#rockingham bay
whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
Making this slew of appointments to little Cardwell brought ridicule on Herbert:
The story about Dalrymple having found a practicable road from the Bay into the interior is false, no such thing has been effected. When the Minister of Lands and Works is asked to give an account to the Legislative Council for acting in this tomfoolery way, by appointing a police magistrate, etc., etc., to a place of which he knows as much as the babe unborn? I really anxiously wait for his reply. Perhaps his plausible friends, Mr. Herbert, Mari attempt to palm off to the House his latest visionary intelligence from the Valley of Lagoons!!!
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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tenth-sentence · 8 months
Rockingham Bay lies in Warrgamay country.
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"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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shaynestree · 7 months
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full US map below
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deslerpainting · 3 months
Professional Painting Services In Port Republic: Revamping Your Home
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Port Republic is a census-designated place in Rockingham County, Virginia, United States. In this livable place, a combination of old and recently built buildings resembling their past, property owners treasure the beauty of their residences. It is virtually impossible to envision the Port Republic Bay Area without having a wide variety of options available. Whether one is about to do a one-room painting or revamp the entire house’s color scheme, the professional residential painting services in Port Republic can become your partner in all your creative designs. Read more:- https://medium.com/@deslerpaintings/professional-painting-services-in-port-republic-revamping-your-home-feb325c5d982
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Strengthening Security: The Importance of Security Gates in Rockingham
Nestled along Western Australia's stunning coastline, Rockingham boasts a unique blend of natural beauty, community charm, and urban convenience. However, with growth and prosperity comes the need for enhanced security measures to protect homes, businesses, and communities. Security gates stand as a symbol of safety and control, providing a formidable barrier against unauthorized access and potential threats. In this article, we delve into the significance of security gates in Rockingham, exploring their benefits, features, and their essential role in safeguarding properties in this dynamic coastal city.
Securing Residential Sanctuaries: Rockingham's diverse neighborhoods offer a mix of architectural styles, from quaint suburban homes to luxurious waterfront properties. Regardless of the dwelling type, security gates offer residents a sense of safety and peace of mind. These gates serve as a physical barrier, controlling access to private properties and deterring unauthorized entry. Whether it's a gated community, a townhouse complex, or a standalone residence, security gates provide residents with control over who enters their property, enhancing security and privacy.
Protecting Business Precincts: As a thriving commercial hub, Rockingham is home to a myriad of businesses, from local shops and restaurants to industrial facilities and office complexes. For business owners, security gates are an essential investment in protecting their assets and ensuring the safety of their employees and customers. By restricting access to commercial premises, security gates help prevent theft, vandalism, and unauthorized entry, safeguarding valuable inventory, equipment, and intellectual property.
Enhanced Safety and Control: Beyond deterring intruders, security gates offer additional safety benefits for residents and businesses in Rockingham. Equipped with advanced access control systems, such as keypads, intercoms, or remote controls, security gates allow authorized individuals to enter and exit with ease while keeping unwanted visitors at bay. This enhanced control over access points promotes a safer and more secure environment, reducing the risk of security breaches and enhancing overall peace of mind.
Weather Resilience and Durability: Rockingham's coastal location exposes properties to the elements, including salt air, strong winds, and occasional storms. Security gates are designed to withstand these environmental challenges, featuring corrosion-resistant materials and weatherproof finishes that endure harsh conditions without compromising performance. Whether facing intense sunlight, heavy rainfall, or salt spray from the ocean, security gates maintain their functionality and appearance, providing long-lasting protection for properties in Rockingham.
Customized Solutions for Every Property: Security gates come in a variety of styles, designs, and configurations to suit the unique needs and aesthetic preferences of each property in Rockingham. From sleek and modern to classic and ornate, homeowners and business owners can choose a security gate that complements the architectural character of their property while providing the desired level of security. Additionally, security gates can be customized with features such as decorative accents, automation systems, and integrated lighting to enhance both functionality and visual appeal.
Conclusion: In Rockingham, where coastal beauty meets urban sophistication, security gates play a vital role in safeguarding homes, businesses, and communities against security threats. With their robust construction, advanced features, and customizable designs, security gates offer a comprehensive solution for enhancing safety, privacy, and peace of mind. Whether it's controlling access to residential sanctuaries, protecting business precincts, or withstanding the elements, investing in security gates is a wise decision for Rockingham residents and business owners seeking to fortify their properties and enjoy the benefits of coastal living.
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uneasylisteningradio · 9 months
Interjections! January 6, 2024
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In memory of Essra Mohawk: Philadelphian, songwriter, singer and Schoolhouse Rocker!! I saved yeah, oh, hey and yeah for future shows! stream on Mixcloud
Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night Essra Mohawk - Interjections
DJ speaks over Charlie Parker's New Stars - Cheers
Kate Bush - Wow The Rutles - Ouch! Danny & The Parkins Sisters - Uh Uh Sad Boys - Yuck
DJ speaks over Stevie Wonder - Bam
Tammy Faye Bakker - Oops, There Comes a Smile Flower Travellin' Band - Aw, Give Me Air Lee Dorsey - Holy Cow Jacqueline Taïeb - Bravo West Five - Congratulations KRS-One - Uh Oh
Chumbawamba - Ugh! Your Ugly Houses! The Pixies Three - Gee East River Pipe - Ah Dictaphone Shonen Knife - Get the Wow Spread Joy - Ow Tommy Roe - Hooray for Hazel Young Canadians - Well, Well, Well
Max Raabe & Palast Orchester - Oops, I Did It Again Big Joe Turner - Well, All Right Le Tigre - Tres Bien Andy Kim - Gee Girl Half Japanese - Hot Dog and Hot Damn Lord Rockingham's XI - Hoot's Mon Nappy Brown - Well Well Baby Clark Equipment - Hooray for Human Engineering!
The Gap Band - Oops Upside Your Head Systematic Death - Cheers to Earth Wack Mags - Baby, Baby, Baby The Clique - Hallelujah! The Angels - Wow Wow Wee (He's The Boy For Me) Max and the Makeups - Hooray
Chicory Tip - Good Grief Christina Roy Fox - Smile Darn Ya Smile Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Boy, Can I Dance Good
The Dukes of Stratosphear - What in the World??
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1weltreisender · 1 year
Die schönsten Regionen für eine Familienreise nach Australien
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Australien ist für viele Menschen ein Traumland. Wochenlang durch das Outback streifen, an den Küsten die Korallen und Meerestiere beobachten oder die pulsierenden Städte besuchen - Australien bietet für jeden Geschmack etwas. Auch als Familie kann man Australien erkunden. Wer viel Zeit hat, besucht das ganze Land. Familien mit weniger Zeit, nehmen sich eine bestimmte Region vor. Wir haben ein paar Tipps für einen Australienurlaub mit Kindern herausgesucht.
Melbourne und Sydney in Südostaustralien
Beliebte Ziele in Australien sind immer wieder die großen Städte im Süden und Südosten des australischen Kontinents. Melbourne und Sydney faszinieren mit multikulturellem Großstadtflair und jeder Menge Sehenswürdigkeiten. Auch für eine Australienreise für Eltern mit Kindern sind die Großstädte ideal. Der Luna Park in Melbourne begeistert Groß und Klein mit seinen vielen Attraktionen und Fahrgeschäften. Mit der Dampflokomotive Puffing Billy geht es dann in der Nähe von Melbourne auf große Fahrt. In Sydney wartet das beeindruckende Sea Life Sydney Aquarium auf einen Besuch mit der ganzen Familie. Das Powerhaus Museum hat viele spezielle Angebote für Kinder. Nach einer Hafenrundfahrt können Eltern dann ihre Kleinen im Australian National Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour mit einem nachgebauten Segelschiff oder einem U-Boot zum Staunen bringen.
Townsville und Cairns an der Ostküste
Im Norden und Osten Australiens gibt es atemberaubende Küstenlandschaften, hübsche Städte und traumhafte Unterwasserwelten zu entdecken. Eine Safari durch den Daintree Rainforest im Norden von Cairns macht auch Kindern großen Spaß. Townsville ist der ideale Startpunkt für einen Ausflug zum Great Barrier Reef. Nur acht Kilometer entfernt liegt auf dem Weg die Insel Magnetic Island. Hier warten nicht nur wunderschöne Buchten und Küsten, sondern auch freilebende Koalas auf die Besucher. Wer noch mehr Tiere erleben will, besucht das Billabong Sanctuary in Townsville. Im Tiererlebnis-Park gibt es jede Menge Krokodile, Kängurus, Wombats, Dingos und Kasuare zu sehen. Reist man entlang der Ostküste noch viel weiter in den Süden von Queensland Richtung Brisbane, muss man unbedingt bei Hervey Bay Halt machen. Hier kann man im August und September auf atemberaubende Walbeobachtungstouren gehen. Der Tanz der Buckelwale mit Flossenschlägen, Sprüngen und gigantischen Fontänen ist ein Erlebnis, welches man nie vergisst. Ist man schon einmal hier, dann lohnt sich eine kleine Überfahrt zur nahegelegenen K'Gari/ Fraser Island. Auf der längsten Sandinsel der Welt kann man die berühmte Sandsteinformation The Cathedrals bewundern, in einem mit ätherischen Ölen angereichertem See schwimmen, den Eli Creek in einem Reifen hinunterrutschen oder die Insel auf dem Fraser Island Great Walk erkunden.
Auf den Spuren der Aborigines im Zentrum
Im Zentrum von Australien lernen Eltern mit Kindern das ursprüngliche Australien kennen. Den Ayers Rock, in der Sprache der Aborigines Uluru, darf man einfach nicht verpassen, wenn man in Australien Urlaub macht. Am besten nimmt man sich für einen Besuch des Uluru und seiner umgebenden Landschaft zwei oder mehr Tage Zeit, um alles in sich aufzunehmen und auch die Lebensweise der Ureinwohner kennenzulernen. Hier kann man auch Kamelreiten, was nicht nur für Kinder ein unvergessliches Erlebnis ist.
Perth und Westaustralien
Der Westen von Australien ist riesig, Alles liegt hier weit auseinander, aber auch hier gibt es viel zu sehen und zu erleben. Im Ningaloo Reef kann man auf eine Bootstour zum Wale beobachten gehen. In der Küstenstadt Perth auf Rottnest Island können Besucher ein Selfie mit den niedlichen Quokkas machen oder auf einem Tagesausflug nach Rockingham mit Delfinen schwimmen. Bei einer Fahrt auf dem Swan River kann man entspannen, um dann die Pinguin Insel, die 45 Minuten von Perth entfernt liegt, zu besuchen. In Perth selbst gibt es ebenfalls viel zu entdecken. Geführte Touren mit Aborigines, versteckte Stadtteile und authentisches Essen machen den Urlaub hier perfekt.
Darwin und der Kakadu National Park im Norden
In und rund um Darwin wird es richtig spannend. Hier kann man springende Krokodile beobachten. den Kakadu Nationalpark besuchen, magnetische Termitenhügel bestaunen oder einfach einen Tag am Mindil Beach genießen. Der Kakadu Nationalpark ist der größte in Australien und man braucht schon mehr als einen Tag, um hier alles zu sehen. Titelfoto / Der Uluru oder Ayers Rock liegt mitten im roten Zentrum Australiens. Foto: Ingo Paszkowsky
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maypoleman1 · 1 year
29th June
St Peter and St Paul’s Day
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Hereward the Wake (1035-1072). Source: English Monarchs website
Today is St Peter and St Paul’s Day. Following the Norman victory at Hastings, rebel English landowner, Hereward the Wake and his forces kept William the Conqueror at bay between 1067 and 1071, at one point burning a causeway the Normans had built to get at his hideout in the Fens, to the ground, destroying the attacking troops. Eventually however, Hereward surrendered to William in return for being restored to his lands. The freedom fighting lord was not able to enjoy his return for long: he was assassinated by a group of resentful Normans the following year. Hereward and his men was rumoured to have been guided to safety after getting lost in Rockingham Forest, by St Peter who sent a wolf to guide them to safety.
This feast day was often the day that Rushbearing and hay strewing took place in churches. Rushes and hay provided the function of carpets on the stone medieval church floors, and had regularly to be refreshed. The ceremonies that took place at or on St Peter and St Paul’s Day, particularly at churches dedicated to one or both of the two saints, were a way of making the task less dull, more communal and given a religious - as well as a hygienic - purpose. For this reason the Sunday nearest the 29th was often termed Hay Sunday.
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xn--painters-0225g · 1 year
Pickering Brook
Piesse Brook
Port Kennedy
Queens Park
Quinns Rocks
Red Hill
Rottnest Island
Safety Bay
Salter Point
Sawyers Valley
Secret Harbour
Seville Grove
Shenton Park
South Fremantle
South Guildford
South Lake
South Perth
Southern River
St James
Swan View
Tamala Park
The Lakes
The Spectacles
The Vines
Our registration details and respective ACN and ABN are as follows.
Registration no. 7799
ACN 603 350 849 
ABN 64 603 350 849
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
To the east are the high hills of Hinchinbrook Island (Pouadai) and to the west – beyond miles of mangroves, scrub and swamp – is the Great Dividing Range.
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"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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shaynestree · 7 months
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freequizbank · 1 year
$100m funding for south metro high schools ‘salt in the wound’ for Esperance, says shadow education minister _ FreeQuizBank.com - Free Exam Practice Questions for LANTITE Numeracy, Mathematical Reasoning - OC, Selective and Scholarship Tests @acereduau #NSWeducation #AusEdu @AusGovEducation @ServiceNSW
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vprogresseducation · 1 year
$100m funding for south metro high schools ‘salt in the wound’ for Esperance, says shadow education minister _ FreeQuizBank.com - Free Exam Practice Questions for LANTITE Numeracy, Mathematical Reasoning - OC, Selective and Scholarship Tests @acereduau #NSWeducation #AusEdu @AusGovEducation @ServiceNSW
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Enhance Your Home with Fly Screens in Rockingham: Protection and Comfort Combined
When it comes to enjoying the fresh air and natural light while keeping pesky insects out, fly screens are the perfect solution. In Rockingham, fly screens offer homeowners the opportunity to enhance their living spaces, providing protection from unwanted bugs without compromising on comfort or style.
Fly screens in Rockingham are a popular choice for homeowners who want to maximize ventilation and natural light in their homes. These screens are designed to fit seamlessly on windows and doors, allowing you to open them up without worrying about insects invading your space. Whether you live near the coast or in a suburban neighborhood, fly screens offer a practical and efficient way to keep insects at bay.
One of the key benefits of installing fly screens in Rockingham is the ability to enjoy a cool breeze and fresh air without the nuisance of mosquitoes, flies, or other pests. These screens are made with fine mesh that effectively blocks out insects while allowing air to circulate freely. This means you can keep your windows and doors open during pleasant weather, creating a more comfortable and inviting atmosphere inside your home.
Fly screens also provide an added layer of protection against airborne allergens, such as pollen or dust, making them an excellent choice for individuals with allergies or respiratory sensitivities. By filtering out these irritants, fly screens help create a healthier indoor environment, promoting better air quality and reducing the risk of allergies or asthma triggers.
In addition to their functional benefits, fly screens in Rockingham can also enhance the aesthetics of your home. They are available in a variety of styles and finishes to complement your existing windows and doors. Whether you prefer traditional frames or sleek, modern designs, there is a fly screen option that will seamlessly blend with your home's overall aesthetic.
Installation of fly screens is a relatively quick and hassle-free process, especially when done by professionals. Fly screen specialists in Rockingham can measure your windows and doors precisely, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal performance. They will guide you through the different options available, helping you select the right type of fly screen to meet your specific needs.
Maintaining fly screens is also simple and straightforward. Regular cleaning with mild soap and water is usually sufficient to keep them in top condition. The durable materials used in fly screens are designed to withstand the elements, ensuring long-lasting performance and protection for your home.
In conclusion, fly screens in Rockingham provide an excellent solution for homeowners who want to enjoy fresh air and natural light without the intrusion of insects. With their ability to keep bugs out while allowing air to circulate freely, fly screens enhance comfort and create a healthier living environment. Additionally, their stylish designs contribute to the overall aesthetics of your home. By opting for fly screens in Rockingham, you can strike the perfect balance between protection and comfort, transforming your living spaces into bug-free sanctuaries that you'll love spending time in.
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baypoolsandspasau · 1 year
Pool companies Rockingham
Bay Pools and Spas is a reputable pool company that operates in Rockingham, Western Australia. The company specializes in the design, installation, and maintenance of high-quality swimming pools for residential and commercial clients.
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Bay Pools and Spas offers a wide range of pool designs to choose from, including concrete, fiberglass, and vinyl. We also offer custom pool designs to cater to the specific needs and preferences of our clients. The company's team of highly skilled pool builders uses only the best materials and equipment to ensure that each pool is built to last and meets the client's expectations.
In addition to pool installation, Bay Pools and Spas also offers pool maintenance and repair services. Our team of pool technicians is highly experienced and can handle any pool-related issues, including cleaning, equipment repair, and water treatment.
One of the key strengths of Bay Pools and Spas is commitment to customer satisfaction. The company places a strong emphasis on communication and works closely with our clients throughout the pool installation and maintenance process to ensure that their needs are met.
Bay Pools and Spas is a reputable pool company in Rockingham that offers high-quality pool design, installation, maintenance, and repair services. Our commitment to customer satisfaction, expertise, and attention to detail make them a top choice for anyone looking to install or maintain a swimming pool in Rockingham.
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