riotrecordz · 2 months
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hi angels, please bare with us as we have another lengthy mod note to post. we genuinely cannot believe that we are having to address this again and so soon after addressing it the first time, but we cannot stress enough how important it is to keep the same alias across all of your muses as this helps us keep an accurate count of how many writers are in the group. it is one thing to forget the alias you used and have to use a new one, it is another to purposefully use another alias to hide your identity from us. there is no muse cap and has not been from the beginning because we understand people will have muse for multiple people and we want you to have that creative freedom! the only thing we have asked was for you to remain active on all of your charas and most recently asked that you not play closely related muses. we take member comfortability very seriously here so another thing we do not take lightly is using a different alias to hide your identity from fellow writers. with a group that has fluctuated around 100 members at a time, we know there are going to be some people who clash, but to hide behind a false identity to try and plot with someone who has made it clear they are uncomfortable is something we will not tolerate in riot. with that being said, please unfollow sabrina carpenter and waverly driver. we are a very lenient mod team and we want our members to have fun and enjoy their home that they have made within riot records but we cannot do that if simple rules are being disrespected. please interact with this post in any way so we know it has been read. --mod connell & mod marianne
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riotrecordz · 12 days
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hey riot! how was your weekend? we hope it was a good one. we just wanted to use this as a quick opportunity to check in and remind y'all that under no circumstances is it okay send each other anonymous hate of any kind. we're a small group—bandom as a whole is small and we've been lucky enough to last 5 months as a relatively drama free, comfortable place to write. we want to keep this going as long as we possibly can and one of the only ways that we can is by ensuring that y'all are nice to each other. we know that it's impossible to ask that everyone gets along because of the sheer amount of differing personalities and opinions in an online space like this one, but we don't think it's too much to ask to refrain from sending each other unsolicited messages that make riot unpleasant or uncomfortable to login to, especially when it comes to blurring the lines between fiction and reality. in this case: the company someone may keep, regardless of political alignment, doesn't always translate to in-game actions—meaning, just because a character may be hanging out with someone with controversial political opinions in the real world, doesn't mean that the writer playing that muse is condoning that company by opting into those same actions in the game. to send someone anonymous hate for that is just out of the question for us. at the same time, there's a line separating what we can and cannot risk in the group and unfortunately, taylor swift's ignorance is just one of those things. after speaking with their writer, they agree with us. we will be posting an unfollow for her shortly and we will be adding her to the banned list after doing so. moving forward, we want to stress how we'd much rather you come talk to us about anything making y'all uncomfortable and we come to an agreement together on how to handle said thing than risk the group becoming an uncomfortable place when our community is already so small. if you guys have any questions or concerns, please come to us off-anon and we'll gladly talk about whatever's on your mind. we just can't tolerate bullying of any kind. if you've read this far, please toss this post a like. we love y'all and we're genuinely dedicated to making this group a comfortable place for as long as we can. thank you for helping us do that.
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riotrecordz · 2 months
happy august, riot! this is connell, i just wanted to drop in really quick to give y'all a few little announcements for the new month. marianne and i are going to start working on another group wide event, since it's been a while since we've had a proper getaway. we're thinking destination getaway this time, something island and tropical and luxurious compared to last time's frolick in lake tahoe cabins to celebrate the looming end of summer. as we start to put the event together, we wanted to put out general feelers for your thoughts on being put in assigned hotel/resort accommodations and the possibility of separate group chats monitored by click bites, broken up by each hotel/resort room? i know for lake tahoe, we did assigned cabins—but we'd like to know if you guys vibed with that, or if you vibe with the idea of group chats to promote interaction, inclusivity, and plotting during the group trip. let us know your thoughts in the notes or in our inbox, there's quite literally no wrong answer. we just wanna make sure you guys get the most out of these group events. aside from that, we're thinking it's time for another developmental task or group game. we're torn between a playlist game similar to the pinterest game where you create a playlist, post it for everyone on the dash, and then we play a game to better pick apart each other's playlists and the muses/ideas behind them or a dash game like truth or dare or a numbers game with a wide range of silly questions and deep, personal questions. we played numbers games pretty consistently at the start of the group and with such a huge change over in new members joining our established ones, we figure it's time for another chance to get to know each other better. we plan to do both at some point, but what do you guys want first? playlist or numbers? i'll include a poll at the end of this post for you guys to chime in at. that's all we have for now! if you have any questions, requests, or reservations...you know where to send 'em!
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riotrecordz · 2 months
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hi again, riot! two announcements in one day feels pretty crazy, but we've just been clocked in and making moves behind the scenes all day. to follow up on this previous mod note, we would just like to point out some new rules that have found their way into our existing set. as we said before, these are just expansions put in place to ensure riot continues to grow properly and comfortably for all. the first expansion has to do with how many muses a writer can take on at once. we're continuing to honor our original policy of "no cap, ever" but we've added a few things to it. here's the new rule:
we have no cap on how many muses a writer may pick up, plus no waiting period on how long you have to wait between muses. however, we do have a few limits in place alongside this rule. we ask that you: 1. keep all of your muses equally active, 2. that you be conscious of not playing closely associated muses at the same time, 3. wait until your hiatus is over if you’re on hiatus and would like to apply for a new muse before doing so, and 4. understand that you may be denied a new muse if your existing ones have recently received a warning for rolehogging or bubble roleplaying.
the second rule change is just an expansion on rolehogging, bubble roleplaying, and our expectations moving forward.
reblogs, selfies, and plot calls do not count towards activity. original posts cannot be low effort (ie: someone who logs on, posts “good morning” or “hey”, and then disappears for the day) or they will count as rolehogging. our goal is a laid back environment, but like all things, there’s a line that separates laid back and doing the bare minimum to keep your role. a writer will receive three warnings for role hogging and/or bubble roleplaying, with their role ultimately being reopened on the third offense. a cool off period of 5 days will apply before being able to rejoin the group as any roles dropped under this rule. all rolehogging and bubble roleplay warnings will be issued privately, with the opportunity to discuss ways to improve between the mod team and the writer in question.
we will be operating under this new rule when we send out rolehogging/bubble roleplaying warnings this evening. some writers in the group will be receiving their second warning, however, due to our three chance system being newly implemented, we will be giving those second warning writers a free pass (or, technically, three warnings with their muse being reopened on the fourth warning). anyone receiving their first warning tonight will be held to the standard three chances. if anyone has any questions moving forward, please don't hesitate to ask us. we'd rather you ask if you have any uncertainties about whether or not you're meeting activity requirements than end up on either list because you were too shy or nervous to reach out to us. that's all for now! as always, thank you for understanding and sticking with us during these little changes. they really are just to ensure the group lasts as long as possible. if you've read this far, please toss this post a like so we know!
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riotrecordz · 2 months
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hi riot! we're going to keep this mod note short and simple but that does not diminish the severity of it. we have said it before but member comfortability is our top priority here at riot recordz and we genuinely mean that as mods. this group has lasted four months because of you all and we feel honored that you've chosen riot as your home for your muses. we understand that while we may be a large group, the bandom community in and of itself is still small and we understand that there are going to be writers who clash and don't get along. we will never tell you no to unfollowing/blocking someone, we just ask that you reach out to us prior to doing so that way we can be informed and monitor things if needed. that being said, we have to stress that the one thing we will never, ever, ever condone in this group is wishing harm on a writer, harassing a writer and claiming they are lying about things, being deceitful about your identity to maintain access to a writer that may have set boundaries, etc. these are all things that will result in an automatic ban from the group. we love you, we appreciate you, and we want to keep you all safe to the best of our abilities as mods. thank you for understanding and for sticking with us this long. x, mod connell & mod marianne
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riotrecordz · 3 months
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hi, riot! buckle in for us please, as this announcement is going to be on the more serious side. we'll preface this by saying that modding this group has genuinely been a joy. we're appreciative of all of you and all of the effort that you, as writers, have put in alongside us to make sure that the group thrives. nothing in bandom is ever perfect, but we do think we have a really nice balance going on in this group that the two of us care deeply about preserving. keeping that balance is a give and take. there's only so much we can do on our end as mods to ensure riot continues to be a long lasting place for all of us to be comfortably creative before you guys, as members, need to step in as well to help us maintain that standard. following the rules we've set in place is one hugely easy thing that you guys can do to help us upkeep a healthy, safe environment. we'd like to remind you all of a rule we just recently set:
we have no cap on how many muses a writer may pick up, plus no waiting period on how long you have to wait between muses. all we ask is that you keep all of your muses equally active and that you be conscious of not playing closely associated muses at the same time.
the bolded part, of course, being the most crucial part of that rule. we understand that it can be easy to feel like the world's your oyster in a group like this one, where we promote creative freedom and development and have no limit on the amount of muses you can write here, and deciding between muses can be difficult when you have so many that you love to play and some might naturally be closely associated with each other. however, we do think it should be common sense that pretending to be two different people in order to bypass a rule just isn't allowed. this kind of deception creates an uncomfortable environment and just isn't fair to our members who follow the rules and contribute to a healthy environment. moving forward, anyone caught lying about their identity in order to bypass any of our rules will be removed from the group and asked not to attempt to rejoin in the future.
that being said, please unfollow julien baker and phoebe bridgers. if you could like this post once you finish reading it as well, we'd greatly appreciate it. thank you for understanding.
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riotrecordz · 2 months
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happy four months, riot! as always, we'd like to start this note off with a huge and hefty thank you for sticking with us this long. we have just a few updates for you in order to keep things moving as smoothly as possible to continue ensuring the group's longevity. there's a couple of more serious things at the start of this note, but we'll end it on a fun note! recently, we received an anonymous asking about rules for writers who are on hiatus. while we decided that there were none because we think it's a little too overbearing to decide what someone can and can't do on hiatus, we've decided to add one minor rule to hiatuses: while on hiatus, the only thing we ask is that you hold off on applying for any new muses until after your hiatus ends. you're free to post as frequently or infrequently as you wish while on hiatus, but this is the one thing we ask that you save until after your hiatus is over. on top of this, we've decided to implement a rule regarding bubble roleplaying and rolehogging. as we move forward with keeping a closer eye on interaction and inclusivity, we're going to be a little more conscious of accepting applications from writers for new muses if their existing ones have recently received a warning for bubble roleplaying or rolehogging. we've been very adamant about riot being a laidback, comfortable environment for your muses as we're firm believers in creativity not being something that thrives in a strict environment and that's something that we'll always aim for, but riot can only thrive with constant effort being put towards interaction and bubble roleplaying and rolehogging are two things that go directly against that. we also believe in open and constant communication with you guys, so if you ever have any questions or concerns regarding activity, interaction, or bubble/rolehogging warnings, please reach out to us and we'll do our best to provide guidance. application denials are not permanent, of course, but we'll make a follow up announcement when we've updated the rules to reflect an official timeline on when to re-apply after a bubble/rolehogging application denial. now, onto the fun stuff. click bites officially has a tip line, which you can find here. up until now, we've mostly been using weekly games to deliver gossip and we've been wanting to get you guys more involved in keeping the blog updated and lively. we originally ran a poll asking how you'd like to be involved, and you all decided that a hybrid combination of a tip line and out of character one on one conversations would be the best way to do so...and we agree! so, we're rolling out the tip line first. using it is simple. fill out the form on the page out of character and we'll find a way to use it, whether it be in the form of blind items ( unfamiliar with blind items? check out deuxmoi or crazy days and nights for the best introduction to them ) or "spotted" style posts, similar again to the likes of deuxmoi or the iconic gossip girl. if you have any questions on how to use the tip line, please reach out and we'll do our best to answer whatever questions you have. we're excited for this and we want this to be a fun, interactive part of the group so please don't be shy with it. that's all we have for now! we can't wait for another month in the books with y'all. it's truly been a pleasure so far. thank you for helping us make riot your home. xo, connell and marianne
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riotrecordz · 3 months
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hi, riot! i want to start this note, from the jump, by stating that the group is not closing. however—the group is going to be undergoing a few changes. mod ken has unfortunately decided to step away from the group, leaving me as the sole mod. i am currently talking to someone that i think could be really good addition to the mod team, but if that falls through, i will be exploring the option of opening up applications for a second mod ( and a possible gossip mod, if the need for it is there ) because while i adore this group, i have too much going on to be able to run it by myself to the level of activity that you guys deserve. that being said, there may be a lull in activity on the main while i regroup and situate my possible new mod. i want it to be super clear that any dips are not reflective whatsoever on my dedication to the group. as long as there's interest in riot, whether it be from 2 people or 20 people, we'll be here. there will be pretty hefty unfollow post after this note and it will include some typically popular, highly sought after roles. in order to make things easier for myself and this brief period of transition, i will be adding some of those roles to the banned list temporarily. you'll receive updates from me once those roles come off of the banned list and also updates in real time on the mod team and what's happening there. in the meantime, be kind to each other. we'll talk more soon!
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riotrecordz · 3 months
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hi riot! i hope everyone has had a fun weekend!
this mod note will be lengthy but we have many updates for you all! firstly, we have implemented a new rule about playing muses that are closely related to each other (ie, artists who are close friends with your muse irl) and have asked that our members be conscious of this when they are bringing in new muses. that being said, we will now be removing julien baker, phoebe bridgers, and taylor swift from the banned list! additionally, as the poll results have shown the majority would like her banned, we will be adding gracie abrams to our banned list. secondly, we do have an activity check that will be posted later and we expect it to be a little jarring for some members. mod connell has been wanting to do an in depth activity check for a while but has been unable to do so. we love this group and we love that our members have made a home within riot and we want to keep this a thriving, happy place for all. as a reminder, our activity rules are below: reblogs, selfies, and plot calls do not count towards activity. original posts cannot be low effort (ie: someone who logs on, posts “good morning” or “hey”, and then disappears for the day) or they will count as rolehogging. our goal is a laid back environment, but like all things, there’s a line that separates laid back and doing the bare minimum to keep your role. finally, to piggyback off of the activity check, we want to make a gentle reminder to not bubble rp and to expand from your close friends. even something as simple as liking a post can help others feel they are not consistently being ignored and feel like they have no home here! we will be watching for this and will speak to you about this privately if it continues to be an issue. that's all for now! if you have read this far, please go ahead and like this post.
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riotrecordz · 3 months
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hi riot! we just wanted to drop in super quick with some small updates for y'all. yesterday our sweet new mod posted a brief little introduction for herself, but we want to use this as an opportunity to fully introduce her. moving forward, because we're both saps to our core, we'll be marianne and connell rather than barbie and ken. barbie's swapping over to connell, and our lovely new addition will be marianne. she's been a part of riot since day one and we truthfully could not be more excited to be teammates. that being said, if you haven't watched normal people on hulu yet...consider this your sign to finally do it, but make sure you have a box of tissues at the ready. the two of us are going to be hard at work over the next couple of days combing through the main blog to ensure that everything is as updated as possible, since it's been an incredible three months and almost 100 muses at any given time into us being open and some of our lists have fallen slightly into a state of disarray. so if you're poking around the main and you notice a page is shockingly empty or seems only half updated, worry not! that's just us making sure everything's all set on our end to continue giving you guys an organized, straight forward experience. some of you may also be receiving messages from us regarding your character labels, as we've noticed we unfortunately have a few duplicates. keep an eye on your inbox just in case, so we can get that sorted together. as for the muses added to the banned list, they're going to hang out there for a few more days until we're fully situated on our end. we may be active on the gossip blog this weekend as a treat for your patience during this period of transition as well, so make sure your side blogs are nice and updated for that. that's all for now, babies! happy wednesday!
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riotrecordz · 3 months
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hi riot! can you guys believe we're going on 3 whole months of this group being open? time really does fly. we couldn't be happier with the incredible group of talented, interactive writers that we have here, and we can't wait for another month with you all making riot our little online home away from home developing muses, crafting new plots, and stirring up some good ol' fashioned gossip fun. we recommend you get your bathing suits and surfboards ready for some more summer fun coming your way, wink wink nudge nudge. all that said, there's no better time to review some of the basic tenants this group is built on, so, just a couple lil' reminders to keep the group thriving and inclusive as possible. 1. a post or a selfie without notes is like a day without sunshine, and the last thing we want is for anyone to not feel appreciated when sharing their cute little faces/occurrences with the dash. remember to interact with all intros, selfies and posts on the dash, even if you have no prior connection to the muse. likes are fun, but interaction and replies are what any group really thrives off of. interaction is what it's all based on, right? 2. along those lines as well, we do know that as the group grows and some muses get more established, the more likely new muses are to get lost in invite jail. please make sure that you're checking it every once in a while to make sure you're open to new connections and interactions with those outside your established friendships. we have a connection-only application to foster built connections and make riot as interconnected and interactive as can be, so we ask you to please make sure you're checking your invites to make sure no one's getting left out! 3. finally, even though so far, we've been pretty lax when it comes to activity, rolehogging is not tolerated. as a reminder, rolehogging, as per our rules, is considered "reblogs, selfies, and plot calls do not count towards activity. original posts cannot be low effort (ie: someone who logs on, posts “good morning” or “hey”, and then disappears for the day) or they will count as rolehogging." we'll be looking to enforce this going forward to make sure we keep the dash as lively as possible and that we have people who are putting in the kind of effort and dedication into their muses as everyone else is. you guys set a gold standard, and we're real proud of that and wanna keep that going as long as possible! now that that's all said and done, we just truly wanna thank every single one of you for being so present and dedicated to this group. it means so much to us. it's been some of the warmest and most welcoming environment both of us mods have had the opportunity to be a part of in our years of bandom, and we're very thankful for the opportunity to give y'all a home for your muses. can't wait to keep row-row-rowing your boat forward, riot!
big love, barbie & ken
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riotrecordz · 4 months
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happy two months, riot! can you believe it's been two months already? we are over the moon with how things have gone so far and we owe it all to you guys, truly. you have made running this group a delight and we are so excited to continue to grow and flourish together. in order to keep things running as smoothly as possible, we've decided to update just a few of our rules based on some questions we've gotten and some things we've observed in our time open. this is a longer post than you may be used to from us, so it's going under a read more!
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regarding our selfie limit: we're still deciding not to include one in our rules, but we are adding some further clarification. we recommend sticking to one per week, but allow some leniency for special events or important announcements. as long as everyone in the group is getting equal ( or as close to equal as possible, taking things like timezones and hiatuses into account ) attention and everyone is posting consciously of each other, we are decidedly pro-selfie and don't feel like we need to have a strict once a week limit to uphold. refresher regarding activity and rolehogging: our rules state ❝ original posts cannot be low effort (ie: someone who logs on, posts “good morning” or “hey” and then disappears for the day) or they will count as rolehogging. ❞ we've been pretty laid back regarding this rule but as the group becomes more established and continues to hover between 95 - 100 muses at any given time, we're going to become slightly more strict in enforcing this. it feels crucial to reiterate that, in a group our current size, rolehogging also encompasses replying to posts as often as you can. we understand that this is a hobby and life can be busy, but even what may seem like a low effort reply to you can genuinely go such a long way in fostering an inclusive and interactive environment. we're not going to be stalking you guys to make sure you're replying to each and every post on the dash, but it is something we're going to be a little more aware of moving forward. regarding expanding the gossip blog: moving forward, we're going to roll out some fun little new features like blind items and sunday spotted posts similar to deuxmoi, but in order for these things to be a success, we need your input! would you rather...
option a: every once in a while ( ideally twice a month but it will vary ), we post on the gossip blog asking for a raise of hands on who would like us to reach out to them to gather information for blind items and spotted posts and we work together, ooc, to go over what your muse has been up to for the sake of specific clickbites material.
option b: we put together a form on the gossip blog for you guys to utilize and send in gossip material that you'd like for us to use as your own discretion.
option c: fuck it, both!
we're going to let this poll run for a week before we decide, so vote whenever you're able to! it'll help us greatly.
and finally, to wrap things up: we're going to start picking back up posting fun developmental tasks like the few we did in rock bottom. our iconic pinterest/mood board task is in the works and we hope to roll that out within the next few days, along with more details on our upcoming lake tahoe event so keep your eyes peeled for that. as always, we love y'all and are so appreciative of the effort you put in alongside us to make riot thrive. thank you for choosing us to be your home, we can't wait for another lovely month.
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riotrecordz · 6 months
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hi, sweeties! first things first: uh, can you believe we hit 60 muses just now? sixty. six zero. in...what, a weekend? we're so appreciative that you guys decided to give riot a chance. we know the semi-private concept is new to bandom, so we weren't really sure what to expect. blown away doesn't even begin to cover it. the level of interaction has been really incredible so far and the dash game last night seems to have been a major hit, which we are so glad about. we just really quickly wanted to make this post, of course, to thank y'all but also to just touch base on how the group will be operating moving forward. as you saw today, we posted a few plot calls—which, you guys have done a good job at interacting with so far. please keep that momentum up so that potential members feel welcome and able to join. if it helps, i want to reiterate that connections can be anything: past, present, or future. they can be as big and detailed as you'd like, or as simple as just these two muses are really good friends. aside from connections, on the 15th of every month, we'll be lifting the connection rule and allowing anyone to apply until the 17th. finally, we have our connections blog. this is going to serve as a hub for those who have specific plots they'd like filled. we'll post submissions as soon as we get them, and we'll tag them accordingly to gain traction. aside from that, we're working diligently behind the scenes and already planning out our first event that will take place next month and we are so excited to roll out the details for you once the time comes. as always, if y'all have any questions, concerns, or requests, our inbox is open and we'll be around for the rest of evening. enjoy the rest of your monday evening!
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riotrecordz · 1 month
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hi, riot! happy sunday, we hope y'all had a wonderful weekend. we just wanted to pop in really quick to address the elephant in the room. if there's no elephant and we just imagined it, well—we're gonna talk about it anyway. we're no strangers to the fact that our group size has reduced significantly in the last few weeks. there was a streak over the summer months where we hovered comfortably between 90 to 100 members and, as of right now, we stand in the mid 60s. that's a pretty noticeable drop. we also realize that we're starting to swing into back to school season where activity starts to fluctuate, as it typically does around this time as writers are starting a new semester and starting to have to balance education, work, and hobbies again. if you've noticed this too, we just want to use this post as a moment of reassurance that the group's not going anywhere. we have no intentions of closing just because we've dropped in size. we have no intentions of closing just because things may start to slow down with the time of year. running this group has been a joy and it's definitely something we're proud of. you, as writers, deserve a long lasting place to write. we've said it before, but we'll repeat it again: riot will remain open if we have 100 members or if we have 15 members. all we ask in return is that you guys continue to interact with each other and, more now than ever, branch out to people you may not have interacted with before. even the smallest interaction makes a difference! we're working on getting our next event out to you this week and we're excited for it, so keep your eyes peeled for that. in the meantime, if y'all have any juicy bits from charli's birthday party earlier in the month and rosie's birthday party from this weekend, don't forget that we have a tip line for click bites that we'd love for you to utilize. that's all for now! enjoy the rest of your sunday evening!
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riotrecordz · 2 months
good morning, riot! can you believe we're just days away from our 4 month anniversary? pretty crazy if you ask us. no activity check today, since most of you have posted within the last day or so and the rest of you are on hiatus. we'll pick back up on checks next week, but in the meantime please do us a solid and make sure you're on top of your interaction game. we will be following up on rolehogging and bubble playing with the next check and we'd love for that list to be as small as possible. we'll have a longer update for y'all on some fun group things ( hint: mod connell finally pulls through on the gossip blog additions that she ran a poll on two months ago and then abandoned ) for you on our official 4 month anniversary, but in the meantime—enjoy the kick off to maggie's birthday weekend! make sure those sideblogs are updated throughout it all!
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riotrecordz · 2 months
when everyone gets a chance can you please check to make sure clickbites is following your sideblog and if not, message us with the url? our numbers are off but we went through the masterlist and can't find where the disconnect is. thank you!
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