#roald ragnor
annoyingblondebracket · 9 months
Round 1 | Poll 14
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~ Note: This poll is being done out of a genuine love and affection for these types of characters! Please keep that in mind when adding commentary.
Propaganda under the cut!
~ Surprisingly, Reigen doesn't have any propaganda i feel I can fit here 😭
~ The main character used to be friends with him, but they fought before university and since they returned Roald has been "like silver-plated tin when you wished for, expected, *needed* silver", wandering around flirting with dairymaids "almost as big and blond as he was", stealing the main character's pen, and just generally making a nuisance of himself in every way that occurs to him
~ Roald is, in the narration of the main character Jemis, described as dark blond of hair (along with choice adjectives like strong, broad, and muscular), he is loud and friendly (very rude, Jemis is busy thinking everyone hates him), he flirts with the milkmaids and dresses in outrageously loud old-fashioned style (neither of which makes Jemis jealous nor envious, obviously), he catches Jemis falling off a ladder and then blows right through his careful attempts at distance by calling him by last name and ‘sir’, his thighs are SO muscular (Jemis will never achieve that kind of stature and it vexes him), Roald appears to not hold a grudge against Jemis for that big fight they had before parting ways for university, and now he goes about town drinking and gambling and all around pretending to be an air-head which Jemis KNOWS isn’t the case so WHAT GIVES, they’re childhood friends, why is he pretending to be both unintelligent and careless, and Roald CLEARLY has secrets but he won’t tell Jemis about them (so rude), instead he goes about not answering direct questions and making meandering conversation with Jemis in public (VEXING), pretending to be uninterested in the local mysteries despite always appearing front and centre, casually eating the eyes out of the mysterious fish pie Jemis found in the town square, STEALING his BEST PEN, getting inexplicably snappy when Jemis’ university roommate comes to visit, and going around calling Jemis a “good boy” out loud on several occasions. No one has ever suffered anyone’s company, as well as the inexplicably terrible lack of same person’s company, like Jemis has. Truly what is Roald making of his life. Not even referring to him by a silly nickname can calm Jemis’ annoyed (and nothing else) heart.
~ According to our EXTREMELY reliable narrator, Jemis Greenwing, Roald Ragnor is very simply the most annoying man in town. He’s a good-natured idiot jock, but he and Jemis used to be friends and Jemis knows he could be so much more than that if he just tried. Like, at all. But does he try? No. Instead, he spends all his time gambling (annoying) and drinking (annoying) and bothering Jemis Specifically (annoying) and bothering people who aren’t Jemis (annoying) and flirting with the local girls (annoying) and talking about hunting (annoying) and – well. You get the idea. He comes across as an airheaded twit of a noble, except for the part where he keeps showing up in places he isn’t supposed to be and being blatantly cagey about what he’s doing there. Both of these aspects are, independently, annoying. He’s also obnoxiously large and obnoxiously loud and obnoxiously blond and has obnoxiously muscular thighs. I swear to god I am not exaggerating this. Did I mention Jemis thinks he’s obnoxious?
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taryo88 · 2 years
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Breaking News: local man faces even more trials and tribulations
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zaftikat · 11 months
its actually unfair that I can't watch an Out of Touch Thursday fancam for Jemis Greenwing and Roald Ragnor.
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thehonourablerag · 2 years
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cadencekismet · 2 months
I keep seeing those polls for people’s top five favorite characters, and I’m making one without being tagged, just because.
Please use this as an excuse to make your own polls without being tagged as well (and then put them on my dash so I can play).
Apologies to the Nine Worlds characters for putting them up against bigger fandoms.
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marezelle · 9 months
Wooing? 👀
context! wooing came of a discussion on the concept of: what if Hal began to fall for the Hunter, who then of course had to fess up to his real identity - because clearly Hal wouldn't be interested in him if he knew, right? (wrong. and Hal is capable of wooing him to prove it.) The plot is outlined in my head, for the most part. One of these days I'll get around to getting the whole thing onto the page.
snippet ~
Really, Hal should have known something was up the first time he ran into the baron's son at Swordage's.
Hal was leaving a private meeting with the Lady's spymaster when he heard a familiar vacuous laugh coming from one of the drawing rooms. Curiosity won out, and he looked in—and yes, there was Roald Ragnor, mingling among a crowd of young men Hal knew to have little to commend them but for their money.
Roald, of course, noticed him immediately. "Your grace!" he boomed, grinning fiendishly. "What odds! I never thought I'd run into you outside of Dart Hall." He performed a bow from his seat, the accompanying hand gesture entirely Jemis. “Come in, come in, though I suppose you already ate? Us, too, and we were just thinking of starting up a game of cards.”
Suppressing a sigh, Hal stepped further into the room. Over by the fireplace was a quieter group of men, men Hal liked. He nodded to one of them—Hal was on reasonably good terms with the count of Matterley—and then turned to address Roald Ragnor. "Master Roald. I'd thought Orio City was no longer your stomping grounds."
The baron's son winked at him. "I'm just up for the week, visiting old friends." He gestured around the table. “Care to join us, your grace? Terrible shame we never managed a game back in Ragnor Bella. Or were you on your way out?”
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toopunkrockforshul · 6 months
Snippet Sunday!
From something BCU related, I haven't decided yet if it will be its own fic or part of bootfic or what.
Mr. Dart thinking about him and Jemis's relationship and how that effects his choices regarding other relationships
On some level, I had always known that Jemis and I were… special. Bonded or fated or meant to be, if you believed in that kind of thing (I had always believed in that kind of thing more than Jemis. Maybe I had needed to.) I was certain that would never change, even more so after all we had been through since our return from university. Since I had lost him and had him returned through the grace of the Lady and that power of mine that I had so feared in the past. Since he had sworn fealty, not just in the privacy of a dream but in front of a witness as well.
All this to say, that at this point, I had enough faith in the strength, the significance of our relationship, to trust that he would be willing to seriously consider anything I had to say. It was not a responsibility that I would take lightly. He had pledged to follow, and I, in turn, to lead, and I would do all that I could to not lead him astray.
I have also always known the value—and the vulnerability—in secrets. The fear that comes with keeping them. The desire to be able to control how other’s see you, the necessity of it, the importance of being able to chose who truly knows you and when.
I have known Roald Ragnor almost as long as I have known Jemis. Our friendship was… well, very many things, mutable in a way that my friendship with Jemis was not. Which was not to say that I could not trust Roald, that I couldn’t rely on Roald. He was, despite whatever else he may have appeared to be, a good and loyal friend. I was glad to have had his company, though it was often grating at the time, when Jemis had been gone. I was glad that they were friends again. That we all were friends again.
I also knew the ways in which Roald and I were alike. I knew—or at times, suspected, as keeping secrets was one of those things that we shared—that we were afraid of the same things, even if the reasons may have differed. I knew that if he was not telling Jemis something, then it was for—what he at least considered—a good reason.
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thehonourablerag · 9 months
For @pathsofpassion , Emperor! Hal:
“Master Ragnor, you were raised in a baron’s castle.” (Even Roald could hear the unspoken command to act like it. He shivered with it.)
“A backwater baron, my lord,” he agreed cheerfully. Carefully weighted the first vowel wrong, to drop the Emperor’s rank. He was only bumbling Roald Ragnor, after all. The baron’s son wouldn’t pick up these Astandalan titles so quickly.
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cadencekismet · 9 months
3, 16, and 18 from Ao3 wrapped? 👀
3. What work are you most proud of?
Honestly, I'm very proud of most of my fic this year. I think I've really improved as a writer in a lot of ways. If I have to pick one, I think maybe "merging our lives here in their established frame" or "warmed as she moved"? I like the way the former came together, and I'm proud of the characterization I made up for Jullanar Ragnor in the latter.
16. I'm going to answer this one on the other ask I got with it, since that one was only two numbers. It will be up imminently
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
This might be cheating 😂 but I wrote one fic for Good Omens this year, and the prompt asked for Deirdre Young and RP Tyler, and I did struggle quite a bit with Deirdre Young.
I do also struggle with Roald Ragnor, because it's very easy for me to write him, but sometimes I get a little self-indulgent and I have to take a step back and frown like "would he really do that?" and sometimes the answer is "actually rewrite the second half of this scene, thanks
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zaftikat · 6 months
WIP Wednesday March 27th 2024
Hello tumblypoos I have had a whirlwind week of writing this week so let's talk about it! A week ago, I started a Sisters of Dorley X Greenwing and Dart crossover fic, and something about these characters in this setting has driven me WILD like 20k words wild. More under the cut:
So Greenwing & Dart is a series for which I have one MAJOR trans headcanon (and many textual clues to support it) and a few minor ones. Every time I write her, the title character, Jemis Greenwing is a closeted or out trans woman. Most of the time she is named Primrose because that's the name her parents were going to give her if she had been AFAB.
Naturally, she felt like a very good fit to slot into the Dorleyverse as a result, except I didn't want to write about a transfem going through the Programme, because that's sort of just Steph Riley. So I made Primrose a Dorley Graduate instead, and threw her friend/boy who has a crush on her, Roald Ragnor, into the Feminizing Torture Basement.
Roald is a good fit because in canon he had a falling out with Primrose (then Jemis) over his bad habits, so if she disappeared right after their fight and was presumed dead, it would only make sense that he started to spiral, especially if you accept that his crush was already there during childhood. Where that leaves us is one Master Roald Ragnor, son of a baron and complete piece of shit, currently kidnapped into the basement of Dorley Hall. This story is also, though, still about Primrose as well. If she disappeared at 18, what would have changed about her life at home? What would have changed about her canon relationships? Those questions were also compelling to me. So I'm also telling the story of the ways she has to contend with losing her family, and the shock of finding out her supposedly dead father is still alive. She is a story of what life is like after the Hall, but also what it means to love and be loved by flawed people.
There are scattered other POV characters. Indira from OG Dorley was Primrose's sponsor and is now also sponsoring a new soon-to-be girl in this year's intake. Perry Dart, a man who is so sad and so alone after his two best friends have been dorley'd, on a search to redeem himself by way of helping to save Primrose's father. And probably a few more as the story evolves.
I've written 3 chapters~ so far and those chapters cover the first week and change of the new intake in this mashup AU set in G&D's nine worlds setting, but with modern tech and a lot of Earth pop culture. I'm really looking forward to where this story takes me, because every time i try to follow my outline this story gets away from me. Lastly, here's a fun snippet of the stuff I've written today (Still in first draft, and missing dialogue tags)
“You alright? They started breakfast about ten minutes ago and you just didn't move.” “Is he right, Ina?” “Del? I didn’t hear what he said, but from what I know about him, he’s not exactly trustworthy.” “Are you? Like Ina, I want to believe you because sometimes it feels like you’re the only other sane person in down here, but I can’t trust you. I’ve been such an idiot. Of course you’re trying to be nice to me, you want me to roll over for you. You’re trying to get into my confidence, by acting like you’re my only friend down here, so that I follow you like some obedient little duckling when you start making me take pills to grow tits. I don’t want that, Ina. So tell me honestly, are you trying to force me to be a girl?” She takes a deep breath, and Roald studies every small twitch of her face as closely as he can. He studies the truth in her eyes, and the faint pulse he can feel through her hand on his shoulder. He needs to know the truth. “There’s someone I think you need to meet.” “What the fuck. Inyara. That’s basically a yes. I… what the fuck!” “Roald. Roald, look at me. I am not trying to force you to be a woman, but I’m serious when I say there’s someone you need to meet. I haven’t been completely honest with you, and I hate myself for that. It's something I have wanted to tell you from the beginning of this whole thing, but you need to hear it from her. Can you trust me, at least until the weekend? She has to take the train here from Inveragory. Here, give me your phone, I’ll add her on consensus for you two to connect before then. She might be in class right now, but she’ll get back to you as soon as she can.” “What’s her name? I’m serious, if she is just another sponsor hiding out in the security office, I will make the common room Hell on earth until you toss me back in a cell.” “She’s not a sponsor. Her name is Primrose Harper and she’s one of my best friends.” “And if I tell her about this place? Ask her to call the cops or Crimson Lake or the fucking Red Company or something? How is she going to react?” “Well, for one, she’d probably laugh. She changed her middle name Jullanar because she loves the Red Company that much. But also, she’s a graduate of the Programme, and she can tell you first hand, no one forced her to be a woman.” “That’s such an insane way to phrase that, Ina. Are you serious? No one forced her to be a woman? Was she born a woman, like a cisgender woman?” “No one is born a cisgender woman, people are born as babies.” “Fuck all the way off; you know what I mean.” “She has always been a woman, but I don’t think she would use the label cisgender to describe herself, no.”
Thanks for reading if you have! Back to the forcefem mines for me!
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