#rip to my phoenix & beast u are missed :(
groenendaze · 4 months
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i don’t share my disc golf discs here because Not A Dog but like….. this disc is too pretty not to share. i love her
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toushi · 7 years
Thank you to everytone who tagged me and sorry for the late response c’:  
I tag: @tsukis @gintoukis @nikiforv @josenji @sarapyon @aomine-s @sougu @ackermanss @oohiras @ferid for any of these (or none at all, it’s up to you c:)
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people ^^
a - age: 20 
b - biggest fear: failure 
c - current time: 2:40pm 
d - drink you last had: water 
e - every day starts with: "no” f - favorite song: Perfect, by Ed Sheeran 
g - ghosts, are they real: yes 
h - hometown: Somewhere near Paris c: 
i - in love with: Anna and Kuroo ♡ 
j - jealous of: envious of wealthy & healthy people 
k - killed someone: :^) ... no(t yet) 
l - last time you cried: two-three days ago because i was very anxious m - middle name: Sin i dont have one 
n - number of siblings: two 
o - one wish: tranquility p - person you last called/texted: called my mom to let her know my sis who went with her forgot her phone at home q - questions you’re always asked: "why are you so quiet” :)))) i strongly Hate™ this question 
r - reasons to smile: wonderful people with beautiful souls ♡ 
s - song last sang: Barcelona, Ed Sheeran t - time you woke up: 11:10am (finally could sleep in after waking up all week at 5am rip me) 
u - underwear color: blue  v - vacation destination: Japan + Philippines (I really miss it) 
w - worst habit: i procrastinate way too much now 
x - x-rays you’ve had: one for my back y - your favorite food: mom and dad’s cooking 
z - zodiac sign: leo
Tagged by @juminss & @sarapyon ! thanks bbies ♡
1) Coke or Pepsi? coke  2) Disney or Dreamworks? disney all the way !!! but i love dreamworks too c: ♡ 3) Coffee or Tea? coffee 4) Books or Movies? books but i dont have time for them anymore ; u ; 5) Windows or Mac? windows, i dont understand mac tbh lmao 6) D.C or Marvel? i dont have a preference since i’m not a fan of either  7) Xbox or PlayStation? PlayStation 8) Dragon or Mass Effect? are those videogames ? because idk what they are lol c’: 9) Night Owl or Early Riser? early riser, though i love to sleep in lol 10) Cards or Chess? cards 11) Chocolate or Vanilla? CHOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO ♡ 12) Vans or Converse? vans  13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Canadash or Adaar? what 14) Fluff or Angst? both :^) but angst man ... i def need more of it and see my faves suffer bc i’m a sadist. but an emo sadist bc i cry when they suffer even though i asked for it. *cough* 15) Beach or Forest? beach 16) Dogs or Cats? DOGGGSSSS !!! but i love @aomine-s‘s cats c: 17) Clear Skies or Rain? clear skies 18) Cooking or Eating out? simply eat ; i dont like to cook and i dont wanna go out lol  19) Spicy or Mild Food? SPICYYYY :^) 20) Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas? CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS ♡ 21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? a little too hot (i cant stand cold at all)  22) If you could have a superpower what would it be?  time travel 23) Animation or Live Action? animation, but i love stage plays :) 24) Paragon or Renegade? again, i’ve no idea what this is c’: 25) Bath or Shower? shower 26) Team Cap or Team Iron-Man? iron man 27) Fantasy or Sci-Fi? fantasy 28) Do you have three or four favorite quotes it so what are they? "When you’re hungry, eat” (Monkey D. Luffy) :^) ; “Give back double what people do to you” (Sakata Gintoki) ; “Always help someone. You might be the only one that does” (Unknown). 29) YouTube or Netflix? youtube 30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? HARRY POTTER !!!!!! 31) When do you feel accomplished? when i’ve done something i’m satisfied with  32) Star Wars or Star Trek? i haven’t watched neither  33) Paperback book or Hardcover book? hard cover have a beautiful charm imo c: 34) Fantastic beast or Cursed Child? i havent read/watched them but i’m drawn to fantastic beast contrary to cursed child 35) Rock or Pop Music? pop-rock  36) What is the most important thing in your life? my family/friends ! 37) Mountains or Sea/Ocean? sea/ocean 38) How do you express yourself? i rarely express myself irl because i’m shy and introverted ... but when it comes to texting / group chats with people from tumblr, it’s easier for me c: 39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you? i cant remember c’:  40) What’s your element (air, water, etc)?  water 41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Japan  42) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Archaelogist 43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? Be rich without working, let my family and me be healthy, and let there be peace and equality in the world.  44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? My mom’s fish amok  45) What’s your Spirit Animal/Patronus? Ibizan Hound, according to Pottermore 46) Would you kill yourself and save your friends or kill your friends and save yourself? Save them  47) If you had to become a mythical creature which would you be? a phoenix 48) Your favorite song? Perfect, Ed Sheeran 49) A4 or A5 notebooks? A4 50) If you had to give up on someone you love, making this person forget about you, and never see him/her again, to save his/her life, would you do it? I would, which I already am doing, kinda.  51) Did you ever wish to become someone else? If yes, then what would you do to make yourself better? Yes. but I’ve learn to accept who I am c:
tagged by @aizawashoutta​ & @sougu thank you so much <3
rules: answers these questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: with kuroo single
favourite color: blue, pastel colors, red
lipstick or chapstick: i dont wear makeup at all lol
last song I listened to: We don’t talk anymore, covered by Jungkook
last movie watched: Moana
top three tv shows: dancing with the stars is the only reason i’d turn my tv on lol / as for animanga : hq!!, gintama, one piece
top three ships: it’s very difficult for me to have ships but i love iwaoi, hakyona & hijigin
Tagged by @akutagawah ! Thanks mom ♡
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
first-aid kit
an umbrella
pills/pain killers/etc.
a bottle of water
Five Things In My Bedroom: 
my laptop
tons ... of school books
i have my own little “pharmacy” as well lol
family pics
the Philippines flag
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life: 
travel aboard a ship
travel to other countries and get to know the people who live there
do a road trip with friends (so much travelling ikr lol)
i ... dont know lol
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
friends & family
kuroo tetsurou
make gifs
historical discoveries
Five Things On My To-Do List:
graduate asap 
buy a car
get my own appartment
get a summer job
learn more languages
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
it’s really hard for me to start/keep up convos in real life
i have a bunch of beauty marks here and there all over my body
i’m patient and understanding, but i can bite the Hardest :)c
i’ve been through depression
i’ve a strong attachment to ancient asian beliefs / tradition
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beausanddragons · 5 years
Critrole Campaign 2 Episode 51 thoughts
Here’s some moments from the episode and thoughts I had.
Episode 51:
Everyone’s outfits
Sam’s dnd beyond ad
Liam’s self-flagellation comment
“Good job caduceus” jester
Caleb and Beau and wrappings
Con save throw for smelling Caleb’s hands
Matt’s “Ball-samic” joke that didn’t get near enough laughs
Three wizards - Beau -Caleb’s face
“Kill them!” Damn, jester!
“Do we want to do the same little trick, you and I?” Caleb @ Cad #gayyy
Frumpkin’s back!
Rainfall/rainy mood thaumaturgy
Caleb’s and Jester’s convo about smelly stuff
“Nothing to hide”
Caleb/Liam punishing themselves
Sam’s boner for Travis
The candy and snack break
Matt’s casual, “and we lost Laura...”
They remembered Sprinkle!!!
Jester is a pack mule for her pets
“Please don’t be a privy” Fjord
No wraps on Caleb’s arms!!!
“Nothing to hide anymore” -Caleb about his wraps (also Liam doing That™️ to us Caleb cosplayers)
Fjord and Beau arm brace teamwork
Travis’s “Good, good, goooood”
Cad poking his head out the hole like a meerkat/ groundhog
“I’ve missed the sky” -cad
“Welcome, to Xhorhassic Park!” -Sam
Everyone singing different parts of the score.
Laura throwing Travis candy and Travis catching it. #Marriage
“Advanced Darkness” Gordranas
“Two days to the darkness” Marisha
“Is it the sand people?” -Nott
“The sand people?” -Fjord, incredulous
Kolden(his accent ahhhhh) and the muckmen
“Just the seven of you?” Oof
“Consistent twilight”
Darkness, darkness, darkness
“A bunch of crazy assholes”
They need black clothes
Oof marshes, just like on the road to Mordor
“Hard to cross the river” don’t Fjord the river haha
“Head for the hole” “it’s Valentine’s Day”
Hell yess wall of fire
Laura and Marisha trying to butter Matt up by complimenting him
Marisha putting her book on her head.
“You’ve got a book on your head, you’re fine” -Sam to Marisha
“War caster feat”->Caleb
“They had cool cloaks” mood Taliesin, mood
Fjord summoning the bulgora
Jester/Laura saying okay a million times same tho
Return of Regular Knoll
Archers and Valentine’s Day
Travis being a beauyasha shipper by having Yasha raging and running to Beau’s side to assist in battle
Beau stunning!!!!! “Fuck you and your helmet!”
“Thanks for the wraps” Beau to caleb lol
Metal cup Krin balls
“Up stage” and “down stage” throughout the fight
RIP Knolls
“Bless you, Caleb, You sweet son of a bitch” -Travis/Fjord
Laura distributing chocolate
After sam says “fury of the small” Liam saying, “that’s my secret, I’m always small”
Liam grabbing the handbook.
Fjord and Caleb speed halved
Vacuum blast
“Jeepers creepers, y’all” -Liam
Liam’s puff puff puff
“Transmuter stone, war caster feat.”
Awwww rip Kalden
“What a mess, we’re in”
Caleb bleeding from ears, eyes, nose
Caleb and fjord tugged
Liam moving around Travis to see the map better
Spiritual weapon!!!! 4th level!!! Boop boop booooo!!!!
Marisha crossing her eyes after Matt complimented her stunning strike #marriage
The way sam is like Laura’s hype man/cheerleader
Hellish Rebuke Jester screaming
Fjord/Travis reacting to jester getting attacked/going unconscious
Marisha grabbing players handbook!!!!
Marisha, “pop! Pop!”
Another stun!!!!!!
Nugget is very concerned rn
The way Laura grabs her hair when she gets nervous
3 of 11 surviving rangers/muckmen
Caleb limping and smearing away blood, “ohhhh my head”
Muckwoman, “better we burn the bodies”-
Caleb is uneasy
Aww cad said he’d do it for them. (Clayleb anyone?)
Caleb lies flat on his back, staring at the sky
Empire sibs laying on the ground
As Liam’s beard gets bushier, so does Caleb’s beard
Everyone has gray? Waxed?cloaks
Blasted with glass, (Phoenix fire gauntlet/Lup, is that u????) Nope, it’s lightning strikes
Caleb’s hmmm?
Two moons????
Marisha and Tal pantomiming throwing the goggles back and forth
“At a medium pace”
Miffed and wet and scarf Frumpkin
“Ifelon the river and all I got was this lousy T-shirt” -Liam
Oh fjuck bird of prey
A Roc
“Huggy Bear” and “peekaboo we see u” —Caleb lmao
Bug bear (is it Klaarg? Lol)
“Swim.” -Gloozo malnourished? Prays to the light
The Penumbra range mountains
Asarius city of beasts
Baron visko, kind of a douche
Cad coming in clutch with those insight checks
Caleb does not like deep muddy feet/squishing his feet in mud/getting his feet all wet.
“Ahhh, Fjord, that’s your very special power that only you have”-Nott being sassy af
“Armor cocking”
Fjord Moses parts the river “petty motherfucker”
“Our Leader, Caleb” -Nott
Caleb humors her and grabs the rope
The river is the Ohio River lmao Bc it’s got muck and weird fish
“I feel Like you really let that trail on” cad to Caleb heh
Beau and the mask
Skyrim jarl joke
“I’m proud of you” -cad
Caleb talking about shaving cream “lather”
Travis acting as Yasha shaving the bug bear. Captain tusk tooth tattoo on bug bear abdomen.
Is he a traveler follower????
The tat looks like Gritty
The city is well lit
“Friends with a bug bear in the middle of Xhorhas”
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