#rivaereri spring 2024
meatmechapilot · 3 months
Rivaereri NSFW 2024 - Day 4/Day7 - Age Gap/Power Imbalance
The Janitor
Summary: Companion piece to Stuck from Levi’s POV, plus what he did next.
Levi arrived at the high school at the beginning of the year. He had just got out of prison in exchange for doing some community service. Levi was not pleased about what landed him in jail in the first place. It was filing tax forms wrong. That something so insignificant tripped him up and caused him to do time annoyed him to no end. Levi was a feared mafia boss, and he thought that being a janitor was beneath his dignity, not to mention the reputational hit he and his organization are taking. His enemies are sure to think he is going soft for taking the plea deal.
While the principal droned on and on about what his job would consist of while he was at the school, Levi tried to think of some upsides to this situation he found himself in. Finally he thought that maybe he could at least do some recruiting while he was at the school; his organization could always use more foot soldiers.
It took nearly half the school year for Levi to establish his recruitment drive, and he even got a handful of promising candidates. The faculty and staff at the school are shockingly negligent about things that are happening under their noses. Levi was happy to note that doing community service is not going to be a complete waste of time. He just had to make it to graduation time and he is done cleaning after brats for good. Life of course, had ways of throwing curve balls his way.
The curve ball was in the form of a new student who arrived during the middle of the term. The boy was peculiar and had trouble fitting in with the already established cliques. Levi observed that he preferred to do his own thing rather than trying to change himself to please others, a rare trait in modern teenagers. Intrigued, Levi decided to pay more attention to the new student, just in case he proves to be an ideal recruit.
Levi learned that the boy’s name was Eren Jaeger, he was a senior, and that he actually lived pretty close to where Levi was staying. Eren had many qualities that Levi looks for in a recruit, such as his willingness to stand up for the weak, and not taking shit from the popular bullies. However, he had one weakness in that he wasn’t very observant. Eren never noticed the fact that Levi, the school janitor, lived down the street from him.
That’s okay, Eren can be trained, Levi observed that the boy was willing to work hard. He can be trained in all sorts of things. Levi was aware that over the course of observing this potential candidate, his goals for Eren went from recruiting him to his organization to something much less “wholesome”. He doesn’t quite know why he suddenly decided he wanted the boy more for pleasure instead of business, especially since he was so much older than the high school student. Levi was not someone who angst over whether or not he is doing the right thing, and so he decided that what he wants is what he gets. It’s the least he’s owed for cleaning after a bunch of snot nosed brats for an entire year.
As it happens, Levi found his opportunity to corner Eren when he overheard Eren talking to some kids about the yearly prank seniors play on the school. He heard Eren volunteer to be the one to pull off the prank. The stupid brats didn’t even notice the janitor and blabbed about all their plans. This is why Levi was able to hide in the school after hours, and lock all the doors. While Eren panics about being locked in, Levi had planned to offer to unlock them for Eren for a price. Eren getting stuck in the window was a stroke of luck that he took shameless advantage of.
Levi thinks about his encounter with Eren at school. Everything he did to the boy caused a delicious reaction from him. The initial fear followed by confused arousal from the boy caused Levi to throw caution to the wind and take the boy right then there. Eren’s ass was as tight as he had imagined, and he took Levi’s cock beautifully. Levi used that memory as wank material for weeks. But he can’t let himself be distracted about the past, for he’s about to pay a visit to Eren at home, and make some new memories.
In his observation of Eren, Levi noticed that he was frequently home alone, this fact dovetailed perfectly with Levi's plan for him. Levi arrived at Eren's home and found him in his bathroom, having just finished his morning routine. Levi pounced immediately and grabbed Eren before the boy could even react. Levi then dragged Eren into his room and pinned him on his bed. Eren’s expression was a mix of fear and bewildered arousal, exactly the same as it had been at the school. Delicious. Levi licked his lips and planted a forceful kiss right on Eren’s lips.
Eren was shocked and instinctively bit down. Levi felt a twinge of pain in his lips. Not bad, he thought, this one has spirit. This made Levi bear down harder on the boy and grind down onto Eren’s crotch. He was pleased to feel an erection begin to form despite the boy’s struggles. Levi can tell that Eren half wants this, and he set out to make sure to have the boy surrender entirely in his arms. Levi leaned down close to Eren’s face, “I know you want this,” he whispered in the boy’s ears, while his hands roamed all over Eren’s body. Eren stopped struggling. “Let yourself enjoy this. I can make you feel real good,” Levi continued encouragingly. Eren answered him with a whimper and his legs fell open. Levi scanned Eren’s room before dumping the boy on his bed and he did register that there were some sex toys thrown haphazardly about the room. He supposed Eren experimented extensively with himself and isn’t entirely opposed to having a stranger ravishing him at school or in his room.
Levi tried to flip Eren over onto his hands and knees, but the boy resisted, insisting that they do it face to face this time. He even directed Levi to use the bottle of lube and the pack of condoms he stashed on his night stand. Perhaps Eren had the janitor on his mind as much as Levi thought about Eren since their previous encounter. Levi grabbed the lube and went to work without any distractions.
Eren turned into putty under Levi’s skillful hands, his reactions were even better this time around. After much preparation and teasing, which caused Eren to make the most impatient whines, Levi finally sank into the warm, tight heat of the boy’s ass. Levi felt Eren’s legs lock onto his waist, and he didn’t hesitate in establishing a brutal pace, driving in and out of the boy’s tight hole.
This time felt markedly different than the previous time. For one, Levi can see Eren’s face and the completely blissed out expression he was making in response to Levi’s actions. Levi prides himself in being able to bring utmost pleasure to his lovers, and Eren’s lewd reaction to his actions is going straight to his head (and dick). He’s already made Eren come once and he's in no hurry to stop anytime soon.
But of course, another curve ball was about to hit Levi. If he thought he was going to be in control this time as he was last time, he had another thing coming. After Eren recovered from his first orgasm, he decided it was a great time to start talking. Eren revealed that he had done some research on Levi after their encounter and knew all about his sordid past (and present) as a mafia boss, and that he noticed Levi’s recruitment activities at the school. It looks like the boy can be very observant when he puts his mind to it.
Levi was so surprised about Eren’s revelations that he nearly missed it when Eren asked him a question. “So how about making me your sugar baby?” Eren had asked. Levi couldn’t help chuckle at this and agreed without a second thought. It seemed that they came to the same conclusion regarding their relationship going forward. Levi doesn't quite believe that romantic claptrap about soulmates, but perhaps he can give it a second thought. Levi is, of course, not going to be doing any thinking now. Eren was alone for the entire weekend, and they are just getting started.
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meatmechapilot · 4 months
Rivaereri NSFW 2024 - Day 2 - Non-Con/Dub-Con
Summary: a prank gone wrong had Eren stuck inside his school after hours, the school janitor is willing to help him, for a price…
Eren really should have let it go when Jean said he didn’t have the guts to pull the prank off after hours at his school. Instead he wanted to show Jean up and accepted the challenge. After painstakingly finishing decorating the principal’s office with toilet paper and glitter, Eren discovered that he’s been locked inside the school. On a Friday afternoon over a long three day weekend.
At first, Eren didn’t think much of it, and simply tried every door he could find, but the sense of dread increased each time he discovered that they were locked and he couldn’t open them from inside. By the time he checked all the doors in the school, he was almost properly panicking. But as they say, “when one door closes, another window opens”. Eren saw that there was a partially opened window that leads to the back lawn of the school.
Unfortunately, attempting to get out of the school building by climbing out the window is how Eren found himself caught in his current predicament. Stuck at the waist in the window, caught halfway between the outside and the inside, the window actually began to slide shut while Eren was attempting to get out, trapping him in an awkward position.
Eren tried to wriggling a bit to hopefully dislodge himself. When that didn’t work, he tried to reach back to slide the window upward again, but unfortunately, the awkward angle meant that his arms couldn’t really reach the window to try to push it up. Now Eren was properly panicking, and deeply regretted trying to climb out the window. Being trapped inside the school for three days is much more preferable to being stuck on the window sill.
Just as he thought that maybe he should try to scream for help in hope of attracting some passersby, he heard footsteps approaching him from behind him. Hope surged inside Eren’s chest, that means the school wasn’t totally deserted, there was someone else still inside. The footsteps grew louder until it stopped, and Eren could feel that there was someone behind him, also the mystery person made no sound.
“Hey!” Eren shouted over his back, “can you help me?” The stranger still made no sound, but surprised Eren by groping his ass. Eren yelped and tried to protest, but the stranger paid him no mind, his hands roaming over Eren’s backside in an overly familiar way, groping and squeezing as he went. Eren didn’t know what to make of this treatment, but tried to keep from panicking again, the stranger is not hurting him so far.
A light smack on his ass made Eren yelp again, and he can hear the stranger say “not bad”. Turned out his would be rescuer and current molester was the janitor, Mr. Ackerman. Eren was not exactly reassured, the janitor was quite mysterious and usually kept to himself, therefore he was the subject of much speculation from the student body. The most prevailing theory about him was that he was a gangster or mafia who went to jail for unspecified reasons and is doing community service by being a janitor to reduce his sentence.
“Um, can you help me get unstuck?” Eren asked, the janitor responded by squeezing his ass again. This action made Eren shudder a little, and he’s not sure that it’s from fear. Then he heard the unmistakable sound of a belt unbuckling, then he felt fingers on his waist, undoing his pants and pulling it down his legs, along with his underwear. Then he felt the janitor’s hands again, this time on bare flesh. He knew he should be panicking or be upset and being blatantly molested, but whatever the janitor is doing to him is making him feel entirely different things.
After long moments of squeezing and massaging his ass, janitor finally took his hands off Eren. If Eren thought that Mr. Ackerman was going to open the window and help Eren get unstuck, that idea died when he felt the Janitor’s fingers push directly into his asshole. A high pitched squeal came out of his throat. The janitor was using one hand to grip his waist to keep him from moving too much.
Eren had experimented with by himself before, so he knew that Mr. Ackerman was using lube on him. What he didn’t expect was how fast the janitor found his prostate, and began to massage it with practiced ease. Any unease Eren felt about being in this situation went away and sexual arousal became the dominant feeling that Eren felt, as evidenced by his dick becoming hard.
Eren had hookups with other students before, where they fumbled around, not really knowing what they were doing. Now that Eren’s being taken care of by someone who really knows how to pleasure a partner, Eren can’t help but start whimpering. After being teased for seemingly forever, the janitor finally removed his hand. Eren didn’t know if this made him feel relief or frustration, but he braced himself for the inevitable next part.
Sure enough, Mr. Ackerman’s fingers were replaced by something much bigger. The janitor apparently stretched him properly and was able to bottom out in one smooth motion. Eren gasped at the sensation of something so huge and hard filling him, it was only slightly painful, and the pain went away soon as the janitor started to move, to be replaced with overwhelming pleasure.
Eren’s memories were hazy for what happened next, all he remembered was being fucked vigorously by the janitor, about how good it felt to be rendered so helpless and being at the mercy of a stranger. How amazing he felt when he came from the janitor’s cock alone, while the janitor is still hard and have seemingly infinite stamina to fuck him for what felt like hours.
He was aware after coming the third time that the janitor also finally came, but since he was wearing a condom, it was a relatively not messy affair.. Mr. Ackerman finally withdrew and helped Eren out of the window. He vaguely remembered seeing the janitor’s name tag and saw that his name was “Levi”, then he collapsed into his arms, sound asleep.
Eren woke up the next morning in one of the cots at the nurse’s office. He had been stripped down to his underwear. Eren hastily got dressed and went to the main entrance of the school, this time the door opened, much to Eren’s relief. He tried not to think of what happened as he rushed home, instead trying to think of excuses that he had to tell his parents about why he was missing last night, a much bigger headache he has to deal with.
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meatmechapilot · 4 months
Rivaereri NSFW 2024 - Day 1 - Pregnant Sex
Summary: This can be read as a sequel to Heat
Being pregnant with twins has its ups and downs. Morning sickness, fatigue, mood swings, changing bodies making clothes not fit right, being sensitive to former favorite foods while having the weirdest cravings, complete lack of desire of having sex ever again. Those were the downsides that plagued the first half of pregnancy and Eren thought he would immediately get his tubes tied after giving birth so he never had to experience them again.
Now, in the middle of his second trimester, most of the downsides have vanished and Eren’s now experiencing the upsides. For one, Eren’s libido came roaring back and from never wanting to have sex ever again, Eren couldn’t get enough sex. Good thing he has a mate who is more than willing to oblige. His alpha works at home for the most part, only occasionally needing to go to the office for meetings. This schedule is working out great for him to take care of his omega’s needs.
Eren’s alpha, Levi, is much relieved by this development. He was effectively banished from the bedroom during Eren’s first trimester, and only had his hand for company. All the while having to observe his mate’s figure becoming softer and rounder, making the omega even more attractive to his mate. The first time in months when Eren approached him, Levi fell upon the omega like starving man and unleashed months of pent up lust upon him, much to Eren’s delight.
The second upside to the pregnancy is the physical changes that happened to the omega’s body. Eren’s body is rounder and softer, his breasts swelling alongside his belly. The increased volume of blood in circulation made Eren’s body much more sensitive, especially the omega’s nipples. Having sex feels so much better and every sensation is felt so much more deeply that the omega couldn’t get enough of it.
Eren observed his alpha staring at his body hungrily once his body began to change, but the first trimester of his pregnancy made him so sick and tired that he couldn’t even think of sex. Eventually, those bad symptoms faded and his desire for sex came back with a vengeance, all he wanted was his alpha’s cock and knot all day and all night. Levi was evidently very deprived for the three months were he was banished from sex, and wasted no time fucking the omega all the time, whenever the omega wanted it.
Right now, Eren’s very horny and very frustrated. This is one of the rare days that Levi had to be at the office for a meeting. Eren slept through most of it, but when he woke up sometime around noon, Levi still hadn't returned home. Eren did his morning ritual and grabbed a bite to eat. He was thinking of watching some show while he waited for Levi to return, unfortunately, his body decided that it wants sex now. Eren sighed and retreated into the bedroom, hoping Levi’s return wouldn’t be too long.
Levi was bored out of his mind during the meeting. After he made his reports, he had to pretend to listen to the others while thinking of his omega at home. He should be balled deep inside his mate instead of at this bullshit meeting. At long last, the meeting disbanded and Levi made a beeline to his car and drove home at record speed.
When Levi finally entered his home, he thought the house was oddly quiet. It was around 2 PM and Eren was usually in the living room, watching television at this time. His instinct led him to the bedroom and he found his omega safely ensconced on their bed, already naked and panting, legs spread while wantonly pleasuring himself.
Eren was teasing his clit, so lost in his own pleasure that Eren didn’t even notice the alpha until he felt his alpha’s hand join his own, expert fingers made Eren climax in no time. Levi sensed that it’s going to be one of those days where Eren wants to take the lead, the alpha is already rock hard and he stripped off his clothes quickly, sitting on the bed expectantly.
It is time for the omega to take his pleasure from the alpha. Eren climbed onto Levi’s lap, his cunt already sopping wet and gushing slick and sank down onto Levi’s erect length with no resistance. Once he is fully seated on the alpha's cock, taking every inch into himself, they both let out a lustful groan, the connection between alpha and omega, physically, emotionally, and spiritually resulting in pure and undiluted pleasure for both.
Eren began moving up and down, experimentally; gradually picking up the pace until he was bouncing up and down on the alpha's cock. His engorged breasts and swollen belly swayed rhythmically with his frenzied movements. Obscene noises spilled out from his lips, music to Levi’s ears. The alphas sense of pride really loves it when he can make his omega incoherent from pleasure.
The omegas breasts begin leaking milk, but he was close, the alpha knew just what to do and wrapped his lips around one nipple. The new area of stimulation sent Eren over the edge and he came, spilling and squirting slick all over the place. At the same time, Levi also climaxes, his knot locking them together while he comes inside the omega, unleashing copious amounts of come. Levi was used to being drenched with slick now, and paid the omega no mind while continuing his oral assault on Eren’s chest, teasing his nipples while drinking great gulps of milk from one breast to the other.
Eren is releasing little noises of pleasure at this treatment of his sensitive nipples, extremely pleased with the alphas actions. His engorged chest is being milked empty even as his cunt is milking all the cum from Levi’s knot. His alpha is wringing every ounce of pleasure from his spent body, and he can’t help being swept up by the sensations.
After long moments, Levi’s knot finally subsided, and they pulled apart. Eren collapsed onto the bed, his breasts are blissfully empty, but his cunt is full, and cum and slick leaking down his legs. The vigorous activity wore him out, and the omega started dozing. Levi looked at Eren and smirked at the mess he made of his omega. He climbed out of bed to retrieve a towel from the bathroom to clean Eren up. Levi can only marvel at the changes he made to Eren’s body by impregnating the omega. He can only think that Eren’s cunt and womb should always be full, and he’s determined to keep it that way.
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meatmechapilot · 5 months
Rivaereri Spring 2024 - Masterpost
Day 1 - Eren's Birthday
Day 3 - Canon Divergence
Day 6 - Crime AU
Rivaereri NSFW 2024
Day 1 - Pregnant Sex
Day 2 - Dubcon/Noncon
Day 4/Day 7 - Age Gap/Power Imbalance
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meatmechapilot · 6 months
Rivaereri Spring 2024 - Day 6: Crime AU
Bonnie and Clyde
“Hands up in the air!” the- masked man shouted as he unloaded a clip into the ceiling of the bank lobby.
Screams rang out as bank patrons scrambled to look for cover all over the place, most ended up huddled against the wall. The bank teller was frozen in fear as the masked man got closer to the counter. She saw that there is an accomplice that is now going around collecting valuables from the bank patrons. They are both armed and the bank teller saw wallets, watches, jewelry and other valuables going into a bag.
“Hand them over,” the first man, who is now right up at the counter and aiming the gun straight at the poor, terrified employee. She saw now that the man with the gun isn’t really that tall, but he has an imposing aura that makes him terrifying all the same. She scrambled to comply with the demands by emptying the bank vault and laying stacks of money on the counter. The gunman’s accomplice is now also at the counter and is scooping the money into his bag with the other valuables.
The two criminals worked perfectly in sync and cleaned out the bank in no time. For a parting gift, the gunman reached into his pocket and pulled out a gas canister and unleashed its contents into the bank. Then they turned heel and left the bank full of people choking and gagging from the noxious gas.
Finally, when they were outside, they hopped into their getaway car and floored it, getting out of the crime scene in record time.
On the outskirts of the city, inside the criminals' lair, the TV is on with breaking news about the latest high profile bank robbery.
“Hey brat! Turn that infernal TV down!” The older of the two criminals groused, while sorting out the loot from their previous activity.
“Aw, Levi, you don’t want to see our body count?” The younger criminal answered, his voice a little too happy.
“How many times do I have to tell you, Eren?” Levi said, “the gas is way too easy and takes the fun out of killing. It’s much more satisfying to kill people with your bare hands, seeing the life leaving their eyes is a special kind of experience that no poison gas will come close to.”
Eren heard this spiel from Levi countless times, but since he values efficiency, he never really paid much attention. Levi was a serial killer before becoming a bank robber, so Eren supposed that he knew what he was talking about. “I wonder how much our bounty is now.” Eren flipped through the channel until he found the relevant one that gave him the information. “Thirty million dollars for the both of us! It’s increased by five million since the last time!” Eren exclaimed excitedly. He had a goal of bringing their bounty up to one hundred million. “Oh man, how come you are twenty million and I’m only ten million?” He pouted when he saw the individual bounties.
“Because I was a notorious serial killer with a ten million bounty before I even met you.” Levi said impatiently. “And don’t forget, Kenny Ackerman was at fifty million when he died, us two combined aren't even close to him yet.”
Kenny Ackerman was a legend among the criminal underworld and Eren never failed to be star struck when his name came up. In fact, Levi met Eren when the latter was bragging about surpassing Kenny as the most notorious criminal ever, and intervened before he got jumped by a bunch of hardened criminals. Levi then offered to take Eren under his wing, teaching him all there is to know about committing crimes.
Of course, Levi had ulterior motives in saving Eren. The brat was gorgeous with long legs and tanned skin and the most vivid greens eyes Levi had ever seen. He was an exact match for Levi’s type. The best thing about Eren that Levi discovered was he was extremely groomable, and it took less than a year for Levi to train him to his exacting standards for pretty much everything from housework to cooking to being the perfect whore in bed.
Speaking of bed, Eren came over with a perfectly brewed pot of tea and some tea cakes he made himself, a perfect pre bedtime snack. Levi was nowhere near ready to sleep, he’s always a bit heated after one of their heists and Eren understands him perfectly. Neither of them will get much sleep tonight.
The criminal duo ate their snacks in record time and made a beeline for bed, and not a wink of sleep was to be had until dawn.
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meatmechapilot · 6 months
Rivaereri Spring 2024 - Day 3: Canon Divergence
A/N: This fic uses some really old headcanons/theories that there are other Walled Civilizations beside the main one in the AOT world. Also, I introduced the name “Paradis” to make it easier to write. Also, no 13-year curse.
The truth of the world was finally revealed. Thanks to the efforts of Eren and the Survey Corp, the Female Titan had been captured and revealed as Annie Leonhart. She was a tough nut to crack, but Hange eventually got her to talk.
The Armored and Colossal Titans are none other than Reiner Braun and Berthold Hoover. The three titan shifters are from another Walled Civilization on the outside world called Marley. Their Walls does not cover as big an area as the Three Walls of Paradis, leading to population pressures, which is why they are trying to invade and take over Paradis.
The Survey Corps apprehended Berthold and Reiner, with Annie’s help, who had defected to the side of Paradis. Those two provided further information about the outside world. The world was once teeming with life, and human civilizations thrived with technology levels much higher than the current time. A cataclysmic event in the far past led to the creations of Titans. The Titans brought great destruction upon the world, and all but wiped out the civilization of man. The survivors of the Titan cataclysm build Walled Cities to protect themselves and most become isolated from each other. Some Walled Cities expanded their territories to become Walled Countries, while others eventually were wiped out by Titans.
Currently, there are still several surviving Walled Countries around the world, but they are few and far in between and under constant pressure from the Titan infested world. Paradis is one of the biggest of the Walled Countries, having three walls instead of just one, or at most two. Marley had two walls once upon a time, but one was breached and fell to the Titans, resulting in many losses of life.
Marley and Paradis are fairly close geographically, but the dangerous Titan territory between the two made them lose contact over the years. Marley discovered the Titan shifters and realized mindless Titans pose no threat to them, which is why Marley wanted to use the shifters to invade Paradis to gain more territory.
Since Paradis now possesses three of Marley’s Titan Shifters, Marley’s power over Paradis is greatly reduced. Marley still has four Titans, but if a war breaks out between the two, the results would be too close for anyone to say which side would obviously win. The operation from the Marley’s side was a distraction from the terrible conditions their populations had to endure, and since the operation ended in complete failure, the government was duly deposed and a new one that’s ready to make peace was ushered into power.
The negotiations dragged on for months. By all rights Marley should be making every concession to Paradis since they were the aggressors, but due to still having four Titan Shifters, they have leverage to press for better terms. Erwin and Armin have been working around the clock to find ways to get the best possible terms in a potential treaty with Marley. Hange was busy trying to study Marleyan technology and to potentially integrate it into the technology of Paradis.
The negotiation period is leading Levi to feel a bit useless. He was humanity’s strongest soldier who’s used to fighting for survival non-stop. Suddenly, there was a possibility of peace. There were still the mindless Titans to kill and push back from the area of the former Wall Maria, but Eren and the three Titan Shifters proved to be more efficient in reclaiming territory, and Levi mostly just has the role of supervisor, and rarely needs to actually fight.
In the mission to reclaim Wall Maria, Eren and Levi discovered that they work great as a Titan killing team. Territory reclaiming is slow, but they are making steady progress, each expedition bringing them closer to Wall Maria. The plan was to reseal the hole in Wall Maria, so no more mindless Titans come in from the outside, then eliminate the Titans around inside the Wall perimeter.
At last, the negotiations were finalized and a treaty was drawn up. Marley is to use their Titans to help Paradise reclaim Wall Maria, then Annie, Reiner, and Berthold are to return to Marley and reclaim the second wall they lost there. With so many Titan Shifters, they were able to repair the hole in Wall Maria and clear it of Titans in no time.
A celebratory ball was held to commemorate the occasion of Wall Maria being free of Titans and the start of the operation to resettle the territory. In the crowded ballroom, Levi was doing his best to mingle with the higher ups and the nobility of the Inner Walls. Levi does not have very high esteem for those overly privileged, soft nobles, and the first chance he can foist them on Erwin and bail, he did so. Erwin’s not too fond of them either, but at least he can influence them to increase funding for the Survey Corps.
Levi stepped out for a much needed breather and to his surprise saw that Eren had the same idea. Eren was looking rather melancholic, he had a drink in one hand, but it’s half full.
“Sick of socializing with the snobs?” Levi asked as a way of greeting. Eren looked at him and nodded. “Why so quiet? I thought you would enjoy this type of event more.”
“Annie, Reiner, and Berthold are going back to Marley.” Eren said, “Sasha, and Connie are going back to help their families get back their homes from before Wall Maria fell. Mikasa wants to get some land and start a farm of her own, but I guess Armin will stay and work with Hange’s team to develop technologies. Half of the Survey Corps are retiring, since the Titan threat is gone.”
“What about you?” Levi asked, having an idea of what Eren’s melancholy is about.
“I know I should be happy that it’s all peaceful now and the Titan threat is gone,” Eren said, “but I just don’t think I can stand to live normally anymore.” Levi nodded at that, he is also feeling something similar. “Plus there is the world outside of the Wall Maria, but it’s completely inaccessible to regular humans.” Eren’s now looking intently at Levi, “But not to me, I can go explore outside safely, and I’m thinking that I should tell Commander Erwin about this.”
Levi somehow knew Eren was not content when there was yet another wall in front of him. “The higher ups and the useless rich bastards would be against it, but I think the Commander and especially Hange would think this is a great idea.”
Eren smiled at this, “I wonder if anyone would want to join. Armin would probably want to go on a few expeditions, although I think he found his true calling in Hange’s lab. Jean? He has his mother to think about. Mikasa would want to go just to keep me safe…” Eren started to list out the people who might be curious about the real outside world.
“Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Levi interjected.
“What do you mean?”
“Aren’t you going to ask me to go?” Eren looked at Levi, surprised.
“I thought you would want to retire and open a tea shop?”
“I can retire after exploring more of the world with you.” Eren’s face lit up at this.
“Then, I’ll tell Commander Erwin about this plan tomorrow!”
Mikasa and Armin showed up then and Eren bid Levi a good night to go with them. Levi smiled fondly after him and shook his head. He was really trying to signal his intent to court Eren, but the brat kept missing it. All in due time, Levi thought. They are going to spend a lot of time alone together, after Levi convinces the entire Survey Corps to turn Eren down.
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meatmechapilot · 6 months
Rivaereri Spring 2024 - Day One: Eren's Birthday
Summary: Eren and Levi shares Eren's first heat as a married couple. Basically, an excuse to write shameless smut.
Levi checked the house outside of their bedroom once again. Everything has to be perfect for Eren’s first heat since their wedding. Levi could see Eren inside the bedroom, patting down the nest in their king sized bed. As the omega’s heat approached, Eren gathered many things to make the perfect nest. Blankets, pillows, Levi’s old shirts so the alpha’s scent is all over the nest. This isn’t just going to be any regular old heat, Eren had been to his omega specialist and had gotten off of birth control. They are trying for their first child (hopefully the first of many) and Levi could hardly contain his excitement. And it just so happens that the start of Eren’s heat coincides with his birthday. What a way to celebrate, Levi thought.
They’ve talked about having a family before, when they first started dating. Eren has wanted a large family ever since he was a child, and wanted to start right away after marriage. Levi never thought about having children before, but after meeting Eren, he can think of nothing more blissful than having many children with the omega.
Eren’s scent from the inside the bedroom had become more potent, signaling the start of his heat. A soft whine for his alpha made Levi drop everything he’s doing to go to Eren’s side. Eren had changed into a sheer nightgown that leaves nothing to the imagination. The hormone changes during an omega’s heat causes their skin to glow, like a version of the pregnancy glow. Eren’s flushed skin, rosy cheeks, plus the sexy number he’s wearing instantly made Levi’s mouth water.
Levi stripped down to his underwear in record time, and climbed into the bed-nest. He wrapped his arm around the omega and began to kiss his neck and collarbones, leaving hickeys all over the omega. Eren giggled and let Levi have free reign of his body. His heat has just begun, and he is not desperate to be knotted yet. His whole body is overly sensitive from the heat and Levi is doing a great job pleasuring him by kissing and touching him everywhere.
Levi is taking his time exploring his omega’s body, loving the reactions his actions are causing in his mate. Over their years of being a couple, Levi had become an expert on Eren’s body. He knows exactly what to do to cause the desired reaction. The alpha also has a pretty good sense of the omega’s heat cycles, his keen senses able to pick up on his partner’s moods and pheromone levels. A skill he puts to good use now.
Eren’s nightgown is hiked up to his neck, exposing his chest. Levi’s currently driving Eren mad by teasing his nipples with his teeth and tongue. Levi noted that Eren’s normally flat chest swells a bit during his heat and his nipples become very sensitive. Eren’s breasts are sure to become even bigger during pregnancy, and Levi can’t wait to explore all the changes to come. Eren’s squirming and mewling under Levi’s ministrations now, his body is producing every more slick.
Eren spread his legs wider instinctively, signaling his readiness to be bred. Levi would have loved to eat out Eren’s pussy as well, but his own erection is becoming harder to bear. While kissing Eren deeply, Levi lined up their bodies with practiced ease and pushed inside Eren’s welcoming cunt, causing Eren to moan in ecstasy. Once Levi bottomed out, he had to take a breather. He doesn’t want to come too quickly.
When Eren squeezed his legs around Levi’s waist impatiently, the alpha wasted no time to start pounding the omega into the mattress. Levi adjusted Eren’s position mid-thrust so his legs are over the alpha’s neck. This led to even deeper penetration and Eren’s cries of pleasure grew ever more wanton. The sight of Eren’s flushed face and tears of pleasure caused dark feelings of possessiveness to bloom within Levi’s chest. Only he gets to see Eren like this, only he gets to have Eren like this. Nobody else.
Levi acted on that possessive impulse by renewing his claiming mark on Eren’s neck, Eren was close, but being claimed again in such a primal way drove him over the edge and he came while moaning his alpha’s name. The omega’s cunt tightened on Levi’s cock, and in no time, pulled Levi over the edge as well. The alpha’s knot swelling and locking inside the omega while filling Eren’s inside with overfull with his cum.
Levi arranged them into a more comfortable position to wait for his knot to go down. He saw that Eren had placed his hand on his belly.
“Do you think it worked?” the omega asked, while rubbing circles on his still flat stomach. Levi placed his own hand on top of Eren’s hand and started to rub as well.
“It’s possible,” he said, “but we should do it as many times as possible, just to make sure.”
Eren shifted in his lap, and as soon as Levi’s knot went down, he scrambled to get on his hands and knees, then he turned his head to face Levi. “Breed me, alpha,” the omega said seductively and the alpha fell on him, ready to ravish the omega until both were mindless with lust.
The next day and during the entire rest of Eren’s heat, Levi bred the omega in every possible position and on every surface. No inch of Eren’s body remained untouched by Levi’s possessive alpha hands. Eren wanted it all, every inch of the alpha in him and every mark Levi would put on him. Being so thoroughly claimed, both inside and out made Eren feel such an intimate connection with his alpha that his inner omega purred with contentment.
All too soon, Eren’s heat was over and it was time to clean up. Levi had done a good job helping Eren bathe and clean during his heat so that he wasn’t constantly covered in sweat and dried cum. Both alpha and omega bore the intensity of the heat on their bodies, but Eren of course had more bruises and hand prints on his wrists and thighs, and love bites littered his neck, collarbones, and chest. There were even bites on his inner thighs.
The biggest evidence of their activities was Eren’s round belly, Levi had pumped load after load of seed inside the omega that he already looked heavily pregnant. The alpha smirked at the sight of that and came up behind the omega. He wrapped his arms around Eren and placed his hands possessively around his stomach. Eren melted into his alpha's touch, while Levi kissed his neck and eased them back into bed for yet another blissful lovemaking session before having to deal with the real world.
A month later, Eren finds out that he is pregnant with twins.
Three months later, Eren is as insatiable as if he was in heat again and needs Levi’s cock and knot at all hours of the day. Levi’s only too happy to oblige, if only the sight and feel of Eren, belly huge and breasts full bouncing up and down on his cock is one of the things Levi wants to engrave into his mind forever.
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meatmechapilot · 2 years
About Me
I like to write.  I also like to post on many websites for redundancy. 18+. Shipping/fandom wank free zone. Minors DNI.
Current fandom: Attack on Titan
Ships: Mostly Levi x Eren, but occasionally other ships.  Bottom Eren enjoyer.
My Writing Philosophy: a fic is a fic no matter how small
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