#rinea fire emblem technically
candymoonstuff · 5 months
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Look at my children
"Althea you didn't screenshot when you summoned them?"
Shush. Look at my children... aside from the literal gods and vessels (not possessed Robin tho is </3)
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benisasoftboi · 3 years
So did everyone complaining about Fallen Dimitri supposedly not fitting the theme just forget about Berkut or?
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crystalelemental · 4 years
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So yeah, welcome to another “Fuck this Abyssal map” rant.  This one sucked.  A lot.  In fact this might have been the highest number of attempts, combined with the highest number of “Okay this team isn’t going to work” responses of anything I’ve done.  Which is terrifying, when you get down to it.
First, the team.  Please welcome Legendary Edelgard and Fallen Julia to their debut as Abyssal Champions.  Legendary Edelgard is absolutely, 100% the MVP here.  Not just for handling Mila, but for handling both the entire left side of the map, and being the one to finally put that fucking asshole Ninja in the ground.  Fallen Julia was also spectacular, but frankly met her match in said Ninja, who shouldn’t have been able to kill her under normal circumstances but could because The Cleaner is a bullshit weapon.
Now let’s talk about why this map sucks.  Mila is not offensive, she’s pure support.  And that support makes this a nightmare.  Yes, I used a Dancer here.  I pretty much had to.  Now imagine that, if you’re not careful with said dancer, Mila’s just going to shut them down next turn.  Have fun with that.  Oh but there’s more!  Her weapon effect gives an in-combat buff to all allies.  I initially thought +2 across the board wasn’t that much, but holy shit did it make all the difference in the world for some of these bastardous enemies.
Firesweep Bow flier and Green Mage both had really high speed, but my Celica has 50 and Swift Sparrow 3.  Surely she can double, right?  Wrong.  Because of Mila’s support and their naturally bonkers speed stats.  Only Fallen Julia could handle them at all, thanks to guaranteed follow-ups.  So get ready for the day they realize that’s too easy an answer and start slapping Null Follow-Up on shit like this.  Also special shoutouts to that fucking green mage.  Attack/Speed Form and Lull Speed/Res.  What an absolute fucking bastard.
There’s a healer, who normally shouldn’t be that bad, right?  Except they pack Speed and Attack Ploy.  And the map is a hallway.  So anyone trying to deal with stuff coming down the middle has to (1) deal with Mila shutting down their support or ability to be supported, and (2) deal with this asshole slowing you down and reducing damage output so you’re easily doubled by the bastards listed above.  Their weapon is Absorb, which frankly is a lot more kind than it could’ve been.  Not as strong outright as most other weapons of choice, and no horrific effects like Panic, Flash, or Melancholy.  So I guess that’s a mercy.
While nowhere near as bad, the Brave Lance infantry dude with Reposition can go fuck himself.  The Brave effect meant I had to find a way to KO him, the blue wyvern reinforcement, AND the red dragon, all in the same turn, without keeping anyone in range of the red ninja, or someone would die.  You would not believe how long it took to figure out a solution to that.
Speaking of, the crown jewel of bullshit is, once again, like every other fucking Abyssal map, the goddamn ninja.  I hate Ninjas.  These fucks were a mistake.  Thanks for adding them, Fates, glad we have to deal with this shit.  Honestly, what the hell is this supposed to be?  50 speed.  The Cleaner to punish buffs.  77HP and great defenses for a “frail” unit.  Basically immune to magical damage, so even Fallen Julia getting her double and not dying in one hit isn’t enough to finish him.  It’s obscene.  Every goddamn map, it’s always these fucking ninja ruining my life.  Eventually I found a way to position Edelgard such that she could still keep her two movement, tear through the healer, then Galeforce on the Ninja to net the KO.  With only Mila and the red armor left, I had to set Edelgard near Rinea but not adjacent, and took only 3 damage from Mila.  If we didn’t have Rinea, Edelgard would not have been able to finish the job, and would’ve died to Mila.  Which means Rinea is actually a critical dancer for this solution!  No one else could’ve done this.
Add to all of this, that my best Galeforce and guaranteed follow up units were Edelgard and Fallen Julia, two units who cannot be near allies, and this map was a whole-ass disaster.  They had to split up, Edelgard taking the left and F!Julia the right, while Celica and Rinea tried to manage the middle.  It was such a mess.  This map is hard as hell, and the fact that PM1 took the second longest time to find a solution to this one (second only to L!Eliwood) does not surprise me in the slightest.  I’m frankly impressed he pulled it off at all.  I just...goddamn.  Please let the next Abyssal be a breather.  Please.  I need it.
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kiryma · 5 years
I just felt compelled to redraw this scene from Witch’s Heart but with Shadows of Valentia characters.
Scene is from the Unknown Past, Dorothy’s Secret conclusion and the music is from the game as well.
Edit: The image quality is actually atrocious, thanks tumblr.
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balladofmae · 3 years
fire emblem smile
I haven’t actually fixated on fire emblem for a while but I can and will overshare about the characters I love :]
Blorbo - favorite character, character I think about the most
Mercedes von Maritz!!! I love her so much, she’s been through so much stuff and still came out kind and loving and honestly that’s such a nice thing
Scrunkly - my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped
GENNY!!!!! She is so littol and she’s fluffy and I would kill multiple men for her even though I am fully aware that she probably wouldn’t need me too bcus she is That Powerful. Also maybe Veronica a little bit. I e had character development and she’s my daughter now actually
Scrimblo bimblo - underrated/underappreciated fave
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester frfr. Aeneas got me on the Lorenz hype train a few months ago and now he’s like, one of my favorites of all time. He’s such an interesting character and people don’t like him because he’s not conventionally attractive or they don’t bother to look at any supports past his first one >:/
Glup shitto - obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week
Uhhhh honestly I don’t have too many of these types of characters for fe, so I guess my first choice would be Rinea. She’s not a background character or anything but she really just does not have a lot of screen time. I would kiss her under the moonlight tho not gonna lie
Poor little meow meow - problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave
I guess Lorenz would fit under here as well since he’s not very popular with the fandom, but I’d rather have an actually problematic fave so I guess Camilla or Berkut? For two totally different reasons though. Berkut is such a well written character who is popular with the fandom, but he IS technically a war criminal. Camilla on the other hand, is not written well whatsoever and done dirty by writers and artists for the game a LOT, so…. Holds her like cup
Horse plinko - character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason
Mmmmmm probably Dimitri? Idk he’s the most angsty and as my blorbo-in-law I tend to go with whatever Jess goes with. Even then tho I don’t really like tormenting him, there aren’t really any fire emblem characters I do like to torment. Mainly just ocs
Eeby deeby - character I would send to superhell
Valter 💕
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moonlitscent · 7 years
1, 8 - video games, and 16!
1 - the meaning behind my URLit’s the name of a character from fire emblem: echoes!! well ok technically her name is just rinea but that was taken lmao
8 - top 5 video games1. bloodborne2. ffxv3. persona 54. stardew valley5. tloz: majora’s mask16 - favorite movieAH omg ok this is hard... donnie darko, maybe? i’ve seen it like 1,000,000 times and can recite that bitch like a pro. either that or the great gatsby! (these r super basic, i kno)
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