#rip Apros
evadingreallife · 2 years
Recap prima seconda terza quarta (quinta) serata:
• morandi sta andando forte apre tutte le porte fa jogging in sala mentre amadeus millanta una maratona musicale velocissima (qualcuno ci ha creduto? Io no)
• ariete e sangiovanni quello vero abbastanza underwhelming sorry
• will canta con un tale
• elodie frega una borsetta dalla platea SAPEVO CHE AVEVO FATTO BENE A SCEGLIERTI AL FANTASANREMO SII. Se ne va pure rifacendo le scale tutto per il fanta dajee
• la borsetta l'ha più ridata? Chi lo sa.
• Peppino? Peppino.
• breaking news ama fa coming out come uno swiffer sul palco dell'ariston
• comica effettivamente comica, miracolo
• il direttore d'orchestra di olly con un piccolo benji nel taschino aaaaaaaaaaaa🥹🥹
• lazza e morandi are besties, we get it
• ultimo in versione babysitter di eros che si scorda il testo rip
• tananai in his lesbian softboi era, biagio approved, 15k, oneshot, slow burn, music au
• chiara francini signorina cencini amo lei la sua borsetta il suo modo di fare le sue ALI le sue virtù tutto
• shari canta in corsivo bocciatissima
• arisa sul palco tipo addetto dello zoo che cerca con le unghie e con i denti di arginare grignani e farlo andare a tempo inutilmente.
• minutino serio
• CON LE MANI CON LE MANI CON LE MANI CIAO CIAO throwback thursday friday
• sketch dei poltronesofà e intanto tutti a cercare freneticamente su google se pure loro siano FRATELLI o se si possa prendere la route full homo visto che erano soli in un camerino chiuso su un sofà insieme
• j-ax l'altro 31 e fedez palesemente scappati dalla stessa gabbia dello zoo non so
• ovviamente giorgia e elisa cantano luce e la platea ascende improvvisamente al cielo come esseri superiori
• i coladimasplash infilano uno splashetto pure oggi nelle cover 🌊
• ah si il mio fandom-in-law si li conosco (pubblicità di mare fuori)
• i vestiti della signorina cencini sono i veri mvp della serata
• signorina cencini e gianni, 20k, fastburn, threesome, eventual marriage
• cugini di campagna falsettano in falsetto as is their due
• mengoni non era necessario infierire sugli altri dall'alto della tua classifica con il coro gospel e let it be a sta maniera suu
• the aria da diciottesimo in this crociera si sta davvero facendo sentire stasera (it's milano bangkok for me)
• gianmaria era pupo la prima sera e resta pupo pure oggi niente da fare
• niente mr rain insipido era e insipido rimane
• madame che canta de andré con l'autotune? In my sanremo? More likely than you think. No ma scherzi a parte a me è piaciuta stasera.
• rosa chemical & l'altra tizia living their best life with the matching extra lashes, the most on fleek eyeliner ever, one (1) tiny boot lick and sus objects in hand by rosa i see u 👀
• oh no oh god la rai ha fatto una pubblicità su benigni che parla di biblically accurate sex asdfghjkl
• i modà e le vibrazioni mi vibrano to sleep ma whisky è molto furbo risale la montagna la pioggia lo bagna ecc ecc morale ancora non andrò a dormire
• anna oxa resuscita l'unica canzone che potrebbe vagamente salvarla aka un'emozione da poco, ma il canto greco finale davvero non era necessario, giuro anna, come se avessi accettato guarda
• ore l'una meno dieci: sethu fa il gioco delle sedie con gente. I dont even know anymore a questo punto
• ah levante happened a una certa hmmm
• apro gli occhi e amadeus ha un grembiule. Sbatto le palpebre e qualcuno sta cantando di nuovo. Mhhh penso che io stia inziando ad accusare il sonno qui
• oddio sta cantando qualcuno ma non so chi è mamma non so chi è sono face blind i know l'ho capito non ne riconosco uno chi sei datemi un indizioo
• AH ERA LDA grazie ama non ci sarei mai arrivata da sola
• mara sattei la scambio troppo con sheri regà non è colpa mia non riconosco nessuno😭😭.
• intanto tutti smollano i fiori al primo che passa asap tipo patata bollente, pure dopo che abbiamo rotto a tutta la rai per farli dare a tutti, io boh
• Fiorello mood della vita stile hobo con la copertina di pile la cuffietta della spazzatura e il piumone indossabile tattico
• colla zio rivalutati. Perhaps, saliti.
• hhhhh monologo di mamma non pancina idk sonno sonno sonno
• uuuh classifica NO MA DAI GIORGIA SOLO QUARTA CON LUCE È UN FURTO REGA ok il mengonisweep ma giorgia almeno seconda doveva essere suuuu
• classifica parte 2 la vendetta: quella vera mengoni ultimo lazza mr rain giorgia
E niente buonanotte a tutti pure A CHI NON DOVREBBE STARE DOVE STA IN CLASSIFICA MA VBB notte
Tumblr media
Bonus: quota di mamme invocate in questa puntata: idk, uncountable
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chaosdancer · 1 year
Ehi musicista , immagino sei davvero troppo indaffarato per non avermi inviato neanche una foto per il Photober 🙃
Apro solo adesso Tumblr ma non ho tenuto conto della mole di studio per l'esame da 20 crediti di pianoforte rip
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If the “cs” in Csilla and Csaplar make a “ch” does that hold for the Csap family name too???
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coltellini · 3 years
comunque ogni tanto qui c'è chi cambia nickname o blog direttamente e non ci capisco più un cazzo e ci rimango male non ho più il tempo di prima di cercare di documentarmi che quando sono a lavoro tumblr lo apro pochissimo sono completamente assorbita arrivano le dodici dopo un battito di ciglia e quindi niente rip la mia vita online ora rebloggo uno di quei cosi con le domande solo per provare l'ebbrezza che rimanga ignorato
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mermaidemilystuff · 3 years
Il 95% delle volte che apro whatsapp non è perché mi è arrivato un qualche messaggio ma perché ho l'icona di fianco a quella di tumblr e sbaglio a toccare quella giusta rip
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teabreen · 6 years
moonbeam; chp 1: sunrise
the sunlight devours you, no mercy
- supernatural!nct x fem!reader
warning( this warning will be put in every chapter): polyamory, vampire/werewolf themes, some chapters involve smut, dom/sub relations, sub!reader, female!reader, dom!nct, some violence, blood, slight occult mentions, slight elements of horror, mentions of alcoholism and murder.
You moved to a new town in South-Korea. It was like this: quite petite, had a cozy feeling, small houses standing side by side.
The sky was mixed with a light blue and angelic violet. clouds losing their porcelain white and mixing thinly together. You smiled faintly at your mom, who was driving the car around the new neighborhood. When you left, it was sunrise.
The car stopped, plummeting you back to your reality as in front of you, stood a house with a soft beige roof, a peachy outline with lacy white curtains decorating the edges of the crystal clear windows. The house was surrounded with bushes with red velvet roses peeking out from them, you huddled out of the car and went to retrieve your bags.
As you looked around, you spotted two charismatic-looking young men. One had scarlet hair and a sharp face, his eyes were a deep brown and he sported an eyebrow slit. The other man looked younger, his hair was colored with the perfect nutmeg-and-sunlight mix, his features were delicate and his face was small yet godly, his eyes were the same chocolate brown that looked more delicate and light as the sun hit them slightly from the side. 
Strutting yourself into the house, you were slightly taken aback by how large it was from the inside. It had warm peachy and beige shades enveloping around it, draping the house with warmth. You sighed and went to what was supposed to your “ room “.
Climbing up the stairs, you acknowledge the view from the large window at the side, where the stairs ended in front of you. The hall stretched out in front of you and divided their ends into different rooms. Your mom told you yours was a door named “ 565.” You walked down and surely found a room with the exact numbers in the door. 
Entering your room, you were met with a ray of golden sunshine exploding in your eyes. Sighing, you plop your bag on your bed, hearing a faint thud.
“ What a day, what a day.” You repeat to yourself, not willing to unpack; probably doing it at another time. Probably at 12 at midnight when you’re delirious with exhaustion.
You don’t tell your mother that you’re leaving the house, she trusts you enough probably, you could go anywhere, as long as it was close. You took your bag with you. 
Exploring the outside, you walk up to the public streets. Tea shops, stores, bakeries, gift shops, and salons lined up each other on the street. They were close and binded.
Coming to the lake, you see people clustered into tight groups, cameras in their hands. You sighed, figuring it was just tourists.
As you walked more, you went to a street with more wealthy people in it. One particular house stood out. It was tall, dark, and almost palace-like. It had a garden of black roses in front of it, a large parking space that divided from two ends. There was a stone in front of it, reading APHRODITE. You assumed Aphrodite was the name of the mansion, more like the palace.
As the darkness envelopes the sky and the moon peeks out, you slowly walk. The streets were swallowed dark, only distant lamps seem to provide with little lamps. You hear footsteps scurrying behind you. You were too hazed to pay attention, but you walked faster, not looking back to waste time.
As they seem to get closer, the faster your legs move, trying to get away from whatever seemed too interested in following you.
Your head was too hazed to process, you now dunk into an alley, your face against the floor. You turn around and see a masculine figure, he was tall and his silhouette was illuminated slightly by the pale moonlight. You quickly stood to your feet, quickly grabbed your blue earbuds and wrapped them around his neck. He was surprised, yet quickly fought back, wasting no time and ripped the earbuds off of his neck. You stared back at the red and blue wires rising from each end. You glare at him, lunging at him. He pins you down and smirks at you. You feel his nails digging in at the skin under your collarbone and scratched them down, you yelp but are quickly silenced. His nails were sharp.
“ Can’t fight back now?” He taunts, you push your legs up to his stomach, extracting a gag from him. You stand up and he falls lower at his knees. You quickly grab your purse and make a run, only to be grabbed back down and put in a choke-hold. After desperate attempts to fight back, your vision slowly fades away. You see a red-haired man walk up to him, holding a bat. Hitting him with it, the man falls to the ground. The red-haired man quickly holds him down, leaning closer to his neck, burying himself in it. The man yelps, squirming into the red-haired man’s grasp. You wondered what in the actual Hell was going on, but didn’t bother, you were probably being saved.
After a few minutes, the man passes out and is thrown into the dark by the red-haired one. The red-haired one faces you, you recognize his eyebrow slit and eyes. It was the man you saw from when you first saw your house. You didn’t tell him, not wanting to look impolite and have him know you were staring.
He slowly trails himself into your path, concern sprouting from his eyes. “ Are you alright?” He asks. “ Did he hurt you?”. He reaches a hand out to you, you take it, having him help you up to your feet. “ My mom’s probably waiting for me.” You quickly say, going to your purse and quickly reaching for your phone. “ You’re bleeding, sweetheart.” He says, eyeing the blood softly gushing from your collarbone area, you hadn’t noticed it. It looked as if he was holding back from something, from some sort of urge, but you didn’t push too much. The wound looked bloody.
“ I’ll take you to my mansion, my friend can take care of you.” He says, a hand slowly reaching your waist and guiding you down the road. He reaches to his mansion, which you quickly recognized, it was Aphrodite.
Walking you down the road, you admired the street view, and feeling a tingling of luckiness and fortune, since you were to see the inside of Aphrodite.
As he opened the doors, the words inside your mouth quickly jumbled up into nothingness. The mansion was huge, the ceiling was raised and had a beautiful chandelier perfectly dangling down from it, the halls were divided everywhere, and some spaces were opened for you to see inside the other rooms.
“ By the way, my name is Taeyong. I own the mansion, I and a few friends live here.” He says, knocking you out of your thoughts. “Jaemin! ” Taeyong calls out, earning the sound of steps from down the stairway. Out came another man. He was younger-looking, his eyes were a deep shade of brown, and his hair was a nutmeg-sun mix. He was the other man you saw with Taeyong. You blush to yourself, seeing yourself interacting with the two charming men.
“ I didn’t seem to get your name. Rude of me not to ask.” Taeyong chuckled, giving you a tenderly soft stare, causing butterflies to explode in your stomach. “ I’m Y/N, I just moved to this neighborhood.” You say, becoming extremely shy. 
“ Hello, Y/N. I’m Jaemin, a friend of Taeyong’s.” Jaemin kindly greeted himself to you, having a warm aura, the softness in his voice almost making you forget that you were just attacked by a stranger.
“ You see, Nana. Y/N was attacked by some guy, she’s bleeding from it. I suppose there may be a way you or Kun could fix the wound. It’s not that serious, but still.” Taeyong said as Jaemin went to examine your wound. Jaemin eyed the blood slowly oozing from it, the same way Taeyong did as if he was holding some urges back. “ Kun went somewhere with Ten.” Jaemin softly said, walking up to you. Jaemin and Taeyong exchanged sympathetic looks, you just moved here and were already attacked.
“ That’s far from a small wound, we may resort to stitches,” Jaemin suggested, looking at Taeyong.
“ Nana, stitches may take too long. She said her mom is waiting for her. Wouldn’t she be worried.” Taeyong almost burst there.
“ I’ll be as quick as I possibly can. Stitching someone up whilst being rushed is never a good choice, it can bring messy results.” Jaemin almost shot back at Taeyong, but his tone was covered. 
With that being said, Jaemin escorted you up the stairs, your head was kept low, you heard faint footsteps following you, Taeyong was following.
Leading you into a room, Jaemin softly placed you down on the bed. You took a deep breath in, you were almost baffled to know that Jaemin had medical supplies, staring around you saw fragments of messy paper-filled sketchbooks and used pastels. You saw pencils, some were sharpened and some needed to be, you saw unfinished yet divine portraits of people or sceneries.
“ Are...you medically experienced?” You asked, looking down at the scissors, you would be scared, but you saw worse.
“ My father was a doctor, he taught me how to do stitches,” Jaemin said, picking at a piece of thread. “ It will hurt but not to an unbearable point.” Jaemin hushed, getting to work at your collarbone. “ These ones are dissolvable, it’ll take a week or two for them to dissolve.” Jaemin reminded you, holding you down even though you didn’t squirm.
Throughout the procedure, you grew tired. Taeyong held your hand as Jaemin stitched you up. But now, you had no time to yelp or flinch. You were slowly falling into slumber, everything went black.
And then, it will be sunrise.
Your eyes lazily opened, feeling sunlight ooze out of the window. Hearing a knock on your door, you welcomed whoever was there, your mind to hazy to remember last night. You see a figure, it wasn’t Taeyong or Jaemin. It was another man, he had dark hair and dark eyes. He wore a black sweater that bagged slightly around his body, along with black jeans. He was covered with a soft pink apron, not matching the darkness of his clothes, yet somehow mixing perfectly in the same way. He held a silver tray with a teapot and cup.
The man was tall, yet he looked unintimidating.
“ Who...who are you.” You say, trying to get out of the haziness. “ I’m Yuta. Yuta Nakamoto.” The man said, placing the tray beside the table. He poured a cup of tea, the scent was earl gray.
He hands you the cup, making sure you didn’t drop anything. Guiding the teacup to your lips, you sipped and felt the warmth spread across your body. You felt better.
“ Last night....I-” You tried to bundle your memories together but Yuta cut you off.
“ Taeyong said something happened, you had to get stitches. From Jaemin.” Yuta said, helping you take another sip from the tea. “ By the way, Jaemin said not to worry about him. He got to sleep on the couch.” Yuta softly chuckled at Jaemin’s words.
“ How did you and Taeyong meet? Or you and Jaemin?” Your curiosity was excited, wanting some answers.
Yuta looked a bit hesitant. “ Taeyong met me in Japan. Jaemin’s family used to live in Italy, his father was a doctor and his mother was a painter. We started living in Aphrodite.” Yuta’s tone sounded hesitant. You didn’t want to push him further for answers. “ Is Taeyong here?” You ask, after taking another delicate sip. “He and the others are out. I was tasked with taking care of you. Taeyong didn’t want you to wake up all alone.”
You had to admit, your heart sort of jabbed at your throat at Taeyong’s kindness. You smiled at Yuta; he returned it. His smile was like a burst of sunshine.
And then it hit you, your mom was probably worried. You quickly grabbed at your purse. “ I’m sorry, Yuta.” You quickly say, going to your feet. “ My mom’s waiting for me.” Instead of worrying, he gave you a smile. “ It was nice meeting you. Take care.” He says. “ And welcome to the neighborhood.”
“ It was nice meeting you too.” You say before running down the stairs and out of Aphrodite As you looked back at Aphrodite, you smiled, eager to encounter Taeyong, Jaemin, Yuta, and the other residents.
What a magical day.
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jc · 4 years
Tagebuch: Arbeit und Kinderbetreuung V
Montag und Dienstag, 8.+9. Februar 2021
Es ist echt lang­wei­lig, immer das glei­che berich­ten zu müs­sen. Wahr­schein­lich ist es noch viel lang­wei­li­ger, das immer glei­che zu lesen. Des­halb mache ich es kurz: An den ers­ten bei­den Tagen der Woche war ich zwar im Home­of­fice, konn­te aber eini­ger­ma­ßen ruhig arbei­ten, weil die Mut­ter sich haupt­säch­lich ums Kind kümmerte.
Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2021
Heu­te bin ich dafür dann dran mit der Betreu­ung. Zu Freu­de und Leid sie­he all die ande­ren Tagebucheinträge.
Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021
Die­ses Jahr heißt es: A🤫! A🤫! A🤫!#coro­ne­val pic​.twit​ter​.com/​5​x​M​s​D​6​H​pOF
— Johan­nes Mirus 🧸 (@Johannes) Febru­a­ry 11, 2021
Ein ange­neh­mer Neben­ef­fekt des aus­ge­fal­le­nen Kar­ne­vals: Die Kinds­mut­ter hat trotz­dem frei und des­halb kann ich im Büro arbei­ten. Ich war fünf Stun­den am Stück im BarCamp-Bonn-Tun­nel, habe tau­send Sachen ein­ge­rich­tet und geschrie­ben, es war ein rie­si­ger Spaß. (Apro­pos, das nächs­te, natür­lich digi­ta­le Bar­Camp Bonn fin­det am 30. April und 1. Mai statt.)
Freitag, 12. Februar 2021
Und dann war da noch der übli­che Büro­tag, den ich mit einem halb­tä­gi­gen Work­shop begann. Es ging über gute Mee­tings und ich habe nicht nur dafür was gelernt, son­dern auch noch vie­le Inspi­ra­tio­nen für eige­ne Mode­ra­tio­nen und Work­shops mit­ge­nom­men. Die Ver­an­stal­tung wur­de von Vanes­sa zusam­men mit einer Kol­le­gin orga­ni­siert; ich wäre nie­mals dar­auf gesto­ßen, hät­te sie nicht dar­über gebloggt.
Den Rest des Arbeits­ta­ges ver­brach­te ich im Wesent­li­chen damit, ein Video auf­zu­neh­men. Weil ich nicht ein­fach mein iPho­ne vors Gesicht hal­ten, son­dern das anstän­dig erle­di­gen woll­te, dau­er­te der Auf­bau unge­fähr drei Mal so lan­ge wie die gesam­te Film­zeit. Worth it!
Samstag, 13. Februar 2021
Um mal wie­der was ande­res zu sehen, macht die Fami­lie einen klei­nen Road­t­rip. Wir fah­ren nach Sin­zig, gehen dort ein biss­chen spa­zie­ren, wär­men unse­re Hin­tern mit der Sitz­hei­zung wie­der auf, wäh­rend wir mit der Fäh­re zur ande­ren Rhein­sei­te gebracht wer­den, und besu­chen Kasbach-Ohlenberg, wo wir eben­falls spa­zie­ren gehen.
Sonntag, 14. Februar 2021
Und weil das ges­tern schon so gut klapp­te, machen wir heu­te noch ein­mal einen Aus­flug. Es geht zur Wahn­bach­tal­sper­re. Das ist ins­ge­samt eine gute Idee, aber es ist schon sehr, sehr unan­ge­nehm bei Tem­pe­ra­tu­ren um den Null­punkt und star­kem Wind. Die Klei­ne jedoch hat Spaß und läuft bei­na­he den kom­plet­ten Weg allei­ne, (fast) immer brav an mei­ner Hand. Außer­dem sieht sie ech­te Pfer­de und Kühe, das klei­ne Stadtkind.
Link der Woche
Wie die hal­be Medi­en­welt auf Rit­ter Sports Mar­ke­tingtrick rein­ge­fal­len ist „Cacao y Nada“ darf natür­lich Scho­ko­la­de genannt wer­den. Rit­ter Sport behaup­tet nur etwas ande­res und lan­det damit einen Coup, der sicher bald in Wer­be­fach­bü­chern auf­ge­führt wird.
💌 Ver­pas­se kei­nen Bei­trag mehr! Lass dich per E-Mail benach­rich­ti­gen! 🐖 Dir gefällt, was du hier liest? Ich freue mich, wenn du Klein-Leas Spar­schwein fütterst!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2021/02/arbeit-und-kinderbetreuung-5/)
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resynched · 7 years
oive ben planning this fucking character for like a mohtn and the admins wont answer my fucking questions or help mea get her up to standard so they wont aproe her! i’m gonna fucking rip my owen fucking throat open i’ma seo fuckin ready to kill mysefl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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