jonahxrivas · 2 months
for: @rohanxpersaudx time & location: camping day, treetop hammock
The climb had not been as terrible as he had made it out to be but he had not expected it to be entirely horrible, difficult perhaps, challenging, he had not climbed a tree since he had been a child and their sleeping arrangement had been set up rather high, still he found the thing to be lovely. A nice view of the canopy and happenings down below, it was immersed in nature and Jonah loved the feeling of it. Backpack secure over his shoulder and helping Rohan up onto certain branches and footholds, they went ahead with the descent upwards, And with one final tug up fell onto the hammock with a wide grin, "Isn't this nice?" While he had held back his judgement on the more extravagant arrangements, and it being far too late to swap now, he questioned anyway, "You sure you're okay with this? It's going to be a lot of climbing up and down."
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kenxmatsui · 3 months
for: @rohanxpersaudx time & location: wedding day, rivas household
"I rearranged the walk order slightly so your familiar and the turtle are before you," Ken said in his usual, calm tone. There was a different air about this day, yes it was the wedding, but the mood in the house was far too skittish to his liking. It made sense of course, or maybe not he wasn't sure, this was a new thing to him. He tried to observe everyone, but with Jonah sectioned off to downstairs only and Rohan upstairs, and the rest of family and friends skittering about the place, Ken had no reason to be down there or wish to actively mingle with the others. "How are you feeling?" But the question seemed redundant, one look at his friend spoke volumes. "Is saying try to relax a little worth anything?" He walked over to Rohan, dusting off some imagined piece of lint off his outfit, "You look good and it's the day you've been waiting for. Breathe."
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dvsconocvdo · 7 months
closed starter with: @rohanxpersaudx where: Amrita's apartment in Shadow Lake
After her encounter with Rohan on Just In Bloom, they've both done some DNA tests. Amrita found that time moved significantly slower now than ever before. Work shifts felt eternal. And as days then weeks passed by, Amrita grew more and more restless. What if all of this was for not? Surely, she'd come out with a new friend. Someone with a similar background like her. Someone she could share recipes with, maybe celebrate some holidays with. But... that wasn't enough. The young witch wanted more than anything for him to be her brother. How neat would that be? Someone so creative to be related to her? It did run in the family. The thought sent shivers down her spine. She feared having to talk about her family, maybe their family, again. Parents were... complicated. Still, Amrita knew it would be selfish to keep the truth from Rohan if they were related. And she wasn't much of a liar to begin with.
So, as she set down the tea cups. She fiddled away at the small tablecloth, making sure it looked neat. Hands smoothed away any small creases. Rohan would be arriving any time, and she wanted things to be as neat as possible. He would be one of the first guests she'd host in her own apartment. Breath, she reminded herself. As she breathed out, her shoulders began to relax only for them to grow more tense as someone knocked on the door. Whatever the result don't be disappointed, she repeated as she walked towards the door and greeted her possible brother. "Hey, please come in! You can leave your shoes by this rack. I have some slippers if you want." Whatever the result don't be disappointed, she repeated once more before giving Rohan a small expectant smile.
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cantfightmoonlight · 26 days
She hadn't had a chance to bump into him at the games, but when she saw the familiar face lounging at the Country Club, she figured now was as good of a time as any to stroll on over. "Rohan," She addressed him with a nod of her head, all too aware of how he had seemed to be avoiding her ever since the Council verdict to agree, out of respect to the coven, not to allow Rohan to join their organizations should the time come, not that they even could anyhow, seeing that he was still a witch. A verdict that she had brought up to the Council to overturn, not that it mattered. While, she had always held a soft spot for Rohan, having viewed him to be her friend, a title that she did not hand out easily, the past few weeks had made her consider that maybe she had been wrong. But, even if their friendship was now strained, he deserved to hear the news from her. "Congratulations on your nuptials. I heard it was a beautiful wedding. I wanted to stop over to let you know that, if the situation arises, though I know you have no plans on it given how Jonah feels on the matter, you'd be welcome to join the clan. I spoke to the Council about it and got the order overturned. Though, I have a feeling one of the other leaders might have beat me to the news. Anyhow, enjoy your day," She offered up with an eased shrug, not wanting to take up too much of his time when she seemed to not be a person he wanted to engage with as of recent.
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moonglowmagic · 3 months
Where: Rohan's house
With: @rohanxpersaudx
After the council meeting Poppy was more than frustrated given how hard they had went on Rohan, the fact Elena had gotten off with basically a slap on the wrist. She found herself also annoyed by the fact that Rohan’s punishment had been overturned and was making her look incompetent again, but still she’d requested to be the one who delivered the news. As she stood on Rohan’s porch she tried for work up the courage to knock on the door. Before she could though the door opened and she was greeted with Rohan’s face. “Hey,” Poppy waved awkwardly. “I know I’m the last person you probably want to see, but can you give me five minutes?” She asked softly. “It’s in regards to your punishment and that.”
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illputabexonyou · 2 years
location: New Leaf bookstore with: @rohanxpersaudx
After everything that had happened the past few weeks, Bex was ready for some quiet time. Something peaceful. Something where she wasn't worried constantly or messing up so bad other people got hurt. Real hurt. By now, all of the hunters had been run out of town, which meant most of the regular stores were opening back up, which also meant that the bookstore was open again. And she was so thankful and relieved for it, too. It was about the only place Bex felt comfortable, that Bex felt at peace. It was hard to even feel that way in her own apartment, what with how cramped and small it was. It hadn't been a very smart idea on her part to buy a studio apartment when she knew she had chronic claustraphobia.
But none of that was important. Now that she was cozied up on the couch in the back with a book on marine biology (and maybe she'd been interested in the topic since meeting Jonah here last time, but that was just between her and her books), none of that mattered. It had been a nice day so far, too. No one had tried to kill her, no one was yelling at her, and there were no hunters kidnapping people. Bex had even splurged for the nice tea today.
She leaned over to grab it, not looking away from her book, when her hand knocked into someone. "Oh, I-- sorry," she said quickly, setting her book down. "Sorry, I was just reaching for..." Clumsy her, she supposed. This was the second time she'd knocked into someone at the store, but last time hadn't turned out so bad. "A-am I in your way? I can move."
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lunadefresa · 1 year
closed starter for @rohanxpersaudx
Plenty could be said about the amount of stress the population of Lunar Cove had been under for too long. Dev wasn't so obtuse to think that they weren't affected by it all. But therapy was for far more adjusted people that didn't have to withhold vital information from professionals that wouldn't know where to start. So - the next best thing was clearly smashing things to release some energy and get out for a few hours. Of course. They confirmed once again that they understood the rules and liabilities as they grabbed the protective gear provided - and spotted a familiar face. She nodded in recognition - and hesitated before speaking - "I know we just met the other night, but you don't seem like the destruction type," they joked, "I'm sure I just saw some others walk out of here - do they have coven discounts this week?" They hoped their humor wasn't in poor taste. At least they didn't jokingly attribute it to the dark magic
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msannadonnelly · 2 years
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Anna’s Christmas Gifts 
Dilan ( @moonglowmagic ): A designer brand bib, a bucket of children’s Christmas toys, including coal, and a diamond bracelet 
Chai ( @cantfightmoonlight ) : An Orville Redenbacher’s Christmas Sweater, a large pack of candies (and popcorn), and a $30,000 vintage watch 
Bex ( @illputabexonyou ) : A designer backpack and a pink comb that opens up to reveal a knife. 
Rohan ( @rohanxpersaudx ): A pair of designer cufflinks and a doll from 1870 with a note “Borrowed this from a ‘friend’ many years ago. She is almost certainly haunted. Enjoy. - Anna” 
Ken ( @kenxmatsui ): A pack of vampire themed band-aids
Bea ( @crescentcrowd ): A box of tissues (christmas themed!) 
Meena: A pair of Louis Vuitton red-bottoms and a stack of plates with a note “these were very expensive and borrowed from a very unpleasant man--i thought you might like to break them - Anna” 
Jonah ( @jonahxrivas ) : A beginner’s axe, axe throwing lessons, and a mermaid fish-tank decoration 
Ross ( @themusicofrossdrake ): An album on which she has recorded herself singing with a suggested price sticker for resale of $10,000 
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aiylabaysal · 6 months
Aiyla and Rohan - Yellow Submarine snowed in plot drop @rohanxpersaudx
Most everyone had cleared out hours ago when the first hints of snow had been reported. Still, Aiyla had stayed exploring the aquarium in the silence it seldom had, the reflective lights making water reflect all around. It was nice here, warm too, and she was in no hurry to brave the cold flight to her empty home. That was until the lights flickered, and the power went out. Washed in darkness, Aiyla decided now was the time to go, only to be met with piled-up snow at the entrance that had kept her from making the exit she wanted. "Merde." She cursed under her breath and pulled the door shut, "Excuse me, when will the lights come back?" She asked someone in a uniform who had the displeasure of informing her all reserves of energy had been used for the tanks and the lights would not be back. Sucking in her cheeks, Aiyla nodded morosely and dramatically as she waved them off and descended down dark winding hallways. The whistling of the storm outside cocooned her in an eerie state of mind so distracted by the haunting effect that she'd walked right into Rohan had she not stumbled over her own feet and used the flutter of her wings to keep her from face planting. "I didn't realize anyone else was here outside of the staff." Stating the obvious made her internally cringe, "I'm unsure if you've seen the damage out there but there is no way anyone is getting through all that snow unscathed."
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lunarcoveinspo · 9 months
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While enjoying the festivities, you've received a candycane gram- the gram is a red and white classic candycane. Attached to the gram is a card that reads-
To: @cantfightmoonlight (Bri) Thank you for everything. The Playhouse much owes its upcoming return to you. From: @rohanxpersaudx
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jonahxrivas · 4 months
for: @rohanxpersaudx location: jonah's place (and bri's & ronnie's, but he's hoping they're not home)
While nothing would take away his love for the ocean and the feeling of saltwater on skin and sand under his feet, there was a comfort to a home pool that mimicked that soothing feeling, water really being the key to ensure a sense of calm in him. The coolness sent a shiver of ease through him as he lay on his back eyes cast to the skies, taking in the colours as the setting sun painted the sky. In a state of perpetual unrest the sight illuminated the dark edges that clung to his mind and just this once, for this moment maybe he could float for a while without gloom dragging him down. Eyes fluttered to a close as he allowed that sense of bliss to take hold and move through him.
It was at the shuffle of footsteps that made Jonah open his eyes, breaking the serene silence wasn't really a terrible thing when Rohan came to view. The sun haloing him in warm golden light caused breath to hitch and his heart didn't so much skip a beat but held its beat to take in that sight. Damn. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he murmured low, a smile of utter fondness spreading across his lips. He wanted to spend longer just drifting and looking but feet eventually hit the bottom and he waded to shallower ends, "Care for a swim, mi cariño? The water's not too cold, promise."
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kenxmatsui · 4 months
for: @rohanxpersaudx time & location: rohan's apartment, well into the night after the ball
text: I did a stupid thing that I need to apologise for. text: And another I need your help with. Is it too late to come see you?
Despite knowing how late it was, and knowing he might likely be disturbing Rohan, Ken sent out two texts in quick succession before falling into the seat on his car, one leg out the open door and head back as chest heaved heavy and rough. No longer an open, gushing wound but not completely dry either, he tried not to let blood drip onto his seats, clean up might be easy enough but he knew where the marks would be even when no longer visible, the signs of his recklessness, lack of self-control.
Phone tossed to the side, he closed his eyes, the stars were too brutal and clear for a night like this, he couldn't stand it, their beauty nor all of this restlessness inside him. He hated this feeling but the only other person aside Rohan that could ground him and keep him steady was on a hospital bed. To be so dependent on the two had never been on the cards, to place such vulnerability into their hands and hope that he was worth the effort felt humiliating to even think about, but Rohan and Leyla were everything, only they could see him in such a state, and he begged his mind to allow for such a thing tonight. As if on cue, phone buzzed with a confirmation that had him speeding away, thankful that he was still awake.
Pocketing his phone and the thing he had retrieved from the rummage of his glove box, Ken made the familiar way up to Rohan's place, forcing himself to remain calm, bloodied hand clenching to keep it from shaking. He knocked with the other and waited for the door to open, apology and reason falling when Rohan appeared, "I'm sorry, I didn't have anywhere else to go. I won't take up too much of your time, can I come in?"
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dvsconocvdo · 2 months
closed starter for @rohanxpersaudx when: morning of ro & jo's wedding
Amrita had spent a painstakingly big amount of time debating what time of drape to do for her sari before walking towards Rohan's room. After easing her sweaty palms down on her skirt she knocked on his door. Frankly the last few weeks had all been a blur. She had not felt like herself. Between using all of her energy to pass out in the forests, to using shadow magic to not have to listen to the thoughts of every critter in the forest, Amrita had not been coping the best way. Still. Today was different. Today had to be different. It was a joyous occasion, and the fact that she could participate in the wedding of one of her siblings felt like a dream. Taking a deep breath, Amrita did her best to look energized. She should not cry upon seeing Rohan in his outfit for the wedding. Focus, she thought exhaling. "Rohan? Can I come in?" A pause. "I'm here to help you get ready."
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lunarcovehq · 1 year
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Nosy neighbor alert! Are you on vacation? We haven’t seen you around town in a while! Please post at least once on each character mentioned below within the next 24 hours or let us know if you need more time or a hiatus.
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cantfightmoonlight · 3 months
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With Rohan and Jonah deciding to get married, Bri was racking her brain over what to give them for their wedding gift until they mentioned that they didn't have anywhere to go for their honeymoon, since Jonah would be unable to leave town without losing his memories. Bri was going to get them an AirBnb in a remote part of town to stay in until her realtor showed her this listing for a beach home that happened to be on its own remote island just off of the coast of Sunny Harbor. On the property is a small one bedroom house with one full bath, a half bath, and an open spaced kitchen/living room (with a pull out couch). There is a hot tub around back of the house and its own beach front property and dock. She also invested in a generator, high speed wifi and two different landlines, since she's watched enough horror movies to know that it is a must when having a private island getaway. She figures the island will be a great secluded getaway for Rohan and Jonah to spend their honeymoon and then the rest of the family can use the island moving forwards for all sort of holidays or weekend getaways given that you're still in Lunar Cove, but a 25-30 minute boat ride off the shore. She is unable to leave down as of now given that the world thinks she's dead, while her boyfriend and family can't leave the town without their memories, so it seemed like a good investment for all of their futures and a place they can escape to whenever life at the Cove seems to be getting to be too much. After Ro & Jo's honeymoon, she's also planning to set up multiple ring cameras and a remote sprinklers system in case any sirens try to use the property when they're not there.
@rohanxpersaudx & @jonahxrivas
(& @itsronniebish , @dvsconocvdo & @readbentweenthelines )
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moonglowmagic · 6 months
Where: Coven Headquarters
Who: @rohanxpersaudx
"Hey," Poppy greeted softly as she came up to Rohan. "I know you're probably busy so I won't keep you long, but can we talk?" She asked, taking a seat next to him. "I should apologize for what happened during New Years, it wasn't exactly my best moment." She pointed out, she looked down at her hands. "Also this belongs to you." She told him as she pulled his ring off her finger and held it out to him. "It never fit right anyways." She attempted to joke in the hopes it would lighten the mood.
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