clansunsharp · 7 months
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finally got around to revamping one of my long time favorites
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talesfromeorzea · 19 days
FFxivWrite 2024 Day 6 Prompt Halcyon
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*warning injury and death descriptions below cut*
As the cherry petals drifted down in the warm spring morning Ruru couldn't help but let her mind drift back to when she had been so much younger. It had been another Little Ladies Day when she had been roughly twelve summers.
She had been walking the streets of the Ruby Road exchange when a young Miqo'te kit scarecly seven summers came up to her and bowed low shyly asking, "Miss may I be your Seneshal for today?"
Ruru blinked in surprise and asked, "Why me?"
The little Miqo's face turned bright pink and he squeaked, "Cause…..your really pretty and seem nice and I just wanna be there for a lady today but all the others have seneshals already and…
She gave him a sweet smile and said, "I would welcome the company then my dear Seneshal shall we?" and with that she reached her hand out to him.
He beamed at her then took her hand on his arm and began walking with her during the festivities waiting on any preceved need she might have.
Each year after that he had sought her out and repeated the ritual. It wasn't until many years later she had learned that the Miqo'te's name was U'taln and the reason he was usually alone on Little Ladies Day was because the majority of his sisters and mother had died in a sickness that had swept through the U tribe in the forgotten springs. She had also learned how shy his was and that she was as far as anyone knew his only friend. After learning that she began to spend as much time with him as she could and he slowly grew to be more than a simple friend.
As she walked her mind played through all of those happy times both during the festivals and others. All of the wonder and excitement they had shared when they began as adventurers. The simple times around a campfire or in a tavern discussing where they were off to next. The nights curled together in either their bedrolls or inn rooms. Ruru halted as she walked as her mind unbidden then brought her to the end of those sweet days.
"Theres not that many Ru we have them lets go," he said rushing forward
"Wait Tal, we don't know that for certain….Tal!" she screamed as the first few arrows embeded into his body and then the hidden bandits charged forth intent on ending him.
Then her vision went red as she waded through the group hacking and slashing at everyone who came near. Rivuels of blood streaming down her armor as she slaughtered all of those who were attacking. Once her vision cleared there was a pile of bodies around her and silence that was broken by a gurgling breath. Whirling she dropped her blade and cradled Taln's head in her lap blood staining the corners of his mouth as he wheezed, "Sorry luv….I…thought that we could."
"Hush, I got ye," she said swiftly and began rummaging in her belt pouch searching desperately for a certain soul stone that she didn't use often but knew was there.
"I'm sorry Ru.." he wheezed again and then gave a gurgling cough
Finally her hand closed around it and immediately the aether swirled around her and gone was her sword, shield and armor instead were the red and white robes and a healers cane. The world suddenly around her also seemed to come alive more as her arcane senses heard the elementals all around.
Swiftly she called upon the life giving energies they gave the world and began channeling them into healing magics. But as hers spells hit him she knew, deep down she knew it wasn't enough but she had to try. She couldn't lose him. Tears pouring from her sky blue eyes she burned every bit of mana reserve she had trying to heal him of the wounds each moment knowing it wasn't going to save him. As his gurgling breaths finally stopped she let out a scream of anguish and still poured so much aether into each attempt but it was for naught.
"Ma'dam are you alright? Do you need help?" a kind voice mercifly cut into those painful memories and Ruru shook her head and saw an elderly Hyur looking at her concerned
"Aye, was lost in memories miss pay me no mind. Ye should go and find a Seneshal fer the festivities." she responded doing her best to give a warm smile.
"My dear Seneshal has gone to get us some drinks, what of you ma'dam have you a Seneshal to look after you this fine day?" the elder woman asked
Ruru gave another tight smile and said, "No, not any longer but its alright. I'll be fine please enjoy the festival and don't bother worryin bout me please."
The old woman gave her a reluctant nod and Ruru quickly moved on through the streets toward the Quicksand. She had quite enough of the Festival today. She'd check with Momodi and see if there was any work to be had far from the city if it was possible.
Work will keep me from dreamin bout the past. Its gone, its over no sense in re livin it over and over. she told herself though she knew full well she never wanted to forget those good times for they were what mattered.
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La leyenda del Rivuel: Un alma en pena que surca los ríos del Pacífico
La leyenda del Rivuel: Un alma en pena que surca los ríos, busca de pescadores para ahogarlos. ¿Qué harías si te lo encuentras? #ElRivuel #LeyendaColombiana #FolclorPacifico #AlmaEnPena #MitosYLeyendas #Colombia
El Rivuel es una figura legendaria del folclor colombiano, especialmente presente en la región del Pacífico. Se le describe como un alma en pena que vaga por los ríos durante las noches, sembrando el terror entre quienes lo ven.¿Cuál  es la apariencia de Rivuel?El Rivuel se suele manifestar como un hombre alto y delgado, de piel pálida y ojos brillantes. Viste una capa negra y lleva un sombrero…
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clansunsharp · 10 months
id like to formally apologize for being a stripes hater all these years. its a good gene actually
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clansunsharp · 7 months
i didnt intentionally give my clan leader's children all shade themed accents but it is kind of funny it worked out that way
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El rivuel! Una leyenda del Pacifico Colombia, que busca a pescadores nocturnos, para hacerlos naufragar!
Próximamente conocerás esta leyenda!!!
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clansunsharp · 7 years
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They’re laughing at baby Rivuel saying the word “fuck” straight to her mother’s face for the first time (they swear they didn’t teach her to use that kind of language but everyone knows they totally did)
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clansunsharp · 7 years
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clansunsharp · 8 years
The first time Alacrith sees Rivuel dab she ages ten years
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