#rise sheeldon
quartergremlin · 10 months
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The Legacy of Genius Built Industries: Exclusive Interview with Othello Von Ryan
transcript and process under the cut
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Year after year, Genius Built Industries captures the world's attention as they roll out neigh-fantastical devices and systems dedicated to making all our lives a little bit better.
This time, instead of an industry-shaking tech development, the thing that has eyes turning towards GBI is a personal change: the first public appearance of real-life giant and part-time superhero Othello Von Ryan's children.
I've been invited back into Von Ryan's lab for and exclusive interview with their small family.
Von Ryan's personal lab is just as i remember it - perfectly organized and violently purple - but now it's a little more crowded.
For now, Von Ryan has put away the projects to give their attention to their equally purple children.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. - just as tall as Von Ryan themself - leans away from his insistent parent, armed with a spray bottle and a cloth and attempting to wipe down the screen that makes up the bottom half of his face. On Von Ryan's other side, P.S.D.D. kicks zir legs and laughs at zir brother.
This doesn't last long, as zir eye is next. When they're done, both teens are shiny and irritated.
And yes, Othello Von Ryan's children do - to the best of my knowledge - seem to be hyper-intelligent robots.
I know you hate beating around the bush, so I'm just going to say it: your kids are androids.
Othello Von Ryan:
Friendly laugh. It would seem so.
You must admit, it's a little surprising, especially considering your previous comments on artificial intelligence. That, and your history of forging your own path against the usual hype-based trends of the tech industry.
(S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and P.S.D.D. both seem to cringe at the comparison. Von Ryan quite literally turns their nose up.)
Scoff! My children are nothing like what my competitors would call "artificial intelligence"! Their version is nothing more than an overhyped word scrambler with illusions of grandeur! A parrot residing within a thin-walled apartment complex could do a better job.
Additionally, I created Shelly and D.D. when I was in my teens. The "tech industry" is stuck chasing my tail, as always.
Really? That long ago? A.I. as we know it today was only just gaining popularity! Why not re-create a version for the consumer market?
We were accidents.
(Very clearly embarrassed)
No, that doesn't sound like me.
I was a glorified roomba, Pops.
You could do much more than a mere roomba!
I was a bed!
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