greyestjoy · 5 years
Fandom: Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire 
Rating: It’s Game of Thrones
Summary of the whole thang: 
Joanna Lannister, Tywin Lannister's youngest, is a bastard. Even being named a true Lannister after proving herself as a child, the young lady is still struggling to find her true self. On top of that, she has been nicknamed a shrew, after scaring away every young suitor she meets. On her eighteenth name day, Joanna is given a choice by her father. Marry an old man or become a Silent Sister, devoted to the gods and virtue. But the opportunity to woo Robb Stark arises, and the young lioness agrees, determined to win the north in her favour. Who can say no to gain power in their country? Definitely not a Lannister.
Previous Chapter 
"Pick your words carefully, there are some things it's not safe for even a bird to read, as they hide secrets in their feathers."
There was something about the warmth of Robb's hand in hers that calmed her. She was sure that if he had not been holding onto her, she would be picking at the stitches on her dress, slowly breaking the dress by pulling out the thread, so she was very glad to have Robb's palm in hers. However, Joanna would have no need to be anxious had it not been for the way Robb was acting. He was silent as they walked through the courtyard. The only words he spoke as they made their way to the Guest House were acknowledgements to some of the people of the house as they passed.
Joanna looked at her shoes, thinking. She wanted to know if she had offended him, as it had not been her intention. In fact, she thought she was complimenting him. Joanna definitely hoped she hadn't ruined the night, as she had quite enjoyed their day together, and she thought Robb had too. On top of that, she thought that moments that they shared just chatting openly were special, she didn't get that very often, the only person she could truly talk like that with was Tyrion.
"Joanna," Robb spoke finally when they were just outside the guest house. His words broke the cold summer night, at least Joanna found it cold. As if Robb could read her thoughts, he grabbed her other hand. "I think you're right," his words left his mouth quickly and Joanna found herself looking into his eyes. They seemed to glow in the light, and Joanna was reminded of the way the beacons that sat on the land reflected onto the ocean when sailing at night. Her analysis of his eyes was cut short when he huffed loudly. Joanna saw that he was stumbling over his words, trying to make them go from his mind to his mouth. "What I want to say, is that if you're the best I'm going to get, then..." His eyes searched hers for a second, before he shook his head and chuckled to himself then continued. "I'm afraid that if you go back South with your family, I may never meet another girl half as kind, a quarter as smart, and not an ounce as beautiful." Joanna was silent, watching him. She felt a rush of guilt, he truly believed that she was who she appeared to be. But wasn't I myself? she thought. They had talked so openly earlier that Joanna was confused. "I want to marry you," he told her and Joanna nearly dropped his hands out of shock. Even if Joanna had seen this coming, she was still taken aback. Robb seemed to notice her startled body language and he continued his rambling. "I know we couldn't get married right now. By what you've said about your father I can tell he would not like that," Robb seemed to laugh as if he was intoxicated with life itself. "We would have to go South for the wedding." Joanna was beginning to come out of her shock. Her hands tightened once again in Robb's as she realized she had to take control over the situation before something went wrong. However, Robb was still rambling.
"Robb," Joanna spoke, unsure what her next words were going to be. "I would love to marry you," she tested out the words. They felt odd her mouth, as she wasn't quite sure whether or not it was a lie. Robb also did not seem convinced, his boyish glee was replaced with northern skepticism. "Truly," Joanna spoke. "I would." Robb did not respond, but he seemed to accept her answer. The two of them stood there for a bit, however, it felt like an eternity. No words were spoken, and everything seemed to go on pause as they waited for the gods to weave their fates.
"You should go see your family," Joanna pretended she was urging him, but she knew she was saying it more to herself. Her siblings would want to be the first ones to know of the news of the betrothal, in fact, Joanna wanted them to be. A part of her could not wait to tell Tyrion especially.
"Aye," he spoke softly, his eyes still searching Joanna's. He seemed to lean in, and Joanna copied him. She pressed her cold lips to his warm cheek and she thought she could feel a smile break out on his smooth face. When Joanna pulled away, she saw that she was right. Robb was grinning ear to ear, his face red. "Goodnight," his northern accent strong when he whispered.
"Goodnight," she spoke.
She found Jaime in his room, and to her luck, Tyrion was there also. Joanna had walked up the steps to where his room was, her heart had been beating in her chest. She was about to knock on the great wooden door, only to have a young woman open it. The pretty young woman had dark hair and stormy blue eyes.
"Is this not Jaime Lannister's room?" Joanna wondered if she went to the wrong room as she looked at the woman. The only woman that ever visited Jaime would be Cersei. Unless the woman wasn't here for Jaime...
"Joanna!" she heard Tyrion call to her from inside the room. Joanna peaked around the woman, who was trying to skirt out of the doorway. Inside the room sat Tyrion, who was obviously drunk, and Jaime who had retired out of his armour for the night. All of a sudden, Joanna couldn't hide her joy, which gave her the confidence to shout to t the young woman who began to walk down the hall.
"Excuse me!" Joanna yelled, getting the woman's attention. The dark-haired beauty turned to face Joanna. "Find the Queen, tell her her sister wants to see her," with that, Joanna walked into Jaime's room and shut the door behind her.
"Welcome, sister" Jaime grinned, his head cocked to the side while a glass of wine dangled in his fingers. His temperament was relaxed, with his cat-green eyes dancing with interest over why Joanna had the courage to summon Cersei as she had, that was until he saw the childish joy in Joanna's eyes. Jaime sat up straight in his chair, cocking his head to the other side. "What's going on?" Joanna didn't answer at first, she only grinned more wildly. She was waiting for Cersei to arrive so she could tell all of her siblings at once. Joanna already knew there would be secretive conversations using eye contact between the siblings when she told them, but Joanna did not care. She knew Tyrion would be happy for her, while Cersei's normally sour look would switch to a smug one, treating herself as if it was her who had made Robb ask Joanna for her hand.
However, it was Jaime that Joanna was worried about. The knight of the family cared deeply for his sister, certainly not the same way he cared for his twin, but in a true older brother fashion. There was a part of Joanna who feared that upon hearing the news, Jaime would don his armour and sword, then march to Robb's room and threaten him.
Joanna returned to her room soon after their conversation. She was basically accurate about their reactions to the news of the betrothal. But for some unknown reason, Cersei was beyond ecstatic. She had smiled deeply, her face not troubled for once. Joanna wished to ask her about why she was so pleased, but the younger sister feared that Cersei's look would change and she would chastise her for summoning her.
Joanna had told her siblings the news, but now it was time to tell her father. Silently, she took out paper and laid it gingerly on the old wooden table. She then got up from the stool to search in the trunk in front of her bed for the carefully packed quill and ink. Once she acquired the items, Joanna took a deep breath and began to plan out the letter to her father. After some time, the cub picked up her quill, dipping it softly, then began to write about her fresh kill to the Alpha of the Pride.
Dear Father,
The trip North was long. After three days in Winterfell, Robb Stark has expressed interest in marrying me. I am confident that the next time you see me, it will be my wedding day.
(Tags are 100% open lol) 
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