#riverclan tigerkin au
troutfur · 2 years
Tigerkin in Riverclan AU: Man, the rumors that could start after Tigerclan forms, especially after everything comes out about what Tigerstar did: "Of course Goldenflower left for better pastures after her mate nearly destroyed their birth clan."
"She says she cares for Feather and Storm, but everyone knows she hates Firestar and Greystripe, so obviously she let her precious Tigerstar do what he wanted with them."
"Firestar only flinched at Bramblepaw and Twanypaw, so she leaves Thunderclan but when her Mate nearly kills Featherpaw and Stormpaw it's all good!"
"Some mother Goldenflower is, letting her mate lock up her adopted kits, and give his bio kits trauma."
"They're in Riverclan being led by Leopardstar. Those kits are fucked, even without counting on their father's blood."
OH MAN, there are not enough mice in the FOREST to compensate Goldenflower for how badly she's getting slandered, for sure! I think that should be part of why she's reluctant to leave RiverClan.
I imagine her being Tigerstar's most vocal opponent not only on account of how he's shaping up to rile up violence against her adoptive children but also because I don't see her playing the role he'd want out of her. He's absolutely the type to want her to rule by his side as an evil queen, relegating Leopardstar to lackey on par with Blackfoot. So of course inside of RiverClan she'd have a reputation for being an honorable freedom fighter, but from the outside looking in...
I think Bramblepaw's resounding rejection of his father could hit all the much harder in this situation. Everyone across the Clans is under the impression Tigerstar's immediate family are the obedient little pawns, that Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw are their dad's obedient prince and princess being groomed to take over once their old man croaks for the ninth time. So imagine everyone's shock when they reject him right there as he's about to make the ultimate power grab.
I think it'd be absolutely iconic.
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splasharooni · 8 months
Who trains cinderpelt and what is her warrior name in the KittypetFirefam!au ?
What happens with graystripe and silverstream since there is no fireheart?
Does the sasha thing happen? Or moth, hawk and tadpole are not Tigerkin?
Do you have a goldenflower design?
Does yellowfang die? (If yes, was it brokenstar who killed her? Quite the drama)
Sorry for the lots of questions but youre Au got me quite excited to know more about it
UR GOOD I've been thinking a lot about these since the concept is still pretty loose in my brain:
-CinderPelt is trained by Sandstorm in this; Sandstorm takes over a lot of FireStar's little events/tasks in this!
-GreyStripe leaves ThunderClan permanently, joining his and SilverStreams kits in RiverClan. Since there is no FireHeart to go back to, GreyStripe lives a long life eating fish and being there for his kids!
-RavenPaw is 'killed' in an accident shortly after Redtails death.
-Sasha does not happen, but TigerStar does have Hawk, Moth, and Tadpole with GoldenFlower (they are a bitter unhappy couple but Golden loves her babies). Bramble and Tawny are still their older siblings! -I DO have a tigerfam design/goldenflower design I'll be putting out soon for this au!! I wanna do Bramble, tawny, moth, hawk, and tadpole as GoldenTiger kits. -YellowFang is chased out of ThunderClan into twoleg place, where she is adopted by an old old woman, living in a yard next to the woods. She's important to the SandRusty kit's story later on!! SpottedLeaf withers due to her terrible old wounds from ClawFace and struggles to teach DandelionPaw (leafPaw), so YellowFang, as a kittyPet, sneaks DandelionPaw into her home to teach her at night. SpottedLeaf is aware of this arrangement and encourages it!
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bonefall · 2 years
If Feathertail and Stormfur had chosen to remain in Thunderclan instead of returning with Misty to Riverclan, who do you think Bluestar would have picked for the Prophecy in TNP? Who do you think would have been Riverclan's pick?
It seems that StarClan was intentionally picking cats who were half-clan, for a reason that doesn't seem consistent imo.
Half-Clan cats are more likely to care about all the clans instead of just one?
...they're also more likely to be trusted, somehow? Because they're all... respected and worthy? uh
The Half-Clan cats need chances to prove themselves as truly representative of their clans
Erins were like, "How do we justify StarClan picking the kids who were too young to be main characters in TPB" and kinda worked backwards.
BUT ANYWAY, I don't think it's necessarily a terrible notion to pick cats who were half clan, out of a stern passion. "You will trust the cats WE pick or you will die by your own xenophobia, StarClan has fucking SPOKEN."
I think the most obvious pick would be Reedpaw, as Bluestar's grandson. Personally I'm really fond of the idea that he wasn't completely overlooked by TigerClan's persecution, but squeaked by for being 75% RiverClan and having the a TigerClan loyalist Blackclaw for a father... but he was always on thin ice and it gave him extreme anxiety growing up, delaying his assessment for a long time.
(and, even, making some RiverClan cats start to believe that maybe Tigerstar had a point about halfclan blood. A vicious cycle where they hyperfocus on his weaknesses and ignore his strengths.)
I think it would have been better for the dynamic, too. I feel like Feather and Storm weren't well characterized, but an extremely nervous and cautious Reedpaw? That could have been neat, next to Competent Leader, Incompetent Leader, Hissing Ball Of Rage, and Squirrelpaw.
They really could have used a medic, and as an outsider and the daughter of Tigerclaw, I think she could have made an excellent pick for StarClan's message.
And development-wise? Excellent. Mothwing is insecure to the point of fucking up when Hawkfrost is around to pressure her. Having her go on this journey and prove that she's actually super skilled as a medic, even without StarClan? That would have been awesome.
Not to mention how Bramble and Tawny would feel about their surprise sister who didn't grow up with the pressure of being Tigerkin at all!
And in terms of personality, no one could have improved the dynamic more. She's unable to stand up for herself because of Hawkfrost's abuse, finding herself thrown to a pack of assertive bastards. They could ALL learn a lesson from humbling themselves to ask Mothwing what she's thinking, with her constantly having a good ideas when they make sure to include her.
How would she GET the StarClan message though...? Would be fun if Leafpool communicated it to her, and Mudfur confirmed it after they left.
I'm super fond of "Hawkfrost goes on the journey" type AUs, though I don't know if I can say I prefer it. I think he would have an important place in the Forest, if the narrative could commit to this being a comment on Leopardstar, and the remnants of Tigerstar's ideology.
But, either as Moth's tag-a-long, or as a chosen hero, I think it would have set up Brambleclaw's arc a lot better. We could have seen Squilf actually not trusting him. We could get Hawkfrost's good traits-- making for a TRULY tragic death at the lake.
I really would have liked something to make us care more about Hawkfrost, make us not want to believe that he's actually pure evil and just interpreting the code in a way that fits him.
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troutfur · 2 years
Tigerkin Riverclan with Fire as Goldenflower's son: Would this Goldenflower go with the clans on the journey to the Lakes or stay behind?
I don't see why she'd stay. Much as her reputation outside RiverClan has been dragged through the mud, inside I see her being rightfully seen as one of Tigerstar's fiercest opponents. Plus, she still wants to be with her kits, Bramble, Tawny, Storm, Hawk, and Moth. And I can see her seeing the journey as a way to pay her respects for Feathertail as well. This is all true for the regular version of RiverClan tigerkin AU. With the addition of Fire as her son I see her having even more motivation to make the trek for his sake.
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troutfur · 2 years
In Tigerkin Riverclan AU, would Twany still name her son Tigerkit?
Also would Ashfur still go full batshit in this AU, or new? Cause I kinda like sane Ash.
(Sorry about the yelling, that one particular retcon really gets to me. I'll never shut up about it.)
I'm leaning towards no but perhaps he could still have a possessive/jealous streak in him, as a nod to his personality in canon. So a little close to Bonefall's petty Ashfur even if I'm not taking him down the exact same direction.
(Not that we'd really get to see much once I actually wrote something for the RiverClan Tigerkin AU considering the focus is, you know, the Tigerkin.)
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troutfur · 2 years
I would do it before Swiftpaw dies, having Goldenflower and her younger kits leave. Maybe have her try to convince Swiftpaw to come too, but he Stays, maybe denouncing her as a Traitor, too? Idk. Something about Swift pulling a move like Longtail does to Tigerstar seems sweet. Maybe have him tell her he'll prove to Thunderclan that he's different, he better than her and his dad. (If you go by Tigerstar is his dad theory) I think Fireheart could bully the surviving elders into helping him give Swift a warriors funeral. Maybe have Fire beg Starclan to accept Swift as a full warrior, just flat out pleading and when he gains his lives Swiftlight gives him a life. Also, it could give you a scene during the escape of Misty, Feather, and Storm where Goldenflower asks Firestar about Swift, and Fire let's his warrior name slip.
Or...Swift could survive the dog attack, (and this is going on the theory that Swiftpaw is Tigerkin) and the other clans think he's dead, but Cloud has pushed both bright and Swift on and all three cats sort of become under Longtail's mentorship. But during this time, Goldenflower has found out there's rabid dogs that her mate sent into her clans home, that she still has kin in, her brother's kits, are in danger, and she knows Fire is doing his best, but I can see Goldenflower sneaking out and go spy on thunderclan, and the night she gets there, is the one where they bring Swift and bright back from the attack. They're still alive, and Cinder saves them both. But Goldenflower leaves before she hears that they're going to live, so she walks back to Riverclan, utterly heartbroken. How can she tell her kits their big brother is dead? Dead because of his father...
And then that disastrous gathering happens, and Firestar announcement happens but..he also adds "Thunderclan has 2 new warriors tonight. Brightheart, and Swifthawk! And Goldenflower gets to see her boy, her oldest son, and she sees the damage Tigerstar has done to him, and it makes her angry.
This ask was... a lot and I've laready shared pretty much all of my Swiftpaw-related thoughts on the last ask. BUT I have to say I love the thought in this one that he could survive and be hailed as a warrior at a gathering and it would fuel Goldenflower's seething rage towards Tigerstar. That's one AU change I'll keep in consideration.
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troutfur · 2 years
Riverclan Tigerkin AU: You could make Ashfur the chosen cat for Thunderclan, and have Fern be his Stormfur. And Either of them can be the Tribe's silver cat, too. Hell you could have Ashfur become Ashstar if Reed and Misty stay in Riverclan. But if you do move Misty and Reed to Thunderclan, perhaps the chosen cats for TNP can be Ashfur with Reedpaw being his Squirrelflight, Smokepaw from Shadowclan, ect...although since Crooked picks Feather because she is his granddaughter I expect that it'll be the same here. So will Bramble, Twany, and Storm follow? Also, how would Feather and Storm feel if Misty left for Thunderclan, taking Reedkit with her? (I don't blame Misty, tbh)
I'm not too keen on having Ferncloud leaving considering she's a mother and I do think being single and childless are important qualifications for being chosen for this prophecy. Afterall, a single and childless young adult has a lot less commitments tying them to the Clan which they could potentially put in jeopardy following after these weird prophetic dreams while still being fully trained and competent. Same reason I wouldn't go for Smokepaw.
However, the thought of Reedpaw following along and getting to meet with his RiverClan relatives is interesting. I'll jot that down as a strong maybe.
And on that note, I feel like Misty would be a little less guilty about leaving for ThunderClan if she knew there was someone to take care of Feather and Storm, which I imagine is a role Goldenflower would take. And while it'd be a sad goodbye, I think they can understand her not feeling safe with RiverClan. To an extent it's a sentiment they share, too.
I feel like Feather should only get one tag-along, in which case Stormfur may win out. But I think there could be a back and forth between Storm, Bramble, and Tawny on who gets to be the tag-along. I do imagine their family unit as fiercely protective of each other as a response to what happened with TigerClan so I see all of them having a stake in this.
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troutfur · 2 years
Goldenflower AU where she is the mom of Fire (her firstborn, Around Grey/Sand/Raven/Dust/Ect) where he becomes Firestar and She fights God because why Starclan, why would you put her baby through that? And she's the one who kills Tigerstar, because he killed her second born, has attempted to kill her firstborn multiple times, and has traumatized Bramblekit, Twanykit, and Lynxpaw. (Letting Lynxkit, Swiftpaw's sister live.) Although I think Goldenflower would be very proud that Firekit is chosen as Bluestar's apprentice. (Because I think Frostfur was her last one, so going by that it should have been one of Frostfur's as her next one's or Sandkit since Redtail is her deputy.) But instead it's Goldenflower's boy! And she doesn't realize it's because of a prophecy. That it's not because of her precious son's merit, but because it's Starclan's will.
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troutfur · 2 years
Sandstar, Riverclan Tigerkin and Fire Goldenkin
Goldenflower returns to her kits that night, and Bramblepaw is the first to beg of stories about Swiftpaw. Goldenflower isn't surprised-Swiftpaw has always been Bramblepaw's favorite, where Twanypaw's always begged for stories about Fireflower...her daughter would be pleased to hear about Fire's new name...but both kits would be devastated about Swiftpaws death, and of their cousin's, Brightlight's injuries. Claws sinking into the ground, Goldenflower wished she'd dragged her older sons with her when she came to river clan. She shook her head, and sighed as she headed into the warriors den, slightly grateful that everyone was asleep. Curling up beside Dawncloud, she closed her eyes. She knew tomorrow, after Misty, Feather, Storm, escapes, there'd be no peace, but she'd be able to inform her kits about their family.
(If you do decide to write something in Samdstar au I'm really looking forward to it!!)
I love inspiring you guys, I love when you leave full fledged fics like this in my inbox.
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troutfur · 2 years
Sandstar: *jumps onto highrock.* "Let All cats old enough to cat there own prey gather beneath Highrock for a clan meeting!" She watched as Lostface with the help of her younger brothers, Cloudpaw, Ashpaw, and longtime friend Firepaw, was led into the clearing, both of the older apprentices sat in front of the High Rock, and Sandstar nodded at them. "I, Sandstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." "Firepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Firepaw: "I do."
Sandstar: "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Firepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Fireflower. StarClan honors your spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan."
"Lostface, I have gathered the Clan to witness the giving of your new name. I'm sorry you have suffered so much. The whole Clan knows how brave you've been. Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what they are. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on they will be known as Brightheart for their brave spirit and the light that shines on within her."
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troutfur · 2 years
Riverclan: *stare at Reedkit.*
Mistyfoot: "What?"
Goldenflower: "Y'all got something to say?"
Reedkit: "I've got fire feetsies! Look, Bramblepaw!"
Bramblepaw: "My big brother Fireflower has fire footsies too. He used to play this game with us in the nursery, with his tail--remeber Twany?"
Reverclan: *eyes Misty.*
Mistyfoot: "Leave my cheeto footed baby alone."
Goldenflower: "Leave my grandbaby alone."
Leopardstar: "His name is definitely going to be Reedfire."
Pfffffft. Misty you chose perhaps the worst mate if your goal was to be stealthy about this.
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troutfur · 2 years
Trout, I had the saddest dream. Riverclan Tigerkin with Sandstar during the bloodclan battle and Goldenflower found Bone towering over Fireflower and she yowled "Not him, not today Starclan! You can't have him!" And she killed Bone. Just gutted him, while Bramble and Twany dragged Fireflower to Mudclaw. After the battle she made Fire stay a moon and a half in Riverclan until she was sure he could walk without a limp on his own back to Thunderclan. And he also honoured sired Misty's second litter of kits, which gave Reedwhisker Cheeto paws...which was soo cute, that I might hc Riverclan Tigerkin Reedwhisker having cheeto paws.
D'aaaaaw. This is so heartwarming. RiverClan sure owes Fireflower and ThunderClan a big one and it's a really sweet way to repay them.
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troutfur · 2 years
Tigerkin Riverclan Sandstar Au
Twanypelt: "These are Dawnkit, Goldenkit, and Firekit."
Fireflower: *big, dripping tears coming from his eyes.* "Oh, Twany--"
Twanypelt: "Fern told us all how you wanted to name Spiderpaw Swiftkit, and how Leafkit was nearly named Mothkot, and don't even get me on poor Whitekit and how you nearly named her Twanykit!"
(Fern/Fire/Bright polycue get all their cannon kittens. And they all live. Ash may trade over to replace Goldenheart too. )
I love the thought Fire would be so sentimental as to want to name basically every kit after a family member.
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troutfur · 2 years
Fireflower and Ferncloud is so cute together, oh my gosh. Please, trout give us insight on this family.
I just think they're neat. :3
I love the idea that one of Goldenflower's boys would take after her in being a nurturing parent. I usually reserve that for Brambleclaw because I have some very elaborate thoughts about how there is room for some very interesting stuff in a Brambleclaw->Lionblaze->Fernsong lineage of nursery dads and how they'd all approach the unconventional gender roles there implied differently.
But if we're making Fire into Golden's son he can fit the bill as well. And I like the thought of Fireflower and Ferncloud being like: "I'll stay with the kits, you go back to warrior duties." "No, I will say with the kits, you go back to warrior duties." "No need, no need, I will stay with the kits, you go back to warrior duties." and so on back and forth.
Plus, if he's younger and closer to her in age why not? It at the very least removes the weirdness surrounding her getting together with her brother's mentor. So yeah.
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troutfur · 2 years
Thoughts on Sandstar tigerkin AU? How do you think Fireflower would fair? Who do you think he'd be mates with?
I like to think in this version of events it's with Dustpelt not Graystripe that she does the rescue mission. Also Graystripe trying desperately to convince these two that Tigerclaw is up to something. Afterall, there's something fishy about Ravenpaw's sudden disappearance. From there the plot mostly moves as normal, with Graystripe's misadventures being its own thing. Though thankfully he isn't pulling Brackenfur down along with him.
I think he'd have a pretty normal life at least until the moment his mother decides to leave. He supports her, 100%, but it still shakes some of that traitor stigma onto him and Swift. The two brothers would also have contrasting reactions. While Fire I think would be likely to suggest they leave alongside her, Swift would want him and Fire to stay and prove to everyone their worth.
Fireflower and Ferncloud sounds cute! I like to think they'd bicker about who gets to be the nursery guy. Fire would want to carry on in memory of his mom and Ferncloud just really would want kits.
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troutfur · 2 years
Riverclan Tigerkin with Sandstar.
Fireflower meeting his mom at the Thunderclan side of the river, tears in his eyes and he breaks down. "I'M Sorry, mom, I should've stopped him."
Goldenflower just shaking her head, and wrapping herself around her surviving son, loving on him. "Stay safe Fire. Go with Greystripe, Sandstar, and Misty." Abd then she has to watch them go x_x.
You break my poor little heart. 💔
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