ziggykyeons · 18 days
closed for: @robinsantos
where: their place, seabrook
"This is nice," Ziggy sighs with his eyes closed from behind the face mask that makes him look like Michael Meyers slightly less homicidal cousin, his feet up on the coffee table and a frozen margarita in hand that they had concocted in the kitchen.
He's got his laptop connected to the TV via a HDMI for a pivotal reason -- their Love Island premiere watch -- and it's only when Maya Jama appears on screen does he open them to focus.
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"I think I'd clean up on here if I was on it. They asked me to do the US one, you know but I wasn't single, kind of kicking myself about that."
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fiaxsouza · 1 month
Closed: @robinsantos
Location: Seasalt Spa
"Okay... I know there are client confidentiality clauses and all, but did I hear correctly that Sabrina Lewis is having her husband investigated?" Her friend had blown up her phone, sharing that this notable housewife in Orange County was causing a lot of ruckus recently out of spite for her husband's actions. "It's tax evasion, isn't it? He seems the type," she chuckled.
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atticuscortes · 29 days
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atticus cortes for event 013: country night at oasis.
ft. @noralevin, @maura-cortes, @robinsantos, @aurorabayaesthetic
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solaadisa · 18 days
👀 + why did robin smash your food truck window?
"—...we have...history, I guess. Not-so-awesome, not-so-ancient history. And she's still mad about it. I don't think she'll ever not be mad about it, and that makes me...angry? Sad? Like, I never wanted to be one of those girls who had a friendship fall apart because of a guy, but here we are, and I can't really even blame her. That much. Actually, I kinda blame her a little, because it wasn't cheating— he swore to me that they weren't together when we— otherwise I never would've—"
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"It's complicated."
@robinsantos / @ravirussell
— 👀 + a question | open.
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blake-michaels · 16 days
💞 REVOLVING HEARTS — who and/or what are you most grateful for in your life?
"I'm grateful for my friends. Felix, even if he's off touring and definitely not here to hang out with me. Romi and Cora are my girls, and my pseudo-baby sister Robin. Hunter, obviously. Mack gets a shout out, he's such a sweetheart. The Luigi to my Mario, Cricket! Can't forget my 5k buddies: Atticus and the new arrival, Mr. Dallas Jones!"
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@rominacortez @coradeveraux @robinsantos @hcnter @mackmontgomery @cricketcampbell @atticuscortes @nomadjones @felixalbright
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ravirussell · 4 days
jessie’s girl: what would you do if you found out your best friend was seeing your ex?
"I'd have to take a long walk on the beach, right into the ocean until I disappeared into the horizon." @solaadisa @robinsantos
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🎸 50 iconic 1980s song asks
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is-it-gabriel · 15 days
💄 LIPSTICK — have you had any romantic or sexual experiences that made you realize something about yourself?
" I mean I guess I learned that being in love was a good thing? My parents were not in love and were not good for one another so that sort of set the tone. I tend to not give a shit about most things like this, but there have been two people in my life that made me realize that I need to not close myself off. They had varying degrees of success @beautyxnthefire @robinsantos
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gracecromwell · 17 days
👀 + top five most bang'able people in Aurora Bay
"You're telling me I have to list five? Five. Have you seen some people around here? I guess I'll just list off the top of my head...Ezra, Sloane, Emira, Matho, and Robin?" It's a crime you had me do that."
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@ezraxdeo, @dancingdanvers, @emiradursun, @mathobenally, @robinsantos
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victoriaxsanchez · 28 days
who: @robinsantos where: country night at oasis!
Victoria adjusted the brim of her brown cowboy hat, her green cowboy boots clicking on the wooden floor as she made her way through the crowd at Oasis. The venue was buzzing with energy, a mix of country tunes and laughter filling the air. Victoria looked around for her friend Robin, who had promised to meet her by the bar.
Finally spotting her, Tori's smile lit up as bright as the twinkling lights as she approached her. "Can you believe how great this place looks tonight? I can't wait to judge everyone's outfits." Victoria exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Just don't let me get on the mechanical bull if there is one once I'm drunk. I'll end up with a concussion."
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julianxpark · 28 days
who: @robinsantos where: country night at oasis, by the bar
It took Justin all of five minutes to realise that his shoes were likely going to be the death of him. Not only were they so tight around his toes that he worried that he may accidentally amputate them before the night was out, but the spurs.. The spurs had been causing problems from the moment it became even slightly crowded. The number of ankles and achilles heels he'd accidentally banged into, Julian was already contemplating calling it a night.
At the bar, he took a step back into his latest victim, but at least it was a somewhat friendly face. "Oh fuck me," he called out above the music, holding onto Robin's arms in hopes of aiding her stability as she hopped on one foot. "Robin, I'm so sorry. Why did no one try and talk me out of wearing these things?"
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laureljacobs · 2 months
closed: @robinsantos
location: neptune
Laurel plastered on a polite smile as she stood, extending a hand to officially wrap up their meeting and send her new client on her way. As the jilted, soon-to-be ex-wife stepped away from the table and wished Laurel and Robin goodnight, Laurel watched her go before slumping back into their seat next to Robin with a groan.
They resisted the urge to light up a cigarette right there at the table. She absolutely would've if Neptune didn't act like a second office for her so often, the meeting point for her and all of the scorned spouses of Aurora Bay who hired her after Robin had collected enough research to bury whoever they were set on divorcing. There seemed to be an endless well of them, at this point.
"Jesus Christ," Laurel huffed, shifting a little in her seat so an elbow was on the table and her body was facing Robin. Their partnership was still relatively new, but things were already working out pretty well, and Laurel had liked what she'd seen through these work-dinner meetings.
"Where do you find these people?" they asked with a sigh, a hand going to their jacket pocket instinctively, where their pack was sitting and taunting them. Before she could stop herself, she took out two and tapped them against the table. "Fancy a debrief drink at Four Leaf? Stop for a cigarette on the way?"
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ziggykyeons · 1 month
night light: who/what makes you feel safe?
"My roomies. They're solid people, I think if we ever found ourselves in a The Strangers type deal over in Seabrook I'd have a pretty solid chance of being the final girl. Julian wouldn't mind, he was a ghost for nine years any way." @robinsantos @julianxpark
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late night self reflective asks 🌙
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caleb-majhi · 2 months
CLOSED STARTER for @robinsantos
There aren’t many things that piss Caleb off.
Okay, that’s a lie. Nearly everything under the sun has the potential to light his short fuse, but one thing in particular is someone traipsing about the woods without the correct reflective gear. And more so? The clumsy way the twigs and leaves crunch underfoot, alerting anything he may have been able to catch to the presence of a human in the area.
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“You know it’s actively wild turkey hunting season out here, right?” he calls out, annoyed, from where he now sits on the log he’d been previously perched behind. “And only for four more days. Now you’ve gone and chased them all out.” 
Or so Caleb assumes.
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gwenxmoreno · 25 days
closed starter for: @robinsantos
location: oasis (country night)
Gwen, bless her sweet soul, tries time and time again to figure her way in Oasis. She doesn't know if it's the (too loud) music or the flashing lights, but she ends up either staring at the different bottles at the bar or somewhere against the wall. She learned last time not to go by a dark corner.
With a dress, most definitely too short for her liking (but she's trying to branch out a tiny bit - take the pole out of her ass just a tiny bit), and boots that she can feel trying to blister her heels, she takes a seat at the bar. One of the specials - something cowgirl pony - is ordered before she notices she sat next to someone. "Oh, were you saving this seat? I'm so sorry I didn't see you."
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solaadisa · 20 days
closed: @robinsantos
location: oasis parking lot, early afternoon after country night
When Sola returned to Oasis the morning after country night to move the Jolyani truck back to Ocean Crest, only to find a busted window and a brick in the driver's seat, she'd just stood outside for a long time, torn between wanting to cry and wanting to hurl a brick at something — someone, even — herself.
Besides the fact that fixing the window would be an extra, unanticipated cost that she and Ravi were probably going to have to run some numbers to cover, the truck was her baby. The thought that some drunken idiot stumbling out of Oasis just thought it would be fun to break something — and chose the truck — made a rare kind of anger settle deep into her chest.
After a quick trip back home to get a broom and a shitty little handheld vacuum, there she was, on her hands and knees in the front seat, carefully picking glass pieces out of crevices wondering if it'd be worth anything to ask the employees at Oasis if they had any security footage from the night before.
With a deep, shuddering sigh, she straightened up to roll her shoulders and give her back a break for a second when she spotted a body standing outside through the open door. Suddenly it all made sense. Sola wasn't one to think the worst of people, but in this case, she just knew.
The vacuum was turned off, and Sola tried to wipe the genuine distress off of her features and steel herself as she met Robin's eyes.
"You come back to admire your work or something?"
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is-it-gabriel · 29 days
sunset: who is someone you thought would be in your life forever, but you no longer talk to?
" I mean, I kind of did that with Robin. I fully screwed that one up because of work and how I had to stay undercover when I ran into her in LA. I owe her a lot of answers and I'm willing to do that, cause while I normally don't have a lot of regrets, that one sticks out. " @robinsantos
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