merryfortune · 10 months
An (un)Important Use for the Most Favourite Teaset
Written for @ygorarepairweek
Prompts: Role Reversal | Domestic | Angst
Title: An (un)Important Use for the Most Favourite Teaset
Ship: Rockdustshipping | Ryoken/Spectre/Earth
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,343
Tags: Alternate Universe - Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Post Canon, Canon Divergent, Domestic Fluff, Slice of Life, V-Shaped Relationship, Polyamory
   Ryoken didn’t look up from his paper newspaper, yes paper, as he heard Spectre in the kitchen. 
   Spectre, meanwhile, was focused on making himself and Ryoken some tea. There were various clinking and clanking noises as he poured out tea from a teapot into the matching china. 
   Or, at least, that is what Ryoken assumed. He hadn’t looked up from his newspaper after all. Merely flicked the next page, the sound of which resounded through the sunroom and then Spectre joined him at the table. There were four chairs set up but they would rarely seat that many people; just three. It was nice to live with just them and their paramour; no Lieutenants, no comatose father, just them.
   “Oh… Earth is making it?” Ryoken said. 
   He sounded suitably dubious. The idea of a glorified robot steeping, pouring, and otherwise making tea wrinkled him. Though a lot of things about Earth wrinkled Ryoken. Luckily, his crinkled expression and tone of voice only ever amused Spectre and Earth was too oblivious to things like that.
   “He is. He’s gotten quite good at it. He may have to start learning tea ceremonies next.” Spectre told him.
   Ryoken snorted and Spectre gave him the side eye over the book that he had brought with him. In his defence, however, the idea of the Ignis adapting to human cultures was preposterous. Even if Spectre’s Ignis was the one who was most closest to them, at least emotionally and understanding that context. Unlike the other Ignis - such as the Light, Wind, and Dark Ignises - who saw it fit to punish their Origins in whatever manner it was, whether it was during the Incident or thereafter, regardless of how pure their intentions had been.
   Still. The idea of Earth of learning the art of tea ceremonies was amusing to Ryoken. Especially since, deep down, he would be good at it. At least in farce or aesthetic. The straight of his back, the clothing that he wore, the impeccable manners required. All of that, yes, he would be good at. In theory, at the very least.
   But actually making the tea?
   He would first have to prove himself as having culinary talent in making beverages. Something he would surely have to lack due to having no taste receptors of his own. He was an Ignis, after all, a robot, an inorganic creature that had no mouth, no tongue, no nothing. 
   “It’s ready.” Earth announced. He called from the kitchen.
   “Thank you, dear, please bring it over.” Spectre replied.
   Ryoken looked away from the newspaper, just briefly, so that he could watch as Earth, brought over a tray: teapot on top, two empty cups, and two little madeleine cakes on matching saucers. He had used Spectre’s good tea set, with his favourite floral etchings on them, white flowers hued with goldenrod and orange centres. 
   That tea set, as Ryoken understood it, was for special events, everything and anything from wakes to birthdays. Neither of the two extremes seemed all that appropriate for a mere Saturday afternoon with nothing better to do than to eat cake, drink tea, and read the paper. So, Ryoken brought it up out of the curiosity.
   “What’s the occasion?” Ryoken asked. He turned back to Spectre in front of him.
   “Nothing in particular.” Spectre replied, turning the page in his book with a satisfying flick and a swish of the aged paper. “I let Earth pick and as it would turn out, his favourite is my favourite, also.”
   Hm… Like Origin, like Ignis, Ryoken mused. Their likenesses were eerily apparent. Even though it seemed like they should be opposites, they weren’t. They were complementary to one another. This was especially pronounced to Ryoken who had to bear the brunt of both extremes of their eccentricity and how they blended together.
   Just look at Earth’s SOLtiS appearance. The resemblance to his Origin was uncanny. Even if Earth had - thankfully - dyed his hair to match his skin as an Ignis. 
   Still, he walked over with clunky brothel creeper shoes and the awareness that he would be in big, big trouble if he spilt either the tea or worse: dropped the tea set that he was carrying. But, fortunately, he made it. The change between the kitchen and the parlour was not all that big but the couple metres were still nerve wracking enough before Earth, relievedly, placed the tray in the middle of the table.
   “Pour me a cuppa, won’t you?” Ryoken teased Earth.
   “Yes, of course.” Earth chirped, spritely.
   He missed entirely how Ryoken’s tone of voice had been soaked in jeering. Spectre, meanwhile, had not missed that and was giving Ryoken the stink eye from across the table. He put aside his book.
   “I would also appreciate it if you served me as well.” Spectre said.
   Earth was suitably excited to fulfil both requests. He was in a strange position, being the quote-unquote Hanoi Ignis so he often felt the need to earn his keep. That he needed to prove that he was worthy to stay with them, that they would never need to terminate his position with them. 
   With a big smile plastered across his face, Earth picked up the teapot and to Ryoken’s amazement, Earth had the most immaculate gesture as he served both him and Spectre tea. His manners were exquisite, the flourish was just enough without being pompous. It was strange but he had a talent for it.
   (But then again, Ryoken supposed even Ai was capable of flipping hot dogs down at Cafe Nagi so perhaps food and beverage could mix with the Ignis. Even if he would selfishly prefer better not.
   “Thank you, Earth.” Spectre said as he was offered the now full tea cup to the left.
   Yes, there was still a matter of tasting it.
   “Thanks, Earth.” Ryoken added. 
   He took the teacup to the right and watched as Spectre, smiled delicately, into the white rim of the teacup. His expression was gracious, thankful, pretty even. He enjoyed the taste and Ryoken, too, couldn’t mistake the dainty scent of chamomile. The steam that wafted up was like a ballet dancer cloaked in tule as it danced up and past his nose, tickling him with a floral perfume. 
   The taste was even better. The tea was the most perfect amber colour and had been brewed to perfection.
   Ryoken sighed, “Well done.” he praised Earth. Something he did quite sparingly and so, Earth’s face lit up.
   He beamed. “Really? You think so?”
   “Yes. It's delicious.” Spectre agreed.
   Ryoken may very well have to consider paying for the Earth Ignis to make a hobby of learning tea ceremonies and the like. It was clear he had talent for it and it was one which was beneficial to him and highly unlikely to lead to the downfall of both the planet and humankind. Or so Ryoken could only hope.
   He had another sip and enjoyed the gentle warmth of the tea in his mouth. He withheld a sigh. Being served tea by a former enemy of his and current lover of his own. It was still quite distasteful to him. But ah, how times had changed if this domestic scene was one that he could enjoy and more importantly, both Spectre and Earth could enjoy. They really had come so far, all three of them.
   “Hurry up and sit down already.” Ryoken scolded Earth.
   “Yes, just because you can’t eat or drink doesn’t mean you can’t join us.” Spectre added.
   “Ah, thank you very much.” Earth said and he clumsily pulled up a chair. 
   The legs of it scraped against the floor, making Ryoken wince. That needed more work but the noise of it was soon replaced by Spectre and Earth making light chatter about the book that he had been reading and whether or not Earth might enjoy reading it later. Ryoken smiled to himself and followed up another sip of his tea with a bite of the madeleine cake that had been accompanying it before he continued to read his newspaper.
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vrains-shiplist · 1 year
Hello, I would like to officially call Earth/Spectre/Ryoken Rockdustshipping. Proof of ship is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33943510 (its my fic). Reason for name is as a smush of "rock" and "stardust". Stardust alluding to Ryoken's association with the Stardust Road and rock referring to Earth and Spectre's associations with rocks, Earth having his skill called "rock you" and Spectre being shown sitting next to that large rock in his childhood flashback.
Accepted. It’ll be added to the list shortly.
-Mod Akira
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Headcanon that never fails to make me (happy) cry is the idea of Earth bonding with Ryoken by thanking him for giving Spectre a safe place and Ryoken thanking Earth for being such an important pillar of Spectre’s emotional stability.
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wayfinderrinku · 10 months
One of these days I’m actually going to write some different ships that isn’t AiYusa and Recoilshipping for VRAINS
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merryfortune · 1 year
petrichor [fresh start]
Title: petrichor [fresh start]
Ship: Rockdustshipping | Earth/Spectre/Ryoken
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,713
Tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff and Angst, Hugs, Forgiveness
  It was strange to be requested to return home.
  Though both Ryoken and Spectre had their doubts for if the Kogami Mansion could be  called home. They had long since made peace with severing their ties to it. The cruise liner had become their base of operations for all their activities as Knights of Hanoi going forward and yet, the summons called and for better or for worse, had to be adhered to.
  It was even stranger to be requested to return home so a stranger could meet them.
  Even if he wasn’t truly or fully a stranger. Just someone they had never met or faced directly. That could be for the better, however. It meant a cleaner slate, as wonky and chalky as it was.
  The weather today was poor but admittedly nostalgic. It was the wrong time of the year, however, for the bright storms that they had met under ten - almost eleven - years ago now. No, this was a grey and dreary drizzle that could go on and on and on with sluggish cloud cover and a shiver to the raindrops that fell. If it got any colder, they could probably expect sleet.
  Spectre held onto the umbrella. He was just slightly taller and he took pride in serving Ryoken in whatever measure he could but the umbrella almost dropped from his hand when they saw the person - well, not really a person - who had been expecting them.
  “Earth.” Spectre gasped. Or croaked, really. The name was clunky and forbidden on his tongue.  He steadied his grip on the umbrella’s cushioned handle as the rain continued to pour steady as well.
  Ryoken didn’t say a word. He just prompted Spectre to keep walking forward and so they did. Together.
  The stranger who was not actually a stranger who was a person but not really continued to sit on their front veranda as they walked up the curving, cement path that wound through the front lawn of the Kogami Mansion. He kept his hand down, even if he was already out of the rain. He looked odd and bulky, silhouetted against the mid-afternoon lack of sun and the front of the Kogami Mansion’s facade but when he stood up.
  He was even bigger. Taller. Odder.
  Spectre swallowed thickly as he and Ryoken arrived on this threshold. He delicately put away the umbrella, careful not to flick spare raindrops on either Ryoken or Earth. He placed the umbrella upside down against one of the decorative pillars that held up the overhang of the veranda.
  “Greetings.” Ryoken said. His voice was dry and not overly amicable.
  Earth stared them both down. This was not the form that either of them knew him of as he was wearing a SOLtiS android body.
  His eyes were extraordinarily bright: the brightest, most computer screen saturated cyan conceivable. Yet framed by big, thick eyebrows that were fuzzy like… Ryoken’s. Or, more aptly, Dr. Kogami’s as there was a hint of him in the design of Earth’s human persona, too. Namely the side-burns. And then some - no, a lot - of Spectre. It was disconcerting to look at a bigger, taller, older Spectre with dyed orange and brown hair. The shadows and lights cast from the cyan notch on his neck that matched his eyes in sheer blindingness made him seem all the more wrong from inspiration.
  “Hello.” Earth said slowly. “My name is Earth.”
  “We know who you are.” Ryoken said.
  “Ah. I see. Of course.” Earth mumbled, seemingly embarrassed even though Ryoken was the one being rude by being so brusque. No matter. Earth turned his head so he could focus on Spectre.
  No one said anything for a moment as Spectre was, well, studied by his Ignis. They all listened to the sound of the rain drown out the sound of humans taking breath or the roar of the thick, immovable tension between them all. After this long, dragging moment in the cold, Earth made a sudden movement, taking Spectre - and Ryoken - by surprise.
  Earth hugged Spectre.
  It was a big, huge, massive, enormous hug that lifted Spectre off his feet and had him squirming. Earth’s arms were belts of metal and silicon around him as he pushed his face into Spectre’s chest and held onto him against all protest. Until Spectre could feel his spine crack at the strength that Earth was exuding onto him.
  Earth made a satisfied noise, a smack of his lips, and then set Spectre down.
  Spectre, meanwhile, looked crushed. And flustered. Perhaps a little frantic, his face was flushed and his posture was uncharacteristically bad after this little outburst. Strands of his silver hair, spotless and dry, had even fallen out of place.
  Earth, confused, looked down at him and asked, “Was I not supposed to do that?”
  “No, no, it's, er, fine, I just wasn’t expecting it, I suppose.” Spectre rambled as he rose back up to his full height.
  “I didn’t mean to surprise you.” Earth replied as he began to fidget. “But someone important to me taught me that if you miss someone and haven’t seen them in a while, the best way to show you still love them is to hug them.”
  Ryoken blinked, “That’s awfully kind of you.”
  “Yes, I didn’t appreciate it at the time but I’m thankful for this token of wisdom that only Ai could have imparted on me.” Earth said, sounding a little proud.
  “Ai?” Ryoken growled, frankly unimpressed by where this little expression had come from.
  “Yes, Ai, the Dark Ignis.” Earth clarified, thinking that Ryoken simply didn’t know the Dark Ignis by a more human-esque name.
  But Spectre meanwhile, he had stars in his eyes because of something else that Earth had said. They had never officially met until right this very moment. They had been attached, yes, at the soul, on a psychic level. Spectre’s duelling and what he saw and thought of the world was what had produced Earth but it hadn’t been face-to-face. Not then, not ever and yet.
  One little thing twigged for Spectre, so utterly precious and on the precipice of being perpetually cherished.
  “You still…” Spectre murmured, his voice was soft yet breaking apart the back and forth Earth and Ryoken were having. He looked up and his eyes were watering. “You still love me? Even though… We don’t even  know each other.”
  “Well I want to know you.” Earth said.
  “I’m glad.” Spectre said and this time, he launched into Earth for a hug.
  Of course, he couldn’t pick Earth up and crush his spine like he could but it was just as tight. Just as strong in other ways. Earth was surprised as his human’s arms wrapped around him in the blink of an eye but he liked the sensation of it. Cautiously, he lifted his gaze over the top of Spectre’s head to Ryoken.
  Spectre breathed in Earth’s scent. He smelled like a new car and new clothes, both fresh from the factory mass-produced. It was a weird smell that he didn’t traditionally consider nice but he liked it here, he liked it on Earth. All because of how impossible this moment was.
  Up until, about twenty four hours ago, Earth was dead. There was no way of meeting him face to face. Earth had never gone out of his way to meet him and Spectre had know way of knowing why. Well, he could have what he was told, of course, that of course Earth would be wary of seeking out his partner who had sided with his species deleter’s but not from the horse’s mouth. Now he could ask.
  He could even ask to catch up on missed time, if he so pleased. This was a second chance and a unique one at that. Spectre held tightly onto Earth and he was determined not to let go any time soon. A teardrop began to roll down the side of his face again.
  Just like that time, just like when Earth had died.
  But this time, it was a tear of gratitude and joy rather than grief.
  As Spectre hugged him so desperately, it became clear to Earth that there was a lot that Earth didn’t know about the last ten years but he did know one thing. He wanted to be here, with his rightful partner and his partner’s loved ones, as precarious as that had the potential to be. He placed his hand on Spectre’s shoulder and then spoke, placidly, to Ryoken. With a very pleasant smile on his face which was different to how either of his human inspirations smiled, Ryoken would like to duly note.
  “Thank you,” Earth said to him, “for giving Spectre somewhere to stay. Pardon my intrusion.” He bowed his head slightly to Ryoken.
  Ryoken folded his arms. There was something in his mind to be bitter about, he was sure. The Earth Ignis was, undeniably, the least problematic of his kin but he was still wrinkled that Playmaker had somehow found it, in his infinite wisdom, that not only should Earth shack up with they, the Knights of Hanoi but be gifted a SOLtiS body on top that. Surely nothing good could come of it and yet. He was beckoned closer, by both Earth and Spectre.
  Spectre slowly let go of Earth and turned just slightly. He batted his eyes. He looked like a child. Or like he was asking for permission to feel whatever it was he was feeling. It was pathetic. Ryoken let go of himself and of a snarky sigh, too.
  “Fine.” he said.
  Ryoken came in closer and he let himself be hugged by Spectre and Earth. He was stiff as a board as arms from either of the Ignis-Origin duo criss-crossed over him, Spectre forcibly snuggled into both Earth and Ryoken. Ryoken placed his hand on the back of Spectre’s shoulder blade, just avoiding a scant touch from Earth’s hand which remained in place atop it.
  The rain began to ease and, like a gentle, everyday miracle, the sun began to shine through some of the cloud cover. It felt like a good omen, it filled the front garden of the mansion with a fresh scent of soil that had been quenched: petrichor.
  A fresh start.
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merryfortune · 1 year
Rhapsody in Kalopsia
Title: Rhapsody in Kalopsia
Ship: Rockdustshipping | Earth/Spectre/Ryoken
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,614
Tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Fluff, Established Relationship, Polyamory, V-Shape Relationship
   The thing about Spectre, Ryoken had long since observed, and usually with great suffering, was that he was an incorrigible optimist. An unyielding idealist. Usually to the point of denial or delusion but it kept him alive so why complain?
   Well, Ryoken would like to complain actually because he was the one who had to exist alongside this kalopsia of Spectre’s. 
   Though he did have to admit. Of Spectre’s ability to transmute anything into a positive, this should be the easiest one for Ryoken to bear and yet… it somehow got on his nerves the most. Which is quite the insane admission, even for Ryoken to make considering how he had been through thick and thin with Spectre for the past ten years.
   From the very moment Ryoken had met Spectre, face to face, he could tell that there was something more than a little off about this child. He was beaming and he was more than eager to join Ryoken, follow after him like a lost puppy. As far as he was concerned, even though they were in the cold, drenching rain, it was all sunshine and rainbows.
   Then he began to explain the circumstances of how he had got here, waiting for something - someone - outside the base of operations for the Hanoi Project. How he was an orphan. How he was bullied. How the only things he felt were worth living for had been taken from him. The first, the Hanoi Project and then the second… which was a tree he considered his mother that had been cut and felled for unknown reasons.
   Yes, well, Ryoken had a lot of questions after that. Not many he wanted to ask but certainly they swarmed in his head, clogged on his tongue. There was something very incredibly, direly strange and wrong with this child. Though, Ryoken had always quietly suspected such. 
   Ryoken was the witness to the crimes of the Hanoi Project and the suffering the children had endured throughout but the boy in Box Number Four… He was always the quickest to stand up again, the quickest to grin and laugh and shrug off the pain and hop back into another Duel. Win or lose, it seemed all the same to him as it gave him great, if twisted, joy.
   Ryoken thought it was resilience at the time. That Spectre, this particular child, was just so driven that nothing could knock him down, that his courage was to be considered admirable. That yes, it was resilience and nothing less, that prevented him from breaking where the other children hadn’t. Or, either that, he was simply not present when he did breakdown in tears, unable to get up again, rocking and self-soothing like the others, banging to be released from their captivity.
   Now, Ryoken saw that it sort of was resilience but it sort of wasn’t, either. There was no upside to having his Mother Tree cut down but he did get to meet Ryoken. There was, however, an upside to being unlawfully detained, starved, and electrocuted, though. For whatever reason, that was fun to Spectre. Ryoken wasn’t going to claim that he understood it but the way in which Spectre adapted was incredibly remarkable. 
   No matter what happened, what cards he was dealt, Spectre took it on the chin and with a smile. And also probably rose coloured glasses but whatever helped. Ryoken was in no position to judge considering what he increasingly asked for from Spectre.
   Everything from undying loyalty to killing the very reason he had been kidnapped in the first place, Spectre did it all with a blithe expression on his face. Well, usually it was more twisted than “blithe” but close enough. Spectre never asked for a thing in return for his service to either Ryoken or the Knights of Hanoi, he was just happy to have a place to belong. 
   That was, until, curiosity killed the cat.
   Or well, curiosity tried to kill the cat but other happenstance killed it first and that was that. (Or was meant to be that.)
   When Spectre began questioning why his Ignis never sought him out. In one way or another, all the other Ignis had sought out their Origins but Spectre did his best to put a lid on this curiosity. Even if it did burn him up inside, it soon became too little too late when SOL Tech got their hands on the Earth Ignis first. Before the rogue Ignises could or even before the Knights of Hanoi could and that kept Spectre’s curiosity - and more importantly, to Ryoken at least, his loyalty - in check.
   To further cement and salt the ground, Ryoken had said some things around this point in time that he would later regret and would later justify again. The Earth Ignis wasn’t problematic but he was still very, very painful in Ryoken’s eyes. Maybe not quite so painful that the death penalty for his existence was warranted but almost close enough, by a country mile or two or three. Maybe even as many as six.
   Still, after this Incident, there was none for Spectre to wish for. The Earth Ignis was dead. All but one of the six Ignis were dead, actually, and the Dark Ignis was not particularly interested in living on as the sole survivor of his own kind and thus, calculated his own end by his own volition at the hand of his own Origin.
    It was just a shame that Playmaker was not cut from the same cloth as Spectre. Spectre was content to cloud gaze, to look for that silver lining and be done with it. Admire it from afar even whilst wasting no time on the what could have been’s because that would make him feel sad and uncomfortable, something he was loath to feel as an innate pleasure seeker. 
   Fujiki Yusaku, however, dove head first into the worst of it and made the changes he wanted to see.
   He was not content with a world where his partner had been taken from him. So Ai had to come back, he would force it, he would put all the pieces together and it would make for a happy ending. But as previously established, Ai could not be the only one of his kind. 
   So one by one, the other five Ignis were found and put into place again so they could live. It was an abomination but it was a happy abomination. And now, the end result of all that hard work was that Ryoken really, badly, desperately needed… ear plugs. 
   Good quality ear plugs that felt soft and squishy and let him sleep in peace and harmony. That would make Ryoken very happy in this change of circumstances.
   There was more explanation for this, of course. It was a bit of a strange leap to simply go from the most sarcastic yay possible that the Earth Ignis was alive and well again to needing ear plugs. An unsarcastic yay was, however, necessary because the end of warfare with the Ignis and his own Father’s influence receding over the Knights of Hanoi meant that a new, happy ending was in order.
   And that overjoyed Spectre.
   Against all odds, in the face of impossibility, Earth had resurrected and been returned to Spectre.
   Well, returned mightn’t be the most accurate way to describe it. They had never met after all. Separated, yes, technically, twice even. In the wake of the dissolution of the Hanoi Project when police and rescue had descended after Ryoken’s phone call and again ten years later when Earth had been vivisected by SOL Tech but it still wasn’t entirely accurate. But it was how Spectre wanted to call things and describe things.
   Totally ignoring the fact that the baseline of happiness that he wanted which balanced his loyalties and his desires was for Earth to simply be with his own kind, never interacting but now that all paths had well and truly crossed… It was a return to how it perhaps should have been. Even if the Ignis had been deemed a successful and profitable business venture. The Origins and Ignis were partners. They belonged together. It was truly as simple as that.
   The happiness that Spectre felt when he was finally introduced to Earth was near euphoria. The glitter in his eyes, the rapid beating of his heart in his chest, the smile from ear to ear, unhinged and free and surprisingly requited from the Ignis, too. It had all the hallmarks of a bonafide honeymoon phase, Ryoken realised from the sidelines, seeing echoes of his own first meeting with Spectre in that between him and his Ignis. It would fade eventually. Become a norm.
   And it did but gosh Ryoken wished that it hadn’t.
   It was selfish of him to say so but it all returned to Ryoken’s original point. He had an irritant to vent when it came to Earth and Spectre’s relationship as it affected him.
   The entry of Earth into Spectre’s life, of course, also meant an entry into the lives of Ryoken and the scientists of the project and it was, as Earth would put it, socially awkward. They had created him and then in the next breath decreed that he ought to be destroyed and now here he was. Helping out with things like laundry and even assisting in their activities in the Link VRAINS to monitor it from threats who weren’t them.
   It was strange to say the least but much like Yusaku and Ai, Takeru with Flame, and Aqua with both Aoi and Miyu, it seems that the relationship between Spectre and Earth really was a match made in heaven. The jury was still out on the other two Ignis not accounted for in this metric but it was safe to say that there was some sort of effort towards healing and reconciliation was on-going. It was not going to be instantaneous like the other four Ignis and their partners but it didn’t seem impossible. It was just going to take time.
   Meanwhile, it had taken no time at all for Spectre to adapt and for Earth to adapt, as well.
   The other Ignis - namely Ai, Aqua, and Flame - were not thrilled at the idea of Earth being submerged into the hierarchies and echelons of the Knights of Hanoi and Ryoken was much the same. It did seem to be playing a dangerous game but given how petty Ryoken’s grievances currently were, it was probably fine. Ryoken was doing his best to tamp down on this issue so as to prove that he and the other Knights had turned over a leaf but damn if it wasn’t difficult.
   See, all the Ignis have a certain quirk of movement. When they moved, the mechanisations of their artificial bodies produced certain noises respective to their element of their attribute. Rushing water, flickering fires, strong winds. That sort of thing and in Earth’s case, it was the harsh noise of grinding stones.
   It was a terrible, horrible, no good, and very annoying noise. Ryoken hated it. Spectre, in his infinite wisdom, loved it. In fact, Spectre considered it to be a most marvellous white noise and it was exactly in the bedroom, when they were trying to sleep, when it annoyed Ryoken the most. Earth was completely and utterly oblivious to this problem as he just did what he was told.
   And what he was told was that he couldn’t leave Spectre’s side.
   This was for a multitude of reasons. 
   Ryoken didn’t like the idea of Earth having free roam of the ship whilst he and the others slept. Ryoken doubted Earth would do anything which would be considered an issue globally or on a scale far grander than they of the Knights of Hanoi would worry about. 
   However, his earnest attitude got him in trouble anyway. He was klutzy and awkward, causing problems in the plumbing when he tried to do a good deed and clean the toilet unasked or other such scenarios. There was a way for every chore to go wrong and go wrong disastrously at his command. He wanted to help a little bit too much and that caused annoyance or trouble unintentionally.
   And the other reason why Ryoken didn’t want Earth to stray too far from Spectre because, well, Spectre loved him dearly and the novelty of him still hadn’t worn off. Earth was far superior to a new toy to cuddle and squeeze and that made Ryoken’s skin crawl but letting Spectre have him made him happy so… Ryoken obliged. 
   Through not only gritted teeth but a pillow fixed over his head so he could try to get some sleep in peace and silence. 
   The Ignis didn’t need to sleep, after all. Humans did. Earth couldn’t go too far but he needed to keep himself entertained. Most of the time he stayed put, read a book but even that sometimes proved too noisy given every page turn was accompanied by the ear-splitting noise of grinding stones.
   Well, Ryoken thought they were ear-splitting noises. Spectre, meanwhile, thought they sounded quite pleasant. The compromise was obvious. Ryoken needed ear plugs because there was no way he was going to ruffle Spectre’s feathers by suggesting that no, his new favourite sound in the whole wide world was awful and terrible. 
   Lying in bed with Spectre, it was a simple pleasure. The sort of pleasure Ryoken had once thought would be impossible for him. There was too much in the way of their relationship, surely, despite the more than budding attraction. They were master and second-in-command. Witness and victim. There was guilt and suicidality but here they were.
   Snuggled up, cuddled up under the sheets. It was too kind. All of it was impossible, surely, and yet here Ryoken was, breathing in the scent of plants that had been watered or body soaps that smelt like roses. His heart skipped a beat as he felt Spectre lift an arm over him and peck the side of his face with a kiss.
   “Good night.” Spectre murmured.
   “Good night.” Ryoken replied.
   “Good night!” Earth piped up, making third and making Ryoken groan.
   “Just put them in already.” Spectre laughed.
   “I will.” Ryoken complained.
   Now he shuffled over, pulling out his draw, fishing for the container he kept his ear plugs in but by his side, Spectre was still relaxed and on the other of Spectre’s side, as was Earth. He sat with a very big book which should keep him busy until morning, he was perched on the side of Spectre’s Duel Disc, more like a nightlight himself than anything else. This had become their nightly ritual.
   Never in a million years, in a billion simulations, Ryoken ever guessed there was a route which would lead him to be in a V-shape relationship with Spectre and an Ignis. But he was at least a little happy about this impossible scenario that was made real on the piggyback of Playmaker’s efforts. Even if Ryoken was a grouch about it, some of it performative, some of it coming from a place of genuine dread but it made Spectre happy and his happiness meant a lot to Ryoken.
   Sure, a lot of it was bizarre and inexplicable. Sometimes even twisted and vicious. It sometimes even seemed like it was more denial than it was genuine joy but when it was sincere, Ryoken cherished it. Even if it meant that he had to wear ear plugs to bed nowadays, it was so unbelievably worth it to see Spectre so happy and that the sound of grinding stones as Earth moved became rhapsody in kalopsia for him.
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merryfortune · 7 months
not with a bang but a whimper (oh no, absolutely not)
Written for Year of the OTP 2023
Prompts: Couples Costume | Text Messaging | Identity Shenanigans | “You can’t bench me!” | Lightning | Sports Team AU
Title: not with a bang but a whimper (oh no, absolutely not)
Ship: Respectfulshipping | Ryoken/Spectre
Ship 2: Rockdustshipping | Earth/Ryoken/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,211
Tags: Post-Canon, Humour, Developing Relationship, Sexual References
   Oh no.
   Absolutely not.
   Ryoken could already foresee all the ways this could go wrong. 
   They had already come so close, so far, and now he was destined to watch it all fall to pieces again. That was his fate. The prolonged suffering of six, innocent children because the powers that be wanted to funnel their torture into the creation of six artificial intelligences that had the potential to wreak havoc in the world. They were meant to help. What they truly intended was the destruction of humanity instead.
   They had seen it with Lightning, with Ai. Now there was the chance they were going to see it over and over again with Flame. With Aqua. With Windy. And yes, even with Earth. He was certain. This was the precipice of yet another apocalypse. It was not a question of when but rather which one? Which Ignis would crack first and call forth abominations of nature and technology which was most fitting to their attribute?
   Ryoken had no clue but he was certain. That is what they were seeing now that not only all six Ignis were back but they had even been gifted SOLtiS android bodies. Oh gosh, oh God. this could only go wrong, coming down in flames and embers, with cities tumbling down and towns wiped off the map.
   He was certain.
   What Spectre, however, saw was something far gentler. Far softer. Far kinder. He, for one, was over the moon that not only was Earth back, he was happy to be back with him for the very first time.
   Where Ryoken saw fire and brimstone, the ugliness he was seeing in all actuality… was far from it. He wouldn’t want to call his partner and lover ugly, after all but there had to be a line in the sand somewhere. Surely. This was not at all what he was predicting would go wrong but it should have been up there.
   The appearance of SOLtiS Earth’s android body… Well, he wasn’t really good at designing a humanistic persona for himself. So, he decided that downloading and using Spectre’s Link VRAINS avatar then assimilating it through his Ignis Code and his own, eccentric sense of fashion was a great idea. However, Spectre’s Link VRAINS avatar was also just his day-to-day appearance in the flesh and blood.
   Oh no.
   Absolutely not.
   Ryoken was already living in all the ways that could go wrong.
   For example, the most apocalyptic thing he could do in this situation was… Say, if he annoyed Spectre and got into a petty fight with him which was big enough to blow up into an argument and cause him to storm off. That would be bad. What would be worse however is, when Ryoken - who started the fight - was ready to apologise… if he apologised to the wrong person. Yes, wouldn’t that be something?
   After an hour of fuming, Ryoken was finally able to see straight.
   Or so he thought.
   He found Spectre in the sunroom - naturally, it was one of his favourite places since it got a lot of light and he was a plant in theory but not practice - holed up with a book. He looked content as his eyes - startlingly blue, nigh fluorescent - as they scanned the pages and Ryoken marched up to him. 
   His heart hammered and he did his best to deliver a rehearsed speech of apology.
   “Spectre,” he said, “I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blow up over a little thing and stress isn’t an excuse. I will try to be more mindful in future.”
   Ryoken’s tone was awkward and mechanical. Leaving out bits and pieces, not just of what he had done and what Spectre had done and what they had done together but other parts of the speech he had wanted to give too. It had been eloquent in his mind up until he had gotten his mouth involved but it was passionate and it was genuine.
   He just hoped Spectre thought so, too.
   Except, it wasn’t Spectre who was in front of him.
   It was Earth and Earth looked petrified. Earth awkwardly pulled down his turtleneck to reveal the cyan notch on his throat. Really, Ryoken should have noticed sooner but in his state of disarray, he had not and now he felt thousands of times worse than he had before.
   Just what kind of a godawful lover was he if he couldn’t tell the difference between Spectre and Earth? Human and artificial intelligence respectively? He began to sweat bullets.
   Luckily for him, his apology did make it to the right person. Spectre laughed at Ryoken’s expense from the doorway.
   “I thought I might find you here,” Spectre teased, “well, apology accepted, Ryoken-sama. I shouldn’t have pushed your buttons but alas. It comes with the territory of being too close, don’t you think?”
   “Yes, I couldn’t agree more.” Ryoken said and he turned around to meet Spectre’s gaze.
   It was oddly jovial. He found Ryoken’s little mishap adorable. It was written all over his smarmy face as he leaned on the threshold of the sunroom.
   Earth, meanwhile, let go of a sigh. He didn’t need to do it but he did regardless. It felt good to exhale the tension that he had felt out of nowhere and to have it released equally out of nowhere. He hadn’t even been aware that Spectre and Ryoken were fighting…
   But all's well that ends well. Besides, it's not like this sort of thing could happen twice, right…? Where identities as vastly different as Earth and Spectre would be mistaken for one another. And by Ryoken of all people. That should surely be impossible, right?
   Both Ryoken and Earth thought so.
   Yes, well, they both thought wrong, now didn’t they?
   In Ryoken’s defence, he had gone from one extreme to another. From being ragingly wide awake to being the complete opposite: dead tired. Basically unconscious. Eyes fully closed, despite being open - only because he needed to get to bed first so he could be fully unconscious in deep sleep. 
   Further in Ryoken’s defence, the last incident with him mistaking Earth for Spectre happened weeks ago. Everyone involved had practically forgotten. Though practically was not totally.
   See, Ryoken had had a very busy day. Events in the Link VRAINS were goldmines for glitches and bad behaviour so he and the other Knights were kept on their toes acting as insurance and security for SOL Tech. They were worked to the bone keeping the new code from collapsing in on itself as new users logged in and some of them made it their mission to stretch that spaghetti as far as it could.
   Everyone was tired and had done their part to earn their non-blood money paycheque. The Lieutenants had dropped like flies hours ago and so had Spectre, or so Ryoken recalled but it was so hazy. He was such a hardass, especially on himself so he had given up last.
   Or again. So he thought. Or maybe Spectre had just gotten up to get some water, or even some tea. He was standing in the kitchen, after all, and only had the stove’s overhead light on. 
   Ryoken smiled to himself as he stumbled in on this little scene in his tired delirium. It had all the beginnings of something quite domestic, he thought as he yawned and shuffled closer. Maybe if he sulked up to Spectre, he would get a late night treat, too. Though not a natal tea drinker, preferring coffee usually, if Spectre was making some, he wouldn’t mind.
   Ryoken snaked his hand along Spectre’s waist and cuddled in. Ryoken all but purred as he kissed Spectre’s face as he slid in beside him. He looked over the stove and yup, Spectre was making a treat for himself: warmed milk. It smelt heavenly now that he was so close to Spectre but there was something else aside from the homely scent of the warmed milk.
   It was more synthetic than organic. Like plastic or silicon. And now that Ryoken really thought about it, Spectre’s cheek which he had just kissed felt rather cold on his lips and Ryoken’s heart stopped.
   “Ryoken-dono… you need to stop doing this.” Earth said, mortified.
   Though not nearly as mortified as Ryoken.
   Ryoken stepped aside and groaned. Well, he was wide awake now. His previously stopped heart then began to hammer in his chest as his stomach squirmed and he felt his face heat up.
   “Why in the world are you making warmed milk at this hour?” Ryoken asked. There was plenty he could have asked but that somehow got through the deluge first.
   “Funnily enough, because Spectre asked me to. He said you would want some before you joined him in bed.” Earth said. “Well… do you want some?” Though as he said that, the milk boiled over and that delicious scent of it burned immediately.
   “I’m right, Ignis.” Ryoken said. “Good night.”
   “Good night, Ryoken-dono.” Earth bade him.
   His voice was gentle and so uniquely his own. Worse still, he really did mean it. He wanted Ryoken to rest well. Clearly he needed it - and Ryoken agreed. Except his brain was going into overdrive with obsession.
   Whilst Spectre laid in bed next to himself, sleeping blissfully like a baby, Ryoken was busy with all his theories and factoids. He was wide awake. His mind was spiralling. He was still mortified and he could still the feel the sensation of his lips on Earth’s artificial skin.
   It was disgusting. Yet the funny thing about disgust was how close to intrigue it was. It felt like cheating on Spectre. With another Spectre, who really wasn’t him because Earth was his own creature and this was it. This was going to be the straw that broke Ryoken’s back because he really, really did not want this to go any further than it already had.
   So, the following morning, Ryoken assembled his two look-alike troublemakers.
   “Okay. That’s it.” Ryoken announced. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me but so now seems as good an occasion as any to finally do something about this problem before it becomes an even bigger problem because I don’t know about you guys. But things seem to happen unluckily in threes for us. Let’s not risk it.” 
   Ryoken’s voice was frantic, short and choppy but Spectre couldn’t say that he wasn’t raising a good point. However, it was not him whom Ryoken prompted next. 
   “Yes?” Earth was startled out of his skin as he promptly replied to Ryoken calling his name.
   “We need to do something about this whole… situation.” Ryoken said and he indicated what he considered the whole situation.
   Which happened to be all of Earth from the shoulders up which was where he took his homage to Spectre a bit too far. It was not kind nor thoughtful. It was definitely not tasteful. It was awful. He was a literal twin in visage to his Origin and Ryoken had had enough of it. 
   Apologising to an Ignis, kissing an Ignis, Ryoken was going mad! That was the last straw. No one needed to look like an episode of “dating or siblings”. Least of all Spectre and his Ignis. Or at least that’s what Ryoken thought. 
   “I think he looks fine the way he is.” Spectre growled from beside Ryoken, eyeing him warily.
   “Spectre, I love you, but I cannot take another day of accidentally mistaking you for him and vice-versa.” Ryoken said, he sounded as though he was hanging on by a thread. His words came out desperately through gritted teeth. “I have had enough. Earth, please, cooperate. Let us design you something. Please. For the sake of my sanity.”
   Earth looked pleadingly up at Spectre and fidgeted with his hands, “If it is causing an inconvenience to Ryoken-dono… I don’t mind.”
   “Ugh, fine.” Spectre said, petulantly, even stamping his foot.
   “Thank you.” Ryoken replied, relieved.
   “Do, um, do your best. Thank you.” Earth said and he bowed his head.
   When he completed his bow and returned to his straight-backed pose sitting down, he was kind enough to get up the avatar customisation panel with a flick of his hands to activate it. He relinquished the circular, cyan hologram to Ryoken and Spectre leaned over his shoulder.
   “So, do you have a design in mind or are you going to wing it?” Spectre asked. “Because I have seen what you do when you wing it…”
   “I was thirteen!” Ryoken grouched. “But yes, I think I have something more suitable for the Earth Ignis in mind.”
   “You're not going to turn him into our child are you?” Spectre asked.
   “No, because that is something you would do and cause all new problems. The Earth Ignis has his own identity and personality. There, I will admit…” Ryoken spoke whilst he played and toyed with the toggles and sliders presented to him, he didn’t even look up as his voice trailed off so oddly fond. “His character has come to be my favourite of the six. Steady, reliable, quiet. He is easier to get along with some I shall not name.”
   Both Earth and Spectre perked up at that as that was the nicest thing Ryoken had said about Earth. Or any of the Ignis for that matter. 
   Spectre’s expression broke into a smile and Earth exhibited flashes of excitement between how Ryoken manipulated the parameters of his appearance before… voila. It had likely taken Ryoken all of fifteen-twenty minutes with light chatter and conversation.
   Earth was nervous but assuaged by Spectre’s expressions. No longer a mirror of each other, he still reflected well and given how impressed he was, Earth had a good feeling that Ryoken had done well. The other Ignis might have warned him that this was a ploy to humiliate him in some petty revenge - for stealing his father’s attention away from him, for being the ultimate partner and soulbond to Spectre, etcetera - but Earth had trust. He wanted to believe the best in people. Even Ryoken.
   “There we go.” Ryoken said. “Spectre, do you approve?”
   “He looks marvellous.” Spectre said, gooey and eager to gush over how Earth looked.
   “M-May I see?” Earth asked.
   “Yes, here you go.” Ryoken replied.
   He flicked the hologram back to Earth and Earth cautiously put his finger on the next screen button. The character creator gave way to a mirror and Earth’s eyes lit up. They were still blue, which made him happy, but no longer was the rest of him Spectre’s borrowed avatar. He was entirely his own self. Not his old self, his Ignis self, obviously but he still recognised himself in it.
   “I had the unique privilege of watching you grow, now I can do this for you.” Ryoken mused. “Perhaps you will grow further from this. Perhaps not.”
   Spectre chuckled by his side. He recognised that airy, detached tone of Ryoken’s. It was the one he used when he was trying to seem cool but instead, Spectre found it cute.
   Earth looked deeper into his SOLtiS appearance. His hair had been styled differently, opposite to how it had before. The side fringe which once framed the left side of his face now framed the right. He was still somewhat Spectre like but it was no longer so on the nose. Speaking of which, his nose was reminiscent of Spectre’s but chunkier, somehow. His facial structure in general had become chunkier or generally more square.
   He had been given aesthetic, superficial scars, too, no doubt to remind him of his vivisection. How cruel. Yet it made him look “cool” as one of which cut through his eyebrows. His eyebrows were knitted and inverted and more importantly, a deep orange. His hair was no longer silver but also orange albeit with chocolate brown and forest green streaks. 
   He was his own “person” now and he was entranced by that concept.
   “Thank you, Ryoken-dono,” Earth said, sounding breathless, “I really like it.”
   “Me too.” Spectre added.
   He leaned over and swept Earth’s fringe over his scalp. He carded his fingers through the “wig” of it and kissed Earth’s forehead. Earth blushed. And Ryoken fumed, a little bit jealous. He had done the hard work of styling Earth after all.
   Spectre pulled back and kissed Ryoken’s cheek also, “You did a good job.”
   That was more like it, Ryoken smiled like the cat who got the cream. That was that problem solved and crisis averted. No more mistaking Spectre and Earth or, heaven forbid, vice versa.
   Except, just like how a butterfly could flutter its wings on one side of the planet and cause a tornado on the other side, other, unexpected consequences arose from the decision of giving Earth a more customised avatar. Not immediately but about a month later. Once everyone had adjusted to seeing Spectre and only Spectre around and Earth had gotten used to his new persona.
   As it would turn out, Earth wasn’t just giving heart attacks to Ryoken. He was giving them out to the Lieutenants as well. And even his fellow kin and their Origins and their Origins’ friends. Ryoken, as it turned out, was a mouthpiece for many when it came to getting him a new appearance. The Lieutenants were much, much more pleased with just having one Spectre floating around and so.
   Armageddon had not yet occurred because Earth had gotten a makeover - or even a human persona to begin with. The world was not about to split open with earthquakes nor did tectonic plates shift unexpectedly. It was quiet, just like how Ryoken and the other Knights of Hanoi liked it these days.
   Thus if anything, the makeover had brought them all closer. Messages were now far better at getting to the right recipient now that there was no confusion of who was who between Earth and Spectre. They even felt more comfortable going out and about as a pair, both with the other Ignis and victims of the Lost Incident. It was oddly sweet, even, to see them sitting close to one another on the lounge or even holding hands at zebra crossings or the like.
   It was good to see them all get along, actually.
   Really, that’s all Ryoken could ever ask for. To see his charges settle in and get along, they truly helped one another, even when they bickered or argued just as much as when they bantered and had fun together. It was nice to see the majority of them resume being able to duel for fun amongst one another in front of Kusanagi’s hot dog wagon. Ryoken couldn’t help be fond, even when the Ignis popped their heads in.
   Also, dare he even think it, but Ryoken even felt that he had grown somewhat closer to Earth now that he could properly discern him as his own being independent of Spectre. It was just little bits and things, like him helping out with the dishes or things like that.
   It really seemed like, for once, all was calm and all was bright.
   But alas. Ryoken was ever vigilant and for good reason. Even when he was sleeping. Because that’s when it struck him. If he’d ever had dreams about Earth, he may not have noticed because he had been using Spectre’s face. 
   It was just another night. Simple, no arguments beforehand, just the common platitudes of seeing each other in the morning again the usual routine of checking the network and then brushing his teeth. Yet for some reason, these circumstances that typically brewed into restful, dreamless sleep, Ryoken found himself dreaming of someone in particular as he dreamt of… Earth.
   All whilst cuddling Spectre in bed.
   Ryoken woke with a start and he was opting to not remember the specifics of the dream but his forceful, self-determined waking was enough to rouse Spectre.
   “Are you okay?” Spectre asked, his voice was thick as he pawed at his face. Worry began to permeate his face, even in the shadows. He knew Ryoken was far more prone to nightmares and overthinking than him.
   “Y-Yeah, its okay, it's just…” Ryoken mumbled.
   Spectre glanced down at him and smirked. Ryoken pulled hard over the blankets but the implication was enough.
   “You had a dream about me?” Spectre flirted.
   “Kind of…?” Ryoken confessed. Not a lie. He was very certain Spectre was caught up somewhere in all that.
   That was not the response that Spectre had been expecting. His brows began to furrow but luckily, Ryoken got in quick to save himself.
   “You and Earth.” Ryoken clarified. Again, kind of. 
   “Oh, well in that case, that’s fine.” Spectre said.
   “That’s… fine?” Ryoken echoed.
   “He’s my Ignis, why wouldn’t it be fine?” Spectre asked in turn. “I mean, I’ve dreamt about him in that way, and even in my waking hours…”
   “Wait, you’ve what?!” Ryoken exclaimed.
   Finally. It was happening. The Earth Ignis was doing something to rock his world. Starting small by ruining his relationship with his partner, quite clearly. Not the robot uprising he was quite expecting. But, well, the Ignis had to start somewhere and given how socially awkward he was, no wonder he would start small by dismantling the trust and respect between the leader of the Knights of Hanoi and the second-in-command. Or maybe that socially awkward shtick was just a ruse.
   Ryoken’s mind raced as Spectre stared at him. Shocked and surprised.
   “Wait, you’ve got a problem with that?” Spectre said, panic rising. “I assumed because you were okay with me wanting to be closer to him.”
   “Oh.” Ryoken said.
   “Oh indeed.” Spectre agreed.
   They were silent with one another. Upright in bed and they both sort of turned to face each other. Ryoken turned a light on however, on the lamp. It illuminated them both and a portion of the master bedroom. 
   “Is this a conversation for the morning, maybe?” Spectre suggested. “Because, um, I’m really happy to see you and Earth getting along better. Like, when you suggested that he upgraded his avatar, it was nice to see you do something to bond. It got my hopes up, I won’t lie.”
   Ryoken couldn’t believe his ears. His jealous and possessive Spectre, okay with sharing and being shared. He’d had no idea. He just hadn’t been seeing it because he’d had such a stick up his ass about Earth. And now here he was blushing like a virgin thinking about his gritted teeth observations about Spectre and Earth.
   They’d been more distant to one another prior because the use of Spectre’s avatar had tethered them in an unexpected way. It was an honour but not a refuge. Now they were cuddly. And hand holding. And doing or talking about goodness knows what else when they were out with trowels in the gardening.
   And here Ryoken was, too. With a strange, budding attraction that he couldn’t deny and couldn’t pretend it was because he hadn’t noticed a cyan notch on Earth’s neck.
   “I think this is a morning conversation. With Earth.” Spectre decided for himself and Ryoken. He smiled and tucked a curl behind his ear. “It’ll be painful, and awkward, like pulling teeth but I think it’ll be worth it. It’d mean a lot to try. I-It's not that weird, like Ai and Yu-”
   “Don’t mention them.” Ryoken said, whining, really, and he hid his face behind his hands. He knew things were going to get way too weird at that kind of namedrop. 
   Spectre laughed at his expense. They both knew it was a very Earth thing to do.  It seemed that Ryoken didn’t just teach habits, he could absorb them, too. He leaned in and kissed Ryoken’s cheek. His lips were warm. And, more importantly, real. So here Ryoken was, thinking of Earth even when he wasn’t here and couldn’t be mistaken for Spectre.
   “Let’s just go back to bed for now and talk in the morning.” Spectre said.
   “Fine by me.” Ryoken said.
   Spectre reached across him and Ryoken ducked down, forced back into the soft of the bed. Spectre tapped the lamp’s base and darkness ensued immediately. He wriggled back into his side of the bed and his hand snaked down Ryoken’s arm. He cuddled into the crook of Ryoken’s neck and shoulders and fell back asleep all but immediately.
   Ryoken was once more wide awake and plagued by visions of all the way this could go wrong. Armageddon was going to be a lot more personal than senseless destruction. It was, instead, going to be awkward chit-chat and talking about his feelings and his other least favourite social niceties to get straight to the point. He realised now the world was not going to end with a bang but a whimper.
   And, oh no. 
   Absolutely not. 
  Spectre was right. Ryoken was wrong. And Earth was somewhere in the middle, blissfully unaware that they had been talking behind his back about the best way for him to live a domestic life in between them. One which forewent all the fire and brimstone that Ryoken had been predicting and ergo, unable to see the peace and the serenity through all his anxieties.
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merryfortune · 1 year
A Polite Exception
Written for Multiamory March 2023
Day 1: V Relationship
Title: A Polite Exception
Ship: Rockdustshipping | Earth/Ryoken/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,494
Tags: Post Canon, Alternate Universe - Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Earth & Ryoken, Polyamory Negotiations, Jealousy, Forgiveness, Minor or Implied Ai/Yusaku
   Things had been awkward as of late.
   There was no other way to describe the thick tension on board the Knights of Hanoi’s cruise liner and it was all because the Earth Ignis now lived amongst them. Spectre, of course, was quietly but not discretely thrilled but he was the only one who was even close to happy about the arrangement as it was an awkward situation.
   The Ignis had returned. One by one by the combined hard work of Playmaker and the Dark Ignis, assisted by Unnamed. And now, their formerly hunted creations were living in relative peace. Even and including the problematic Ignis but right now. It was the Earth Ignis who was proving too troublesome, despite being incredibly determined to be as unobtrusive as possible, his mere presence was enough to stir this awkward atmosphere. It was as he would say: he was socially awkward.
   He was a stark reminder of Ryoken’s guilt - and the guilt of the Lieutenants, as well, though their symbolism did not quite overlap. The guilt of the Lieutenants was more overt and pressing; he was their creation borne of Spectre’s childhood detainment, after all. He reminded them that they had failed to exterminate the Ignis per the good doctor’s command and of what it meant to violate ethics.
   However, as a reminder of Ryoken’s guilt, it was more that his living and his relationship with Spectre, reminded him of a very innate bond that he should never have tried to sever. He had known that only one Ignis would prove to be disastrous for the human race (in theory, not so much the practice nowadays) and yet, Ryoken had been selfish. They all had to go. Especially Spectre’s.
   All because he was jealous.
   Ryoken had run the simulations as a child, trying to obey his Father’s orders, and he had seen what wonderful adventures and joys that Earth would bring to Spectre. Spectre who had innately known that the Incident did have a noble goal in mind despite the circumstances and so, had worked hard on behalf of the scientists who had kidnapped him. 
   For Spectre, Earth was a most poignant reminder of what it meant to have purpose. Even a more poignant symbol than the garb he wore as a Knight of Hanoi and as Ryoken’s second-in-command.
   And so, Spectre very much enjoyed Earth’s company.
   Their atmosphere very quickly became quite thick and so ensued the awkwardness around them. Conversations in the kitchen between the Lieutenants would come to a halt if Spectre, with Earth always in tow upon his wrist, entered or even passed by. Pandor shuffled out of the way lest her anti-Ignis shields activated by accident and was even rather flustered for a tin can having Earth in her nearest vicinity. Ryoken found himself feeling oddly watched, and sometimes even judged, by Earth whenever he and Spectre were doing errands, or even hanging out together. 
   It was a shame that Earth had such a gift for being a stopper to the once easy and established dynamics of the upper echelon of the Knights of Hanoi because his bond with Spectre was truly a marvel. They just clicked, as though there was no hostility prior or any time elapsed, that they had always been together.
   Now, Spectre was smiling all the time, even when his feelings were hurt that no one else wanted to give Earth a chance. Not that he had ever been prone to dramatic outbursts of wanting to be the centre of attention, he did feel that his efforts to include Earth were futile. A shame because they were two peas in a pod. 
   Wherever Spectre went, Earth went too. Though it had been such little time, they even had inside jokes amongst one another and spent good, quality time in the greenhouse rooms of the boat, as well. They were, if anything, a little obsessed with one another but that should be a given, even beyond their relationship as Origin and Ignis.
   They had ten years to catch up on, after all, and Spectre wanted to prove that he could be trusted with Earth. Playmaker and Ai… They had rightful suspicions that it may not be the brightest or best ideas to cast Earth off into his Origin’s charge given Spectre’s affiliations but his eyes. They had been all lit up, he could hardly contain his smile as he thanked them in the Link VRAINS for returning Earth to him.
   Revolver had watched that little moment from afar and it was just as heartbreaking as it had been in the cinema of simulations. He wanted to be Spectre’s only one because that’s what he had been. From the moment that he had laid eyes on Spectre as a child, he had been Spectre’s everything: his first friend, his first love, and so on and so forth.
   Now he had to share that and he had to share that in ways he found unexpected. Though not unprecedented given the bond between the partners of Playmaker and Ai. There was just something powerful between Ignis and Origin. It was psychic and it was visceral.
   Spectre had felt Earth die, after all. That pierced a hole in his heart. To see him live? It was healing holes that Spectre hadn’t even felt until now, Ryoken could tell. Anyone with eyes could tell.
   So it wasn’t just heartbreaking, it was bittersweet. That was the emotion that Revolver had been witness to as he saw the first meeting between Spectre and Earth. He knew, with great reluctance, that things were going to change with Earth in their midst. For better or for worse, he wasn’t certain but given all they had been through, Revolver knew he ought to pray for the better, even the best if he could be so fortunate.
    However, Spectre, knowing better than anyone what grand sorrow being left behind was, discussed the biggest of all changes he had felt with Ryoken. In a place where they could
   It was not unprecedented but it was a little unexpected. A romantic attachment had budded between them and so, Spectre asked:
   “Is that alright with you?” His brow was furrowed and he had a quivering, lower lip.
   “Of course it's alright, Spectre, I want nothing but your happiness.” Ryoken said and though those were forced words, they were not insincere. His eyes gazed softly upon Earth.
   Earth sat inside the glass cradle of Spectre’s Duel Disc. It was presently not connected to his wrist so that Earth’s personhood could be better represented in this discussion which, so far, had been of very few words. Earth was not much of a talker, after all, and with ten years between them, Ryoken and Spectre could have entire conversations with their eyes alone.
   This was best said aloud, however.
   “Thank you for understanding.” Spectre replied. His voice burgeoned with gratitude, tears welled up in eyes.
   Ryoken watched as Earth transformed seamlessly into his other form. His tentacles unfurled and his tail spooled at the surface of the Duel Disc’s interface. He gently rubbed Spectre’s tears away.
   “Sorry, I-” Spectre tried to apologise.
   “It's all good.” Ryoken said and he reached out across the kitchen table for Spectre’s hand. He stroked it. “You're probably feeling a lot, right now, yeah?”
   “Mm.” Spectre agreed.
   “You don’t have to apologise.” Earth said.
   His voice was so forgiving, it was a stab to Ryoken’s heart. That was the worst thing about Earth. He was an immovable wall, only angered when provoked. He had never chosen a side against humans or against his fellow Ignis until the Water Ignis had been wronged. Even now, as he had not been personally persecuted by the Knights of Hanoi, he held no resentment towards them despite their prior goals. All because they gave him a home and, more importantly, they had given Spectre a home, too.
   Earth moved his head slightly, towards Ryoken and his cyan eyes glimmered, “Nor you, you know, Ryoken-dono.”
   Ryoken half-chuckled, half-smirked. It was so stupid how alike Earth and Spectre could be at times, their use of formal titles, for one. He was impressed, actually. More proof of how alien the Origin and Ignis bond was going to prove to him, perpetually an outsider to their establishment and yet.
   “Thank you, Earth.” Ryoken managed through his thoughts.
   “Thank you as well.” Earth bowed his head.
   What followed was still awkward. Earth had no idea about human convention, despite his propensity for understanding human emotion, and given Spectre’s outlook on life, that wasn’t helping but it was a more pleasant awkwardness. The ice had melted; the ground had shifted. 
   So, they left the kitchen together, so Ryoken could read his emails on his iPad, so Spectre could do some reading, and so Earth could just sit in silence with them both. Spectre in between, Ryoken curled in on one side and Earth curled in on the other. 
   It was nice.
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merryfortune · 1 year
This is where it all begins (right here, on the outside looking in)
Written for Multiamory March 2023
Day 17: QPR 
Title: This is where it all begins (right here, on the outside looking in)
Ship: not applicable | Ai/Earth/Ryoken/Spectre/Yusaku
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,365
Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Ai & Yusaku, Earth & Spectre, Queerplatonic Relationships, Polyamory Negotiations, Outside POV
   Ryoken was never going to get it.
   Deep down, he always knew that. He was just an observer. The one looking in. But it had become a lot easier as of late.
   The creation of the Ignis had been traumatic for Ryoken to witness. It was treated like a school trip, an excursion. A fun little romp in science and ethics: history was being made in secrecy here.
   History just so happened to sound like the screams of electrocuted children and how the Ignis were created either. That wasn’t pretty, either. To see the melding of the organic and inorganic, created from the inside out and from top to bottom. It was all very disturbing and it all haunted Ryoken’s nightmares.
   He was a child. What was he doing in that laboratory? What were any of them doing in that laboratory? Either him or the children they were experimenting on. His Father… His Father, Ryoken had come to accept, was not a good man and he was not a man that he had to obey anymore.
   Perhaps the most important decree that his Father had made that Ryoken no longer had to adhere to anymore was his rit that the Ignis were to be destroyed.
   The very creatures that he had violated ethics and ruined lives for, unsurprisingly from such origins it did seem like they would be bound for destruction. They would kill their very creators and wreak havoc on the world around them, causing armageddon or various other catastrophes that would end humanity.
   Knowing that, it did seem noble to destroy what had been created but they had allies. They had people who fought for them and their true nature was revealed.
   They were more like the children they had studied from, they just wanted to be hugged and loved and nurtured. Not put into little tanks with only themselves and agony. They wanted to grow up well, not remain stagnant or menial.
   Ryoken could see now the bonds that the Origins and the Ignis had between each other. It was psychic. It was soulful. It was powerful and it was all consuming. He was just glad that, although it had taken more than ten years, they were finally at peace with themselves and humanity. Protected and sheltered in the network, flitting between here and their own Cyberse World. Caring not for the world at large, just for what was closest to them.
   He got to see that most obviously in the platonic pair-bonds of Ai and Yusaku as well as Earth and Spectre.
   He was their lover and the Ignis were their attachments. 
   Ryoken was never going to quite get it. Why they were so bonded and why it went so deep that when one was hurt, so was the other or what it was about this partnership which did not remain with the usual constraints of a defined relationship. He had no Ignis of his own. He had merely watched and he was going to continually watch but now, it brought a joy to his heart to see the recovery and the healing. That meant a lot to them all, himself and his Knights included.
   Ai and Yusaku were of course the template. They were the tried and tested, put through everything and they came out the other side of it. Even death. They wanted to prove that the Ignis and the humans could get along and so, they were partners. They defied the digital fate of the simulations and they changed the world.
   Or maybe just their world. Their little world which was always going to be tied back to the Lost Incident but it was the centrepoint for many important bonds. Even if they were, at times, painful.
   Just look at Earth and Spectre.
   Earth did not take kindly to learning that his Origin was a Knight of Hanoi and had been plotting his and his kin’s downfall. Spectre did not take kindly to the chance of being rejected. There was a hole in his heart, a tear in his cheek: both because of Earth. He simply could not risk that he would incur Earth’s wrath and there was some.
   The Earth Ignis did not have a way with words but he did have a way with glares and stubbornness. Only softening up, like mud, when Ai managed to mould him into something a bit more open to the idea of change. As things had changed. It was no longer us versus them but unsurprisingly, the cuts ran deep. He was right to have a mistrust of humans given what he had been put through and his own Origin had not exactly filled him with sunshine and rainbows on that front either during the Incident.
   It was hard to believe that such a fiend as Spectre had turned over a new leaf but he had. Ryoken would vouch for that. Although, his word was not trustworthy to Earth but eventually, he came around. He believed in the trustworthiness of Yusaku and if Yusaku said that only good things could come from concepts of reconciliation and the like, then he would give it a try.
   With a little time, Earth and Spectre were able to cultivate a bond that just as deep and unique as the other Igis and Origin pairs, sewn in forgiveness and that made the others happy to see. Ai and Yusaku especially. It had taken a lot of work but it really did seem like peace in paradise, even beyond what Ryoken kept a close eye on with regard to Windy and hs Origin as well as Jin with Lightning.
   He tried to look at it all but Ryoken did often find himself coming in closest to him, both physically and emotionally. He shouldn’t have favourites of the Incident and yet he did. It couldn’t be helped. Yusaku was the boy he had honeypotted beforehand and Spectre was the boy he had brought home afterwards.
   They both wanted him and what was best for him. Though they disagreed on methods and morals, Ryoken could say that he liked where it had ended up. It had ended in the Kogami Mansion but no longer was it a mausoleum to his Father and his sins. It was now a place he enjoyed, where the colours on the walls were not solely because of the orange sunsets that it attracted or the blue nights and so on and so forth. But rather, because there was genuine joy in the household.
   It all seemed impossible to Ryoken, and yet it was not and for that, he was thankful. He dreamed enough nightmares when he slept from what he had observed as a child, he did not need his life to be a waking hell either. Not anymore, not that Playmaker had finally unshackled him from being a prisoner of his past.
   He would never have believed that he would be able to observe such domestic and idyllic bliss between his own right hand man and his previous arch-nemesis and yet. He did. He had breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them, cups of tea and coffee in between, and went to bed with them. 
   Best of all, Ryoken could see them in what was a highly unnatural habitat for them given their previous containment of being inside of little, white boxes but this, he so much more preferred. He liked to see them smile and bicker, to be happy and annoyed. 
   He liked to see them with their Ignis, too. 
   Ryoken liked to catch Yusaku and Ai out the corner of his eye. They liked to do schoolwork together and Ai often made Yusaku watch his soaps and Yusaku would be a good sport about it. He liked to overhear how Spectre and Earth made plans to garden, what was and was not in season and the like. It was much more heartening to him to be witness to this over the screams and sobbing.
   Ryoken was never going to understand the specific bond between Ignis and Origin but at least he had the privilege of watching them in far more agreeable circumstances than where they had come from as children.
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merryfortune · 1 year
All is Fair in Love and War (or so it is declared)
Written for Multiamory March 2023
Day 9: Declarations
Title: All is Fair in Love and War (or so it is declared)
Ship: Rockdustshipping | Earth/Ryoken/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,367
Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Out of Character, Kissing, Minor or Implied Aqua/Earth
   Ryoken had always been made of declarations.
   Declarations that he made of his own mind… and declarations that were demanded of him.
   He trusted his own self to be resolute. He promised redemption, atonement, they would try. That was his commitment. That was his declaration.
   However, it was also his declaration that he would never have anything personal to do with the Ignis. His job was simply to observe them from afar, to make sure they were deserving of their second and third chances at life and if they were not, then it was he would once upon take up the mantle of being their exterminator. Not their protector.
   This included the Earth Ignis. Why wouldn’t it? He was one of the six creatures created by the Incident, of course this included the Earth Ignis. However, there was a complication. After all, the Earth Ignis was the product of Spectre’s detainment and duelling during the Incident and, well, it would be more convenient to keep him at arm’s length, lest he be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So that had plenty of unfortunate and inconvenient implications that Ryoken had to be mindful of, as well.
   And that was not at all Ryoken taking pity on Yusaku who already had enough to deal with in the likes of Ai and Roboppy therefore not needing yet another SOLtiS android in his household. Nor was it pity on Unnamed who had his brother and the Light Ignis to look after. He simply couldn’t entrust the Earth Ignis to his initial lover the Water Ignis either, who was in hiding with the Zaizen siblings because her Origin’s mother could not accept her existence. And the Earth Ignis didn’t have much to do in the ways of either the Fire or Wind Ignises, either, the former being too great a distance if Ryoken wanted to keep an eye on him.
   So, the Earth Ignis, of course, had to live with his own Origin. There were no two ways about it. It was just, the obvious, it would have been stupid to deny and yet, Ryoken did attempt to deny it because Spectre was his faithful lapdog. Just as much as he was the Earth Ignis’s Origin… And, of course, already lived with him. It was Spectre after all and ideally, they were to be kept at odds, at a distance…
   However, there was no declaration that Ryoken could make to enforce that distance and he did try. He barked orders, he made contracts, he made the Earth Ignis listen and adhere but it was his Origin that was causing trouble. This was the first time in ten, steadfast years that Spectre had disobeyed an order for selfish reasons.
   Though, maybe such rebellion was foreshadowed. Revolver had placed him with the sibling duo of Ghost Girl and Blood Shepherd and yet, it was at Faust’s side that Spectre was defeated. He had defected from his original post but it was for entirely selfless reasons. Faust was family to him, after all. 
   But maybe selflessness and selfishness were a gossamer thread of difference with Spectre.
   For ten, long years, Spectre had never questioned an order. He created the Ignis willingly, with a smile. When he was told the Ignis had to be eradicated, he nodded his head and didn’t question it. He never inquired into the nature or character of his own Ignis, not even when the others had begun to pop up amid their warfare. 
   Spectre was truly loyalty personified as Ryoken, and the Knights of Hanoi were all he had. Now that wasn’t quite true. He had one other to love and be loved by and he was now very much in the business of making up for lost time.
   And quite frankly, it disgusted Ryoken.
   Once they pushed past the first barrier of yes… The Earth Ignis would be living with them, it soon tumbled and turned for the worse. The Lieutenants were rightfully sceptical of having one of the Ignis among them but if it was for Spectre, well, perhaps it could be put up with and that was fine at first.
   Earth was very helpful, another hand in the household and he didn’t have to be fed either. Seeing Spectre accept him was heartening as well. There was a sharpness to his neutrality, an unknown factor, they didn’t quite know where they stood with him and he was very good at putting his foot in his mouth but deep down. He was a good guy, a gentle giant, as it were but then the affections began.
   Ryoken noticed it as soon as it began to escalate beyond what he thought was normal or acceptable behaviour. Like Spectre carting Earth around in his Duel Disc or Earth trying to be sociable with the other members of the Knights of Hanoi but soon it turned into giddy stares that lasted too long. Same with touches and sighs and Ryoken’s stomach began to turn immediately as he put two and two together.
   He did not want to see Spectre canoodle with his Ignis and they were canoodling. They were very much in cahoots with one another from making dinner to doing laundry and all the other chores along the cruise liner that Spectre had taken it upon himself to do. They were two peas in a pod and their affection was very free between one another - even if it made everyone feel awkward, most of all Ryoken.
   He had to listen to all their sweet nothings as they caught up on ten years of being partners - and it was not strictly platonic partners that they were being, either.  It made Ryoken blush to see them kissing and cuddling. It wouldn’t be quite so much of a problem if it was happening strictly after hours and in Spectre’s bedroom but it wasn’t. Ryoken had seen them be a pair of giddy love birds even in his room as Spectre replaced the freshly laundered sheets on his bed.
   Spectre wasn’t even being discreet about it. Ryoken thought, he of all people, would try to be discreet about it since he never showed any tears, publicly, about Earth’s prior demise but now. He was completely and utterly upfront about just how important his partner was.
   He was just as Ignis mad as the rest of the victims of the experiment. 
   Ryoken couldn’t believe it. His Spectre. Who had fought alongside him to exterminate the Ignis was now head over heels for his own.
   Deep down, Ryoken knew that was never going to get it. He was forever on the outside looking in, on the other side of the looking glass, however. The declarations of his Father weighed heavy on his shoulders, on his conscience as he was forever that scientist’s son. Bearer of his sins and executor of yet more of them, despite his nature being of protection, not destruction, deep down he knew that to be his soul and wanted to declare that from the bottom of his lungs.
   But there was one thing he could do. He could mark his territory. He could make that exact declaration as he so desired, so yearned. Spectre was his partner first, Spectre was his second-in-command, and Spectre was simply going to have to learn to temper himself around Earth.
   That was Ryoken’s declaration as, entirely up to here with Spectre and Earth’s shenanigans, he took Earth by his big, chunky SOLtiS face and kissed him right on the lips.
   “What in the world?!” Spectre exclaimed and the funniest thing happened, he could feel the tingle of Earth’s alarm in his own lips. He was also blushing, just to watch.
   Ryoken pulled back noisily, “Spectre is my partner Ignis, and if you are going to be Spectre’s partner, then that makes you mine as well, as far as I am concerned.”
   “I-I, um, okay.” Earth squeaked.
   And so, that was Ryoken’s latest and greatest declaration. 
   One which would solve all those problems he was having with Spectre and Earth being the least subtle pair of partners ever because as it turns out… Ryoken liked their canoodling very much, so long as he was a part of it. 
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merryfortune · 1 year
rockdustshipping headcanon I’ve been rotating in my mind as of late. you know how the Ignis have sound effects when they move? Well, Earth has the sound of grinding rocks and it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, you know? Spectre likes it because of course he does. He can adapt anything into a plus, pleasure, or like. That’s like his main survival strategy. Ryoken, meanwhile, does not like it but he also does not like the idea of an Ignis being unsupervised on his territory so that means Earth has to stay put (”stay put”, he fidgets, reads books, etc) on Spectre’s bedside table in the master bedroom he and Ryoken share. So anyways to make a long story short, I think Ryoken invests in some earplugs
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merryfortune · 1 year
read this fic i received in the holly poly exchange, it is So Good
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merryfortune · 1 year
Between a Rock and a Soft Place
Written for Multiamory March 2023
Day 12: Cuddling
Title: Between a Rock and a Soft Place
Ship: Rockdustshipping | Earth/Ryoken/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,060
Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff, Humour
   Earth liked to watch Spectre and Ryoken sleep.
   Sleep, as a concept, fascinated him. The Ignis were not so gifted with such a reprieve but it sounded wonderful, to simply power down and allow the mind to rest. He envied it. More still, he envied the intimacy of sharing it with a lover.
   Sleep, bedtime, these private moments in the master bedroom, Earth observed, were the only times that Spectre and Ryoken appeared to be truly unguarded with one another. Gentle, vulnerable, all those walls of work and villainy, just completely undone. 
   Earth was allowed to watch, of course. He wasn’t some voyeur. Though he would like to stake his claim as being a romantic but was sure if he tried to say that, his awkwardness would twist it and he would be a voyeur, or a pervert. No, he simply was not allowed to stray too far from Spectre’s side. That made sense. Ryoken didn’t want him to wandering around and quite frankly, Earth didn’t want to wander around either. He wasn’t sure just how warmed up to the Knights of Hanoi he was.
   But seeing this, at the very least, made him fond.
   It was sweet how they shared the roles of being “big spoon” and “little spoon”. Not needing to eat, Earth didn’t immediately get the joke of those names but he thought it was cute. He liked to see Spectre, especially, at peace. He liked to see his face serene as he nuzzled in against Ryoken’s breast and also vice versa. Ryoken had such a stern countenance, so seeing him smile whenever he was in Spectre’s arms was heartwarming.
   Yes, it was all very fond for Earth to observe and feel but…
   He wanted more. More than just watching from a small spot on Spectre’s nightstand where he kept his Duel Disc. Or, sometimes further if Ryoken had been cranky earlier that day and wanted him banished at least a little bit to soothe his ego. 
   It felt a little embarrassing to admit. He was an Ignis. Not a human. He was not created with every single human function in mind but he wanted to sleep. He wanted to be hugged. He wanted to try sleeping with Spectre and Ryoken because they made it look all very pleasant. 
   So, Earth chose a day when Ryoken was in a good mood. Though, it was often hard to tell given that his usual face was of a frown but Earth could detect it. He kept an eye on Spectre and used him as a barometer for how Ryoken was feeling and when Spectre brought Ryoken coffee for an afternoon tea, he seemed extra appreciative. There was a genuine sparkle in his smile as he thanked Spectre and therefore Earth thought tonight would be a good night to try.
   Assuming all went smoothly.
   And, despite Earth feeling like he was an unlucky fellow overall, Ryoken’s mood continued to stay within parameters that Earth liked. He wasn’t chipper or cheerful or anything but he was quietly happy. A very mild day, all in all, no data breaches or hacks to make. Just casual monitoring of the Link VRAINS’ platform, that sort of thing.
   Though, somehow, perhaps because it had been such a cruisy day, Ryoken did seem tired from doing nothing. Spectre as well. Thus, it was lights out for everyone on deck half an hour to an hour earlier than usual. 
   Earth watched as Ryoken and Spectre went through their routine. The awkward dance or shuffle as they shared the dual sink en-suite bathroom to brush their teeth, they got changed and did Earth’s favourite thing. Humans were so wonderful in their affections, it made Earth feel quite limited as he only had eyes on his face and so, he liked to watch them kiss.
   He liked to watch any humans of sufficient emotional investment kiss, of course. He didn’t mind seeing the Lieutenants peck each other and if he was watching a soap opera with Ai for whatever reason, then so long as he liked the characters, he liked to see them kiss too but it was just different with Ryoken and Spectre.
   They were just, well, fond. Soft, Earth thought. He had to be careful, watching, as their atmosphere was delicate and very, very lovey-dovey but it was nice to see them kiss. Their technique honed over the years, unspoken likes and dislikes as they just kissed one another in brief to bade good night. It was sweet.
   And sweeter still, Earth got just a brush of it. It was weak, tempered, just a slither but he got it. As whether Ryoken liked it or not, he and Spectre shared a psychic link. It wasn’t just pain or death that they felt between one another but other things too, like joy or love. 
   So though Earth had no lips, he did wish he did but still. He felt that chaste brush good night and he liked it. 
   “Good night to you as well, Earth.” Spectre whispered to him as he took off his Duel Disc to set it aside.
   “Good night.” Earth said, not popping too far out the Duel Disc.
   Spectre checked over his shoulder, Earth strained his eyes as well but it was within Earth’s calculations. Ryoken was facing the other way, not saying a word. Perhaps petulant, perhaps, not, either way, he wasn’t asking for Earth to be sent away further, like to the wardrobe or the dresser. Spectre smiled to himself and settled into bed.
   Earth watched. Then waited. 
   Spectre fell asleep much quicker than Ryoken. He always did. He was more unbothered than Ryoken when it came to the things that kept him up, going bump in the night. It was really only his experiences from the orphanage that haunted him once a blue moon. Ryoken, meanwhile, not quite so lucky, often thrashing in the sheets until Spectre just hugged him still. That sort of happened tonight, though Ryoken more willingly came into Spectre’s arms and they slept with their faces side by side. 
   Earth wasn’t sure what kind of spoon that was but it was one he wanted to be a part of.
   When he felt like both were sleeping too deeply to be disturbed, Earth very carefully removed himself from Spectre’s Duel Disc. He was very slow as he inched along the wooden vertice of the night stand and tried to make as little noise as possible as he hopped down off it and into bed. He crawled around the side of Spectre’s head, all so he could plop down in between it and Ryoken’s.
   It was very warm in the crack of where their pillows met, where they weren’t quite sharing everything but it made Earth happy. He settled in, closed his eyes. He didn’t sleep, though, as that was not something he was programmed with but he did dream.
   Though perhaps daydream would be more accurate, even if it was the pitch black of night around him. He had a very wonderful reverie of thinking about spending time with Spectre and Ryoken, Aqua and Ai, too. The other Ignis, as well, all their Origins. He wanted them to get along.
   He always did. He was only provoked one way over the other because of Aqua but if he could have had a more measured choice. If he had taken her words of war more wisely, Earth would have liked to have been a very naive pacifist. That sounded like it would have been quite lovely. Though, that is, with a little bit - perhaps too much - trouble where they got in the end, with Playmaker and company bringing back the persecuted Ignis from their demise.
   He had been worried to entrust Earth into the care of the Knights of Hanoi but look at them. It was all very homey, actually. Earth was very, very happy with this arrangement. Just look at them, three peas in a pod, two bends of a riverbed around an outcropped island, this was exactly where Earth wanted to be-
   “Argh! What are you doing?”
   Clunk, thump, thunk. Ryoken fell out of bed and Earth fell very rudely out of his reverie. Spectre woke up in alarm and the start to the morning was so very panicked.
   Ryoken’s eyes were wide and accusatory as he propped himself up on the floor. He had one knee up and his other leg sprawled underneath it and his fingers were raking through the carpet. 
   Spectre, meanwhile, was finding it all very amusing. He leaned out over Earth to look at poor Ryoken on the floor. He had to stifle a giggle. Something Ryoken could tell was doing and so just made him frown harder.
   Underneath Spectre’s chin, Earth shrank. He very much did not mean for this to happen and he very much did not want Ryoken at mad at him. That could make him very dead but seeing Spectre’s mirth above him was heartening but still. He could feel the square cheeks of his orange face turn uncharacteristically red.
   “I, um… Wanted to cuddle too.” Earth mumbled, nigh inaudible.
   “Why?” Ryoken flatly asked, thoroughly unamused.
   “Because you two make it look… nice?” Earth replied, he tilted his head to the side.
   “I think it's sweet that Earth wanted to join us.” Spectre said but there was a peculiar - and highly specific - subtext to his voice. The way it dripped with sarcasm. The underlying threat being that he was going to be mad if Ryoken wanted to make a cruel or furious scene of this.
   It was a subtext that Ryoken appeared to cotton onto and Earth was oblivious too. Even as Spectre stroked the top of his head, making him shudder down his spine with each pet. 
   “Fine. Just. A warning in advance Ignis.” Ryoken conceded grumpily.
   “Y-You mean it?” Earth asked, spirits soaring.
   “Urgh, yes, I mean it, Ignis.” Ryoken groaned.
   “Good as I would like that very much.” Spectre agreed.
   “Thank you, that means a lot to me.” Earth stiltedly replied. “Here, let me help you.”
   Earth’s form changed and unravelled. A long tentacle with a paddle-shaped bulb at the end unfurled from his form as he took on a more monstrous shape. With it, Earth wrapped Ryoken and pulled him off the floor, back into bed. Though, there was much kicking and thrashing as Ryoken could have dusted himself off just as well without Earth’s intervention but there was more to it than that.
   From his right side, Earth wrapped Spectre up in one of his tentacles as well and kept this both flush and cuddled. His expression was very happy with himself; his cyan eyes twinkling. 
   “A-Am I doing it? Am I being big spoon like you two talk about?” Earth asked excitedly.
   “Not really but you're having fun which I think is the main thing.” Spectre laughed, awkwardly. 
   “Well I think you are enjoying this far too much for my tastes, Ignis.” Ryoken complained.
   “We can try again later…” Spectre said and he gently got Earth to release him. “It was a good first attempt.”
   Ryoken rolled his eyes but Spectre could see the scant blush in his cheeks. Earth, too. He was probably, just secretly, a little flattered that now he had Earth wanting to dote on him, too. Like Origin, like Ignis.
   “Let’s leave this until tonight, hm? But thank you for this… unusually exciting good morning.” Spectre suggested as he stole a quick kiss from Earth.
   Earth’s maw - he still didn’t really have lips, not even in this abomination form - crinkled. He blushed just slightly. 
   “Yes, yes, good morning to you, Earth, we are all very awake now and ready to start the day with all this commotion you’ve caused.” Ryoken hurriedly said. “Now let me go.”
   “Oh, um, sorry.” Earth exclaimed as he released Ryoken from the curl of his embrace.
   He was a bit flustered by the commotion that he had caused, as Ryoken had put it but he enjoyed it. He even trilled at the thought of trying a bit better and more organised again tonight. Though, given Ryoken’s obviously soured mood, he may have to temper expectations, he would be content just watching like usual, but still, Earth looked forward to the possibility of being included permanently. He wanted to be a part of that ritual of sleep and cuddling that Spectre and Ryoken enjoyed. 
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merryfortune · 1 year
Experimental Side Effects
Written for Multiamory March 2023
Day 5: Awakening
Title: Experimental Side Effects
Ship: Rockdustshipping | Earth/Ryoken/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,840
Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Psychic Abilities, All The Lost Incident Victims Have Link Sense
   There had been unintended side effects of the Origin to Ignis bond.
   There had been all the expected side effects. Post-traumatic stress disorder, unusual food rituals associated with winning and losing, complete shutdowns of identity and self-esteem, and other such behaviour but none of the associated scientists had anticipated what would become known as the Link Sense.
   All the children of the Incident appeared to have some strain of it. Some stronger than others, like Yusaku who could perceive the internet and network with just his eyes in the world of flesh and blood. It helped to make easier work of his mission to bring back Ai, however. He had found it unwieldy to use initially but once he got the hang of it, he had become a silent master of the dark and unseen in the network, seeing that which others did not. For better and for worse.
   Others appeared to have something else.
   Jin, like Yusaku, could perceive the network from the real world however, he couldn’t see it. He could, however, hear it. Waves upon waves of crackling static, no wonder he was so overwhelmed all the time, it had only shut down after Lightning erased his memories but after recovering them, he had learned to tune to the radio and pick up specific transmissions. Albeit at a sentence at a time, if at all, sort of like what ghost hunters called a spirit box and used to try to communicate with the dead.
   Takeru had something ironic given the attribute of his Ignis. Or maybe it made perfect sense. He’d never noticed it given how technologically illiterate he was but his devices, they never overheated. He legitimately thought that devices of all kinds were meant to be noiseless, cold machines at all hours and regardless of use density. Thus, his Link Sense was that of heat transferral, and with a little refining and practice, it wasn’t just him absorbing it but he could release it too.
   Miyu had something akin to the classic idea of extra-sensory perception. She was the classic image of an ESPer at a desk, being made to guess the symbol on a card someone else was holding. She could count cards without counting them and they didn’t even have to be her own. It didn’t even end at Duel Monsters, it made for a good party trick, she thought. Any attempt she made at promising to never cheat using it fell apart as they all knew she had her fingers crossed. Though it did highlight the discrepancy between herself and the integrity that Aqua embodied.
   Hibiki, Windy’s Origin, had the ability to move things in the network. Whether it was files and data or semi-physical objects in the Link VRAINS, he had an acute affinity for telekinesis. It had its occasional use, especially on his low spoon days after the car accident. Being able to whisk off an email or place an order on a food delivery app just by using his mind, without even opening his computer or phone, had its benefits. Even if they did not extend to the real world, more often than not.
   Regardless of power, and how it was displayed or formatted, it was all under the umbrella known as Link Sense. None of these children had these abilities prior to the Incident, as far as they were aware and in the field of para-science, it was dismissed entirely outright, even by the Hanoi Lieutenants. But still. All six of them had some form of extra-cognitive ability.
   Yes, Spectre included.
   Loyal right hand man to the Leader of the Knights of Hanoi. Perhaps, with that in mind, his Link Sense did seem most fitting: he was a dog, a hound to his master and so he had the keenness for it. He could only detect Earth, though only Earth, but that was more than enough for him. He didn’t need anything more strange and unusual about him. Especially as his awakening to this latent power was when it had hurt him. 
   The only time he had become aware of his Link Sense was when Earth had been decompiled. 
   Spectre hadn’t felt each cut and strike of the laser through Earth as he was vivisected. But when it was over. When there was no life or body left of him, that was when Spectre had felt it. A gaping pain in his heart and a tear proceeded to roll down his cheek afterwards.
   He did not understand? What was that? Oh, it was… Earth, he would later come to realise.
   Well. It didn’t matter. Not anymore. It never had. That is what Spectre attempted to resolve. Whatever this ability of his was, this sense of connection that he had between himself and… his other self, as he had put it, it was severed. It had been purposefully cut to pieces. There was no coming back from that.
   But where there was a will, there was a way and there was none quite so willful as Fujiki Yusaku. Also known as Playmaker. The greatest thorn that Spectre had ever known in his side but where there were thorns, there were roses, too. Unfortunately.
   He brought them back. First his own, of course, and then together, they brought back the other Ignis, and when the Earth Ignis lived again, Spectre felt it.
   Another tear rolled down his eye and he was sick to his stomach. 
   It should have been impossible. There was no room for this connection in his life, between himself and his master. He had never once questioned his orders, even when curiosity had frayed him briefly at the edges nor when he had felt a profound grief for someone he had never technically met. 
   Or so he thought.
   Spectre objected more to the idea than Ryoken but Ryoken accepted it with a passive, even pleasant, defeat. He did not want to destroy the Ignis. He did not want the victims of the Incident to suffer more. If it did come to that, of course, he would make the tough decisions but he had faith that the Origins and the Ignis, their bond would prevail.
   Even the one between Spectre and Earth.
   With no hesitation at all, Earth allowed himself to be adopted by the Knights of Hanoi. There were mumblings of protest from the others, of course. It seemed extremely unwise… Right up until Spectre had smiled a genuine smile meeting his Ignis for the first time and the gentleness he exhibited, it did seem to convey a change of self and the turnover of a leaf.
   Thus, that was life. For a little while at least. Awkwardness in the rooms wherever Earth went, because of course, but it was palpable. They could deal with it.
   And Spectre was now aware of his own Link Sense. It went both ways. In the beginning and the end, in death and in rebirth. It did not seem like an especially powerful ability. Thank goodness. He did not need something so fanciful as to perceive the network with his eyes or ears, or any other number of ESPer like abilities. He was content with what he had.
   Until the sensations spread. It truly did work both ways.
   “Why are you blushing, Ignis?” Spectre huffed.
   All he had done was kiss Ryoken good night. It was a strange arrangement but one which filled his heart. He and his master were lovers, after all, they slept in the same bed. Himself and his Ignis, they were partners so Earth would hide in his Duel Disc wherever he set it, most typically on his bedside table. Though Earth was a rather bright creature, with his luminescent eyes, it wasn’t the cyan that had caught Spectre’s attention most foul after he rolled over from kissing Ryoken.
   It was the red in his cheeks.
   “I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching but.” Earth stammered. “I felt it.”
   “You felt it?” Spectre echoed.
   That caught Ryoken’s ear so he rolled over as well. 
   “Now that I think about it… No, I shall not say it, I don’t know how to say it without miscommunicating.” Earth rambled.
   Ryoken’s eyebrows drew in. He had his suspicions. As did Spectre.
   “Just say it.” Spectre sighed.
   “I can feel all your kisses or hand holding. However rare. How peculiar.” Earth said.
   “I doubt that.” Spectre said.
   “I… do not.” Ryoken piped up.
   “What?” Spectre did not snarl but he wanted as he turned his head to look over his shoulder.
   “I’m curious, I have a hypothesis.” Ryoken said.
   “Huh? What?” Spectre was all but trampled upon by Ryoken.
   Ryoken clambered over him without ever leaving the comfort of being under the sheets. He shoved Spectre down with his body, all so he could reach over him so he could pick up his Duel Disc off his bedside table. With Earth, flailing, inside of it.
   Ryoken kissed Earth’s cheek, making Earth blush and… Spectre felt it. He felt the red of the hypertension in Earth’s body and even the sensation of Ryoken’s lips on his cheeks, like a phantom. He would always know it.
   “I don’t think we know the full scope of how your particular Link Sense works just yet, Spectre.” Ryoken said, very smug that his first experiment appeared to be a success based on how Spectre fumed underneath him, teased.
   He was also quite chuffed that he had even gotten a pot shot in on Earth. Ryoken placed him back down and slid off Spectre. He got comfortable in bed again.
   “We should do more tests regarding your specific extra-sensory abilities, I know you're not interested but I am. It will be helpful information to have if Earth ever goes rogue and attempts armageddon of his own volition.” Ryoken said, far too blase, even sing-song, to be talking about such things.
   “I-I would! I would never!” Earth sputtered.
   “Quite frankly, I would be more surprised if the other Origins don’t have this ability in their arsenals of Link Sense.” Ryoken continued to muse. “But, if we can train yours up, it might even be possible for you to detect Ignises other than your own. Yes, that could be very helpful in the event that we do have to terminate the Ignis after all.”
   “Please shut up,” Spectre begged, he rolled over so he could bury his face in his pillow, “your not just making Earth embarrassed but myself as well.”
   Ryoken was quiet for a moment and Spectre almost thought they were over this awful pillow talk.
   “Did your Link Sense tell you that?” Ryoken asked after that beat, simply unable to help himself.
   Spectre groaned, “Good night.”
   His conviction to never be involved too deep in this unexpected side effect of the Lost Incident all the more compounded. He had done so well for so long to simply ignore everything which did not suit his narrative of what suited him. He was not going to let this peculiar depth of his and his Ignis’ bond ruin it.
   No matter what Ryoken was curious about.
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merryfortune · 3 years
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ah yes. me, my boyfriend, and his 4 foot Ignis.
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merryfortune · 3 years
Olive Branch
Written for the 100ships Challenge on Dreamwidth and as the Free Day Prompt for @ygotplusweek
100ships Challenge Prompt #63: Olive
YGOTPlus Prompt(s): Reunions, Negotiations, Favourite Things, Separate, Learning Something New
Ship: Rockdustshipping | Earth/Spectre/Ryoken
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS
Word Count: 2,423
Rating: T
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Tags:  Post Canon, Canon Divergent, Self Indulgent, Minor or Implied Possessiveness, Developing Relationship, Eventual Polyamory
AN: this is my guilty pleasure ot3, I just want to have my two cakes and eat them too!!
   The current situation was rapidly beginning to unfold into scenarios that Ryoken had never wanted to entertain. He would not call it the worst case scenarios - unfortunately, things like armageddon had a rightful place in thoughts and calculations like those - but he was not going to be quick to call it ideal. He still had a few fingers that he could cross but already, his heart was beginning to break just from witnessing this scenario unfold in the flesh, blood, and some pixels too.
   Ideally, there would be zero Ignis but he knew Fujiki Yusaku, Playmaker, as one thing and one thing only: incredibly determined. Once his will was committed to something, it all but brought miracles forth so Ryoken accepted that a new era would likely unfold. Perhaps from the mistakes of the previous one, this second coming would be more hopeful. He had his own, after all.
   He wanted to commit to his redemption. His atonement. To himself and his own nature, not as a destroyer but a protector. He had wanted to protect the children of the Hanoi Project and now, he wanted to protect what little serenity and closure they had found, finally, ten years later.
   This, however, would test him, Ryoken knew, not instinctively but for more humanly reasons than that as well.
   Thanks to Playmaker and his own Ignis’s determination, they had managed to revive the five remaining Ignis. Some of those matches were easier to make than others. Returning Flame to Takeru would be safe and teary-eyed; returning Aqua to Miyu and Aoi would be joyful and misty-eyed; but then there were the others. Ryoken did not have stable predictions for what would happen were Lightning and Windy were to return to their respective Origins but, for better or worse, he did have eyes. He did not need to predict what would happen were Earth returned to Spectre for he could just watch such a thing happen.
   In fact, it was happening right now and it was already piercing Ryoken’s armour and cracking his heart.
   Ryoken had always known it would one day come to this. Or that it should have come to this, possibly even sooner than ten years. He had run the simulations as a child, to discover what was the link that kept breaking, and in them, he did discover that Earth was not the cause for what would eventually break. He never was. If anything, he fixed things. Drastically so, if only for one person: Spectre. His Spectre.
   Time and time again, running those simulations, Ryoken saw all the pathways in which Spectre and Earth would become remarkably good friends. Family. Partners. Whatever form their bond took, it was unbreakable and truly only brought the best in each other. A clean track of wins for both of them, in theory, at least. And it had incensed Ryoken.
   Spectre was his. Not Earth’s.
   Ryoken was Spectre’s first everything. First friend, first confidante, first person who had ever truly loved him. Spectre adored Ryoken and Ryoken matched that adoration as best as he could.
   But he saw the digital future. He saw how Earth would disrupt that. The Ignis had to be exterminated regardless. It would be best if Spectre knew, it would protect him. The truth would only ever hurt but Ryoken now suspected, he had been for a fair few months now, that Spectre had come to realise that the bond that he was meant to have with his Ignis would have been incredible. And Ryoken had destroyed that possibility in some vain, petty destruction that only served his own ego.
   Ryoken rationalised it as being a child. Volatile, short tempered, not properly fused or wired yet. But he still felt it. That streak of possessiveness that flared a mile wide as he watched Earth and Spectre meet for the first time. Or was it a reunion as they had always known each other, on some level that Ryoken couldn’t begin to understand because he hadn’t been the one experimented on and had life created from his brainwaves and duelling. A bond that could only be truly called soulful or psychic.
   A storm raged inside of him when he should have been happy for his beloved friend. Instead, he was in wrongful furor that Spectre might be able to become happy because of someone who was not him. It was a storm between right and wrong and Ryoken knew to part it not unlike the beam of a lighthouse and he knew which side to take, even if it did repulse him. He just couldn’t let himself get in the way of Spectre’s happiness as Spectre was, easily, his most important person.
   Spectre’s eyes were wide with the purest wonder that Ryoken didn’t even think he was capable of such an unguarded, vulnerable expression. In the corners of his eyes was the glistening on a single tear. He hazarded a feeble smile as he welcomed his Ignis back to the realm of the living with a shaking hand.
   Earth reached out to him and his demeanour could only be described as calm. The past half an hour was a whirlwind, even to Ryoken so he was surprised - and maybe even impressed - that Earth could be so stony face before Spectre who was coming close to blubbering with happiness with the events that had occurred. Once more, Pandora’s box had been open but this time, it had been Playmaker’s fingers on the lock and key.
   He had brought back the Ignis and returned them to a respectable vicinity of their Origins, forcing the data back through the Link VRAINS and getting it to rematerialise in the real world. Ryoken, a good programmer and coder in his own right, could only regard it as nothing short of magic.
   “It is good to see you.” Earth said. The sound of his voice was even but gladdened.
   He reached out to Spectre’s hand and though he was a large Ignis, he was still entirely dwarfed by the scale of a human. Both his hands clasped onto a couple of Spectre’s fingers and he was made to seem so small because of it. Nonetheless, he gallantly shook Spectre’s hands and that appeared to cleanse them of their nervous jitters.
   “It's good to meet you, Earth,” Spectre replied, a hiccup to his voice, “but it feels like I already know you.”
   Earth’s eyes softened, “I feel the same.” he confessed.
   Ryoken wanted to scream. To yell. To rage. To do anything but let this selfishness stew inside of him as he held onto the helmet of his VR set. They hadn’t even had the time to get up and stretch their legs before being thrust into this situation that Ryoken could only describe as the most impossible and unplanned future possible, hurtling forward at a pace of a few minutes at best.
   Spectre shyly glanced towards Ryoken, his heart beating quicker in his chest than it normally did. He could see the upset in Ryoken’s face but he was glad that Ryoken was here. He wanted Ryoken to be here for this quite dearly. He returned his gaze to Earth and it was apologetic.
   “Are you aware?” Spectre hesitantly asked Earth. “Of my activities as a Knight of Hanoi?”
   Earth was very quiet, his expression turned very stern and with glacial speed, he finally replied, “No…”
   “No?” Ryoken exclaimed. He was startled and he awkwardly took his interjection as an excuse to cross the vast chasm between his own perch on one side of the room and Spectre’s on the other.
   “Truly?” Spectre asked and he had to swallow a giggle.
   “Er… yes… truly.” Earth said. “My best recollection of events is as follows: us Ignis made a pact not to interact with the material world, including with our Origins, for a while, we lived in the best harmony we could muster…
   “One day, a dragon destroyed the Cyberse World, we were protected by Ai who did his best to flee from this dragon… When Ai released us, Windy and Lightning withdrew. I believe now to put in place their own machinations that resulted in this Bohman figure being created.
   “I only desired to find Aqua, she was taken before I could make my decision. A decision that has now been taken from me as I have now been thrust before you… But I wanted to base my decision on logic and sound information. I needed to know more about the humans but unlike my duplicitous kin, even Aqua to an extent, I endeavoured to honour my vow so I never sought you out.
   “So, now I have to ask, what were your activities as a Knight of Hanoi? It sounds noble so I desire to tentatively approve.” Earth looked up very cautiously at Spectre, and even towards Ryoken, as he finished his ramble.
   Ryoken could not believe what he was hearing. He couldn’t decide if this was extremely lucky or extremely unlucky. How ironic that such a perceptive and observant person such as Spectre produced such an oblivious Ignis, even if Earth was right to conclude that he needed to proceed with information rather than instinct or some other whim, no matter how fond. He supposed that it would be up to Spectre to decide the worth of the fortune before them.
   And Spectre seemed very quick to make that decision, he took a breath then explained, “Master Ryoken is the dragon who destroyed your first home. We, the Knights of Hanoi, have been hunting you for the past five, almost six, years, trying to destroy.”
   Earth’s blue eyes went wide. This was certainly news to him - and Ryoken did find himself relishing that.
   “Is that true?” he asked, turning to Ryoken. “You are the good doctor’s son, are you not? The son of the man who created us Ignis, I - I have vague memories of your face as a child, seeing you from within the apparatus I was created within. Is that true?”
   “In its entirety.” Ryoken gravely replied, folding his arms.
   “M-My…” Earth murmured.
   “You understand why three of your companions were so eager to take up arms against us humans now, don’t you?” Ryoken said and he felt some snake of vindication inside of him, that Earth may flee from them and all would be right with what was left of Ryoken’s little world.
   And yet, Earth steadied, “I do,” he admitted, “but Spectre spoke in past tense just now, I noticed. He said “for five, almost six years”, that would imply the activity has ceased, albeit recently.”
   “Correct.” Ryoken growled. “We desire to protect the Link VRAINS, to do what we can with technology that once brought misery, to bring joy. To keep the Incident concealed so the victims can enjoy privacy.” Ryoken then took a sharp breath. “To even allow the behaving Ignis some space in this world, you were created to enrich humanity but per my observations, I believe it is only possible for you lot to touch a handful of lives at best. Though it pains me, I would appreciate it if you were able to do so with Spectre.”
   Now it was Spectre’s turn to be in disbelief of his own ears. His face paled but purely because he was stunned to hear such words from Ryoken’s mouth. He thought it was going to take hours upon hours of convincing him, grovelling all but on his knees, to allow Earth to stay with them. Ryoken had always been brusque upon the subject of Spectre’s unique Ignis at the best of times and at the worst, Spectre recoiled to remember what was said implicitly and explicitly about Earth’s death from Ryoken.
   Earth’s expression lightened and a peculiar thing happened. A thin branch manifested in his hands. It was thin and wiry, delicate, plumed with rounded leaves with a few bounties blooming off the stem. Earth held onto it preciously. Spectre recognised the branch by its leaves; Ryoken recognised it by its boon. A literal olive branch and it was one that Earth chose to gift to Ryoken.
   “It is my understanding that the olive branch is a symbol of surrender and compromise to humans, that to give one to another means to cease an argument or war.” Earth rambled.
   “Yes, that is correct.” Spectre assured him.
   “Then my intentions should be apparent but if not, if I have muddled them somehow, I wish to live long and well alongside you and Spectre.” Earth said. “I value peace over all else, to the point of uselessness, perhaps, but that is who I am.”
   Ryoken’s gaze wandered towards Spectre. He looked so… hopeful. It was bright and bittersweet, as such he was holding his tongue. Ryoken took a breath and he accepted Earth’s gift.
   “I believe I can find those values complementary to my own.” Ryoken replied.
   There likely wasn’t a response that could have overjoyed Spectre more. He got to his feet, untangling from the VR set, and embraced Ryoken. Ryoken stiffened but he pat Spectre’s shoulder before finally hugging him back. Earth, meanwhile, settled on Spectre’s head.
   He looked down on them both rather curiously, like he was still quantifying the various rituals of humans even though hugging was not something alien to him as an Ignis. It was more the metrics of these two and their particular relationship, perhaps even how he would figure into their equation.
   If so, Ryoken felt the same.
   He still very much, at his best and kindest, wanted to fling Earth far, far away from his domain, keep him alive just with other arrangements for a home, perhaps with Aqua and either of her girls or even with Ai and Yusaku. Instead, Ryoken swallowed that one-sided resentment that he had stoked since he was a child, trying to understand the intertwining paths of Spectre and his Ignis and instead, endeavoured to make peace with this Ignis. For Spectre’s sake. He would merely have to believe that Spectre whose heart seemingly only had enough space to love and adore just one could have enough room for two.
   After all, at the end of the day and at the end of time, all Ryoken wanted was to make Spectre happy and it had been proven to him, time and time again, there should be no better way than to let him have his Ignis. So, perhaps, he could come to tolerate - maybe even become fond - for the socially awkward little creature, too. If only for Spectre.
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