#riya hits 300!
atsumiye · 3 years
congrats on 300!!
my favourite colour is purple and soulmate aus tickle my heart in a strange way i cannot describe
thank you thank you!!! <333 omg soulmate aus hold a very special place in my heart
oh oh oh oh SAKUSA KIYOOMI yup
okay so soulmate au where you have your soulmates name written on one wrist but the OTHER has your enemies name written. so like you and sakusa are both top of your class and have always competed with each other to get the top grades and omg your little snarky battles with each other is something your classmates look forward to.
and on your 20th birthday, you get the names on your wrist. sakusa is older so he got his a while ago but after that he started being nicer to you yk?? and you thought it was so weird but like you moved on. he still made some snarky remarks but now he even applauded you doing better then him on an exam?? huh????
so its finally your 20th and what do ya know, sakusa's name is printed on your wrist, and the other has a name of this person you've had a crush on for a while. so naturally, you assume sakusa is your enemy!!
well, this other person starts to talk to you more and you try to avoid sakusa as much as you can bc why would you want to actively converse with your universe given enemy....
you and this person go out a bit and its super cute and you have having such a blast and one day you guys go on a date kinda far out of town and this asshole leaves you essentially stranded, claiming everything was a joke to him and you were just a fun thing to play around with,,,, ouch </3
you are so devastated and confused and are stranded in some place you don't even know. and all of a sudden you hear a "y/n" shouted from across the road and its sakusa!!! he says he happened to be there randomly but thats when everything kinda clicks for you, sakusa kiyoomi is your soulmate. he explains how he knew about you being his soulmate name, but didnt want to push the idea on you like the sweetheart he is. you both talk for a while, you explain why you were there and about that mean person you were going out with and he just nods and tells you he is glad you are okay.
that following week, you guys are at school as an official couple and everyone in your class is like "okay yeah we saw that coming" and they are super happy for you both even though they wont say it, they will miss the fun arguments between you two the person came to school with at least 5 bruises on their face,,,,and sakusa's knuckles were a bit bruised but its nothing to worry about. and now you both are still as competitive before but you both help each other out and graduate together as the top two in the school!!
you guys always tell that story when someone asks about your relationship and people always coo about divine timing and how well things worked out.
he wont tell you but, he followed you on your date bc he was afraid this guy was bad news :((
he'll let you keep believing that it was the universe’s way of pushing you together hehehe
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alecsimon · 7 years
magswoods replied to your post: askdfnoadkfansdok i just hit 300 followers thank u...
thank you des!! ❤️
willjtudor replied to your post: askdfnoadkfansdok i just hit 300 followers thank u...
congrats !!!! love u <3333
thank u!! i love you more riya 💕
magnusalecss replied to your post: askdfnoadkfansdok i just hit 300 followers thank u...
congrats elle!!! you deserve them all <‘33333333
thank you sandra ur the best!! 💙
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gossipent · 4 years
Pavitra Bhagya 13th August 2020 Written Update: Reyansh Ruins Pranati’s Plan To Tell The Truth To Riya
Pavitra Bhagya 13th August 2020 Written Update: Reyansh Ruins Pranati’s Plan To Tell The Truth To Riya
Pavitra Bhagya 13th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on Gossipent.com
Pranati cheerfully hits the dance floor with her girl. Dadi takes a gander at them distinctly. Pranati embraces Jugnu who gazes at her. Pranati apologizes to her. We should move. Jugnu begins moving once more. Maan murmurs something in Pranati’s ears and she rushes outside.
Archit discloses to Reyansh that his…
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atsumiye · 3 years
hi riya!! congrats on 300!! is your event still open? you said you’d close it tomorrow, idk your timezone, but in mine the day’s still not over! do ignore this if it’s closed tho!
anyways, my fav color is prob green and i really like the fake dating trope, the angst when they do all the cutesy stuff couples do but they think the other is just pretending so they’re dying on the inside <33 ty in advance btw!
hi!! yup you got it in just in time :-) i should have clarified the time but its not closed just yet!! thank you<33
im getting very much miya osamu.
atsumu just got a girlfriend and he wont shut up about it. no atsumu, he doesn't care that your girlfriend bought you matching shoes. no he doesn't care that your girlfriend got a new dog. and no he definitely doesn't want to go on a blind date with atsumu's girlfriends best friends cousin??? so he comes to the conclusion. osamu needs a girlfriend.
as he is walking to his favorite coffee shop around the corner he doesn't know how he will find a girl willing to pretend to date for a bit just so his brother will leave him alone. and as he gets into the coffee shop, he notices one girl behind the counter and another man blocking the path to the register. and things don't seem to be going well.
"i said i have a boyfriend, hes coming now and he wont appreciate the fact that you wont leave me alone."
"i dont see him"
DING!! osamu has an idea, granted probably not a great one but its an idea.
"hey babe, you alright?" and as you play along with osamu's charade, he finally gets the man to leave you alone. as you thank him and offer to give him a coffee on the house, osamu proposes a different idea. you both pretend to date. you get all the weird high schoolers to leave you alone and he gets his brother off his back. and you know osamu from school. he isn't a creep, so you agree.
osamu introduces you to atsumu, you guys go on a bunch of dates. he holds your hand, kisses your forehead when he drops you off and even brings you lunch to work everyday. and its so nice to have someone care for you in that way but you cant help but remind yourself that these past few months have all been fake. even more so when you realize you really like him and it breaks your heart. so you decide its time to call of the charade before you get hurt even more.
so you do. and osamu is confused. but its just fake right? its not like he cooked you lunch, walked you home at night, hung out with you on weekends out of like love or anything right??
but the next few days are miserable. those weird high schoolers came back again and constantly bother you. and osamu realizes, without you he has nothing to do anymore. what hurt the most was when he cooked you a little bento and started walking to the cafe only to remember <///3
its been a week, and tonight is the day you get off really late at night. and osamu is nervously waiting for you outside and offers to walk you home. its awkward, quiet and thats when he breaks the silence. he likes you. a lot. and you explain how you like him as well but broke it off to spare your own feelings.
he understands but asks to start over again. this time for real.
those high schoolers never bothered you again. not when osamu is around 24/7.
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atsumiye · 3 years
congrats on 300! it only goes up from here!
can i put in for pink (pastel/light, if that matters) and fake dating? there’s something about that trope that makes me want to 🥴
thank you thank you bby!! fake dating is so wonderful pls
okay say it with me now, KUROO TETSURO!!!!!
pls buisnessman kuroo is super busy 24/7, signing paper work, going to meetings, planning sponsors. he literally doesnt have time for ANYTHING else.
and he tells his grandma this every single week but she doesnt get it <//3 "youre getting old tetsu", "dont you want kids?", "i can set you up with someone?"
no no no no kuroo does not want his grandma to set him up with that weird neighbor from down the street never. so as he sulks his way down the corridor to his office, you greet him with an excited good morning on the way to your office.
your office is right next to his, and he really enjoys it! you always laugh at his jokes, always offer to bring him lunch from that yummy sandwhich shop two streets down (you always remember his order too) and always make sure he has a coffee on his desk when you leave for the night and he is swamped with work. and thats when the little light bulb above his head shines as bright as ever and he comes up with a plan.
the first time he brings up the idea of you dating him for 2 months to get his grandma off his back you LAUGH. you thought he was joking. but when his facial expression doesn't change you realize he wasnt kidding,,, ummm
so you agree, it will also help your parents kinda ease up on the marriage question, so you make a deal. two months then you break up.
he takes you to meet his family and omg his grandma ADORES you, i mean she is already talking about your children together....and this is the first time you have met. you spend hours talking to his family and he cant help but stare in awe at how easily you got along with everyone. i mean he has always had a little crush on you but lets keep that a secret for now
the second you both leave, his family is already asking you to come back again. and the same thing happens with your family, they fall in love with how enthusiastic and happy he is!!
so you guys decide to keep the rouse going just a littleee bit longer....
except 2 months turns into 4 and 4 months turns into 6 and now you guys are going on dates that no one learns about???
and when you bring this up at first he claims its just because he enjoys spending time with you, to which you respond, "you dont need to hold my hand and kiss my forehead to enjoy spending time with me though..."
so he confesses that he likes you and you say the same. and his ears go a little red heheh.
you continue to date and that changes into moving in together, getting married, even having a few kids.
you both always joke about how the relationship started and kuroo always claims it was all apart of his plan. he already had a crush on you so why not fake date?? he says that he planned for things to end up like this from the beginning when he asked you.
sure kuroo....sure. if you say so.
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atsumiye · 3 years
for the game thingy, if it's still open, I'd like to join :D
my fav colour is sage green and I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers (like mafia au IYKYK)
take your time with this and know that you are loved !! stay safe stay healthy and I'll be here if u need me muah <3
I wish i could scream on a rooftop about how much this goes with IWAIZUMI HAJIME afsdghksa
100% mafia au, there is no other option. he is the leader of his own mafia and you of yours yk the vibes. and you two have had this rivalry type thing going on for as long as you can remember. about who can do better, who has a higher kill count, who makes the most money. and you both have threatened to kill each other more times that you can count. you even have a running gag of who will kill the other first.
anytime you meet each other, it ends in a physical fight. he has a scar on his left bicep from a gala last year. you have a still healing gash on your right calf from that one cafe where you accidentally met up. the small cut on his chin from your nails scratching at him, the slice on your left hand from when you almost missed his swinging knife.
now, things change when your groups are targeted by an outsider and it turns in to chaos. on both sides, your men are being killed, threatened, etc. whatever it takes to lessen the amount of people and backup you have. this all reaches its peak when you are fighting with some really skilled men sent to attack you. you are hurt and are trying really hard to fend off all these men but its getting difficult. you think maybe its time to give up and give in, just so you can rest.
but oh no no, hajime would never let anything happen to you, cause you both hate each other but like hes a decent human being?? there are definitely no feelings involved no matter how high tensions get right??
he swoops in and fights off all the gross men who were trying to hurt you and made sure to give them three times the amount of pain they gave to you. bc you may be rivals but no one is allowed to fight with you except him its even a rule within his own mafia, you are off limits
and after everything is taken care of, he comes to help and you're like, "looks like ya cant live without me hajime, hmm?" he rolls his eyes and threatens to give you a matching scar on your chin.
you both realize that working the same areas could be done more effectively with more man power, so you decide to work together while still keeping some sort of independence in your respective mafias.
and lets just say all that tension leads to a little more than a fun rivalry ;))
and you both still threaten each other, you've both gained a few more scars,,, but now you get to go home every night to your big scary cuddly mafia boss :p
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atsumiye · 3 years
Hello, first of all, congrats on 300 followers ♡
I saw your event and I wanted to participate, so my favorite color is mint green, and pink (more like rose gold or bb pink), and my fav tropes are enemies to lovers or childhood friends to lovers.
Hope you have a lovely day 🥰
hiii thank you so so much <333
eeeeee ITS AKAASHI KEIJI everyone’s dream man
okay for sure for sure you were both childhood friends, so as kids you loved to draw and akaashi would make up fun stories to go with your drawings. you guys would make these mini books on little pieces of paper in a little tree house in his backyard and give them to your parents and everyone was just so excited you guys created something no matter how nonsensical the story line was
and like you both for sure had such big crushes on each other as children and that never really changed as you got older. once in high school, you both had different aspirations, yours was to be an artist and akaashi wanted to be a writer. so your classes were very separated and you didn't spend much time together but you would always meet at the little tree house to recap whats been happening in the past few weeks every so often.
graduation day comes and you guys got into the same college!! you are both excited to be able to see each other more and your parents are happy you wont be alone. you guys decide that at night you'll meet at the tree house to talk. its 2 am, the stars are so pretty and shining, adrenaline is running and you guys climb into this little tree house and start talking. laying down to look at the stars akaashi asks you a question and you turn your head but come face to face with each other. you're both so nervous but he leans forward and kisses you and asdkjsj the fireworks you both felt AHHH
you finally get together, and it stays that way all through out college. he finally proposes on your college graduation day in front of the tree house you both spent so many days in together <//3
he became a writer and you worked as an artist, both signed to the same children's book agency and for your first project together, you revamped the first ever book you both made as kids and published it.
one of the main changes you made to the book was the main characters first name,,, its now your daughters name :-)
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atsumiye · 3 years
hi riya dear! minty from @miss-minty-writes here! first time interacting and i love your theme, it’s so cute with all the fishies and the colors are adorable!
congratulations on 300 followers and i’d love to participate in your event! my favorite trope is childhood friends to lovers (i’m a sucker for it) and my color’s pastel green!
also we’re in the same timezone! take care and stay safe, i love your works <3
hi minty!! thank you so so much, it means a lot to me, i love your works as well so its so sweet to hear you say that adgfsjh <33 also rocking the same timezone, i like it :p i hope you take care and stay safe as well!!
ps. im glad you're interacting with me bc ive been meaning to but im so so awkward heheh
the only man for this is kita shinsuke yup.
you both have been around each other since you were small babies. you grew up two houses down from each other and he used to always come knocking on your door after he finished his chores and homework to ask if you would like to come play with him. or sometimes you would go over and help his grandma make dinner so your families could eat together. he always makes sure his grandma put extra of your favorite foods on your plate
and you guys used to go on yearly summer trips to the same little flower fields about 2 hours from where you lived. you used to run around together, holding hands and picking the prettiest flowers to give to each other <//3
and while you both liked each other, he was very focused on academics and volleyball so you never wanted to intrude on that and let things go at his pace.
your families go on the flower field trip every year and one year, a few months after your 18th birthday, kita asks you out and after you say yes he picks out the prettiest flower there is, and its a new one. you guys have never seen it there before. its perfectly bloomed, the petals are all intact,,,,its beautiful. and kita says it reminds him of you.
now each year that you come back to the same field, you pick out the flowers, press them and make a collage from them and add a photo you took that day!! like this but with a photo in the middle ahhhhh.
after years of repeating this, you've amassed a large collection of frames that you've placed around your room. but you have a great idea for it once you both buy your first home together!!
once you both finally move in together, you hang all the frames up on one wall in your home, the photo with kita on one knee placing a ring on your finger is in the center of it all.
you guys both continue this tradition every summer with your own family and the photo in the center of your wall changes to the first time you brought your baby daughter to your favorite place in the world.
and kita hopes the collage of frames on the wall only grows bigger.
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atsumiye · 3 years
hey!! :) i just found your page and your stuff is so fun! i was wondering if your 300 followers event is still open? if so, my fave color is yellow and my favorite trope is a very weirdly specific one but I swear nothing will ever get me like those cinderella story type fics where people get to know each other really well online or from a groupchat or something but they meet in a dif situation in real life and they don't realize they already know each other and have to slowly figure it out haha
hii! yup, it is still open :-) thank you so much!! this is so oddly specific and I LOVE IT. the very specific trope is adorable and i love that that was the first trope you thought of XD
KENMA KOZUME!!! there is no other correct answer.
kuroo recently broke his phone and when giving kenma his new number, he wrote it down wrong (im sorry you must know how much i love the idea of giving the wrong number...)
kenma decides to send a few texts to kuroo later that day, "are u logging on?", "hurry tf up", and lastly a funny/ horrifying meme that will most likely never leave the depths of your brain. pls after your response of another separate horrifying meme, you explain how kenma has the wrong number heeheh
this leads to a conversation about the game he was waiting for kuroo to log on to and you play it too!! so he invites you join him and also declines the call from an unknown number that he thinks is kuroo,,,,payback
you both talk for months, only knowing each other by usernames and such. never sharing your names, bc neither of you really thought about it to be honest. however, you and kenma both let each other know that due to school starting soon you wont be as free as over the summer time :-(((
you officially move into your college dorm and after moving all your stuff in your roommate tells you that they heard about a small party for all the incoming freshman, so you both decide to go!!
except, they leave you alone 15 minutes in??? so you end up with a cup in your hand on a nearby couch, next to a guy. so you try to start a conversation with him and turns out you both play the same games. discussing some game techniques, you both think the other sounds familiar. what a small world. but it ends there....for that night bc you somehow run into each other in the cafeteria, the book shop, library, and even at the small game store about a two streets away from your university. and you both keep thinking its just one big coincidence.
until you see him in your class the next week. and as the teacher drones on about making an account for this website, your eyes drift to his computer while he makes an account. and as you read the username, you think it sounds very familiar. and as you make your account, he seems to think the same thing.
wait a second, same games? same username? the familiarity of it all?this is either one weird coincidence or.......??? and you know in the movies where a little light bulb pops up and you both snap your heads towards each other? yeah that's how it all clicks. you both realize, you've literally been playing together and texting each other when you were in the same vicinity PLS.
while it kinda takes a minute for you both to register exactly what is going on, you both decide to get lunch and figure it all out. through laughs of counting how many times you interacted and didn't know he explains how he would love to get to know you better and of course you accept.
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atsumiye · 3 years
hey hey!! i’m pretty sure this is my first time interacting w you and we’re moots 😩BUT i’m here to say HAPPY 300 my friend!!!! you deserve all that and much more. i absolutely love your works (um, wrong number hooked me but now i’m here to stay) and i can’t wait to read more from ya!
for your event, if i may, my fav color is periwinkle or baby yellow and one of my fav tropes is enemies to lovers!!
again, happy 300 babes! you deserve it :)
hiiii!! im so glad we finally got to interact though, so hopefully there is many more heheh thank you <333
okay okay okay its def matsukawa issei yeah. actor au!!!!!! pls
you are both actors and you've just been cast in this amazing movie. the director is so well known and you know this will help push your career to the next level. so after accepting the role, you begin to memorize the script and all that. but they failed to inform you that your coworker would be the man who made your life a living hell 3 years ago on a different set. matsukawa. the one actor you wish you could avoid for the entirety of your career and maybe also forever.
he had caused so much drama and so many issues last time that it was hard to believe anyone would want to work with him,,,,then again he did publicly blame you for all the issues that arose during filming. giving you the title of bossiest actress and leaving you struggling to find someone to hire you for 3 years.
but you cant give up this opportunity so you suck it up and choose to just do your job on set and ignore him off set.
once you both meet again, he seems different....and he promises he has matured and changed his behavior from the last time you two worked together. and when things start to take a turn for the worse you are worried he might put the blame on you again and ruin your career, yet again. but this time he takes the blame. hmmm.
the last movie you worked on together did well (besides the slander to your name bc of a certain co worker) and for a reason too. your on screen chemistry was AMAZING. it was almost hard to believe that you two weren't really together. everyone noticed that, the fans, directors, other actors.
so it was super weird when that on screen chemistry started to bleed into off screen interactions as well. and you start to realize maybe he has changed. and maybe you kinda like him. and maybe he kinda likes you too.
things start to work out better between you two during filming and even during promotional interviews when the incident from the last movie was brought up. bc matsukawa decided to explain how it was actually his fault and you had nothing to do with it. he really did mature into a better person.
after a few scheduled interviews and working to clear your name, he confesses <333 he explains how sorry he feels and how he truly likes you and hopes he can prove it to you soon.
and you accept his confession two days later during your red carpet premier when you slide your hand into his during photos.
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atsumiye · 3 years
hey!! i’d like to participate in the 300 followers event, so my favorite color is blue and my favorite trope is friends to lovers!
congratulations for reaching 300 🧡
hi!! thank you <33
oh oh oh DAICHI......
you have both known each other for quite a few years and grown close due to you both working at the same summer job.
you both met 3 years ago when your boss introduced you to the rest of the workers. you had to learn a lot of the skills needed together, so you spent a lot of time together, and in turn viewed each other as good friends. you really liked him but had no idea how he felt towards you. so you kept it under wraps.
there was even a running joke with your friends were they would call you both a couple. and it became so normal that even you called yourselves a couple. your friends were tired of hearing you talk about daichi, they wanted to push you to confess. but you couldn't. not when you didnt know how he felt about you. :-((
but once classes started again, you both quit your summer jobs and you werent able to see each other that much so daichi suggested nightly calls to check up on each other. he even started sending you packages with your favorite snacks and little letters he had written for you that always ended with "take care of yourself y/n. love, daichi" . all of which you pinned up on your wall <///3 obviously this was all just to make sure the other was doing okay and well taken care of. definitely no feelings involved. nope.
you and daichi had spent every night on the phone talking about classes, friends, what you had for lunch and whatever random thoughts you had. these calls would go on for hours. and that was it. nothing ever strayed from the path.
except except excepttttt one night on your daily phone calls that had become a part of your routine daichi had mentioned how he had how he had an early morning exam and needed to get to bed early so while saying your goodbyes you also added a very loud and very clear "i love you". ummm.
trying to fix your mouths' betrayal, you attempted to stutter out a sentence, or anything really, to fix the situation you just created. but before you could he laughed and said, "oh god, finally. i love you too." heheh. daichi had explained the next day that he was clearly flirting with you!! i mean would a friend really go through all these lengths to keep in touch with you and send you packages?? and the handwritten letters too??
but now he signs off his letters with "take care of yourself y/n. i love you."
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atsumiye · 3 years
Hii!! Congratulations on hitting 300!!! I LOVE ur work sm and your writing isso beautiul! So for the event, My favourite clouris turquoise and my favourite trope is enemies to lovers. I just think there are soo many feelings associated with this trope, like being enemies and realizing you eventually do have feelings for each other, its really amazing!! Thank u!!
hiiii thank you so much!! i appreciate you reading my work:)))
hi yes mr.oikawa tooru im looking at you honey. pls he fits enemies to lovers so well in my head.
okay okay so this is set in high school but!! you are the manager and you have been since the beginning of high school. you and oikawa have never gotten along bc he has heard so much about you through his fan club, they always mention how mean you are to them, how you've even pushed one of them before and he is like "how could someone be so rude??" he just doesn't understand what you have against his fan girls and why you feel as if you are better than them...
naturally he doesnt like you, you are rude and disrespectful towards other human beings so why should he give you the same respect and decency???
you were always nice to him, but when he started to have a slight attitude towards you, you were like?? um no. and decided to act the same way towards him,,, and this has been going on for 2 and a half years.
this all comes to its peak when one of his fan girls come to him to say that you slapped her for telling oikawa about how you "acted" towards them. and he sees red.
he yells at you in front of the team and you are just shocked, i mean you never liked him but you didn't think he was this horrible?? you quit right then and there cause fuck that.
few days go by and he is walking in the hallway to deliver something to another teacher when he sees you with his fan girls. you seem annoyed to which he rolls his eyes but then he sees how aggressive his fan girls are being with you, poking your shoulder, pushing you and hes like why isnt y/n fighting back?? and then those girls pour water all over you!!! thats when he hears one of them say "look how easy it was to convince oikawa to kick you out, we warned you from the start. stay away from him" and you just stand there, shocked. he rushes over to you to offer you an extra jacket, to which you scoff and walk away from him. and he realizes how much he fucked up. bc practice isnt the same anymore.
he didnt realize how much he loved your snacks, your stupid jokes in between matches, the way you would always give him the fluffiest towel, he loved you and- oh oh no.... its right then and there as he reaches for the least fluffy towel of the bunch that oikawa tooru realizes he is in love with you </3
he tries for days to talk to you, apologize at least, but you stand your ground as you should babe and he is at a loss for what to do.
but its like the universe wants you two to make up bc on a rainy friday practice gets cancelled and you forgot your umbrella....
after a bit of arguing with him you decide its best to just go with him hmph. its awkward but he starts talking. he apologizes and tells you how dreary everything is without you at practice. and oops, here comes an accidental confession,,,,, he begs to make it up to you, so you do.
you allow him to make it up to you to show that he is truly sorry for his actions. he does everything he can and slowly you come to accept his confession.
but he does get the shittest towel for a few days as revenge >:)
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atsumiye · 3 years
CONGRATS ON 300! I love Um, wrong number? So much hehe
Gold + frenemies to lovers (not seen often but i LOVE IT) and if u dont like frenemies just friends to lovers works too!!
thank youuuu so so much, hehe i always see you in my notifs so this makes me smile <3 pls frenemies to lovers deserves so much more!! thank you for participating and i hope you like ittt
there is only one correct answer and it is a royal au with suna.
its the normal, you guys are both next in line for the throne for your respective kingdoms. for the past few months your kingdoms have been at each other throats bc of theft, damage to homes and property, etc. and each side is blaming the other.
turns out its another kingdom that wants to take over the entire area and has been trying to cause a rift between your two kingdoms. so now your families must work together to stop it.
suna had always been an asshole to you, very snarky, pokes fun at you and this caused you to hate him and you assumed the same for him. but due to the circumstances, you must both work together to save your people. and this kind of blooms a friendship-ish relationship between you two.
now, you get hurt during a fight and this is the moment suna confesses his love for you <333 this is one of my fav things ahhh he has been in love with you for a while but his way of flirting is very passive aggressive so you took it in a negative way. also with rising tensions between your two kingdoms, how could he love his rival??
he kisses you after tending to your wound and that's when you realize you care for him as well!!! this works out well in the end as your families deem it best to combine their power and kingdoms to avoid anything like this happening again.
and what better way to do this than have their children take their rightful places on the throne as king and queen hehehe
i would argue that maybe the only other correct answer would be oikawa.
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atsumiye · 3 years
congrats on 300 followers babe!! so for the event: my favorite color is yellow and my favorite trope is childhood friends with a bunch of pining bcs they're both oblivious idiots 😭😩
thank you soooo much bby!! <33
see the second you said oblivious idiots you locked in atsumu PLS this is so him
you both grew up a few houses down from each other and this has been some long-term pining yk
the first day you officially met was this really sunny day in july, you were 5 years old. and you were picking some flowers from your front yard when atsumu came over to help you move the icky bugs. and OMG the second you guys locked eyes, that was it for you both. PLSSS everyone could see the little hearts in your eyes for each other.
as you both grew up you were connected at the hip, and he was very protective over you and bc oblivious idiots you definitely viewed it as an older brother type situation. you also helped him out a lot, caring for him and he viewed it as a best friend type of situation. you both assumed that your feelings weren't reciprocated:-(
but again IDIOTS bc you two were the only ones in the whole world who couldn't see how madly in love you both were with each other.
your friends had sooo many schemes to get you two together and they never worked....ever. even going as far as getting you two to confess and you somehow both took it as a joke???
the breaking point was when you had wanted to meet with atsumu for lunch so you were waiting outside his apartment building on a main street. you had decided a few days ago it was time to move on to avoid any heartbreak </3 and thats when a nice man comes over, gets real flirty, touching your arm, laughing with you, and then he even brushes a strand of hair behind your ear and you can literally see steam come out of atsumu's ears!!
he kisses you right in front of the guy and after talking about it you both realize you missed so many signs.
but,,,, it was a really funny story for everyone to tell at your wedding two years later
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atsumiye · 3 years
Henlo, congratulations on the 300!! To many more followers and beyond.
My favourite colour is lilac/ lavender purple. Idk why but its just so pretty and calming. And my favourite trope has got to the classic best friends to lovers. Maybe because I’ve always wanted to experience that or it just so cute to see that happen. AGAIN CONGRATS ON THE 300!! Hope you have a nice day muahhh <3
hiii thank you so so much for your sweet words <33 i also want a best friends to lovers type thing to happen to me dw hehe
I say this with my whole chest, hanamaki takahiro YES YUP UH HUH
this just screams like your parents were best friends in their childhood which means you two were just bound to be friends at the very least.
i think this would be very simple and sweet yk? no drama, no major pining,,, just you both fall into life together really easy, it just kinda clicks.
i think as kids you both were glued to each other, you guys even played house together all the time and you were always married to each other MY HEART PLS </3
as you both got older people just kinda assumed you were dating? i mean takahiro always looked at you with such love in his eyes and you the same, that there wasn't really a need to ask you two if you were really dating.
he officially asked you out though your second year of high school. boy was NERVOUS. he made a whole speech, practiced it in front of matsukawa he got made fun of for years bc of that, rehearsed it in front of a mirror 50 times only to forget literally anything he wanted to say SOBS but he ended up just saying how much he likes you, how its been that way for a while, and how he will always feel that way for you.
of course you said yes, and boy were your friends so grateful for that bc now they dont have you hear your daily "omg takahiro is so hot i wish he liked me :((" talk.
and omg your parents were so excited to see their babies grow up and become a couple,,, did someone say pinterest wedding boards??
going to college you both moved in together, it made it easy to see each other when classes got busy and you both supported each other with your dreams and aspirations. he is such a big support system for you and you the same for him!!
you both fell into the domestic life really easily, making dinner together every night, inviting friends over for parties, saturday morning house cleanings, even doing the dishes became one of his most treasured moments of his day.
everything just felt so wonderful with you, so easy.
with how effortlessly you both fit into each others lives, he laughs at how nervous he was to ask you out years ago.
and he thinks about when he asked you out in high school a lot
bc he cant even begin to think about how nervous he will be when he finally pulls out that velvet box in his pocket.
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atsumiye · 3 years
woooow 300 followers sounds like a lot, congratulations!!!!! You totally deserve this and much more for the content you give us <3 Here's to much more of that, but remember to never take care of yourself and work at your own pace *cheers*
My favorite colors are black and blue and my favorite tropes are slow burn/angst and enemies to lovers (I like suffering through roller-coasters of emotions lol)
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thank you so so much sweetieee <333 i appreciate it soo much!!
so okay okay hear me out, ushijima, musician au.
you are both professional piano players. you are quite well known in the music industry for your music composition. there is a really big competition coming up so you have been practicing non stop in order to perfect the new piece your wrote, and its reallyyy difficult.
ushijima also practices at the same place and hears you song and comes to talk to you. you two are some of the best players so there has always been a lot of tension. it started from a few years ago when he accidentally left gum on your stool and it got stuck to your pants >:-( and he is so blunt and sometimes the things he says are pretty hurtful and he only tells you that you are dramatic. so its safe to say you are not and have never been on the greatest terms.
cue the somewhat normal? conversation between you two, he offers tips and tricks for a certain part of the piece that you had struggled with. even placed his hands on top of your to help you (AHHHH) and you thought maybe things were turning around. maybe, just maybe you would be willing to put the gum incident behind you.
you both spend the next few weeks working together, finally getting along and you've come to realize maybe he isnt as mean as you originally assumed. this of course leads to a cute little confession from him and you!!
the last few days before the competition, you go and get him his favorite snack, a nice cold drink, and a little bandage for the cut on his finger that you noticed. but you hear him talking to a group of other students, so you tune in.
"so have you gotten the piece yet? didn't think the bet would last this long."
"just give me until the end of the day, she will probably offer to write me one or something. then i can use it in next months competition."
he groups laughs and you are so pissed that you throw the stuff you bought him on the ground and tell them, "you will never, ever get a composition from me." and walk away. you ignore him from then on.
day of the competition, you are wearing a stunning outfit, ushijima is wearing a suit with a tie that matches your clothing (bc you planned to match two weeks ago, you even went shopping together to make sure it was a perfect color match :( ). that makes you grumble but you move on. he tries to get your attention but you pretend you dont even see him.
you perform flawlessly and ushijima is up next. he performs a piece called, "Y/N, my sunflower" his own original composition. he apologizes afterwords explaining how it was a bet at first but his feelings were real, he would have never asked you to compose something for him.
you give him the chance to make it up, and for weeks he does. he shows you he really cares about you.
and he even lets you put some gum on his seat to get even :D
omg I kinda made this really long oops
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