#ritz waldorf
littlehorrorshop · 2 years
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Among Those Present (1921)
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desimonewayland · 1 year
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José María Sert (1874-1945)
'Vision de Naples'
An eleven-leaf screen, circa 1923
Giltwood and black glaze; decorated with scenes against the Bay of Naples, 390 x 800 cm.
Catalogue Note:
José Maria Sert (1874-1945), the "Tiepolo of the Ritz", is part of the closed circle of the great society artists of the 20th century. He married the famous Misia Godebska whom Forain introduced to him, better known as Misia Sert, a central figure in artistic and literary Paris at the end of the 19th century and between the wars. Muse successively of Mallarmé, Vuillard, Renoir, Proust, Diaghilev and Cocteau, Misia was also the confidante of Gabrielle Chanel for whom Sert created this screen.
Undermined by the Parisian avant-garde, he is part of a primarily decorative painting tradition influenced by Goya, Manet and of course Tiepolo. In his studio in the rue Barbet de Jouy, Sert created a grandiose decor in the image of his painting, mixing baroque furniture, gilded bronzes, crystals and Coromandel screens. Gabrielle Chanel retained this lesson in decoration and applied it in all her Parisian residences thereafter, as her apartment on rue Cambon still testifies. Sert held a salon there where he received the entire Café Society of the time, who commissioned him for multiple projects. Specializing in very large wall decorations and screens, he went from polychrome painting to monochrome painting on a gold background, which better suited his exuberant style. He received important commissions at the turn of the century throughout Europe and more particularly in England (between 1914 and 1915 for Lady Ripon at Combe Court and Sir Philip Sassoon at Lympe and between 1918 and 1919 for Sir Saxton Noble at Wretham Hall). He received his first commission in the United States in 1924 for Mr. Joshua Cosden's music room in Palm Beach. An exhibition in New York at the Wildenstein Galleries completed his launch across the Atlantic. He then undertook grandiose projects such as an entire room at the Waldorf Astoria in New York in 1930, and the entrance main building of Rockefeller Center, built in 1933.
"Art loses the last representative of great painting", wrote Paul Claudel in Le Figaro on 14 December 1945, on the death of his friend José María Sert. The monumentality of his work and the power of his personality made Sert an artist unanimously admired in his time.
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mercurygray · 9 months
Hii Merc, could I please request #10 — emerald — for Eileen? Thank you <3
He had a 48 hour pass and an absolutely clear idea of how he was going to spend it.
The train from Swindon was a stretch, three hours at most, but Lew had a better chance of a decent meal in London, and a decent whisky, too, even with the rationing. He wanted to be in a city again - the lights and the buildings and the bustle. He'd had enough of small town living to last him quite a while, and army food wasn't ever anything anyone asked for by name.
Maxim's, or Claridge's? The Ritz? The Savoy? The possibilities seemed enormous. The Waldorf was the American outpost - perhaps he'd go there.
There was already a flurry of activity at the door, a crowd of servicemen and press types with cameras, clamoring a single name as they pushed and shoved for a better view of whichever celebrity they were anxious to see.
Lew joined the press, trying to actually reach the door for his own dinner, until he realized he knew the name - and the face that went with it.
"Miss Hammond! Miss Hammond! Miss Hammond!"
And there she was, in all her glory - Eileen Hammond. The last time he'd seen her she'd been sporting a t-shirt and shorts and a bloody nose courtesy of Herbert Sobel, but she was wearing nothing of the kind now - an emerald green suit with some kind of fur stole around her shoulders, topped off with a hat that gave slight shades of Robin Hood and Sherwood. An absolute vision, with no evidence, at least from this distance, that her nose had ever been broken or that she had ever been anything but perfectly coiffed and dressed.
She turned to the crowd, obviously practiced with this sort of thing. "Boys, boys, boys. I'm so sorry to disappoint you all but I've got a date waiting for me inside." She gave her biggest smile and glanced beneficently around the crowd, her eyes finding Nix and almost immediately lighting up, like she'd been expecting him. "Oh, Captain Nixon. There you are. Shall we?"
Nix could only mutely offer his arm, Eileen settling her gloves around it like she owned him and beaming to the crowd as she steered the two of them inside, past the doorman and the lobby clerk into the waiting eves of the hotel's restaurant entrance. God, he thought silently. That's an actress.
Once they were well and truly inside she let his arm go. "Well, there you are, Captain. Now you're the envy of every man in town." She gave a little laugh. "What, no free and easy quip? I think this is the first time I've seen Lewis Nixon without something to say."
It was true - he didn't have anything to say. For the first time in a long time, he was well and truly surprised - and, more than that, almost embarrassed. It had been one thing back at Toccoa to make a joke about what he'd do, given a hotel room and half a chance, but he didn't have that kind of power here. Here he was just another guy in a uniform, just like all the other guys out front, clamoring for her like she was a commodity on the exchange. She'd plucked him out, made him worth the attention, when usually it was the other way around, with him doing the plucking. He didn't have the same kind of power here that he usually did. "It may surprise you to hear that escorting movie starlets isn't my usual Friday."
Again that smile - she could blind people with it. "But I'm not just a movie starlet, am I? You could call me Private Hammond if you thought it would go down easier."
Lew thought mutely of Annie Sutton's steely glare and nearly winced. "It wouldn't." He swallowed, tried to gather up more of his customary charm. "So, how does this usually work? You pick some kid from the crowd, give his rank like you know him, and then bring him inside?"
She shook her head. "No. Usually I say I have someone waiting inside and then I eat dinner alone and sneak out the back. The staff here's nice for that."
Lew didn't have a quip for that - only an honest observation. "Sounds lonely."
"It is. But easier to manage."
It felt awkward, now - the honesty. He wasn't honest much, and then only with a very short list of people. The last woman he'd been honest with was - well, Joan. (Joan, who'd have a few words to say about chivalry and helping friends out of tight spots, who had a lot of stories herself about eating alone.) "Well, since I'm already here, it…seems a shame to waste it. Can a fellow treat you to dinner, Miss Hammond?"
He got an honest smile back. "I think he can."
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scotianostra · 6 months
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November 26th 1908 saw the birth of Charles Carmine Forte in Casalattico, Italy.
Baron Forte, as he was to become, worked in his relatives Italian cafe in the High Street, on his arrival in Scotland from Italy. He expanded a tiny London milk bar (snack bar), which he opened in 1934, into Trusthouse Forte PLC, a vast international enterprise that included highway service centres, restaurants, airport caterers, breweries, wine merchants, and a string of accommodations that ranged from the moderate-priced Travelodge motel chain to such luxury hotels as London’s Waldorf and Grosvenor House.
And what is all this got to with Scotland? Forte settled in Scotland at the age of four, where his father Rocco set up a cafe, he also worked at his Uncle Alfonso’s shop in my home town of Loanhed, although some sources say it was Rocco, his father who owned the shop, the Forte website says it was Alfonso.
There are Italian-Scots, all over Scotland, the Fortes had businesses in Stirling, Kelso, Biggar, Galashiels, Girvan, Broxburn, Jedburgh, Dunbar, Greenock, Dalkeith, Alloa and loads more places besides.
After his father bought a small hotel in Alloa young Charles attended Alloa Academy and then St. Joseph's College, Dumfries, he was then sent to Rome for two years before re-joining his family. He was 18 when he entered the family business, running a restaurant. The business progressed through a series of seaside resorts.
When he was 21, Forte was put in charge of a rundown cafe, the Venetian Lounge in Brighton. Within 12 months he had turned it into a profit-making outlet.
However, he had set his sights on London. With just £400, loans of £2000 from his family and a further £2000 bank loan, he bought a milk bar in Upper Regent Street. A concept he imported from America, it was a place where young people could socialise while lingering over non-alcoholic drinks and listening to the latest records.
The Strand Milk Bar Ltd. milk bar was the stepping stone Forte needed. In later years the café became the Four Seasons Restaurant and it was one site he would never sell.
By the time war broke out in 1939, Forte owned nine establishments in the centre of the capital and was known as Mr Piccadilly. He was interned on the Isle of Man, but after three months he was released to become an adviser to the Ministry of Food.
After the war he bought top London restaurants and hotels such as the Cafe Royal and Waldorf. In 1955 his company was awarded the first catering concession at Heathrow Airport. When the UK's first motorway opened in 1959, he began building a chain of 23 roadside catering areas.
His empire eventually had more than 800 hotels, in cities such as Paris, Geneva, Madrid and London, and a similar number of food outlets. In Britain alone he employed about 70,000 people.
When knighted in 1970 Lord Forte, who was five feet four inches in height, dubbed himself "the shortest knight of the year". He was also a Knight of the Grand Cross of the Italian Republic and was presented with a Papal Medal by Pope Pius XII. He received a medal from the French for what his firm had done at its Paris hotels, the George V, the Plaza Athenee and Tremoille, and the Spanish gave him a medal for his work at the Ritz in Madrid. In 1992, aged 83, he gave up the company to his son Rocco, who had succeeded him as chief executive in 1983.Forte ascribed his success to hard work and healthy living. He said work should be serious but fun, and satisfaction rather than profit was his main motivation.
Charles Forte passed away on February 28th, 2007 aged 98, he had already passed full control to his son Rocco in 1993, but soon the plc was faced with a hostile takeover bid from Granada. Ultimately, Granada succeeded with a £3.9 billion tender offer in January 1996, which left the family with about £350 million in cash, not bad for starting in a wee shop in a Scottish toon.
Rocco immediately went back into the hotel business and now has 14 hotels located in European cities, as well as beach resorts in Sicily and Apulia, and recent openings in Saudi Arabia and China. The most famous of his hotels in Scotland is The Balmoral at number one Princes Street Edinburgh.
Pics of of some of the Forte businesses can be found here https://www.fortefamilyhistory.com/Gallery/In_Business/index.html
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chennaitop10 · 9 days
The Allure of 5-Star Hotels: Luxury, Comfort, and Unparalleled Service
In the world of hospitality, 5-star hotels represent the pinnacle of luxury and excellence. These establishments offer guests an extraordinary experience, combining opulent surroundings, superior service, and a range of high-end amenities. This article explores what sets 5-star hotels apart, their history, and what guests can expect when staying at these elite destinations. Explore luxurious 5-star hotels in Chennai for an unforgettable stay marked by impeccable service and opulent amenities.
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 The Definition of a 5-Star Hotel
A 5-star hotel is an establishment that offers its guests the highest levels of luxury through personalized services, a wide range of amenities, and a superior overall experience. The criteria for achieving 5-star status can vary by country and rating organization, but they generally include:
Exceptional Service: Personalized, attentive service is a hallmark of 5-star hotels. This includes a high staff-to-guest ratio, 24-hour room service, concierge services, and often a butler service.
Opulent Accommodations: Rooms and suites are typically spacious and luxuriously appointed, featuring high-quality furnishings, premium bedding, and top-notch bathroom amenities.
Fine Dining: Multiple on-site dining options, often including Michelin-starred restaurants or acclaimed chefs, offering a range of gourmet cuisines.
Extensive Amenities: These may include swimming pools, spas, fitness centers, business centers, and conference facilities.
Exquisite Décor: Attention to detail in décor and design, often showcasing local culture or unique artistic touches.
Prime Location: Many 5-star hotels are situated in prime locations, offering scenic views, proximity to major attractions, or exclusive access to private beaches.
A Brief History of Luxury Hotels
The concept of luxury accommodations dates back centuries, with some of the earliest examples found in ancient civilizations. However, the modern luxury hotel as we know it began to take shape in the 19th century. Some key milestones include:
The Grand Tour Era: In the 18th and 19th centuries, wealthy Europeans embarked on grand tours across the continent, necessitating the development of high-end lodging to cater to these discerning travelers.
The Savoy Hotel, London: Opened in 1889, The Savoy set new standards in luxury, introducing electric lights, elevators, and private bathrooms for each room.
The Ritz Paris: Established in 1898 by César Ritz, this hotel epitomized elegance and innovation, providing unmatched service and luxurious amenities.
The Waldorf Astoria, New York: Opened in 1931, this hotel became synonymous with luxury and introduced the concept of the hotel as a social hub.
What to Expect at a 5-Star Hotel
Guests at a 5-star hotel can expect an experience that goes beyond mere accommodation. Here are some of the standout features and services: Find the best 5-star hotels in Chennai for a luxurious stay with unparalleled service and amenities.
Personalized Service
From the moment guests arrive, they are treated to a level of service that is attentive, discreet, and highly personalized. Staff members are trained to anticipate needs and provide bespoke services, whether it’s arranging last-minute dinner reservations or ensuring that a guest's favorite drink is ready upon arrival.
Lavish Rooms and Suites
Accommodations in 5-star hotels are designed with comfort and luxury in mind. Rooms often feature high-thread-count linens, plush pillows, and mattresses that guarantee a restful sleep. Bathrooms are equipped with high-end fixtures, deep soaking tubs, and premium toiletries. Additionally, many rooms offer stunning views and private balconies.
Gourmet Dining
Culinary excellence is a cornerstone of the 5-star hotel experience. Guests can expect a variety of dining options, ranging from fine dining restaurants helmed by renowned chefs to casual eateries and room service that caters to every culinary whim. The emphasis is on quality, creativity, and using the finest ingredients.
World-Class Amenities
5-star hotels provide a wide array of amenities designed to enhance the guest experience. Spas offer a range of treatments and wellness programs, fitness centers are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, and pools often provide a serene escape. Business travelers have access to fully-equipped business centers and meeting rooms, ensuring productivity even on the go.
Unique Experiences
Many 5-star hotels offer unique experiences that reflect their location and heritage. This can include cultural tours, cooking classes, adventure excursions, or access to exclusive events. These experiences are designed to provide guests with memorable and enriching moments during their stay.
Notable 5-Star Hotels Around the World
The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo
Perched in the tallest building in Tokyo, The Ritz-Carlton offers panoramic views of the city and Mount Fuji. Guests can enjoy Michelin-starred dining, an extensive art collection, and a tranquil spa inspired by Japanese tradition.
Burj Al Arab, Dubai
Often referred to as the world’s only 7-star hotel, the Burj Al Arab is an icon of luxury. Its distinctive sail-shaped architecture houses opulent duplex suites, private butler service, and a fleet of Rolls-Royce cars for guest use.
The Plaza, New York City
A landmark hotel located at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Central Park South, The Plaza has been a symbol of elegance since 1907. It combines historic charm with modern amenities, offering luxurious rooms, the famed Palm Court for afternoon tea, and the exclusive Eloise Suite.
Aman Tokyo
A sanctuary in the heart of Tokyo, Aman Tokyo blends traditional Japanese aesthetics with contemporary design. It features spacious rooms, a serene spa, and exceptional dining that showcases the flavors of Japan.
The Future of 5-Star Hotels
As the hospitality industry evolves, 5-star hotels continue to innovate and adapt to meet the changing needs of travelers. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important, with many luxury hotels implementing eco-friendly practices and initiatives. Technological advancements are also playing a role, with smart room features, personalized digital services, and enhanced connectivity becoming standard.
Moreover, the definition of luxury is expanding to include more immersive and authentic experiences. Travelers are seeking unique stays that offer a deeper connection to the local culture and environment. This has led to the rise of boutique luxury hotels that provide a more intimate and personalized experience. Discover the top 10 5-star hotels in Chennai, offering unmatched luxury and world-class amenities for an exceptional stay.
5-star hotels represent the ultimate in luxury travel, offering guests an unparalleled level of service, comfort, and exclusivity. Whether nestled in the heart of a bustling city or set amidst tranquil landscapes, these hotels provide a sanctuary where every detail is designed to create an unforgettable experience. As the industry continues to evolve, the essence of what makes a 5-star hotel remains the same: a commitment to excellence and a passion for creating extraordinary moments for their guests.
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decimaldairy · 2 months
Top 5 Luxury Hotels in Los Angeles: Your Perfect Holiday Escape
Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, boasts a myriad of hotels catering to every traveler's preferences, ensuring a memorable holiday experience. Here are the top five hotels in Los Angeles that promise luxury, comfort, and convenience:
The Beverly Hills Hotel: Nestled in the heart of Beverly Hills, this iconic hotel exudes timeless elegance and Hollywood glamour. Featuring luxurious accommodations, exquisite dining options, and impeccable service, it's a favorite among celebrities and discerning travelers alike.
The Ritz-Carlton, Los Angeles: Situated in the vibrant downtown district, this five-star hotel offers unparalleled luxury and sophistication. Guests can indulge in lavish amenities, including a rooftop pool, spa services, and fine dining restaurants, while enjoying stunning views of the city skyline.
The Peninsula Beverly Hills: Renowned for its impeccable service and attention to detail, The Peninsula Beverly Hills is a sanctuary of luxury and tranquility. With spacious suites, lush gardens, and world-class dining options, it's the perfect retreat for those seeking a sophisticated urban escape.
The Langham Huntington, Pasadena: Nestled amidst 23 acres of lush gardens, this historic hotel offers a serene oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Guests can unwind in elegant rooms and suites, dine at award-winning restaurants, or indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments.
Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills: Located in the heart of Beverly Hills, this luxurious hotel epitomizes modern luxury and sophistication. With spacious rooms, panoramic views, and exceptional dining experiences, it's a haven for discerning travelers seeking an unforgettable holiday experience.
Whether you're exploring the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, soaking up the sun on Santa Monica Beach, or indulging in world-class shopping and dining, these top hotels in Los Angeles offer the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience for your perfect holiday getaway.
For more details: Visit our website
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surestayphx1 · 2 months
Stylish Stays: Hotels That Define Elegance near Biltmore Fashion Park Phoenix
In the vibrant city of Phoenix, Arizona, where modernity meets luxury, finding a stylish and elegant stay Hotel near Biltmore fashion park Phoenix is a quest for those seeking sophistication and comfort. This guide delves into a curated selection of hotels that embody elegance, offering guests an unforgettable experience in one of Phoenix's most prestigious areas.
The Camby, Autograph Collection
Located adjacent to Biltmore Fashion Park, The Camby stands out with its unique blend of modern design and classic luxury.
Explore the hotel's chic rooms and suites, each designed with meticulous attention to detail and featuring upscale amenities.
Indulge in culinary delights at the hotel's signature restaurant, where innovative dishes and a vibrant ambiance create a memorable dining experience.
Arizona Biltmore, a Waldorf Astoria Resort
A timeless icon of elegance, the Arizona Biltmore offers guests a retreat of sophistication and charm.
Discover the historic significance of this legendary resort, known for its Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired architecture and lush gardens.
Unwind in luxurious accommodations, including spacious suites and villas, while enjoying world-class amenities such as championship golf courses and rejuvenating spa treatments.
Royal Palms Resort and Spa
Nestled amidst lush gardens and citrus groves, Royal Palms Resort and Spa exudes Mediterranean-inspired elegance.
Experience personalized service and attention to detail in every aspect of your stay, from elegantly appointed rooms to exquisite dining options.
Relax and rejuvenate at the award-winning Alvadora Spa, where ancient Mediterranean techniques and modern treatments create a sanctuary of wellness and luxury.
The Ritz-Carlton, Phoenix
Synonymous with luxury and refinement, The Ritz-Carlton in Phoenix offers a sophisticated oasis in the heart of the city.
Immerse yourself in opulent accommodations, featuring plush bedding, marble bathrooms, and stunning city views.
Indulge in culinary delights at the hotel's acclaimed restaurants, showcasing the best of local and international cuisine with a touch of Ritz-Carlton elegance.
JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa
A sprawling desert retreat, JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa combines luxurious amenities with breathtaking natural surroundings.
Discover spacious guest rooms and suites designed for relaxation and comfort, with private balconies offering panoramic views of the desert landscape.
Enjoy a plethora of dining options, championship golf courses, and a world-class spa for a truly indulgent stay near Biltmore Fashion Park.
The Phoenician, a Luxury Collection Resort
Set against the backdrop of Camelback Mountain, The Phoenician epitomizes luxury and grandeur with its exquisite accommodations and unparalleled service.
Experience the resort's exclusive amenities, including a championship golf course, multiple pools, and a lavish spa offering rejuvenating treatments.
Dine in style at the resort's acclaimed restaurants, where culinary excellence meets breathtaking views of the Arizona landscape.
Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Monte Lucia
Inspired by the architecture and ambiance of Andalusia, Spain, Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Monte Lucia offers a retreat of timeless elegance.
Discover luxurious guest rooms and suites adorned with Spanish-inspired decor and modern amenities.
Indulge in a culinary journey at the resort's restaurants, featuring Mediterranean cuisine and innovative cocktails in a stunning desert setting.
Hotel Valley Ho
A mid-century modern gem, Hotel Valley Ho combines retro chic with contemporary luxury, creating a vibrant and stylish atmosphere.
Relax in spacious rooms and suites adorned with retro-inspired furnishings and modern comforts.
Dive into the hotel's lively pool scene, dine at award-winning restaurants, and experience the vibrant nightlife of Scottsdale just minutes away.
The Scott Resort & Spa
Embracing the essence of desert luxury, The Scott Resort & Spa offers a sophisticated retreat with a touch of bohemian charm.
Experience stylish accommodations featuring vibrant decor, private balconies, and modern amenities.
Unwind at the resort's serene spa, indulge in globally inspired cuisine, and savor craft cocktails at the stylish poolside bar.
In the realm of stylish stays near Biltmore Fashion Park in Phoenix, these hotels redefine elegance, offering guests a fusion of luxury, comfort, and impeccable service. Whether you seek historic grandeur, modern sophistication, or Mediterranean-inspired tranquility, these hotels promise an unforgettable experience in one of Arizona's most coveted destinations.
Discover comfort and convenience at Sure Stay Phx in vibrant Phoenix, AZ. Our hotel offers a range of well-appointed rooms, excellent amenities, and friendly service. Whether you're here for business or leisure, our prime location ensures easy access to the city's attractions. Your home away from home in Phoenix.
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havenhomesuae · 4 months
Bayti Residences at Al Hamra Village
Bayti Residences is a luxurious residential complex featuring a diverse range of villas with upscale designs and varied spaces. These villas range from three to six bedrooms, each unit equipped with a maid’s room.
These luxurious villas are situated in innovative modern buildings that blend sophisticated architecture with luxurious artistic touches catering to the tastes of discerning clients. Each building consists of three floors with secure roofs, balconies, and terraces offering enchanting views of the surrounding greenery and expansive water features.
Designed using the latest sustainability technologies to minimize excessive consumption, the units include solar-powered water tanks for energy efficiency, water devices to reduce flow, CO detectors on each floor, low VOC paints, and LED lights contributing to preserving the natural environment surrounding this upscale residential complex.
Bayti Residences at Al Hamra Village The interior designs of Bayti Residences reflect a luxurious style suitable for refined Gulf families, with charming decorative details and luxurious artistic touches in spacious living rooms and bedrooms. The breathtaking views of the enchanting nature of Al Hamra Village add a magical touch to these luxurious residential units.
Bayti Residences is located in one of the most attractive tourist islands and villages in the world, Al Hamra Island. This area boasts an enjoyable and comfortable lifestyle amidst charming green nature and exceptional bright beaches. The complex provides unparalleled entertainment facilities and services, making it a haven for pleasure and luxury.
Bayti Residences stands out with a luxurious Arabian and Eastern design infused with modern touches, creating a unique architectural blend surrounded by green areas, gardens, and water spaces that create a fantastical scene within a residential complex filled with comfort. This peaceful and luxurious place is adjacent to renowned hotels such as The Ritz-Carlton, Hilton, and Waldorf Astoria.
#Bayti_Residences #UAE #Ras_Al_Khaimah
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dailyksa · 5 months
Marriott vs. Hilton: Which Hotel Chain Is Right for You?
When it comes to choosing the perfect hotel for your next vacation or business trip, the options appear unlimited. Among the many choices, Marriott and Hilton stand out as two of the most famous hotel chains worldwide. Both brands boast an expansive network of hotels, luxurious comforts, and loyalty programs, making the decision even more challenging. In this complete guide, we'll delve into the difficulties of Marriott vs. Hilton, helping you make an informed choice based on your importance and needs.
Brand Overview: Marriott vs. Hilton
Marriott and Hilton, two hospitality giants, have particular records and attitudes that shape their hotel experiences. Marriott, founded in 1927, has grown into a diverse portfolio of 30 brands, including luxury options like Ritz-Carlton and budget-friendly choices like Courtyard. On the other hand, Hilton, established in 1919, contains 18 brands, featuring iconic names such as Waldorf Astoria and Hampton Inn. The brand multiplicity allows both Marriott and Hilton to cater to a wide range of travelers.
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1thekdonna · 7 months
Top 10 All-Inclusive Hotels Near Me in Puerto Rico
Top 10 All-Inclusive Hotels Near Me in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico, with its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and rich history, beckons travelers seeking a tropical paradise. For those looking to experience the beauty of this Caribbean gem without the hassle of planning every detail, all-inclusive hotels are the perfect solution. In this guide, we unveil the top 10 all-inclusive hotels near you in Puerto Rico, promising an effortless blend of luxury and relaxation.
The St. Regis Bahia Beach Resort: Nestled between a lush nature reserve and the sparkling waters of the Atlantic, The St. Regis Bahia Beach Resort offers a luxurious all-inclusive experience. With a golf course, a spa, and pristine beaches, this resort provides the epitome of Caribbean elegance.
Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve: For those seeking exclusivity and indulgence, Dorado Beach is a haven of luxury. This Ritz-Carlton Reserve boasts all-inclusive packages that include gourmet dining, water activities, and access to their world-renowned spa, providing a truly opulent experience.
Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf & Beach Resort: Located on the northeastern coast of the island, Wyndham Grand Rio Mar offers a diverse range of activities within its all-inclusive packages. From golf and water sports to relaxing on the golden beaches, this resort caters to both adventure seekers and those looking for pure relaxation.
Copamarina Beach Resort & Spa: Escape to the tranquil shores of the southern coast at Copamarina Beach Resort & Spa. This all-inclusive gem offers a mix of water activities, spa treatments, and authentic Puerto Rican cuisine, providing a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure.
Hyatt Regency Grand Reserve Puerto Rico: Unwind in style at the Hyatt Regency Grand Reserve on the northeastern coast. With spacious accommodations, multiple dining options, and a water park, this all-inclusive resort is perfect for families and couples alike.
Hilton Ponce Golf & Casino Resort: Explore the vibrant city of Ponce while enjoying the comforts of an all-inclusive stay at Hilton Ponce Golf & Casino Resort. This beachfront property combines relaxation with entertainment, featuring a casino, golf course, and stunning ocean views.
El Conquistador, A Waldorf Astoria Resort: Perched on a cliff overlooking the Atlantic, El Conquistador is a Waldorf Astoria Resort that defines luxury. All-inclusive packages include access to the Coqui Water Park, the Palomino Island beach, and a variety of dining options, making it a true tropical escape.
Meliá Coco Beach Puerto Rico: Embrace the laid-back vibes of northeastern Puerto Rico at Meliá Coco Beach. This all-inclusive resort boasts beachfront accommodations, multiple dining options, and a rejuvenating spa, ensuring a stress-free stay in paradise.
Caribe Hilton: With a history dating back to 1949, Caribe Hilton is an iconic all-inclusive resort in San Juan. From its lush gardens to the beachfront location, guests can enjoy a blend of relaxation and cultural exploration within the heart of the vibrant capital city.
InterContinental San Juan: Situated on Isla Verde Beach, the InterContinental San Juan offers a sophisticated all-inclusive experience. With its beachfront pool, diverse dining options, and proximity to Old San Juan, this resort provides a perfect balance of leisure and exploration.
Puerto Rico's all-inclusive Hotels near you promise a seamless blend of luxury and relaxation, allowing you to soak in the beauty of this Caribbean paradise without worrying about the details. Whether you prefer the serene beaches of Dorado or the vibrant culture of San Juan, these top 10 all-inclusive hotels offer a variety of experiences to suit every traveler's taste. Pack your bags, and get ready to indulge in the tropical allure of Puerto Rico!
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yug-technology · 7 months
Exploring the Top Leading Hotel Management Company
When it comes to the hospitality industry, effective hotel management is key to success. In the dynamic world of hotels and resorts, there are several hotel management companies that stand out for their excellence in providing top-notch services. In this article, we will explore some of the leading hotel management company, with a special focus on one that has been making waves in the industry – Nile Hospitality.
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1. Nile Hospitality Nile Hospitality takes the crown as the leading hotel management company in our list. Known for its commitment to excellence, innovative strategies, and unparalleled guest experiences, Nile Hospitality has carved a niche for itself in the competitive hospitality landscape. The company's portfolio boasts a collection of luxurious hotels and resorts, each offering a unique blend of comfort, style, and world-class amenities.
2. Marriott International Marriott International is a global giant in the hotel management industry. With a diverse range of brands under its umbrella, including Marriott, Sheraton, and Ritz-Carlton, the company has a strong presence in various market segments. Marriott is renowned for its commitment to customer satisfaction and its innovative approach to hotel management.
3. Hilton Worldwide Hilton Worldwide is another powerhouse in the hotel management sector. With a rich history and a global presence, Hilton manages a portfolio of well-known brands, including Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Conrad Hotels & Resorts, and Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts. The company is recognized for its high standards of service and a commitment to providing exceptional guest experiences.
4. InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) IHG is a leading hotel management company with a diverse portfolio of brands, such as InterContinental, Holiday Inn, and Crowne Plaza. Known for its global reach and commitment to sustainability, IHG has been a significant player in the hospitality industry for many years.
5. AccorHotels AccorHotels is a French multinational hotel group that operates in numerous countries around the world. The company manages a variety of brands, including Novotel, Sofitel, and ibis. AccorHotels is known for its innovative approach to hospitality and a strong focus on customer satisfaction.
6. Hyatt Hotels Corporation Hyatt Hotels Corporation is a well-established player in the luxury hotel management sector. With brands like Park Hyatt, Andaz, and Grand Hyatt, the company is synonymous with upscale accommodations and personalized service. Hyatt's commitment to sustainability and community engagement sets it apart in the industry.
7. Choice Hotels International Choice Hotels International is a global hospitality company with a portfolio that includes well-known brands like Comfort Inn, Quality Inn, and Sleep Inn. The company is recognized for its diverse offerings, catering to various traveler preferences and budgets.
In conclusion, the hotel management industry is characterized by a range of companies that excel in providing exceptional guest experiences. Nile Hospitality, standing tall at the top of our list, represents a paradigm of excellence in the field. As travelers continue to seek unique and memorable stays, these leading hotel management companies play a crucial role in shaping the future of the hospitality industry.
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surestayphx · 8 months
Convenience & Comfort: Hotels Near Biltmore Fashion Park in Phoenix
Phoenix, Arizona is a city known for its vibrant culture, beautiful landscapes, and endless opportunities for exploration. Whether you're a resident of the Valley of the Sun or a traveler seeking a memorable experience, one of the must-visit places in Phoenix is Biltmore Fashion Park. This upscale outdoor shopping center is a hub for high-end retail, exquisite dining, and entertainment. To make the most of your visit to Hotel near Biltmore fashion park Phoenix, it's crucial to choose the right hotel for your stay. In this guide, we'll take you on a journey through the top hotels near Biltmore Fashion Park that offer both convenience and comfort, ensuring your trip to Phoenix is unforgettable.
Arizona Biltmore, A Waldorf Astoria Resort
When it comes to luxury and proximity to Biltmore Fashion Park, the Arizona Biltmore, A Waldorf Astoria Resort, is an outstanding choice. This historic hotel, designed by Albert Chase McArthur and Frank Lloyd Wright, offers an elegant and timeless experience. The resort is just a stone's throw away from Biltmore Fashion Park, making it an ideal choice for those looking to indulge in some retail therapy.
With world-class amenities, including multiple swimming pools, a championship golf course, and a full-service spa, the Arizona Biltmore ensures you'll have a lavish stay. The resort's dining options are equally impressive, with restaurants like Frank & Albert's offering delectable cuisine. Whether you're relaxing by the pool, savoring a gourmet meal, or simply enjoying the stunning architecture of this iconic property, the Arizona Biltmore is the epitome of luxury and convenience.
The Camby, Autograph Collection
For those seeking a more contemporary and stylish accommodation near Biltmore Fashion Park, The Camby, Autograph Collection, is a perfect match. This boutique hotel is located just a short drive from the shopping center and offers a modern and vibrant atmosphere that captures the essence of Phoenix's urban culture.
The Camby features trendy guest rooms, a rooftop bar with panoramic views of the city, and creative dining options at Artizen, Crafted American Kitchen & Bar. The hotel's playful design and attention to detail make it an excellent choice for travelers looking for a chic and convenient place to stay while exploring Biltmore Fashion Park and the surrounding areas.
Royal Palms Resort and Spa
Nestled at the base of Camelback Mountain, the Royal Palms Resort and Spa is an oasis of serenity and sophistication, providing a peaceful retreat that's still conveniently close to Biltmore Fashion Park. This Mediterranean-style luxury resort is known for its lush gardens, exquisite architecture, and personalized service.
At Royal Palms, you'll find 119 beautifully appointed guest rooms and suites, a world-class spa, and award-winning dining at T. Cook's restaurant. The stunning courtyards and gardens create a tranquil atmosphere, making this resort a fantastic choice for those who want to experience the charm of the Arizona desert while being within a short drive of high-end shopping and dining at Biltmore Fashion Park.
The Phoenician, a Luxury Collection Resort
The Phoenician, a Luxury Collection Resort, is another top-tier option for travelers seeking ultimate luxury and convenience. Set at the base of Camelback Mountain, this lavish resort is a mere 10-minute drive from Biltmore Fashion Park, offering both tranquility and accessibility.
The Phoenician boasts spacious guest rooms and suites, world-class golf, a luxurious spa, and a diverse range of dining options. With its impeccable service and breathtaking surroundings, it's the ideal retreat after a day of shopping and exploring in Phoenix. The resort's stunning views of the desert and the city skyline, as well as its commitment to excellence, make it a truly unforgettable destination.
The Ritz-Carlton, Phoenix
The Ritz-Carlton, a name synonymous with luxury, is a fabulous choice for those who desire impeccable service and a prime location. Situated in the heart of downtown Phoenix, this hotel is only a short drive away from Biltmore Fashion Park, providing a central and convenient base for your stay.
The Ritz-Carlton offers sumptuously appointed rooms and suites, an elegant spa, and dining options that epitomize gourmet cuisine. The hotel's commitment to providing a personalized and luxurious experience is evident in every detail, ensuring that your visit to Biltmore Fashion Park and the city of Phoenix is both comfortable and memorable.
Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix/Biltmore
For a more budget-friendly yet comfortable option that doesn't compromise on convenience, the Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix/Biltmore is an excellent choice. Located just a mile away from Biltmore Fashion Park, this hotel provides a comfortable and affordable stay for visitors who want to be near the shopping center.
Guests can enjoy spacious rooms, a fitness center, and an outdoor pool. The on-site restaurant offers a convenient dining option. With its strategic location and reasonable rates, this Hilton Garden Inn is perfect for travelers looking to explore Biltmore Fashion Park without breaking the bank.
Homewood Suites by Hilton Phoenix-Biltmore
Another budget-friendly choice with a convenient location near Biltmore Fashion Park is the Homewood Suites by Hilton Phoenix-Biltmore. This all-suite hotel is an excellent option for extended stays or families, offering a home-like environment within easy reach of the shopping center.
Guests can enjoy fully equipped kitchens, a complimentary hot breakfast, and an outdoor pool. The hotel's spacious suites make it a comfortable and practical choice for those looking to combine shopping with the comforts of home.
Embassy Suites by Hilton Phoenix Biltmore
If you're traveling with family and desire a comfortable stay near Biltmore Fashion Park, the Embassy Suites by Hilton Phoenix Biltmore is a great option. This all-suite hotel is located within a mile of the shopping center and offers spacious accommodations with a separate living area and bedroom.
The hotel also provides a complimentary cooked-to-order breakfast and an evening reception with drinks and snacks. With its convenient location and family-friendly amenities, the Embassy Suites is a practical choice for those looking to explore Biltmore Fashion Park and its surroundings.
Choosing the right hotel near Biltmore Fashion Park in Phoenix is crucial for ensuring a convenient and comfortable stay while exploring this upscale shopping center and the vibrant city it's located in. Whether you're seeking opulence, contemporary style, or practicality, there's a hotel near Biltmore Fashion Park to suit your preferences and budget. These accommodations offer the perfect base for experiencing the luxury, culture, and natural beauty that Phoenix has to offer, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable visit to this desert oasis.
Discover comfort and convenience at Sure Stay Phx in vibrant Phoenix, AZ. Our hotel offers a range of well-appointed rooms, excellent amenities, and friendly service. Whether you're here for business or leisure, our prime location ensures easy access to the city's attractions. Your home away from home in Phoenix.
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visitqatar-guide · 8 months
dubai luxury beach resorts
Unparalleled Luxury by the Shore: The Best Beach Resorts in Dubai
Dubai, known for its extravagant lifestyle and breathtaking landscapes, offers a luxurious beach experience like no other. If you're seeking the ultimate beachfront retreat, you're in luck. Dubai boasts some of the world's most opulent beach resorts that promise a perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and unmatched luxury. In this guide, we'll explore the crème de la crème of beach resorts in Dubai where you can bask in the sun, savor pristine beaches, and immerse yourself in pure indulgence.
1. Atlantis, The Palm
Atlantis, The Palm, is an iconic beachfront resort that needs no introduction. Nestled on the Palm Jumeirah, this resort boasts stunning views of the Arabian Gulf and the Dubai skyline. With its Aquaventure Waterpark, Lost Chambers Aquarium, and celebrity chef restaurants, it's a destination in itself.
2. Burj Al Arab Jumeirah
Often hailed as the world's most luxurious hotel, Burj Al Arab Jumeirah stands on its own island and defines opulence. The private beach, exquisite dining at Al Mahara, and the iconic Skyview Bar create an unforgettable beachfront experience.
3. Jumeirah Beach Hotel
Jumeirah Beach Hotel is an architectural masterpiece offering direct access to a private beach. This family-friendly resort provides a plethora of water sports, dining options, and the Wild Wadi Waterpark next door.
4. The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai
Experience elegance at The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai, nestled along the pristine shores of the Arabian Gulf. This Mediterranean-style resort offers a private beach, lavish spa treatments, and dining at the award-winning Blue Jade.
5. One&Only Royal Mirage
One&Only Royal Mirage is a sanctuary of opulence with three distinct properties: The Palace, Arabian Court, and Residence & Spa. Each offers luxurious rooms, world-class dining, and private beach access.
6. Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah
Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah is a beachfront haven with stunning sea views. Guests can relax in elegantly appointed rooms, enjoy fine dining at Mezzerie, and unwind at the tranquil Waldorf Astoria Spa.
7. Madinat Jumeirah Resort
Madinat Jumeirah Resort is a sprawling complex of luxurious beachfront properties. Souk Madinat Jumeirah, traditional waterways, and a private beach create an authentic Arabian experience.
8. Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai
Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai is a chic and vibrant beachfront oasis. Known for its beach club, private cabanas, and world-renowned DJs, it's perfect for those seeking a lively beach scene.
9. Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort
Escape to Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort, a tranquil retreat on the Palm Jumeirah. With overwater villas, a private beach, and a lagoon pool, it offers a serene beachfront escape.
10. Caesars Palace Bluewaters Dubai
Caesars Palace Bluewaters Dubai combines luxury with entertainment. Enjoy the private beach, dine at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen, and experience the excitement of Caesar's Palace Casino.
Visit on website - https://www.visitqatarguide.com/best-beach-hotels-resorts-in-dubai/
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hyattdiningclub · 10 months
What are some must have hotel memberships?
Marriott Bonvoy: This program covers many hotel brands, including Marriott, Sheraton, Ritz-Carlton, and more. Members earn points for stays, which can be redeemed for free nights, room upgrades, and other benefits.
Hilton Honors: Hilton's loyalty program offers members points for stays at Hilton properties, which can be used for free nights, room upgrades, and other rewards. The program includes brands like Hilton, Conrad, and Waldorf Astoria.
Hyatt Dining Club: Hyatt's hotel membership program offers to provide points for stays at Hyatt properties, and these points can be redeemed on booking, room upgrades, and other benefits. The program includes brands like Hyatt Regency, Grand Hyatt, and Andaz.
IHG Rewards Club: This program covers InterContinental Hotels Group properties, including brands like InterContinental, Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza, and more. Members earn points for stays, which can be used for free nights and other rewards.
Accor Live Limitless (ALL): Accor's loyalty program covers a variety of hotel brands, such as Sofitel, Novotel, and Ibis. Members earn points for stays and can enjoy benefits like room upgrades and exclusive experiences.
Radisson Rewards: Radisson's loyalty program offers points for stays at Radisson properties, which can be used for free nights, room upgrades, and other rewards. The program includes brands like Radisson Blu and Park Inn.
Wyndham Rewards: This program covers a wide range of hotel brands under the Wyndham umbrella, including Ramada, Days Inn, and Wyndham Grand. Members earn points for stays, which can be redeemed for free nights.
Shangri-La Golden Circle: Shangri-La's loyalty program offers points for stays at Shangri-La properties, and these points can be used for free nights, dining, and other benefits.
Fairmont President's Club: Fairmont's loyalty program provides members with benefits like room upgrades, exclusive experiences, and discounts at Fairmont properties worldwide.
M life Rewards: This program is associated with MGM Resorts and offers benefits and rewards for stays at their hotels and resorts, such as the Bellagio, MGM Grand, and Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
Remember that the value of a hotel membership program depends on your travel habits, preferred hotel brands, and the specific benefits offered. Before joining a program, it's a good idea to review the benefits, earning rates, redemption options, and any associated fees to determine which program aligns best with your needs and preferences.
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latribune · 10 months
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centurypainting-nc · 11 months
Top Restaurants to Visit in Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, North Carolina, is a bustling city known for its rich culinary scene. Whether you're a local foodie or a visitor looking to explore the gastronomic delights of the Queen City, you'll find a plethora of outstanding restaurants offering a diverse range of flavors. In this blog post, we'll highlight some of the top restaurants in Charlotte, NC, that are worth a visit.
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Fahrenheit Charlotte
A sleek, buzzing hot spot offering New American fare with an Asian bent, backed by a long wine list. Proper attire is required to dine with us. We require business casual attire for all of our guests. Persons in t-shirts, ball cap style hats, excessively revealing clothing or workout attire may not be admitted. Please note, management reserves the right to change and / or update the Dress Code at any time. We have a 15-minute grace period for all reservations. We do not seat late or incomplete parties. We have an outside food fee of $25 for any cakes, cupcakes etc. that are brought into the restaurant.
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Fahrenheit Charlotte is a trendy Charlotte rooftop bar and restaurant with a magical panoramic view over the city. Perched on the 21st floor of Hyatt Place in downtown Charlotte, you get a mighty overlook of the Queen City. Farenheit comes with both a stylish indoor restaurant / lounge and a rooftop terrace, equipped with lounge sofas, dining tables, cosy fire pits and even a seasonal herb garden.
Up at the rooftop you can enjoy inventive New American cuisine created by Chef Rocco Whalen, either as dinner or for some Sunday rooftop brunch. The rooftop bar offers a great selection of specialty cocktails, an extensive wine list and crafted local beers on tap or by bottle. With a sophisticated and trendy yet casual vibe, Farenheit rooftop works as a great place for an after work or some lounge hangout with friends, just as well as for a fun family dinner. If you plan to eat, reservations are highly recommended. And while the Farenheit dress code is casual, the crowd is mostly towards upscale, so dress properly to feel right at home.
Stoke Charlotte
A swanky option for seasonal wood-fired plates, local craft beer & artisanal cocktails. Hungry? You’re in good hands. We proudly make everything from scratch in our open kitchen using local ingredients and a whole lotta soul. Here, every seat in the house is a good one, and the warmth doesn’t just come from our 600-degree wood-fired oven. The warmth of wood-fired cooking is complemented by meticulously sourced ingredients in season from Carolina farms and local partners. Simple, rustic yet refined flavors are served in a gathering space with a laid back, neighborhood vibe. Let us make you a plate. 
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David Sears is our new executive chef of Stoke and all culinary offerings at Charlotte Marriott City Center. Chef Sears is an accomplished chef who was has worked in kitchens and trained culinary professionals around the world.
Prior to joining our team in May 2022, Chef Sears where he worked as Area Executive Chef for Viceroy Hotel Group in Washington, DC. Chef Sears’ culinary background also includes the Marcus Samuelsson Group, Terranea Resorts and Hotel in Southern California, Waldorf-Astoria Orlando, Mandarin Oriental Washington, DC, and serving as a culinary trainer for the global brand Sushi Samba. Even more notable, he won Food Channel’s Chef Wanted with Anne Burrell in 2013, landing him the grand prize of Executive Chef for the NYC restaurant, Zengo, but Chef Sears declined and opted to take a job at Ritz-Carlton Palm Beach to be closer to family.
The Capital Grille
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We invite you to join us at The Capital Grille in Charlotte, North Carolina for a world-class dining experience. The restaurant is inside the Fifth Third Center across from the Charlotte Marriott City Center and Discovery Place Science. Enjoy dry-aged steaks and fresh seafood made from the highest quality ingredients prepared with you in mind. To complement your dining experience, we feature over 325 new and old world wines curated by our Advanced Sommelier and classic cocktails with our own twist. For an unforgettable experience visit our restaurant at 201 N. Tryon Street. Valet Parking is available from 5pm to close, directly in front of the restaurant.
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Century Painting is your trusted partner for top-quality painting company charlotte nc. With a reputation for excellence, they are committed to delivering exceptional results that stand the test of time. Whether it's a residential or commercial project, their team of skilled painters brings professionalism, expertise, and a keen eye for detail to every job. From meticulous surface preparation to flawless finishes, Century Painting uses the latest techniques and premium paints to ensure lasting beauty and durability. With their unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, you can trust Century Painting to provide the best painting services in Charlotte, NC.
Century Painting 6201 Boykin Spaniel Rd, Charlotte, NC 28277, United States +17042459409 https://www.centurypaintingnc.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1817105075853326938
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