merryfortune · 1 year
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this is technically fanart of I fic I wrote and will be posting later today c:
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bandsanitizer · 2 years
I just watched part one of making 5sos5 and I just… that’s my band yknow? not my band obviously like that’s not my band but they’re still my band. at some point I looked at them and heard their music and thought that yeah. this is it. and almost ten years later it’s still true. I don’t think I’ll ever have the words to describe how proud of them I am. I don’t think I’ll ever have the words to describe how much 5sos and their music means to me. I just… yeah. they mean a lot to me. their music means a lot to me. there’s something so nostalgic about watching that video. there’s something that fills my chest with warmth about them creating music together and really it’s all blah blah blah parasocial relationships but I can’t help that there’s something that brings me to tears to see how far they’ve come, even just a glimpse into making this album. there’s a level of nostalgia that easy for you to say invokes that this video also invokes in me that all I can really say is I’m so fucking proud of them and this album and I enjoy knowing that they enjoy creating music together and that they have each other and that they get to do what they love.
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mcpuliotjr · 11 months
its rlly hard recommending utena to people bc ud think itd be abt gay swordfighting but its actually abt stories and the way they get distorted by human bias and prejudice but even more than that is abt people holding on to an idealized version of their past that they werent even necessarily happy in but even more than that as well its abt cycles of abuse within a system that enables them where performative saviorship is just another cog in the machine but actually its abt utena and anthy loving each other so so much <3
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tbpbsides · 2 years
wracked with chills and visions thinking about saviorship and my chem and how its in conversation with the duty, the IMPERATIVE of eventually saving yourself. LET ME BE THE ONE TO SAVE YOU, this band saved my life and its there to save other peoples lives, but also IM JUST A MAN IM NOT A HERO. would you pray for me or make a saint of me? and perhaps most importantly SAVE YOURSELF TONIGHT. FACE ALL THE PAIN AND TAKE IT ON. GET. UP. COWARD.
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emilywhere · 2 years
i think what’s most stunning to me about a league of their own is that i’ve never seen these stories - my story, our beautiful queer stories - in media like this before. it’s an indictment of our media ecosystem (and yes, a consequence of choices i make in what i read or watch or listen to) and something that has absolutely rocked me to my core. 
i turn 30 this year, and i’ve never seen characters more closely capture my own lived experience with gender and sexuality. the pressures of the world the wishes we didn’t exist. the joy of being a part of a team and a part of a community that understands you. the pain of being rejected by family and society. the challenges of not having a “possibility model” and needing to chart my own path with little to no guidance from those who came before me because they were forced into invisibility, or worse. the incredible reality that just 80 years after these people were living their lives, the “entirely different world” greta mentions is here -- i’m queer, genderqueer, and have an almost 2 year old -- but still so far away -- my family was heckled and called “fucking f*****s” by a group of angry men down the street from our home in this alleged bucolic gay haven of suburban vermont just a few months ago.
i heard an interview where co-creator will graham talked about this show holding up mirrors (plural) for us to see elements of our own story in, and it could not be a more accurate description. while no one character matches my story, i think it’s better because of that. because pieces of our story are universal, but there is no single truth of what it means to be queer. i am amazed that a show about an era so far away can feel so true to my life today, but it is also so clear to me how it’s possible. not because it was made with the benefit of modernity and hindsight, but because to be queer is to grow in more beautiful ways because of and despite the pressure we face at every turn when we try to be a more true version of ourselves. and every time you think the show is done introducing queer people, queer lives, queer stories, queer spaces -- they drop another incredible set of nuanced, complex, beautiful, pure queerness, not just in the gender or sexuality way but in the post-modern queer theory kind of way. it’s genuinely stunning to bear witness to.
and then there is the absolute resistance to let this be a story of white saviorship. because white women and queer folks absolutely did not show up for Black women and queer folks then, and rarely do now. certainly not in the kind of genuinely impactful systemic ways that we need to. and i am glad that the writers never took the easy path when creating this show, instead pushing white viewers to reflect on what allyship actually means, and how often we fail communities of color and Black communities especially.
i am so grateful for this show. i have so many thoughts that i cannot begin to capture. but those are some thoughts for tonight.
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waitingforeddyneddy · 10 months
That tweet had little to no engagement before Rana had quoted it. This white saviorship complex towards Simone and then being condescending towards her woc especially her desi fans is nauseating. Simone deserves better fans cause all yall do is make her a target with your constant hate towards the rest of the cast. The hate that some of you still have for Charithra especially just tells me that yall do not care about woc or desi women and just use Simone as means to project your weird hatred towards her after over an year.
Lmao what are you even talking about? I’m not going to address all this bullshit that has nothing to do with me, you have clearly some other blogger in your head cause I never talked about CC on this blog if not to say that I didn’t agree with the way she handled promo and the way she talked about her character and Kate. That’s not hate tho. Also you people need to accept that fact that some of us are not here to stan every member of the cast. That does not equal hate lmao.
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Our Daily Homily
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by F.B. Meyer
Devotional for November 19th
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord... - Romans 10:9
Salvation here is evidently to be taken in its most extended meaning. It stands even more for the deliverance of the soul from the love and dominion of sin than for the removal of its justly incurred penalty. That we should be pure in heart, holy in thought, consecrated in life, with all the range of our nature controlled by his indwelling Spirit—such is the Divine intention with respect to us, as suggested by this deep, great word Salvation. But there are two conditions, on our compliance with which this saving power is realized.
We must confess Jesus as Lord.—Throughout Scripture there is a close connection between Christ’s Royalty and his Saviorship. "Behold, thy King cometh to thee,... having salvation;" "Him hath God set forth to be a Prince and a Savior." "Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High,... made like unto the Son of God, abideth a priest continually." We shall never know Christ as a Savior from inbred sin until we have definitely and absolutely enthroned Him in our hearts. A physician is not content with healing outbreaks of disease and fever when they occur; but claims leave to examine all the arrangements of the house, so as to deal with the sources of the mischief.
We must also steadfastly believe in the Resurrection.—The risen Lord, sitting at the right hand of God, in all the vigour of an indissoluble life: still working in the world, and energising the hearts of his own entering to indwell, to fill, to unite with his own eternal life—such is the vision offered to our faith. Let us look away to Him with a persistent, unwavering gaze, until sin ceases to attract us, and Satan finds a Stronger in possession.
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blackmuzak8484 · 2 years
Kendrick Lamar - Count Me Out (Official Audio)
one of these lives i'mma make things right.
sigh. i like this album. And given the people involved, I should hate this even more than Damn. I dunno, thought. I find Kendrick making a deeply navel gazy and self righteous/shamefaced and arrogant album a far more honest and sincere move than Damn, which just felt like a sop to folks to let him , well, make albums like this.
yet, i've found that clearly a lot of people were not actually here for Kendrick Lamar, just Drake but less aggravatingly self-involved and more interesting. This is somehting Drake can't do.
it also feels right that when Kendrick makes his work soexplicit that what was once an abstraction is unignorable and thus the defence one could muster for this kinda sugared pill stuff has fallen away, leaving either the sugar or the pill. Now we all know what Kendrick is - a conscious rapper who, when in full control of his faculties (hopefully) will be making conscious albums, even when he is trying his damnedest not to.
on another note, this song make me think of taking up running.
Kendrick going full mask off as to who he really is, for better or worse, has actually freed many folks from being a slave in their mind (word to my man jim) to continuing to support, listen and accept him, and I think that is a far greater act of saviorship than anything he's ever done.
this is the best rapping on the whole album.
a tiresome reheat of the cancel culture crack is thankfully briefer than you'd expect - only 2 verses about it and 1 mention at the end of the 2nd song. At least Kendrick knows not make the whole album about, nobody is interested or even willing to pay for that. (Don't even about Dave Chappelle. When's the last time you thought about anything he even said apart from the cancel culture bits?)
if kendrick had just given her an interlude, it would've been a greater act of allyship.
mr morale and the big steppers is a better album than damn, but it is in no way better than the kendrick lamar EP. which does, of course, mean that it is all downhill from here - hope Tanna Leone and Baby Keem go on to have a successful career without needing Kendrick. I am interested in what will become of him now that he is no longer the rap savior, no longer the saint, no longer our center -
oh no. oh no. oh no. someone hide mavi. get kenny mason out of the country. lock cordae back down. get jack harlow a real job. once that mantle comes down on one of them, this kinda album is in our and their future. let's hope JID's too old.
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zooterchet · 7 days
The Rabbinical Temple (Molestation of Children)
Mosques, are lead by children, in the customs house oath of slavery.
The child, is a sweethearted plum boy, who believed in Santa Claus, and Christ holidays, the saviorship of a pedophile; Jesus, Hitler, and Bundy, the three betrayers of Manos; the spread hand, police, espionage, military, law, and crime.
Any withdrawn finger, an insult, an accusation of pederasty.
Rabbinicals, those of homosexual pederasty, having refused meditation and accepted Lutheranism, the big pisser instead, attend Mosque, and transmit their feelings to Jews, in Synagogues.
Those Jews, enforce their sponsorship and patronage, over those in support groups, hospitals and "rehabilitation", to die.
Why not accept the Catholic faith instead, otherwise Protestant, white supremacist, Lutherans; open homosexuals, vaseline and penis pumps and vibrators; for the sheer purpose of masturbation, gigalos, the whore a myth spread by INTERPOL (Christianity, not Catholicism), Scientology (cinema, not medicine), and NAMBLA (comic books, not libraries).
Are you a little plum dumpling?
If so, you aren't American.
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ravegore · 11 days
i want affection but I feel nothing about it. i want to feel special to someone but i can't tell if its in a healthy or codependent way. do things only feel real if they burn us alive in all consuming devotion to saviorship? i have the people in mind but i don't even know how I'd actually feel about it in practice. i want something close but i don't feel close.
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merryfortune · 1 year
We Rolled More Kindly This Time in the Game of Life (Part 1)
Written for Multiamory March 2023
Day 3: Games
Title: We Rolled More Kindly This Time in the Game of Life (Part 1)
Ship: (eventual) Saviorshipping | Ryoken/Spectre/Yusaku
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,031
Tags: Alternate Universe - No Lost Incident, Pre-Canon, Meet Cute, Childhood Friends, Puppy Love, Fluff, Crushes, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts
   Fujiki Yusaku had known his best friend, Kogami Ryoken of the year and class above him, for all of six months but if there was one thing he knew, extremely well about Ryoken, it was his proclivity for finding people.
   Yusaku would describe Ryoken as friendly. He seemed really popular in his own class and he didn’t mind if he got pecked at for hanging out with Yusaku who was in the kindergarten year below him however. Despite this popularity and sociability, Ryoken didn’t seem to have very many close friends. Nope. Just Yusaku in fact.
   That was until just now, in what felt like a rewind of six months ago.
   Six months ago, Yusaku had only just moved to Den City with his parents. It had been very busy. Hustling and bustling to get moving and Yusaku was really excited about it. Den City was a big place and he wanted to go out and explore it. He was allowed to, as long as he was back around sunset or as the street lights turn on. It was a good, safe city his parents said and one Yusaku thought was full of adventures to be had.
   And he did have plenty of them. He quickly sussed out the closest parks and met a lot of children his own age there. He played with them, there was one boy who liked soccer and another, bigger boy who liked to arm wrestle. Yusaku had a lot of fun meeting these different children, some of them, he learned, would be going to the same school as him, others not so much but lived in the neighbourhood.
   It was all very exciting, so exciting that Yusaku hardly noticed as the blue sky began to turn orange, until someone pointed it out and he was going to be in so much trouble if he didn’t get home on time so bye! See ya Monday! 
   Yusaku raced off. 
   He felt like he was zooming as he retraced his steps to go back home. He was flying as he ran, faster than the wind until thump! 
   Yusaku was not looking where he was going and so, collided with someone about his own age. Maybe a year or two older, just slightly taller than him and in this collision, they had both landed on their bums and the other boy, he had dropped the library books he had been holding.
   “I’m so sorry.” Yusaku said, quick and flustered. “Let me help.” They both clamoured to pick up the three books that had been scattered on the ground.
   “Thank you, I know it was an accident.” the other boy said with a placid smile as he accepted one of his books back from Yusaku.
   Yusaku felt his heart… do something weird in his chest. This boy’s smile was really pretty. So were his pale blue eyes. And his fluffy white hair. Yusaku felt his cheeks burn but to distract himself, he let his eyes dart around and he realised something.
   This part of the neighbourhood… It was really unfamiliar to him. Yusaku paused and he felt panic rise inside his small body. He had not been retracing his steps to get home. He had taken a wrong turn somewhere for sure. Yusaku began to grimace in his alarm.
   “Are you okay?” the boy asked.
   “I-I, um, think I’m lost.” Yusaku admitted.
   “Oh dear…” the boy murmured. “Where are you from? I’m Kogami Ryoken and I know these streets very well so maybe I can help.”
   Yusaku’s frown was immediately turned upside down by that. “I’m Fujiki Yusaku, I only moved to Den City today.” He replied and he rattled off his prior address and then his current address. Good thing his Mother hadn’t let him leave the apartment until he could recite it perfectly.
   “I see, don’t worry, that’s not too far from here.” Ryoken said. “I’ll take you home.”
   Yusaku smiled big and wide in his gratitude. Together, Ryoken was able to turn Yusaku around and deliver him straight to the front door of his family’s apartment. He was all too thrilled to introduce Ryoken to his mother, as well. Already, he could tell this was the beginning of something special.
   Even if it was fleeting. It was getting late and Ryoken was on his own way home from the library before encountering Yusaku, so he had to get home as well. But given it was a bit too dark out, Ryoken stayed a little longer whilst he waited for his Father to come pick up - Yusaku’s Mother had rung him. In that little extra time they had together, Yusaku learned they went to the same school and other things like that.
   He couldn’t wait. He was still all bouncy smiles as he said goodbye to Ryoken and his Father when he had arrived. 
   When Monday came, Yusaku was quick to find his friend again and he really had been right. It really was the start to something special. They were fast friends and soon enough thick as thieves. He cherished their bond. It was them against the world and it was because of that he wasn’t worried at all when Ryoken introduced this other boy to him.
   This other boy did not go to their school. He didn’t have parents, either. He was an orphan and he preferred to go by his self-appointed nickname. Of which, that was the only thing Yusaku found weird about him.  Even if he did wear muddy pants and had clearly been crying recently. Those should have twigged more about what was weird about this boy as Ryoken explained how they had met. All of twenty minutes ago.
   “This is Spectre and its good to meet him, right?” Ryoken cheerily said.
   “Yup, good to meet you, Spectre. I’m Yusaku.” Yusaku replied.
   The boy he grimaced. He had big blue eyes which reminded Yusaku of those old-timey, super expensive glass-eyed dolls. He had short cropped, blondie-grey hair and a sloped nose. He wore clothes that Yusaku thought looked like hand me downs, a faded jacket and again, the mud stains were pretty obvious on him as well. 
   “And I was on my way home when it started to rain,” Ryoken said, he spoke animatedly, though with only one hand as the other boy held onto it, “when I saw him sitting under a tree crying. I couldn’t leave him be, especially when he said he didn’t wanna go home. So I thought he could come here.”
   Yusaku listened intently. It was meant to be him and Ryoken tonight for this sleepover but now they had this third. But he really didn’t mind. The more the merrier, surely, but Spectre clearly did not think the same. He was not so thrilled that Yusaku was here at Ryoken’s big, grand house like a fairy tale castle set in minimalism and glass. 
   This Spectre boy, he seemed determined to have a not very good time. Not even when Ryoken had brought out his favourite game to play: he had been really into Duel Monsters lately and Yusaku liked them too. Spectre wasn’t fussed. It being a two-player game didn’t help but he did like to watch. He seemed really impressed whenever Ryoken was on a roll with his summons or attacks.
   Though overall he seemed like a sourpuss. A really clingy sourpuss. He was always sitting close to Ryoken, even when Yusaku wasn’t. And again. He wasn’t really interested in playing, either, but sometimes spoke up about what he did enjoy; he liked reading books. 
   As it got closer to dinner, it was becoming increasingly apparent he really didn’t want to go home. Ryoken’s Father had tried to push him out since Spectre was very much not here on anyone’s permission but his Father’s assistants, who were more like two uncles and an aunt to Ryoken because of their closeness, managed to placate Kiyoshi. What was one more kid? They’d do the ringing around to where he was from so for now he could stay. They had plenty to eat after all, what was one more mouth at a sleepover?
   Very well. 
   And so, Spectre was allowed to stay a little longer, until morning, just like Yusaku. He borrowed Ryoken’s clothes to change out of his muddy day clothes and since it was already a party, they didn’t worry about him brushing his teeth. They were staying up late and snacking anyway. Even long after their dinner of hamburgers.
   That’s when Yusaku realised something about Spectre. Though he pointedly didn’t talk much about himself, happier to nod along to whatever Ryoken was talking about or scowling whenever it was Yusaku’s turn, he did notice something about him. 
   They had something in common.
   All three of them were sleeping on the floor of Ryoken’s room. It was lucky they had an extra sleeping bag for Spectre but it was adult sized so he was swimming in its fabric but he didn’t seem to mind. He was huddled underneath it with a bowlful of popcorn, picking from it occasionally as he laid down on his belly. He was staring intently at Ryoken across from him, kind of ignoring Yusaku who was adjacent to him. 
   If Yusaku didn’t know any better, he would say that Spectre was too excited to sleep. Even if he did look very comfy under the blankets and slinky material of the sleeping bag. And even if Ryoken had already drifted off to sleep. He had his head to his pillow, a little drool seeping out the side of his mouth. Honestly Yusaku was a bit the same.
   They had talked and gamed the night away and now it was time to sleep but before he did. He wanted to mention something to the tenaciously wide awake Spectre, so Yusaku turned his head.
   “Psst, Spectre, can I ask you something?” he whispered, not wanting to disturb Ryoken - or worse, alert the adults to the fact only one of them had gone to sleep just yet.
   Spectre turned his head and frowned. He looked cute when he pouted, Yusaku thought.
   “What?” Spectre hissed.
   “Ne, tell me,” Yusaku said, procrastinating, “but… you have a crush on Ryoken, don’t you?”
   It all sounded very romantic in Yusaku’s six-year-old head. Much the same way his own first meeting with Ryoken had been. But this time, it was in the rain and a lot of Yusaku’s Mum’s J-Dramas had plenty of kissing scenes in the rain so Yusaku could only assume that had to mean something. Same for scenes at sunset, he supposed.
   “Wh-What? No.” Spectre denied.
   Yusaku giggled like an imp, “It's okay, you can say it, me too.”
   Spectre was aghast. Taken aback, gawking with his mouth hanging out. Then he shut it. And buried his face in his arms.
   “Okay, yeah, I have a crush on him…” Spectre admitted.
   “Cool, then we have something in common then. Ryoken’s so cool. Anyways, we should go to bed, yeah? G’night. See you in the morning.”
   And as far as Yusaku was concerned, that was that. Spectre wasn’t quite so convinced. Yusaku smiled as he snuggled under the covers of his own sleeping bag, nuzzling into his floppy pillow. They could be like the three musketeers. Even if Spectre didn’t go to the same school as them, they could play together after school or on weekends. Maybe they could even go to some sort of club together, like a Duel Monsters club.
   Spectre huffed and Yusaku heard him flop down. It seemed like he was ready to go to bed at last. That made Yusaku kind of laugh. He tried not to, again, he knew they’d get in trouble if they were too loud but it seems they were heard anyway.
   “I like you two a lot, too.” Ryoken piped up, his voice muffled by his pillow.
   Yusaku smiled to himself. He blushed and rolled over. He squinted through the darkness of the room and he wondered if Spectre was as flustered as him to have heard that, too. If so, that would be another thing they had in common and that thought made him more than a little giddy.
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The Family Support of the Vietnam War
Pasha (Charlebois):
Diane: MI-6 airways, out of Amsterdam; support through D-Company, into Thailand, out of Bengal.
Michael: Raytheon NFL, out of Attleboro; the jeweler's industry, as fomenting the Jets-Patriots rivalry, to prevent MI-6 from favoring the Steelers as the league chaplins, MI-6, instead of the Jets as league stewards, NYPD.
Steven: Vatican CIA, out of California; the saviorship, of Chinatown, as an anti-rape movie, and with it, the other films, the Vietnam War veteran support of female roles for male rapists, out of the frame of Roman Polanski, as police lieutenant Charles Manson, and the switch of identities.
Ellen: DC Comics African Poverty Fund, and the saviorship of the Batman title, outside of Mossad holding, and instead inside British calumny, the Wayne Family written as the Falcones, the Charleboises.
Sullivan (O'Neill):
Gene: The support of the Sino-Soviet Split, through President Nixon, and the sales of the Stretch Armstrong figure, to Cambodia.
Marie: The study of rare autists, produced by Japan, "The Greys", and the prevention of the MI-6 myth of alien invasion, through MUFON.
Roberta: The NSA housing fund, for irregular soldiers, as engineers, to counter any infiltrator in an unit, as requesting alcohol and liquor, otherwise murdering the failure to violate Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous protocols; such protocols, being Saudi and Malay.
Evelyn: The trans-axis between Texas, and Tennessee, through Alabama. The State Police office, in rare insects, "bugs", to be hunted by arachnids.
Danny: The formation of "The Cult of Subgenius", to hunt Che Guevera and library cops, those police officers and operatives working out of factories and warehouses, seeking prisoner inmate labor as slaves, to train transgender surgeons for male republics out of France.
Timmy Jr.: The practice of maps and trails finding, in Vietnam, to counter Nixon's attempt at killing the police services, with sperm steals and game theory modeling, through primitive video games, later film and tobacco reference inside Nintendo Systems.
Jimmy: The chaplin stewardship, of Indochina, into the Boston prostitution scene, dominatrixes and dominants, the latter gay, to women, female submissives; spread to Indochina, with trail shootings of Catholic ARVN priests, for Australian MI-6; infiltrated inside the Marine Corps.
Francis: The use of ultraviolet spectroscopes, to analyze schizophrenic birth defects, from police officer marriages, outside of the actual parents; the loss of the "childhood sweetheart" policy, of the Freemasons, to philosophy texts; the modification of "Awake" magazine, "The Watchtower", to "Dr. Spock", the falsely marked Gadze child, a politician with no bearing for being German Homesteader.
Alice: The SIS MI-6 sniper's corps; DEA, on a five person team, lead by Sanjay Gupta, interdicting IDF cocaine dealers out of Colombia; service to the Colombian Army, against sweatshop labor, in garments districts.
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jophiares · 4 months
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Rated M | Saviorshipping | Post-Canon
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elrik-j · 7 months
The Sichuation.
when i was 21 i had a dmt trip. i was with atoms. they evenchually just pull lined me. I was there for hundreds of hundreds of years. teaching them. I got betrayed. Im honestly to good for people. It's to good to them. Then they began to blow up atoms at lhc.
Then after saving sae sae and, speaking to the picture, i was attacked, horifficaly, viciously at hirrachibu buffet. Then that night noneh dropped yuniverses on me. I tried to help them but . . . they got attacked as well. Honestly that atoms and the macro took it really far. it's about buety. and insanity, manifesting itself as gekyume.
The Diete, Entitie, Beings, Nic, and Evr, Godly, Godful. and Gad, were less than unhelpful.
Anyway, right now we have time travel saviorship. Return to sorcful, sorcful reternal gathers. Personali, individuali, tsp.st.fr.rtrnl. 2023-2025. 2019-2021. 2022 Evrsnic internet tsp.
TimeTravelTeam-Sim. Atlantis-Antartica.Ejept-Japan. Tmprdc.Extrdmn. Meetupszs. 2-1914. Cool.
Tracer tracker, sub-derivenishairializesz, defines, decsionairialisms.
Orbos, Giede, Wae, Path, Xlorb. Defineszsz. Awaerness. Tagszs. Adds-Ainszs. Stamp. Church. Over. The. Hill. Tagszs. Tracer. Traeker.
Subs-Definishinairlisesz. Causzical.Setne. Reesz. Deesz. Unos.Dose.
Planetairial centorie. Insignsia.Insignian. Addsz. Pre-Pro.Ex.En.
Crosses.Across. Thoughout.Throughen.
NSTRD.MGXMP.MGSTR. Transfrsa.Planet.Confgrza.Planet.
6thieth.6theth. Titth.Tattu.Etheth.EnPhul.Phul.Corinthe.
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eruhamster · 8 months
this past two weeks alone have proven how many people are so susceptible to propaganda they'd otherwise pretend they wouldn't fall for, and who under everything believe in the concept of white saviorship via colonization, and just feel comfortable admitting it this time because
1. they can argue the colonizers arent white because they're jewish (not true, not mutually exclusive), and
2. they're islamophobes and think it's ok to treat arab muslims as lesser, as barbarians, to have their behavior corrected
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I am now rescinding all callout posts on the Knights of Hanoi. I am now dating their leader and second in command. Long story-
Playmaker, probably
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