch of the wilds?
very close. morrigan taught her how to shapeshift, told surana about her childhood, and she helped morrigan come to terms with the abuse she had suffered at her mother’s hands. when she left that final time, she desperately wanted to follow her through the eluvian.5. Was Morrigan’s ritual completed? What persuaded your Warden to go through with it or what caused them to refuse it?
yes, with alistair. when surana discovered that the only way to kill an archdemon was to be sacrificed yourself, she immediately started thinking of any possible way to avoid this fate. she couldn’t die, nor could alistair. when morrigan gave her the option, she seized it immediately. there was no way she was going to die or let her love die.
1. Did your Warden respect Loghain’s experience as a warrior, if not as a ruler?
my warden spits on loghain.3. What did your Warden think of Loghain’s suspicion and dislike of Orlesians? Did they consider it to be ill-founded or accurate?
she did not know much of orlesians, her only experience at the time being with leliana who she found to be lovely. leliana told her many stories of orlais, of being a bard, and of playing the game. everything sounded too fake for her liking, surana preferred to know who she’s dealing with rather than going about it in roundabout ways.5. Did Loghain survive the Landsmeet? If he did, why did your Warden choose to let him live?
he did not. she spits on him.
1. Was your Warden interested in golems upon meeting Shale? Did they think of golems as weapons or sentient beings?
she found shale to be fascinating but moreso for their personality rather than being a golem. shale was a sentient being, of course. she would never dehumanize (choice of words…) anyone, she being an elf herself. she found their forced servitude abhorrent.3. Did your Warden aid Branka or Caridin? Did their choice affect their relationship with Shale?
caridin. shale was surprised that she helped them since they thought of “alive” beings as only wishing to inflict torture on them or using them for their own gains. they appreciated her after that, and surana was the only one they didn’t refer to as “it” anymore.5. What did your Warden make of Shale’s “bird issues”?
she found them understandable but quite funny. she wouldn’t bring it up herself, but when alistair or zevran would discuss it with shale, her ears would be at full attention for those conversations…
1. Who’s a good boy?!
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hexalt · 7 years
For the warden asks! Alistair 2, Wynne 1, Lelianna 3, and Morrigan 1
it def surprised her, she thought alistair was jus your regular ol’ grey warden (newbie) :P but it also didn’t change anything for her. she knew he didn’t want to be treated differently, and why should he be? she didn’t have much of an opinion on nobles tbh, since she didn’t get to experience much outside of the circle.
my warden’s a surana, so she grew up in the circle as well. she didn’t like being cooped up in there for so long, never able to go out, though she does love learning magic and studying it. she didn’t want it to be mandatory because it’s not fair to her to force all mages to be taken away as children and isolated from society. she believes there should be specialized schools to study magic but where you can still see your family and are able to go out into civilized society.
surana did receieve the quest and she helped murder marjolaine. marjolaine had already sent assassins after leliana; she needed to be stopped and marjolaine would never stop. leliana would’ve had to spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder otherwise.
she was only a tiny bit cautious as it was a stranger, but being a mage, she felt a natural kindred to morrigan and didn’t hesitate to believe her when the other recruits and alistair were sure she was going to kill them all.
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hexalt · 7 years
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my grey warden: rinaya surana
taken as a young child from her parents and sent to the circle, she was recruited soon after her harrowing by duncan of the grey wardens. after the battle at ostagar, she forged alliances with the dalish elves, circle of magi, templars, dwarves, and legion of the dead in order to fight the blight. a strong leader who always had an ear to lend, she was trusted and respected by her companions. she was renowned for her silver tongue, able to persuade anyone of anything. she was a shapeshifter and arcane warrior with a penchant for setting her weapons on fire and draining the life out of her enemies. she slayed the archdemon and was thereafter named the hero of ferelden and became the first elf mage queen alongside king alistair theirin.
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hexalt · 7 years
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surana / hawke / lavellan
this doll maker is seriously perfect for DA
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hexalt · 7 years
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my grey warden: rinaya surana
taken as a young child from her parents and sent to the circle, she was recruited soon after her harrowing by duncan of the grey wardens. after the battle at ostagar, she forged alliances with the dalish elves, circle of magi, templars, dwarves, and legion of the dead in order to fight the blight. a strong leader who always had an ear to lend, she was trusted and respected by her companions. she was renowned for her silver tongue, able to persuade anyone of anything. she was a shapeshifter and arcane warrior with a penchant for setting her weapons on fire and draining the life out of her enemies. she slayed the archdemon and was thereafter named the hero of ferelden and became the first elf mage queen alongside king alistair theirin.
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