#riza stavros x reader
jolenes-doppelganger · 6 months
Works in Progress
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*In order of expected completion.*
Time of MY Life- Riza Stavros x Fem! Reader Request (Proposed NSFW/ ‘Spice’)- Reader is engaged to Riza through a series of plea deals between the Men in Black and Riza amidst an ongoing arms war. (I changed my mind, not a series, SORRY).
Unnamed- Lady Jessica x Fem! Fremen Bodyguard Reader Request
Unnamed- (Crazy) Rose the Hat x Fem! Reader Request (You know there’s gonna be NSFW in this)
Untitled Monica Stevens Fic- Monica Stevens x Fem! Reader - @ilovehotactresses you’re welcome.
Sweet Dreams- Selkie/Siren Jenny Lind x Fem! Circus Performer Reader - Following the troop of P. T. Barnum’s stint in Europe, Reader takes a long walk along the English coastline. How many beautiful, wild things are there?
Gentle Hands- (Part Four) Stalker Ilsa Faust x Fem! Reader (Undecided NSFW)
Innocence- (Part Two) Ilsa Faust x Fem! Metropolis Reader x Grace (maybe)
Unnamed Rose the Hat Request- Unsure, might deny this request, too specific.
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merci-bitch · 4 years
I Can Make You Love Me
Riza’s girl part ll 
Riza Stavropol x Fem!Reader
Genre: Drama, small hint of NSFW, angst
Words: 3k
Warning(s): knife mark, small hint of smut, cursing, manipulation, angst
A/N: well, I’m surprised I even finished this. This doesn’t particularly mean I’m back but I’ve been fighting my own stuff but I’m starting to come back at least haha. I haven’t read through it so sorry if there’s any misspelling or stuff. Anyways, enjoy!
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I was soaked in a pool of sweat and the heat blazing down from the sun on us through her widow didn't make the situation any better. I felt like I was in a sauna and I definitely felt tired. I could feel Riza's piercing blue eyes like the clear waters of Greece targeting me. Marking me.
"Well, how was it?" I rolled over on my side to look at her. I had two options, of an answer. One would please her very much and the other one, meh. It would piss her off.
"Terrible." I mussed sarcastically. I watched the cocky smirk on her face fade and I let out a laugh. "You little bitch!" She playfully smacked my ass. "Naughty girl, aren't you?" She bit her bottom lip and watched me carefully.
"When I want to be." I smiled. Riza leant her head down and crashed her own lips onto mine. Her teeth bitting my bottom lip for an entry to my mouth. Hesitantly, I opened my mouth and felt her tongue mix with my own. She was dominating me. When she pulled away we were both panting and she looked satisfied. "I take it back. My good girl." She pulled me close and caressed my face.
I felt content in her arms but I was still on edge. "Darling?" She loosened her grip on me and cubbed my cheek with her hand. "What's wrong?" I looked down before answering. "I-sorry, I'm just...I'm just a little worried about H."
"H?" She looked angry and kinda surprised. "We just had sex and now you're thinking of H?!" She sat up.
"R-Riza, I didn't mean-"
"Oh no, my darling. You did mean it. You most certainly did. I told you he's an asshole, Y/N. I told you he's no good." Her eyes gleamed with malicious intent and I felt scared. Scared she was going to hurt me even worse then she already did.
"You still love him, don't you?" Riza was almost on the border of yelling. "Don't you?!" She got in my face and that's when I pushed her off of me.
"No! But I still care about him and he's trying his best. He's the only person I have left who's like family to me and don't I have the right to feel anyway I want? Or do you own that too." I knew that I was playing with fire but despite the fear I had for Riza, she was so beautiful when she was mad. I couldn't help but love it. How her nose would curl, adorable.
"Yes. You do but not when we're in the middle of something ourselves! For example, finishing sex! You love me, don't you?" She started to sound desperate.
"You want me. The way you've never wanted anyone befo-"
"You know I do but I told you, I believe in chances and right now? You're about to lose yours. As soon as I said those words, Riza's face dropped. A part of me regretted what I had said. She looked hurt. Betrayed. She lied down again and turned her back towards me. "Riza...Riza, I'm sorry."
"I'm not speaking to you." She said after a few minutes. Her tone was cold and it made me feel uncomfortable. "Riza, I didn't mean to hurt you but I'm worried."
"Worried about him? Worried about that fucking traitor? He's a jerk. I told you that." She spun around and looked at me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you but I care about you, okay? I care about you more then I've cared about anyone in a while and I don't want to lose you. Her eyes turned soft.
"You won't lose me, okay? I care about you too, but I can at least have the right to know that he's alright." Riza let out a sigh. "If I tell you he's alright, will you leave the topic be?" She kissed my nose and help me tight to her. "..Yes." I breathed inwardly.
"Then he's fine. I promise." Despite the anxiety I felt, I trusted her words and slowly began to snuggle into her. "Thank you." She ran her fingers through my hair and gave my forehead a kiss. "Get some rest." I nodded my head and clutched onto her tightly. She was so warm and smelled so sweet despite all the sweat she was caked in. "I love you."
"I love you too, my precious girl."
"You bitch! This is the final straw!"
"We'll see about that."
H looked down at the ground, frowning as he'd seen you coming in and out of consciousness. "You hurt her Riza! Why would you do that? I told you that this is between you and me."
"But it's not though." She kicked the ground, showing off her tone legs through her silk dress. "Haven't you missed me, H?"
"Missed you? The thought of you repulses me. Especially now. You're lucky I haven't killed you after what you did." H said as he slowly started backing down the hallway and Riza chuckled. "Oh pretty boy, you forget that I can read you like the back of my hand." Riza pressed her body close to him and pinned him to the wall.
"Not anymore. I'm a changed person." She held his face in her hands and smiled. "Sure you are." Riza slipped one of her hands underneath his shirt, scratching the bare skin of his chest. His eyes rolled back and Riza couldn't help but smile. "And you say I don't know you."
"Riza-" He meet her eyes almost as if he was in a trace. "H." She mumbled. Their lips nearly grazed each other when H noticed her extra arm moving around him. "What are you-"
The smashed barrel of her gun hit the top of his head. H looked puzzled for a moment and Riza smiled, pushing him away from her. "How did you-" He slurred his words before dropping to the ground.
"Oh come on, H! One more dance, please!" H winced at the high pitched voice of the woman that had her arm wrapped around his waist but tolerated it. He was hammered from all the alcohol he had been drinking but who could blame him?
It was a long dat at the agency and he needed a break from it all. "Amanda, I would say yes but I'm afraid I'm spent for the night an I must get going."
"But H-"
"No Amanda. Now if you'll excuse me-" H turned around and walked straight into the chest of two alien men. "You're the agency scum that got your hands on our girl?"
The question took him off guard. Their girl? "What, I-I! Know? Come on guys that would be ridiculous." He chuckled nervously. "Wouldn't it?"
The two men in front of him didn't seem amused. The one bulkier grabbed him by his throat and pressed him against the wall. "You calling me liar?"
"No! I-I..." H felt the blood circulating through him becoming less and less. "Let him be, Dorian. He's with me. Aren't you, darling?"
H choked on his own breath and looked up at the face of savior. It was a woman, and she was beautiful. "My apologies, Riza." She let out a humming noise and pulled a blaster out of her silk dress. H got a quick glimpse of her sheer underwear and felt himself swell up with lust.
"Sure." Riza shot him and screams of panic were erupted inside the bar. H just sat there on the ground looking at her confusedly until he noticed she had extended her hand out towards him. "Shall we?"
Despite how wrong he knew it was, he took her hand and walked out the bar with her hand in hand. "What's your name handsome?"
"H. Agent H."
"Oh, an agent. Well, I'm Riza. Riza Stavros."
"Riza, it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." She hummed. They come across a tan, Moroccan style building and Riza smiled. "I would take you back to my place, but sadly. I'm on business."
"Of course." Riza grabbed the keys out of her bra and unlocked the door, kicking off her heels right as she stepped in the door. H was baffled by her. He was sure she had to be one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. "Sit, darling." Riza gestured to the couch as she rummaged through one of the cabinets of her hotel room. Pulling out a glass tumbler.
"You drink whiskey?" She looked over at H while holding up the bottle. "Yes, thank you." She poured him a glass and poured one for herself and sat down next to him on the couch and handed him his glass. H took a taste, it burned his throat at first but left a smooth aftertaste.
“So what’s an agent like yourself doing here?”
The alcohol burned in his throat but left a sweet aftertaste. He thought carefully before responding. Though he didn’t know what good it would do. It was like Riza was staring into his soul. “Looking for a good time, I suppose.”
“Good time with the wrong woman, my dear.” She caressed his cheek with the back of her thumb and smiled. “You’re such a beautiful man, aren’t you? Pretty boy.” Riza said while crawling onto his lap. H didn’t know what to do or what to say. He was shell shocked and drunk.
Riza peppered kisses on his face and down his throat and H moaned. “Lustful for me already, aren’t you?” H didn’t respond. Part of him wanted to shove the woman on top of him aside but he just, couldn’t. She was just too, goddess like. “Y-Yes.”
H woke up, rubbing the back of his head. Shaking his head. That’s when he realised, he was stuck to a bloody chair. After minutes of fighting with the ties, he got lose and stood up. H’s iconic smile back on his sweet baby face. “Never do know how to tie me up, now do you Riza.”
H slowly walked out the room, moving around slowly. Begging for that big blue teddy monster not to walk around the corner. Coast is clear. H walked down the long hallway and despite the years since he’d been here. He almost no trouble finding his way around. All those drunk nights with Riza. Her hands scratching up his chest, back. Her sweet lips on his-no. Not this time. Get Y/N and get out of here.
H was too deep in thought, missing a step. “Shit!” Covering his mouth quickly. Looking around. Surprise, no one was around. H shakes his head again and continued down the hallway and took a sharp left turn. There was a door, cracked open. Hesitantly H opened it.
“Oh god.” H said as he turned back around. There she was, Y/N. But naked. He’d never seen her naked before. H felt his cheeks grown hot, like some middle  aged school boy. Damn Riza, for getting them into this. H knew that Y/N was going to be embarrassed when she saw him. If, she ever got to see him of course,
H didn’t trust Riza as far as he’d known her. How the hell did he know that she wasn’t fake sleeping?
Hesitantly he walked over to Y/N and shook her, softly. H didn’t wanna wake her almost. So looked so peaceful when she was asleep. Y/N let out a small groan and opened her eyes. “H..? Oh my god! H!” Her arms flew around his neck. H tensed his shoulders. He didn’t know if he should hug her back or not, afraid of upsetting her. “Riza told me you were alright but I thought I’d never see you again!” Ever so carefully, H ran his hand through Y/N’s soft hair. Glancing over at Riza. “Well, she definitely isn’t awake. That’s for sure. Or I’d be dead by now.”
H couldn’t help the thoughts about Y/N. Damn Riza for making him think this way about her! “Look Y/N, we don’t have much time. We need to get out of here. Your clothes?” Y/N pointed to the end of the bed. H tossed Y/N her clothes and let her get changed. H helped Y/N our of the bed, that’s when Riza stirred. Both H and Y/N panicked. The balcony! They both walked out on it and Y/N pushed H to the side.
“Now why on earth would you do that?” Riza’s deep and raspy voice sent shivers down both H and Y/N’s spines. “Do what?” Y/N asked. Riza walked up to Y/N. “This.” She gestured to her clothed body. The moon was shining on her skin, highlighting the most seductive parts.
“It felt weird to run around naked.” Riza ran her hand up Y/N’s sides. Placing one of her hands on her breast. Kneading it softly. Starting to fumble with her jeans. “I can make it more comfortable for you if you like.” Y/N let out a soft moan and leaned her head back against Riza’s collarbones. H wanted to throw up at the sight of it. The smell of sex permeating off of Riza. This scene was getting almost too nostalgic for him. H tried his very best not to let his eyes wander with how Riza’s hand touched Y/N’s body. How her mouth would launch for her throat and leave small marks.
“Why don’t you come back inside, sweetheart. Hm? What do you say.” Riza’s voice was like honey running. “Riza, we just did it. There’s no need to do it again.” H could hear Riza scoff. “You can’t be serious. It’s sex darling. Something you could do a whole day. And I’ve got a very busy day in a few hours. I need something to calm me down.” H felt himself gag. He took a few steps back and accidentally made a plant fall. Riza snapped her head around. “Oh you’re fucking kidding me. LUCA!” Riza tied her rope around herself and grabbed Y/N’s arm and dragged her inside and once again, H found himself fighting with an old friend.
“Am I some sort of joke to you?!” Riza screamed at my face. I shaked my head. Tears burning in the back of my eyes. Riza’s cheeks burning up with anger. Riza took steps back and threw her hands on her sides and scoffed and grabbed the wine bottle on her office table. “R-Riza..?” She threw the cork across the room. “Shut up. Just fucking shut up. You humans, fucking useless.” She scoffed again and started drinking directly from the wine bottle. I sat down, pulling my knees to my chest. This could only go bad.
After 3 wine bottles, she was finally starting to get tipsy. Tipsy Riza was alright, but if it was drunk angry Riza. Run for your fucking life. Where was H when you needed him?!
“Oh drop it, H won’t come this time for you. He’d be dead before he can even spell your fucking name.” Riza held the bottle to her chest and laughed out loud. This wasn’t fun anymore. “Awh, is the little human scared? You want your mommy?” She started taking small steps towards me. Making me back away slowly, towards the stone wall. The floor cold, dirty. Filled with smashed glass. She got down on her knees and crawled towards me. Giving me a good view of her cleavage. My back was against the wall, her nose touching mine. Her eyes dark and cloudy.
“Scared little puppet? Huh? Yeah? Yes!” Her voice, getting higher and higher, and she was getting more insane. “You humans don’t understand anything. Fucking pathetic!” She got even closer. She was a living nightmare. “R-Riza...” With a shaking hand, I reached up and cupped her cheek, only for her to grab my wrist and pull me up and drag me to her desk where she grabbed a knife.
“Riza, no. Let go of it!” She held out my arm and looked at me with blinded eyes and started carving the letter ‘R’ into my skin. Screaming out in pain, pushing her away. Holding my wrist, covering it up in the paper I could find. Riza turned back around and looked at me. Seeing the tears spilling down my cheeks, the blood moving down my arm. She dropped the knife. Her own hands starting to shake. “Y-Y/N, o-oh my god.”
She reached out for me, only for me to move away. Her eyes filling with panic. “I-I don’t know what came over me. Y/N, please let me help.” I shook my head and got up. “No. I’m not letting you help me. I loved you Riza, but this, this is not the Riza I loved.” Her breath shaky. “Wait, no. Please. I can make it up to you. I can love you just as good as he can!” I shook my head. “Riza no. You can see yourself. This is never gonna work.” She shook her head and walked up to me and cubbed my cheeks.
“I can make it work. I can make you love me.”
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merci-bitch · 4 years
Riza’s Girl
Riza Stavros x Fem!Reader
Genre: drama, fluff
Words: 3k
Warning(s): swearing, fighting, Seduction
A/N: First, I wanna thank @kileyrose-2003​ for helping me so much with this. I love you and adore you. So much. This doesn’t mean I’m back, I just wanted to do this real quick. This is also for @witching-imagines​ . My request are closed but I wanted to give this to you as a thank you for writing that Kathleen fic for me! Thank you again love! Again, this doesn’t mean I’m back. Cause I’m not. I’m feeling a lot worse, and my mental health is complete shit but I wanted to do this. And I wanna thank all of you who told me to shit in what other say, it means so much. Y’all are so kind to me and I honestly don’t deserve it. Thank you, stay inside and be safe. Xx
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"Oh, hello!" I stiffened up at the sound of Riza's voice and slowly turned around. Trying to put on a brave facade despite the fear that was radiating through me.
'A woman?' Riza thought, throwing off her floral shawl to the ground. "How fucking fitting" I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "W-what do you mean?" Riza smiled at the nervousness that was show in your tone and eyed you up and down. Taking notice of how your black pants tightly hugged your hips and how the necklace you wore laid daintily on your collar bones. Riza thoughts were saying how you were the most beautiful creature she had ever laid her eyes on.
"Here I thought H worked alone...but my, was I wrong." She ran a hand through my hair, standing close enough she could breathe in the scent of your sweet smelling perfume. For the first time in a while, Riza found herself confused. She thought she'd be jealous of you but instead she found herself jealous of H. If your perfume smelled sweet she could only wonder how lovely your hair would smell and how sweet your lips would taste.
"You're quite the precious thing aren't you? Poor you." Riza's smile glinted on gleeful malice. "It's uh...been a steep learning curve" Riza chuckled and looked me deeply in the eyes. "I'm sure it has."
Riza pulled a gun and I felt myself automatically tense up. "Oh this, this is Snapnose Crossing Annihilator. Do you know what this does to pretty human flesh like yours?" I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut, feeling completely terrified. She was standing so close to me that I could feel her breath on my neck. "It boils you from the inside out"
"C-cute." There was a pause for a moment. "You're adorable, you know that right? Seriously, how the hell did H end up with you." Her eyes were watching your every move, from each breath to each blink of your eyes. Making sure she knew everything that was going on here and now. However, Riza saw the raw fear inside your eyes. The absolute terror and how your petite human body was shaking. Despite not wanting to admit it, she saw herself recognized in you. The fear.
~ "...I told you Riza! I told you those guns needed to be shipped out and put on the next ship in less then 13:00 hours!" The young woman's eyes rolled into the back of her head in frustration and tensed. "And I told you that I can't run dealing on a crew that isn't running on it's full capacity of workers. So stop bitching me? She snapped at her boss.
That much larger and broader man grabbed her shoulder, forcing her close to him. "And who the hell told you you're allowed to talk to me like that? Mind your place! You're lucky I don't blast you to the next planet."
She faked a smile and wrapped her arms around him. "So much talk for someone who takes no action. What did I tell you when I started this job?"
She could see he was melting into every part of her touch as she found a smile hinting on the corners of her lips. "You...you could handle this"
"Exactly. So let me handle what I need to handle and then you can have your share" Riza could see his eyes traveling her beautiful body and she found herself swelling with hatred. "For my sakes and yours I hope so."
He pulled away from her and Riza watched as he walked away and looked at the dark and musty place. "Some day...some day, I won't allow myself to endure such places of filth as this." ~
Riza lowered her gun and dropped it to the floor, making me jump. Her dark and cold eyes turned warm and soft. Surprising me. She started walking even closer to me, as if she wasn't already close enough. Ending up with backing me up against the cold, brick wall of her office. Such fear was written in your eyes, like a little kid after it's first nightmare. Like a kid who'd just fallen of it's bike, with a bloody knee. Or like a teenage girl who's boyfriend just broke up with her. Silent tears were making their way down my cheeks, refusing to meet Riza's eyes.
The girl in front of her was maddening and Riza never wanted anyone like this before. She wanted her more then she'd ever wanted H. She watched the way you winched as her thumb gently caressed your cheek and shushed you. "Such a pretty face. Tears don't deserve to grace them. Not yet at least, and in a different setting" Riza couldn't hold back the smirk that formed itself on her lips. She pulled the younger girls chin up, making her meet her own eyes.
Riza was taller then me, which didn't help with the feeling of being so small and the feeling of barely existing. I looked behind her, seeing the gun she had thrown to the ground and then back up to her. Her eyes were studying my face. Tracing her finger gently alongside my jawline, making me pull away slightly. "Such eyes. Such pretty little eyes." Riza took her bottom lip in between her teeth.
I took my chance and pushed Riza's shoulder back and ran towards where her gun was laying on the floor. Picking it up and holding it against her. Riza's eyes showed some sort of surprised expression. Soon enough her crackle filled the air, holding her one hand to her chest while slapping her thigh with the other. "Do you really think that would scare me? Do you even know how to use it?" I looked back and forth between her and the weapon. She was right, I didn't really know how to use it. Where was H when you needed him?! I looked behind me to see no one. "Oh no sweetie. He won't come anytime soon, but you will"
I felt the gun being taken out of my hands, and that hand pulling me close. Forcing me so close to her, I could feel her breath on me. My face leveled with her chest. Closing my eyes, praying to the gods above to let H come and save me.
Cause as a person "W-why are you like this?" Riza's lips formed into a small smirk. "Like what?" Her tone so mocking, I just wanted to slap her. "Why are you such a bitch? What did someone do to you that made you so..bitchy?" Riza laughed. "Aww sweetie. Isn't it funny how when we describe a man they are firm but when a woman is firm she is a bitch?"
I closed my eyes and tried to ignore her words. Opening them as I felt her hand stroke it's way up and down my cheek. Moving her fingers alongside my jawline, pulling my chin up. Making me look her in the eyes. Those cold, blue eyes. My eyes traveled down to her neck, the necklace she was wearing was very interesting.
"You like that necklace? I got it from a very prominent designer as a thank you for taking care of an issue he had with one of his daughters courtiers. If you were with me, you'd have a dozen of them. Anything you want, at your finger tips"
Riza said as she raised her head slowly, looking down at me. "You're so pretty. You know that right?" Riza rubbed her hands up and down my sides, squeezing my hips. "From your head all the way to your toes" Her hands lingered down to my thigh. Giving it a harsh squeeze. "I'd hate to think of the prospect of someone else touching what belongs to me.." Her voice faded to a low growl.
"Stop it!" I grunted. "Stop what." She squeezed my thigh again. "That!" Riza let out a laugh caressed my cheek. "Oh honey, I'll never stop!" I could see how much she was enjoying this and I hated it so much. "Fuck you!"
"Oh yes, I shall." I rolled my eyes at her comment. 'What an asshole' was running through my mind. "It's not so bad being with me. Ask H. I'm sure he'd agree" Riza said as she crossed her arms.
"You leave him out of this!"
"Oh honey, he's the reason you're in this in the first place."
I felt my eyes go wide, and saw how her smirk only grew. “Seriously gorgeous, where have you been all my life.” Riza trapped my against the wall, eyeing me like a piece of meat. “You’re such a pretty thing for dealing with a grueling life in the agency.”
“I-I like where I am,” I couldn’t help but stutter, trying to escape her but she really had me cornered. “Do you really though? Really, H doesn’t deserve you. I can make you happy. Happier then you could ever imagine.” She nipped the cartilage on my ear and I couldn’t help but wince. Soon enough I felt her wet tongue run it’s way up my ear, making me shiver in disgust.
“I’m happy though” I tried to push her away but Riza pushed me even further into the wall. “But you’re not.” She held my face in her hands, forcing me to look at her on almost a painful angle. “You love him..don’t you? Oh you poor thing. He’s nothing special sweetheart.”
“But you are?” Her smile was a mix of cynicism and lust. “Oh yes...in more ways then one.” Her eyes were looking into mine, she was clearly hopeful. But there was something in her tone that seemed promising. “I-I’m not sure Riza. How can I know that you’re speaking the truth?” She clicked her tongue and pouted. “Because darling, I always speak the truth.” She leant in and kissed my cheek and for the first time, I didn’t pull away. This particular thing made her dig her nails further into my hips, pulling me closer, as she started almost feeding on my jawline, leaving kisses and bites here and there. I felt my eyes falling shut and Riza’s laugh of approval.
“What the hell is this?!”
I heard Riza let out a groan of annoyance. “Oh, what the hell?” Riza grabbed my wrist tightly, sinking her nails deeply into my skin so that I couldn’t escape her. Leaving red marks that anyone could know would turn into bruises. “Back off sweetie. She’s mine now.” The growl in her voice was unavoidable as she pulled her annihilator out with her other arm, pointing it straight at H. “Riza! Please!” She shushed me and glared at H. “You let her go Riza, she’s mine”
“Yours? Oh honey. I’m afraid you didn’t get to her in time. She’s mine now. Aren’t you, Y/N?” I continued to try to get away from Riza, trying to block her other hand that was trying to cup my face.
“This doesn’t involve her. This is between the two of us. You’re manipulating her! Just give the damn crystal and I’ll go” H said with his tone clearly filled with annoyance.
“You can go but she’s not going anywhere. Tell him who you belong to, my sweet” I glanced over at H, giving him pleading and sorry eyes before looking down onto the floor. “Well, you’ve left me no other choice then.” Before I even had the chance to process his words and what he had to say, bullets came flying my way. I let out a scream, dropping to the ground. “Oh damn, you!” Riza screamed. Whether she was hurt or not I couldn’t tell but I was definitely terrified. “Go, Y/N. Now!”
“Like hell she is!” Riza picked up a vase, throwing it straight in your direction. The antique glass made direct impact with the back of your head and you felt as if your head was about to explode. “Oww! Oww! Oww!” You screeched.
“You bitch! This is the final straw!”
“We’ll see about that.”
I didn’t know long I had been out but when I woke I felt soft hands running through my hair. Irritating my thudding head. “Well hi there, sunshine! You’ve been out for quite a while.”
Riza. “Where..where’s H?”
“Oh that doesn’t matter for now. What matters is I have you, darling girl.” Her smile was bright and amorous and I wanted to smack it off her face. “I don’t find you amusing right now. My head is killing me” I said as I grabbed my head. Closing my eyes for a short moment.
“Hm. You might be saying that now but you won’t be saying it in a little while.” She maneuvered her body so she was sitting on top of me. She leant down and let her lips touch mine. “R-Riza..”
“Yes, my darling?” Her voice was low and husky p. “Stop..it” I grunted while trying to push her off down by her thighs, which only made her let out a low moan, mixed with a chuckle. I wanted nothing to do with Riza. Not until I knew what has happened to H. I didn’t care what happened, just needed to know he was alright.
“Again darling, he doesn’t matter for the moment. What matters now is me and you..You find me attractive, don’t you darling?” Riza said as she leant down again, her nose brushing against mine and her hair tickling my face. Making me squint my nose.
“I’m not speaking to you.” I said as I closed my eyes. Refusing to meet her blue ones.
“So mature. So fiery! I love it.”
Of course she did. But in a way, she seemed desperate. Desperate to get in my pants. What did she think would happen? That she would tame me? I think not. “That’s it!” I shoved Riza off of me and got up from the bed, shuddering, running a hand through my hair. “I’m leaving!” Where the hell were my shoes?! I started looking around the room for my shoes. “Leaving? You want to run away?” Riza teased, letting out a slight chuckle.
“What? Is this all some sort of joke to you?” There was was a brief pause on Riza’s part and your face turned red. “Is it?!”
For a moment I could have sworn I saw confusion in her eyes. “Y-Y/N, I didn’t mean to offend-“
“Oh but you did. You threatened to shoot me, you tried to seduce me, you hurt H, and you hurt me Riza. You say you love me but I see you for who you really are.” I found my shoes and slipped them on. “Now if you excuse me, I have to find my partner...and hopefully alive.” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding looking towards the exit of the room.
“Y/N, darling-“ Riza reaches out and touched my arms.
“DON’T touch me!” I screamed, trying to pull myself away from her but she had me cornered. Locking her bedroom door, so that way I couldn’t leave the room and rather said, leave her. “Y/N-“ She brushed the side of my face and that’s when I broke down, tears starting to flow down my cheeks.
“Y/N, my sweet. I love you”
“No, you do-“
“Yes-“ She forced me to look at her. “Yes, I do. There’s something about you that makes me feel almost magnetized to you. Please, let me make it up to you. You do think pretty, don’t you?”
“Riza, this is not about looks! Yes, you are beautiful but this about you as a person and what you did to not only me but to H.” I looked up at her, letting my arms drop to my sides. Letting out a sigh of annoyance.
“He’s an ass, Y/N. A total and utter ass. If you were in my shoes you’d understand how I’d feel. He doesn’t-“
“I know he’s an ass but he’s a good person at heart. He tries, Riza.”
“Trying doesn’t make up for what he’s down though” She said as she crossed her two front arms.
“I know. I know, but he’s learning and so am I. I thought I liked him but I like too and I’m willing to try this out but I want you to be yourself. No using seduction on me, no hurting me-“
“Y/N, you’re talking to me like I’m a gentle person. I’m not gentle nor am I sweet by any means. I don’t deserve you” Riza said as she cubbed my cheeks.
“Maybe you don’t but I’m willing to give a second chance just this once.” There was a brief silence and Riza smiled. Her smile as bright as the sun when it rose from its deep. Pulling me in for a kiss, pulling me closer as ever second went by. Wrapping her arms around me. Moaning into every kiss.
“Oh, I will not let you down Y/N. You will never regret this my sweet.” Riza said as she bit her bottom lip, leaning her head back. Walking slowly backwards, towards the bed. Curling her finger as a signal for me to follow her. She slowly sat down onto the bed, leaning back on her elbows, lifting one of her legs. Showing it bare. Bitting her bottom lip once again.
“Where are you going with this, Riza.” I said as I crossed my arms. Looking over at Riza who was lying on the bed. Riza started to pull up her dress, revealing more of her long legs and her delicate skin. “Oh honey, I think you know exactly what I’m doing. Now come here.” She curled her finger again and the closer I got to her, the bigger the smirk her lips were as grew. Riza slowly spread her legs, making room for me. I slowly crawled onto the bed. Riza falling completely back against the mattress. I crawled further up until my nose was brushing against hers. Her face was all flustered. Her lips swollen, and her eyes filled with pure lust. Her legs moved up and down my sides. Wrapping themselves around my waist, locking her ankles and pushing me down.
“You’re my sweet girl now Y/N. And I will never let you go.”
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