#rip the first gif for being 9 frames and not really matching the timing of the rest but idc those frames are important to me
scandalouslamb · 8 months
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Felix Ravinstill at the Academy's 10th Hunger Games' Reaping Celebration (1/2)
—The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2023)
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bts-svt-mx · 6 years
Maid For You (Part 4) Taehyung x Reader
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Author: bts-svt-mx
Taehyung x Reader
Jungkook x Reader
Rating: Fluff, M, eventual smut if i get to it lol
Tags: Slow burn, Enemies to Lovers AU, Idol! Taehyung, Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader, Hoseok, mentions of other members
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (M), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Word Count: 2,800
Description: Wanting to get out of your parents house and experience what the world had to offer is way more expensive than people tell you it will be. So when your glamorous “manager to the stars” cousin Hoseok hooks you up with a  job as the live-in maid for a hillside, massive mansion, you feel as though life might actually be looking up. That is until the mansion’s absentee high profile celebrity owner surprises you by moving back in leaving you to wonder if this mansion is big enough for you and his huge ego. 
You don’t know whether to feel relieved or not. Yes, you were happy that you still had a place to stay and you didn’t have to move back in with your parents leaving your beginnings of a life behind.
But on the other hand, Taehyung was right. You were stuck with him.
This mansion might be big, but Taehyung’s ego was already suffocating you.
Chapter 4:
     From that day on, your life in Taehyung’s mansion became a living hell. It was almost like he took time out of his day specifically to find ways to bother the crap out of you. Whether it was leaving a full mess in the kitchen after making his meals or tracking in mud through the front door on rainy days, everything Taehyung did caused you to have to basically follow him around cleaning up behind him.
Over the course of these few weeks, you had come to find out a couple of very specific things about Kim Taehyung. The first was that in the comfort of his own home, when Taehyung had no schedule for the day, he didn’t think it was important to wear a shirt. Like, ever. All he wore was his stupid silk pajama pants and fuzzy socks around the house. And even in the rare occasion that he did wear a shirt, it was usually the matching button down top to his silk pajama pants that was left unbuttoned.
Your little teenage crush on Taehyung had quite certainly ended the day you met him in person, but you had to admit, he was still a very attractive man. And even your strong will power had trouble not admiring his beautiful, toned stomach and stunning visuals as he walked so nonchalantly around the mansion. You were still overwhelmingly attracted to him. Or really only to his body. But you still hated yourself for it.
The second thing you noticed about Kim Taehyung was that he was a very, very needy person. And not just any kind of needy, the kind of needy where it felt like he couldn’t be left to his own devices for more than an hour without calling you to ask a snarky question, ask you to fetch an item for him, or do some stupid task for him that was so random and unnecessary that you’re starting to think he’s just making it up as he goes.
But you were his maid, not his personal servant. And you told him that multiple times. But each time you would object to a task he would give you, his response would be along the lines of: “You know how close Hoseok and I are. And even though he’s the one controlling your employment here, I can be very persuasive when I want to be. I could call him right now actually-” And to that you would jump at his words to put a stop to whatever he was about to do. Grumbling in acceptance of whatever menial task he had assigned to you.
They weren’t even a veiled threats. He would just outright give you an ultimatum. And to be very frank, with Taehyung’s power and influence in his record label, he had the ability to just fire Hoseok in an instant and then fire you directly after.
But Taehyung wouldn’t be that cruel… Or would he?
Eventually you stopped fighting back, until one very specific request pushed you over the line.
“Oh Y/N!” The intercom chimed from the hallway of your wing of the mansion with Taehyung’s sickenly smooth, deep voice. Ugh, you wish you could rip that thing out of the wall!
It was so nice in your bed. So warm and soft with the new fluffy blanket you had just bought from the department store. It was a bit of a splurge but you had a little extra money from selling one of your paintings at your painting classes’ semi-annual art auction and you decided to treat yourself to something nice for the increasingly chilly Fall nights ahead.
The absolute last thing you wanted to do was drag yourself out of bed to go see what ridiculous thing Taehyung could want from you at this hour. It was after 11:00 PM. What could you do for him this late at night?
The intercom was so far away. You could ignore him and pretend like you didn’t hear it because you were sleeping, but you learned your lesson about a week ago when Taehyung wouldn’t stop calling your name for an hour straight until you answered.
So off to the intercom you went. Stepping out of your bed with your comfy blanket left behind, you drag your feet out of your room to your wing’s common area and press the round button on the intercom. “What could you possibly want Taehyung? Haven’t I done enough for you today?” Your words come out in a sort of croak from not having spoken in a couple of hours while relaxing in your room.
Taehyung had gone out to god knows where for a couple of hours leaving you with some much needed ‘me time’ consisting of a few laps in the pool, a nice stop by the sauna, and a relaxing night of catching up on your reading in your bed.
“Come to my room,” Taehyung speaks from the other side of the intercom. “I have a present for you.”
“Do I seriously have to Taehyung? Can’t this wait until tomorrow?” You really didn’t want to make the trek all the way to his side of the house. It was easily a 10 minute walk to the other side. Hence the need for the intercom system. In fact, most of the times Taehyung had called you to do something it was usually through the intercom or in passing while you were out of your wing in the main part of the house cleaning.  
But a present? Taehyung has never been any kind of nice to you and he’s definitely not a giving person. What could he want to gift you?
“I buy a present for you out of the goodness of my heart and you’re telling me that you can’t find it in you to walk a couple of steps to my room to come collect it from me?” His words come out like a child’s pout and you hate the way he is guilting you into this but your morals tell you that he is right. And you know he won’t stop pestering you until you go over there.
You decide it’s really not worth the fight. There are other battles to be won with this kid. “Be there in 10.” You curtly answer and head out of your wing without listening to whether he gives a response or not.  
The house is dim since it’s only two residents were about to go to sleep on their own sides of the house, but you navigate through the white marbled floor, white walled hallways easily. This house is truly beautiful, especially at night. The artworks scattered throughout the house consist of statues, paintings, framed drawings, and even a really cool installed digital art piece. The individual spotlights on each work are the only source of lighting around you.
Eventually you land at Taehyung’s bedroom door. There’s muffled music coming from the other side. Slow and sensual. Relaxing. Sounds of your light knock on the intricate black wood door reverberate over the soft sound of music.
“Come in,” His low voice calls. Of course he couldn’t be bothered to open the door for you. Thoughts like that probably never cross his mind. Why would he willingly get up and open the door when you could open it yourself perfectly fine? Jeez, even the things that this boy doesn’t do bothers you.
You don’t know what you were expecting. You had cleaned Taehyung’s room before but it had always been when he was away. With his presence, though, everything feel different. It felt like everything in this room was designed specifically to accentuate Taehyung’s aura. It was everything that pulled you into Taehyung when you were his fan. It was what you had always imagined being around him would be like.
Smooth and mellow music floated through the air and the slightly dimmed lighting brought out the deepness of the maroon and grey colored walls. His room was a distinctly different style from the rest of the mansion, but why, you never found out. And it smelled like him, weirdly enough. That cologne you had been intoxicated by on the first day you met him seemed to be seeping from the walls.
You were walking into a lion’s den with the lion right in front of you. But for some reason, you still dragged your feet forward.
Taehyung was lounging comfortably on top of his impossibly large bed, propped up with his shirtless torso leaning on a sea of dark grey pillows to match his bedding. He was holding some book and wearing one of his countless silk pajama pants. This pair was a dark blue paisley print. Seriously, how many pairs of those did he have? You’ve never seen him wear the same pair. Not like you were paying any attention to that.
As soon as you walked through the threshold, Taehyung’s gaze was on you. His blonde hair was damp, as if he just got out of the shower before you walked in. If that was true, thank god he bothered to put on pants before you got here.
You thought your room was big when you first moved in, but that was just one of the guest rooms. Taehyung’s room was the master bedroom. And in its entirety, it could be its own house. Among other things, there is a sitting area with a large flat screen to the left of the massive plush bed, a mahogany bookcase which was actually a staircase to the upper loft with another sitting area and a beautiful skylight, and to the right of the bed, decorations and a doorway leading to the large spa like bathroom and closet.
With his eyes still trained on you, you come to a stop a few feet from the foot of the bed. A safe distance, you think. You really disliked the guy in front of you but damn, was this room and your physical attraction to him getting the best of you right now. Maybe it’s just because you’re tired and you can’t think too straight, but if you moved any closer to him, you weren’t sure what would happen.
Taehyung’s dark expression turns into a smirk as he still lounges in his relaxed position. His eyes rake down your body slowly making you slightly uncomfortable. You clear your throat. “Well? I’m here.” You weren’t going to wait forever. You could practically hear your bed and new blanket calling your name.
“That you are,” He takes his time to answer after he’s fully looked you over. “And in such skimpy clothing,” His words come out slightly breathy and he licks his lips as he shifts his position to tilt his torso forward to get a better look at you. Looking down, you realize you forgot to change into something more modest than your short pajama shorts and light tank top in your haste to solve the nuisance of Taehyung’s call. You didn’t even have your bra on. You were fully ready to go to bed until his stupid request.
You fix your shorts from where they had slightly ridden up on your walk over here and fold your arms across your chest instinctively. “You said you had something for me.” Is all you reply. Better to keep your conversations short and simple. This room. With it’s seductive music and smells and darkness. And Taehyung looking like that. It’s threatening to cloud your judgement and you really can’t let the lion attack. You just had to keep telling yourself that he is one of the rudest, most entitled, selfish people you have ever met. Who cares if he’s hot. You were never going to go down that road.
Taehyung nods as he moves his legs to the side of the bed and pushes himself up to slowly walk in your direction. You don’t move an inch as you stand your ground and train your eyes to the wall. Avoiding stealing a glance at his beautifully golden torso and low riding pajama pants as he walks towards you. Ok, maybe you peeked a little.
You were so focused on not looking at him that you miss how he has come to stand right behind you until you can practically feel his presence close to your back. His scent is stronger now. He smells clean and that hint of jasmine you smelled on him from before is stronger now. In a moment, Taehyung’s plump lips are at your ear. His hand slowly snakes around your waste to rest just lightly at your upper waist, dangerously close to the underside of your breast, caressing the space there. Your body tenses up instantly.
“Tell me baby…” His breath tickles your ear and your body starts to betray you. There’s no way for Taehyung to know this, but baby is your favorite pet name and you can’t help but shiver at his use of the word with his low voice. Obviously taking notice to your reaction, he chuckles lowly behind you. “Is this what you wear every night, or do you wear even less when it gets hot?” Taehyung squeezes the area of your torso he has under his palm in emphasis. His words and his touch strike something in you and you immediately feel heat pool between your legs. You almost moan but bite your tongue quickly to save yourself from that embarrassment. You couldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how he affected you. But before you can think any further or protest in any way, Taehyung, his lips, and his hand, are gone as soon as they appeared.
You turn quickly around about to give him a piece of your mind in protest but Taehyung disappears into his walk-in closet and re-appears a minute later with something on a hanger.
 Is... Is that what I think it is?  
Taehyung stands proudly with the outfit in front of him. If you could even call it an outfit. In reality, it was a white see-through bodice and bralette with a short black skirt that wouldn’t even cover half of your ass. And attached were black fishnet stockings with with bows on the tops of them.    
“What the hell is that?” This really couldn’t be your ‘gift’ could it? You were dumbfounded once again by this boy and so unbelievably offended. You have honestly never been more mad in your life. Only Taehyung could get you all hot and bothered and then immediately turn around and piss you off.
But a slutty maid costume? Are you fucking kidding me! After running around tirelessly over these past few weeks, doing everything he has asked you with only a little bit of resistance at the beginning, with not so much as a thank you for anything you have done for him. He tells you he has a gift for you and it turns out to be a slutty fucking maid costume?
“It’s your gift! I saw it and instantly thought of you.”  The mockery was crystal clear in his eyes. Taehyung raises his eyebrow suggestively. “I want you to wear it around the house from now on,” He looks so amused with himself. So satisfied with his sick humor.
He wasn’t doing this to be funny. No, this was beyond a joke. The anger inside of you kept growing until you barely could take it anymore.
No. No way. You were not under any circumstances ever, ever going to put on that costume. Taehyung could ask you to do anything else for the house and you would not object. But this? This takes disrespect to a whole new, personal level.
“No.” You say simply. Surprisingly very calm for what fury you feel like unleashing on the inside. But you have to stay strong. He can’t see how this affects you. He wants your reaction.
Taehyung’s devilish smirk falters for a second, but then returns quickly. “I’m sorry, would you like me to call Hoseok and tell him you’re being unreasonably uncooperative with me? You know, I have already been telling him how unwilling you are to do actual work in this house,”
You can’t help but scoff at that. You literally did everything for this house. But you didn’t care anymore. His threats meant nothing to you. And if you had to continue with this mistreatment, you didn’t want to be forced to comply anymore. No matter what life you would be giving up. “Go ahead. Call Hoseok and tell him how I won’t wear your slutty maid costume around the house to be paraded around like your own personal play thing. I’m sure he would love to hear how intentionally degrading you are being towards his employee and his cousin.”
Your words are firm and strong. You will not let him take advantage of you. “Go ahead. Get me fired. But I have never and will never tolerate being treated like this. Goodnight, Taehyung.”
And with that, you push past him walking straight back to your own wing of the mansion. Far, far away from that despicable man you left behind you. 
The third thing you had learned about Taehyung: He truly had no boundaries.
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