#rinko sensei is everyone's favorite sensei
siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
*Sneak Peek* The New Normal (From Now Until Forever - Another Level Epilogue)
Here's a peek at one of our returning characters 👀
Luckily, there had been quite a few familiar faces she hadn’t seen in a long time, too. Unfortunately, she’d forgotten how they liked to greet her. 
Hearing “Rinko-sensei!” being yelled from across the room was the only warning she received before she was lifted off her feet and spun around in a tight embrace. Her loud yelp drew a laugh from them as they set her down.
Shizimu Hiroki grinned down at her when she turned, his eyes crinkling at the corners when she smiled back.
“Good to see you too, kid,” Rinko whispered, her throat threatening to close as he hugged her again. “Glad you’re here.”
He’d volunteered to transfer to Tokyo since there was a higher demand, and she’d never been more relieved to see a familiar name—one of her few Kyoto Tech kids who had lived this long. He looked so different from the boy who had clung to her, sobbing into her shoulder as he mourned the loss of one of his best friends.
idk if anyone remembers Hiroki, but he and Katou Misaki were in Touma's class at Kyoto Tech. They're both still Grade 1 sorcerers. When I said obscure, I meant obscure lol.
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nextgentaimanins · 4 years
Sakura’s Birthday
Today was the birthday of one of their teachers of Gosha Academy, the one known as Sakura Igawa who is the younger sister of the headmaster and Strongest Taimanin, Asagi Igawa. Each of the three got her a small gift, Yukikaze got her a replica Ninjato from some anime she saw on TV, Rinko made her some fresh sweets as it may not be much from an ordinary person but Rinko’s sweets are top-notch and Tatsurou got Sakura a visual novel that recently came out. Once the three were ready they went to visit Sakura who ‘voluntarily‘ was doing paperwork in her main classroom until three students entered.
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With a smile, Sakura addresses the three younger Taimanin. “Oh, well if it isn’t Rinko-chan, Yuki, and Tatsurou-kun why are you three doing here so late?”
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Yukikaze being the aggressive one places down her gift first with an expression wondering if she would actually like what she got. “For you Sakura-sensei!”
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“A gift for me?!” Sakura said as she wasn’t expecting a gift from the students. She opens the box and looks at the Ninjato. “Oooh! I know the looks of this, it’s from one of my favorite animes!”
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“Thank you, Yuki~” She said with a bright smile and soon it was Rinko’s turn who places a plate of cookies on Sakura’s desk with an expression that seems embarrassed with the gift she had given her teacher as it was just so simple and made by her own two hands.
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“It’s not much Sakura-sensei as I was very busy training my students that I didn’t have much time to go out and do any shopping.”
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Sakura had soft tears watering up as she munches on one of those perfectly crafted cookies. “Rinko-chan’s cookies. . . I’m so touched! These are perfect like always Rinko-chan!”
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“Sakura-sensei, you’re being too kind.” Rinko said with an embarrassed smile not really confident in her own cooking and baking skills as she mainly does so for Yukikaze and Tatsurou. In all honestly, it was all part of her hobby that she has which was taking care of those two. Soon enough it was Tatsurou’s turn placing down his gift on Sakura’s desk. “I heard around that you like certain types of anime games and thought this may work for you Sakura-Sensei.”
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“Oh, what do we have here Tatsurou-kun? I wonder, I wonder~” Sakura effortlessly opens the gift and her eyes widen with excitement as if it was something she has been eyeing on.
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“Woah! I was going to buy this yesterday but onee-ch- I mean Asagi-sensei force me to go straight home! Now I can finally play it when I have some free time! How did you-” She stopped as she remembered when the Younger Akiyama used his wind arts to eavesdropped on her and her older sister. It was for a good reason but still!
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“Hey. . .Did you happen to eavesdrop on me again or something? To think the Little Heir of the Ittou-Ryou would stoop so low. . .” “E-EH?! N-No I. . . I didn’t eavesdropped I just happen to get this because it was the newest-”
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Without letting him explain himself or really listening to him she looks as pleased as ever. “Whatever! I can’t wait to play this and stay up all night long because-. . .” She gasped as she just remembered something very important.
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“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!!! TODAY’S MY BIRTHDAY!!! I COMPLETELY FORGOT BECAUSE OF THIS PAPERWORK THAT- ONEE-CHAN YOU CLEVER GIRL! YOU CAN’T FOOL ME!!” She spoke out so loud if anyone else was in the nearby classrooms they would hear their teacher yelling in her loud surprised tone. She quickly stood up and walked up to the three, giving each one a hug in appreciation for their gifts.
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“Thank you! Thank you! You three are great students and Rinko-chan being a dear friend as well! I better go. . . Onee-chan- I mean Asagi-sensei must be throwing me a surprise party! That has to be it. . . OH! OH! You three should come soon! Don’t be shy! Asagi-sensei and everyone who may be there would be delighted! I’ll see you three later! Bye-bye~!” and like that Sakura rushes out of the classroom determined to make it home just to think she’s going to get a surprise once she enters the house. All the while the three Taimanins were left speechless as their teacher just quickly leaves the room but hey. . . At least they made their teacher REALLY happy although they are a bit worried about what they unintentionally had done.
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Yukikaze has an embarrassed face that was mixed with worry. “Do you think we may have done something bad?”
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Rinko on the other hand kept a calm smile on her face, perhaps she was used to Sakura’s antics and personality.  “It’ll be fine although I do suggest we make a visit just in case. It would make Sakura-sensei happy if we were there if the thought of a surprise birthday party becomes all for not. Tatsurou gave a simple nod as he looks upon the presents the Shadow Taimanin had forgotten in her excitement. “We have to bring those to her. . .” Rinko nods in response to her brother’s words as if the Akiyama Siblings were in sync although the Slashing Taimanin gives a suspicious look to her younger brother.
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“Tatsurou. . . What did Sakura-sensei mean when she said, “did you happen to eavesdrop on me again or something?“? Are you doing what I think you are doing with your wind arts?” “E-EEEH?! OF COURSE NOT!” Tatsurou took a stance as he looks at his older sister. “Rinko-ane I didn’t do anything! if she mentions that it must be when-” and like that Yukikaze cuts him off.
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“Tatsurou is being suspicious towards Sakura-sensei! How could you?! Do you have no shame?! Dirty!” She shouted at the Wind Taimanin with her usual aggressive tone. “I’m telling you! I have not she most likely be referencing to what I’ve already spoken to you both about! That’s it! You two have to believe me!” Tatsurou spoke with as much confidence he could muster up trying to prove his innocents. As for Sakura returning home, well. . . It may not have been a surprise birthday party when she entered the door but that was okay as there were people that were there to celebrate it with her. Her sister, Murasaki. . .That Asagi had to tell her to be good, and the three students that bought her gifts to the Igawa household making Sakura’s birthday actually pretty worth it and kept a smile on the Younger Igawa sister.
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Danball Senki Wars - Four Hearts United as One (Prince Animage 2013)
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Full scans can be found here.
Notes: I love DanSen Wars so much... I’m so glad Muraku’s name was said a lot! Anzai-san and Ryouta-san bickering is so funny... Hikaru looks like a girl, but his voice actress looks like a very beautiful boy. And Maeno-san is so mean to Rikuya! This interview was the most fun one I’ve ever translated. I LOVE MURAKU DANSEN WARS!
-Interview with Osaka Ryota (Arata), Ishizuka Sayori (Hikaru), Maeno Tomoaki (Haruki) and Anzai Chika (Sakuya)-
Sena Arata
He was instantly able to adjust to using his new LBX Dot Blastrizer, but his Overload ability seems to be uncontrollable? Arata seems to still have untapped potential.
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Questions for Ryouta-san!
Favorite character?
Mito-sensei. Because she called me by my name (laughs). Not ‘Sena Arata’; just ‘Arata’. I was really happy~ I’ve said since episode 1 that I like Mito-sensei. But I was surprised she’s actually 29. An adult!
Favorite LBX?
Of course I like my own, but appearance-wise I like Phantom. I really like that when it opens its arms, it gives the impression of wings.
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↑ Arata’s regular clothes (rough draft)
Hoshihara Hikaru
In order to cope with his WTSD, he took kendo classes. His kendo uniform really suited him.
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Questions for Ishizuka-san!
Favorite character?
Appearance-wise, I like Tadashi. He’s cool. And I like Bunta too. While everyone was watching the First Platoon’s battle strategy and laughing, he shouted ‘Stop laughing!’ and it made me think that he’s a really good kid.
Favorite LBX?
Kyouji-kun’s Gruxeon. I like that it gives off a bad-guy vibe!
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↑ Hikaru’s regular clothes, 3-year-old Hikaru, and Hikaru with his hair loose (rough drafts)
↓ Haruki’s regular clothes (rough draft)
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Questions for Maeno-san!
Favorite character?
I like Gendou. In episode 26, Haruki was paired up with Gendou and Hikaru was with Kaito, and Gendou gave Haruki some words of support. Since Kaito didn’t say anything to Hikaru, that contrast was very impressionable.
Favorite LBX?
Gruxeon. Its spear-shaped weapon is cool.
Hosono Sakuya
His top priority during battles is to support Arata and the others, but he also makes them amazing new battle armor and LBX.
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Questions for Anzai-san!
Favorite character?
From the start I’ve always liked Hikaru. I think it’s wonderful when he unties his hair while he sleeps! But I like Haruki too. He and Sakuya’s feelings are linked together. And Arata - well, I like his personality. (laughs) So I love the First Platoon.
Favorite LBX?
Siren. I like that it feels like a female ninja! Everyone in the Fourth Platoon uses a different colored one so they match. But now that Yuno’s using Arata’s old Dot Phaser it’s no longer an All Siren team…
Let’s Fight! Together We are the First Platoon!
Following up from our October issue, the cast of the First Platoon have come to talk with us. To begin, please tell us about the most memorable episode to you so far.
Ryouta: The one that got me the most fired up while we were recording - the battle in Death Forest with Muraku.
Arata went back alone to rescue Muraku.
Ryota: That was really intense - there story took a dramatic turn. In the end, Sakuya and the others came to help too - it was a victory achieved by everyone together! And on top of that, new fighting gear was made for us!
It felt like the distance between Muraku and Arata’s hearts has shrunk.
Ryota: It did. Muraku’s not really the type to talk a lot or explain things in detail, but he waited patiently for that idiot Arata to understand (laughs). I think Arata reminded Muraku about how you could ‘enjoy LBX battles’ instead of just fighting. So one day I’d love to see those two battle with each other - not during War Time - just enjoy normal, fun LBX battle.
Ishizuka: In Hikaru’s case, the story about his relationship with his father in episode 13 makes you think a lot about him, but also the episode before that - the scene in episode 12 where he screams at Arata. When I read the script I felt like, the time has finally come! Hikaru vented his feelings of frustration and his endless worries to Arata for the first time. I realised that this was a very important scene. In contrast to those scenes, I also like episode 16 - the episode where Takeru appears - when everyone is chuckling at Arata.
Anzai: Oh, when Arata was asked for his autograph!
Ishizuki: Yeah! Even Haruki laughed along with everyone else - the First Platoon are different now. So I really like the episodes continuing on from episode 13. I could feel the First Platoon’s bond getting stronger.
Maeno: About Haruki, since he’s always overlooking their strategies as a whole, the scene where he had to stop Arata and Hikaru from rushing onto the battlefield was very memorable. Arata’s so reckless that I’ve said ‘Stop it, Arata!’ too many times to count.
*All laugh*
Maeno: I actually said it during today’s recording too!
Ryota: But Haruki is unexpectedly okay with getting on board with Arata’s battle strategies~
Maeno: He is (laughs). Like their Formation Attack.
Ryouta: And the drift ice battle strategy.
There was also the strategy where they made the water tower fall over. Arata’s an idea man.
Ryouta: That had a high probability of working out! Fair play to the First Platoon for going along with Arata’s crazy strategies! (laughs)
Maeno: Arata sometimes says things that make sense. Although it can be difficult to get his ideas to work out in real life!
Anzai: For Sakuya it was episode 10. I was so happy when he was the person who won the most silver credits. Mechanics are recognised for their achievements too. I thought ‘I’m glad you got by on your budget up until today, Sakuya!’. And episode 10 was also a little bit romantic - he was nervous about meeting Rinko. Hyo-chan who plays Rinko was also nervous while she was standing in front of the mike, so the moment we finished recording and our eyes met we breathed a huge sigh of relief, phew! (laughs)
Rinko doesn’t think about Sakuya in that way.
Anzai: I don’t think she does. Thanks to Arata getting carried away Sakuya got the wrong idea…
Ryouta: Hey, don’t blame me~!
Anzai: But it’s true! You said things like, she’s going to confess her love to you!
Ryouta: But Sakuya’s the one who got carried away with that, wasn’t he?
Anzai: What were you doing looking at my phone anyway?!
Ryouta: You looked busy with your work so I was doing you a favor by reading the message to you!
When Arata picked up Sakuya’s CCM, the message was already on-screen. (laughs)
Anzai: Hikaru from episode 13 was also very memorable to me. Hikaru pushed himself to the limit, and Arata and Haruki were like, what’s going on? But Sakuya was quietly whispering his name, Hikaru… But in the second half of the battle when he saw Hikaru wasn’t really acting like himself, Sakuya said that to him. ‘This isn’t like you!’ Then he said something like, ‘It’s BECAUSE all four of us have our own roles that we can win!’
Ryouta: I thought so too! Sakuya’s words pierced Hikaru’s heart. When Hikaru was told ‘All four of us together are the First Platoon!’ he snapped out of it. I cried.
Anzai: Sayori-san’s Hikaru is just wonderful; I really feel for him. I tried my best to give it my all in that scene too. Everything that’s happened up until now, how Sakuya looks out for everyone and how everyone is watching over them - the conversation during that scene was full of that.
Ishizuka: Sakuya’s a really good kid. He has a lot of friends too.
Anzai: He’s good at communicating, so he can get along with a lot of people. There was a scene where Haruki hadn’t eaten anything so he gave him some bread too. (laughs)
Maeno: Oh, there was! (laughs)
Anzai: Since the First Platoon used to be just Haruki and Sakuya for a while, I think those two can read each other very well. When Haruki gets mad at Arata, Sakuya can calm him down. I really think the First Platoon is like a family.
We’d like to ask about characters outside of the First Platoon. If all of you could join a different platoon, which would you pick?
Maeno: Anywhere is good, as long as it’s not the Third Platoon.
*All laugh*
Ryouta: No way are we gonna be on the same team as the Ally Killer! (laughs) Maybe Gendou’s team? Gendou’s really cool!
Anzai: Gendou is the Dad of Jenock! I think I’d maybe pick Gregory from Rossius’ team? He has his own background music (laughs) - that looks fun.
Ishizuka: I wanna join the Girls Only team - the Fourth Platoon. Since I think Hikaru wouldn’t get involved in romantic relationships, he could just chat away with the girls.
Hikaru doesn’t seem to have much interest in girls. (Translator’s Notes: Hikaru confirmed gay)
Ishizuka: Right? He really doesn’t interact with the girls at all. To the point where Yuno asked him, ‘Hikaru, are you okay?’.
Next, if your character could make their own personal dream team, what members would they pick?
Anzai: I want Sakuya to be with the other mechanic kids. I wanna make a Super Mechanic Team!
Ryouta: But then you can’t attack!
*All laugh*
Anzai: Yeah, we’d probably die straight away. (bitter laugh) That’s fine - our purpose is to help support the players! The four mechanics are really good friends, so I think they could read L Tech together while chatting!
Ryouta: So basically they just pat each other on the back?
Anzai: Hey! They also help everyone use their LBX!
Ryouta: They watch over everyone from above (laughs).
Anzai: I’ll work hard together with Takeru, Rinko and Kageto~
Ishizuka: You won’t include Bunta? Even though he’s such good friends with Sakuya (laughs).
Anzai: I picked all the cute kids (laughs).
Ryouta: Okay, then I’m going to make a player only team, and replace Sakuya with Muraku. Since I don’t want to take out Hikaru or Haruki.
Anzai: Ouch, that hurt!
Ryouta: Well, that’s my dream team.
*All laugh*
If you do that, there will be two leader-types in the group.
Ryouta: I think instead of giving others orders, Muraku’s the type to make his own movements. So when they start to attack, Muraku can be third. Like - Arata, Hikaru, Muraku and then Haruki.
Anzai: Afterwards, all that’s left will be the fragments of LOST LBX after their fight against the Devil’s Platoon. (laughs)
Ryouta: It’s alright! Arata only destroyed everything once.
Maeno: For Haruki, I think a team of all the platoon leaders would be good. Catherine, Gendou and Kaito. I won’t include Rikuya.
*All laugh*
Please be nicer to Rikuya!
Maeno: But he would be a burden! (laughs) We’d have to just protect him all the time.
Ryouta: I think anyone would feel safe with those four people. Gendou-san seems like he’ll unite the team together.
Ishizuka: I wonder who Hikaru would pick? He’s a kid who doesn’t talk much, so Hikaru and Tadashi, with Muraku as their platoon leader and Kyoka as their mechanic. A bunch of silent people would make an interesting team. But I think they’d fight well together!
Finally, please leave a message for the fans about what you’d like to see happen in the story next.
Maeno: How about an episode where the spotlight is on Haruki?
Anzai: Speaking of which, where is Haruki living at the moment?
Maeno: Haruki’s room hasn’t appeared in the anime yet at all. Even though Sakuya’s room frequently appears.
Perhaps his roommate’s bed is still empty from when his former teammates became lost?
Maeno: That could be it. Since Haruki’s room might appear soon I’ll look forward to it.
Ishizuka: I’d love to see a school festival. Everyone could sing in a chorus or something.
Anzai: I wanna see that!! And I want to know more about what happens in the shopping street. The test of courage was fun too, but I want to see a normal battle with the D Cube.
Ishizuka: Then, a trip or something? I want to see an episode away from the battles. Episode 24 was about Catherine, but it’s a shame Hikaru wasn’t aware of it or participate in it. I want to see Hikaru enjoy himself doing something fun.
Anzai: That would be great. And the world tournament Artemis is still ongoing, isn’t it?
It’s still ongoing, but it hasn’t appeared in the anime.
Maeno: If they get expelled they can leave the island. If they all become LOST?
Anzai: NO WAY! Oh, I want Sakuya to one day shout a hissatsu function. And I’d like to see more about the countries outside of Jenock. Like Rossius or Porton.
Ryouta: Yeah. It seems like the spotlight is being given to a lot of different characters, so I think I too would like to know more about everyone. And since we all have new LBX now, I think there are a lot of intense battles in store, so please look forward to them!
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Bookshelf Briefs 10/23/18
DAYS, Vol. 10 | By Tsuyoshi Yasuda | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Seiseki has advanced to the finals of the Tokyo tournament, where they’re up against Toin, the reigning champions. Before the game actually begins, we get a rather neat sequence in which Ubukata, who hasn’t given anything her all in years, works diligently to gain intel on Toin and develop a strategy for Seiseki. Yasuda-sensei does a great job ramping up the tension for the big game, and it’s great to see Tsukamoto’s training beginning to pay off. Now, not only can he steal a ball, he can evade a skilled defender and take a shot. His first attempt fails, and the volume ends just as he gets another, but it’s still very satisfying. I realize the protagonist’s gradual evolution in skill is the point of every sports manga, but I wholeheartedly appreciate it every time just the same. – Michelle Smith
Kuroko’s Basketball, Vols. 27-28 | By Tadatoshi Fujimaki | Viz Media – Another “darkest before the dawn” volume, this second to last omnibus of Kuroko’s Basketball can be rather heavy going, as it involves a lot of finding out things don’t work and then trying new things that also don’t work. As with a lot of sports manga, there is a whole hell of a lot of “that’s it, there’s no way they can come back,” with faces looking like it’s a literal death sentence. (Which it feels like, because sports.) Fortunately, we’re seeing that Seirin are at least keeping it from being a total blowout. And trying to be a Kuroko is harder than it looks, too. Next time’s the finale. Will our heroes win? It’s not always certain in Japanese sports manga. We shall see. – Sean Gaffney
My Hero Academia, Vol. 15 | By Kohei Horikoshi | Viz Media – Midoriya now has his internship, but it’s running him ragged, and he’s in danger of losing it. Before that, though, there’s a young girl that needs to be saved, one who seems to have a mysterious quirk that Overhaul is using. We thus get together several groups of heroes and interns, including Uraraka, Tsuyu and Kirishima, to try to rescue her. Unfortunately, that mostly means this volume is all setup and not much payoff. It is pretty nice if you’re a Kirishima fan, and he does really well here. I think the main issue with this volume is that everyone’s so down— Midoriya’s depressed the whole book, and Nighteye is moaning about his quirk as well. I suspect next volume will be ALL ACTION, which will help. – Sean Gaffney
Precarious Woman Executive Miss Black General, Vol. 2 | By jin | Seven Seas – This continues to give me exactly what I want from a title like this—lots of laughs. Our heroine is settling down a bit, but that’s only compared to the first volume—she’s still thinking up various ways to get closer to Braveman and is not going to let anything stop her. We also meet a few more heroes, who unfortunately find that just because the Black General is a comedy goofball does not mean she’s not dangerous, and they are brought down to size very quickly. The best chapters involve her infiltrating the Hero League to become Braveman’s sidekick—but her idea of “heroism” is as suspect as you’d expect. This has become a fast favorite of mine, as it puts a big grin on my face. – Sean Gaffney
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Vol. 3 | By Kagiji Kumanomata | Viz Media – Our favorite princess continues to barrel through her problems like a berserker, leaving mayhem and chaos in her wake—and, of course, amusement for the reader. She’s gotten a nice windowpane for her room, as well as a kotatsu and woolen underwear, as the season is changing to winter. In fact, Christmas is here. Fortunately, the manga is self-aware enough to know that the Princess is, if not completely evil, at least utterly amoral, and so she gets the equivalent of coal in her stocking. That’s not changing her ways at all, though, and she even goes outside the castle to try sleeping and tormenting in the fresh air. As long as you don’t care about lack of consequences, this is still hilarious. – Sean Gaffney
Takane & Hana, Vol. 5 | By Yuki Shiwasu | Viz Media – The culture festival concludes this volume, but really it’s all about the latter half of the book, as we’re introduced to Rino, a former underclassman of Takane’s who is harboring feelings for him, and she’s not all that fond of Hana. This culminates in a Christmas party the main cast is going to, where we discover Rino’s secret and her actual relationship with Takane. It’s hard to discuss this without spoiling things, but I was very impressed with the way it was handled, which is shockingly modern and forward thinking for Japan. As for Takane and Hana, Rino’s appearance forces Hana to admit a few things to herself, but honestly what we mostly get is why I read this in the first place—Takane and Hana digging at each other constantly. – Sean Gaffney
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, Vol. 2 | By Akiko Higashimura | Kodansha Comics – Being a fan of Princess Jellyfish, it’s probably not much of a surprise that I would seek out more of Higashimura’s work. And so I happily found myself reading Tokyo Tarareba Girls, a manga series about the lives of three thirty-something women as they struggle to come to terms with the fact that they aren’t getting any younger. All three of them find themselves asking “what if” over and over as they contemplate past decisions and lost opportunities. Their friendship, along with their frequent nights out drinking, tend to see them through the worst of it. While the first volume of Tokyo Tarareba Girls primarily focused on Rinko and the ups and downs of her relationships, romantic and otherwise, the second volume turns to those of her best friends Kaori and Koyuki. Tokyo Tarareba Girls is a lively manga with humor that both highly entertains and cuts to the quick. – Ash Brown
The Water Dragon’s Bride, Vol. 7 | By Rei Toma | Viz Media – Well, Asahi isn’t quite back at the start of this volume, as I said last time, but she does end up returning to the fantasy world and her water god. This causes her a lot of anguish, as she sees how much her family suffered while she was gone, and is slowly bonding with her brother. But in the end she can’t resist returning to him, and just in time too, as there’s a drought in the land due to his depression of Asahi’s departure. Of course, all is not well going forward, as the new mini-villain snatches Asahi away and transports her to the equivalent of the underworld. I’m not sure that we’ll ever return to Asahi’s family, but I’m glad we saw them, even as I’m also pleased she returned to her grumpy tsundere god. – Sean Gaffney
The Water Dragon’s Bride, Vol. 7 | By Rei Toma | VIZ Media – I’ve enjoyed The Water Dragon’s Bride from the beginning, but the series has gotten even better in recent volumes. I think Toma-sensei is getting a little better at expressing everyone’s feelings now that the Water Dragon God is beginning to experience some of his own, so that Subaru ends up with some strong character moments of his own even though the bulk of the story is about Asahi’s time back at home and how much she misses the Water Dragon God. I seriously got verklempt when she impulsively decides to return (leaving her poor, adorable little brother behind) and the Water Dragon God simply cannot contain the strange emotion he finally identifies as joy. She has changed him for the better, and I very much look forward to seeing how the final three volumes in this story play out. – Michelle Smith
By: Ash Brown
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*Preview 2* Back At It Again (upcoming 'Another Level' installment)
Update: POSTED
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Her speed caught Maki off guard, the latter’s sword just barely rising to block in time. Clashing for just a moment, she broke free from their standoff and continued her assault, forcing them to stay on the defense.
It was a fight now, and she could see both of them lighting up as they kept going. As they exchanged blows, Rinko limited swapping whenever things got dicey. A laugh bubbled in her chest when she saw that Maki and Megumi were having fun. She could tell from the looks in their eyes.
Releasing a grunt when Megumi finally managed to knock her backward, she barely twisted under Maki’s swing at the last second. Working together, they forced her to keep retreating, and she just missed their subtle nod to each other.
Two swords were at her throat when she swapped, smirks on both their faces as she realized what they’d done.
“Stance is better,” she noted, nodding to Maki as the girl rolled her eyes.
You can read Another Level on AO3 💕
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*Preview* Back At It Again (upcoming 'Another Level' installment)
Update: POSTED
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“Tuna tuna.”
“Huh?” Yuuji asked.
His face fell when Toge just stared at him blankly as he watched Rinko’s double kick him in the back of the head.
“I don’t know what that means!” Yuuji exclaimed as he dodged another punch.
“It means,” Rinko said through her double, grinning when Yuuji looked startled. “That you need to pay better attention.”
Yuuji froze, his head turning to stare at Rinko and then her double, and then back. Toge’s leg came up and almost caught her double’s shoulder, but it dodged out of the way. He hissed in frustration as he turned to look at her.
“Caviar!” he called, scowling when she grinned as her double continued fighting Yuuji. “Tuna mayo.”
“I am not cheating,” she called back, laughing when he rolled his eyes.
You can read Another Level on AO3 💕
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*Preview 3* No Matter How Sad the Ending (upcoming 'Another Level' installment)
Update: POSTED
“See those big guys?” Rinko asked the kids, pointing to the Special Grades. “Don’t go near them, but I want you to focus on those little guys while I take care of them. Keep them off my back while I focus on the Specials, got it?”
The three nodded immediately and she grinned, her arms wrapping around their shoulders.
“Let’s rain on their little parade, shall we?”
Read Another Level on AO3 :)
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siriuslysatorusimping · 9 months
Ok about your latest post: I can assure you your writing does do all of that!
When I first read your story, like the very first chapter, my head started doing backflips.
I tend to maladaptiv daydream a lot, and rinko kinda wormed her way into that! (So every time I hear a song, my mind will just go, "Can you imagine Rinko doing....")
Rinko was the first character I read about that was in a relationship with gojo that could take him on. Not the honored one, not the six eyes, him. It gives you a different perspective about the characters we know. So now we GET to know them threw someone else's eyes, weaknesses, quirks and all.
The first chapter is also the one I reread the most. You created a character that becomes a part of the readers and that we can identify with. (In all the AUs as well I may add)
So yeah, just wanted to let you know that:) (sorry that it's so long, kinda rambled there, sorry🙂)
Have a lovely day/night:)
It makes me SO HAPPY to know people reread Another Level and love Rinko and the others as much as I do 🥹 Her relationship with Megumi, especially as it's grown over the years, just makes my heart 🥺🥺 He went from "shE'S NOT MY MOM" to "She raised me." and I just wanna cry.
You especially don't have to apologize for rambling when I don't know how not to rant 😅 SO THE REST OF THE BULLSHIT I HAVE TO SAY IS BELOW THE CUT
Something that I enjoyed so much about writing Another Level and Rinko was the humanity of it. I think about Hollow Echoes and how I realized how unfair and one-sided some people's expectations were of Gojo after how he treated Rinko when she went into his condo without asking that first time. Like, of course he shouldn't have spoken to her like that. But he's still human, and humans make mistakes. They act irrationally and let their emotions drive them even when they shouldn't. Even when they know they shouldn't.
I think anyone other than Rinko would have either completely written him off as an asshole or caved and said he hadn't done anything wrong. But she held him accountable while admitting she was wrong, and it's something I adore about these two. They communicate with each other. They call each other out for being stupid, and they trust each other enough to admit when they're wrong. Admitting you're wrong to someone takes a lot of trust that they won't take advantage of that admission or use it against you, and that's something that both Gojo and Rinko are used to from others. Gojo is used to people taking any little fuckup and holding it against him for years, but Rinko has never done that with him because she understands that it won't help or change anything. There's just something about the two of them that is inherently safe for them to be themselves to the fullest.
Not only that, but Rinko was a safe person for all of the kids. She never talked down to them or straight up tried to 'mom' them. Which is one thing they all appreciated. Almost all of those kids have problems with authority and shitty or absent parents, so they would not react well to someone who just imposed authority over them like a parent.
I've seen a lot of fics that have Megumi calling the reader/oc 'mom' super easily or being really affectionate with them, and I just don't feel like that fits Megumi's character at all. He's an emotionally constipated abandoned kid who has Zenin blood. A kid like him would not just start calling someone 'mom' if they started acting like his parent. Because kids like that: bitter, angry at the world, abandoned kids with issues as deep as Megumi's are typically not receptive to people who force themselves into a parental role. Just think about how he treated Tsumiki, who he clearly loves and respects, when she tried to get him to quit fighting. It's why Rinko literally called him 'a ball of rage' in Bullies. Because he is. And no amount of 'parenting' is going to make that go away.
Gojo never acts like his parent in canon. He acts like a legal guardian because that's what he is. He knows better than to try to actually parent him. So it's just kinda funny to me when people think that Megumi would be this really affectionate kid who loves to be snuggled or coddled, and would like or accept someone who appeared in his life and suddenly just started telling him what to do all the time as if they have the right to do so.
He appreciated Rinko because she didn't try to force herself into his life. To force him to listen or do what she said. She watched out for him, she worried about him, but she didn't impose herself on his life. She made it clear she cared about him and would be there if he ever needed her, and she let him know that she understood his anger. Just like how her mother did. But again, she made it clear from the beginning that she wasn't trying to be his mom. And even now, if anyone asked her, she wouldn't say she is. She'd say he's her kid, but she would never just say she's his mom. And she'd turn bright red if Megumi ever actually called her that, which he wouldn't. He'll transition to calling her Rinko instead of Rinko-san, but he'll never call her mom.
It's also similar to how Rinko was when Maki ran away, she told her what she thought, but she knew she couldn't tell her what to do or think or feel. Because, just like Megumi, she understands their anger. She knows where they're coming from. She's felt the exact same anger they have and she just wants them to have someone who lets them know there's someone who cares about them no matter what, and it's okay to be angry because they have been given a shitty hand in life.
With all the kids, Rinko never treated them like dumb kids. She never spoke down to them or tried to 'give them wise advice.' She offered her opinion or thoughts and told them to do what they would with that and call her if they needed her. While she made it clear she knew they were kids, that never affected how she spoke to them. She spoke to them almost the exact same way she spoke to Shoko and Nanami and Gojo. And that was one reason all her students loved her so much.
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