actuallysaiyan · 4 months
Congratulations on your milestone!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I want to shout out:
@beneathstarryskies I adore your dmc fics, the way write Vergil specially is just *chef's kiss* you made me fall for him tbh. Your writing is incredible ❤️
@mallgothprompto Love, love, love when you wrote for V, more than once I'd read your fluff before sleep ❤️
@rodeoxqueen * takes hat off * you made me laugh, cry, blush, kick my feet in the air and squeal with your fics, you're very talented cowboy ❤️
@vampsickle your 3Dante on the phone and 4Dante with a leash live rent free in my mind and they ain't going a n y w h e r e ❤️
@pseudowho I. Love. How. You. Write. Higuruma. So. Bad. I became addicted and am afraid there's no cure. Your fics are insane ❤️
Also I'd like to shoutout the art of @g00miato who has me drooling everytime I see fanart of my men ❤️
You're all very special to me and the reason why I barely sleep at night ❤️❤️❤️
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Thank you Thank you!!!! I'm so happy to see so many shout outs and the lovely commentary! These are all amazing blogs who deserve so much love! Thank you for being so kind and for sending in these shout outs! <3
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Sweet dreams
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Note: I was informed that it's Father's Day today, so I decided to write something short n' sweet for our local underappreciated dad. I love how we collectively as a fandom decided that Dante will only have a baby girl and baby girl only, period. At this point, it feels like I'm writing mostly for @cerezzzita.
Edit: I'm putting a lil tag for @rodeoxqueen as well, I have feeling she'll enjoy this
There weren't many things in Dante Sparda's life that could shock him.
Strangers bursting quite literally through the walls of his home? Welcome to his life.
Getting pierced by a massive sword? Thursday.
A literal hole in space and reality appearing at the nearest pizza joint? Verge won't even notice Yamato missing.
But he still, for the life of him could not get used to a little goblin that now resided within the halls of Devil May Cry with him. So it's to a little surprise that the jaded demon slayer almost had a heart attack when he opened his eyes in the middle of the night and there was a small person draped in white fabrics, hair covering almost the entirety of their face as they stood above him and wordlessly stared at him.
His daughter watched him squirm hopelessly in the blanket like an overgrown trapped worm, waiting for her dada to get to his senses already.
"H-hey angel. Can't sleep?"
Just now, once his eyes got used to the darkness, Dante noticed the trembling of her small frame, She clutched her plushie even closer to her in a desperate attempt to silence a little sob that pushed it's way through her small lips.
"Bad dreams?" He whispered softly. His answer was a small nod.
Dante felt his heart squeeze in his chest, a different kind from before. He used to have nightmares all the time when he was little. Always whimpering in his small bed until Eva came to calm him down. Even when he got older, he still had nightmares, but this time no one came to comfort him. That is, until...
He felt you wriggle next to him with a quiet moan. He turned to your sleeping face. Dante quickly fixed your blanket, then turned to his daughter with one finger pressed to his lips as a silent sign to be quiet so as to not wake you up and picked her up into his arms.
Her bedroom was a pastel kingdom filled with fluff and soft lights and blankets. Despite carrying potent demonic genes, his daughter was always of a different sort. Quieter, softer, more delicate. Even when he held her as a small bundle in his arms in the hospital, she didn't let out a single sound. Just stared up at him with those big eyes. She was very shy and meek. She got overwhelmed very easily and always had to have a safe spot to calm down. She always wanted to be surrounded by soft textures and tempered lightning. Dante didn't always understand his little girl, but he did his hardest in making sure she was safe. That's what he knew the best, technically, making sure people were safe. So that's what he did.
He laid her down on the bed, crawling inside beside her which was quite a strenuous task. Both because of the small size of the bed compared to his huge frame, and his small fists clutching the front of his shirt.
"It's okay to cry, you know?" Dante smiled at her.
She shook her head violently, choosing to bury her face into his shirt instead.
His little princess always did her hardest not to cry. Face scrunched up, cheeks red, eyes overflowing with tears, small palms balled up in fists. Because she's daddy's strong little girl.
"It's not weird to cry," Dante continued, wrapping his arms around her.
"Or weak, we all do it. It's normal. It's just something your body does to make others know you need help, and that's why we're here."
At this point, he wasn't sure if he was talking to his little girl or himself, but it seemed it worked because the front of his shirt was wet with tears and snot.
"Yeah, that's it. Make sure you wipe it aaaallll off." He put his hand on the back of her head and gently shook her small head to mess with her.
She let out muffled giggles and finally looked at up him with a watery smile. His breath hitched. She looked so much like you when she smiled. Dante was happy that usually aggressive Sparda genes were finally challenged and instead of those icy blues, his daughter had the same eye color as you, complete with wispy white eyelashes. She was perfect.
"Now," Dante wriggled in the bed trying to make himself more comfortable. At least as a full-grown man can be comfortable in a bed made for eight-year-olds, "We're gonna have us some nice dreams. Say, whaddya wanna dream about."
The squirt, looked at the ceiling reflecting the little night lamp on her nightstand. After what Dante assumed was serious consideration his daughter whispered, "Fruit loops."
They both buried in countless pillows filling the bed. She clutched the plushie close to her with the same protectiveness Dante clutched her small frame to his.
With the last small kiss on her head, he whispered to her.
"Sweet dreams, princess."
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rodeoxqueen · 2 months
ily rodeoxqueen
I love you too, darling.
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the-vex-archives · 9 months
Devil May Cry Masterlist (2024)
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"AWAS" Part 2
Dante and Vergil meet a mysterious and powerful being with a painful past and an even deadlier endgame.
Dante, Vergil, V, and Nero With A Blind! S/O + Best Friend
Dante and Vergil When Their Daughter Is Born With Blonde Hair Like Eva’s
Vergil Sparda
"No Qualms"
“A bit to a Grandpa Vergil work I will never write.”- Rodeo
“It is nothing you haven’t done yourself" ( x Daughter! Reader )
Vergil Fighting His Power Obsessed Daughter
"True North" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
No summary provided
"Within Red" ( x Witch! OC )
No summary provided
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butcherknives · 4 years
On account that I am your favorite cowboy, may I please request something special for a special someone?
“May I ask for some headcanons about "Monopoly night" for the DMC crew (or just some of them, whatever you feel most comfortable with!)?”
Take Your Time,
As my favorite cowboy and sister, I guess. 🤍 You know I’d die for you. lmao ugh I love this request and the special someone requester. I hope I do this justice! Please accept my attempt at humor.
Monopoly Night
SFW: Sparda family bonding (ft. Lady)
As with most things involving the Sparda family, they enter this situation in haphazard flourish.
It’s an hour into lazing around the adjacent sofas and chairs at Devil May Cry when Dante announces his boredom. There are no theatrics in his delivery, only the gruff exhale of a man who needs a stiff drink.
He’s tired of watching Vergil and Nero read in the hollow silence of resounding discomfort. The palpable tension and pointed aversion is stifling despite the gentle breeze through the open window.    > Ugh.
Vergil exhales a long-suffering sigh. “Entertain yourself.”
The tin static of the music blaring from Nero’s headphones punctuates the itch Dante has to disturb.
Nero’s foot bounces in idle while he turns the page. He doesn’t look up, as if he’s purposely refusing to acknowledge the room.    > He is.
Dante is forced to reconcile with the uncomfortable tension and his own exasperation as he kicks his boots up on his desk with a heavy thud, leaning back into his chair to close his eyes. All these years of longing for a family, of homesickness for a reality that isn’t his own, and this is what he’s given?     > He isn’t actually mad, of course.
He’s saved when Lady pushes open the doors, surveys the room and says, “Wow. Who died?”
An hour and a frustrating amount of digging later, Dante and Lady uncover an unopened box of Monopoly from the depths of one of Dante’s closets. As if it’s Jumanji, they handle it with care.
...until Dante slams it on the coffee table between Vergil and Nero.
Nero jolts, on his feet with his headphones off in seconds. His alarm melts into simmering anger. “C’mon! What the fu –”
While Vergil closes his book with a shadowed scowl. “What is the meaning of this?”
Lady circles the living room. She’s watching them. Dante catches the mischief gleaming in her eyes and reciprocates with a grin of his own, and as he folds his arms over his chest, Lady drops her heel against the table. Jarring and definitive. “It’s Monopoly, boys. Loser buys dinner for everyone.”
Nero caves without a fight, which Dante is both surprised by and, honestly, perhaps not at all surprised by when Nero starts to unbox the game. It’s Vergil who Dante (rightfully) assumes will decline.
“I’d prefer to finish my book. I have no inclination to play your childish games.”
What he doesn’t expect is for Nero to be the one to engage.
“Childish? Why? Because you're so fucking superior reading books in Latin?” Nero slams his palm on the coffee table, rattling the metal character pieces. “Would you just pick the damn top hat?”
There’s a long pause in which Nero and Vergil stare each other down. Lady looks between them, lips pursed, while Dante merely rolls his eyes.
Vergil folds first. With a derisive huff through his nose, he places his elbows on his knees and leans forward to retrieve the top hat.
Nero only squints as if to say, “That’s what I fucking thought you said.”
Everyone takes a seat and collects their pieces. Lady takes the boat, Dante claims the boot, Nero has the dog, and Vergil is already tapping his top hat on the table.
Lady dubs herself Queen and lays out the rules. She also acts as a referee, although she often instigates internal bickering in an effort to sabotage. Dante starts to call her out on this when she pits Nero on him – “You’re gonna let Dante buy your space?” – but Lady only smiles and winks. (“No one will ever believe you.”)
Vergil plays with strategy. He’s read the board and determined where he would like to build, although he doesn’t share and takes them by surprise when he chooses what seem to be lesser options. He’s the best equipped for victory with his methodical approach, but his money handling skills leave a lot to be desired. He overspends too quickly.
Nero plays on defense, too concerned with wasting the money he’s earned.
Roughly midway through, Vergil gets into a rant about the effects of late stage capitalism, and how this game isn’t meant to be fun, it’s meant to be disheartening. To crush spirits.
“This information is crushing my spirit,” Dante says as he, once again, hands money over to Lady.
“Nah, you’re crushed because you’re losing,” Nero answers.
The thing about Monopoly that the group either didn’t know or conveniently forgot is that it can, and often does, take hours to complete, depending on the intensity. And this game goes on for so long, Dante orders pizza and no one complains.
Dante swears he had more Monopoly money left, but Lady snatches it all from him and counts it out as they all stare.
Poor even in Monopoly, Dante loses it all to Lady who claims there’s a rule about accrued interest. He demands to see the rulebook but she tucks it into her shirt, eyes locked on his. Dante is neither brave nor rude enough to pursue further, although he does throw his head back and groan like a 42-year-old child.
With Dante bankrupt, Nero makes his way into jail for the fifth time before he stands up and says he’s had enough. Too competitive and sensing he’s on the brink of losing, he folds before he can have his ass handed to him by Vergil, who is absolutely 100% targeting him specifically.
Nero steals a slice of pizza straight from Dante’s hands as recompense. (And to distract himself from his frustration by riling up the man he looks up to for entertainment.)
Vergil and Lady continue for roughly another hour. Lady drops snide comments but Vergil refuses to take the bait, only ever offering the occasional raise of his brow or a roll of his eyes. Yet for all of his composure, Dante notices Vergil’s stack of money dwindling.      Further.          And further.
“Luck’s not on your side, Blue Twin,” Lady says as she opens her palm. “Cough it up.”
When Vergil hands over the last of it, Lady rises. She stands in front of her claimed chair, crosses her arms, and looks the picture of Rightfully Smug.
“So. Change of plans, guys,” she says when she has their attention. “You all owe me dinner. Separately. Whenever and whatever I want. Anyone have a problem with that?” 
No one argues.
Lady always wins.
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lionaura · 3 years
I bet you fuck up putting a straw through the caprisun bussy everytime. 😗
wow assclown, did you forget to go on anon 🤡
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subarublue · 3 years
Howdy there, thought I'd come on over and ask you a few things.
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
-Rodeo <3.
Thanks, Rodeo :)
8. Oof this was hard. But I recently watched one of my favorite movies from when I was a kid, Dragonheart. So much nostalgia! I will always love Sean Connery's voice as Draco.
9. I don't know why but I really like the smell of freshly cut grass. I feel like that's really weird, lol.
11. My breakfasts vary from day to day. I get wore out if I eat the same thing everyday. But some usuals I have are yogurt and granola, homemade breakfast burritos, and on rare occasions (if I have salmon on hand) lox and bagels. I'll also occasionally stop by my local gas station on the way to work 'cause they make an awesome breakfast pizza. Also coffee. There's always coffee involved XD
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tehrevving · 4 years
I love your work so much. I love Devil May Cry and all the works you have that involve those himbos. How do you keep being inspired and writing such great content? As a brand new writer on Tumblr, I really aspire to be on your level.
Hey There! Nice to meet you and welcome to fandom.
I get most of my inspiration from my day to day life. Just random thoughts I have when I’m watching TV, at work, whatever. I also have quite a few friends that are absolutely disgusting enablers, and come up with ideas that I never would have thought of. 
Writing is difficult, my biggest advice is to try and not burn yourself out, and not worry too much about what other people are able to write. I’m not the fastest at writing long things, so sometimes it drives me crazy that it might take me months to finish a fic and there are other people out there just smashing out great content. But I’ve learnt to take it all at my own pace, and just do what I can, because feeling burnt out and hating yourself for it is even worse. 
Writing is a hobby and even though it is sometimes frustrating, at the end of the day writing and fandom in general should be fun.
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harlot-of-oblivion · 4 years
Howdy Harlot,
I’m rather fond of your every post. Because of you, I’ve been using so many floral and botanical references in my work. I legitimately cannot stop myself.
Until The Next Update,
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Oh my many petals! I flailed around like a flower in wind when I got this! 😂🙈 
You’re a real sweet Cowboy! I’m glad to hear that you’re fond of all my flowery posts! And it always makes me so happy when my lil garden can inspiration someone within their own creative endeavors 🌹🥰🌹
Thank you for dropping by and the really kind words. Getting asks like this really make my day and gives me ALL the motivation to keep writing! (✿◠‿◠)
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jacks-obsessions · 2 years
Devil May Cry Collab
Hello, I’m Jack so let’s start things off. I was wondering if you guys would like to do a Devil May Cry writing collaboration as a little end of summer thing. If you’d like to join or just be friends message me. 
Here’s my discord: Dumbest of Asses#2524
@bluedynasty23 @rodeoxqueen @sakkajagga @queenmuzz @lady-of-spades @astral-space-dragon @mooshs-crack-headcanons @ramblingandwritings @yeetusdabussy @spectorings @floandroid @writingcore @polarisbibliotheque
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aztarion · 3 years
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was tagged by @quixqueen to post current lock screen , last song listened to & last pic saved in camera roll but i included last pic i actually took (of my babie) & last screenshot bc i thought it was funny 🦦 thank u so much hannah 💙!!
im gonna tag @scalproie @crydreadwolf @sanguinettii @silenthill2bornfromawish4k @saintalessia @lustyargonianmaid @rodeoxqueen @gunblade @nicholasbraungf @harcane @eightmonkeys @anemodromos @emshens but no pressure ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
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sk-mumu · 3 years
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Was tagged by @rodeoxqueen to post my current Lock Screen, last song listened to & last pic saved in camera roll! Thank you for tagging me <3
Tagging @veryrawknees @squiderious @scatterbeamss and @watasemasaru! No pressure tho ^_^
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A series of memes and shitposts that I’ve collected over last year that adds yee to my haw
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Tell me in the comments which one’s your favorite (@rodeoxqueen)
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Happy holidays rodeoxqueen! I hope you’re having a great day, I was wondering if you would be able to write a few headcanons of The DMC boys and V attending their kids volleyball tournament and eventually winning the tournament. Thank you so much!
Enjoy, and happy holidays to you too. 
Every sports game has that one dad who takes being his kids’ biggest fan way out of proportion. Dante is that dad. 
He’s gonna be screaming and cheering the whole time and wears his kid’s jersey number. 
He takes so many pictures. Yes, he has the clunky camcorder. 
“Yeah kid, you spike that ball!” 
“Nice job!” 
Not only will he hype up his kids, but he will also trash talk the rival team’s parents. 
“Hey, Janet. Your kid sets the ball the way you parallel park. Like absolute shit.” 
“Sorry Bill, my kid’s taking home that trophy.” 
He’s a referee’s worst nightmare. He’s been nearly kicked out of the tournament multiple times. 
When his kids win, he’s gonna throw Gatorade on them and throw them up into the air. He starts clapping and jumping like a madman. 
“In your face, (rival team)!” 
“My kid eats competition for breakfast!” 
His kids will never feel like a loser with a supportive dad like him. Their trophies are either in their room or on his desk. 
He’s the silent observer. This does not mean he is unenthusiastic. 
He scares people out of the best seats so he can watch his kids. He read the referee handbook the night before to ensure no foul calls. 
He also watches the other team with an intense glare. If he senses a foul or a miscall he will tell the ref. 
Another referee’s worst nightmare: an all-seeing protective dad that knows all the rules. 
“Referee, that was a penalty. If you are not as foolish as you look, blow that whistle.” 
He will clap politely when a point is scored. 
When people wish his kid luck, he scoffs at them. 
“My child rises beyond luck, yours was lucky enough to get into junior varsity.” 
He is silent when the team wins. The kid doesn’t mind. While they’re jumping about in celebration, they can see their father smiling and clapping. 
“You have done well, my dear child.” 
“I expect nothing less of my kin.” 
He polishes their trophies with the Yamato. 
V is no athlete and he’s not a fan of loud places. But it’s his kid’s special tournament and of course, he’s there. 
Griffon demands to be present, he cares less if he’s gonna weird looks. 
“I wanna watch the little brat kick ass!” 
V claps for his child while Griffon trash talks the ref and rival team. 
“Sir, can you please put away your offensive parrot?” 
“Parrot?! Why I oughta-” 
As each game gets to the semi-finals, his kid’s a nervous wreck. He’s rather good at comforting his child. 
“You are strong. You will do well. Regardless, I am proud-” 
“-Hey! Go for the face when you go to spike the ball.” Griffon suggests. 
V is the most passive out of the trio. When they win the tournament and the crowd goes wild, he does his best to clap with his cane. 
He cockily smirks at all the rival children and parents who were trash-talking his child’s team. 
His kid runs to him and gently hugs him with joy, knowing their father is a bit frail. He pats their head in pride. 
Afterward, a celebration is in order. Griffon holds the trophy in his claws and flies about the way home singing “We Are The Champions” by Queen. Shadow purrs by the child’s side. 
“See? I told you that you would succeed.” 
V never lets the kid forget that although a good heart is more important, damn does that trophy look nice. 
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the-vex-archives · 11 months
Devil May Cry Masterlist (2023)
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"Climb Him Like a Tree"
You and Nico play Fuck, Marry, Kill.
"A Big Heart And an Even Bigger Wallet"
Dante, and Vergil's reaction to having a S/O like Tony Stark a millionaire, smart and badass woman. and Nero, in a platonic way, has a mother figure who likes to pamper him and buy him whatever he wants
Incorrect Quotes
"Most Amazing Mother in The World"
Dante Sparda
"First Time" 18+
You've been seeing Dante for a while, and he always suspiciously leaves before things get too heated. Finally, one night he can't take it anymore.
your son has been a fan of Dante's forever
Vergil Sparda
"Nemesis" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
The Abyss opening is a rare occurrence. In his youth, Vergil wanted to harness its power, but never thought he would meet his greatest adversary along the way. Years later, the Abyss is once again open and that might call for some rather unlikely alliances.
Vergil and V with an S/O who can summon a Persona
"Round Four, Bitch"
Vergil had been training you on the art of yielding the power of Yamato. When one of his jobs alongside Dante and Nero went wrong, it was up to you to save the Sparda's - even if you weren't totally ready for it.
No summary provided
Nero Sparda
"I'm a Hunter" ( x Motherly Hunter! Reader)
Nero meets reader during Red Grave clean-up
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butcherknives · 4 years
Howdy Leon,
To honor that anon’s request, here I am. In my finest cowboy attire.
“Are you a parking ticket? Because you have FINE written all over you.”
Good day.
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Oh ho?
If you were a Transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine!
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Good day. 💀
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