robronrewatch2023 · 8 months
Hey team, a few housekeeping points:
A reminder that this watchalong will end just after their second wedding (I have a nice moment planned as an end point).
You can (obviously) continue watching after this point and if anyone would like to make a schedule to coordinate with others I can add you to this blog.
I have finished scheduling the schedule posts (lol) and can tell you that the last schedule post will be on December 2nd.
I am super super behind but I AM still working on the summary posts, and they will continue to come out sporadically, whenever I've written them.
Thank you for joining in! Unbelievably, by the time this finishes, we will have been doing this for eight months. That's a whole lot of robron!
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starrythomas · 1 year
Level of difficulty recognising faces/memory fuckery: started watching Aaron's return so I could be a day or two ahead on the summary writing, couldn't remember who the guy on the left was (turns out it's James Barton) and assumed from context clues it must be JOHN Barton, who is the guy on the right:
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Um... these two men do not look alike.
When I first started watching, it also took me ages to get good at telling Aaron, Adam, Ross and Andy apart. They're basically all just dark-haired men with beards.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 11th summary
We watched from 2016/02/04 p4 to 2016/02/08 p2.
Cain gets the truth about Aaron's abuse out of Chas and goes around there to kill him. Moira is worried about where he is. Cain is mid-murder when Aaron bursts in and tells him to stop. He doesn't want Cain to have a death on his conscience because of him and says he'll report it to the police so that Cain will stop.
Cain tells Moira and Aaron asks Chas to tell the rest of the Dingles so he doesn't have to. He makes the call to the police and tells them what happened to him as a child. He's very nervous, and scared that no one will believe him. Adam thanks Robert for being there for Aaron. When Aaron gets back, Adam gives him two big hugs.
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robronrewatch2023 · 8 months
November 6th
Start here and watch until the end of February 22nd part 7.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
November 17th
Start here and watch until the end of May 24th part 1.
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robronrewatch2023 · 9 months
October 7th
Start here and watch until the end of September 15th.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 8th summary
We watched from 2016/01/21 p1 to 2016/01/22 p1.
Aaron sneaks out of the hospital. Robert goes looking for him at the pub, reluctantly admitting that he and Aaron were together the previous day and letting people assume that they were "together". He finds Aaron in someone's empty house. In such a gentle voice he asks Aaron to go back to the hospital, and also says that he still loves Aaron. He tries to persuade Aaron to talk to him.
Eventually, Aaron decides to tell Robert about what Gordon did to him when he was a child. It's intercut with Chas, Paddy and Adam worrying about where Aaron is. Aaron tells Robert that Gordon raped him several times over a number of years, before kicking him out. He didn’t tell Chas because she would blame herself and doesn’t want to tell her now because he thinks she won’t believe him. Robert tries to convince Aaron that she will.
Robert promises Aaron that he'll be there for him. He sleeps on the floor to stay with him and the next morning Aaron tries to push him away again, then disappears while Robert is checking on the shower situation. Robert comes into the pub looking for Aaron and hears that Gordon is planning to buy the pub and is horrified. Then Robert goes looking for Aaron at the hospital and tells the nurse that he and Aaron are together so that she'll talk to him about whether Aaron is there or not.
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robronrewatch2023 · 9 months
October 3rd
Start here and watch until the end of August 3rd part 3.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
December 2nd
Start here and for the best happy ending, watch until 2 mins into October 5th part 5.
And look at that! You did it! You finished aaaall of the robron that exists don't check definitely nobody goes to prison because Emmerdale is over now and robron live happily ever after :') (I will never concede this point.)
I really hope you've enjoyed this community watchalong. I'd love it if you could reblog or reply to this post to let me know how it went for you :)
I will still be working on the summary posts and robron database, so this blog will continue to be active while I do that.
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robronrewatch2023 · 8 months
November 3rd
Start here and watch until the end of February 7th part 2.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 13th summary
We watched from 2016/02/22 p2 to 2016/02/25 p2.
Cain confides in Zak about the guilt he feels for not being able to help Aaron. Chas sprays "paedo" on Gordon's car, then Robert drives her away and tells her off for acting based on her own feelings, not Aaron's. Chas says she’s scared that Aaron won’t come back and hopes that telling everyone what Gordon is will make Gordon stay away so that Aaron can come back. Robert promises to find something to make Gordon go down. Half the village finds out in the pub when Chas has a rant about what Gordon did. It upsets Aaron that she didn't listen to what he asked her to do, but he understands and forgives her after Robert talks to him.
Paddy tells Rhona how many secrets he's been keeping from her and how many lies he's been telling. Robert finds Sandra's address. He and Aaron go to talk to her but Aaron bottles it before they go in, with Robert suggesting they hang around for a while to see if Aaron feels better about it later. Cain talks to Chas about the guilt he feels for not seeing what happened to Aaron and not being able to stop it. He says: "There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for that lad. You told me to fix it like he’s my own. He is my own."
Aaron decides he at least wants to offer Sandra an apology for punching her. They're interrupted by a teenage girl asking for change; Aaron gives her some. He tells Robert he couldn’t have done this without him and leans in but Robert says he can’t. Aaron thinks it’s because Robert doesn’t see him like that any more.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 12th summary
We watched from 2016/02/08 p3 to 2016/02/22 p1.
Gordon denies ever hurting Aaron to the police, apart from hitting him a few times. He says that Cain might have put Aaron up to it because of how much Cain hates Gordon, and tells them about Cain trying to kill him the previous day. The police ask Cain about it but Moira and Chas give him an alibi. Gordon confronts Aaron at the scrapyard, telling him to withdraw his statement in return for Gordon retracting his attempted murder allegation against Cain. Aaron gets drunk and decides to leave, with Chas agreeing to set him up in Ireland for a while.
Robert tells Chas how important Aaron is to him and commits to keeping the scrapyard going in his absence. Chas tries to help, phoning around looking for Sandra and going through some of Aaron's old school things looking for evidence. She's frustrated by the lack of progress and asks Robert to make sure that Gordon goes down.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 10th summary
We watched from 2016/02/03 p1 to 2016/02/04 p3.
Chas apologises and asks Aaron not to move out. They go to the beach and have a nice day together, bonding again and talking about when Aaron was little. When they get back, Aaron tells her about the abuse he experienced. Chas and Robert both assume that Aaron will want to go to the police but Aaron says he can't handle anyone else knowing.
Chas confronts Gordon about what he did. He tries to lie his way out of it by saying that Aaron is misremembering what an after-school football coach did to Aaron but Chas doesn't believe him for a second. Then he tries to make out that Aaron's behaviour was all her fault. He says that the police won't find any evidence, which Chas takes as a confession.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 9th summary
We watched from 2016/01/22 p2 to 2016/02/02 p2.
Robert finds Aaron back in his hospital room and tells him about Gordon planning to buy the pub. Robert goes back to the Woollie and tries to make nice but snaps and quietly has a go at Gordon, telling him to leave before he makes him. Gordon denies anything happening convincingly enough that Robert gets a sliver of doubt. This hurts Aaron, who insists he isn't lying, and Robert says he believes him 100%.
Gordon tells Chas they can't be together because of Aaron hating him. Chas and Aaron snipe at each other over Robert/Gordon until it culminates in an argument where Chas says it will be better for both of them if Aaron moves out. When Robert hears this, he is scared about what that will mean for Aaron, and he tries to convince Chas how important it is that she gets Aaron to talk to her.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 7th summary
We watched from 2016/01/18 p1 to 2016/01/19 p4.
Gordon suggests to Chas that he buy the other half of the pub himself. Diane doesn't find any serious prospects during the open house. Vic and Robert overhear Chrissie saying that Rakesh tried to kiss her and Vic is curious why Robert isn't bothered by it - she thinks it's because he's more interested in Aaron. Aaron follows Chas into town and sees her kissing Gordon. He begs her to break up with him, saying all he remembers about them is the two of them arguing. He agrees to give it a try but later packs a bag and asks Ed if he can go to France to stay with him for a while.
Rhona and Paddy celebrate getting through the referree stage of the adoption process. Robert comes to the scrapyard while Aaron is getting ready to leave and can immediately see that something is up. He finds the note that Aaron wrote saying that he is leaving, then Aaron collapses and Robert rushes him to A&E. Aaron tells him "my dad did this", though Robert can see that they're self-harm wounds. Aaron is diagnosed with septicaemia and Robert begs him to talk about it.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 5th summary
We watched from 2016/01/01 p1 to 2016/01/06.
Chas secretly meets Gordon at a nice restaurant to give him his wallet back. She wonders why things got so bad between him and Aaron and he says he hit Aaron on the night that Aaron hit Sandra and he regrets it. Debbie leaves the village with the kids. Cain tells Chas that Debbie left because of Ross, and what Ross did. Aaron finds out about Chas seeing Gordon and freaks out, punching a door. Later Chas apologises for lying to him about seeing Gordon and for leaving him when he was little. Aaron goes to his room and lifts his shirt to see come cuts on his stomach.
They celebrate Aaron's birthday. Cain walks in on Aaron holding his arm over his birthday cake candles. Aaron admits it's to do with his dad but says it's just because it's new and he will talk to his counsellor. Chas tells Gordon that Aaron isn't ready to have contact with him and Aaron comes first, but Gordon flatters and persuades her to give their relationship a try.
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