#robz art
streetartsf · 5 years
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Birds of a Feather
Robz Art
Clement @ 29th St in San Francisco, Ca
Robert William @robzartsf just added another bird to this house on Clement St in the San Francisco Richmond District. Almost a year ago he painted the parrot. This is across the street from his old junior high Presidio Middle School that generated some heavy hitting graf artists and happens to be a my childhood stomping ground and the alma mater of members of my family.
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mewgagotoku-kiwami · 6 years
name / nickname(s): Robyn (Robz)
pronouns: she/her
active blogs: this one, @sketchvicious (where I post my art), @sketchviciously (where all the hawt reblog action happens when I remember that the reblog button is a thing.)
watching and / or reading rn: reading Plague Dogs by Richard Adams; continually eyeing up Re:Born, Yakuza Weapon and Girl With All The Gifts and then never getting round to watching any of them because I suck.
animal you would want to be turned into: either a domestic cat or a koi carp
fictional character you would most like to meet irl: this is too difficult, my brain has gone blank — uhhhh Chris Redfield, Minerva McGonagall, idk aaaagghh.
book/show/movie you loved as a kid and still love today: book: The Wild Road; show: Bucky O Hare; movie: The Lion King
book/show/movie you think is underappreciated: book: Death Trance (manga); show: Beautiful People; movie: Battlefield Baseball, everybody should watch this movie.
favorite season: Autumn
favorite holiday: Halloween 🎃 👻 (SOOOOON™️)
star wars or star trek: kind of neither cus I’m a contrary fuck, but if I had to pick, Trek.
marvel or dc: DC, but MCU definitely has more fun...
parks and rec or the office: Never watched either, but cringe humour sets off my second hand embarrassment summat rotten...!
favorite superhero: Nightcrawler (he totally counts!) and Batman; but I cannot tell you how excited I am for the Aquaman movie, and how hard I laughed throughout the entirety of the travesty which was Justice League. The best bit was the maoams, mandatory eating whenever Momoa appeared on screen.
favorite disney princess: Fa Mulan
tagged by: @fourthchairman
tagging: @rileyomalley , @chains2004
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noexit-ff · 7 years
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“It’s cool, Ant will meet you at the airport. How many is there of you?” Placing my box full of watches in my bag “there is four of us, camera guy, sound guy, my manager and me” Yinka said “oh cool, yeah Ant will meet you and then blind fold, you will then you get here, joke. I will see you then” I have so much to do before going to Miami “ok, see you soon Chris” disconnecting the call, my dad tried calling me earlier but I ignored his call. I have shit to do so he can leave me the fuck alone, my phone start ringing in my hand once again. It’s been doing this non-stop since I woke up “mom” pressing my phone to my ear “I am loving my baby’ album so much, how are you feeling?” as long as she ain’t calling me about my dad then we good “yeah mom, I am happy. Seeing the numbers coming through for the second day, I am blessed but with that comes more work. You seen the billboards yet? Robyn and I clothing line? Puma Fenty-Brown? I think that shit is so cool, it just says in Black and white our name and coming soon, I am so excited for this mom” my mom cooed out “the world is watching, the world can’t wait to see too” I am actually hungry, I hope Robyn has made some food “yeah, Robyn and I just need to do a photoshoot then we good. But I think it will be just me on my own” my eyes bulged out realising what I am saying “why is that?” my mom asked “uhm, just because Robyn is not well” making my way down the stairs “tell her I will visit soon and get better” seeing Mel sat at the dining table, just nice “I will, I need to go now. Talk soon” disconnecting the call.
I am blessed my baby is making pancakes “did you pack your things?” Robyn asked, pressing a kiss to her cheek “I placed the things I want, can you do the rest?” Robyn side eyed me and then smiled “I will, I am going to miss you so much” pressing a kiss to her lips “and so will I baby, these pancakes smell nice as hell though” reaching over to steal one “no” she hit my hand away “go and speak to Mel, things happen. It got out of hand, she wants to apologise. She is staying with me while you go” I don’t really want to speak to her “I did so much for Mel and she did me dirty” Robyn sighed out “she did, Adam has been trying to contact me. Jen and Mel have been working hard to help me get out of this, which I am but he is demanding his money back, which won’t happen. The blogs are saying things, how the name fell through when it didn’t. Jen was supposed to come to your album release but she was stuck in a meeting, the record label are coming at her about me. They find me lazy, they are saying I am hiding behind you because I went with you to the release. They won’t be saying that when they find out I am pregnant but I don’t want to be used for money, I know them. I just feel like my name is being dragged through shit right now, you know how it is. I make an album they put money into, they want it back but they can wait” I don’t like to know my wife is stressing about anything “if they want you to make money, if they are so desperate then I will tour and then they can make the money from me” Robyn shook her head “no, it’s too much. I will speak to them on the phone, they need to wait. But one good thing is the clothing line” that is the only good thing.
Sitting down at the dining table, it’s not like Mel to be so quiet “you’ve got bigger” I said breaking the silence “I mean stomach wise” I don’t want to offend a pregnant woman now, I have two in the house “yeah, it’s going so quick” nodding my head, looking down at my hands “I am sorry Chris, that’s my girl and I shouldn’t have got involved but I did. We all learnt from that mistake, Jen and I was speaking and we feel bad. We see you as a friend to us, I know you probably won’t be the same but I am sorry” Robyn placed the plate in front of me “I am not about to hold a grudge, I want to move on from what happened” Mel smiled at me “I met up with Mijo” letting out an oh “we decided to not go court, he will pay and he will see the child. I still think he is doing it to be in the group, he was asking about Rihanna and I didn’t really say much. He told me that you attacked him at the studio” Robyn gasped “what!?” she spat, shifting in the chair “he just got me mad, he said bros before hoes and I got angry, calling my wife that. It’s whatever Robyn” I would punch him if I could, he gets me so angry.
Drinking the last of the OJ “you both haven’t done any baby shopping have you?” Mel questioned, placing my glass down “nothing, I am waiting for Chris to come back and then we will slowly start. Oh yeah Chris, you know when we can. Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” Robyn said, I totally forgot that you can do that “erm why not actually, we can really set up that way. I really hope it’s a girl though, I just want a daughter. Just look like you, I can’t wait to feel that love. I just want my daughter to be a daddy’ girl, something I feel my sister lacked. I also want a boy” Robyn stared at me in awe “you’re going to be a great father, I can already tell. Our son or daughter will have the best opportunity and so much love” holding Robyn’ hand “I think Robz will be the strict parent though, it’s going to be let’s go to dad. He will say yes to situations” Mel said, Robyn pulled a face “well I ain’t going to have that child disrespect anyone, I will smack the respect into them” busting out laughing “I will leave that to you” I said shaking my head “Chris, if our son is like you. He is going to think he is spiderman at two, I am not having him playing around and painting the walls, I can already see it and it’s not art” she pointed at me, she knew I was about to say that.
Fixing my snapback on my head “I have packed everything you wanted, even though you going to call me and say where is this and that” Robyn said behind me, fixing my hood on my hoodie “looks like you have become more muscular in that hoodie, I am going to miss your dick” feeling Robyn rest her head on my shoulder “no tears please” hearing a knock at the bedroom door “come in” Robyn mumbled “it’s just me, they are here. I sat them in the living room” Robyn groaned out “I don’t like the bitch” turning around to Robyn “look at my man, he looks so handsome and she is going to be on the whores on tour bus with you to Vegas? Or Miami which one first?” I knew Robyn was being too calm “Vegas first, she is only going Vegas, shit will make me look good overseas” Robyn rolled her eyes “she wants your dick, she is in my home” biting my bottom lip “then why did you say yes?” Mel asked the question I was about to say “because I was ok then, I am not now. Is she dressed up?” Mel shook her head “she is average” if I am going to cheat then I would need to cheat with a girl that is above that “I don’t trust her” Robyn whined out “but you trust me, I said you can come?” Robyn shook her head “this is your time away, I can’t do that” she needs to trust me, it’s wrong that she doesn’t.
Robyn is wearing my sweatshirt and sweatpants, they fit her nicely now “are you ok? I don’t want to leave this house for you to call me crying, I don’t want that” I think it will annoy me so much if she does that “I am ok, I am secure with you. Just please always answer my calls when I do call you” hugging Robyn “you know I will, if I am doing something I will get Ant to pick up. Don’t do too much work though, seriously. I don’t want you straining yourself doing house work” kissing Robyn’ cheek “I won’t, I feel so ugly. I wanted to go down there and look so bomb but I can’t, I have to hide it. I am just fat, I laugh and my cheeks come out” she ain’t lying “and I love it, you’re the cutest” picking my bag from the floor “let Cass get the rest” he can carry them into the bus, I can’t be bothered. Making my way down the steps with Robyn behind me “took your time, I thought you both were having sex” Mel said in a whisper, placing my bag down smiling “nah” walking into the living area “my bad, I was trying to make myself beautiful” I announced, Yinka was the first to get up “you still look ugly” Ant said, I chuckled “you had a safe trip here? Ant didn’t blindfold you?” shaking Yinka’ hand, I think we need to stick to hand shaking “he said it as a joke” I want my hand back, she finally let go “Hi Rihanna” looking behind me, Robyn is so stand offish “hi” she simply said back “your home is so beautiful, when we arrived Ant showed me the cars” sitting down next to Ant “yeah, it’s like a showroom” DD walked over to me, Robyn does not allow my babies here so I don’t know how my bulldog came “I seen this on your instagram, this is DD?” Yinka pointed “yes, I have a whole breed of dogs but they ain’t supposed to be here” grabbing DD’ collar, if she steps on the white rug then I will get it from Robyn.
Ant looked at me smiling “so how you want to do this?” I asked “well most of it will be freehand, just really following you. This is about you” I did once like my foreign women, Mel said she is average but I think she was just saying it “we can start now, I will show you my crib, keep my wife out of it though” getting up from the couch, pulling my hoodie down. Robyn is not amused at all, Mel and Robyn are awful together, two pregnant hormonal women “I would show you upstairs but that is a mess, I been packing and the bed is not made and the rooms are a little mess because we have got box’s of clothes from the Puma line, so I can take you to the cinema room or my cars? You want to talk to me there or here?” I might as well do her job “cinema room will be great” her manager spoke up, least someone is. Pushing open the door to the cinema room “this is huge!” Yinka spat “you don’t even need to leave the house” walking down the steps “we don’t, we just stay here most times” looking behind me, Ant is following behind.
Placing my hood over my head, holding the mic “you owe me for this” I said joking with her “this is good for you promo wise” she retorted “I guess but I let you in my home so you owe me” she is busy looking at some paper “how about you just ask me, be freehand. It’s boring just asking things on paper” she is nervous, I can tell with the way she is not looking at me and is a mess with things “ok so when you’re ready” the guy behind the camera said “ready” she looked up “I am just in shock, your home is just a dream. Huge too” she said in awe, I chuckled “paying a few millions, I expect it to be just that. It was not cheap, but it was more me. I wanted my cars being somewhere. My old crib had a huge space for my cars, I paid so much less but shawty wanted to move. This came up and we bought it, now I have to start making the money back. It ain’t cheap having a wife” I said half laughing “what is your routine, do you just wake up and what? Seeing the difference with you, because single Chris was totally different to this Chris” nodding my head “way different, well I will wake up. Keeping it strictly clean because I can’t be saying I have sex with my wife to the camera in the morning” I chuckled “I will wake up, depending on if my wife is awake she will cook. If not then I will eat what ever, I will catch up with the homies, studio. Events, there is always something going off in LA, always someone having a party. It is totally different because single Chris was confused I would say, he wasn’t in a good place. People would say it’s boring, I am boring but it’s the best kind of boring, you know. I can have fun but I know my boundaries, I got the woman I wanted so I don’t need to cheat. Then it goes to the fact I have done it before, like I told you before I had that wake up call” Yinka smiled at me “I like this Chris, he speaks sense. Who said love can’t change a man, so today we are going to explore the world of Chris. His album was released two days ago, we are going to travel with Chris. What do you think I will expect from this?” she questioned “erm” I paused “turn up, I am just going to be me and y’all can step into my world” I shrugged.
“Cass, nigga. Upstairs, my jewellery. There is four bags, one suitcase. Bring them, put it on the bus. Is EJ on there?” I asked, I haven’t even checked who is here “he is, will go upstairs. Rihanna” Cass said smiling before walking off, looking behind me “you can still come?” I am giving Robyn the option now, I know my wife and I know what she is like “is the bus out there?” Yinka said, Robyn gave her the dirtiest look “yeah, Lo. Take them to the bus” placing my arm around Robyn laughing “it’s not funny, stop laughing” Robyn wrapped her arms around my waist “I am laughing at you hating, I am going to miss you” Robyn groaned out “this is horrible, Ant why you taking my husband away from me” Robyn said to him “business is business, many things to come for Chris but of course you come first. He will be back before you know it” Mel smirked at Robyn “she is a such pain, honestly let him go. If you don’t want to go” she doesn’t want to go but yet is whining “you know I love you” Robyn looked up at me, pecking her lips.
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It’s nice to have Mel back with me, not had Mel be with me in a while “honestly, we should stay at my apartment. Least the kitchen is right next to my couch, I feel like I am walking for so long just to get water” Mel sat down on the couch in a huff “this is why I wanted you here, I was not about to stay in this home on my own. It’s nice but at night it is creepy and lonely, Jen should be coming soon. I just want my babies with me” stifling out a yawn “I wonder what drama she got today, she called me three days ago. It was late at night, I picked up of course and she was like, Adam is actually driving me crazy about the money situation. He demands to speak to Rihanna, I don’t want to call her about this. I told her I would deal with it, then I spoke to him. He goes you know me Melissa, I did nothing wrong. She did me over, I helped her so much. Chris did this, he ruined her name and took my money. I was like if you want to speak to Chris, I am sure he would like to speak to you and do some more things” Mel shrugged “he put the phone down, we shall see what he does” rolling my eyes “Chris will actually hit him, I just want him to get the message and leave us alone. Honestly, Fenty Beauty was the greatest thing I did. It took so much for me to let it go, I don’t regret it because I saved my marriage and I pray to god that I do get that opportunity again” the situation was a mess.
I am jealous of Jen, drinking my wine and smoking my weed. Sipping my water “I didn’t get to ask, I saw the videos and pictures but how was the album release. I saw the reviews and they have been so good” Jen said “I am very proud of him, the album is great. The party was great but my back was gone, I was so happy to be in bed and then, Chris was slightly drunk but he knew what he was doing. I am always down for sex but at that moment I didn’t want it, but he wanted it. He was like a dog on heat, he was humping me practically. I didn’t want him on top of me so I goes I will be back, I am just putting something sexy on for you. I purposely took my time knowing he would fall asleep, I gave him ten minutes and I slowly opened the door to see he fell asleep” Jen cackled “men are so stupid drunk, it’s horrible though. Having sex when they are drunk, they are heavier too. They can’t find the right hole” pulling a face and nodding my head in agreement “if I am drunk and he is then it’s fine, we having sex and I am riding you but I wasn’t, I was like nope” Mel rolled her eyes “least you both get dick, I have black thrust 2000 in my drawer” I snorted laughing “you still use that while pregnant, can you reach?” I asked “yes, on my hand and knees” letting out an oh “you poor thing” pulling a face.
Pressing send on the text to my mom, I am telling her to not come to LA. I don’t want to see her right now “you and Chris have a nice bed” Jen sat down on my bed “we do, I changed the sheets so don’t worry bitches” Mel get out of the bathroom “it’s big and we can all sleep in one bed” Jen shuffled closer to me “so this is what you actually look like under the baggy things you wear, you have a bomb shape Robyn. It’s so perfect and round, I have a feeling this baby is going to be big” Jen touched my stomach, lifting my tee up and over my stomach “look at you, all pregnant and shit. This is so beautiful to see, you really have a perfect pregnancy stomach” hearing Jen say that makes me feel better “thank you, Chris usually before going to bed puts Cocoa butter on my stomach and massages my feet” Jen let out an oh “Yusef told me the whole drama and your tears, he called you fat and I goes to him don’t ever say that but I understood why, they are harsh in the paparazzi world. Your ankles do look swollen but it will go down, come. I will put Cocoa butter on your stomach” Jen gestured.
Poking my lips out “these are old, I can’t take any sex nudes now. Show him what? My swollen fat self?” I want to send Chris a sexy picture but I can’t, I have only my old ones “men are easily pleased, niggas will take a nipple. Your boobs have grown bitch, go in that bathroom and show him some boob” Mel said “roll your fat ass out of the bed bitch, come on. Chris is right, you have become so whiny about things” I huffed getting out of bed “no harm in propping ya leg up on the sink, if your pussy popping show it. Use his fetish” Mel pointed out, turning around “you done this before whore!” I pointed “you telling me you haven’t?. Actually don’t be so whorish on the first picture, just take a picture of your upper half. Be light hearted, be naked. Stand to the side. Embrace the baby in the stomach and put miss you daddy. Then start getting kinky, don’t pop up so quick with your pussy wide open” Mel is so stupid “whatever” let me take some pictures for Chris.
I decided to do what Mel said, I didn’t go all out but I did a side view. I don’t want to be too trashy just yet, pressing send to the picture and message “all done?” Jen asked, smiling wide “yes, all done. Anyways, did you check that bitches profile out? She hasn’t posted anything?” I have my spies on the job “she did a insta story, on the bus. But no Chris, just saying something exciting to come. Maybe she has backed off?” hoes don’t back off, I know that “I am doing this because Chris feels I don’t trust him, this is so hard for me because deep down I want to be there. He has a girl that likes him on the bus but I need to do it, I want to show him I do trust him but it’s hard so you two are my eyes and ears” feeling my phone vibrate in my hand, lifting my hand up and looking at the I.D “awwww is it the husband?” Mel asked “the smile on her face says it is, you go and speak to him” answering the call “hello?” I feel all shy now, he has seen the picture of course “you sending me sexy pictures like that baby momma? You looking all fine naked, you know I love your body baby. That is a bomb ass picture, you got me changing my lock screen now” I giggled out “don’t do that, someone will see. You like it then?” smiling wide “yes I did, I miss you. Honestly, you look so sexy pregnant. You have to believe me” sighing out “hmmm it’s hard to believe at times but what are you doing now? I am just getting into bed with my girls, I am sleepy” it seems very quiet where he is “in the hotel room, going to the club in an hour so I thought I would call my baby but you sent me that, speechless. Wish I could post it, when we can tell. I will post that, obviously cropping the boobs out because they mine but I love it. Take a video of yourself when you masturbate” he said so randomly “be quiet, I said I am sleeping in a bed with my bitches. I won’t be doing that, use the old videos you got. Is that tramp bitch not making any moves with you?” Chris chuckled “she was quiet actually, the boys scared her ass. You know how wild they can be, I am just laughing and shit” I am glad they did, stupid hoe ass bitch “well text me when you finish from the club, call me if something happens. Please, please be good. I want you home soon, me and baby Brown want you home and I love you” I miss him so much “I will text you, I love you too baby. Talk soon” I don’t want to get off the phone now.
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loseitall-ff · 8 years
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Hiding behind a wall in the apartment waiting on Liana, she wanted to play hide and seek with all the boys so that is what we are doing, she is the queen of my home so we have to oblige. Robyn let me have Liana today because she wanted to clean before her family arrive, I have still yet to tell her that the spare room has my stuff in there, I am just waiting on that text or phone call I get from her. I pretty much want to stay with her in that home but I can’t, I am stuck between two homes. This apartment and the secret hideaway. I had to come here after picking up Liana because the boys wanted to see me, I haven’t seen them in a while. Placing my hand over my mouth laughing, she has found Lo “why you always find me!?” he is such a fool, he always hides in the same place “I got you, I saw this” hearing Liana speak to him “hmmm, that ain’t fair. You need to find your daddy. I know where he is, look there” I knew his snitching ass would tell, let me creep away. Turning around slowly, walking away step by step.
Walking by the first door I see, slowly grabbing the door handle and pulling it open “nigga, fuck you!” Fresh whispered tugging it back shut “you go somewhere else” he legit kicking me out “daddy I see you!!” Liana screamed behind me, looking behind me seeing her smiling at me. I am going to act like she ain’t seen me “got you!!” hearing her little feet run at me, jogging away down the hall “noooo! I see you” running into my bedroom “daddy” hiding behind the door knowing full well she is about to get me anyways, she ran into my room and then turned around. Placing my hands over my face smiling, Liana giggled and grabbed my leg “I got you!!” moving my hands sighing “oh no, that ain’t fair because Lo cheated. But ok you got me” I pouted, Liana is loving this.
Placing Liana on my shoulders “hold on to me” I said bringing my arms down, placing her hands just under my chin to hold “good girl” grabbing the basketball from the car floor and shutting the door “here” throwing the basketball at Lo “I think Mijo is on one of the courts” I pointed out “you ok up there” holding Liana’ legs and looking up “is the sun in your eyes?” Liana looked down at me, she shook her head. As long as my baby is good then we good, I don’t care about anything else. Making my way to the basketball court, I am so glad to be spending time with Liana before I go out there, she is my everything. I didn’t bring any bodyguards with me because I just wanted downtime and I am sure I will get that “uncle!!” Mylen screamed running over “nephew, you good?” he hugged me from the side, letting one of my hand’s go off Liana’ leg and hugging Mylen “missed you little man, how are you” I said, he smiled at me with his missing tooth “I pulled my own tooth out and then I came here” letting out a laugh “I can tell you goof” he is crazy.
Placing Liana down on the court “look at niece with her Lakers jersey on” Mijo pointed as she ran after Mylen “gotta start them young, that jersey just came in the morning actually. Had to get Brown on the back of her jersey too, I know she does all these girly things. But you never know she might like sport. She might be my only child so I want to venture all the options with her” Mijo hit my arm laughing “you are so dramatic and so serious about this, only child? Who you fooling” we slowly walked side by side “clearly someone, but you just never know”” I shrugged “true, but you been keeping a low profile and shit, what has been good with you? Talk to me, you text me and I was like wow? Chris? My brother” placing my hands behind my back licking my lips “just living life I guess” I said looking over at him “you guess? Living somewhere, I hear you moving around. Changing things up, hanging with Rihanna, Melissa and you sharing jokes. I saw that video because people been going crazy. What is happening” biting on my bottom lip, Mijo is my brother and he should know about me being engaged but I don’t feel it “you been chasing after Rihanna” nodding my head “sometimes you get that wake up call” I simply said, I might just test him “me and shawty are trying to rebuild our relationship on the low” watching his reaction closely “oh, that’s what y’all been doing” he doesn’t seem fazed by it “good, you need to have a good bond for Liana’ sake too” we stopped walking “and mine too, we are together” Mijo blinked at me several times “I don’t understand why you both try it, but whatever” he waved me off, this is why I won’t mention I am engaged to him.
I like to see how Liana interacts with other kids, she is very given but selfish at the same time. She is getting so angry at Mylen snatching the ball from her “Liana, no slapping!” I shouted, she looked at me but proceeded to run with her hand up to hit, there is a few other kids playing but Liana is hitting “why my child” I said to myself, watching the train wreck of Liana hitting the boy. He was just stood there and she slapped him, jogging onto the court, Liana knows she did wrong “you good” placing my hand on the boy’ shoulder, I feel for him. Crouching down to him “did she hurt you?” Liana was about to run away but I held her arm “just there” he whispered, seeing this female walking towards us, might be his mom “Adrian will be fine, he is very quiet” she smiled, he walked towards his mom “my bad for Liana hitting him, she needs to say sorry. She gets this stubbornness from her momma” looking at Liana, she was not looking at me “Liana say sorry now, you don’t hit other kids! What is wrong with you” moving her around to see her face “say sorry now before I take you home” she looked down pouting “no” she is going to cry, I know her “it’s ok, kids play like that” she is saying that but I want her to learn too, Liana walked into me as she started to cry “why can’t you just sorry” she is like her mother, just cries.
Holding Liana as she didn’t want to play anymore because I am upset with her, she is not wrong because she didn’t say sorry so I am upset “she is so spoilt, why you like this niece?” Mijo said to her, he opened his arms “you going to go to uncle?” looking down at Liana, she moved her head up and went to Mijo “you’re so grown now girl, stop growing diva” smiling at them both, I love seeing this, my family together “how do Rih’ family feel about it?” Mijo turned around asking “they don’t know, just Mel and she is supportive” Mijo’ eyes widened, he doesn’t know the full story and he won’t ever know but I guess this will be everyone’s reaction “well just be careful, I love the both of you fuckers. Y’all can’t be doing shit and confusing this little beauty” smiling at Liana “we won’t, this is why we are low-key. Liana doesn’t know, we act normal with her” Mijo nodded “got you, I will come to the party tonight though” thank god, I thought he wouldn’t have come.
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I clapped my hands seeing Noella “oh my babies are here” picking up Majesty “look at you girls” placing Majesty on my hip as I hugged Noella “I love seeing you guys” pressing a kiss to Noella’ cheek, seeing Nicoletta “look at you!!” I spat opening my free arm “I think Robz is high, she is happy to see us” Rajad joked “boy shut up, I am always happy to see my family and Leandra” squeezing Nicoletta close “bitch be quiet” Leandra spat, I smiled making my way to Rajad, pressing a kiss to his cheek “we just saw you, Robz is being too nice” pushing Rajad’ head “I can never be nice to any of you” I was about to hug Leandra but she is recording me so she can go, pushing her phone away “go away” turning around “where is she?” Noella asked “Mel is getting dressed” I said, Noella waved me off “I am speaking about the model herself, Little Fenty” letting out an oh “she is with her father, he wanted to spend time with her” Rorrey walked over to me and actually hugged me “you trying to be nice now? You sure you not going to snitch on me” Rorrey chuckled “come on, stop holding grudges” he gets on my nerves but he is my brother.
I miss Liana now, I have not put Majesty down since she came “you can play in Liana’ room” walking up the stairs “I was just in the process of cleaning these rooms for you” placing Majesty down, hearing the music blaring from my bedroom “don’t mind Melissa, she is getting ready in my room. So which room do y’all want? There is more of you this time, I think the brothers can share or will have to share” looking down the hall on my left “even though I haven’t cleaned them rooms, let’s put you here” holding Majesty’ hand “I always love coming here, your home is beautiful” Noella said behind me “thank you, it’s never big enough because look at this, now my family all here. I run out of rooms” this home is just really for Liana and I “you would think five bedrooms is enough but not for us” Nicoletta said behind me “I know, what can I say. Maybe I need to move again” getting to the end of the hall, pushing the door open wide. The smile from my face slowly dropped seeing the room full of shoe boxes, Black Pyramid clothes, Art, bike, skateboard. Pushing Majesty back out and closing the door quickly.
My eyes widened, staring at the door. What is that mess doing in there “what the hell?” Leandra said stood behind me “uhm” I just said, I hate Chris, and again he didn’t tell me “maybe not that room, it has my mess in there” my cream carpet in that room, he has a bike in there and I will kill him if it has made a mess “how about we just do bedrooms next time?” smiling at my family “it’s the birthday girl bitches!!!” Mel shouted, moving my head seeing Mel with her arms open smiling from ear to ear “the birthday girl” I said, I am so glad she has got them away from this room. I need to lock the door now, why has he done this and not tell me about it either.
While they fuss around Mel I am going to call him, they are at a distance anyways. Pressing the phone to my ear, staring at my family just talking to Mel “pay for it, I will be out there. Liana come here now with Mylen” Chris shouted in my ear “what’s up babe” he said down the phone “don’t babe me, what is that mess in my room?” I said in a whisper “oh you seen” is the only thing he said “I needed to put my things somewhere” finishing off his sentence “you put your rubbish in my room? I nearly let my family go into that room, it has your name written all over that rubbish” I am slightly annoyed because he didn’t tell me about it “well Mel said I could, sorry for trying to move in with my fiancé, I’ll pick up my stuff” now he’s making me feel bad “I don’t mean it like that” he cleared his throat “cool, I’ll get Lo to drop off Liana soon. Bye” he said, that was so cold of him and now he has a face on with me.
He really wasn’t joking when he sent Lo, seeing Lo at the bottom of the stairs “hey, Chris told me to tell you that Liana has eaten and she just needs a nap” making my way down the steps, Liana looked up at Lo “did I get that right Li or did I forget something?” he is so annoying, Chris is childish for that “she changed her clothes? Who is this boy?” seeing the Lakers top on her “I play ball mommy” looking at Lo “he really didn’t come?” I said to clarify “he did, he is outside in the car” why does Lo look scared of me “oh he is, well thank you for bringing her in” walking behind Lo to go outside, I want to make sure I see him. I really didn’t have to go far because his Range is parked outside the door “you want me to get him for you” Lo asked walking backwards, shaking my head “I am sure he sees me” Chris turned his head to look at me, he has really got a face on with me.
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I am not really that upset with Robyn but it’s like she don’t want me to move in, but then again I did just dump my things there. Looking down at my diamond encrusted Rolex, I need to leave because I am kind of late actually. Brushing down the little bit of hair that has grown back from going near bald, I think this attire should be good. White long tee, suit jacket, pants with my thick gold diamond chain. I doubt I will keep any of this on because I always get hot in the club, turning away from the long mirror. Grabbing the box with the present I got for Mel.
I know for a fact it will be a lot of trash people that don’t like me there, Mel is friends with everyone including the man I hate, Drake. He will be there and I know she hasn’t done it to cause an issue, I know she hasn’t but I need to be good. She did say I can redeem myself and be good, I need to do just that “you looking nervous” feeling Mijo hit my arm, looking over at him “a little, it’s a lot” it is a lot, I need to be good too and stay away from Robyn because I don’t want to argue with anyone if someone was to say something, on the other hand I can’t say Robyn will stay away. Drunk Robyn is a whole different kind of situation, she will do and say anything.
Walking behind my bodyguard as we entered the club being escorted by the doorman, I mean do we need to be escorted. I bought Mijo, Lo, Hood, Keeis and Aaron with me, I didn’t bring the rest because they don’t know how to act. Rolling my eyes hearing Drake’ mediocre music blaring out, looking to the side of me seeing the place packed full of people. The place is nicely done actually, all white too. It is pretty much a club set out but it is just all white, turning off and up some stairs “for you, this section is for you!” the escort shouted to me, nodding my head “cool” walking by my bodyguard, Mel got me my own spot. Placing Mel’ gift down on the table in the middle, I can see everyone from here.
Sipping my drink looking around, I can see Mel has put pretty much every famous person in their own section, I was about to say. I thought she did it to keep me out of the way. Looking straight ahead at the DJ set and there I saw the woman I been searching for, my fiancé. Her back turned towards me but I can still see the stars on the back of her neck exposed from here, the white backless dress. She turned around smiling from ear to ear stood next to Noella, the low neckline revealing her chest but the white material covering her boobs. She turned to her side as she laughed, the long slit at the side of her leg. Clenching my jaw seeing her long golden leg, every man must be feeling the same way. Drinking the rest of my drink, not much I can say but she looks beautiful.
I knew by the middle of the night my top would be off, I can’t help but dance. I love music even if I hate some of these niggas that made it, I feel slightly tipsy but nobody has said anything and it’s been a good time. Seeing from the corner of my eye Mel jogging up the steps, turning around smiling “you come now?” I questioned, she opened her arms “I had to see everyone nigga, least you’re not too drunk” she said, hugging Mel close “you didn’t even get to see me fully dressed, I looked so nice” stepping back “well I get to see some fat now” she hit my stomach, looking down at myself “wow, you finna do me like that” shaking my head, bringing my head to her ear “happy birthday though, you look beautiful” kissing her cheek “stop it, Robyn about to be jealous. She has seen you, she didn’t come over though” nodding my head moving back, I shrugged.
I don’t know how I ended up with the mic and how I am next to Mel while she is blowing her candles out, I don’t how it happened but it did “shout out to Melissa Forde, happy birthday beautiful. Turned from kool aid wigs to natural weaves” I said down the mic laughing, Mel hit my arm “I hate you so much!” she spat taking the mic from me “he ain’t shit but thank you all so much for coming, honestly appreciate everyone for making the effort. I usually go all out but I wanted to just turn up with everyone so thank you” she moved the mic away from her lips, the music started blaring again. Wrapping my arms around her again, moving back. Mijo waved the box at me “oh yeah, I got you this” taking the box from him “you can open it later” passing it her “for me?” she pointed at herself, nodding my head as she took it “aww thank you so much Chris” she hugged me kissing my cheek.
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Staring on in annoyance, I am annoyed. Watching the happy fucking couple over there, why does she get to hug him, kiss him too. He is my man, I feel a mess. A drunk mess Rihanna mood, I am not Robyn right now. Here I am stuck with these fools, slamming my glass down “don’t break it” hearing that annoying voice, looking up seeing Drake “not you” rolling my eyes, I am drunk so I don’t need it “long time” he opened his arms to hug me but I placed my hand up to him “I am good, I don’t need a hug. I need some air” moving away from him, making my way off the stage. I don’t know where I am going but I will find my way somewhere.
Slowly making my way up the steps, making sure my boobs are still covered. Trying to act as normal as I can because I feel in a silly mood right now, Chris stared at me with a slight smile playing on his lips, he whispered something to Mel. When did these two become so close, scratching the back of my neck “I think someone has had too many drinks” Mel said, bumping into Mel. Licking the top of my lip and then biting on my bottom lip “Mr Handsome” Chris didn’t say a word “I love this song!” Sean Paul – I’m Still in Love with you started playing “I dedicate this song to you” touching Chris’ bare chest, Chris grinned not saying a word “let’s take a picture” Mel said, looking behind me and seeing the photographer. Pushing myself away from Mel, stumbling over to Chris, he caught me as I tried to straighten myself out “my hero” Chris turned me around before I even attempted to kiss him “rude” I spat, why is he being mean.
Feeling Chris move away from me “I think it’s best if you take her” hearing him say, why won’t he talk to me. Turning around “why is he being rude to me” following Chris “Robz, calm yo ass down. He is not being rude” snatching my hand away following Chris, he turned around “you still mad with me?” slurring out “I didn’t mean to offend you, I am sick of people caring about us” Chris looked around me “ok, it’s fine” he is just saying this “then love me” I pointed my finger in his chest, Chris bought his head down to my ear “I do love you, just go back down. People are looking” I don’t care, he is my man. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he quickly pulled my arms away “you know what, I go. Fuck you” he doesn’t even care, I don’t need him I just wanted some dick.
Banging into the back of someone, looking up “sis” Rorrey said turning around “not you!” I spat, I am always in the wrong section, I am with Jay Brown once again. Rorrey placed his arm around me and looked up, looking up also and seeing Mel and Chris looking at me “why did she invite him?” Rorrey shouted “the same thing I said about you” moving away from his arm, I don’t care right now, I am on a mission to somewhere. Pushing passed the people and nearly falling, feeling someone grab my arm, looking up at him. My heart skipped a beat, the feeling of panic overtook me and I felt claustrophobic, blinking my eyes seeing this man looking like Mychal and I freaked out “get the fuck off me!” pulling my arm away, the people around me stopped dancing and Rich came towards me “is everything ok?” staring at the guy that touched me, he is not Mychal and I caused a scene for nothing “drunk friend” Mel got into my eye-view “come on” looking at Mel in sadness.
Seeing Chris, I wanted to fall into his arms “she is just drunk” Mel said behind me, walking by Chris his friends. I caused a scene, they moved out of the way so I could sit down. Sitting down slowly in shock, I don’t know where that came from “just leave her alone, she don’t need everyone crowding her” I don’t know who Mel is saying that too, I am in shock still. That whole flashback of Mychal and I in the club, how he grabbed me that one time. Another man touched me, feeling someone sit next to me. Not bothering to move, I just slightly moved my eyes, seeing Chris’ tattooed hand. Mel crouched down in front of me “Robz are you ok?” looking at Mel nodding my head “I feel ashamed” I said.
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Hearing her say those words again bought back memories I wish I could delete forever, I know people want to know what is up and are just here but it is not needed “you want to go Robz, it won’t be good for you to stay here” Mel said, moving my head closer “I’ll go with you, come. You need to go home” I said to her “Mel, I am taking her. This won’t be good for her” I said taking control, Mel nodded “Chris you leave first though, I will make sure she gets in the car with you. Don’t leave together” getting up from the couch but Robyn grabbed my hand “it’s ok, we will see each other soon” she let go of my hand, I am not happy.
Driving the Range around the back, I am driving this myself now so the boys will need to find their own way back. Robyn comes first and she needs me, turning the engine off. I watched it all happen, She was about to fall and he just grabbed her so she didn’t fall, she stared at him and then the look in her eyes, I knew it, I just knew she was having a flashback. I thought she healed but I was wrong, maybe I pushed it because she had sex with me so I thought things were fine. Rubbing my face waiting on Robyn, I hope this whole thing can get played off like she was just drunk because she don’t need the backlash, I hope I don’t get pulled up while driving. I may be a little over my limit but I will drive slowly.
Seeing the back entrance door open and Rich stepping out first, seeing Robyn with Mel behind her. She did come out finally, Robyn was doing so well and I feel bad because she was there and she stormed off in a huff because of me. But I didn’t want her to do something stupid, she was feeling freaky. The car door opened, watching as Rich helped Robyn in “I am sorry” Robyn sobbed out “stop crying Robz, honestly. It’s fine, I love you just be safe” Mel said as she looked over at me “are you taking her to yours?” she asked, I nodded “yeah, I’ll take her to mine for tonight” Mel placed her hand on Robyn’ shoulder “I love you sis, stop crying and you didn’t ruin my birthday. Thank you for everything and see you in the morning, Chris better text me that place of his, I love you. Bye” she turned away closing the door.
I am trying to concentrate and be so good with my driving, I do not need to be pulled over for nothing. Robyn is quiet and just crying to herself, the night ended badly for my baby “you look beautiful” breaking the silence “I’m a mess” she sniffled “stop it, you’re being hard on yourself. It happened, you had a good time and I shouldn’t have pushed you away. I just didn’t want you to do anything stupid and that you regretted” holding my hand out for her “Robyn they don’t deserve to know about us just yet and you know that” Robyn held my hand finally “I was being stupid and now look” quickly looking over at Robyn “nothing has happened, things got a little intense and that was it. Talk to me, what went through your mind at that moment” intertwining our fingers “just the way he grabbed me, the touch and grip went through me. Another man touched me and I froze up, I got scared and then had a flashback, I saw Mychal’ face” chewing on my bottom lip “I’m sorry it happened” I should have just kept Robyn close to me.
Putting my car in park as I turned to Robyn, turning the engine off “don’t cry baby, you didn’t ruin her birthday. You didn’t ruin anything, this is something that is pretty much still there and happened to you, I forget at times. This is something you live with, I am sorry for forgetting. Just that we have been so happy, but you was alone and I should’ve thought” I feel bad now, I just forget about that shit “it’s fine, you’re right. I do still have issues, I don’t want to go back because all I want to do is go forward. Can we just pretend it didn’t happen, I am sorry if I did upset you, you know about you putting your stuff in the home” waving Robyn off “I wasn’t actually upset, just a little butt hurt. I should have said but it’s all good, I love you and you look so beautiful” she really does “thanks” she said with her voice all high pitched.
Walking down the steps to my home “I love this place, honestly so cute” Robyn said, she always says this “thanks, shame it’s too small. It was meant to be just for Liana and I” which is true “no Robyn?” she said, turning around “not at that moment in time, I didn’t know what we was back then” smiling at her “I just love the theme to this place, I know your ass didn’t think of it” she walked by me “you know me well” Robyn plopped down on the couch “my feet hurt” she hiccupped while she said, walking off to the kitchen area “you want to have a shot with me?” looking to the collection of bottles I got “sure what you got” Robyn shouted from the living area “Peach Ciroc, Bourbon, Tequila or Rum? Even though I think you have had enough drink tonight” grabbing the shot glasses “Rum please!” she shouted, grabbing the bottle.
Robyn stood across the table in the kitchen, together we threw back one shot after another “Maybe we should stop” Robyn is such an alcoholic at times, pulling the rum away from her “it’s hot in here. Are you not hot?” Robyn said, her eyes met mine and she touched her fingers against my cheek. Cupping my face in her hands which were cold against my skin, she pulled me towards her. Staring deep into my eyes. Stumbling forward, I closed the small gap between our faces and pressed my lips to hers. Our kiss was sloppy yet full of passion. We clung to each other, hungrily sucking on the other’s tongue.
My hands travelled across Robyn’ back until they reached her waist, wrapping my hands around her midsection, I pulled her into me. Nudging her legs apart with my knee which exposed her legs from the slit of her dress, my fingers dipped below her dress and slid across her wet slit, earning a moan from her. Pulling her panties to the side, I pressed my fingers against her and she spread her legs further. Her own hands moved at a frenzy to get rid of my pants, her fingers fumbled around with the leather belt wrapped around my waist until she was able to unbuckle my belt and snap my pants loose. My pants slipped slightly down my waist, falling enough for Robyn to sneak her hand between the elastic band of my boxers and gripped my length.  
My tongue was still pressed against hers, over dominating Robyn’ and swallowing each moan that gathered in her mouth. Robyn continued to massage my length, running her fingers over the veins that were pulsating out. Moving my pants out of her way, she tugged my boxers down far enough to pull out my member. Removing my fingers, I held her panties to the side and aligned the head of my dick to her opening. I could feel her heat beckoning me towards her, calling out my name, waiting for my length to slide in and cause enough friction against her slick walls to make her scream. Pressing her against the table, I finally positioned inside of her. We both broke away from each other’s lips and touched our foreheads together. Pushing her dress up, hearing a slight rip, exposing her midsection even more for me. Grabbing my neck she pulled me towards her and rocked her hips forward to the rhythm I set.
She felt so good around me, my forehead fell against her shoulder as I buried myself deep inside of her. Hiking her dress up further, I drove into her, thumping her back against the table. Placing frantic kisses along the side of her neck, Robyn tossed her head to the side, her hair falling away from her neck, giving my lips more skin to touch. Inhaling deeply, Robyn slipped her hands underneath my shirt and her fingernails dug into my back. Her head flew back when I cupped her thighs and spread her legs wider, just before scooping her up and pushing into her even harder. Robyn’ body shuddered and she clenched her eyes shut. Her essence dripped around me as her walls pulled me in deeper. Holding me in place like a vice.
“Fuck Robyn” I grunted and pulled back, thrusting into her once last time. I slipped out of her and set her down on her bare feet. My dick still stood pointed at attention, sweat dripped down my face as my chest rose up and down. Only the sound of our heavy breathing filled the room while we stood staring into each other’s eyes. Stepping on the heel of my shoe, I kicked my feet free and stepped out of my pants which had dropped and gathered around my ankles. Pulling my tee over my head, I watched Robyn as she pushed herself on top of the table and spread her legs for me. Walking over to Robyn, grabbing her dress and pulling it up over her head “I love you naked, you’re so damn beautiful” tossing her dress to the side, doing the same to her panties.
“Move over” I demanded, my voice was low and deep. Moving over so that I had enough room to sit next to her, I climbed on top of the table and pulled Robyn towards me. Turning so that my legs were spread across the length of the table, Robyn straddled my lap and pushed me back against the smooth, cold wood. With her legs on either side of me, Robyn pressed her palms into my chest and rose her body up enough to position my length beneath her before sinking down on to me. Her inner muscles clenched around me and we both grunted out moans of satisfaction. Gripping her hips and thrusting myself forward, I laid back enjoying the feel of Robyn pulsing around me. Her soft grunts and moans were music to my ear to hear. The way she bites her lip when I slide in turns me on.  
Rocking her hips back and forth, my hands moved up her stomach, my fingers caressing her soft skin before moving further to cup her breast. Almost forgetting that we were on a table, I flew forward and sat up. Our rhythm faltered a bit as a result but I made up for it by claiming one of her nipples with my mouth. Sucking down on the pointed nipple, I thrust inside of her with a vengeance, keeping up a steady rhythm going with her. I used my free hand to run down her back, tickling her spine, before cupping her ass and pulling her body towards me.
Falling on her back, Robyn locked her legs around my waist. Arching her body towards me while at the same time I pressed her against the wood table. We continued a perfect rhythm, with her legs wrapped around my body. Feeling her hands gripping my ass, pushing me in deeper, urging me to move faster, to stroke faster. Running her fingers up the curve of my spine, Robyn’ mouth fell open. Each pump, each stroke that I thrust into her caused her breathing to hitch. Robyn cried out “yes Chris! Oh my gosh” her warm core rippled around me.
I continued to pound into her until every ounce of creamy pleasure I had to offer was drained out of me and into her. I lowered my chest closer to hers to press a sloppy and wet kiss, we both giggled and remained close until I rose up on my palms, hovering over Robyn as she laid back completely content and satisfied “god bless this table for being strong” she finally said “don’t jinx it” pressing a kiss to Robyn’ cheek “are you on anything?” I asked, not really asked this to her “just take the morning after pill after we do have sex” she shrugged, moving my head back “are you looking to get pregnant?” I chuckled “it will be fine, don’t worry about it” I guess she knows what she is doing.
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ngosikadzistyle · 8 years
I am so excited to announce my travel calendar is scheduled for Sauti za Busara in Zanzibar, Tanzania. I have a connection with Zanzibar, basing my English composition on cats in the streets of Zanzibar having never been… I look forward to the cats and Swahili style streets in Stone Town.
The festival happens every February and has featured Ammara Brown and Cde Fatso, artistes from Zimbabwe.
StoneTown Zanzibar
It has a feel good vibe, dependant on donations from the community, it is a hub of opportunity for all artists in Africa.
Last time I went there, I had no money of my own, now I have my own company
Zanzibar coastline
Stonetown Zanzibar
Doreen Mashika Dress made in Khanga Fabric
This time around I hope to learn a lot more about the history and the culture with the festival offering me stellar entertainment. African music is guaranteed fun and dancing with my people so we cannot wait to take HAMBANOW to Tanzania and make contacts.
What to look forward to in Zanzibar:
Sauti za Busara Music Festival
Tickets for this are on sale at the moment, on busaramusic.org. We heard so much about it from mappafrica, an African mobile application for African music, art, places and people.
Flying the “Africa United” flag, the next edition during  9 – 12 February 2017 will feature 400 artists (40 groups) performing live on three stages.
Sounds like a JAM!
The beaches and blue waters
The beaches and people of Zanzibar are absolutely cool, cannot wait to have ZEGE on the beaches a local dish.
Maasai men at the beaches
Doreen Mashika store
The best place to shop in Zanzibar, the award winning designer has a store in Zanzibar. I visited the shop but had no bank account to begin with, okay I did but budget did not permit to take any thing.
Doreen Mashika accessories and clothing designer, VOGUE recognised.
Food Festival daily at night
In FORODHANI gardens is a food festival of sorts, a dinner food stall community that makes food that is fresh and delicious, an option for many tourists and backpackers.
Fresh vegetables and food from the night food stalls
These are only but a few reasons you should hop on a FASTJET and get your way to Dar Es Salaam from HRE or to Zanzibar from Johannesburg.
      Voices of Wisdom – Sauti za Busara Festival Zanzibar I am so excited to announce my travel calendar is scheduled for Sauti za Busara in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
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theqweens · 7 years
#ViewsinMyCity @ldochev - @bmorenavy and @owenlauer! Over 20 illustrations specially made for this project! Cover art by the great @amirnavy_ . Hope you still have this book Robz! @badgalriri We made it with so much love! Looking forward to many more moments like this one! ❤⚓️🎈 _______________________________ www.theQweens.com #celebritynews #bad #gal #riri #fun #book #sold #give #rain #shine #star #photo #video #comfort #island #theQweens (at New York, New York)
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jimmcelvaney · 7 years
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Robz #barcelona @ae_on_ #art #graffiti #tagsandthrows #photography
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shinda22 · 10 years
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