rogerdvies · 7 years
love your new url! sad to see you're not repping charlie though;) jk jk, this url is incredible!!
@rnldweasly. ahh tyvm nee !! i love flitwick so much tbh. i still have the charlie url to switch back to whenever i want (he’s not gone don’t worry), but, i mean, charlie has the best rep with the coolest dragon uncle ever, @chrlieweasleys. 
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meraudurs · 7 years
happy birthday!!! hope you have a lovely day!! - nee
THANK YOU!!! nee, you’re beautiful and wonderful ily
also, your name is half my nickname :”) my cousin calls me NeeNee. i don’t really know how that started, but yea omg ily
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wiledwolfstar · 7 years
ron, charlie and luna;););) (for hc thing) ily bean bro
Ily2 you big sap
RonSexuality Headcanon: Heterosexual, but biromantic/bicurious.Gender Headcanon: Cis male.A ship I have with said character: Hermione x Ron, maybe some Krum x Ron because let’s be real there’s no way he didn’t have a crush on him.A BROTP I have with said character: Harry and Ron are the ultimate bros, fight meA NOTP I have with said character: I don’t really have any, I’ve not thought about it.A random headcanon: He struggles with schoolwork because he’s dyslexic and Hermione feels so bad once she realises and helps him find ways to work around it. Plus he’s the best bro in the world and probably slept in Harry’s bed when he was having bad nightmares.General Opinion over said character: SO UNDERRATED. He’s the best and people who think otherwise can go suck a toe.
CharlieSexuality Headcanon: Asexual and aromatic.Gender Headcanon: Idk I kind of see Charlie as demiguy/nonbinary.A ship I have with said character: Charlie x his independence.A BROTP I have with said character: Charlie and Hagrid, just imagine them talking about dragons for hours??? A NOTP I have with said character: Charlie x Bill. Big no no on the weasleycest.A random headcanon: Do dragons lose baby teeth? If so I can totally see him collecting them and making them into necklaces/bracelets and wearing them all the time. He stays in Romania most of the time because he got tired of Molly asking about partners. She means well, but doesn’t understand the whole ace thing. However he totally gets gay aesthetic crushes on people around the dragon reserve, but it never develops into anything more than that.General Opinion over said character: Precious and needs protecting, except he really doesn’t because he’s a dragon tamer and could probably kick your ass. 
Luna Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual.Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary.A ship I have with said character: Luna x Ginny.A BROTP I have with said character: Luna x Harry, they respect the fuck out of each other and I love it.A NOTP I have with said character: Luna x Neville. Just let them be close friends gdi!!A random headcanon: Luna has a habit of exploring the Forbidden Forest at times. She manages to befriend the centaurs and they’re always on the sidelines watching out for her, making sure she doesn’t get lost or hurt when wandering around the forest. General Opinion over said character: Weird as heck but that’s why you love her. She makes you question your beliefs and honestly want to be a better person??
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lesbiansirius · 7 years
for the character hc ask thingy: tonks, luna and i can't decide between harry or ginny so ur call unless u do both which would be cool
sexuality: pansexual (punsexual)
gender: genderfluid
a ship: fleur/tonks!! 
a friend-ship: i feel like im repeating myself but i like tonks and sirius being friends. fam outcasts unite and all that jazz
a notp: probably smth i havent even thought of tbh
random headcanon: really passionate abt saving the bees
general opinion: seems like the last person to become a wizard cop to me tbh but i guess when that’s the only organised fightback available, apart from the order, that’s where people end up. anyway tonks is amazing and deserved better than to have her arc centered on a man and then having a baby
sexuality: lesbian
gender: nonbinary
a ship: luna/ginny is my fave
a friend-ship: luna n harry are super cute in the movies but in the books harry is a bit of a dick sometimes, SO im gonna go w luna and ginny here too tbh
a notp: i dont see anything i wildly dislike around much but i dont rly enjoy neville/luna. or that random guy jkr married her off to? like why? 
random headcanon: is brilliant at inventing spells and potions
general opinion: my autistic fave whom i love and adore!!!!!!!! underappreciated!!!!
sexuality: bi is a classic hc for a reason
gender: revolution
a ship: the harry ship im most interested in is drarry tbh
a friend-ship: this is gonna be boring but the golden trio are so good and i love them
a notp: SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM but i think maybe the ones i loathe most are harry/voldy and sn/arry.
random headcanon: would sneak into concerts with the invisibility cloak
general opinion: tagged/i love my son
sexuality: im torn bc i love butch quidditch lesbian ginny but i also love bi badass ginny???? 
gender: witch
a ship: see above :)
a friend-ship: i rly like when ginny and harry start to become friends
a notp: idk ? 
random headcanon: crochets tiny animals and monsters for her friends and enchants them to say and do whatever that person needs
general opinion: i wish there’d been more ginny in canon, she’s so interesting and deserves a lot more focus! anyway i love her lots
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stardoused · 7 years
I got tagged once again and yall know how much I love oversharing so...
Rules: always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people
tagged by @noah-ftm Thank you so much for tagging me!
1) Where would you like to travel to? Everywhere to be honest I have’t seen enough yet. I rly wanna visit South America and basically all of Asia? But also every other country of the world tbh
2) What do you want to reach in life? I wanna reach ppl and touch them wioth the stories I tell. I want to travel the world and talk about the injustice I see and I want to come back to Germany and educate the ppl, showing them how important it is to change something. I wanna change the world.
3) What are you listening to rn? Sowing Season by Brand New
4) Do you have a nickname? A lot actually. I tell ppl to call me Liz but most people actually call me Elli (or even Eli) which I hate but oh well. My little brother often calls me “E”
5) How would you describe your aesthetic? The aesthetic I adore most is blue/grey, stormy sea and poems which touch you in a weird way but my actual aesthetic is a huge mess, a lot of books and, luckily, still kind of poems. Also horses and cats. I dunno how they fit in there but they have to.
6) Do you have/want piercings and tattoos? I have my earlobes pierced and I rly want more piercings but it is rly difficult bc I am allergic to pretty much everything and also I am so fucking scared of needles.
7) Do you believe in miracles? Not rly but I wish I could
8) Fav tv show? I rly can’t answer this bc this changes pretty regulary but some of my all time faves are Agent Carter, Political Animals and OITNB
9) Have you ever hated someone that now means a lot to you? I don’t think so, no.
10) Fav book as a child? In my early childhood “Das Samtkaninchen/ The Velveteen Rabbit” and later “Tintenherz/ Inkheart” I still love both books so much
11) Do you believe in ghosts? Not rly. My Questions: 1) What is one of your favourite presents you’ve ever received? 2) What is/used to be your favourite subject in school? 3) Is there any quote that inspires you? Why? 4) What is the most important part of a song? The lyrics? The melody? The rhythm? 5) Is there any childhood dream you had to give up? 6) Do you have siblings? How is your relationship with them? 7) Are you afraid of any animals? 8) Do you wanna move to another city/country? If yes, which? 9) Do you believe art can change the world? 10) The first fictional character you fell in love with? 11) Are you afraid of death? I tag: @gaylaxie @reason-in-madness @rozsierdzona @rnldweasly @imshalida @sizzlinhotleo @starinorbit @a-pockethobbit @hummingfool @theevilgood @verkomy but pls don’t feel forced to this these question may be a bit personal! Also pls if you see this and wanna do it but I didn’t tag you just go with it I tag you! I am rly curious what your answers may be
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call-me-za · 7 years
11 Questions
Tagged by the lovely @rnldweasly
rules: Always post the rules. Answer the 11 Questions given to you, ask 11 Questions of your own and tag 11 people.
1. Do you believe in ghosts? No, but I do believe in jinns and angels. 2. What three words would you use to describe your personality? Strange, buried and growth 3. If you could speak another language fluently, what language would you choose? Arabic 4. If you could direct/be in charge of any movie remake, what would you choose and what changes would you make? I don’t know. I know that there’s a few movies I’d like to improve on, but now that I’ve been asked about it they’ve all left my mind. 5. What sport do you most enjoy watching/doing? Recently I’ve taken a liking to archery. Just got hold of a beginning compound for myself. 6. Do you believe in fate or coincidence? I believe in both. 7. Do you have a nickname? What are they? I have a few, but most would give my name away so I’m skipping those. There’s Za (No kidding?), I’ve been called Ra (random I know) and sometimes my dad calls me little lion. (My patronus turned out to be a lioness, so props to my dad on that one.) 8. Do you have any book recommendations? So many good books! For starters I’ll go with Accross The Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn / Gillian Rubinstein 9. Do you think i am cool? How would you rate my coolness on a scale of 1-10? How would you rate your own coolness? Cool is an understatement. You’re a 17/10. I however, in all honesty, cannot be described as ‘cool.’ 3/10 I’m not putting myself down, I’m just being truthful. 10. Who is your favourite historical figure? I don’t have a favourite, and I really can’t choose. 11. What is one food you hate which is considered popular by other people? I’m not a fan of sea food. Also, onion is not a food but my mum puts it in everything and I’d rather not have to eat onion.
Questions for the tagged: 1.) What colour is your toothbrush? 2.) What’s your favourite animated movie? 3.) What’s your current favourite song? 4.) Cupcakes or muffins? 5.) What are you wearing when answering this? 6.) What was the last thing you ate? 7.) What’s your ideal birthday present? 8.) Dark chocolate? 9.) As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 10.) Lime or strawberry milkshake? 11.) Do you believe that aliens exist?
I’m tagging anybody in the @introvert-club group who wants to do it. Specifically, @cats-tea-and-poetry and @bookners
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ghostducky · 7 years
@rnldweasly tagged me to do this thing so I suppose why not. 
Rules: always put the rules, answer the questions given to you, write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people. 
Q’s for me:
1. Do you believe in ghosts?  ...I mean... like... I just... I.... *sighs* 
2. What are three words you'd use to describe your personality?  Uhm... don't like it? That works right? I mean it's three words so...
3. If you could speak another language fluently, what language would you choose?  Probably French cause then it'd be really easy to pass my class. 
4. if you could direct/be in charge of any movie remake, what would you choose and what changes would you make?  Uhm I dunno... off the top of my head probably Avengers: Age of Ultron just cause I'm sad Pietro died. 
5. what sport do you most enjoy watching/doing?  Ugh ew. What is this sport you speak of?
6. do you believe in fate or coincidence?  Mm... kinda somewhere in between? 
7. do you have a nickname? what are they?  Well I... I mean... like Joe that... you can't really ya know like... that's just it there aren't really nicknames for that unless it's something's completely unrelated. 
8. do you have any book recommendations?  Read Me Like a Book maybe? It was p gay. I got a lot of music recs.
9. do you think i am cool? how would you rate my coolness on a scale of 1-10? how would you rate your own coolness?  *rolls eyes* sure nee, so cool.
10. who is your favourite historical figure?  Uhmmmm... some guy named Dick bc that's like the worst name your parents could have picked. Like seriously. 
11. what is one food you hate which is considered popular by other people?  Ugh, spaghetti. *retches* ketchup is also gross too but idk if it's considered food. 
Q’s for yous:
1. Pancakes or waffles?
2. Who's your favorite musical artist?
3. Do you know the difference between your/you're; they're/their/there; two/to/too? 
4. How many blankets do you sleep with? 
5. If you could turn one movie into a tv show (or something like that) what movie would you pick?
6. If you play sims, do you base your characters off real life people or make them up? 
7. What song has been ruined for you bc the radio overplayed it? 
8. Are you a good cook or do you rely on fast food?
9. Carpets or hardwood floors?
10. What's one word you always misspell? 
11. Do you have a consistent wake up time? 
Tagging @rebeccashideout @the-broken-paper-girl @pessimisticbee @ipunchedmalfoy I dunno but if anyone else sees this and wants to do it just go for it
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dammitsirius · 7 years
so i was tagged to do a thing, so i’m gonna do it. rules: always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people. i was tagged by @rnldweasly thank you my space lover!!
1. do you believe in ghosts? yes. but i also believe in the nice ghosts so it all works out. 2. what are three words you’d use to describe your personality? ever-changing, wild, eclectic 3. if you could speak another language fluently, what language would you choose? im torn between french because i'm semi-fluent in that and it'd be great to just solidify that. but i'd also love to speak korean, because i'm half korean and it would be cool to understand my korean. and i REALLY want to learn icelandic because it's just a really beautiful language. 4. if you could direct/be in charge of any movie remake, what would you choose and what changes would you make? so i was originally going to say like a harry potter remake. even though i love the movies, there was a lot of stuff that could have been better or should have been changed or included. but then i got to thinking and realized that i would literally pay to have a marauders movie, so probably that. imagine working on a marauders movie. 5. what sport do you most enjoy watching/doing? i'm kind of a marching band kid, so i love doing that sort of thing. (it iS A SPORT.) i also love practicing and watching martial arts. 6. do you believe in fate or coincidence? both? i’ve always been of the mindset that it’s kind of both. because maybe we do have a fate that’s lined up for us, but i don’t think that fate is really specific. so maybe it’s a series of coincidences that gets us to the fate we were meant to have. 7. do you have a nickname? what are they? i have space gay. that’s about it. 8. do you have any book recommendations? one, all the rick riordan. two, the song of achilles by madeline miller. three, prey by michael crighton. four, the alchemist by michael scott, five, everything max ride. six, city of the falling sky by joseph evans. seven, circle of magic series by tamora pierce. eight, the circle opens series by tamora pierce. nine, EVERYTHING about those magic nerds by tamora pierce (note: not a title but i’m not sure what the third series is called). i’m gonna stop now otherwise i might never stop.  9. do you think i am cool? how would you rate my coolness on a scale of 1-10? how would you rate your own coolness? i have two answers. one, you’re TOO HOT TO BE COOL, NEE. second, you’re like 200% cool like on a scale of 1 to 10 you’re in the billions. my own coolness is like -2. i am not cool. 10. who is your favourite historical figure? so no one has ever heard of this sort of thing but i absolutely adore my great-grandmother. she was a pioneer for women’s education in korea. she practically ran away from home in order to get her own education, refused to marry someone because they thought that women shouldn’t be educated, fought literally everyone to ensure that her daughters would get an education. an all-around great woman. 11. what is one food you hate which is considered popular by other people? i keep hearing about kale from all the healthy people in my area but i fkn hate kale
i tag everyone at @introvert-club as well as @luminous-sirius if they want to there’s no pressure
questions: 1. what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? 2. do you paint your nails? if so, what color is most common? 3. how many pillows are in your sleeping area? 4. do you have a favorite piece of classical music? 5. favorite scent? 6. describe your favorite color in an oddly specific way 7. how do you feel about popping/cracking knuckles? 8. how do you take your coffee/tea? 9. can you do origami? 10. favorite instrument? 11. what’s one weird/fun/unusual thing in your room?
thanks darlings xx
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rogerdvies · 7 years
(could you please use my hp blog chrlieweasly for this ahh) ★ + ron weasley or minerva mcgonagall! ((congrats on 500 btw, really like the new url too, but i'm biased lmao))
@chrlieweasly. ayye another charlie but i love the weasleys so i am also biased also you picked two of my favorite characters too ily.
★ + your favorite hp character for a hogwarts blog rate
house. gryffindor | slytherin | hufflepuff | ravenclaw
pet. none | owl | rat | cat | toad | something illegal that would be in newt’s briefcase (you go out and feed the thestrals with luna)
quidditch position. none | chaser | beater | keeper | seeker | +captain
class position. student | prefect | head boy/girl
best core class. astronomy (a class i feel like you could be poetic with) | transfiguration | charms | potions | defense against the dark arts | history of magic | herbology
worst core class. astronomy | transfiguration | charms | potions (you hate snape and you can’t really focus on the class) | defense against the dark arts | history of magic | herbology
elective(s). arithmancy | muggle studies (a whole other world to study !!) | divination | ancient runes | care of magical creatures
reason for detention(s). snape overheard you making a joke in first year about how draco malfoy was taking after him in the hair department; both slicked back and looking oily, but at least draco’s looked like hair product and not like snape, who looked like he hadn’t washed up in a year and a half. snape was not amused. 
friend squad. hermione granger, harry potter, ron weasley, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, dean thomas, seamus finnigan, lee jordan, (remus was your favorite professor)
significant other. ron weasley (totally adorable you two would be) | ginny weasley
career. auror | ministry position | minister | wand maker | professor | quidditch player | dragonologist | magizoologist | herbologist | potioneer | astronomer | curse breaker | healer | unspeakable
associated creature. unicorn | werewolf | hippogriff | centaur | dragon | basilisk | bowtruckle | niffler | merfolk | thestral (added for you because of your patronus)
associated light spell. expecto patronum | protego | lumos | episkey | accio
associated dark curse. crucio | imperio | avada kedavra
(blacklist #things for 500 friends if you don’t want to see posts)
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