#rip mayuri but kisuke's different
kanonsarchivedblog · 3 years
Author's Note: What if Mayuri Kurotsuchi died during the Thousand Year Blood War? Who would take over the role of Captain of the Twelfth Division? This is an answer to that in the form a redemption for Urahara Kisuke and the Captaincy that had been wrongly stolen from him.
Word Count: 4,767
Characters: Urahara Kisuke, Hirako Shinji, Kyouraku Shunsui, Shihouin Yoruichi, Otoribashi Roujuurou, Kurotsuchi Mayuri, Akon, Kurotsuchi Nemu
Ship(s): Hirako Shinji/Urahara Kisuke
Setting: Post-Thousand Year Blood War
Warnings: Major Character Death
You can’t have peace without a war, that’s how the saying goes. It spoke true; the Seireitei, while in shambles, was calm. Peaceful. The sound of hammering in the distance, of laughter and voices calling out to one another. Rebuilding, slowly but surely- with the aid of Shinigami and civilians alike. And the occasional Arrancar. The dead were still being retrieved from the various fields on which battles took place upon. Last time the toll had been released, they were well into the hundreds. A devastating blow to them all- on both sides.
It was difficult; so many young Shinigami had been killed, but so had many young Quincy. Too many, truthfully. Some of their own Captains had been casualties of the war: Head Captain Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto had been one of the first to be slaughtered before their very eyes. Aside from him, the entire first division had been killed- all one hundred and six members, in the very beginning of the war. Following this had been Fourth Division Captain, Retsu Unohana- all for the sake of getting Zaraki Kenpachi to learn the true name of his sword and release his bankai, something that had nearly killed him. Their beloved Thirteenth Division Captain, Jushiro Ukitake had been killed somehow. Very few knew the truth of the matter-
That he had become the new Soul King. That, since birth, he’d been doomed to take over when the time came. A ticking time bomb, of sorts. But to the rest of Soul Society, he’d been another casualty of war.
Many others had nearly died; Captain of the Third Division, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, Captain of the Ninth Division, Muguruma Kensei, and both the Captain and Lieutenant of the Tenth Division, Tōshirō Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto, had all become members of the living dead due to the the Sternritter Giselle Gewelle’s ability. Captain of the Sixth Division, Byakuya Kuchiki, had nearly been slaughtered by the Sternritter Äs Nödt. For all intents and purposes, the Lieutenant of the Third Division was dead, and yet he still walked: Izuru Kira, who lost not just an arm, but a lung and portions of other organs after having a hole shot through his torso. Their new Captain Commander, Kyōraku Shunsui, had lost his left eye and part of his left ear, as well as having a hole shot through his sternum, nearly killing him.
Many others had been injured just as grievously. But that was what war did. It took and it took and it took until there wasn’t anything left to take. War was greedy.
One other had been taken from their ranks. Mayuri Kurotsuchi, the Captain of the Twelfth Division, had been killed during the battle. Details were still coming in, but from what was known, he’d sacrificed himself in the final moments to save his greatest creation, Nemu Kurotsuchi, his artificially created daughter. It seems that even the coldest and most detached of people could, in the end, redeem themselves and save those who they held closest to their hearts. It was certainly interesting to hear.
After all, when Urahara Kisuke had been Captain of the Twelfth, Mayuri had been a right bastard to deal with. He could still remember that day he pulled him out of the Maggot’s Nest, and the following years. How they had worked well together, even if the bickering was nearly constant, as well outright insubordination.
Many would grieve in silence for those that had been lost. The Fourth Division was busy; Isane Kotetsu was now the defacto Captain. She was young, but strong, resilient. She would survive.
Somewhere within the Division sat Rose and Kensei, sharing a room. Izuru Kira had his own room- something that was necessary, given the extent of his injuries. Kuchiki Byakuya was being treated at the Kuchiki Mansion; Kyōraku Shunsui, at the Kyōraku Mansion. Somewhere below them, Aizen sat, chained back up.
Kisuke sat in the bed, studying the way dust danced within the sun’s rays that spilled through his window. He wasn’t injured, not really; Benihime had made sure that her master would be pieced back together completely. All that was left of her work were the thin, surgical stitches that stretched down his face, across his knuckles, over his joints. They didn’t hurt. At least, he didn’t think they did. If there was pain, he was numb to it.
He supposed he owed his thanks to Grimmjow for saving him. He’d thank him later. Right now, the Pantera was hunting for a certain Shark that sat within one of the many, many cells beneath Soul Society. He was accompanied by a Ram and a Wolf.
He could thank Mayuri for saving the Wolf. Coyote Starrk had been a savior. A sharp shooter and a hidden weapon in Hueco Mundo.
There was also Kurosaki Ichigo. That kid deserved all of their thanks, and more. Without him, they’d all be dead. He couldn’t help but wonder where he was, right now. Back home in Karakura Town? Or here, lingering with those he’d fought beside?
Slate hues closed, listening to the hammering and calling. To the sound of laughter and weeping. Of birdsong and creeping silence. He was tired. More so than he’d ever been in his life.
But now was not the time to rest, not with the figure lingering outside of his door. Five minutes, Shinji had been standing there, reaching for the door and dropping his hand, only to reach again. A sigh escaped Kisuke as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Come in, already!” He called, amusement shining in his words.
The door opened, and the blonde made his appearance at last. “Didn’t wanna disturb yer beauty rest, your highness,” he teased, lips quirking up in a crooked smile.
Kisuke could remember the first time he’d seen that smile. “I think I’ve had enough beauty rest to last a lifetime,” as if to prove a point, he stretched his arms up over his head, listening as various bones popped and creaked, as if singing a song of rest. “You aren’t here to give me the latest gossip, are you, Hirako-san?”
A shake of the head. “I wish I were,” Shinji sighed, closing the door behind himself as if that would give them any privacy. It wouldn’t, but it was certainly the thought that counted. “We were called in for an emergency meeting. Y’know how… Bad everything is right now.”
“You’re down three captains, and the new Captain Commander is on mandatory bed rest.” Kisuke answered with a shake of the head. “You’re fucked.”
“And now in the fun way.” Arms crossing over his chest, Shinji grimaced. He was still in pain, too, it seemed.
Not surprising; he’d taken quite the beating as well, from what he’d heard. “I have a question to ask you.”
No, the Soul Society will not get a discount on any products they purchase at the Urahara Shoten.” A joke, though it seemed to fall flat. “... What is it?”
“You know Kurotsuchi-taichou was killed.”
“They’re without a Captain now.”
Slate hues widened before narrowing, understanding quickly settling in. This was the one thing he had never been prepared for. “Nemu could act as defacto Captain.”
“She can’t. She’s a child again.”
“Of course she is.” Damn Mayrui. “Akon?”
“Doesn’t have a Bankai. Or a Shikai. At least, not one that's on record.”
“Of course he doesn’t. Of course Mayuri would keep all of his underlings under a careful watch and not allow them to progress. Of course he would. He never did think about anyone but himself.” A bitter laugh slipped free, one full of anger and mourning. A scarred hand reached up to rub at pale blonde hair. “What are you asking, Shinji?”
“You know what I’m asking, Kisuke.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
A pause. Shinji sucked on his teeth, lips pressing taunt. “The Captain Commander wants to know if you’ll step in and take over the position of Captain of the Twelfth Division once more.”
A bark of laughter escaped Kisuke as he tossed his head back, baring his throat and chest. He knew this was coming. But to hear it spoken aloud? It made everything suddenly so real. “Central Forty-Six is going to disagree.”
“It’ll be overridden. We’re down three captains and Soul King knows how many Shinigami.” Shinji’s lip curled into a scowl as he shook his head. “We’re fucked.”
“We’re fucked.” Kisuke agreed softly, gaze slipping from Shinji to study the floorboards. “Whose idea was it?”
“It was agreed on immediately that you were the only one who could take over the Twelfth and not accidentally kill everyone.” The humor in Shinji’s tone brought a smile to both of their faces.
“You’re not wrong there.” A pause. “... I have some conditions, then.”
Shinji waved his hands. “Save it for the official meeting. Shun’s calling it in three days time. We’re all to attend, no matter what it takes to get there.” He pushed away from the wall and turned. “I’d love t’stay and all, but I gotta make sure my Division isn’t all dead.”
“You make a good Captain, Shinji.” Kisuke murmured, watching as his back tensed, as his head raised. “You always have.”
“... Get some rest, you ogre.”
The door shut, and he was alone with his thoughts once more.
Three Days Later
The meeting did not take place within the Captain Commander’s hall. The First Division was still being cleaned of bodies and blood. Instead, it took place within the halls of the Kyōraku Mansion. The grounds were lovely, sprawling, teeming with deer and birds and streams. It was easy to see the wealth and prestige that came with the name.
But it was nothing compared to the Shihōin estate that Kisuke had grown up on.
Speaking of, Yoruichi had joined him. He’d requested she be allowed to attend, and lo and behold, his request had been approved. The past three days, he’d been talking with her and Tessai, deciding on their plan of action.
Now, it would come to fruition.
“I know this isn’t the First Division, but it will have to make do for the time being.” Shunsui spoke, breaking the idle conversation that had been occurring and drawing all attention to him. He wore the Captain Commander’s coat, but beneath was a simple violet yukata- loose fitting to accommodate the bandages that wound around his torso. His head was still bandaged, as well.
No one looked to be in good health. Across from him sat Rose and Kensei, both of who looked uncomfortable. Rose was bandaged around his middle, as well. Kensei’s color was still returning to normal. Behind them stood, or in Kira’s case, sat. Kira didn’t move. Didn’t breathe. He didn’t seem to be paying attention. Hisagi looked ready to pass out at any given moment.
No one else was any better, aside from perhaps Isane Kotetsu. Akon stood behind the empty chair where Mayuri should
have been sitting. Rukia Kuchiki stood behind the empty chair that should have held Ukitake.
“This meeting, while formal, is occurring off the books. We are in a grievous state, and while peace may be here, there is always the chance that it could break at any moment. That is why we are here.” He cleared his throat, brows furrowing. “We are rebuilding, and we have a shaky alliance with both the Quincy and the Arrancar- for now. I do not believe that we are under an immediate threat. However, there are certain items that must be addressed.
“The first of which is the passing of four of our Captains. There will be funerals held for each of them within the coming weeks. They will be open to the public. They will be grand, as is deserving of each.” The finality in Shunsui’s voice left no room for argument. “Captains Yamomoto, Unohana, Kurotsuchi, and Ukitake will be remembered for the rest of time for laying down their lives to save Soul Society, as well as the… Hundreds of others who were lost in battle.”
Hundreds. The word is heavy within the room. Everyone had lost someone in some form, whether it be family, friend, or lover.
“Secondly, it is time to right the errors of our past. This is the reason this meeting is occurring off the books. I plan to contest the banning of Urahara Kisuke and Shihōin Yoruichi personally before Central Forty-Six.” Murmurs drifted through the room. It was one thing to bring up the idea, but another to say that it will be happening. “Which is why they were both invited to attend this meeting.”
Gazes turned, landing on the pair. “Ohayo,” Kisuke hummed, leaning his weight upon Benihime, who was in her sealed form. “I have questions about that.”
“Of course you do,” Sui-Feng muttered, though she remained silent otherwise.
He pointedly ignored the angry little bee. “I was made aware that you all agreed that I should take over my former position that had been ripped from me one hundred and… What was it, twelve? Thirteen, now? Years ago. A title that I had rightly earned before I was condemned for a crime that I did not commit, which we all are aware of now, yes?” A quickly, cursory glance around the room. “I know a few of you here were too young to remember what happened. But let me refresh your memory, shall I? Aizen was working on a way to create Hollows out of Shinigami and chose three of your captains and one of the lieutenants here, now, to test that on, as well as Hiyori Sarugaki, my former Lieutenant, Hachigen Ushoda, formerly of the Fourth Division, and Love Aikawa, former Captain of the Seventh Division.” The words cut like a hot knife through ice, stinging and causing a few to look down or away.
“But some of you were not too young. Some of you remember when it happened, and you did nothing to intervene. So for the last one hundred and thirteen years, I have been living in the World of the Living, aiding the Vizards. Miss Shihōin had been exiled from her own family, even if they did not want to do so. They had no choice. So!” Kisuke clapped his hands together, watching as Isane jumped. Oops. “My condition is that not only we be pardoned of this crime that we did not commit, but that Miss Yoruichi Shihōin also be allowed back within Soul Society. My shop will remain within the World of the Living in Karakura Town. Tessai Tsukabishi, the former Captain of the Kido Corps, who was also wrongly convicted, will also be pardoned. He will remain and run the shop, looking over it and the two Modified Souls whom I created and love as if they were my own children, Ururu and Jinta.
“Those are the conditions upon which I will accept the Captaincy of the Twelfth Division once more. If they are not met, you’ll just have to find someone else who is capable enough to run the Division and understand how Mayuri Kurotsuchi’s mind worked. No offense to Akon or anyone with the Twelfth currently, but I don’t think any of them could actually handle that. After all,” his voice quiets, head dipping, a shadow falling over his eyes. “I was the one who brought Mayuri out of the Maggot’s Nest. Should any of you
forget, I was also the Commander of the Detention Corps, as well as a member of the Onmitsukidō.” Chin raising, slate gaze swept across the room, taking in the silence that had fallen. “I’m not asking for a compensation fund. I’m not asking for a new Division. I’m not asking for a golden parade through the Rukongai. I want an apology. And I want for Central Forty-Six to admit their mistake.”
Silence met him. It was as if no one had expected for Urahara Kisuke to speak out, to give demands. As if he, too, hadn’t been wronged by the events of the past. As if he, too, did not deserve an apology. As if he, too, were not angry and bitter over the mistakes of the past.
“Lest you all forget that without me, you would not have had the Twelfth as it is today. There would be no S.R.D.I.. Mayuri would have died in his cell. And you all would be dead, now, because Kurosaki Ichigo wouldn’t have been born without Isshin Kurosaki, someone who I helped personally. And you would be down four Captains and one lieutenant.” Jaw set, he met Shunsui’s gaze with his own. “These are the requirements. And I will not settle for any less, Captain Commander.”
Shunsui shifted in his seat, a peculiar little smile curling at the corners of his lips. One that read ‘I anticipated this’, or perhaps ‘All is going according to plan’. “Of course, Urahara-san. It will be done.”
“Will it?” Kisuke countered, head titling, voice low. “Just what do you have on the Central Forty-Six that would turn their vote so quickly, Shunsui-san?”
A chill crept into the air as the Captains and Lieutenants sat straighter, stood straighter, cast their gazes down. No one dared speak, no one dared to break the silence that had gripped their throats and held them captive.
“That,” Shunsui began, rising to his feet slowly. “Is for me to know, and for you to never find out. That is all that needed to be said. This meeting is dismissed.” His face was pale; it was beyond time for him to retire. Another session of healing, no doubt.
Kisuke made his way out, Yoruichi at his side. “That was ballsy,” she murmured, gaze trained ahead. “But good.”
“I figured a history lesson was overdue.” Kisuke replied with a soft chuckle, shaking his head. “Go, I’m sure no one will mind if you-”
She was already gone.
“-visit your family.” Sighing, he began the slow walk back towards the Gotei Thirteen, gaze downcast. He could hear murmurings from behind him- surprise, shock, anxiety. A presence settled in at his side, shoulder gently bumping against his arm.
“Think it’ll happen?” Shinji asked after a good few minutes of walking in silence.
“He managed to convince them to let Aizen out.” He hummed, head rising to study the horizon. “I don’t know what he has up his sleeves, but… I believe there is a chance I’ll be back to torment you, Hirako-taicho.”
The grin Shinji sent him was brighter than the sun. He couldn’t help but smile, as well.
One month later.
“I stand before you today to contest a punishment that was given over a century ago,” Shunsui began, gazing up at the blank blocks before him. Behind them sat the members of the Central Forty-Six. “I am aware that I was here merely two months prior. A lot can happen in two months.”
“Like losing hundreds of Shinigami,” one voice spoke up.
“That is the casualty of war, something that you all seem to forget exists outside of your protected lives.” Silence met Shunsui. “We lost four captains. And while there are many who could step up the plate, one of those is impossible to replace.”
“What are you suggesting?”
“That Urahara Kisuke be allowed back into the Soul Society and be allowed to take his mantle of Captain up once again.” Shunsui fell quiet as yells met him. Anger, alarm, it all spilled out.
He raised his hands, listening as the voices died down. “I understand your anger. However, merely a few years ago, the Vizards were pardoned. Why should Kisuke not be pardoned, as well as Yoruichi Shihōin and Tessai
Shunsui raised his hands once more, his brow furrowed. “Maa, maa- please, allow me to speak.” Agitated silence met him as he cleared his throat. “I’m not Yamomoto. I haven’t been here since the beginning. I was just a child when this place was really coming together. But because of that, I have been able to witness the way everything has changed and grown. How we’ve become stronger, how more and more Shinigami join our ranks each year. I was a Captain by the time Urahara Kisuke joined our ranks, stepping out from the shadow of the Onmitsukidō. I was able to watch as he built the Twelfth up from the bottom, and watched as he created the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. Without him, we wouldn’t have the Gigais that allow us to investigate further into the World of the Living, the Tenshintai. What Mayuri had to work with wouldn’t have existed without Kisuke. We wouldn’t have even had a captain to fill his place originally without Kisuke; he was the one who brought Mayuri out of the Maggot’s Nest.
“At the end of the day, you have to sit back and consider more than what those of the past did. At the time, there was no true solid proof that Urahara Kisuke, Yoruichi Shihōin and Tessai Tsukabishi were behind the hollowfication project that was, in actuality, spearheaded by Aizen. Their only crime had been being at the scene, trying to help their friends. When you consider this, along with how they have continued to aid us despite being stranded in the World of the Living for so long… Don’t we owe them this?” Murmurs began to echo through the tall chamber. Forty-six voices all talking, debating. Shunsui stood, hands folded politely before him as he waited.
He was right, and he knew it. After all, it had been his idea in the first place. Without Kisuke’s aid, they wouldn’t have ever had Kurosaki Ichigo to help them. Aizen would never have been stopped. Yhawch would still be alive, and they would all be dead or acting as prisoners. There wasn’t any real debate to be had other than stubborn old men wanting to keep history as it is.
“So, I ask once more: I wish for Urahara Kisuke to be allowed back into the Soul Society and be allowed to take his mantle of Captain of the Twelfth Division and Captain of the S.R.D.I. up once again as well as pardoning Urahara Kisuke, Yoruichi Shihōin and Tessai Tsukabishi of their wrongly accused crimes.”
Silence settled across the chamber. A pleased smile curled Shunsui’s lips as he relaxed.
Two weeks later.
The First Division was peaceful, calm, filled with idle chatter as the Captains and their Lieutenants gathered within the hall of the Captain Commander. There was no surprise written upon their features; they knew what this meeting was about. Even so, they stood, chatting amongst one another, until Shunsui made his way into the hall to settle in at the head of the hall. He used a heavy, cherry wood cane to aid him; it would not be a permanent fixture. Each day he grew stronger, healing from his injuries.
“Well, then,” he murmured, rolling his shoulders before raising the voice. “Would the new Captain of the Twelfth Division enter?”
The great doors opened, and standing within the entryway was none other than Urahara Kisuke, green and white striped hat nowhere to be seen. He no longer resembled the young, awkward Captain he had been one hundred and thirteen years ago. Now, he stood tall, still, gaze trained forward. He made his way in slowly, geta clad feet making soft ‘clacks’ with every step. Behind him, surprisingly, walked a black feline, trotting to keep up. He turned to the left, and stepped into the place where he’d once stood, where Mayuri had once stood.
“Very well. Now, since we are all here, our first manner of business…”
The meeting did not last long; many were still in frail condition, such as the Third Division. The walk to the Twelfth was quiet, calm. Yoruichi had slipped away, returning to her family for the first time in far too
long. She wouldn’t be taking up the mantle of Head of the Shihōin family; that title had passed to her younger brother. Instead, she’d become an aid to him, and split her time between the Soul Society and the World of the Living. Tessai didn’t want to return; he had no desire to come back. He’d handle the shop and keep an eye on Karakura, along with Jinta and Ururu.
Kisuke was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of a throat clearing. Head snapping up, slate gaze hues widening at the sight of his new lieutenant. “The last time I saw you, you were extremely little and didn’t have a nicotine addiction!” Kisuke greeted with a grin as Akon let out a bark of laughter.
“It’s good to see you again, too, Captain,” Akon replied, shaking his head as he fell into step beside Kisuke. “A lot’s changed.”
“I’d be more alarmed if nothing had changed. It has been over a century, after all!” His head tilts back, studying the sky. “It feels strange to be here again.”
“It does.” The sound of a little voice calling had both men pausing, glancing behind them, only to watch as a little black haired girl came bouncing over, nearly stumbling over her sandals. Nemu. Akon knelt down, arms open, allowing the girl to climb up into his arms. “Nemu, meet Urahara Kisuke. He’s taking over as Captain.”
“I remember him. Where’s your hat?” She asked, big dark eyes gazing up at Kisuke.
“Decided that it wouldn’t be appropriate to wear at a meeting,” he winked, and with a wave of his hand, it was as if the hat appeared out of thin air. Nemu’s eyes widened in surprise, mouth dropping open into a little ‘o’. “But I never wander too far without it.” Gaze turning, he took in the sight of the Division, how much it had changed, how large it had become. “Well…”
“Wherever you want to begin, I’ll guide you to it.”
A grimace. “Notes? Or did he burn them all again?”
“Surprisingly, he didn’t.” A shrug as Akon began to walk once more, carrying Nemu as if she were his own. Members of the Twelfth stopped where they stood and bowed low, murmurs of welcome echoing through the air. “I don’t think he had the foresight to do that.”
“Good,” Kisuke nodded, clapping his hands together. “Then let's get to work.”
“Aye-aye, Captain.”
That Night
The night air was cool here compared to the warm autumn air of Karakura Town. Geta clopped along the top of the wall idly with no true direction. That is, until the sound of a snicker drew the attention of the shoe’s owner. Head tilting, Kisuke glanced behind himself to find Hirako Shinji standing behind him.
“Can’t sleep?”
“Haunted by the past.” Kisuke replied, settling down on the wall. Was he in Shinji’s Division? He hadn’t realized he’d walked that far. “You?”
“Insomnia’s a bitch.” Shinji settled down on the wall, kicking his heels against the sturdy structure idly. “... It feels good to have you back.”
“Does it?” He mused, stepping closer before settling down, shoulder bumping Shinji’s before leaning against the other. “Never thought I’d hear you say that.”
“Fuck off,” Shinji teased, leaning his weight back against Kisuke’s shoulder. Together they sat, silence falling across them like a light dew in the early morning hours. Without speaking, Shinji reached over, taking hold of Kisuke’s hand. Calloused fingers drifted over stitched scars. “She did a number on you.”
“Benihime is a benevolent woman. I respect that,” Kisuke replied softly, watching Shinji’s fingers. “What about you? How’s your head?”
“I’ve had worse.”
A chuckle slipped free from both men. Kisuke sighed, leaning over to rest his head atop Shinji’s own. “This is what you missed?”
“This and more.”
“It doesn’t feel right without Hiyori yelling at us. Or Love laughing. Or Hachi worrying…” Brows furrowing, he sighed. “But they like it in the World of the Living.”
curled Shinji’s lips as he pulled Kisuke’s hand up to his lips, pressing a lingering kiss to his knuckles. “Some of it will be, Captain.”
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my-cuppa-bleach · 7 years
Bankai: A Discussion
I’m so ready to make this post. I’ve got a few things I want to do with this post and they are: 
ranking the existing Bankai
discussing the Bankai I would’ve liked to see revealed or developed
speculating on what I think my Zanpakutō would be
Of course, in reality, I know that there simply wasn’t enough time or story to reveal or develop every characters’ Bankai, especially the supporting characters’. However, that’s not stopping me from speculating on what could’ve been.
So, if you’ve mentally prepared for an obscenely long post, let us journey into the realm of Bankai.
P.S. - I’m going to include the Bankai that belong to filler characters, as well, because it’s easier than weeding them out, but feel free to disregard them if you want to. Also, I’m doing the Bankai shown in the anime and the manga, no movies because I haven’t seen any.
Bankai: Ranked
 *note: I’m using this page of the Bleach Wiki as a reference, so this should be a fairly complete list of every Bankai in Soul Society.*
1. Sōō Zabimaru - Renji Abarai 
Type: Melee  Release Command: Howl 
I love everything about this Bankai. Not only the aesthetic of it, but the sheer power is amazing. I mean, this Bankai has three special abilities. Like, what?! Ichigo’s doesn’t even have three special abilities (granted he has plenty to make up for it, but whatever). Also, I feel like if any Zanpakutō resembles their owner to a T, it’s Zabimaru. Such an impressive Bankai.   
2. Kannonbiraki Benihime Atarame - Kisuke Urahara
Type: Kidō Release Command: Awaken
Ever since I learned about Bankai, I wanted to see Urahara’s. His was definitely my most anticipated reveal, and it did not disappoint. Talk about a haunting Bankai! Similar to Renji and Zabimaru, I feel like Benihime reflects Urahara quite well and in many different ways. The most obvious similarity, of course, is Benihime’s ability to restructure the things that she comes into contact with; this naturally connects to Urahara’s fondness of development and invention. I’m rambling too much. I just really love Urahara’s Bankai.
3. Katen Kyōkotsu: Karamatsu Shinjū - Shunsui Kyōraku
Type: Kidō Release Command: Flower Wind Rage and Flower God Roar, Heavenly Wind Rage and Heavenly Demon Sneer
Shunsui’s Bankai is literally me. It’s basically the Bankai of despair, like... same. No, but for real, Shunsui’s Bankai is badass. I mean, I guess it would be after the centuries he’s had to master it. It’s terrifying and brutal and sad, but the primary word I’d use to describe it is “beautiful.” The story Shunsui tells during his battle makes his Bankai so special. There’s a lot to talk about with his Bankai, but I think I’ll just leave it with: very nice.
4. Hakka no Togame - Rukia Kuchiki
Type: Ice Release Command: Dance
Honestly, Rukia’s Bankai blew me away (so much so that she pushed Ichigo out of the top five). I was skeptical when I learned she would acquire her Bankai in the manga because I wasn’t sure how her Ice-Type Bankai could be written differently than Tōshirō’s, never mind being interesting considering her Zanpakutō isn’t the most powerful Ice-Type Zanpakutō. However, her Bankai turned out to be beautiful and haunting and absolute, and I completely fell in love with it.          
5. Senbonzakura Kagoshima - Byakuya Kuchiki
Type: Unclassified Release Command: Scatter
I mean, who doesn’t find Byakuya’s Zanpakutō absolutely bomb? I mean, sure, it’s simple and it doesn’t have a lot to it, but that convinces me even further that his Bankai is one of the greatest. His opponents will surely assume such an obvious and visible attack will be easy to dodge, and then bam! Byakuya rips them ten-thousand new ones. Freakin’ badass.
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6. Daiguren Hyōrinmaru - Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Type: Ice Release Command: Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens
This is another obvious one, but sue me, Tōshirō’s Bankai is breathtaking. I remember at one point it was said that his Shikai was nearly as powerful as his Bankai, but then I read the last arc and damn! That statement is false because... his complete Bankai is... whoa. That right there is proof to me that Hitsugaya will be the most powerful Shinigami one day. Hell, he may even take over for Shunsui...
7. Tensa Zangetsu - Ichigo Kurosaki
Type: Melee Release Command: Constantly Released
Listen, the reason Ichigo’s Bankai is kind of low on the list is because his Bankai alone isn’t as mind blowing as his Bankai + the eight-thousand other abilities he has. However, each and every time that boy gets a glow up, I lose my damn mind when he calls out his Bankai. So, I still love it lots. And while I’m here, I wanna say--and I know this isn’t a Bankai-exclusive ability but--every time Ichigo says “Getsuga Tenshō!” my brain implodes because of the excited screeches that escape my mouth.
8. Nozarashi (Unnamed Bankai) - Kenpachi Zaraki 
Type: Melee Release Command: Drink
I may be a little biased because I love Kenpachi so much, but it’s hard to deny that his Bankai is monstrously intimidating. I mean... there’s not much else to say about it. I wish we could’ve seen Kenpachi’s Bankai go up against Komamura’s, though. Anyway, yeah. Kenpachi is freakin’ awesome.
9. Zanka no Tachi - Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
Type: Fire Release Command: Reduce All Creation To Ash
Dude’s Bankai can raise the dead! No wonder he was the head captain for over 1,000 years. And that release command is terrifying in and of itself. I wanted him to wreck Yhwach so hard. I mean, I know the whole point of Yama dying was to establish the Yhwach was the biggest bad yet, but nonetheless. Bottom line, Yama will always be a freakin’ badass, RIP.
10. Jakuhō Raikōben - Soi Fon
Type: Unclassified Release Command: Sting All Enemies To Death
It’s not the stealthiest Bankai, I will admit, but wHO CARES, IT’S AMAZING. I would love to be able to bust out a giant shoulder missile on command and blast away downtown traffic (I’m kidding, I don’t live in the city). Like, what an awesome Bankai? Granted the can-only-use-once-every-three-days thing is a bit of a bummer, but we all have our weaknesses.   
11. Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi - Kaname Tōsen
Type: Kidō Release Command: Cry
I wanna kill the dude as much as the next person (although, I have the tiniest bit of sympathy for him), but you gotta admit... his Bankai is pretty badass. Well, I mean, to the average person. Obviously, Kenpachi wasn’t impressed, but... Whatever, being able to attack somebody when they can’t see you is awesome. Too bad Tōsen is a POS. What can ya do? 
12. Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō - Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Type: Poison  Release Command: Rip
Again, not my absolute favorite person, but I can’t deny that his Bankai is impressive. Especially considering he can work with his Zanpakutō to improve and develop it. The main ability of his Bankai--that being the distribution of poison--is actually really enjoyable for me to see unleashed in battle. Initially, I didn’t like Mayuri’s Bankai, but after reading the final arc, I realized I liked his Zanpakutō and his personality a lot better. So, yes. Mayuri, you’re a bit of a douche, but you know what you’re doing. Go you.
13. Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō - Sajin Komamura 
Type: Melee Release Command: Roar
Other than the sheer force that comes from Komamura’s Bankai, I love the fact that if Tenken is injured, then so is Komamura. Also, this is an interesting Bankai for Komamura considering Komamura is usually quite peaceful while his Bankai is quite violent. I imagine this is because Komamura constantly fought his heritage, but it peaked through in his Bankai. Anyway, this is a good one. And the name sounds really cool out loud. 10/10.
14. Ryūmon Hōzukimaru - Ikkaku Madarame
Type: Melee Release Command: Grow/Split
I really wish I could justify putting Ikkaku’s Bankai higher up on this list, but alas, there’s some tough competition. I think the reason it isn’t as remarkable to me is because it’s just an influx of power without any of the added characteristics (like Kenpachi’s red skin or Komamura’s health being tied with Tenken’s). Although, the fact that Ikkaku developed his Bankai so quickly is pretty damn impressive on its own. Hell, maybe his Bankai isn’t done developing yet. Who knows? I still love the guy, even though his Bankai isn’t my favorite. At least he and his Zanpakutō are quite similar. As long as they work well together, that’s all that matters in battle. 
15. Kamishini no Yari - Gin Ichimaru
Type: Unclassified Release Command: Shoot To Kill
I think the thing that makes Gin’s Bankai a little interesting to me is the way that he uses it. Otherwise, it is quite a flat Bankai, but because Gin is interesting, it’s interesting. I don’t know, if it were offered to me as an ability, I’d definitely take it, so that’s good enough for me!
16. Raika Gōen Kaku - Shūsuke Amagai
Type: Fire
Release Command: Sever 
Alright, alright, I know 95% of the fandom don’t like this guy or the arc this guy was in, but I found his Zanpakutō (his Bankai, especially) to be very interesting and... well, cool. I dunno, that’s all I’ll say about it, but I wanted to put him on here anyway!
17. Shirafude Ichimonji - Ichibē Hyōsube
Type: Kidō Release Command: Blacken
I was actually pleasantly surprised by this Bankai (I don’t think it’s technically a Bankai, but that’s how it’s marked on the Wiki). It had a very interesting ability, if not a little confusing. The battle Ichibē had with Yhwach was really enjoyable to read because of this Bankai. I think Ichibē’s position in the Zero Division made his Bankai seem more interesting, as well.       
18. Kōkō Gonryō Rikyū - Chōjirō Sasakibe
Type: Lightning Release Command: Bite
First of all, RIP, Sasakibe. Secondly, this badass put a scar on Old Man Yama. So, I’d say that that’s proof enough that this dude’s Bankai is legit. I wanna be able to strike people out of the sky like a Norse god with bolts of lighting, too! 
19. Tekken Tachikaze - Kensei Muguruma
Type: Wind
Release Command: Blow It Away
Oh, man. I’m gonna get in trouble for this one. Listen, the three different punches or whatever that Kensei can throw out with his Bankai is cool, but overall, it’s kind of blah. Which doesn’t represent Kensei at all, but what can you do?
20. Kinshara Butōdan - Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi
Type: Kidō
Release Command: Play
This is another blah Bankai, but it’s also kind of corny. I think it’s just not my taste, though. The concept of it is really cool, actually, I just don’t think it hit for me.
21. Minazuki - Retsu Unohana
Type: Kidō Release Command: Unknown
I’m sure her Bankai is badass, but unfortunately, we don’t actually know what it does. All we know is it’s name, what it looks like, and that Unohana gets a serious power boost. So, I cannot place it anywhere but at the bottom. Tragic.
Bankai: The Lost Files
I’m just going to be going over certain characters who’s Bankai I really would’ve liked to see developed or revealed. And when I say certain characters... I mean nearly every Shinigami and Visored that hasn’t revealed or developed their Bankai. I’ll try to speculate what each person’s might’ve ended up being, as well. I know not every Shinigami’s Shikai is a direct indication of what they’re Bankai will be, but I don’t have anything else to go off of... and I’m not that creative.
Shūhei Hisagi
I’m so bitter about everything that has to do with this man not getting the attention he deserved. One of the big things is Hisagi’s Bankai. Because... he got it. He literally trained to master it for the Quincy Blood War (whether or not he did so in time, I’m not sure), so he knows how to use his Bankai. I. want. to. see. it. I don’t care if it’s in a sparring session or whatever. I get they’re happy that they’re in peace now, and that’s fine, but still. 
Okay, speculation time. So, a quick reminder: Hisagi’s Zanpakutō is a melee-type called Kazeshini with the release command of “Reap.” Since it’s a melee weapon, I don’t really know how to speculate on what his Bankai would be, but I imagine it would simply be an enhanced version of his Shikai. I’m sort of basing that off of Ichigo, Renji, and Ikkaku’s Bankai. Maybe he would have additional blades like Nnoitra had when he went through his Resurrección. Whatever his Bankai is, I’m sure it would have something to do with balance as that is the core of Hisagi’s character and the core of his relationship with Kazeshini. In fact, you already see it with his Shikai: the blades are identical, but the color of the blades are inverted, and they’re connected by a chain. That’s demonstrating to me that Hisagi’s darkness (including Kazeshini) is stuck with him. However, even though the darkness is constantly dueling with what Hisagi wants to be (peaceful), it’s still a valuable piece of who he is. Okay, moving on!
Izuru Kira
I mean, his Shikai is bomb already. Honestly--and I couldn’t explain exactly why--but I’m a tiny bit obsessed with Kira. Not as much as I’m obsessed with Hisagi, but I still love Kira. I think maybe his Zanpakutō plus his personality made me get attached to him. Anyway, I know there wasn’t even any talk about Kira developing his Bankai, but we’re not just gonna talk about the obvious people, here! I’m thorough!
Rundown: Kira’s Zanpakutō is a Kidō-type called Wabisuke with the release command of “Raise Your Head.” Anything Wabisuke cuts doubles in weight. Okay, since this is a Kidō-type weapon, I can stretch the Bankai interpretation a little. What I gather from the manifestation of Wabisuke that we saw in the Zanpakutō Rebellion arc, the essence of Wabisuke is despair. So, maybe Kira’s Bankai would be able to manipulate his opponent’s inner disparities somehow (after he cuts them, of course, as that’s how it works in Shikai). Other than that, I’m not exactly sure what Kira’s Bankai would be. So... I guess that means we’re moving on!
 Rangiku Matsumoto
I’m not going to spend too much time on Rangiku, but I just want her to have her Bankai because (no offense) she’s been around forever. I know her Zanpakutō is lazy like she is, but I wanna know what it’d be! And, I know she’s trying to learn it, so tick-tock!
Haineko is an unclassified type of Zanpakutō with the release command of “Growl.” Her Zanpakutō can turn its blade into ash that will cut the enemy with a flick of the hilt. So, since this Zanpakutō is unclassified, I’m gonna cheat and say that Rangiku’s Bankai would be exactly like Byakuya’s except... with ash instead of cherry blossom leaves. However, I actually think Haineko could potentially be stronger than Senbonzakura. The reasons being: A, Rangiku can already envelope enemies with her Shikai in the way that Byakuya does with his Bankai. B, ash can invade an enemy’s body more effectively than small blades (inhalation), and it’s completely undetectable until Rangiku decides to slash. So, whatever her Bankai will end up being, it’s gonna be a bitch for the unfortunate souls that decide to screw with her.
Isshin Kurosaki
I mean, honestly. He was a captain. Why do we not know what his Bankai is? I know, I know; it takes a toll on his body so he can’t use it if he’s injured and the whole thing about restoring his Reiatsu and blah blah, but... I don’t know, just mention what it does? I don’t need to see it, I just wanna know what it is!
Isshin’s “Engetsu” is an unclassified Zanpakutō with the release command of “Burn.” It seems like Isshin can sort of sacrifice his Reiatsu to attack an opponent, so I’m guessing that’s what his Bankai does. There must be some similarities with Ichigo’s since they can both do Getsuga Tenshō. If anyone has a more concrete idea for Isshin, please let know.
Yoruichi Shihōin 
Speaking of captains that never revealed their Bankai! I have nothing. I can’t even speculate because we don’t know what her Shikai is, either. I just wanted to bring this to your attention so you could be as annoyed as I am. 
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Honestly, considering the fact that Yumi hides what his Zanpakutō can really do, I really want to know what his Bankai would be (not that he would ever try to achieve it while he’s in the Eleventh Division). 
Ruri'iro Kujaku (or Fuji Kujaku) is a Kidō-type with the release command of either “Bloom” or “Split and Deviate.” In it’s Shikai form, Yumi’s Zanpakutō will drain the Spiritual Pressure of his opponent away until they’re all but dead. I imagine Yumi’s Bankai would be an even greater version of his true Shikai, which is already terrifying enough. Yumi could easily pass most of the captains in power if he were to achieve his Bankai, in my opinion. I imagine Yumi’s Bankai would have an area of effect like Shunsui’s, Rukia’s, and Yama’s. In my head, that area of effect would drain away the spiritual pressure of Yumi’s opponent just because they’re in Yumi’s presence. Which would be freakin’ amazing.  
Shinji Hirako
There are zero (0) reasons as to why we don’t know Shinji’s Bankai. Okay, if you don’t already know, Shinji is probably in my list of top five favorite Bleach characters, and I feel like we were gypped because we didn’t get to see his Bankai. Shinji had quite an important part to play in the main storyline of the series and, unlike some of the other people on this list, there were many times where he could’ve reasonably whipped out his Bankai, the biggest instance being his battle with Aizen. I seriously doubt that Shinji thought it’d be a good idea to fight Aizen with his Shikai alone, and I don’t think that Shinji is idiotic enough to underestimate Aizen, so why not use his Bankai? Anyway, I won’t blab on forever. Let’s get to the speculation.
So, Sakanade is an illusion-type Zanpakutō with the release command of “Collapse.” Basically, Sakanade inverts the senses, which makes it incredibly difficult for the opponent to fight. To be honest, Shinji’s Shikai almost seems powerful enough to be a Bankai, but of course, it isn’t. In fact, multiple opponents have been able to get into Sakanade’s blind spot during battle. Maybe Shinji’s Bankai would remove that blind spot by allowing Shinji to completely dictate his enemy’s senses rather than just invert them. That could potentially be a very deadly Bankai, especially paired with Shinji’s cunning. Just some thoughts.
Momo Hinamori 
Okay, I know this may seem strange because Momo hasn’t made a lot of appearances in Bleach overall, but I do have a reason (besides loving her to death) for wanting to see her Bankai. That reason is: it is the only fire-type Zanpakutō left in the Seireitei (Love has a fire-type Zanpakutō as well, but he’s no long a Soul Reaper). That, by definition, means it’s the strongest. So, I want to see what Momo can do!
Tobiume has the release command of “Snap,” and it has the ability to shoot fireballs. I know her Zanpakutō isn’t as strong as Yama’s was, but I still think her Bankai would have something to do with enveloping the enemy in fire. Perhaps Momo’s Bankai would be similar to Yama’s Shikai. Of course, with time, who knows how strong she could become. I especially like the idea of seeing Momo’s Bankai because she’s typically a soft individual, but when she fights, she is--quite literally--a fireball.
Jūshirō Ukitake
I have in my notes for this post, under Ukitake’s name: “How you ‘bout to kill him without showing us his Bankai?” I stand by that question. How dare you make me love this beautiful man, establish him as one of the oldest captains, and then decide not to show me his Bankai? What’s that about, Kubo?
Sōgyo no Kotowari is a Kidō-type Zanpakutō with the release command of “All Waves, Rise now and Become my Shield, Lightning, Strike now and Become my Blade.” There’s a little more to it than I’m about to describe, but the gist of this Zanpakutō is that it can absorb an enemy’s attack and return it in varying degrees of power. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Ukitake’s Bankai is that Ukitake would be able to permanently steal his opponent’s attack after absorbing it for the first time. Additionally, since Ukitake can already adjust the power of the return attack, with his Bankai, he’d be able to return it threefold. I know that’s sort of the most obvious answer for what his Bankai would be, but I still think it would be badass. Also, I’m still bitter we didn’t get to see it.
Tetsuzaemon Iba
Right, so I don’t really care about Iba as a characters (no offence if you do), but I just find it really strange that we know nothing about his Zanpakutō other than how his Shikai looks (which, admitedly, is more than we know about Yoruichi’s). The reason I’m mentioning him is because he’s a captain now. When we left off with his character, he was training himself so that he could feel like he deserved to take over for Komamura, so maybe he doesn’t have his Bankai quite yet? Even so, I’m surprised we didn’t learn about his Shikai during the Fake Karakura Town arc when everyone was fighting. Anyway, I’m just curious.
Kaien Shiba
Originally, I only put Kaien on this list because I freakin’ love the dude, but in doing some research, I found out that his Zanpakutō is the only known water-type? How cool is that? Also, I realize I should’ve known that from watching Rukia’s battle with Aaroniero Arruruerie, but I’m not the greatest with paying attention.
Alright, so Kaien’s Zanpakutō is called Nejibana and its release command is “Surge, Water and Sky.” Essentially, what it does is release water at such a powerful rate that it hits like crashing waves. So, because I’m tired and this post is probably only halfway over, I’m gonna just say that his Bankai would further his manipulation of water to the point where Kaien could actually cut (rather than hit) his opponent with the water slashes. Also, I imagine that since both Hitsugaya’s and Kaien’s Zanpakutō are elementally based, Kaien’s Bankai could preform something like Tōshirō’s. 
Hiyori Sarugaki
Well, Hiyori is something else, isn’t she? Well, we know a tiny bit more about Hiyori’s Zanpakutō than we do about Yoruichi’s or Iba’s... but there’s still not that much. It’s name is Kubikiri Orochi, it is an unclassified type, and it’s release command is “Chop Cleanly.” That’s about it. Other than how her Shikai looks, that’s all we got. I just wanna know what her Bankai is because she’s freakin’ crazy, and I bet it’d be awesome. Also, I realize that the Visoreds don’t have as much focus on their Shinigami powers because their Hollow powers are what made them important characters in the first place, but I’m a curious mind.
Ashido Kanō
Hello, just passing by to say I’m bitter that we don’t have closure on what the hell happened to Ashido. And, obviously, I wanna see his Bankai because he’s a badass (and we know nothing about his Zanpakutō). Okay, that’s it.
Kōga Kuchiki
Let’s be for real, Muramasa is freakin’ awesome. I wanna know his Bankai because... well, because. Muramasa is an illusion-type with the release command of “Whisper.” Kōga’s Shikai can basically control other Zanpakutō. Can you imagine how powerful his Bankai would be? I can’t. Like, I want to speculate, but I don’t know if I can. Would he be able to control Shinigami? I mean, how can you know? Anyway, I think it’d be unstoppable, way too powerful, and badass as all hell.
Hanatarō Yamada
I just wanna know what a Fourth Division Zanpakutō looks like. You’d think it’d have something to do with healing, but Hana’s Zanpakutō combines every womb it’s absorbed into one massive attack (also, it’s a Kidō-type and it’s release command is “Fulfill”). Which does connect to his healing abilities, but it’s actually a super powerful and potentially deadly attack. However, it’s form is a scalpel, which isn’t the best for direct attack, obviously, so hopefully his Bankai would improve the form of his Zanpakutō and maybe allow him to sustain the attack he has in Shikai longer. Either way, it’d be interesting to see.
Nozomi Kujō
Another filler character, I know, I know. Arazome Shigure is a Kidō-type Zanpakutō with the release command of “Rain Without End.” It can absorb Reiatsu and fire it back at the opponent after Nozomi has acquired enough, mildly similar to Ukitake’s. Basically, I just want to know how that would transform into a Bankai. I think that maybe Nozomi would be able to pull Reiatsu out more easily and perhaps wouldn’t need the charge up time before being able to attack, but let me know if you have any ideas, as with all of these!
Nanao Ise
Listen, listen, listen. Nanao has one of the coolest Zanpakutō ever. Shinken Hakkyōken is a Kidō-type with an unknown release command. Nanao’s Zanpakutō in its Shikai form can reflect her enemy’s power in eight directions or back at the original wielder. I think it’d be really awesome if, with her Bankai, Nanao could have a second blade... that’s actually a blade. Sort of like how Sado has two arms, one for offence, one for defense. I feel like she could really rock her Zanpakutō with practice.
Sōsuke Aizen 
I almost forgot about this douche. I don’t understand why we never saw it. I mean, I guess Aizen was supposed to transcend the Shinigami powers he had, but his Shikai is already extremely powerful. Kyōka Suigetsu is an illusion-type Zanpakutō with the release command of “Shatter.” It can control what the senses perceive. I don’t really know how to talk about Aizen’s Zanpakutō because... it’s literally impossible to beat if you don’t know the weakness... and that’s in Shikai. Aizen has got be dumbfounded, so if any of you reading this want to speculate on what Aizen’s Bankai would be, please do.
My Zanpakutō 
Okay, this was so much fun to do, I want everybody that watches Bleach to do the same thing and send it to me. I kind of based what my Zanpakutō would be on something that represents who I am. That is: dreaming. It sounds lame, I understand, but all I do is think about things I love and how I would love to recreate them. So, I made that into a Zanpakutō.
P.S. I used a few English-to-Japanese translators to figure all this out, but I guarantee none of it is actually translated correctly. So, if you know Japanese, I’m very sorry. 
Name: Dorīmubendā (Dream Bender) Type: Illusion-Type Release Command: Deform
Shikai Special Ability: Ability to control what a person sees based on their desires. In Shikai, Dorīmubendā will be able to reach into an opponent’s mind, locate a desire they have, and manipulate it to the benefit of its wielder. For example, convince the opponent that they have dealt a finishing blow when, in fact, it is simply an illusion. Although able to manipulate the senses, the effects of Dorīmubendā are only an illusion.  
Bankai: Dorīmubendā no i Kokorozashi (Dream Bender’s Will)
In Bankai, Dorīmubendā will be able to bend opponent’s nightmares into reality, rather than create illusions, to attack the opponent. For example, if an opponent fears death, Dorīmubendā will deal out a thousand deaths in an instant without actually harming them. However, the shock and pain of experiencing that nightmare will kill the opponent outright. 
Alright, well I had a lot of fun doing this (even though it took two full evenings!), and I’m really interested in your responses to all of these sections of discussion. What’s your top five Bankai? Which Bankai do you wish we’d seen? What would your Zanpakutō be? Let me know! I hope you enjoyed reading! 
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