#rip mhcrew's perspective i still haven't rewatched the series so now i've forgotten how to write all the characters oopsies
bbeeohazardd · 1 year
Tommy rubbed his eyes as he once again went over the most recent video file he had transferred from the tapes to his laptop. It had been three years since Benrey had up and dropped everything to move away, and Tommy still wasn’t any closer to any clear answers.
The shooting of Marble Hornets had been a mess, especially near the end, but things weren’t adding up. Sure, if Benrey was being stalked by whoever that person was, then that’d account for his changes in behavior. But Benrey being stalked didn’t account for everyone else on the project seemingly dropping off the face of the earth.
None of it added up. Yes, Tommy could understand Gordon and Forzen just dropping off his radar, they were people with their own lives after all. But Dr. Harold Coomer, physics teacher and boxing coach at their college, just disappearing without a trace? There was more going on and Tommy knew it.
The lanky man let out an exhausted sigh, heaving himself up from his desk chair and walking over to the small kitchen of his shitty one-bedroom apartment to get a soda from the fridge.
The apartment was quiet and dark as usual, a constant from the slump the man had fallen into since he’d graduated. After losing two of his best friends in such a short amount of time, the world had become way too much for Tommy to handle and as soon as he had gotten his doctorate in biotechnology he’d resorted to locking himself in his apartment. His dad was still supportive of him, which was great, but he couldn’t help but feel guilty about it.
The tapes had been a godsend in that regard, something for him to do with himself that might finally lead to answers.
He knew he had to be getting close to something.
With a newfound determination, and the caffeine kicking in, Tommy marched back over to his desk and sat down, cracking his knuckles as he went over the video file once again.
Tommy had a mystery to figure out, and he was going to get to the bottom of it, sleep be damned.
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