#river omo
thesecretomoblog · 4 months
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afrotumble · 3 months
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think-dry-thoughts · 11 months
Here's the werewolf omo I promised. Sorry if the formatting sucks, I'm copying from my notes on mobile.
Connor stepped out of his truck onto the crisp fall leaves below him. One whiff into the air made him nervous, but he knew he had to be here. Connor had to make a good first impression with this pack, especially since he was freshly bitten didn't have one to belong to on his own. As much as he hated the idea, he knew his wolf would be in better control in a pack, and so he swallowed his pride and drove into their territory to try to make peace.
Connor didn't really know what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. He had met with (and swiftly been rejected by) many other packs before, and none of them had lived like this. Most other packs had a home base, anywhere from a full neighborhood to at least an RV or two, but this was just a clearing in the woods with tents and a few sleeping bags scattered about. Connor's heart dropped a bit at the sight of it, not because he was disappointed in the arrangement, but because he needed something that he knew they didn't have. His bladder clenched a bit and he sighed, slamming his truck door shut and walking out into the property.
A few werewolves looked up at Connor, some of them looking a little more confused than others. Maybe it was the way he looked, which was way too nice to fit in with the majority of the people here, or maybe it was that his scent was just foreign. Connor knew that either way, he didn't belong. An older man stepped out from one of the tents and walked up to Connor.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Connor said, holding out his hand to greet the other man, "I've heard so much about your pack."
The other man raised an eyebrow at him before clearing his voice. "This isn't my pack. You must be the guy Levik's expecting."
Connor, a little embarrassed, dropped his hand and tucked it into his pocket. His first impression with a pack member and he'd already blown it. He thought for a second about cutting his losses and leaving, but the older man spoke up again.
"Levik is out patrolling the territory line, you can wait here if you'd like, I'd hate for you to have to hike out there," he said, sounding a little passive aggressive.
"It's okay," Connor retorted, "I'll head out there and see if I can find him."
Off he went into the woods, leaving the older man and his pack members to stare at Connor as he walked along. Not very long later, he passed the tree line, and wondered if he should just go back to his truck. He felt a little in over his head here, and frankly, his bladder was sitting a little more heavily than he would've liked. Nonetheless, Connor needed the approval of at least one pack before he turned again. His first time had been just three weeks ago, and it was unexpected and horribly out of control. He needed to find a pack that could help him control himself.
Connor pressed along through the trees, making his way over a few rock ranges and down past a river, where he decided to take a break. He sat on a rock, and despite the fullness of his bladder, he realized how tired and thirsty he truly was. He took a glance at the river, its crystal clear water babbling and rushing down through the forest.
"It couldn't hurt," Connor thought to himself. "After all, I am a werewolf."
Connor got down by the water, kneeling down and drinking it straight from the river with his hands. The water was so sweet and refreshing, he realized how thirsty and tired the trek had really made him, and he sipped on the water for quite some time before leaning against a tree to rest a bit.
He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but when Connor awoke, he noticed two things. It was pitch black outside, and his bladder had gone from full to practically throbbing. He realized he had slept at least a few hours, and he had no idea how to get back to his truck. Even with his heightened senses, everything looked the same out here, and speaking of heightened senses, he could feel his bladder screaming against his pants. He stood up, the pressure dropping even lower into his abdomen, and held himself for a minute before he was collected.
Connor thought for a moment about peeing on a tree, just letting it out right there, but the wolf inside him screamed at him not to. This wasn't his territory, and therefore, marking it could be dangerous. He would just have to hold it. He sniffed the air, trying to decide what direction to head in, and smelled neutral air from what he thought was not too far ahead. At least if he got to the neutral territory, he could hang out there for the night and actually relieve his bladder, but in here, he didn't have any idea what he was in for.
Connor pressed forward toward the smell, walking way more slowly than he had earlier in the day. His belt dug into his bladder, making every step absolutely agonizing, and since he was coming up from the river bank, the rocky path did not make it any easier. Connor loosened his belt slightly, just one hole. It felt a little better, but his body wasn't any less angry with him. He couldn't possibly loosen his belt anymore, though. If another wolf approached him in the woods and saw him with his belt undone, god knows the impression he'd make would be enough to have him kicked out at the very least.
As the walking went on, Connor began to wonder how far the territory line could really be. It had smelled so close, but he also hadn't been accounting for his enhanced sense of smell, especially at night. He started to wonder if it wouldn't just be faster if he turned around and went for the truck, but he had made up his mind now and his bladder wasn't really letting him change it. Connor pressed on, the pangs from his bladder going from a quiet whisper to a full on scream. He needed to go, and very soon, but he didn't know if he'd be able to make it out.
In his preoccupied state, Connor didn't see a log in his path, and he tripped over, landing flat on his stomach, sending waves of desperation through his body and chills down his spine. Fuck. He couldn't hold it anymore. He scrambled to his feet, his shaky hands unbuckling his pants. He was going to do this here, right in the forest.
He ripped his dick out of his pants, willing himself to go, but he couldn't. His wolf wouldn't let him, not on someone else's territory. He forced down on his bladder, pushing hard against it with his fist and squeezing with all his might, and he was able to produce one perfect stream. The wolf smelled the urine instantly, and forced him to stop instantly, sending a stabbing pain back into Connor's abused bladder. He tried with all his might to start up again, but it was like the wolf had a grasp on his bladder and wouldn't let it loose. He had to get to the territory line, and fast.
With shaky legs, Connor scrambled as quickly as he could, which was a hobbling walk, trying his best to clear the property line. His bladder screamed with every step, and he could feel the piss in his dick, but his body just wouldn't let it out. At this point, he'd be okay with just pissing his pants, as long as he could get the fullness to go away. He was so full, so fucking full. Tears began to stream down Connor's face as he slowly made his way toward the line.
Up in the distance, he finally saw it. At first, he thought it was a desperation induced mirage, but as he got closer, he realized it was real. There was a fence marking the property line. He was so close. In his joy, he dashed toward the line, his body screaming and a few drops of urine escaping, filling his senses with dread and joy at the same time. He got to the fence and realized that fuck, he needed to get over. If he could just scale the fence, he would be free. With his hands glued to his dick, though, and his knees practically sewn together, he knew there was just no way. He was truly trapped. Connor tried to let go, but his hands just couldn't stay away, and he tried to climb, but his legs were just too weak. It hurt so bad and he just needed the relief that was seconds away.
After a few attempts, Connor's legs gave out, and he fell to the floor, shaking and death gripping his dick for the last ounces of relief it gave him. He suddenly heard the snap of a twig behind him, and knew another wolf had found him. He could smell those few drops of piss in his pants, and remembered that he had spread his scent on the ground not too far back. He knew he was going to be punished. And yet, a firm but comforting hand rested on his shoulder and a soothing voice spoke up.
"Are you okay, friend?" the voice asked. "Why are you crying?"
"It fucking HURTS," Connor cried out through his sobs. "I'm sorry about the scent but I had to find Levik and I fell asleep and FUCK. It just hurts, please."
"You found me," the voice claimed, and the man stepped into view. This was the pack leader, and the anger Connor had expected to see on his face was actually just replaced with concern.
"What's hurting you?" Levik asked calmly.
Connor looked up at him with teary eyes, still grasping painfully at his cock and grinding his legs together to stop the throbs from his protesting bladder.
"I just, I don't want to ruin your territory," he mumbled, "but I just- nnghhh- I-"
Levik said nothing, but knelt down in front of the bursting werewolf and began to undo his belt. He unbuttoned Connor's pants, and pulled the zipper down swiftly.
"Is it okay if I take your pants down for you?" Levik asked.
"Please," Connor begged, "please help me, I have to pee, please!"
Connor's shaky hands tried to come off of his cock, but they wouldn't on their own. In one swift move, Levik grabbed them firmly and pried them away from Connor, then pulled the werewolf's dick out for him, aiming it down at the ground. He waited for the gush to come, and yet, nothing came.
"Y-your territory," Connor stuttered, "my wolf won't let me."
"Oh, poor thing. I see now," Levik said in a live of sheer pity. "I accept you into my pack, this territory is yours now."
The second Levik said the words, those perfect words Connor needed to hear, a spurt shot out of Connor's body. It was almost as if his bladder hadn't caught on yet, but once it realized it was free, the stream picked up strong. His piss splattered against the ground, the audible hissing painfully noticeable against the previously dry leaves on the ground. The ground couldn't soak up the piss nearly fast enough, and the pee started to puddle up and leak toward Levik, coating the leader's knees. When Connor realized, he tried to stop, he Levik simply shook his head to stop him from trying. The relief was almost dizzying, and Connor felt himself slumping over, the piss still rushing out of his body. Levik reached over and supported the man as the waves continued to pour out of his body. Connor's head rested against the man, and Levik could hear the moans of sheer relief coming from his new pack member. The sounds were almost erotic, and Levik did his best to ignore them as Connor continued to relax.
When the stream died down, Connor realized what he had done, and picked himself up off of Levik, refusing to make eye contact. The shame started to burn into his chest and his face felt hot, but then the scent hit him. He smelled like he belonged on the territory, and the marking here was his. He took a deep breath and composed himself, just to look up and see Levik standing up and beginning to free his own cock from his jeans.
"You know," Levik started, "I was planning on remarking this part of the territory today, so you've actually done me a huge favor."
Levik's dick began to spurt piss into Connor's puddle, and Connor could only watch in awe as the other werewolf emptied his bladder a mere foot from his face. When the werewolf's stream trickled off, he zipped himself up and offered his hand to Connor to help him up.
"It's not nearly as much as you did, but it'll hold down the fort for a while," Levik joked. "Come back to camp with me, we'll get you something to eat and get you cleaned up."
Connor smiled slightly and took the other werewolf's help, standing on his still shaky legs and following the man back to his camp. It had been painfully unconventional, but Connor had finally found the pack that could help him. He just hoped that in the future, he'd make a better impression.
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lomofic · 1 year
Blushy charachters in omo>>>
Like imagine a charachter that’s face just BURNS red when they need to pee and then they’re pissing SO hard into a toilet/urinal/bottle/pants. And they’re warm all over from blushing and passing a river while trying not to moan because they were so desperate and just made it.
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quiltofstars · 7 months
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The southern constellation of Crux, "the cross" // Matt Hughes
The four stars that make up the points of the cross are:
Acrux (α Crucis) at the southern point. It is the 13th brightest star in the night sky and is a sextuple star system. Its name is an Americanism of "Alpha Crucis" created in the 20th century.
Mimosa (β Crucis) at the left point. It is a binary star system. Its name comes from the Latin word for "actor", the same word for the flower of the same name.
Gacrux (γ Crucis) at the northern point. It is the 26th brightest star in the sky, and is a single red giant. Its name is not another modern invention, but seems to be invented by astronomer Elijah Burritt in the early 1800s.
Imai (δ Crucis) at the right point. It is a solitary blue giant. Its name comes from the Mursi people of Ethiopia. As this star sets in the evening sky at dusk in August, it is said that the Omo River rises high enough to flatten the imai grass that grows along its banks.
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pissbuddys · 1 year
thinking about...ye ole medieval omo um
someone riding in the back of a carriage or something with hay and, for whatever reason they cant stop but a passenger really has to pee and
they finally reach their breaking point and bunch up a pile of hay to pee in, it doesnt work out as well as theyd like and pee leaks out creating rivers all over the cabin floor, maybe even leaking onto the other passengers feet who could be either sympathetic or disgusted
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omogod · 2 years
Started holding at 6:30pm on 12/12/22.
Ended holding at 4:08am on 13/12/22.
Had needed a good amount of stress relief from everything going on lately, and wanted a more productive wetting than the most recent one I had done before, when it turned into more of a real accident! (spoiler alert: Aoife never learns her limits and they all turn into real accidents.)
Didn’t feel anything for about the first hour or so, was just casually browsing omo tumblr or reading AO3 omo stories. (6:30pm - 7:30pm)
Around hour two, I felt an ever so slight urge in my bladder, but mostly just reminder that I had one more than I needed to use it. Was still reading omo fics at this point, but also writing some omo stories, and planning some future holds. (7:30pm - 8:30pm)
Hour three, I got bored. I took a long walk around my town. Luckily, I live in a rural Irish village, so no one was going to see me, especially at night. I roamed through some of the empty fields to kill some time, sipping on bottle of water as I perused through.
Walk ended up being about three hours. I could definitely feel it getting much worse now. The cold didn’t help with aiding my need, and I definitely should have wrapped up warmer. Lost two leaks as a wave of desperation hit me when a cold wind flew my direction. (8:30pm - 11:30pm)
Got home and sat in my kitchen and watched whatever random stuff is on TV at nearly midnight.
Decided to scroll multiple NSFW art sites for pictures and comics of omorashi. Went down a dangerous rabbit hole of comics and spent about an hour scrolling through, whilst my need grew exponentially and I jiggled about. (00:30am - 01:30am)
Half 1 hit and I was at about an 8. I had my legs crossed together tightly and my bladder was screaming for some kind of pressure release.
I had to spurt some out onto a towel just to take the edge off otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to continue the hold.
As we all know, taking the ‘edge’ off of a full bladder never works, and by 1am, I felt like I was going to explode. I had drunk about 1500ml at this point.
I managed to hold on for about another 45 minutes by scrolling through omo tumblr again, and grinding a pillow to help temporarily numb my desperation. (1:30am - 2:15am)
By half 2, there was a decently sized wet patch on grey panties, and I was bursting for the loo.
I knew that I had to hold this longer because I had sworn to make the hold ten hours. This was obviously a huge mistake and a very ambitious goal. By 3am, my panties had felt atleast two more hot spurts of piss, and a third leak that I nearly couldn’t stop.
By half three, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had made a large wet patch in the bed and felt like I was holding back an inevitable river. I grabbed a towel and placed it in between my legs incase I leaked.
Begrudgingly, I shoved my legs together and went downstairs again, towel shoved tightly in between my shaking legs. I decided that the best place to wet would be my back garden so I ventured outside, but for some reason (or because I’m fucking stupid) I decided to also take a walk around the fields behind my garden before coming back to wet.
Turns out that navigating fields at nearly 4am, bursting to piss, whilst drunk, in the middle of a pitch black Irish winter might, is not the best idea.
Maybe these ideas spawned because atleast 500ml of what I had taken was alcohol. At least.
I was definitely under the influence by this point.
Rational and sober me would have just used damage control. Squat down where you are, take a piss, now you have enough concentration to try and get home.
Not drunk Aoife, she has one singular brain cell.
I continued on, clutching my crotch with the willpower of Satan himself and tried to march my way back into the general direction of my cottage.
Fair props to drunk me, I did end up at least walking in the right direction back to my garden. However..
I managed to walk about another 5 minutes through the fields before a rush of pain and desperation flooded me (haha pee joke) and I literally was bent over in pain, holding myself like I would die if I peed.
Obviously this didn’t work, and a wave of desperation turned to leaking, then to spurting, then to losing control completely and emptying nearly a 10 hour hold right onto a poor patch in my field.
I checked my watch and it was 4:08am.
I managed to hold it for 9 hours and 38 minutes!
This is the most I’ve held drunk in a while, but if wasn’t 10 hours so I was a bit annoyed. I’m hoping to do a 12 hour hold soon whilst sober though!
Walked back home soaking wet and got into the empty bath, finished up my business, and maybe got wet in more than one way..
Thank you for reading! Hoping to do these kind of stories whenever I hold, most of the time they are pretty entertaining because I have a tendency to overestimate my bladder, and not be able to hold it that long. Sober me can hold longer, be assured.
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omoghouls · 1 year
Oh goodness... Halsin being into omo makes me go 😳 ...
Halsin, ever the diligent caretaker, always making sure you're well-hydrated. "Take my waterskin, you look thirsty." "When was the last time you had a drink? It's important to drink a lot of water, you know." "Surely you can drink more than that. One more cup of water then we can go, alright?"
He loves watching you try and hold it, loves how your minor tells, fidgeting, crossing your legs when you sit down, slowly change into occasional full-body shivers, squirming, and pressing your legs together when you stand. Well if you're uncomfortable, why don't you sit on his lap and relax a bit?
And it IS relaxing... too relaxing. You leak, and you know he can feel it through his tight pants, but with his gentle, comforting voice lulling you into a safe space, you can't help but let go-!
But Halsin is there for you, rubbing your back with a big, warm hand, and shushing your embarrassed whimpers, praising you for listening to your body and letting go for him...
Ah. I let this get away from me....
(-Dirty-Jammies 💕)
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He says it so sweetly, so caringly that you don't even hear the sulrty undertones as he hands you the waterskin- that smirk that crosses his lips as he watches your throat bobbing as you drink.
Halsin, enjoying watching you squirm, those little hitches in your breath when he asks if you could grab whatever is inside a stash that's inside a long since abandoned burrow- he says it's because his hands are much too large to fit but really, he just wants to watch as you struggle to crouch down, you could just let go right now, give into your body's desires of relief but, you're a good Tav, you don't want to pee yourself, especially not infront of Halsin! You think you'll just slip away for a moment, but my, this burley elf seems to be stuck to you like bear to honey~
When he has you seated on his lap, he can feel each and every shift of your hips against him. His pupils are blown out as he's holding you to his chest, shivering when he feels the wamrth spreading rapidly over yourself and him. It's a luxurious feeling to the druid, a sweet fluid not wasted as it soaks you both.
Oh, he praises and coos over you. You two bathe in the nearby river, he cleans you so sweetly and gently, peppering little kisses on your forehead and back as he tells you how wonderful you are♡
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omocatboy · 8 months
I’m here to offer vampire piss 😳 My vampire ocs are based on real vampire bats and as you may know real v bats have such a high metabolism and kidney filtering that they basically piss immediately while they feed. So my vampires are okay if they just drink a little blood at a time but if they drink too much at once it’s a diuretic, and as you can imagine it takes some trial and error to figure out how much one can handle at once. I have a scene in mind where my shy stoic vamp gets kidnapped and forced to drink a ton of blood, and when his friends come to rescue him he has to admit that he’s going to keep having to pee urgently while they make their escape and he’s mortified. He keeps having to ask them to stop so he can take a few steps away to relieve himself right in front of them because he can’t wait to get any farther away and anyway it would be dangerous to go too far. They finish the escape by getting in a car and so of course he wets himself as they speed away. Sitting right next to his werewolf crush, who’s trying to hide how much he’s into this because he also feels so bad for him.
OH MY GODDGHDHGHGHH THIS WAS SUCH A WONDERFUL THING TO WAKE UP TO 🥵🥵 fantasy characters trapped within their biology in an omo way is so unbelievably delicious and i love it so much
i love love love the having to trot a few feet away to just piss a river, there’s no privacy and they don’t have a lot of time so he has to be quick so he bears down to try and piss as fast as he can, but that makes it so loud and it feels so good and all of his companions can hear. not to mention the wetting himself poor guy 🥺
i like to think a not-insignificant amount of vampires are absolute freaks/pos and while they only drink blood they’re also into other bodily fluids, especially if they have a feeder they’re loyal to. oh my god there’s so much you can do with that concept
- vampire feeding on someone and getting too into it, not even realizing they’re peeing themselves right on top of the other bc they’re so wrapped up in how good the blood tastes
-the person the vampire is feeding on peeing themselves either from the pain, pleasure, or they’re just dizzy and let go. they’re initially embarrassed but the vampire is so into it
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moonlit-archeress · 1 year
Today, August 11th of 2023 will complete one month my father made his passage. He was a babá, a priest of the Afro-Brazilian religion named Umbanda, where we essentially worship nature and its spirits, powers and deities, mostly called orishas.
My sister is a musician, just like he was and she paid this tribute to him with two traditional ritualistic invocation songs for the Orisha Oshun, the one who assisted him, his Mother.
I will provide the lyrics below, in Yoruba, Brazilian Portuguese and English. If you can give the video a thumbs up or a comment, it would make us both very happy.
We hope you enjoy it and that we were able to bring you some of our culture and religion to you, just like he would want it.
Osun ya mi oh
Osun sole ni fo mi
Elou odô already fun la yo
Jakunan yo ke rê e
Oxum, Mãe das Águas
Oxum está sobre mim
Senhora do rio de peixes felizes
Peixes graciados no caminho de felicidades
Oxum de Osogbô
Oxum Mãe das Águas.
Oshun, Mother of Waters
Oshun is above me
Lady of the Happy Fish River
Fishes graced the way to happiness
Oshun of Osogbo
Oshun Mother of Waters.
Iyê iyê, yêyê ô (Mãe, Mamãe)
Mother, mommy
Iyá Òsun ni ilé (A mãe Òsun está na casa)
Iyá Òsun ni ilé (A mãe Òsun está na casa) 2x
Mother Osun is in the house
Omo ni ilé okán mimo (Os filhos que estão na casa possuem um coração santo)
The children who are in the house have a holy heart.
Iyá tundè Iléshà, Iyá tundè (A mãe retornou para Ileshà, a mãe retornou).
The mother returned to Ileshà, the mother has returned.
Iye ku aabo, omi rê, yèyé o (A mãe é bem vinda, a água é sua, mãe)
The mother is welcome, the water is hers, mother.
Omo ni ilé okán mimo (Os filhos que estão na casa possuem um coração santo)
The children who are in the house have a holy heart
Iye ku aabo ìré o (A mãe é bem-vinda em Ìré)
Iye ku aabo Ijëshà (A mãe é bem-vinda em Ijëshà) 2x
The mother is welcome in Ìré
mother is welcome in Ijëshà
Iyê iyê, yêyê ô (Mãe, Mamãe) 2x
Iyê iyê, yêyê ô (Mother, Mother)
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thesecretomoblog · 3 months
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And today’s Patreon preview.
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afrotumble · 5 months
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friendswithclay · 8 months
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“A Mursi girl, accompanied by her dog, carries a large clay pot to collect water from the Omo River.”
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weewee-pudd · 2 days
Omo summer camp.
(Sorry for the long read btw)
You learn about it somehow and sign up.
You show up at the pickup-point. You meet other people who are going there with you and get on the coach that will get you to the camp. Your lovely instructors give out cold drinks and encourage you to drink. It's hot and it's an 8 hour drive. How about bathroom breaks? Don't worry about them for now.
The responsible instructors remind you to drink every half an hour. They don't want you to dehydrate.
4 hours have passed. It's not good to sit confined to the seat for that long. The coach drives off the main road and goes through a bumpy, not so well maintained road through a forest, then it stops by a river. We'll be doing some exercise. Oh, and when we finish, you can go potty.
First exercise. Put your hands on your hips and move your hips in circles. The deeper the better. Excellent work! Repeat that 20 times.
Second exercise. Jumping jacks. We are doing jumping jacks for a full minute. (Full just like your bladder).
Third exercise. Now that your legs are warmed up (and maybe your pants too) it's a perfect time to do stretches before we get back on the road. Spread your legs apart as far as you can. Hold like this for 30 seconds. Try to deepen it if you can.
Aaand finish. You can relieve yourself now. Pick any bush you like darling. Just hurry up, we still have a 4 hour long drive ahead of us.
You did great during the exercises. The whole group get a big cup of delicious ice tea as your prize! You will get a refill every half an hour. But it's also important to relax so the instructors play soothing sounds of ocean waves on the speakers.
You get to the place. You are welcomed and the instructors show you around. Split into groups of 3 to 4 and we'll lead you to your rooms. The rooms turn out to be those "cargo containers" houses. Your beds are made out of waterproof Material. You have some plastic chairs and a table. You can put your things into a metal closet. It doesn't look very cozy but you don't have to worry about the bathroom. No, you don't have toilets there, obviously, but you can go in a corner without soaking anything. The floor has little holes in it so you won't flood the room either. Leave your things in your room for now and get back to the instructors quickly. You have more to see.
The main building. This is the only place with clean running water (isn't there anything running down your leg, baby). There is the canteen and the showers there. Also, there is an actual toilet there but you can only use it if you are not comfortable taking the number 2 outside.
Sit down, time for dinner. The first course is delicious [insert what you like] soup. When everyone is finished, the second course will be served. You can't leave until your plates are clean (unlike the floor under your seats).
Now everyone, go straight to your rooms.
You get into your metal hut with your new friends. You stare at each other uneasy at first. But you all know what everyone is thinking. One of you starts soaking their pants and the rest follow. You stand there awkwardly. But isn't it what you signed up for? You burst out laughing. So everyone had their initiation, time to get to know each other better. You sit at the table without changing and talk. You have a lot in common! There is no need to pause the conversation because you can go right there if you need again. When you get tired, you put on your pyjamas, hang out your pants to dry and fall asleep.
Wet dreams <3
Do you want part 2?
I didn't expect it to become this long. I had to take a break in the middle of writing it and pee in a cup, because someone was in the bathroom.
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afrodytis · 1 year
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In Yoruba Polytheism and Traditions Yemoja (Yemanjá, Iemanjá, Janaína, Yemayá, Iemanyá, Iemanjá, Yemallá, Iemanja, La Sirène) is a mother spirit; patron spirit of women, especially pregnant women; the ocean; and the Ogun river. Her name is a contraction of the Yoruba words "Yeye omo eja" which means "Mother whose children are like fish." This represents the vastness of her motherhood, her fecundity, and her reign over all living things. Umbanda worships Yemanjá as one of the seven Orixás. She is the Queen of the Ocean, the patron spirit of the fishermen and the survivors of shipwrecks, the feminine principle of creation, and the spirit of moonlight. She is syncretized with Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes (Our Lady of the Seafaring). In Santería, Yemayá is the mother of all living things as well as the owner of the oceans and seas. Iemanjá is also celebrated every December 8 in Salvador, Bahia. The Festa da Conceição da Praia (Feast to Our Lady of Conception of the church at the beach) is a city holiday dedicated to the Catholic saint and also to Iemanjá. Another feast occurs on this day in the Pedra Furada, Monte Serrat in Salvador, Bahia, called the Gift to Iemanjá, when fishermen celebrate their devotion to the Queen of the Ocean.
Artwork is by an unknown artist.
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omoghouls · 3 months
hii I hope you’re doing okay!! I’m not sure if this is something you do or if it qualifies as an ask, but I read some of your fallout writing and I’m really interested to see where it goes!! ^^
I was curious if you had any fo4 sosu omo hcs or ideas? This is my first time asking smth like this, so if not that’s absolutely okay!!! Have a good day! ^^🌻✨
!!!! Eeee howdy!! I've legit been solely playing fo4 and fo76 for the past few weeks 😤💖💖💖
•Gen SoSu idea would be the cryogenic freezing- that MUST'VE done something to their body. Like certain parts of them needing extra time to warm up~ aka: their bladder takes a while before it fully "unfreezes" and it's at the absolute worst moment 😌 (Maybe when rescuing Nick from the Malone gang, or when in Ark Jet with Danse~)
•SoSu may have had some war training (or not~☆), but they aren't prepared for the ungodly weapons of the wastelands. Especially plasma and radiation rifles, so they get sick and their body ain't used to radaway. And radaway filters through thd kidneys so they're constantly needing to pee. But, maybe they're injured enough for bedrest, so they have to ask a companion (or lover~♡) to aid them in not wetting the bed
•SoSu having nightmares from watching their son get kidnapped and significant other be shot, and sometimes those nightmares leave them with soaked sheets ;0; and since it's post apocalypse, there aren't working washers or driers so....anyone can see them scrubbing their sheets in the river hehe
•FEAR WETTINGGG they're going from a simple life to witnessing 15ft tall deathclaws ripping raiders in half- you bet'cha they're vault suit got a bit wet
Vt8gvcfc5 those are what come to mind rn, hope they're okay♡♡♡
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