maximura · 9 months
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The High Table: A John Wick Verse. Song Mingi and Brutus
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biffhofosho · 2 years
The Heat of the Night
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Fandom: Monsta X
Genre: Smut, natch.
Word Count: 9.4k
Pairing: I.M x OC
Trope: Rivals to lovers
Synopsis: When the Bastard Demon of Gomorrah clashes with the Hellion of Hades, the bedroom becomes a battlefield where only one can come out on top.
The Vibe: Incubus meets succubus, sex demons who think too highly of themselves, an unforgettable showdown in the Middle Ages leads to a highly anticipated reunion, demons being demons but also experiencing things they’re not supposed to feel, banter and baiting, loads of overt sexuality, basically the whole thing is sex lmao, seduction, sexual favors for trade, chains, paralytic venom because demon, various other demon anatomy heh, battles for dominance, multiple supernatural orgasms lol, rough sex morphs into something else, false confidence and existential crises, a demon love story???
A/N: Well, uh, this… This did not go as I had planned, but I was feeling feelings I guess. Inspired by Jackson Wang’s most excellent video, “Cruel,” because that shit changed my life. Happy Halloween, little demons!
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Changkyun leans over the foot of tonight’s bed. The feet beneath the thin sheets are already writhing in some unseen dance. The soft shifting sets a backing track to the refrain of ragged gasps echoing up from the pillow.
His eyes are red, filled with a ring of fire the same way his limbs are. He feels powerful. He feels energized. He’s ready for anything.
Except the clawed hands that encircle his neck from behind.
“Well, well, well,” says a raspy voice in his ear, “if it isn’t the Bastard Demon of Gomorrah. I haven’t seen you since the Black Plague.”
It might have been 700 years, but Changkyun hasn’t forgotten that voice. He stiffens in the grip of those claws.
“Not long enough,” he rasps in return, though his own voice is shaped not by his natural tone but by the pressure on his windpipe.
One hand releases his throat to thump his chest, which echoes hollowly in the bedroom. “I see absence hasn’t made the heart grow fonder then.”
“What heart?” he mocks.
Slowly, the other hand around his neck unwinds and air rushes back into his lungs. It wouldn’t have killed him of course, but it also wouldn’t have stopped her from trying.
“What are you doing here, Changkyun?” the interloper asks in a familiar tone, as deep and textured as velour.
“Same as you, I expect. Dinner.”
He rubs his throat and turns around, eying the creature behind him. She is sex incarnate, but that should come as no surprise for a succubus since she was made to be irresistible. Still, Changkyun has been around enough of them to know that this one is different—special; she’d have to be to have earned the Hellion of Hades moniker.
She’s got an hourglass figure, textbook perfect proportions with voluptuous tits and thick hips, where her chestnut hair tumbles in glossy waves. It is wild just as she is wild, voluminous and commanding somehow, and strangely, Changkyun envisions it like a curtain shrouding him as she looms above him, encapsulating them in their own private room.
Her skin is a luscious caramel color, no doubt tanned by all the hellfire, same as his own. Of course, she doesn’t bother wearing very much to cover it, just as he doesn’t, because there isn’t a point to it. Her black bodycon looks painted on, clinging for dear life just under the swell of her ass. The wrap-around halter exposes a large triangle of taut stomach and the underside of those delicious tits, where so much as a finger to the fabric will expose her nipples. They are already jutting in anticipation of her feed, and he doesn’t bother trying to hide his stare.
But none of this is what makes her special.
It’s her eyes.
Changkyun imagines what it is like to wait in dreams for those eyes to appear on the horizon. They’re big and bold, shaped like sunflower petals and the same golden color, too, though there is nothing soft or gentle about them. They chart and dissect and unnerve, missing nothing as they size up their prey. When they do still, it’s like the sun itself has trained on him, and he feels far too seen, like they have burned through the illusion of his human skin to the shimmering scales beneath.
“You've lost your edge,” she remarks with a smirk.
“Never,” he asserts, but the Bastard Demon of Gomorrah feels an odd tickle at the back of his neck like maybe, just maybe, he might have.
She tuts. “Didn’t even hear me coming, and I brought my chains…”
She fingers the belly chain at her waist, and Changkyun hates how she manipulates him into looking at it. Now, he’s fixated on her hips and how well they would open to accommodate him if he had an ounce less knowledge about the hellcat his fellow demon is.
He may have followed her exploits inadvertently over the years. It’s not his fault if the word hellion has become a more frequent word in his vocabulary and happens to come out a little more often when he encounters other demons, and he’s certainly not responsible when one of them spills a tale of a run-in with the Hellion of Hades.
“You’ve never been worth my notice, Andromeda,” he says.
The succubus’s face falls, and Changkyun feels like he finally has the upper hand. They don’t call him a bastard for nothing.
“Oh, fuck off,” she snaps now that their games have unceremoniously ended in his favor. “I’ve had my eye on this one for over a week.”
“Nice try. There are no dibs in the Underworld. If there were, we wouldn’t have had our little showdown in the Middle Ages, would we?”
“You ruined that for everyone, you little shit.”
Changkyun quirks a brow along with the corner of his lips. “And I’m not above doing that again.”
His nail elongates on his finger into a thin, wicked claw like a dragon tooth begging to sink into flesh. He brings it to the foot of the woman in the bed and drags it up her sensitive arch. She jerks and grunts in her sleep. Her eyelids flutter, and he knows another pass will coax her awake and out of their reach.
“Stop!” Andromeda commands. “Little fucker.”
“Leave then.”
“You know how hard it is to find a soul-sack still holding out for marriage these days. I’d say this one has at least a full decade of sexual frustration ready to be released.”
Andromeda sounds a little whiny and even more desperate, and Changkyun figures the succubus hasn’t properly fed in a few days. Whatever the reason, her neediness is making him needy, and it’s turning him on far more than it should considering how, after more than half an eon, he still hasn’t forgotten Rome or the way her wrists felt thrashing beneath him, nor has he forgotten how his cock had pressed against her like a traitorous conspirator, begging against his better judgment to bury itself in her tight little hole.
Not that they’d ever fucked, of course. Over the years, when Andromeda had crossed his mind against his will, Changkyun had convinced himself that his massive hard-on had been an unfortunate consequence of their battle. Nothing a demon likes better than a good fight, he told himself, and theirs had been the best he’d ever had, filled with teeth and claws and catastrophic damage, so all his subsequent erections over her through the years must have spawned from its mere memory.
But here she is again, the Hellion of Hades and the scourge of his subconscious, flouting a bondage enthusiast’s dream instead of the silk and velvet gown that had concealed her many assets the last time they’d met. Changkyun resents how effortlessly his body responds to her. He must work harder to assert his dominance.
“Which is why I’m here,” he informs as he turns back to the once-again immobile human in the bed. “First come, first serve.”
Andromeda slithers closer, her bare arm brushing his forearm. It stings as much as a bite, and the way his skin tingles is just as toxic. Her voice undulates like a snake through water as she says, “Let me have this one, Changkyun. Come on, you owe me after Rome. We demons may not honor dibs, but we do love to call in debts.”
“Your tongue’s still dipped in silver, I see.”
“Mm, still forked, too,” she replies, but if that’s true, she doesn’t let him see it, and his mind is in overdrive.
His only way out of this madness is through it. He has to get her out of his veins one way or another. Seven hundred years is far too long to think about anyone but himself, especially a cunning but enchanting succubus he’s only squared off with once.
“What if I don’t acknowledge a debt?” he challenges.
“And what if I plague you worse than our beloved Black Death, hm?”
Their eyes blaze when they meet, neither one capable of backing down. It’s starting to look like another Rome where they both leave unsatisfied, but Changkyun’s not sure he’s got the mettle to endure a full eon of unprecedented blue balls. Fate has gifted him a chance to settle an old score the way he’d wished he had in the first place, all while getting everything he wants, if he plays his cards right.
He runs a hand through his long black hair and savors the way Andromeda’s eyes break to follow it.
“What if,” he begins in his oiliest voice, “I propose a deal instead? We love our deals, too, don’t we?”
She’s silent as she considers and then: “I’m listening.”
“I have something you want, and you have something I want. The way I see it, you really want this full-course buffet—in fact, you look like your really, really need it—and maybe now my appetite’s changed. I could be persuaded for something a little… off-menu.”
Changkyun shoots a pointed look at Andromeda’s body and feels the first serious twitchings in his cock. Like it or not, his body’s been reacting to her since the second her siren voice coiled in his ear, or, more truthfully, since Rome.
The succubus glowers at him. “I don’t fuck incubi.”
“Why not? Afraid I’ll know all your tricks or just afraid I’ll ruin you to all other sex?”
“Because you’re cocky as hell, but you’ll never deliver, at least not for a creature you can’t manipulate into thinking you did.”
Flares blossom in Changkyun’s eyes. “And humans deliver?”
“I have total control there, don’t I? I make sure they fill me up just right,” she adds with a coy smile that absolutely infuriates him. “And you, Changkyun, you’re a bastard and proud of it. I’m not in the mood to be used.”
“But you are in the mood to feed. How hungry are you?”
Andromeda doesn’t move, so he does. The incubus reaches for her, his fingers grazing the side of her breast as he slips his arm around her back to tug her closer.
“Are you seriously going to lie to me?” he questions. “I haven’t forgotten the way you moaned when I pinned you face-down over that dresser.”
She scoffs but it’s weak. “That was in surprise.”
“You moan when you’re surprised, huh? And what sound do you make when you cum?”
Andromeda bites her lip. She’s moved closer to him, even if she doesn’t know it. The hellfire in her eyes flashes, and she seems to swell in his arms. Breathily, she says, “Changkyun…”
“Do we have a deal?” he prods, as much with his words as his fingertip along the underside of one of her tits.
“Fine, but the human is mine. Swear it.”
She lifts her hand, pricks her fingertip with one of her claws, and waits for the dark blood to bead before she offers it to Changkyun. He’s supposed to do the same, but instead, he brings her finger to his lips and suckles. Andromeda hisses, and he catches a glimpse of that forked tongue after all.
Fuck, he’s excited.
When he pulls her finger back, he returns to her gaze and says, “I swear.”
Those sunflower petal eyes have drooped with lust now as she waves her hand in an oval, and a black portal with swirling purple edges materializes.
“Step through,” she orders.
Changkyun hesitates. This could be a trick. She’s a demon, too, impossible to read, and she hungers as badly as he hungers, even if it’s for different things. He doesn’t know where the portal leads, and he has no insurance that she won’t close it behind him, but he supposes she’s thinking the same thing. In the end though, they’ve sealed a pact, and if it’s not fulfilled, whoever breaks it will be forced to repay it tenfold, so it’s enough security for him to step through.
It's dark here and warm, too. Feels just like home.
“Where are we?” he asks.
“My chamber,” she replies as she brushes past him toward the center of the room.
Changkyun wonders how many humans have filtered through here over the eons, assuming this is where she takes them in what they naively believe are simple dreams.
He looks around. It’s surprisingly personal for a demon’s room, well, he thinks anyway considering he’s never been in another’s. His own chamber is filled only with his bed, but Andromeda has pegs in the walls with amulets dangling from them and a table with bottles of colorful liquids. There are shelves, too, populated by all sorts of oddities, things he thinks he’s seen on Earth but never in their realm.
Maybe she doesn’t bring humans here. The thought excites him.
Andromeda catches him scoping her collection out, and she shrugs.
“My trophies,” she says.
She leaves it at that, and even if Changkyun wants to know more, he’s sure she won’t tell him.
She slips off her heels and lines them along the wall in a gesture that is so intimate, it stirs an ache somewhere deep in the hollow of his chest.
In an effort to underscore how unfazed he is by all this, Changkyun takes a seat on the bed since that is what this is all about, but instead of joining him, Andromeda surprises him again. Though they are never more comfortable than they are in darkness, the succubus lights candles around the room—and not with a snap of her fingers, as she easily could, but with a match. When she lights the last one near the headboard, she brings the match to her lips and, with a swift puff, snuffs the flame.
Every time he’s sure he knows where this is going, she reminds him that this is something more significant.
Changkyun is vibrating with anticipation.
“What?” she asks when she catches him appraising her with a cocked head.
He thinks about keeping it to himself, but he’s done enough of that over the years. Instead, he wets his lips before he confesses, “I’m curious about something.”
Andromeda scoffs. “Demons can’t be curious.”
“Hm, that’s true, or was anyway. Seems we’re both breaking our molds tonight…” he muses as he looks around her unusual room.
“What are you curious about?” she asks, and he laughs at his same emotion mirrored on her face.
“How do you entrance your humans?”
At this, her ample chest lifts a little. “You want to see?”
Andromeda raises her eyebrows as a smile curls her lips. It’s unreasonably hot, and Changkyun feels the tip of his cock weep a little seed into his pants. It’s unexpected, and he shifts back on the bed to make his hunger a little less obvious in case this creature thinks she has any more control over him than he’s willing to give.
She brings a finger to her lips, and he watches the nail lengthen into a proper talon. The edge catches the candlelight and winks just before she licks it, and at last, Changkyun gets a full view of that forked tongue. It’s wider than a snake’s and just as agile, yet he can already feel it wrapping around his dick to taste every ridge.
When she’s ready, Andromeda approaches, her hips swinging like a bell, and Changkyun swears there’s music in his ears. She’s calling to him and his body answers.
He sits up ramrod straight, any hopes of tempering his eagerness long-forgotten. She stops just before his knees and looks down at him. Their eyes meet, and a little growl escapes his chest.
Her poor excuse for a dress has ridden so far up her bitable thighs that he can almost make out his prize nestled in the shadows at her apex. Normally, he would help himself, but he tries to put himself in the mind of a hapless human who would be too dumbfounded by her aura to do anything other than ogle shamelessly at her sexuality, and he thinks he’s doing a commendable job of playing lovestruck…
Slowly, the succubus descends, the apple of her ass settling side-saddle in Changkyun’s lap. His hands snake around her waist before he can tell himself to stop, and he holds her close to him.
He realizes in that moment that, demon or not, he is entranced, too.
For a second, Andromeda’s brow knits as she looks down at his arms around her, but when she looks back up, her sensual persona is back in full force. Her thumb pries at his bottom lip, and it puffs up in kind.
“Stick out your tongue,” she orders.
“Why?” he protests, “You can't feed off of me.”
“Don't be ridiculous. I don't want to feed from you. I want to use you.”
Changkyun simultaneously hates and loves this idea. He is used to using everyone and everything, but the way her petal eyes flutter warps the selfish streak within him momentarily. Besides, he tells himself, she may call this off if she doesn’t think she’s about to get what she wants out of it, and he hates that idea far more.
Andromeda takes his face between her hands and stares into his eyes until it feels like she’s wandering around inside him. Changkyun shivers for the first time in his eternal life.
“This is the part where I uncover all your darkest desires,” she says as the blackness in her eyes swirls.
The incubus falls into her gaze with the feeling that he is moving though he knows he’s not. Still, his arms tighten around her waist as dizziness overtakes him. He can feel her roving about in his head, but it isn’t long before she gives up with a hiss.
Changkyun smiles and then chuckles. “You can't find mine, can you, bright eyes? That’s because I’m nothing but dark desires.”
He trusts he sounds cocky and alluring, but he knows the truth is more than that. She can’t find any of his desires because he wants to explore all of them with her. Even he knows his brain’s a fucked-up mess over her.
Changkyun fans his hands over the keyholes of skin at the back of her dress and revels in the way she burns him. Demons naturally run hot, but she’s like fire incarnate. Fuck, what will she feel like when he’s inside her?
Andromeda pulls back and shakes it off though she doesn’t remove his hands, thank fuck.
“It doesn't matter,” she says after she clears her throat. “In a moment, you will have to do what I want anyway.”
“That so?”
“Yes, baby, it is so.”
The succubus bites her lip before she squeezes his cheeks between her fingers, and slowly, he parts his lips for her.
“Good little demon,” she says with a crooked grin.
Out lolls his tongue, and on the widest, flattest part, Andromeda presses the tip of her nail. Changkyun feels a prick that passes in an instant for a warm tingling that spreads quickly through his limbs. He feels heavy all over, too heavy to lift his arms or legs, too heavy to sit upright anymore. He falls back onto her bed, and she lays him out in an X shape, his hands to opposing corners.
At first, he is resentful. There was something about her sitting sweetly on his lap and in his arms, and even though she was above him, it felt like she was his and he held all the power over her. He wishes he was still holding her, but then that resentment fades as his other senses open up.
The sheets smell like her—a little fire, a little brimstone, and something less familiar that he can’t pinpoint, maybe animalic. Whatever it is, it stiffens his cock to unprecedented levels.
“Don’t worry,” says Andromeda as she stands beside the bed, “you’ll still feel everything. I’ll see to it.”
Her long fingers work at her waist to undo the belly chain there, and once it’s loose, she snaps it like a whip, and it lengthens with magic. In the candlelight, it glimmers as it puddles at her feet. With another flick of her hand, the chain encircles Changkyun’s wrists and threads itself through two heavy iron rings anchored in the wall. This sours his mood, less about the reinforcement and more about the fact that the rings are there at all because what other reason would there be to have them if someone wasn’t meant to be tied up to them in the first place?
“Aw, baby,” she coos, “don’t frown. I like it when you smile for me.”
His scowl deepens because now he thinks that’s a thing she says to everyone. Changkyun liked it better when he thought he was special. His jaw juts as he complains, “If I already can’t move, what’s the point of the chains?”
Andromeda shrugs. “Insurance. You’re a demon after all, so I don’t know how long you’ll be under my control, and I have big plans for you.”
At this, he raises an eyebrow. “Oh really?”
“Mm, yes. I’m going to suck what’s left of your soul right out of you.”
Changkyun can’t control much below his face, but he still feels everything acutely, and he definitely feels his insides quiver at the thought.
With her ensorcelled chain secured, Andromeda straightens. Her hands come to the back of her neck and lift the halter over her head. Her waterfall of hair slinks through the loop like thread through a needle’s eye, and it’s borderline hypnotic. His cat eyes narrow, transfixed to her breasts now as he waits for their reveal. He isn’t disappointed.
As the tight fabric is peeled away, her tits bounce out wild and free. They’re the most marvelous shape he’s ever seen, perfectly round with an enticing jiggle made even more tantalizing by the way her nails scrape along her sensitive flesh. Even from his pillow, he can see her nipples pucker so hard, they’re ringed by little pebbled haloes. Changkyun’s mouth is already watering.
For a moment, Andromeda takes them in her hands and lifts and squeezes before she lets go to give them a fresh, perky bounce that draws a little groan from the creature tethered to her bed. Smiling in self-satisfaction, she turns her back to him, which teases a frustrated sigh from him until she returns her hands to what’s left of the rumpled dress still suctioned to her waist. Changkyun knows what will happen next, and he finds himself straining what bits of him he can still control toward her.
Andromeda rolls the dress over her hips, slow and low so he can appreciate the swell of her firm ass until the fabric is taut over her most voluptuous curve, and then she bends over and does the cutest little shimmy to shake the garment to her pretty ankles. Changkyun realizes it’s silly to think her ankles are pretty, much less any part of her is pretty because “pretty” isn’t a word a demon uses, but he thinks it all the same until he discovers he’s still staring at her ankles instead of the lush cunt she is presenting.
He's only too happy to direct his attention to her damp lips which shimmer in the low light.
“Hm,” he muses. “For someone who didn’t want to fuck me, you sure are wet, little hellion.”
“Who says that’s because of you?” she challenges as she turns around. “I am a succubus.”
Andromeda presents her perfect form to him, and it’s clear her arousal has leaked down the crease of her thighs, too. She takes a finger and swipes it up her slit, twisting it this way and that so her wetness is unmistakable to him, and then she sucks her fingertip clean.
Breathlessly, Changkyun asks, “What do you taste like?”
Her smile is as wicked as she is. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He does. More than anything, he does.
One knee at a time, Andromeda sinks onto the bed, and his anticipation mounts. The leather of his pants is unbearably restrictive, and his cock is straining mightily against its repression, but with her blade-sharp nail, she cuts a line from collar to navel through his black tank and parts it instead. Her hands fan over his taut abs and defined chest, more appreciative than lustful honestly. He swells with pride, which only reminds him of his damn leather prison again.
Changkyun expects her to free him, but still, she does not. Instead, she swings a leg over his waist, her ass facing him, and takes a seat, her cunt pressed in a hot, wet kiss against his stomach. It’s all he can think about—her blazing heat throbbing against his muscles and making a mess of him—until the palm of her hand comes scorching across the tent in his pants.
Changkyun hisses. He would have bucked into her grip, too, if he could have, but for now, it’s the best he can do to show his succubus how much he appreciates her attention. Clearly, Andromeda gets the gist because her hand conforms around his tip, and he feels the extra pressure of her thumb against his sensitive cockhead in a blood-boiling way.
“You want me to play with you, Changkyun?” she asks sweetly over her shoulder.
“I want you to suck me off,” he demands and is infuriated to hear how quickly he’s lost his composure at just the hope. The rattle of his demonic growl darkens the edge of his words while it illuminates his impatience.
Even worse, Andromeda laughs lightly, a bit like a wind chime tinkling in a breeze. It’s too innocent for a sex demon, and it has his head doing funny, swimming things.
Despite her laugh though, she undoes the button at his pants and unzips the rest. He can feel both her hands at his waist, parting the leather gates, and something about that is unbearably sexy. Fuck, he’d give anything to see her face the moment she pulls his dick out because just the betrayal of her hitching breath is enough to make him blow.
Changkyun is an incubus. He was made to fuck—there’s no debating that—but he knows he’s got a special cock. He gets hard and stays hard for as long as he wants, and his cock, like her tits, is without compare. He’s thick, long, and adorned with a series of ridges along his shaft to coax delicious orgasm after delicious orgasm out of his partners, and he can’t wait until this creature falls apart for him.
If only she would stop teasing him!
Andromeda has both hands wrapped around Changkyun’s shaft, marveling at his girth and hardness in agonizingly slow strokes.
“It’s better than I imagined,” she murmurs, and just like that, new beads of milky cum seep from his mushroomed tip.
She’s imagined his cock in her hands…
Her thumb smears his early gift, and as she looks over her shoulder at him, she pops it into her mouth. If Changkyun could pull his chains, he’d have already broken out of them.
“So bad,” he whispers.
“I want you to be badder,” he eggs on, and Andromeda smiles.
“What sort of bad things do you want from me, baby? I'm not short on sin.”
She’s sure as shit not. Now it’s just a matter of selecting the order.
Changkyun muses. “Swallow my cock. Choke on it.”
There’s that devilish grin, and he can’t believe his luck. He’s the one tied up, but he’s still calling all the shots. It’s exactly what he—
But instead of doing as instructed, Andromeda slides her pussy up his stomach, then his chest, leaving a sopping wet trail until Changkyun can feel the cloying heat off her seam colliding with his chin.
“Earn it,” the succubus says, and his arrogance evaporates.
At first, Changkyun is irritated. He wants what he wants when he wants it, and right now, he wants his dick buried down her throat, but he is also an opportunist, and this is an opportunity to show her that no puny human entrée will ever please her again the way he will. He’s going to relish making Andromeda an unexpected slave to his cock.
Her tongue may be forked, but his is long and skilled, especially trespassing into forbidden velvet walls, and it never fails to send his human partners spiraling into orgasms so violent that he almost fills up on their first one. His succubus may have him dead to rights for the moment, but it doesn’t matter if he’s frozen in chains—Changkyun’s going to have her quaking for him.
He wets his lips in anticipation as Andromeda sinks back. Her scent is most intense here, musky and raw and demanding his full attention. Her puffy lips eclipse his view, and he is face-to-face at last with the secret she can no longer hide.
She craves him as much as he craves her, demon or not.
Every human tastes different—Changkyun should know; he’s fed on countless numbers of them. Some are tangy, others sweet or even sour, while still others may taste fresh or filthy, but there’s also a distinctly human quality to all of them, an inadequacy. He has never put his finger on what that is, but all he knows is that when his tongue darts out to take his first taste of succubus, he understands that nothing will ever taste as delicious ever again. It is indefinable, but it is also unforgettable.
Andromeda is demon heroin. With one lick, he knows he will never be able to stop searching for the next one, and he realizes in one fell swoop that she has done to him exactly what he has planned to do to her. To stop tasting her feels unconscionable. She must be devoured until she begs him to stop. No wonder so many humans go mad after being with a succubus. A person couldn’t move on from this. Changkyun can’t move on from this. Maybe this is the reason demons don’t fuck demons. What a fool he’s been.
At least if he’s going to be ruined, he’ll see to it that she is, too.
He showers his attention along her seam first. He likes to prime his meals this way, get them all worked up and squirming and hoping against hope that he’ll suddenly change his mind and fuck them on his tongue like they need, but he won’t. It’s not until they’ve given up that hope that he will plunge his tongue inside to send them into an unparalleled climax.
But as has been the case all night, things have not gone the way he expected. He's barely had a chance to savor Andromeda’s exquisite moans before he’s eager to show her what else he can do. It would be easier if he had use of his hands, but Changkyun is determined to prove his prowess to her regardless. His tongue slides between her folds and teases an intense groan from her.
Andromeda rocks her hips back onto his chin, and his tongue delves a little deeper into her richness. As much as he wants to go to town devouring her, he knows the true payoff comes with the foreplay. He spends time roving about her soft shadows, tasting her desire and circling her entrance without ever penetrating her.
He’s purposefully neglecting her clit, and it’s clearly infuriating her. She keeps grinding back, trying to force him where she needs him, but he’s enjoying the game too much.
Until she starts playing one of her own.
Like a kitten, she licks his tip. Pleasure skyrockets through Changkyun’s body. If he could move, he would be writhing head to toe.
“Shit!” he shouts, his head thumping back to the bed.
“I thought I told you, don’t be a bastard,” Andromeda adds far too gently for her meaning.
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to rush with you.”
Changkyun wishes he hadn’t said anything. The way she stares back at him makes him feel like something other than what he’s supposed to be—a mindless sex demon.
She opens her mouth to respond, but he doesn’t want to hear it, so instead, he does as she asks and dives into her. He works double-time between her swollen lips, lapping at her obscenity and pressing experimentally into her warm cavern. Her nails dig into his thighs, and whatever cutting thing she might have said is traded for a whiny moan.
He’s still ignoring her clit for now, but it’s hard for her to complain with his incubus tongue now deep inside her. He plunges the thick, serpentine muscle into her shivering walls, and she keens long and low into her room.
Changkyun withdraws, her body slumping instantly at the loss, just long enough to say smugly, “Can your human playthings do that?”
Andromeda doesn’t even have a chance to answer before he invades her core again and undulates the thick appendage as only an incubus can. He knows just by texture where her most sensitive recesses are, and the tip of his tongue targets them with wicked precision.
She howls as her hand squeezes his base. Changkyun might have protested about how hard she was gripping him, but, frankly, it’s keeping him from blowing his load at the feeling of her pussy constricting his tongue.
It’s time at last.
Changkyun draws his tongue back into his mouth to savor her sumptuous taste, but it isn’t just his succubus’s ample wetness that revs him up to unprecedented levels; it’s how hard her clit is. With one flick of his tongue, Andromeda’s thighs shake around his ears. She makes a sound he’s never heard before, high and sweet and innocent like a dove’s coo. Something like that shouldn’t come out of a sex demon either, so it only makes him madder with lust.
She stifles herself by engulfing his cock, and even though that was what Changkyun had wanted all along, he’s a little disappointed. He didn’t realize how much pleasure he was getting from her sexy, desperate noises until she’s taken them away from him.
At least he can enjoy the way Andromeda chokes around his thick member. Her mouth is far deeper and lacks the pitiful gag reflex of a human, but that doesn’t lessen the sweet, filthy symphony of his cock drenched in her saliva. It’s messy and depraved, just the way Changkyun likes. The fork in her tongue cradles his shaft so nicely, especially when she gets to his tip and massages it until it leaks more precum. He just wishes he could see those petal eyes go wide as he splits apart those flushed lips.
“Tastes good, doesn’t it, little hellion?” he teases, and she mumbles an “mm-hm” around his shaft.
Changkyun smiles and returns to that cute caramel button throbbing for his attention. His tongue wraps around her clit and tugs it between his lips so he can suck properly. In no time at all, Andromeda is gagging her scream around his length as a rush of her cum drenches his lips and chin. Her thighs box his ears so hard they ring, and she collapses on him, his dick still twitching between her limp lips.
She doesn’t need to tell him it’s the best orgasm she’s ever had; he knows. But Changkyun still wants to hear it.
“See?” he prompts. “I can be generous when motivated.”
Andromeda rolls off of him with a groan and says, “I suppose you’ll be wanting your half of the bargain then?”
Her hand is pumping his base now, and the electricity gathering there has Changkyun’s toes curling.
“Is that what you’d do with a human?” he asks.
“Then do something else.”
“You don’t like it?” she pouts. She’s between his legs now, crouched like a submissive little lamb with his cock cradled between both of her hands, and even though he knows that’s the furthest thing from the truth, if Changkyun had a heart, it would be pounding at the sight.
He wets his bottom lip and stares at her. “Do something just for me.”
Andromeda’s mouth falls open. Something changes in her. It’s subtle, but he sees it. Maybe that’s because she’s been imprinted on his brain for 700 years, so he notices when she looks like anything other than the Queen of Hell, but she’s definitely different. Her eyes turn downward as her full brows pinch in the middle. Her hands fall away from his cock so she is on all fours while her gaze stays fixed to his.
She crawls up his body this time, her skin gliding along his oiled with their sweat. She stops when they are face to face. Her knees are pinned on either side of his hips, and her cunt presses on his shaft, dripping shamelessly with intention.
Changkyun waits. He’s not sure what the succubus will do with his request, but the way she is looking at him has his blood pumping. She must feel it throbbing through his cock, too, because she grinds herself along him with a purr. The chains creak as his fingers flex.
“Something just for you…” Andromeda whispers, leaning down so he can feel her words ghosting along his lips.
She kisses him then, and color bursts behind his eyes. In another seven centuries, Changkyun would have never guessed that this is what she would do, but the touch of her lips is euphoric. He’s never kissed nor has he ever been kissed—that’s not in the incubus playbook.
Neither of them really seem to know how to move their lips across each other’s, yet as the initial shock wears off and they grow more confident, they find a rhythm that has his chest tightening in unexpected ways. When Andromeda’s tongue pushes between his lips, he arches underneath her and bucks, his cock sliding between her folds almost as deliciously as his tongue slides along hers.
Through heavy panting, she lifts from his mouth. Her eyes dart around his face, and her flushed lips purse beneath her pinched brow. “Did that please you?”
Changkyun unleashes his demon growl, and with one good yank, he rips the chains free from the hooks. Her eyes go wide, but before she can respond, he has her cheeks between his hands, and he’s kissing her again.
Now that Andromeda is distracted, he rolls her underneath him and ruts against her the way he wants—recklessly, wildly, hungrily—until his dick is soaked and ready to fuck like it’s never fucked before. She whimpers into his mouth, her forked tongue tangling with his dexterous one in ways that saturate his mind with white hot desire.
She barely notices when he reverses the chain around his wrists and loops it around hers in a fresh demonic bond, but she stills once she hears the metal loop through the wall hooks and pull her arms taut.
Andromeda stares up at him in shock.
“You were right to worry,” the incubus says with a sly grin. “Your venom wore off.”
“What happens now?” she asks breathlessly.
Changkyun pretends to think, but he’s been thinking about this forever. He smiles. “I fuck you until you beg me to stop.”
He smirks as he devours Andromeda’s manacled, squirming form. This little minx has no idea what’s in store for her.
“But first things first,” he says, and he enjoys the way her face falls. “I’ve got a messy cock, and you have such immaculate tits. Let’s fix that.”
Changkyun wastes no more time before sucking one of her nipples between his teeth. His canines are sharp, but he stays gentle except for the few experimental nibbles that spur her pussy into frenzied buckings against his shaft. After all the teasing, he’s close to release, but he has bigger plans for his first load of cum.
He lavishes attention on her second tit now and, much to his infinite delight, receives a no-less greedy response. With both nipples as high and proud as they can go, Changkyun sits back and straddles Andromeda’s stomach.
She’s confused. From the frenzy between her thighs, she had thought she was about to be railed through her bed, but now she’s staring down the barrel of his red-hot cock. The head is glistening with his and her cum, and she licks her lips.
“Tongue out,” he demands. “Keep it out.”
The long, rouged muscle unfurls, the fork curling like beckoning fingers. Damn her.
Furious at the shiver of weakness that heaves through him, Changkyun manhandles her tits together to create a supple crease that’s all too welcoming. He pushes his dick forward, and softness surrounds him. It feels too sinful, and he moans, which only intensifies when he realizes her tongue can reach his tip.
Andromeda greets his every thrust like this, and in an embarrassingly short amount of time, Changkyun cums. His release splatters the crest of her tits, all the way up her throat, and spurts onto her jaw and chin.
The succubus grins in victory, but he has to wait until his toes uncurl before he can be pissed about it. A tremor of passing ecstasy moves through him before he crashes against the wall to watch her lick up what seed she can reach.
“Shit, yes,” he groans as his head thunks against the lava rock.
“Feel better?” she asks.
“Are we done then?”
Changkyun looks at her with one eyebrow raised. Andromeda smiles, and he imagines he sees a bit of relief there.
“Fine,” she says, “but remember what I said.”
How could he forget?
You’ll never deliver.
This is the opening he’s been waiting centuries for. With her body pliant and her eyes defiant, Changkyun is reinvigorated. She’s sexy and taunting and red-blood demon through and through. His determination galvanizes.
“I’m going to teach you how to properly fuck my cock,” he says as he slaps her thighs apart and gets an eyeful of her waiting cunt.
Andromeda bares her teeth at him. “I’m a succubus. I think I know what I’m doing.”
“No, not one of those meager human excuses for dicks. My cock, little hellion. If you don’t fuck incubi, then you don’t know how to take it.”
“Oh, and your humans can?”
Changkyun pinches her chin between his fingers and ensures her eyes meet his before his voice drops perilously low. “I don’t give them everything. You? You’re going to get it all, absolutely every last bit I can bury in you.”
Andromeda rattles her chains, and her tits bounce so invitingly that he’s hard as diamonds.
He looks at the last pennants of pearl festooning her clavicle just out of reach of that naughty tongue, and the strangeness he’s felt building all night in his chest loosens its grip a little. This is demon fucking, and it comforts Changkyun. This is what this was always supposed to be about, not that strangely sensual shit they’d been doing for no discernible reason. Just a good, old-fashioned feral fuckfest. He looks forward to wrecking that tight pussy the same way.
Only that’s not what happens.
For reasons he can’t understand, once he has primed himself anew with his hand at the visual of his succubus fidgeting beneath him, he slips between her legs and lines his member with her pulsing entrance, but he doesn’t plunge in to the hilt and relentlessly fuck her.
Instead, Changkyun nestles his cockhead just inside her, savoring the way she whimpers with delight. There she goes, making those unprecedented sounds again. It empowers him as much as it weakens him. Her slit strangles the neck of his cock, and it’s so mesmerizing, he spends a few long minutes just fucking her hole.
In. Out. In. Out. A little faster but no deeper.
Andromeda never put her tongue away. It’s lolling in the corner of her mouth as her lids lower like blinds. She’s drunk on his cock, and Changkyun wants to howl with triumph.
“Where’s the mighty Hellion of Hades now?” he taunts, but her answer surprises him.
Her eyes dim and her body slackens as she babbles, “Yours. Yours. Just do what you want to me. Yours, Changkyun.”
He freezes inside her.
Changkyun is just like any other demon—selfish, self-absorbed, and possessive—but he’s never actually owned anything. Even his room is a mere waystation between his last feeding and his next round of chaos. But now the only other creature he’s thought about in ages has given herself to him. He doesn’t know what to do with that.
So he pushes all the way in. Slowly. And then he stays, engulfed by her relentless heat and her scent.
Andromeda arches underneath him and cries. “So full of you! So full…”
He leans over her, his body casting gauzy shadows on her in the flimsy candlelight. He brushes her hair from her face. He tells himself it’s so he can better watch the way his cock ruins her, but that’s a lie. He just wants to watch her.
Changkyun withdraws slowly, savoring the way her cunt makes needy, squelching sounds as it begs to keep him, and then he drives back in. He keeps his pace rhythmic: emphatic thrusts followed by languorous retreats. He savors her—too much…
His mouth descends to hers, and now he’s fucking and kissing like some sort of… human.
It’s wrong. It’s not supposed to happen, not for a creature like him, but he can’t stop himself, and he’s certainly not going to stop her when her tongue glosses against his in a way that makes him a little disoriented.
Changkyun flops on top of her, and she makes a little “oompf” into his mouth before her legs lock above his ass. She may be trapped, but so now is he. Instantly, it spurs his cock faster.
Between their frenzied panting and their sticky bodies, it’s getting noisier by the second. He pushes up again so he can truly appreciate how shamelessly she responds to him. He watches his demon cock spread her wide and stir her hips up with voracious little lunges as her body yearns to take him all every thrust.
“Changkyun…” she moans, and it’s so heady that he forgets himself.
His hand cups her jaw, his thumb pressing lightly on her throat. She’s staring up at him with eyes of fire, her mouth open and her lips swollen to the point of vulgarity.
“Andromeda…” he echoes.
She’s so pretty, but he’s missing something. It’s a thing he can’t pinpoint, but all the same, he knows he needs it. He heeds to his usual impulsiveness and offers, “I’ll remove the chains under one condition.”
“Fuck, name it,” she whines.
“You ride me until I cum.”
She smiles lopsidedly paired with heavy lidded eyes. “Yes, yes, yes.”
Changkyun releases the enchantment on the chains, and they fall limp to the bed like the innocent accessory they’d once been. Andromeda’s hands are on him in an instant, wrapping around his neck and crushing his body to hers.
They kiss so hard that he may not have noticed her rolling him onto his back again if it isn’t for the fact that his dick is unexpectedly cold now that he’s slipped out of her. But when they break free, he sees her above him as he’d always hoped. Dark waves of hair rush over her shoulders and tickle his stomach in a way that stirs something foreign and fluttery inside. Maybe he’s got some kind of demonic parasite—who the fuck knows? But Changkyun doesn’t have time to care about that now because Andromeda moves back and wraps her hand around his cock to hold him in place as she sinks back down.
“Oh, fuck,” he moans.
This is different. He’s enveloped in tight, hot velvet. It’s all-consuming. With her controlling her descent, Changkyun can appreciate how much he opens her up. No human could take him like this—at least, not as he truly is. He scales back for them, but not for his succubus. Her walls hug his every inch, and she whines gratefully for it all.
When their sexes meet, she rocks back in his saddle, and he catches the ripple through her taut stomach. It’s too much. He’s ready to blow before their next round of fun has even started. That won’t do.
Changkyun has to distract himself, and lucky for him, her lean-back has presented him with easy access to her pretty, arousal-studded clit. His thumb finds a home there, pressing at first to garner her full attention and, once he has it, rubbing it to its full perky height while Andromeda shakes around him.
She savors his thumb for a minute before she lifts up, and he gets a slow-motion pornographic shot of his drenched cock splitting her wide before she sits back down with force. Shockwaves tear through the both of them.
“Do it again,” Changkyun orders, but he knows it sounds like begging instead.
But Andromeda complies, not once or twice but over and over again. It’s mesmerizing the way she fucks him, and it feels even more divine, which is another word a demon doesn’t use, but fuck if it isn’t true about her perfect cunt.
At last, she sits full against him and switches to a grind, and Changkyun can feel the way he stirs her walls, especially one spot just inside her belly that, when she gyrates just right, ensures she spouts a string of curse words every time. He pockets that knowledge for later and lets her finish working them both into a frenzy. The closer she gets to cumming again, the tighter she squeezes him, and it’s hot as fuck.
They’re feeding off each other, but not in the way either of them are used to. In fact, Changkyun can’t explain what he’s getting out of this at all. It’s fucking, but normally, when he fucks, he fills up, like a human stuffing its face at a buffet. With Andromeda, he feels like he’s being emptied, and what is left is raw and confusing. It reminds him he’s naked though he’s never cared whether he’s naked or not before because that’s just part of what an incubus is. But he cares that he’s naked with her. He cares how he looks to her eyes. He cares that she wants to see him—clothed or not.
He cares.
Demons don’t care.
“Fuck, Changkyun, I don’t want to stop,” she calls from his lap. “I don’t want to ever stop.”
Her hands have hiked up her hair in a gossamer fountain as she rides him, each bounce resonating in her tits. Her mouth hangs open to accommodate her ceaseless cries and moans. There’s a sheen of sweat dappling her body that magnifies the hybrid of iridescent little scales woven in with her skin.
“Not yet!” she begs, but it’s all over for her.
Andromeda gushes around his cock with a tremendous climax that ripples through him. Her cunt is strangling the life out of him, and Changkyun cannot get enough. He punches his dick deeper into her, which sends a wail from her lips. She pitches forward, hands crashing to his shoulders and digging in until they break the skin.
“More,” he grunts through the suffocating pillow of her tits in his face. “Give me more.”
He’s fucking her at ultrasonic speed, his hips jackhammering up into her and crashing against her swollen clit. His ridges stimulate every nerve in her greedy walls as they continue to seize around him.
Her eyes roll back in that cock-drunk face of hers as she babbles out senseless noises and a reedy “Not again…”
But Changkyun’s fucked her straight through one release into another, and this time she screams at the top of her lungs. Her body goes limp atop him, a beautiful doll for him to use for his own end at long last.
His hands stay on her hips to hold her down, but just as he regained his mobility faster than she expected, so does Andromeda. She perks up on his chest and sits back in his lap. It’s pure bliss, being inexorably swallowed by her dripping pussy with no chance of escape. This is exactly how he wants to unload inside her, with her cunt—his, now—milking him for every drop of his demon seed.
Changkyun scoops his hands under her ass to lift her up so his can piston into her. It won’t take much. He’s had a hair trigger all night anyway, and she’s still convulsing with aftershocks of her release. But right as he’s about to blow, he feels her pull up, and he knows what she’s trying to do, especially because she’s smirking.
“We had a deal, hellion!”
Before Andromeda can respond, her chain encircles her waist with whip-like speed, both ends in Changkyun’s fists as he secures her in his lap.
“Take my cum,” he snarls just before he floods her pussy.
This is different than his first climax. This means something. There’s no pretending anymore. He’s…
It feels like there’s something lodged in his throat as he stares up at her. Her eyes are closed, her face relaxed, and her hands are pressed on the softest part of her belly where he shelters.
She whispers his name, and the chain slackens in his hands as Andromeda falls on top of him. Instinctively, his arms go around her, and he holds her little ball-shaped form tightly against him.
They pant together as they come down from their highs, and once he’s cleared his throat enough to talk again, Changkyun grumbles, “You were going to leave me?”
“I was going to suck you off,” she assures, but Changkyun doesn’t like the weird feeling lingering in his question. Still, he forgets it when she adds, “But this was better.”
“This was better,” he agrees and presses his softening shaft a little deeper into their mess.
After a while, Andromeda rolls beside him, her hands on her belly again as she stares at the ceiling. “I wonder if all incubi are like this.”
“Don't even think about it,” he snaps, and his words carry the full breadth of his demonic bite. “All of them would disappoint you. The only one you want is me.”
Changkyun doesn’t like the insinuation that she might try others. He comforts himself by reminding himself that demons, by nature, are possessive, but this doesn’t feel like possession. It feels like fear.
Andromeda raises an eyebrow at his jutting chin and taut lips, but says, “Okay. Just you.”
His shoulders relax though he finds his hand has wandered over to join hers on her stomach.
“I don’t even remember what started this,” she muses.
“We were trying to feed from the same human.”
“Oh,” she laughs. “Yeah, now I remember. I forgot I was hungry.”
Changkyun doesn’t reply except with a rhythmic stroke of his thumb over hers.
“You know what?” she says. “I think I worked up a fresh appetite though, and I’m in an unusually generous mood. Why don’t we just share her?”
The word is foreign, but he likes it because it means he’s not the only one here thinking things he shouldn’t.
“Only if you want to,” she adds softly.
“Yeah, okay.”
Andromeda props up onto her arm, a smile on her face. “Okay?”
Changkyun nods. He’s smiling, too.
It’s going to be hard to focus on the human with his succubus in the same room, but it’s in that moment that he realizes he’ll try anything Andromeda asks of him as long as it means she’ll keep him around a little longer.
The succubus hops off the bed and bothers only with her chain around her waist before she creates a portal back into the human’s bedroom. She steps through the glowing oval and offers her hand back to him.
Changkyun thinks this is what a human might call a date, but he’s not human, so he calls it what it should be: an unholy alliance. But as he slips his hand into hers and she pulls him through to her giddy kiss, he realizes maybe when it comes to her, there’s room for a few more words in his lexicon.
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catkyunie · 1 year
Drink You Deeply ♡
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: The tension has been building for weeks between Changkyun and the boss of their little syndicate. Stolen glances, timed brushes in passing. Finally, the tension snaps.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: mafia!changkyun x mafiaboss!reader
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut, smut, and more smut
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ(ꜱ): alluded criminal activity, oral (m! and f! receiving), fingering, pet names (angel/baby), thigh slaps, face fucking, pussy drunk changkyun (please let me know if I miss any!) MDNI 🛑
ᴡᴄ: 4.8k
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The room was exactly how Changkyun had left it. Numerous items worth varying degrees of wealth littered the large mahogany table, anything from precious gems to pieces of deconstructed tech. Beneath that? An intricate and precise map of Seoul, down to alleyways and backstreets that average cartographers didn’t even bother with. Nevertheless, in I.M. 's line of work, he made it his business to know every twist, turn, and secret corner their capital might have hidden. Whatever caused the maneuverability of his brothers to be as effortless and smooth as possible. However, standing languidly before the whiteboard at the head of the table was the most priceless treasure in the room—the boss. 
Her back was turned to him, eyes surely focused on the makeshift plans scribbled concisely over the face of the board, different colored notes representing the input and dictations of the members. The curtain of hair that Changkyun had imagined spilling over his body time and time again was tied loosely at the crown of her head, the planes of her slender neck peeking through with the subtle movements of her body as she studied. The thoughts of sinking his teeth into the pretty flesh, leaving his mark, and claiming, made I.M.’s throat bob as he swallowed past the thick taste of desire that bubbled up from his chest. She wore what looked like a pressed, white button down, rolled to the elbows and tucked into the waistband of a dark pencil skirt. Her arms were folded at her chest, her hip popped as she adjusted her weight from one foot to the other. Godammit. 
Changkyun mimicked her demeanor, leaning casually against the far wall. Arms folded at his chest, accentuating his bare biceps, one foot lazily crossed over the other.  He allowed his eyes to do one more quick sweep of her body above the table, thoughts of having her bent over its top darkening his gaze. Inhaling deeply and angling his chin, I.M. cleared his throat, pulling the young woman from her train of thought before asking simply, “We aren’t quite finished going over the logistics. Didn’t Shownu tell you as much?” 
The boss turned on her heel to face Changkyun, her painted lips pulled up into a grin. He could have sworn he felt all of the air leave his lungs. Time and time again, I.M. found himself floored by her beauty, by the utter presence she demanded when she entered and occupied a room. Though she stood a full head shorter against the backdrop of him and his brothers, her gaze's calm, deep onyx commanded and brought rival syndicates to their knees. It was her voice and cunning that threatened violence and pain on those that fucked around in their territory. While every member had their role within the small group, they knew that she was the driving force that had propelled them to their standing in the rankings within the inner workings of the Seoul syndicates. And god damn, did it turn him on.  
“Of course he did. But, when has that ever stopped me from peeking at plans?” Her voice was like silk, passing through his ears and massaging every bit of his brain that he never knew needed tickling. He replied with a quick, single-shouldered shrug, “It hasn’t. Just didn’t want you to think we were slacking off.” 
Changkyun observed as her full lips slacked into a mock sulk as she bent forward at the waist and rested her palms on the deep red of the table. The exact shade of red that colored her lips and that he wished with every bone in his body to leave printed on her ass. 
“Ever the perfectionist, Changkyunie.” she pouted. 
He physically had to stop himself from whining at her teasing. From matching her sulk with a very real one of his own and explaining to her, as he had repeatedly, that if he wasn’t, everything could and would likely go to shit. While everyone held the same level of serious precision regarding their selected roles, I.M. felt that he was the orchestrated music that each of their instruments relied on to execute symphonies properly. He was their appraiser and getaway. The one that not only found the jobs and weighed their payout but that also ensured their safe passage to and from the heist. If he failed, they all did. Regardless, he refused to play into her razzing. So, instead, he settled with a furrow of the brow, his shoulders tightening as the muscle in his jaw twitched slightly. 
Unfortunately, that was all she needed. Straightening from her position, arms crossing loosely beneath her breasts again, the boss clicked around the table. Stopping right in front of him and pressing a thumb to the crease in his brow, I.M had no choice but to relax beneath her touch as she spoke plainly, “You’ll wrinkle if you don’t learn to relax a bit, I.M. Didn’t Kihyun tell you as much?” Using his turn of phrase against him, she tilted her head in question, how her eyes softened despite the playful embers that glinted behind those black orbs. If her proximity to him hadn’t set his blood on fire, the care and sincerity behind her words certainly had. Without thinking, spurred forward on intuition and instinct alone, Changkyun’s hand went to her wrist, holding it tenderly as the thumb pressed to his brow now glided down the length of his nose and settled gently against his bottom lip. She tugged at it, making it fuller still, his grip on her wrist tightening slightly. 
I.M. lifted his shoulders from the wall, straightening to his full height. He had half expected her to step away, to allow space between their bodies for breath to pass but, to his surprise, she stood firm. She did not budge as the swell of her breasts pressed lightly to the planes of his chest, her thumb now leaving his lip and resting lightly on his chin as she took it between her fingers and examined his face closely. There was no hiding or denying the lust that darkened his gaze, his eyes watching as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. Biting lightly and then licking at the swelling it induced. 
“You’re playing a very dangerous game.” The words were palpable in his throat, thick and honeyed, sticking to the inside of his mouth. The back and forth with the boss had been going on for months. Subtle brushes of flesh, stolen glances, innuendos that both considered missed but were very much received and understood. This was the first time Changkyun allowed himself to act on his impulses. To take the thoughts that swam in his head and give them life, a voice. Judging by how she fixated on the curves of his mouth, her eyes hooded and mirroring the lust that stirred within his own, I.M. couldn’t help but wonder how long her inclinations had whispered to her. 
“My favorite kind,” she said in response, her eyes finally meeting his. Inviting. Tempting. Challenging. Who would bend to their whims first? Break and fold under the gaze of the other? I.M.’s grip tightened further, his very bones feeling like they might snap under her continued contemplation. It was with his next inhale, a shudder that heated his blood and left his body quivering, that he knew. He was putty in her hands, to be molded, shaped, and used however she saw fit to please her cardinal needs. And she, being the perceptive leader she was, could see it, feel it, hear it in the way his very breathing seemed to bend to her. This was checkmate. 
Just as quickly as the fire had begun licking at the base of his spine and tangling itself in his veins, he willingly and gratefully accepted defeat, it was plunged into freezing water and smothered. The step she took away from him, the hand that followed her and fell to her hip, stole the heat from his body and left a cold chill. The inches between them might as well have stretched for miles. Changkyun had to physically stop himself from moving in time with her, to plant his feet solidly to the ground instead of following her into that space, into that distance. Was this a coming to senses, a realization on her side that mixing business with pleasure would only lead to unneeded complications? Or, perhaps, this was another level to their unspoken game. Regardless, I.M. needed that heat like a drunk needed their booze. She was the finest whiskey brand, and he had every intention of succumbing to his basest desires and drink her deeply. 
Changkyun’s hands met at his lower back, the palm that had previously held her wrist now wrapping around his own. Slowly, painfully so, he bent forward. Testing the space between them, watching to see how she responded. To no one’s surprise, she did not balk. Her face, her posture, gave nothing away. She stood firmly, one hand propped on a hip while the other hung loosely at her side. It wasn’t until I.M. had bowed to meet her at eye level, his mouth so close to her own, that their breaths mixed in a way that left his head spinning. At that moment was when he noticed the way her body responded. The sharp inhale, her bosom blossoming to steal his breath away and take it into herself. He grinned, despite himself, and on a whispered exhale, said against her lips, “Your move, boss.” 
There, a silent switch was flipped in that too-quiet space between heartbeats. One that catapulted them into a direction that there would be no coming back from. Thumbs curled into belt loops as Changkyun felt a tug at his waist, positions of power shifting as the boss yanked him and spun him on his heel. With a flourish, I.M. found himself pushed up against the table's edge, his hips pressed tightly into the frame by the boss's insistent hands. The consistent ebb and flow of energy between the pair left Changkyun’s head spinning with a drunken stupor that he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to recover from. Now he knew how delicious the conflict would be, based solely on the fragrant aroma of their shared lust occupying the same space. To think he was already this befuddled, and he hadn’t even tasted her yet– 
His thoughts were quickly smothered down by the overwhelming sensation of her digits whispering against his flesh. I.M.’s eyes followed her every movement as she lowered to her knees, the friction of her slender fingers tugging at the tank tucked into the leather of his pants. It was enough to pull a whimper from the depths of Changkyun’s belly. The sound only spurred her further, bunching the clothing up near his middle before trailing those manicured nails over the raised muscles of his abdomen. He was utterly enthralled with the look of her, eyes blown out with desire, cheeks and ear tips kissed with the softest shade of pink. All while kneeling before him, admiring his body, on the verge of devouring him whole. Akin to a position of worship. 
Before Changkyun could collect his thoughts and clear the fog of desire that had clouded his vision, he felt her fingers tugging at his hips, skillfully unbuttoning his trousers and pulling them from the cut of muscle at his pelvis. Slowly, languidly, those same fingers inched around his body to the seam of clothing that clung to his lower back, pushing past the fabric and down over the curve of his ass. And then, with one final tug, I.M popped free from the too-tight clothing. Now fully exposed, the head of his cock already swollen and weeping at the promise of what her hungry eyes entailed, he had to bite back a hiss as she leaned forward and drug her tongue over the slit, collecting the moisture there and savoring his taste. 
Gone was the air of light-natured teasing. Now, there was a sense of urgency in how she pushed forward on her knees, how her tongue hung past her full lips as she slipped him into her mouth. The boss left him no room to breathe as she hilted him between her lips, nose brushing his public bone as he twitched at the back of her throat. 
“Fuck–” he quipped, pushing up and into her throat, letting her feel his length, his girth, relaxing around him and adjusting her movements to accommodate him. As she worked her mouth over the shaft of his dick, taking his length and sheathing it between her lips, the boss’s eyes slowly and unconsciously slid closed. She was so engrossed in the feel of him filling her mouth, how his hips bucked to meet her throat, and the subtle taste of precum that coated her tongue and cheeks that she hadn’t even realized that her eyes had left his. She was chasing the high that came with knowing how Changkyun reacted to her touch and the feeling of her mouth milking him for everything he had to offer. However, unbeknownst to her, this was only half of the fun for I.M. He wanted her to witness how he came apart for her, to watch the subtle changes in him. He bit into the hem of his tank to keep his abdomen and hips exposed for her, one hand teasing at his puckered nipple as the other gently wrapped in her hair and tugged with encouragement. Her eyes on his body and experiencing firsthand how much of a whimpering, desperate mess he became, naturally submitting beneath her powerful gaze, did just as much for the man as being buried between those pretty lips. 
“Please…” he begged through the cloth and gritted teeth, the fingers that had previously been tangled in her silk curtain now brushing gently against her jaw, pleading for her to place those beautiful eyes on him. And, just as he’d hoped, she entertained his request and did just that. From beneath those long lashes, her eyes found him. Watching the way they darkened upon seeing him in such a state, how he, quite literally, felt her cheeks tighten and suck at him harder, vacuuming him into the back of her throat, damn near sent Changkyun over the edge. 
Feeling the way she adjusted beneath him, I.M’s eyes snapped down to the floor, her legs naturally spreading so she could place her center of gravity in her hips and thighs. When their eyes met again, he felt her hands trailing up the back of his thighs, nails dragging along the hardened muscle. The sensation pulled a groan from deep in his belly, eyes rolling to the back of his head as goosebumps littered his skin. Goddamn, this was better than he could’ve ever dreamed. He could feel the tight fist of climax grip his lower spine, but he had no plans to slow its impending arrival. She just felt too fucking good. That was when he felt it. Hands gripping at his firm ass, nails digging into the tender flesh and pulling him deeper into the depths of her throat. 
“Oh, what the fuck…” he gasped, the hand in her hair tightening. Eyes locked on eyes once again, and as he held himself there at the back of her neck, waiting to see what she had planned, he felt her swallow against his dick with a slight nod of the chin. 
“Can I fuck your face, angel? Is that what you want?” he breathed. 
His answer came in the form of her pulling off of him slightly, centering herself, and once again pressing the tips of her fingers into his backside, urging him. That was all he needed. Readjusting his hand in her hair, his fingers grazing the nape of her neck and holding tightly, he nodded. 
“Hold on tight, baby.” 
Caution was thrown to the wind as Changkyun began to pump himself into her wet mouth, hips rolling forward and back steadily. With each thrust, the coil in his spine tightened further. Coupled with her nails in his skin and the look of absolute fucked out bliss on her face, I.M knew it wouldn’t be long before he emptied himself down her throat. She took each stroke like a professional as the force of his hips began to quicken. He was lost in his sea of need, the desperate and quickening pace he took evidence enough as he chased that high and the surge of dopamine that would come with it. He could feel his knees quake as lewd pants were pushed out of his throat. His eyes were clouded with an unspoken question that the boss answered with a slight tilt of her head, one of her hands snaking back to the front of his body as she palmed and kneaded his balls. That was what broke the dam. 
I.M. had to brace himself against the edge of the table as his body arched and found release, fingers white knuckling against the wood surface and in the length of hair he had been gripping in euphoria. He felt the knot in his lower back tighten as he emptied into her mouth, her cheeks filling with his cum before she greedily swallowed it and savored every drop he gifted her. Quivering and breathless, he felt his body finally relax against the table as she pulled him from her mouth. The grin that tugged at the corners of her mouth had him hardening almost instantly. She was smug. And he wanted nothing more than to wipe that shit-eating grin off her face. 
Bending at the waist with little warning, Changkyun’s lips found her in a hungry embrace, the hands at her waist quickly tugging her from the floor as they switched places. He didn’t have time to play this little back-and-forth they had established. Not now, not after he had found his climax and regained his head. Tasting himself on her tongue only elevated his need. He needed her, craved her. He was ravenous, and the slick heat between her thighs was the only thing to satiate his appetite. Gingerly placing her back against the mahogany table, a hand at the back of her neck to support how tightly he pressed his mouth to hers, Changkyun’s other hand was already working at her blouse. Deftly undoing the buttons straining against the rise of her chest, his teeth nipped at the bottom lip he sucked into his mouth as he quickly pulled away the brassier that held her breasts. Finally releasing the vice from her mouth, Changkyun straightened his spine as he peered down at his first in command and her state. He hadn’t even touched her yet, and she was already trembling. Her cheeks flushed, nipples perked, the skirt scarcely covering her lower half, riding up her legs and clinging to the plush flesh of her thighs. 
“You’re perfect,” he breathed, his hands quivering as he reached for the seam of her skirt, pushing it up and around her waist. I.M’s hands now held her hips tightly as he bent before her covered slit, the boss’s legs unconsciously pulling away to give him the access he needed to admire. There was no hesitation in her movements, nothing showing that she was timid or uncertain. She knew what she wanted, and he always intended to give it to her. 
Peeling his eyes from the moist cloth that covered her cunt, Changkyun met her gaze as she pushed up on her elbows and considered him. Licking at his lips, he turned his cheek into the hand she now offered him, pulling in a sharp inhale as the same hand quickly slid up and tangled in his dark locks. 
“Be a good boy and tend to your mess,” she spoke lowly, eyes sharp and expecting. 
That was all the encouragement he needed. Turning his attention back to her core, he pulled a hand away from her hip and quickly hooked a finger around the cloth of her panties, pulling them to the side and being welcomed by the most beautiful specimen he had ever seen. Every one of Changkyun’s senses was locked in. The world could have been burning down around them, and he wouldn’t have cared or bothered to notice. Seeing firsthand how swollen and plump the entrance of her body became from having him in her mouth, the feeling of her arousal coating and slicking his fingers as he traced his knuckles loosely over her entrance. Teasing. Enticing. The smell of her lust amalgamated with his saliva as he flattened his tongue over her slit, his nose pressed against the bundle of nerves at her apex. Hearing the sounds he elicited from her throat with every lick, lap, and stroke of his tongue and fingers set his blood on fire and drove him deeper into the folds of her cunt, as if smothering himself in her desire would bring him closer to God. And Christ Almighty, the taste of this woman. It was as if her flavor had been explicitly formulated to satisfy I.M.’s needs and desires. The richness of her, how she fully coated his tongue and throat and left him desperate for more. It was a brand she was unaware she had left on him, one that had tied their bodies together in ways that would send Changkyun to the ends of the Earth. To pleasure this woman, to kneel at the altar of her body and hear how she sang when met with his worship and devotion. He would give anything. He would give his life, his soul. He would give everything.
“Changkyun…” her voice was little more than a breath as he felt her fingers curl tighter in his hair, nails dragging over his scalp and causing him to groan into her cunt. His response had her back arching like a cat, her hips grinding into his nose and tongue as she gasped for air, desperate for friction and inching closer and closer to the edge of release. As desperately as I.M. wanted to tease and prolong their time together, pulling his face away from her sex left him trembling and fiending. His need to please her, to have her cum on his tongue and flood his mouth with her essence, smothering him between her thighs and completely encapsulating him in her own need, won out over his want to have her beg and plead for liberation. The line of desperation blurred between them, becoming a hazy daydream as they each crawled closer to their shared, common goal. Release. 
The build-up was beginning to send tremors through the boss's body, her spine now permanently affixed in a seductive curve, her legs curling into her body as her thighs began to tremble. Changkyun knew she was close. He could feel how her hands tousled his hair, her hips rocked back and forth on his tongue, and her voice elevated from breathless pants to lewd sounds of pleasure and bliss that echoed in his mind. His hunger for her orgasm chased closely on its heels, driving him to bury his face deeper still as he lifted his shoulders and readjusted his angle. Both hands reached forward and tightly grasped her thighs, burying his fingers into the soft flesh and pushing her knees to her chest. Temptation pulled at his yearnings, and, answering the call that stirred deep in his belly, Changkyun pulled his face away from her cunt long enough to experience this new perspective. Lips that were slick and flushed a bright pink, that same gloss painting his mouth, nose, and chin, shimmering off her pale thighs. He pressed her legs together, causing the folds of her pussy to follow suit, and the view made him groan. Supple and juicy, the most delicious fruit he had ever had the pleasure of tasting. Lifting a hand and bringing it down with force against her thigh, Changkyun reveled in the bright pink stain that colored her skin. Bringing his hand back down against the abrasion, I.M. squeezed at the plush flesh, leaving indentations with his fingers. Gripping both thighs once more, he opened his mouth above the boss’s glistening cunt, allowing a dribble of spit to fall from his full lips and cover her entrance before diving head-first back into her folds and finishing his feast. 
He pressed his tongue past her labia, the length of it finding and lapping hungrily at the bundle of nerves that made her thighs quiver beneath his palms. Bringing one of his hands down to chest level, Changkyun prepped one at her entrance, teasing at the opening before slipping past her wet folds. He felt her body jerking beneath him, her hips pushing down for the friction, her breath hitching as she choked out a beg. 
“More…Kyunie, please.”
Slipping another finger into her, Changkyun drug his fingers upwards in a curl, feeling the pillow patch of flesh that sent her reeling. Massaging the tips of his fingers over it, his tongue steadily teasing and lapping over her clit, I.M continued the motion until he could feel her body tense and her breathing catch. Pressing his face into her, he propelled her over the edge, a cry passing through her lips that damn well almost made his twitching cock spill over the floor. It was hands down the sexiest thing he had ever heard, her pants of pleasure being a close second as the muscles of her cunt tightened around him, riding out her orgasm. 
As the boss’s fingers loosed in his hair and he felt her coming down from the climax, Changkyun slowly removed his fingers from her core, planting one final kiss on her cunt before erecting his spine. Taking a step back, I.M admired her form as he sucked his fingers clean. Her body was still being rocked with aftershocks, her perfectly placed hair now sticking to her forehead as her head lolled lazily to the side. He bent forward, slowly wiping her bangs aside and kissing her forehead. As he went to stand, readjusting her clothing, he felt a hand at his wrist. She had rolled her head back, eyes finding his, pleading, as her legs began to spread again—a silent request. 
“Greedy, aren’t we?” he teased, a lazy smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he stepped forward, stroking his firm cock as her legs easily rested against his hips. Just as he lined himself up with her pussy, he heard voices from up the hall. 
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“You knew I was going for that last bit of gimbap,” Hyungwon sulked, close at Minhyuk’s shoulder as his hyung shrugged and continued down the hall. 
“You didn’t vocalize it, how was I supposed to know?”
“Min, stop teasing Hyungwon,” Shownu spoke over his shoulder, a grin playing at his full lips. 
“You’re only saying that because if Minhyuk hadn’t gotten to it, you would’ve,” piped up Jooheon, throwing an arm over Shownu’s shoulder lazily as they rounded the corner into the conference room. 
The four of them found Changkyun and the boss at either side of the room, one inspecting the board closely and scribbling notes as the other was seated at the table, thumbing through notes. An unmistakable tension hung in the air, one that was palpable enough to slice through. Kihyun, not far behind and clinging to plastic bags, elbowed his way through the group before shooting the men an incredulous look and setting the load on the table in front of the boss. 
“Could you not crowd the doorway, please? Especially since you all left me to carry the takeout and drinks. Alone.” he stated pointedly. 
“Thank you, Ki.” the boss said quickly, standing from her seat and going to trifle through the bag and remove the styrofoam containers. Peeking over her shoulder, she motioned to the dinner spread before stating simply, “Dinner’s here, Changkyun.” 
As the men shuffled into the room and took their places at the table, I.M joined them and reached for the drink labeled with his name, nodding in thanks. 
“Not hungry, Chankhyunah?” Jooheon asked simply, sipping from his drink and shooting a glance in the boss’s direction. 
“Nah, I’ve had my fill for now,” he answered lowly, scribbling notes over a piece of looseleaf that sat to his right. With that being said, and one last glance shared amongst his brothers, an easy conversation began to filter through the room, consisting mainly of Hyungwon’s sulks and tandem teasing from Jooheon and Minhyuk. Beneath the table, he felt a hand on his knee, a firm squeeze from the boss. Grinning to himself, he took another sip of his tea and shook his head off the thoughts that began to cloud them again. The squeeze was a confirmation that she had heard his veiled promise. One that he planned to see through again, again, and again.
157 notes · View notes
kwanisms · 1 year
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please note that I am no longer actively writing for monsta x and that by putting this groups in the 'archive' does not necessarily mean I will stop writing for them entirely. Any series originally planned for any members in the archive have either been put in the vault or recasted.
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
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— drabbles
»» Drunken Confessions ♡ s. hyunwoo
➥ 891; after her roommate, Hyunwoo, calls her drunk from the bar, Y/N goes to pick him up and bring him home only to realize she has to babysit him before he falls asleep.
»» Don't Listen to Them ♡ l. minhyuk
➥ 577; when Y/N visit her boyfriend and realize he's down in the dumps over what some so called fans have been saying about his newest piece of ink, she decides to tell him that she doesn't think that way and how much she loves all of him, including his tattoos.
»» Stay ♡ y. kihyun
➥ 694; Y/N has hidden Kihyun's pants in hopes of making him stay at her place instead of leaving for practice like he's supposed to.
»» the Interview ♡ l. jooheon
➥ 1.3k; Jooheon is just ready to get this interview over with so the group can finally get some food and rest, until his eyes land on the person conducting the interview… Y/N.
»» My Girl ♡ i. changkyun
➥ 698; Changkyun sticks up for his S/O when he overhears some stylists mocking their Korean speaking capability.
»» Rainy Days ♡ i. changkyun
➥ 786; when her plans with Changkyun go awry due to a thunderstorm, he shows Y/N that a day spent inside is just as good as a day spent outside.
— oneshots
»» Anniversary Gift ♧ s. hyunwoo
➥ 7.1k ; Y/N's boyfriend Hyunwoo takes her on a trip for their anniversary ― to a private island just south of Jeju.
»» Makeup Sex ♧ l. jooheon
➥ 4.3k; Jooheon has been ignoring Y/N recently and she finds herself missing him more than usual.
»» Give it a Chance ♧ i. changkyun
➥ 8.2k; after weeks of flirting with her, the infamous 'fuckboy' that has been invading Y/N's workspace has a chance to sweep her off her feet at another bar and after seeing him in a new light, she's tempted to let him.
»» Time for a Change ♧ i. changkyun
➥ 2k; Changkyun is known on campus as being a huge flirt and a bit of a fuckboy. Little does he know, his next target, Y/N is not the sweet and innocent girl everyone paints her as. After hooking up with her on several occasions, Changkyun realizes he has feelings for her but does she return the sentiment?
»» Jealousy ♤♧ i. changkyun
➥ 5k; Changkyun is Y/N's best friend and she notice how distant he’s become since she befriended the rest of his members, especially his hyung, Kihyun.
— miniseries
»» the Bet: 01 | 02 | 03 ♧ ⊝ s.hyunwoo
➥ --; after learning the man she thought loved her only started seeing her as the result of a bet with his friends, Y/N's life is put in jeopardy when his boss, and her father’s rival, learns about the relationship.
— series
»» Give it to You ♧✓ ot7
➥ 25k; after making a secret pact, Y/N is tasked with bringing seven souls to her boss in exchange for her freedom. will she be able to follow through and end their lives or will she disobey her orders and pay with her life?
— oneshots
»» Personal Trainer ♧
➥ oneshot; 7.6k; when her best friend begs her to go to the gym with her, Y/N is convinced she's trying to set her up with her personal trainer and after seeing him, Y/N might just be okay with that.
»» Dancing in the Dark ♧
➥ oneshot; 5.5k; it's always been just friends between Y/N and Hoseok but for Y/N, she's always wanted more. After watching her performance during a dance competition, Hoseok realizes that maybe he wants more as well…
»» Secrets ♤
➥ oneshot hybrid; 7.5k; after ending a secret 2 year relationship with Hoseok, Y/N realizes how much she really loved him and just maybe, he feels the same?
»» Noisy Neighbor ♧
➥ 6.3k; Y/N loves everything about her apartment - except her annoying and loud neighbor, Hoseok.
— drabbles
»» Lab Partners ♧
➥ drabble; 576; Y/N gets up to some shenanigans when she's supposed to be finishing a project with her lab partner, Hoseok.
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me.
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everyonewooeverywhere · 2 months
hi hi!! i've got a couple wips in the works (some that have been in the drafts for weeks months). but i can't pick which one to focus on next
so....here's a couple teasers. so i'd love to hear which one you'd like to see next. that may not be the one i finish up next, but would like to hear your thoughts in my inbox or dms or whatever~
most of these are smut so mdni. please 😐
wip 1:
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if you've been here for a minute, you'll know i've teased this before.
pairing ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : idol!chankyun x idol!f!reader
genre ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : smut, situationship
synopsis ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : when you're schedules finally overlap and both have a night to yourselves, changkyun invites you over for a night of wine, dinner, and the most painfully slow sex you could possibly imagine.
status/word count ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : 692 words, setup written but not the smut
wip 2:
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behind closed doors part 2!! 🎉
pairing ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : guitarist!hongjoong x f!reader x drummer!mingi
genre ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : smut
synopsis ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : your brother may have forced you and your boyfriend to break up, but that certainly doesn't stop another of his bandmates from taking his chances. of course, your "ex" certainly isn't one to give up his baby that easily.
status/word count ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : 1,400 words, kinda all over the place right now
wip 3:
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actually really excited about this one, and i might post it on my side blog @luv4soobinie
pairing ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : bestfriend!soobin x f!reader x situationship!yunho
genre ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : smut, BASEBALL AU 🗣️ (RIVAL TEAMS 🗣️)
synopsis ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : soobin had been in love with you for years, and, in a scenario so cliche, everyone knew but you. but nobody knew better than yunho, the guy you'd been hooking up with for weeks. and it didn't help that he was the pitcher of soobin's rival team. and a man he hated more anyone. (yunho's a dick. so he has a lot of reason to 😭).
status/word count ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : 161 words 💀, i have one scene in my head, but that's about it
wip 4:
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a request ☺️
pairing ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : bf!idol!kihyun x tn!reader
genre ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : fluff, comfort
synopsis ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : kiyhun has always been very giving. even in the ways you don’t even realize.
status/word count ·˚ ༘ 🩵✧.* : 90 words and a lot of ideas~
17 notes · View notes
solarwoniii · 1 year
〪-- 'NSFW' WORKS. ★ ° / / / / / (wanna request? check here first ♡ ) ・゚: ・
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★ - zb1 / boys planet series masterlist -- 'falling in love with you' (smut, coming soon)
★ - zb1 legal line -- 'reaction to you sending him nudes out of nowhere' (smut, suggestive)
★ - zb1 legal line -- 'reaction to him walking in on you touching yourself' (smut)
★ - zb1 legal line -- 'how they keep you quiet during sex' (smut)
jiwoong ; nothing here yet !
zhanghao ; nothing here yet !
hanbin ;
★ - surprise ! (smut, fluff, birthday special)
matthew ;
★ - fireworks (smut, fluff, coming soon)
★ - if you'll have me, i want you (part one) (suggestive, fluff, angst)
taerae ;
★ - getting hot (smut, coming soon)
ricky ;
★ - better than he can (smut, fluff, angst, coming soon)
★ - there's an angel in my bed (smut, fluff, angst, bday special)
★ - academic rival ! ricky thoughts (suggestive)
★ - ricky and pussy slapping (smut)
keita ;
★ - playing her heartstrings (smut, angst, fluff, coming soon)
★ - fwb ! bandmate ! keita thoughts (suggestive, smut)
kamden ;
★ - our spring, our blossom (fluff, angst, smut)
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★ - enhypen series -- 'her' (smut, coming soon)
heeseung ;
★ - i hate you, i love you (smut)
★ - break her (smut, angst, coming soon)
jay ;
★ - pamper her (smut, fluff, angst, coming soon)
jake ;
★ - corrupt her (smut, fluff, coming soon)
sunghoon ;
★ - ruin her (smut, fluff, coming soon)
★ - boyfriend snaps (fluff, nsfw)
sunoo ;
★ - dirty (smut)
★ - princess her (smut, fluff, angst, coming soon)
jungwon ;
★ - fantasizing (smut, fluff)
★ - tease her (smut, fluff, angst, coming soon)
★ - pulchritudinous (smut)
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sakura ; nothing here yet !
chaewon ; nothing here yet !
yunjin ;
★ - smile for the photo (smut)
kazuha ; nothing here yet !
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shownu ; nothing here yet !
minhyuk ; nothing here yet !
kihyun ; nothing here yet !
hyungwon ; nothing here yet !
jooheon ; nothing here yet !
changkyun ;
★ - boyfriend texts (fluff, smut, crack)
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sumin ; nothing here yet !
sieun ; nothing here yet !
isa ;
★ - girlfriend snaps (fluff, smut, crack)
seeun ; nothing here yet !
yoon ;
★ - girlfriend snaps (fluff, smut, crack)
j ; nothing here yet !
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yeonjun ;
★ - what if? (smut)
soobin ; nothing here yet !
beomgyu ; nothing here yet !
taehyun ; nothing here yet !
kai ; nothing here yet !
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seungcheol ;
★ - pinky promise (smut)
jeonghan ; nothing here yet !
joshua ; nothing here yet !
jun ; nothing here yet !
hoshi ; nothing here yet !
wonwoo ; nothing here yet !
jihoon ; nothing here yet !
dokyeom ; nothing here yet !
mingyu ; nothing here yet !
minghao ; nothing here yet !
seungkwan ; nothing here yet !
vernon ; nothing here yet !
chan ; nothing here yet !
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yujin ; nothing here yet !
gaeul ; nothing here yet !
rei ; nothing here yet !
wonyoung ;
★ - she's confident (fluff, suggestive, angst, smut)
77 notes · View notes
jungnoir · 7 years
eye for an eye;
im changkyun | "This has been a shitty week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food from the shelf, do you really want to fight me rn?" rival!au. | 2.1k words. | fluff. a little bit of suggestive language in this because rival au’s are my kink (and so is changkyun). requested.
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a/n: this rival au takes place in a slightly different universe than truce. the origins are the same, but the ending never happened! you won’t need to read it to understand this, though. I also want to sincerely apologize to anon for taking so long to write this ;-;
“No, no, I’m not kidding. I’ve never bombed an exam harder than I bombed this one, Suhyun. I’m pretty sure my professor is going to hang my results up on the board in class just to show everyone they couldn’t possibly miss as many questions as I did. She might even give a prize to anyone who can manage that. I might be officially hailed as the worst student in the history of this campus-” “Yes, yes. We’re both having a shitty day. Do you see the chocolate-covered popcorn or not?”
You narrow your eyes as you stand in the aisle of your campus’ convenience store. It’s been three minutes since you’d entered said aisle your roommate swore her preferred snack was in, and it had been one minute since you’d promptly concluded that her snack did not exist. Any other day, you would’ve told her to find it herself and made it back to your room with your own comfort food in hand, but she was having a decidedly terrible time of the month and you weren’t that much of an asshole. You were a little bit, but not that much.
“I don’t see it, Suhyun. I even asked the clerk and he said he’s never heard of it. Are you sure they sell it here?” You ask into the speaker, eyes raking shelf after shelf once more in case you might have missed it.
“Yes! I literally got some yesterday!” “Should I be concerned how you consumed an entire box of chocolate covered popcorn in such a short amount of time? Surely your insides should be tearing themselves apart trying to digest all that.” “It already is tearing itself apart trying to ready me for babies I won’t even be having. Get the popcorn!”
You yank your phone from your ear and wince, nose crinkling in distaste at her shrill tone. Obviously, she was pretty upset at your incompetence (or the store’s complete lack of her snack, but she’d argue for the former).
“Is there anything else you’d like? Just in case I can’t find what you want?” You offer an ultimatum, knowing full well you would not find her popcorn and it was better to go back to her with some form of appeasement rather than empty-handed.
She breathes an angry sigh and stays silent for a bit before she starts speaking again, much more exhausted, “I’ll take hot cheetos.” And then she hangs up.
You make a mocking face at your phone despite her inability to see you just because you can, and even though you weren’t undergoing her level of physical torment at the moment, you were still pretty tired and dejected. All you wanted was to get your comfort food and disappear under your blankets for the rest of the rainy weekend ahead of you.
You stuff your phone into your pocket and make your way toward the chips aisle, the promise of being home soon blaring in your mind as you retrieve her chips and start your search for your instant noodles. You can already imagine the hot dish in your hands, warming your body after an hour and a half in a cold, small classroom with nothing to focus on but time ticking away.
As you make your way toward your dinner, you notice a lithe body is making its way in your direction, upper body shrouded in a black hoodie with the hood pulled over their face and making them anonymous to you. You think nothing of it, even though their walk is awfully hurried and they’re clutching a concerning amount of ice packs in their one hand.
Your attention is grabbed when you realize that they’re heading in your direction, more directly in front of you, and there is no way you can reach your noodles if they’re in the way. You hope they move soon cause you’d really rather not collide with someone when your day is already terrible enough.
Suddenly they stop, and you let out an internal sigh of relief, up until they reach toward the shelf and grab something. Your something. Your noodles.
You look back to where they grabbed them from, and your heart drops when you realize that that was the last one.
Before you can stop yourself, you call out, “Wait, that’s the last one!”
The person raises their head, and while you can’t see their eyes, you catch a glimpse of a busted lip. You could only hope whoever it was got that busted lip from a bad fall and not something dangerous you were about to involve yourself in.
The person is silent for all of five seconds, “Fuck... what are you doing here?”
You blank on what to say, just as the person raises their head fully and you realize with a start that you know this person. You know them really well, even as scars and a black eye mar their face and make you choke on a snippy comeback. It’s Im Changkyun, your declared nemesis since the first day you met in Calculus. And he looks he terrible.
“What happened to you?” You whisper, walking closer even as he stumbles trying to get away from you. He stops when you do, your eyebrows furrowed in concern. He’s never seen that expression on your face in relation to him before.
He tucks his chin a little closer to his chest, “Nothing. Nothing happened.”
“Bull. Your face is all beat up!” Your frown is hard and you pursue him once more, only this time he doesn’t move quite as far to get away. “Who did that to you?”
You can’t say it’s hard to see Changkyun has more enemies than just you, but even you would never physically attack him. You’d dreamt of it of course, but never thought to actually follow through with it. He was annoying but he wasn’t worth the physical exertion in your mind.
Changkyun looks so much different than his usual smirking, arrogant self. Instead of winking at you and teasing you for even caring, he looks insistent on disappearing into the ground below you both. You’d never seen Changkyun so sheepish before. It didn’t feel right.
“Does it matter? I need to ice this black eye before it gets worse.” He hisses, and holds the noodles close to his side, reminding you he’d just stolen your dinner... but suddenly it doesn’t seem quite as important anymore.
Instead of commenting on it, you motion to the ice packs, “Is that all you got? What about your lip? It could get infected.”
He licks his lip when you mention it, “I don’t have the money for that.”
“Painkillers? Surely that hurts like a bitch.” “Nope.” “Bandaids, at least? Gauze even? I’m sure you fought back-” “There were too many for me to fight... back...” His answer comes so quick that he doesn’t realize what he’s said until he’s said it, and then he is backing away from you with mortification in his eyes. “...I said too much.”
You can’t imagine who he has encountered, and he looks far too nervous just telling you which makes you nervous in turn. “Changkyun, wait,” you grab his arm before he can escape. He doesn’t stop you, “...I don’t know who you pissed off to get your ass kicked like this, but... at least let me take care of that lip. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Changkyun looks torn. Surely, the last person he’d expect to take care of him after getting his ass kicked would be his rival of all people. But you were right; he was hurt, and he needed to tend to his wounds if he wanted to be fully fit to get those guys back later on.
Plus... your hold was soft and comforting. It reminded him a lot of how his mother would hold him.
“...Nowhere else is as bad as my face. They kind of wanted to make a point.”
Your hand drops down to hold his, and you guide him toward the medicine aisle.
Changkyun curls away from you when you apply the alcohol dipped cotton ball to his lip, grunting and gripping your shirt to keep from digging his fingernails into his palm.
“Stop flinching,” you huff, seizing his dark hair in your other hand and holding his face upward toward you, “you’re making it take longer than it should.” “It hurts.” “Then don’t get your ass kicked anymore... dummy.”
Your weak, muttered insult makes him laugh and therefore throws you off from cleaning his wound once more. In retaliation, you yank his head back a bit and he releases a guttural growl at the pain, making your cheeks warm against your will. “From that sound alone, I’d come to the conclusion that you’re a masochist.”
He resists the urge to smirk, even though he’d really like to see you yank his hair again... to annoy you, of course. “Oh yeah. It really rocks my socks when I get punched in the face.”
You snort, “Had you told me that when I first met you, I might’ve did you a favor.”
He watches you work and manages to stay still, and he notices you were right; you finish cleaning his lip and applying the ointment to it in no time when he’s being obedient. Once you’ve finished with his lip, you look over the rest of him and force his hand to his eye, the ice pack clutched between his cleaned and treated fingers. “Hold it there, please.”
The store clerk had decided he didn’t care if you took care of Changkyun’s wounds in the corner of the store, so Changkyun sits with you between his legs and watches the few late-night lurkers walking past the store window. He tries not to focus on your proximity but this is probably the closest you’ve ever been to each other, and yeah, he didn’t like you very much, but you were objectively very beautiful and... flustering to be this close to. To make matters somewhat better, you seem to be completely clueless of how his fingers play with the hem of your tee shirt blaring your school’s logo across the chest. It feels nice under his fingertips, and for an absurd moment, he imagines how it’d feel taking it off you.
Ugh, that punch must’ve rearranged the wires in his brain or something.
“Okay, you’re good facially. I’d advise being gentle on yourself as for everywhere else on your body. Get your roommate to apply something to the bruises everywhere else and report the guys that beat you up to the school police.” He nods absently at your words, “I mean it Im Changkyun.”
His nose wrinkles at your use of his full name, “I said I will.”
You finally release his hair and even go as far as to comb the crushed strands back down on his head, fingernails scraping his scalp and Changkyun can taste the ointment on his tongue when he bites his lip to keep from making another obscene noise in reaction but damn does that feel good after all the pain he’s gone through today. “Good,” you reply, smiling, “I better head back to my dorm so I can accept my own ass-kicking from my internally compromised roommate.”
Changkyun chuckles lightly, “Wouldn’t want that.”
You move back from Changkyun but find resistance, and you notice before he does why that is. His hand is still clutched in your shirt, skin red from the sheer hold he has. Quietly, you place your own hand over his to remove it. You don’t.
Changkyun locks eyes with you for an alarming amount of time, the apples of his cheeks turning rose the longer your skin stays in contact with his. It’s been a while since he’s felt a soft, caring touch and he can’t say he doesn’t like it. He’ll indulge in it, even if it is you and even if on any other day you’d be at each other’s throats.
Surprisingly though, he’s the first to move when someone enters the store and the bell above it dings to alert the other customers. Your hand hovers awkwardly before you take it back and grab your bag of purchased items, sliding the medicine and noodles his way. “I’ll see you around. Hopefully healed and in a better condition for our witty debates.”
He smiles and then winces when he remembers his busted lip, which only makes you giggle.
Before you leave though, you turn to Changkyun and shoot him a playful glare, “Don’t go getting pummeled by anyone else again. That’s my job.”
Changkyun drops his good eye down in a wink, “I’m all yours, jerk.” “Ass.” You reply for old times’ sake, and then disappear into the night.
Come that following Monday, your mutual friends find Changkyun looks at you a little softer now.
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When Changkyun is finally a few months older than you so you can feel a little better about the fact that he is so talented and is out there doing what he loves and is cuddling with Wonho every night…
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jeonstellate · 2 years
love is: a secret
you took extreme measures to not be found — just to be defeated by coincidence in the end.
✇༄ platonic!lee hoseok x afab!reader (ft. ex-fiancé!yoo kihyun x afab!reader)
✇༄ mafia!au, secret baby!au — kinda angst(?)
✇༄ paragraph format — 1.4K words
masterlist | love is · · · masterlist | a favor
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
chapter five: new life
It had been almost two years since your third gamble succeeded.
Which also meant it had been almost two years since you set foot out of the country and left your connections to any mafia gangs behind.
Your life overseas, thanks to your cousin Seungcheol who ensured your incognito, had been pretty peaceful . . . and ordinary, to say the least. Not that your previous life had been anything but, considering your fiancé — ex-fiancé now — ensured that nothing really changed for you when you got together. The only difference now was the lack of fear for the inevitable — since the inevitable had disappeared from your list of main worries after you cut ties with your ex.
Within two years of your new life, you had met the new love of your life. She was an absolute gem and more than you could ever wish for, truthfully. She kept you occupied enough to not to miss whatever you left behind and single-handedly made you look forward to new experiences you could have together. She kept you grounded and often reminded you of what you had to gamble for. Needless to say, she played a vital role in how you navigated your new life.
Unfortunately, even your new love hadn’t been very effective in making you forget about your ex-fiancé — but you try to not let that bother you.
Although your cousin had arranged your new life, you didn’t exactly have his gang’s protection against any possible attacks from rivals — may they be of your ex-fiancé’s or your cousin’s. You had personally declined the offer when it was made, partly because it would be no different had you stayed. You really just wanted to forget and rid yourself of any ties to the mafia, so you only settled for a compromise that gave you a way to contact SVT just in case the need arises.
Thankfully, no situation of that sort had arrived just yet.
That was, until someone found you.
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chapter six: new love
You were on vacation, then, with the love of your life. It was your first one together, too, since your schedule didn’t really give you the freedom to take leaves often.
For your first vacation stop, you decided to take her to an aquarium at the next city over. Frankly, you didn’t have the whole itinerary planned; you were fully intending to just go with the flow. However, you never expected someone from your past to be brought in by the said flow.
"[First name]?" You heard a familiar voice call your name, instantly sending chills down your spine. "Is that you?"
Your instincts told you to run away, but alas, social forms and decency forbade you to. "Hoseok," you forced yourself to turn, "it’s been a while."
"Indeed," he walked closer, then stopped at a respectable distance in front of you. "Have you been well?"
You studied his face, as you thought about whether to accept his small talk or not. "I’ve been," you replied after deeming that he was just Hoseok — not his alter ego Wonho that could potentially kill you. "What are you doing here?"
He shrugged, "Vacation. M— Business has been too much recently, especially since Minhyuk is the only one with limits now."
You knew instantly what he was referring to. You couldn’t remember who told you before, but apparently MX members tend to get more workaholic — and careless — whenever there was no one waiting for them to go back home.
"Are they off again?" You wondered out loud, pushing any thoughts about your ex aside, "Changkyun?"
"Yeah — for a few months now, actually," Hoseok confirmed. "Jooheon is single again, too."
"I see." Silence followed suit, partly because you didn’t know what else to say. It wasn’t like you didn’t believe him about meeting you coincidentally; you just didn’t trust him enough to freely give him information about your current life that MX could use to track you down later on.
"I see Hyungwon wasn’t lying, after all." Hoseok finally focused his attention on the baby carrier strapped on your front, no longer able to pretend that he was unaffected by the little human that had been trying to catch his attention. "What’s their name?"
"Kian," you supplied. "Her name’s Kian."
When you took a step forward, he took it as a signal that he was allowed to interact with your daughter. "Kian," he tested her name as he extended his hand to let her hold his fingers, "hello."
When Hoseok smiled, you began to wonder about the forbidden what would’ve been. Especially when you heard him murmur, "Kian looks a lot like her father."
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chapter seven: new favor
Frankly, you haven’t prepared for a situation in which a MX member found you. You honestly thought Seungcheol had sent you far enough to avoid quick detection. Not to mention the fact that you had done everything to not create followable traces anywhere, too. If anything, you figured actual enemies, who were probably deliberately trying to find you to get back to the gangs you were unfortunately once associated with, were more likely to track you down — not MX, who Seungcheol made sure you didn’t offend business-wise.
In an event worse comes to worst, all you had vaguely planned was pleading them to spare Kian’s life. Nothing else.
Unfortunately, you never foresaw a situation in which a MX member would invite himself to your vacation with your daughter.
"If there’s a chance—" Hoseok started as you continued to walk around the aquarium, his hand protectively in front of the baby carrier he now donned. "If there’s a way you can get back together with Kihyun, would you take it?"
You looked at him like you couldn’t believe what he just asked. Had he not heard anything you just said in the past hour, when you were answering his curiosities about how and why you left? "I left for a reason."
"Yeah, but," he merely shrugged, completely ignoring the look of judgment you shot his way. "What if every reason you could possibly have to stay away disappeared? Would you get back together with Kihyun then?"
"Is that even possible?" You chuckled, "I don’t think—"
"—It’s just a what-if," Hoseok reminded you.
"No?" He echoed, not expecting the answer you had given.
"No, I wouldn’t," you repeated without hesitation. "Kihyun deserves someone who can love him without reservations — and that’s obviously not me."
Silence engulfed the two of you once more after he found no right words to follow up your earnest reply. It wasn’t suffocating, per se, partly because your conversation — as dark as it may be — was all said casually. Your eyes might’ve had sadness in them, but your voice stayed nonchalant.
"Do you still love him?" Hoseok broke the silence after a while. His eyes were glued on your daughter as she held on his finger with her fist, babbling happily and without a care in the world.
"I suppose I still do," you shrugged, not finding it difficult to admit at all. "That’s why I have to ask you for a favor."
"You want me to keep this between us," he had no trouble guessing what you were about to ask of him.
You nodded, "I want you to not tell MX that you’ve confirmed that Hyungwon was actually telling the truth when he was drunk that one time."
"You want MX to continue thinking you betrayed Kihyun?" Hoseok wanted to confirm.
"Yes," you reaffirmed, "if that’s what it takes to keep Kihyun from finding out about Kian."
You were aware of how selfish must’ve sounded to him, with you adamantly keeping Kihyun and Kian apart. However, you found yourself hardly caring: you knew, in that way, Kian — nor you — wouldn’t be used to hurt Kihyun. And really, keeping Kian and Kihyun safe was your top priority — above all else.
"I hope you’d never have the need to, but here," Hoseok eventually handed you a piece of paper with a phone number on it. "Let me protect you in this way, at least. For Kihyun."
When your day with Hoseok came to an end, your temporary bliss about meeting an old friend also ended. Sure, he had been quite persistent in the beginning about asking you details you’d rather bury deep, but he also didn’t hold back in catching you up with the core MX members’ personal lives — even if you never asked him to. Overall, having Hoseok around for a day almost made you forget the risk you just took by not pushing him away.
Thankfully, you didn’t completely lose your resolve to uphold your incognito.
Been found, you typed in the burner phone Seungcheol gave you. Relocation needed.
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Welcome to Kinktober
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All stories will contain smut and language, some will contain murder, blood, gore, etc. All stories are 18+ only. When they are posted they will be linked here for easy access.
I can't wait to start, I hope you're all excited.
Day One: CEO! Kyungsoo rewards you at the company Halloween Party (Mutual Masturbation)
Day Two: Soul Sucker!Kai (Spanking)
Day Three: Werewolf! Seungcheol (Daddy)
Day Four: Taeil has been keeping a secret, so you deal with it your own way. (Facesitting)
Day Five: Vampire! Hongjoong (Thigh Riding)
Day Six: Demon! Changkyun punishing you after a Halloween Party (Edging)
Day Seven: Vampire! Dongin (Dom)
Day Eight: Bang Chan and Hyunjin take you to a haunted house, and things get freaky when they punish you for flirting with someone else (Cream Pie)
Day Nine: Demon! Chanyeol shows you and his friends who you belong to at a Halloween Party (Public Sex)
Day Ten: Scary movies with Shownu, and you need a distraction (Cock Warming)
Day Eleven: You and Jaebum are the DD's for your friends Halloween bar crawl, you both get bored, things get spicy and he makes sure you're taken care of after (Aftercare)
Day Twelve: Mafia! Jackson (squirting)
Day Thirteen: You feel some kind of way seeing all the family Halloween costumes and Yuta will happily help you out (Breeding)
Day Fourteen: Mafia! Chanyeol and rival reader get frisky (bondage)
Day Fifteen: Demon! Shownu (Face Fucking)
Day Sixteen: Werewolf! Baekhyun on a full moon (anal)
Day Seventeen: You get riled up at your ex's Halloween party with Yeosang (begging)
Day Eighteen: Warlock! Dawon uses some toys on you (sex toys)
Day Nineteen:
Day Twenty: Vampire! Sehun and you have been reincarnated into every life together, and now you can finally be together (Orgasm Denial)
Day Twenty One: Incubus! San (Wax Play)
Day Twenty Two: Vampire! Top (Sensory Deprivation)
Day Twenty Three: Baekhyun and BM (Matthew) have a threesome with a Chibi reader, they don't know what they've gotten themselves into (Threesome)
Day Twenty Four: Vampire! Lay (Oral)
Day Twenty Five: Demon! Baekhyun and Demon! Chanyeol see you at a bar and take you home (Double Penetration)
Day Twenty Six: Halloween masquerade ball with Hongjoong (Size Kink)
Day Twenty Seven: Yandere! Gancanagh! Baekhyun can finally have you after watching you for so long (Yandere)
Day Twenty Eight: You give BM a Halloween show (Strip Tease)
Day Twenty Nine: Monster under the bed: Kang Daniel (Finger Fucking)
Day Thirty: You and Lee Know watch scary movies and he comforts you (Nipple Play)
Day Thirty One: Vampire! Kai and Werewolf! Chan absolutely tear you apart and destroy you (Wild Card)
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iibonniee · 3 years
any chance you could do something like a mx member finding out reader is apart of mafia? i’m kind of curious on how that would work 🤔
This took me a bit to think about. I really love this request but damn. I struggled a little bit. (Mostly with Minhyuk, Jooheon, and Changkyun).
But I lowkey love it and I really hope you enjoy it too.
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Hyunwoo exe has stopped working.
What the?
So this was how this dinner was supposed to go?
I feel like he wouldn’t really know how to react? If you get me
The poor boy is confused to hell.
You’ll have to explain what your job really is. That you definitely aren’t a teacher.
He's kinda just like "Oh".
Just...give him a bit to digest the whole thing.
“So wait. You’re actually a part of the mafia?”
“Yes Hyunwoo.”
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Minhyuk is hard for me.
Like honestly
A part of me feels like he’d be excited to know in a way
(He'd find out by accident btw and couldn't keep quite about it).
Like “Wow! My S/O is a badass bitch.” type of thing
He's probably the type to wanna brag about it
But like he'd realized a bullet would be faster than his very hyper words
Often has a hard time containing himself
"So you aren't going to kill me?"
"Just don't give me a reason."
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Kihyun was caught in the crossfire when he found out
Wrong place wrong time type of thing
He was completely stunned
Loss for words, honestly
He was scared and a bit hurt
Why didn’t his s/o tell him?
He needs space to process everything
Two years of secrecy (Kihyun is pretty steamed tbh)
Then everything would fully hit him
Is his s/o safe? Things like that
"We've been together for so long I'm offended you never told me."
"I mean now you see why I haven't said anything."
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He was honestly surprised
His s/o was his rival
He had known for months that a new rising mafia was making themselves known but the leader was just as good at hiding their identity as the groups movements.
So when he found out that is was indeed his S/O he was beyond surprised.
His sweet and bright s/o
He honestly couldn't find himself making a move to kill his s/o
"So this won't be awkward? I won't need to talk around you anymore?"
"Let's work together."
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Why can I see him reacting like Minhyuk?
His face is just ":0"
His s/o was comfortable enough to tell him
And now he held such a huge secret
But he promises everything that he can indeed keep the secret
Gets a little pouty knowing that his s/o often has to leave for a certain amount of time
Get's excited when they return
"Please don't leave me for ages."
"You know I can't control how long I'm gone for."
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His face is so blank
Similar to Shownu and Kihyun when he finds out
He has to process this
When his brain did a full scan of everything is when he talks
He's asking so many questions
"Is it cool", "How'd you get involved," etc
And his s/o is like, "please stop"
"Is it your full time job?"
"Yes Changkyun."
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pesiko · 3 years
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M mature | ✿ personal favorite
MonX Hospital: Changkyun - blood sample [4.4k]
The Five Keys to Im Changkyun - “woman scream” ✿ [4.4k]
Cream of the Crop - he may have read your diary M [4.4k]
Experimental - scientist turned vampire Changkyun [4k]
Affectionately Attached - a first kiss w Changkyun [3.5k]
Truce - enemies to lovers?, “I miss her”, janitor’s closer [3k]
I Remember - train rides w an artsy stranger, angsty [2.5k]
The Friend in Boyfriend - “what if I’m okay with it?” [2.3k]
Eye for an Eye - busted lip, convenient store, rivals ✿ [2.1k]
How to Get Over It - “I don’t mind that at all” [1.9k]
1v1 - locked out of his dorm, Mortal Kombat, RA [1.8k]
Healing Touch - when you’re sick with the flu ✿ [1.7k]
Do it, Then Decide - the Monsta X logo over his face [1.7k]
It’s Not You It’s Finals - studying together [1.6k]
Fleas or Not - “I love you with my whole butt” [1.3k]
Hot Showers and Gummy Bears - nostrils for ears [1.3k]
That’s it? - “I just really need to talk to you” [1.2k]
Open the Door - post breakup, misunderstanding [1.2k]
A New Formula - word games during study time [1.2k]
If it Weren’t For You - “quit fighting lamps” [1.1k]
Is There a Reason You’re Naked in my Bed? - friends? [1k]
Take my Jacket, It’s Cold Outside - work relocation [1k]
What Else Are Friends For? - he’s at your door at 2:42 [1k]
Boyfriend Material 2.0 - front porch quarantine date [1k]
Remember When We First Met
[main masterlist] [monsta x masterlist] updated 7-16-21
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
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♡ Ask me about my wips and I'll love you forever btw ♡ ...but also please ignore this - more than anything it's a list for myself to keep track of things because my docs are getting very messy and I'm losing things and forgetting about them... ...but also please don't - this exists because I have nobody to talk with about writing and what I wanna write... ...also drabbles are not included in this because I write those when I feel like writing them...
[Last updated: 18/5/2024]
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Requests ...things with ✓ next to them are written and queued up to be posted~
Yonghoon + notes & i hoped i’d meet someone like you for a long time
Joonggil + his gaze touched me before his hands touched me
Florist San
Hoshi + blind date
LSH + bf material
Jaeyoon + sharing drama & your heart is beating so fast [✓]
DK + rainy day & being held [✓]
Soft LSH smut
Jealous hard dom Jun smut
Woozi comfort
Onewe when their s/o wears revealing clothing [1/5]
Yandere!SF9 when their s/o escapes and comes back [5.5/9]
SVT and silent treatment
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WIPS... ...the things that I'm currently actively working on and will finish soon... hopefully...
various requests
...the things that are half-finished but I need to be in a certain headspace to continue writing them and it's taking a while...
Angry smut w/ Yonghoon (Onewe)
Non-sexual shibari w/ Inseong (SF9)
Performance unit (SVT) part of my Onewe songs-based scenarios
Academic rivals mini-series w/ Wonwoo & Jeonghan (SVT) • 3 chapters - all of them half-finished because I'm a mess :') and I also like to complicate my life so there'll be sub-plots and outside-of-canon chapters and why tf do I do this to myself?
Cat hybrid Jun (SVT) • it's angsty and sad and I hate making Jun suffer but I love making my characters suffer
...the things that are half-written but I need to find my way back to them...
Overthinking leading to a relationship angst w/ Jaeyoon (SF9)
Android Giuk (Onewe) who discovers that he has feelings
Mermaid Harin (Onewe)
...the things that have some substantial part of them written but I really need to think things through...
Snake hybrid Minghao (SVT) • this was meant to be a lil' drabble or maybe a short oneshot as a treat for myself... it's gonna have chapters... I'm not good with chapters...
Mermaid Jeonghan (SVT) • I just need to figure things out but c'mon... the world obviously needs more mermaid Hannie...
...the things I'm ignoring on purpose because I feel like once I sit down with the intent of writing them I won't stop until they're finished and idk why I just don't do that but ahahaha I'm a mess...
Fallen angel Changkyun (MonstaX) who only recently fell and wants to preserve his falling feathers so he asks taxidermist!reader for help
Exs (exes?) Wonwoo (SVT) and reader who decide to stay friends and meet up and talk and is that love between them a memory or is it real?
Kitsune/Gumiho Yonghoon (Onewe) and reader who used to visit him often when they were a child and visiting their grandparents, walking to his abandoned shrine but now they're adult and their free time is severely limited
(as a side note - ^ all of those are part of a collection I wanna do but these are the ones I have the most concrete image of in my mind)
Part 2 to Crescent Moons (aka my Gumiho Lee Soohyuk fic) where they talk about love and food - and isn't bite also a touch? What's really the difference between wanting to fuck and love someone and to devour them?
A threesome w/ JunHao (SVT) and blindfolded reader because everything happens in a darkness and it's all about trust
...the things I'll write once if it's the last thing I do because I really want to write them...
Yandere!SF9 when their s/o gets lost in public
Finish "the little things" blurbs for all the groups I write for [4 to go]
Dealing with the differences between his loving family and your own dysfunctional one w/ Hwiyoung (SF9)
A very specific deity/multiverse hopper/some non-human being thing with Jeonghan that so far I only have the vibes of
Insatiable needy Jun (SVT) smut where he just can't stop overstimulating himself and as a result you as well
A mafia AU that literally only exists because I'm so fckn weak for JunHao (SVT) and building trust in someone who's like a trapped and scared animal because I have issues
This idea
This idea too
And oh yeah, this one too
...speaking of which, other ideas I'm thinking about writing and that were posted on my blog can be find on this tag here
...the things that will take a while to see the light of day because I'm horrible with chapters and writing series and so I don't wanna post them until I've written them in their entirety but that'll take for-fucking-ever...
Evermorrow - anyone remembers this? because I do and I love it, and I love the characters I've turned them into, and I have the first few chapters written, and then what I lovingly call chapter 50, which, hopefully, won't actually be chapter 50 but it's gonna be later in the story because the reader needs to be pretty close with Jun for things to make sense and Hao and Woozi and DK will finally show up, and then around what I call chapter 60 there's Vernon - and him and the reader will meet Hoshi and Mingyu... and I got this thing mostly all thought out but writing is hard and takes time and I wanna write other things as well but I love this so much :((
...this doesn't actually have a name but it's save in my docs as XenoDroid... - a gift from myself to myself, very niche and nobody will care about it but it's almost 20k words now and it was supposed to be just one smutty one-off but it has chapters and a lil' bit of plot and there's no smut yet even though I have that scene literally burned inside my mind and Yonghoon (Onewe) is a xenomorph alien-human hybrid who can think and speak but is also very animalistic and Kihyun (MonstaX) is an android who's besties with the reader but also befriends Yonghoon behind their back and hhhnnnngggg :(((
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yuthoe · 3 years
Day 18: Forbidden (MONSTA X: I.M)
S M U T tadaaaaa! (whether it's good is up to yall, but this is the most we're gonna get with my sleep addled brain lmao. today's prompt for May Trope Mayhem is:
Day 18: Historical Setting
and tbh i don't think i stressed that part of it well enough that it stands out HAHA i hope all my subtle allusions work lmao
(also this fic is driven by monsta x dropping concept images #1 and everyone swerving to im's vampire lookin ass, they all look way too good yall)
also, it's currently 11:25PM here and im tired from work, so sorry for any typos or grammatical errors. good night!
PAIRING: I.M x reader. GENRE: smut, fic. WARNINGS: oral sex (male receiving), female reader, degradation (this is a first guys HAHAHA). WORD COUNT: 899.
Changkyun sighs and shudders, losing himself in the feeling of your mouth on him. The darkness of the store room hides your features from him, but the way your tongue laves at him from root to tip, the way you suck on the head of his throbbing member, the way your hand pumps him with practiced movement… It is unmistakably you.
You with your expensive silks fit for a duke’s only daughter, your expertly styled hair that stays sculpted throughout a night of dancing, your delicate and smooth hands that only grip his when his face is between your thighs.
He lays his head back against the wall, mindful of the rough exposed brick that could no doubt crack his skull open, and that is not how he wants to leave this world.
A groan leaves his mouth. “Your mouth will be the death of me,” he grinds out, lowering a hand to you, almost landing on your hair before he remembers that you are still at the mansion of a baron of someone else, and he cannot have you looking like you walked through a hurricane.
You pull off, and even in the almost black of the room he can sense your cheeky smile. “My father will be the death of you if he finds us in here because you can’t be quiet, my lord.” And before he can reply with a quip of his own, you descend on him once more, prompting him to grip your hand that is keeping your balance on his thigh.
Changkyun tells himself that he indulges in these acts with you because of the unbearable tension between your families—a classic Romeo and Juliet kind of situation, where the more something is withheld, the more he wants to grasp it in his hands and never let it go. The allegory is quite extreme, but this lord is too much of a romantic to see any other side of his fixation for you.
He knows you cannot say the same, though. He knows that he does not know you.
Sparks rain down his spine at a particularly hard suck from you and Changkyun has to bite the sleeve of his velvet coat to keep from emitting another loud groan. The vibrations from your giggling wrack through him and make his legs shake.
“God damn it, woman, you really mean for the whole mansion to find us?” The earl rakes a hand through his hair and pitches his hips forward. “You really want everyone to see you?—my little whore, being so obedient for me and taking me so well in her pretty mouth.” He trails a finger down your cheek and cups under your jaw; you stiffen and shudder. “A shame I can’t fuck you like I want—your hair is done up very pretty tonight and I don’t want to mess it up and let everyone see how… depraved you are.” He tucks a stray hair behind your ear and you release a muffled mewl.
Changkyun smiles. “Or maybe you would like that, eh?”
He takes a shuddering breath, relaxes against the wall. “Go on then. Make me come.”
You do not need to be told twice, doubling your earlier efforts to milk him of his release. You take him deeper into your throat and suck hard, swiping your tongue over the skin you can reach. You set a rhythm as you bob your head, up and down, and with every tiny sound and whisper of praise from Changkyun you feel yourself leaking from underneath your skirts. It’s stuffy suddenly, the open neckline doing nothing to cool you down.
It is when you rake your manicured nails down Changkyun’s exposed thigh that he groans a final time and releases into your mouth. Where he usually presses you close by the back of your head, one of his hands is now clamped at your shoulder, the other at the side of your neck.
You swallow everything, and give him one final long lick as you pull away and adjust yourself to sit more comfortably on the dusty floor. You watch Changkyun catch his breath while righting his clothes with shaky hands. Once his breeches are properly fastened, he pats his pocket for a kerchief and hands it to you, and you take it gratefully.
He crouches in front of you, presses a soft kiss to your awaiting lips and says, “Stay here. I know your knees hurt from kneeling, so just wait for the pain to pass.” He levels you with the lopsided smirk you will never admit sends butterflies to your stomach. “If anyone asks, I shall say I glimpsed you by the hedge maze. It should tide them over for a while.”
You can only nod, grateful. Your throat is dry and you fear that no sound will come out if you attempt to speak.
The sharp-jawed earl stands, turns to you with his hand on the doorknob. “Wait here for that drink.” In a moment, the light swallows him and you are left alone in the dark.
Left once again to evaluate your stance on this rather sexual relationship, and whether it is in your best interest to pursue something more with him. Your father would have your hide for associating with his most hated rival, but surely he would not deny his daughter happiness, regardless of the person you choose…
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yan-purgatory · 4 years
Netflix and Kill
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request: CHANGKYUN possessive yandere! Where he's your quite neighbor who slowly opens up to you but you have a house Netflix date with another member, he can't handle that, time skip you go to your kitchen to get some midnight snacks(same night after the date) and find kyun in the kitchen sitting in the dark etc etc👀
pairing: changkyun x reader
word count: 1.8k
admin: ღ
The first time (Y/N) had “met” their neighbour was the day after they moved in. There was a knock at the door, leading (Y/N) to abandon the assembly of their IKEA wardrobe and greet her visitor. By the time they were at the door however, there was no person but rather a box of fresh cookies, and there was a young man walking away. (Y/N) stepped out to try to talk to him and thank him, but he just walked straight back into his apartment and locked the door.
(Y/N) picked up the box with a smile on their face, the smell bringing a rush of happiness and peace to their exhausted body after days of heavy labour. Meanwhile, her neighbour was just watching through his peephole to see their reaction, letting out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in in seeing the delighted smile of his new neighbour.
Changkyun collapsed on the sofa. He didn’t know why his heart was beating so fast when he hadn’t even interacted with them, when most of the people he saw on a day-to-day basis disgusted him and he had to put on the facade of kindness in order to advance in society. Yet, he was secretly yearning to speak to his new neighbour, a completely foreign feeling to his cold heart. Even if he’d put in the bare minimum effort by buying some simple cookies from the bakery, they seemed to treasure his gift and he liked that feeling.
Before he quite knew what he was doing, he was writing an email to his landlord to ask for the new resident’s name. There was a pit of worry when he hit send that his request would not be received and he would never be able to learn enough about the person who was occupying his brain.
Luckily, by that evening he had his reply, and his night was spent scouring the internet, fascinated by the enigma (L/N) (Y/N).
~ ღ ~
The next time that (Y/N) encountered their quiet neighbour face-to-face was a week later, when checking their mail in the morning. He was already there, a few envelopes in his hand and ready to leave only to stop in place when he saw (Y/N).
“Hi.” (Y/N) smiled awkwardly. “I don’t think I’ve had the chance to introduce myself.”
He nodded, not saying a word with his eyes trained on them.
“My name is (Y/N), and I’m the new chef at the Traveller.” They said, stretching out their hand for him.
Of course, Changkyun knew that but he didn’t dare tell them that. (Y/N) didn’t need to know how he’d spent long nights pouring over the social media of them, their friends, their family, just shooting any form of the drug that was (L/N) (Y/N). Nonetheless he took their hand in his own and gave it a firm shake, enjoying the soft feeling of their skin against his. It was better than anything he’d absorbed from the computer screen.
“Changkyun.” He replied shortly.
“Your cookies were delicious, by the way.” (Y/N) offered him a grin as they withdrew their hand from the slightly too long handshake.
“Thank you.” A ghost of a smile ran over his lips. “I’m afraid I’m not much of a cook otherwise.”
“Well maybe I can teach you. It is my job after all.” His neighbour said cheerily. He nodded and pushed past them to leave the mailroom, hoping they couldn’t hear his racing heart.
By God, Changkyun had never been so infatuated with anyone in his life. There was something about them, about the way that they smiled at him that made him feel alive.
~ ღ ~
In the passing months, (Y/N) found themselves establishing a closer bond with Changkyun. Teaching him how to cook their favorite dishes, helping him decorate his drab apartment for Christmas, listening to the playlist he made for them on spotify. All the while, his obsession with his neighbour was spiralling downwards - when (Y/N) stood a bit too close to him, the desire to bury his nose in his hair and breathe in their gorgeous scent was almost uncontrollable. When (Y/N) would stagger up the stairs drenched because they forgot an umbrella, his hands twitched to remove their wet clothes and run his hands down their naked body. (Y/N) had become his night and day, and they didn’t even know it.
He’d taken to walking around the block at 8PM on Thursdays, since usually (Y/N)’s shift was over and they would be walking back only to coincidentally run into Changkyun and have him accompany them home. However, when he engaged in his daily ritual on that night, he saw no sign of his neighbour. Clearly, their work was taking over their life - he was considering phoning their boss as their boyfriend to ask that she doesn’t work any more overtime, since it was depriving them of time together. A little white lie never hurt anybody, no?
However, just as he was arriving home and unlocking his door, he heard the familiar soothing sound of (Y/N)’s voice.
“No way! I swear, I’ll kill you one day.” Their laughter was medicine to his ears, but he froze in place when he heard another voice accompanying it.
“You’d never do that, you love me far too much.” The words sent shivers down Changkyun’s spine. Was there a secret boyfriend behind the scenes that he didn’t know about? Had he spent all this time chasing after someone who had already been taken?
(Y/N) didn’t even pay any attention to Changkyun, rooted to the spot in front of his door - as they dragged their partner over to their flat and continued to babble on.
He felt himself shaking with rage, at himself and at her. How could she seek out the company of someone else when he was always there for her?
All ideas of going to bed were now abandoned, as Changkyun abandoned his home to sit outside of (Y/N)’s door and listen in on the interaction.
He heard the ‘Ba-Boom’ of Netflix turning on, the sound of popping corn, and then relative silence whilst (Y/N) and their vermin watched some film together bar the occasional snarky comment.
It was practically torture, knowing that (Y/N) was with another man, possibly even cuddling with him. Changkyun wanted nothing more than to rip the bastard into shreds, but he had to be patient.
As the hours trickled by, he felt his eyelids starting to droop. Surely a coffee wouldn’t hurt, he posed to himself. If he had the caffeine, he could stay up and talk to (Y/N) long after that vermin had scampered. It was when he was on his way out of the apartment holding the steaming cup of joe that he ran into the man who had been plaguing (Y/N). And like that, an idea popped into Changkyun’s head.
“You’re (Y/N)’s newest victim then?” He spoke in a low voice, hoping that regardless of what state (Y/N) was in they wouldn’t hear him.
Kihyun gazed at him quizzically.
“What do you mean?”
“I see men like you in there most nights of the week. They’re practically the village bicycle.” Changkyun scoffed, taking a sip of coffee.
“We just watched a few movies, we didn’t fuck?” His rival retorted, but Changkyun just laughed coldly.
“They’re buttering you up. I wouldn’t expect them to be ‘friends’ with you for much longer.”
“Why are you- never mind.” The man sighed, turning on his heel to leave the building.
“Have a nice night!” Changkyun called after him, barely able to contain his shit-eating grin. Yes, it was satisfying to indulge in (Y/N), to admire them like anyone else. But it was way more fun to see the ones once enamoured with the ethereal being scamper away with their tail between their legs.
With the nuisance gone, Changkyun decided to enter (Y/N)’s apartment. The door was left slightly ajar, practically inviting him into the warm haven.
His angel was passed out of the sofa, having been tucked up nice and warm in a cozy blanket. He stopped to admire their perfect face, barely lit by the dim light of the television screen.
He found himself a seat in the kitchen to indulge in his lukewarm coffee as he waited for (Y/N) to awaken, so they could have a nice little chat.
~ ღ ~
When (Y/N) woke up, their apartment was dark and Kihyun was long gone. Brushing off the disappointment that came with no longer having his pleasant company, they sat up,
their stomach was screaming at them. The only food they’d eaten that night was the popcorn with Kihyun - they’d planned to cook a meal for the two of them, but exhaustion had won over them and they embarrassingly fell asleep in front of the movie before they even had the chance to offer.
Even if they regretted being an awful host to Kihyun, their hunger was a more pressing concern as they plodded into the kitchen to find something. Their mind was so occupied by their stomach in fact, they didn’t even notice Changkyun’s presence.
They found a packet of instant ramen shamefully hidden at the back of their cupboard, and were just about to heat up some water when a familiar chilling voice spoke up.
“Did you have a nice evening?”
They turned to finally notice Changkyun, leaning back in one of her chairs like he owned the place.
“Changkyun…? What are you doing in my kitchen?” (Y/N) rubbed at their eyes to make sure they weren’t dreaming.
“I thought it would be nice to pay you a little visit. It seems I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.”
He stood up and approached them, his aura more intimidating than they’d ever seen before.
“Who was he?” Changkyun snarled, his hand shooting out and gripping so tightly into (Y/N)’s neck that the nails were digging into their skin. “That son of a bitch you spent the entire evening with, leaving me out in the cold?”
“He’s just my colleague! Nothing more!” (Y/N) insisted, tears welling up in their eyes.
“Is that so?” (Y/N) was shoved onto a chair, with Changkyun standing over them. “Because I think some boundaries were overstepped. You don’t quite understand that you should belong to me, and me alone. You’ve severely betrayed my trust, and you should have to beg for my forgiveness.”
“What is wrong with you?”
“You’re going to phone them tomorrow and resign. Do you understand?” He breathed out, ignoring their scathing remark. “Your workplace doesn’t deserve a worker who will whore around with whoever pays them attention.”
He seated himself on their lap, his face getting dangerously close to them. It was then they felt cool steel pressing against their neck and realised he was brandishing one of their chef’s knives.
“You don’t need your job. You don’t need anyone else. You just need me.”
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jungnoir · 7 years
im changkyun | "I’m up to the challenge.” rival!au. | 3k words. | fluff, suggestive. requested. you can thank my evil elders @minsugadotcom and @seoulscapes for making me bias this demon in the first place and then request this :)
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a/n: loosely based off of blood by day6.
Surely, there is no emotion stronger than hate. There is no feeling in the world that could rival the pleasure of prevailing against someone you despise, there couldn’t possibly be a better moment than the one where you come out on top once more. There could not be, in your mind, an emotion stronger than hate. Hate drove you, woke you up every morning and put you on the path to success. Hate was dominant. It was powerful. It felt good.
It took only one week for you to realize hate was not what was driving you anymore. It had taken five days for you to realize that it was love instead.
You weren’t sure what did it for you the first day you walked into class, books in hand and otherwise dead to the world because you just had to sign up for an eight a.m. class, didn’t you? Screw that “productive” mindset you had planned on keeping up with at the beginning of the year. Now you were just cranky and mad, not a productive thought in sight.
You had just barely slid into a seat in the surprisingly large lecture hall that’s filling up quick, body sighing in relief at finally being able to stop moving (not only was this class early in the morning, it was also all the way across campus!), when someone’s pale hand came slamming down on top of your books. The sound it made was loud enough to startle a few people nearby you (including a crimson haired giggle box), but when you looked over at them, realization simply flickered in their eyes before they started to laugh and murmur “there he goes again”. There who goes again? And why was he bothering you so early in the morning? Did he have a death wish?
You look up, and find that you’re much closer to this stranger’s face than you would have originally liked. You also head-butted him in the chin too, and you only feigned concern for a moment when he grabbed at his mouth, moving his chin back and forth to check that he still had full function of his jaw before he looked at you with a fire in his eyes that you really couldn’t comprehend. “Did you just head-butt me?” “You were hovering. That’s your fault.”
He seemingly opens his mouth to protest, then shuts it. Then opens it again, “That’s my seat.” 
“This is a lecture hall,” you deadpan, pointing to the several few seats that still hadn’t been filled up yet, “this is first come first serve. If you want a seat so bad, go find another.”
“I need to sit here.” He says, and the tone in his voice is almost laughable, as if he was trying to intimidate you. On any other given day, you might’ve entertained this, maybe even challenged him for a little bit just to see what you were working with. You were always too competitive for your own good. 
The redhead beside you stops that train of thought however, with a gentle smile and a soft I know look, “Actually, this is his seat. We decided to sit together in this class because I’m shit at calculus and I’ll need his help. I’m really sorry about this.” The redhead is eons more polite than the other one, and even though you want to stay seated out of spite, you also don’t want to deprive another student of easy learning if he’s got the chance. You’re not an asshole like this other guy, after all. 
So, today is not any other day, and you’re getting more annoyed by the second. All you can do is shove your books into your bag and push yourself up from the chair, the chair squeaking against the floor with exaggeration (just to bring more light to the stupidity of your situation right now), and then you shove past the light haired boy currently smirking like he’s just outsmarted you. The shove to his shoulder knocks him back a step or two, and you snort under your breath before you make your ascension up the stairs on the side of the lecture hall to another seat between a booger-picker and someone literally asleep.
Once settled into your new seat, the lecture begins a few minutes later, and you find your eyes glued to the back of your offender’s head as he answers every question with ease and speed, sounding none too challenged at all. Even when you try to focus on the notes on the board or the discussion that takes place on the properties of blah blah blah, you can’t help looking back at that guy every few seconds, almost like your mind can’t believe he had the audacity to try you like that. 
A new feeling begins to burn in the pit of your stomach; there is a warning sign on your head when class ends but the jerk completely ignores it when he sends you a snooty grin your way before you exit class, his back pressed up against the door. It’s obvious he’s going to talk to the professor afterwards too, as if to further prove his point of being the teacher’s new pet. 
“Careful,” you slyly grin, stopping by him to whisper near his ear, and you find yourself giggling when goosebumps appear by the skin of his neck, “your lips are gonna hurt from all that ass kissing.”
Something flares in between the both of you in that moment, something that neither of you had experienced to that extent before. It was rivalry at its finest, with you daring to overstep a self-proclaimed genius in that moment being a choice of impulse. Fire burns in the pit of your chest when his dark eyes lock with yours, his cocky smile being replaced with a frown that excited you more than deterred you. And from that moment on, you and Im Changkyun are enemies.
You soon learn that the red haired boy is named Minhyuk, and he’s got five other friends aside from he-who-shall-not-be-named: Jooheon, a sweet lacrosse player who was more often than not spending his cram time in the gym instead of the library. Kihyun, an even more self-proclaimed genius (but with the credentials to back all of it up, unlike Changkyun) that had promptly taken to fishing Changkyun away from you by the ear whenever the three of you happened to cross paths. Hyunwoo, another lacrosse player that looked far too sweet and doe-eyed in the face to be paired with such an astounding body. Hyungwon, the sleepy nursing major with too many things on his plate to ever stay completely rooted in the conversation. And finally, Hoseok, the ever so pretty swimmer that would kindly reprimand Changkyun whenever he got too full of himself.
They had somehow become your friends, which you didn’t have too many qualms over, save for the fact that Changkyun was also one of them. But, so long as Changkyun and you were seated as far away from each other as possible, and so long as neither of you said anything to piss each other off, it was fine.
Thing was, things never went exactly according to plan. 
You’d often find yourself in a quarrel with the boy everyday, and if you didn’t, it most likely was because you didn’t see him that day. The boy barely let you live for anything, and neither did you, which left a lingering tension between you two even when you both weren’t near each other. Many times, Minhyuk had attempted to satiate the situation between the both of you, but your rivalry had gone far past just dislike. No, there was something between you and Changkyun that you had to prove. And you’d be damned if you ever let him gain the upperhand.
For a while, it really was just pure hatred between the both of you and nothing more. The both of you were notorious for trying to outdo each other in everything. If it wasn’t the classes you shared, it was the title of being Jooheon and Hyunwoo’s biggest supporters during their games, or it was the one who could stomach the cafeteria tuna salad more, or it was who could sprint fastest around the track in the gym. There was always some way you two were trying to one up one another, and it was starting to get serious. You hadn’t rested since the day you met Changkyun, and neither had he. The point both of you had to prove to each other (which had honestly been marred and all over the place since the get-go) had yet to be proven.
Only now, there was a bit of a… roadblock in the way, if you will. You liked him. Scratch that, loved him. It wasn’t even a stretch at this point; after months of antagonizing each other and trying your best to defeat the other in… whatever presented itself as a challenge for the both of you, you had somewhere, along the way, fallen for the asshole. As much as you had assured yourself that wouldn’t happen, it seemed your feelings had other plans. 
Smartly, you let the feelings sit for a while instead of letting any of the other boys know. Not that you didn’t trust them, but if word did happen to get back to Changkyun somehow, you’d be ruined. As long as Changkyun or any of the boys stayed oblivious, you could quietly sort out how you felt and find that it wasn’t love, but rather confused affection. Right? Right. Of course. There was no way that such strong hatred had turned into love… of course not.
You waited a week. You felt the same.
Then two weeks. Still the same.
By the time a month had passed, you were less argumentative and just plain drained every time you saw him. Him, Im Changkyun, being the snarky boy of 175 centimeters and zero tolerance for you. However, after you had settled into half-hearted insults and grunts of disapproval instead of indulging him in overblown arguments about this and that. He’d since been less impassioned to keep up the feud, and soon, it was more awkward silences than there were brawls in the hallways of your school.
Changkyun felt awkward now every time he saw you, because instead of having a reason to insult you or negate everything you said, he now was left to come up with some other means of keeping himself occupied. It did not become apparent to him until that very moment just how much time he spent talking about or at you. Only when you refused to speak to him did he realize just how much you influenced his day to day life. Needless to say, he was dying without the attention.
Much to the other boys’ amusement, though they didn’t verbally say so.
All of the tension between the two of you had seemingly boiled to a head when Changkyun had promptly and openly challenged you to play against him in a game of basketball with the boys when you had answered with an unenthusiastic, “No thanks.”
No, now this was really getting ridiculous. You never turned him down when a chance arose for you to win against him. Him, who couldn’t even play a game of mini-basketball at the arcade without getting hit smack dab in the face by his own throw. You would never in your right mind pass up a moment like this.
“Kihyun, take my place in the game,” Changkyun huffs, throwing the idle pink haired boy in the stands the ball with such force that Kihyun nearly calls him a punk, but Changkyun past listening at this point. Instead, he’s striding up to you, your head in your hands as you look on, uninterested, “can we talk?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed into something you’d think was worry. It strikes something in you, and you’re quietly nodding along, following after his form as it passes through and disappears past the gym’s doors.
You struggle a bit to keep up with the taller boy, mind running a mile a minute to discern what exactly he’d call you out of the gym for. Changkyun rarely spoke to you one on one, unless of course, he was pissed. And while he looked frustrated, he didn’t really look like he was about to corner you with a debate on the advantages of soda cans to soda bottles here.
When you two are safely in the nearly abandoned hall, he suddenly twists on his heels and looks back at you, “You can’t be the real (Y/N), can you?”
“What?” You’re even more confused, hands shoved into your pockets to hide their minute shaking. Being alone with Changkyun was not a good idea right now.
The boy throws his head back with a look of disbelief, “You- You’re not even trying to roast me when you see me anymore! I walk by and you don’t even acknowledge me. I give you several chances to smoke my ass and you miss them all, and when I try to start a conversation with you, it’s like I’m talking to a wall all of a sudden. What happened to the girl that used to jump at every chance to belittle me? I miss her.” 
Missed you? Was he being serious right now? “Changkyun, you don’t know what you’re talking about right now.” “Like hell I don’t. I’d rather have the real you, shoving me into lockers and calling me names than whatever this shell of the real (Y/N) is. What’s going on that has you like this?”
“Changkyun, I-”
“Are our debates not stimulating enough? Do I bore you now?”
“Look, Changkyun-” 
“Did I go too far one day, is that it? Tell me what it was that I said and I’ll apologize.”
“And there you go, calling me kid. Come on, I know you have more in you than-” It’s your turn to cut Changkyun off this time, your hand shoving into the space between his abdomen and chest. All he can feel is his body stumbling backward before he’s enveloped into darkness, and soon, the both of you are in a pitch black room with only a sliver of light coming in from a small window in the top half of the wall behind the both of you. That block of sunlight is the only thing illuminating the shock on Changkyun’s face and the irritation on yours. 
The door shuts behind you with a soft click, “People were watching, you idiot. They probably think we were in the middle of another ‘lover’s quarrel’.” 
Changkyun freezes, “L-lover’s what?” 
It takes you a moment to realize how you’ve got Changkyun. His back is pressed firmly to the cold concrete wall, his hands raised on either side of him in submission, and his eyes were blown wide, taking in every move of yours to better discern his level of safety at the moment. Your hand is still firmly pressed into his stomach, and he doesn’t dare to breathe too much around it. After a few seconds of the both of you staring each other down, you huff, “Everyone thinks we’re dating you know. And you really weren’t helping our case out there.”
“But… shoving me into a janitor’s closet in the middle of a fight helps more?”
You only realize your mistake when the undeniable smell of bleach and other chemicals make their way into your nostrils, and you let out a quiet hiss in disbelief. You had singlehandedly chosen the worst place to disappear to with several onlookers watching. You were screwed. News would spread about this faster than a bullet. “I wasn’t thinking about that part.” “Who’s the idiot now?”
You glare as Changkyun’s frown erupts into a full blown grin, glad to have somehow snatched the upper hand with you. “You missed me that much, huh?” You grumble.
“More than I thought I would… surprisingly, you kind of mean something to me, you know.” His admittance makes your cheeks burn and in turn, you have to look away to hide the blooming smile coming to your face. It really wasn’t a good idea for you to be alone with Changkyun right now.
But then again, you didn’t particularly care anymore either. I mean, if the moment presented itself, who were you to deny yourself?
“It’s probably been too long to just walk out and pretend nothing happened, right?” You ask with a hint of amusement in your voice. Changkyun lets out an over-exaggerated sigh, letting his hands glide down the wall and toward your sides instead. Your first instinct is to shove him away, until his fingers begin to rub along your hips in a pleasurably sweet way that has you inching a bit closer to the boy.
“Yeah, I think you’re right. And I mean… it’d be kind of lame if we were seen going into a janitor’s closet and had nothing to show for it.”
The tension between you had melted into something a lot more passionate, and instead of the once familiar need to put Changkyun into his place, you longed to do so in an entirely different way. Your hands shot to his that were stationed at your sides, and you pushed his wrists back into the cold wall with a little force, making the boy hiss a little at the contact, but otherwise simmer under your touch. His eyes fluttered shut as you pushed against him, a teasing smile on your face. It seemed, too, that Changkyun was feeling your need to dominate him, only this time, he did nothing to fight back.
He was putty in your hands, much like how you’d always wanted him to be at the end of every debate and quarrel. God, you two really were quite the pair, weren’t you?
“I’m going to win this time, Changkyun. But don’t make it too easy on me.” 
There used to be no feeling in the world that could rival the pleasure of prevailing against someone you despised. You realized very quickly in that janitor’s closet that day that you had been monumentally out of your mind.
“Don’t worry, darling. I’m up to the challenge.”
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