embraceyourdestiny · 3 days
Oh my fucking god I just realized that when diz told riku that objects from the simulated twilight town have to stay out of the world, RIKU INTENTIONALLY MADE SURE IT ENDED UP WITH SORA SO ROXAS HAD A CHANCE OF COMING BACK!!! Riku saw how unfair all of this was and decided to do what he needed to to bring back sora, but who said there really was no way for roxas to exist too? Everything about this situation was unprecedented. Might as well meddle, ya know? That’s the guardian of light way! Meddle to do what’s right.
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(Apologies if you saw and enjoyed this and other things I have created. I had a bad mental health episode a little over a year ago and deleted a bunch of stuff I had posted.)
What if we kissed at Memory's Skyscraper (and we're both boys)..?
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purpleshoenickelhuman · 4 months
More Riku x Roxas (aka Rikuroku or Rokuriku) thoughts (Physical contact edition):
- Riku: more so used to physical contact from both Sora and Kairi (especially Sora) hugging and doing things like handshakes, playful shoving, leaning on each other, etc. He’s pretty chill about it and feels physical contact is comforting.
- Roxas: somewhat used to physical contact with Lea/Axel and Xion like tight yet quick hugs, playful forehead flicks, and nudges/light shoves. He prefers his own space from time to time, and can get a bit agitated if his space is invaded, but he can also sometimes feel touch starved which confuses him a bit.
- When they sit together, Riku tries to mind his space around Roxas because he knows he doesn’t always like it. Sometimes he’ll catch himself subconsciously leaning against him/making contact and watches if Roxas moves/looks uncomfortable. He’ll shift if he thinks he is, but he knows it’s ok if Roxas leans/touches too.
- When Riku has long hair, Roxas likes to play with the ends in his fingers either purposefully or subconsciously. He also likes to try to style it even though he’s not really good at it/it comes undone. Riku likes to keep his hair clean and soft and finds it endearing. When Riku got a haircut, Roxas was a bit frustrated/pouty but didn’t want to admit it. Even though Riku felt bad, he still thought it was cute. Roxas insisted he eventually got over it.
- Roxas has a habit of rubbing/itching the nape of his neck when distressed/nervous because his hair is a bit long there and soft. When Roxas looks stressed or frustrated, Riku massages it but only after asking if it’s ok. He knows Roxas feels a bit better when he leans into the touch and looks more relaxed.
- Sometimes Riku will fall asleep somewhere and will wake up with Roxas near/on him before falling back asleep. Riku was also surprised to find how clingy Roxas is when they nap together. If Riku has to get up or move, Roxas gets all pouty and whiny and will try to bring him closer (he likes the warmth). If Roxas gets up, Riku will either be too sleepy to notice or Roxas will be eerily silent. If they aren’t too sleepy, they will just cuddle and talk.
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unlimitedhearts · 9 months
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“You’re not him.”
“You don’t need me to be him.”
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stollenwurm-writes · 1 year
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“Who do you see when you look at me, Riku?”  Roxas asks bluntly. The sharpness of his tone cuts off any further protest Riku might attempt. He’s not letting this go. He’s getting his answer. Riku falls silent, looks down at the sand. There’s a moment where he says nothing, where Roxas’s stomach coils painfully on itself, clenching into knot after knot until it collects in his gut like a boulder. And then Riku raises his eyes to meet Roxas’s and looks at him. Really looks at him with an intensity that nearly makes him look away. “I see you, Roxas.” There’s no waver or hesitation in Riku’s voice. No hint of doubt or uncertainty.  “But I remind you of him.” It’s not a question. 
Riku and Roxas one-shot is complete!
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syndianites · 8 months
has anyone made a Kingdom Hearts 2 AU where when Riku went to nab Roxas, Roxas managed to escape? Because I'm seriously considering writing that, and would LOVE to see what ideas other people had.
my general premise would be that Roxas, realizing that if he almost got grabbed by Riku that the Org would probably be able to take him down, decides to go into temporary hiding to get stronger and such. This leads him to the worlds Sora went to in KH2, and maybe leads him to DDD and him jumping into Sora's dreams as a means of escape (which would require me to revist DDD because its been a minute).
I also have the idea that while Riku would be the main "antagonist" the final boss would be Sora himself- either as a battle of wills where Roxas, either finally caught by Riku or forced to encounter Sora's sleepy body, tries to fight to keep his existence, or where Roxas fights of a representation of Sora's memories? dreams? Basically, Roxas tries to wake up Sora without giving himself up by fighting the memory leak/body disconnect Sora has.
It sounds complicated, but what about KH isnt? lol
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aitsuheart · 6 months
"To tell you the Truth, Sora... I was jealous of you. I wish I could live the way you do and just following my heart." -KH2
Hi, Aitsu_Heart here, I'm an AO3 fanfic writer of Kingdom Hearts that mainly writes stories involving the relationship of Sora and Riku
You can find my ao3 profile here
What does Aitsu Heart mean?
well it's a play on the word Aitsu means any gender person (typically male) and heart basically meaning Your heart their or his heart heart. Also if you like Soriku in the original language Sora often calls him Aitsu.
Don't know where to start?
I have a master post where it lists all my fanfics and short summaries about each one
My asks are also open, anyone can ask me anything that has to do with writing, characters or ships.
Dni/ rules:
We're not hating on any ships or any of the characters here. If you don't like it leave. Let's leave ship wars out of this and just enjoy them and have fun. Besides none I talk about are really considering controversial anyways, you're just being homophobic at this point.
Most of these characters and ships I enjoy, so I don't want "nice writing but I hate that character/ship" regardless if you think it's okay or not.
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I love the ship Soriku, but I'm also fine with several other ships that I might include as well not limited to but including RepliNami, Akusai, Xehaqus, Zemyx, Namxi, RepliVaNami, RokuRiku, RepliVani, RepliSor, SoRiVan. My main writing is for Kingdom Hearts but I'll occasionally talk about various other things such as FF
I do write, but I also read as well because I do love reading various fanfics across different fandoms as well
Some quotes:
"If the world is made of light and darkness then we'll be the darkness" -KH2
Sora, at the end of my out reached hand, was so much more than everything else —COM novel
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Sora and Riku just make me go Aww they're so cute and precious. It makes me insane how much IN LOVE they are. I mean Riku in the novels stated how he looked away from the light—not because it was bright but because Sora was his light and he was dazzling.
This guy is in LOVE and Sora is so oblivious to his own feelings (in game) and doesn't know gay people exist, but honestly my favorite part of them is they're already friends. They already have a cute dynamic just as friends
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nostalgiasasusaku · 7 months
Sasuke Retsuden (Novel cap 5 - Trecho 5)
A superfície calma da água reflete o céu noturno tão perfeitamente como um espelho. Sakura esquecendo-se de respirar, observa a beleza das luzes espalhadas sobre a água.
“É chamado de Lago Rokuriku, que tem o nome do Sábio dos Seis Caminhos.
“Desembarcando para a Terra… Literalmente, no sentido do céu estrelado sobre a terra. Não haveria lugar mais adequado”. A explicação de Sasuke passou completamente por sua cabeça.
“É lindo……”
Sasuke sorriu e observou o perfil de Sakura, seus olhos brilhando como uma criança.
“Eu também queria mostrar isto a Sarada”.
“Sério? Aquela criança… recentemente, ela tem ficado mais curiosa sobre seu universo.”
Havia algo parecido com isto?
Sasuke estendeu a mão para tocar a mão de Sakura.
Ele sentiu que as pontas dos dedos de Sakura, que foram expostas ao ar livre se tornaram mais frias.
“Tantos momentos que eu certamente perdi, só por não estar junto com ela. Mesmo que você não tivesse um anel ou não pudéssemos estar sempre juntos, Sakura, você ainda é minha esposa e minha família. Certamente penso assim, porque fui ensinado por meu melhor amigo há muito tempo.”
O mais importante é a ligação. Com o vínculo de Sasuke e o de Sakura, a distância não importava.
"Mesmo que não possamos ver e sentir as dores do outro todos os dias você é um parceiro insubstituível."
‘Mas. Embora eu pense que, de vez em quando, bem de vez em quando, ainda me sinto inesperadamente só. Especialmente quando estou em uma missão de longo prazo e não volto para casa há muito tempo. Eu não consigo ouvir sua voz quando quero ouvi-la, você não está ao meu lado quando quero tocá-la. Em uma situação assim, com o anel, aqueles próximos poderão ver nosso vínculo em forma física, talvez o ‘estar sentindo’ que se tornará um pouco mais fácil’
Sasuke falou de forma desajeitada.
“O anel, Iruka. É feito de chakra. Quando eu volto para a aldeia… normal”. Embora as palavras de Sasuke foram todas ditas fora de ordem, Sakura entendeu o significado.
Sakura suspira, por um momento.
“Hmmm…Sempre quis isso… mas… talvez não sirva para as minhas mãos”.
Sorrindo com timidez, enquanto ela segurava a palma da mão até o luar. A esterilização contínua tinha tornado suas mãos ásperas, foi um testemunho de que Sakura tinha ajudado a muitos pacientes. Suas mãos eram o orgulho de Sasuke. Ele realmente amava quando ela se dirigia para o trabalho. Suas mãos são sempre gentis quando ela trata um paciente, e a maneira como ela arregaça levemente as mangas antes de infundir o chakra. Após isso, ela sempre deixa notas para si mesma, além do registro médico.
“Toda vez que eu via sua aparência entusiasmada depois de ter feito algumas pesquisas, eu me senti feliz em saber que você estava também trabalhando no desenvolvimento da aldeia de uma maneira diferente da minha.”
Sasuke disse lentamente, olhando para o lago na sua frente.
“Eu nunca me senti inseguro achando que alguém fosse capaz de tomar meu lugar enquanto eu estivesse fora. Nem uma única vez”. Sim, Sakura dá um pequeno aceno de cabeça. “Mas às vezes … é frustrante pensar nisso. Quando eu volto depois de muito tempo, Sarada está muito mais alta ou seu penteado mudou.”
“Eu também penso nisso. Como quando o Sasuke-kun ficou com rugas?”
“Eu tenho rugas?”
“Quando você ri, eu as vejo demasiadamente”.
“Você não muda”.
Sasuke tocou em volta dos olhos de Sakura.
“Não haveria problema se você ficasse com rugas.”
Ela riu como se fosse tão fácil, o olhar dela se deslocando para baixo.
“O que foi? Disse algo ruim?”
“Hm, eu só queria dizer isso”.
Sakura riu olhando para baixo.
“Está tudo bem Sasuke-kun, eu te conheço perfeitamente"
Estar ao lado de Sakura rindo assim, é sinceramente meu único desejo.
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takis-scribbles · 4 years
I can't think of a ship, but I wanna see 4C with whatever ship you think would be most likely to pose like that, if it's okay for me to ask.
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I went w/ RokuRiku for this one :))
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finchcritter · 4 years
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Hi qwality artwerks
succ gud frens
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monarchbee · 4 years
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we always talk about roxas drowning in riku’s jacket but what about riku nearly tearing apart roxas’
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embraceyourdestiny · 1 year
Excerpt from a wip of a roleswap (Roxas is the one originally from the islands in kh1 and sora is the nobody wandering around in com and 358 in twilight town)
Roxas found a wooden sword tossed at his feet. He stared at it for a moment before looking up, meeting with the eyes of the one who threw it; competition and the slightest bit of aggravation clouded them.
“Come on, Roxas,” his friend’s cool, snarky voice came. “Pick it up and fight.”
Roxas’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his own brand of aggravation but he slowly stood from the sand all the same, picking up the wooden sword and holding it loosely in his hand.
“What’s this about, Riku?” Roxas asked, eyeing the other boy. He’d been acting… strange recently and Roxas wasn’t the biggest fan of his friend’s new attitude, especially since he seemed to have some problem with Roxas that he refused to admit to or acknowledge.
Riku shrugged, seeming flippant and dismissive but Roxas knew better. He could see the tense in his shoulders, the way Riku seemed like he was trying to appear as if he didn’t care, but with the amount of effort he was putting into the front it was obvious he did.
“I’m bored and I want to fight, that’s all there is to it. Now, get up and face me.”
Roxas sighed internally. He just wished Riku would talk to him, like he used to. Things had been unfamiliarly strained between them recently and Roxas could not for the life of him figure out why. Had he done something to upset Riku? Did Riku no longer want to be his friend? There was no way of telling what was wrong because Riku didn’t say anything, just pretended even harder that things were still the same when they obviously weren’t, and it hurt. Was Roxas reading too much into things and making problems out of nothing? Was he the one that changed, not Riku? It made his head spin trying to figure out the answer to a problem that might not even exist and his irritation and anger over the situation finally bubbled up, pouring over him and filling him with a sense of rage and injustice he wasn’t used to. If Riku wanted to fight, then they’d fight.
“Fine,” Roxas gritted out, taking his battle stance. He still wasn’t entirely confident in it, feeling strange and self conscious about how he looked despite knowing it was most comfortable to him, but he tossed the uncomfortableness to the side, his only worry and focus being Riku.
Riku grinned snidely and took his own stance. He stood tall and with his wielding arm raised, different from how he usually stood during their fights. It struck Roxas as odd, to notice this sudden change when he hadn’t before, but it fell to the back of his mind as he instead focused on how smug and, well, jerkish Riku looked, staring down at him like he was glad he provoked Roxas.
“Well?” Riku’s instigating voice came. “Are you going to just stand there, or are you going to attack me?”
Roxas clenched his teeth and yelled in frustration, charging after Riku.
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My rokuriku Tangled AU. I had a lot of sketches/screenshot redraws I wanted to do for this one but that was back in 2020, only finished of course 'I See the Light'. I don't think I ever posted these cause it was near the end of my art presence on the internet (but if I did well here we go again).
I just think it's so cute and works perfectly cause of Riku's trauma, darkness like being locked away in a tower, Ansem/Xemnas making him out to be less of a person because of him, etc. Also Roxas' spunk is perfect for Flynn, pretending to be someone better than you are, the list continues. (Though deleted images from this AU show a hideous illustration of Axel as Maximillian the horse)
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purpleshoenickelhuman · 4 months
Just some Riku x Roxas (aka RikuRoku or RokuRiku) thoughts:
- Walking at dusk just talking and enjoying each other’s company. Maybe holding pinkies/a finger if they feel brave enough (they are both shy)
- If they walk in Twilight Town, they are definitely going to grab something to snack on. Riku secretly loves how Roxas gets excited at showing him recommended spots. (He also finds it cute how flustered Roxas gets when he realizes how excited he is)
- Eventually they find themselves at a skate park. Roxas is determined to show Riku how to skate (even if Riku is unsure at first). He wobbles like a baby deer and probably falls on his butt once or twice, but so does Roxas when Riku teaches him how to rollerblade. They laugh at how silly they probably look.
- If they go to the beach, they would collect sea shells and shyly show each other the ones they got for each other. They’d splash at each other in the water until they got tired. When it gets dark enough, they’d stargaze and see if they can spot any comets (Riku likes to listen to Roxas talk about constellations and other space facts)
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stollenwurm-writes · 11 months
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A mix between a tumblr prompt and a deleted scene of sorts from Ship of Theseus. I originally wrote this fic as a stand-alone, but found myself leaning to Ship of Theseus's general timeline. But I opted to leave the scene out, as I didn't find the tonal pitch of the scene to match the rest of the fic, and I felt the circumstances were a bit of a stretch for a fic that I was trying to keep as believable as possible for typical KH canon. However, the themes and intent are very much the same. :) Absolutely can be read as a one-shot, however, as there are no references to any other scenes from other fics (since it was originally just a prompt-writing), and was meant to be an isolated moment anyway.
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kaicaelum · 5 years
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For all you RokuRiku shippers! Enjoy~
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