paissa-brat · 1 year
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uriangey · 1 year
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so silly
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sylviazem · 7 days
FFXIV Write 2024- Prompt #17: Sally
"Rolanberry, hey," Mirka poked her in the side. "Wake up."
"Nnh," she sluggishly turned and giggled. "Not the side, that tickles..."
"There's a weird bird outside the tent," Mirka pointed at a vague shadow cast on the fabric. "It keeps saying-"
"Krä! Delivery! Berry! Krä!"
"...Yeah, that."
"Oh," Rolanberry sat up and crawled out of the tent. "It's my medication. Here, Dahlia! Good birdie."
"Medication? Should I be worried?"
"Oh, no," Rolanberry took a small bottle from the pouch the bird was carrying. With a hop and a flip, the bird disappeared in a flash of light. "It's, uhh. Well, my doctor calls it a Potion of Aetherial Shifting and Stability, but I just call it Woman Juice."
"Sorry, what," Mirka snickered. "Woman Juice??"
"Well, that's what it bloody does for me," Rolanberry laughed and sat in Mirka's lap. "It's how I look like how I do."
"...How does that actually work," Mirka put her arms around Rolanberry. "Like...how."
"It's honestly more complicated than what I can explain, but to put it short," she paused and thought for a moment. "What it does is change my physical body slowly and gradually. In my case, from masculine to feminine."
"Uh-huh...So, you need to maintain it, then?"
"Yeah. Hence, shifting and stability. It's like tipping a scale and then keeping it tipped."
"What about those Fantasia potions I've heard about," Mirka pondered. "Couldn't you make one of those and permanently change yourself?"
"Those aren't real," Rolanberry scoffed and shook her head. "And if someone is selling you one, you'd be wise not to drink it."
"Why's that? I-is it dangerous?"
"Well, yeah," she turned around. "Imagine going through a rapid transformation like that. You'd probably go into some kind of shock from the pain. That's why my potion works slowly and without making any major structural changes."
"I suppose that makes sense," Mirka held her close. "How come your tits are so big, though? Is that all from the potion?"
"No, I don't think so. The results can be very different for everyone, or so the doctor told me," Rolanberry laughed. "I was always a little chubby, and I think I just got lucky. Papa always told me Mama was well endowed."
"Well, Nophica bless you for this bountiful gift, madam Rolanberry," Mirka jokingly motioned a prayer. "Your daughter's great bosom brings me boundless joy!"
"Oh, stop it," she playfully pushed Mirka. "Should we eat some breakfast before we sally forth to...where ever it was we were going?"
"Gridania. And it just so happens I was in the mood for something sweet," Mirka pushed Rolanberry down and kissed her. "How about it?"
"This isn't what I meant, but," she wiggled excitedly under Mirka's weight. "I won't stop you."
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aethernoise · 1 year
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speaking of taking apart in-game assets, I've begun to learn the ways of vanilla edits and upscales! I have a long way to go, but I'm learning fast. This is basically how I'm getting myself to finally learn Blender.
For those of you who partake in extracurricular activities of the third party kind, I made a public Trello board where you can check out what I'm doing and also download the stuff I know works well in-game.
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designsdefiance · 7 months
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rolanberry + her faithful assistant for @swiftcast-selene :3
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sayonaramidnight · 1 year
🎉It's a B-day prompt! Show me the tinies celebratong! Big cake obligatory!
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prismbearer · 2 years
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greymagi-txt · 2 years
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// welcome to hell!! welcome to hell!!!
//here's some of the crew you can ask things, as is,, yknow. the purpose of this blog! from top left to bottom right: Khaishan, Ramune, Cocoa, and Dathar
//there's more but I don't take nearly enough pretty screenshots of them and I don't have my ffxiv sub at the moment so uh. you're gonna have to wait for them
//fire away!! my tippy tappy drawing hands are at the ready!!
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MiqoMarch'24, Day #13: - colour -
D'nyr's three defining colours are deep indigo blue, rolanberry red & bright gold!
Darker blues are associated with perception/intuition, integrity, sincerity and depth, as well as obvious associations to the night sky and deep ocean. It evokes a sense of trust and reliability, but also one of mystery! It is a meditative shade that promotes deep concentration during times of reflection and introspection. Deep burgundy reds are often symbolic of serious, thoughtful personalities and evoke feelings of warmth, strength and courage. In Buddhism, red is associated with the benefits of the practice, the relevant ones here being virtue, wisdom and dignity. It's also the colour of aggression, which is something D'nyr represses but absolutely has when provoked far enough! Finally, gold is the colour of the benefactor and denotes generosity, compassion and optimism, often symbolising higher ideals, enlightenment and a deep understanding of the self and soul. Gold can take on many different appearances depending on the lighting and viewing angle, as well as reflecting surrounding hues in its luster-- but all the while remaining the same colour at its core, just like D'nyr.
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BONUS! Here's a cool bowling ball I found while looking into all of this that shares his colours :')
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destiny-islanders · 9 months
I need Z'ahra to know that his G'raha drawing is BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT and I will toss rolanberry tarts at anyone who claims otherwise >:(((
wahhhhh he would be so touched by your kind words!!!
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soulshards · 14 days
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FFXIVWRITE 2024, PROMPT #10: STABLE tw: none • words: 714
not likely to change or fail; firmly established
Ears twitched, tail flicking to the side in an almost irritable manner. The many portals around the ‘room’, more an area of…nothingness between realms, spilled out. Their points on the Sourch set far and wide, giving the creature easy access to nearly every corner of the world.
Except, today, the access was not so easy. It hadn't been for a while now.
An irritable growl spilled out as his hand pushed against the portal, clawed hands trembling as he saw the cracks beginning to split skin.
“Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.” Teeth snapped, a hand slamming against an unseen barrier, not allowing the creator of this space to even pass through. They warped under the pressure before springing back against his attempt to get out.
“Not now, not fucking now… c’mon!” 
He had spent many years alone. He had watched the world rise and fall and rise and fall, a passive observer who sometimes toed the line of mischief, flitting out into the world to sate desires and pester the mortals that wandered around. Today he wished to roam free, slip through the world and cause a little mayhem.
Instead, his less than stable form was stuck. He was trapped in this point of nothingness, just him, the portals, and a slick leather couch that he often lazed upon when he wanted to stay out of the mortal realm.
Bushy tail flicked erratically, balled fists slamming against the portal wall with another snarl. It wobbled out like a stone impacting water, as the cracks began to slip up his arms. He blinked, a hiccup, a sneeze, before his body twitched and he was suddenly standing in the other end of the room, grimacing at the sensation of it all. Fangs parted in a grumble.
“…where the fuck is Hajime when you need him, piece of shit - why isn’t he… the one day I actually want him around and he’s not even here! Just one day I would like to actually go outside and you WON'T EVEN LET ME!” His words would rise from spoke irritability to a shout - though, there was no one here to shout at. It was nobody's fault, not really, that he was like this. Many, many years ago, the exact details were lost to the fog of time, he’d found himself in a predicament and found his form a little… torn. Unstable. Restless. Acting without want. Most days he had enough control over it, save for a little twitch of his ears or tail. A blip of magic slipping out here and there. He used it to his advantage, when he could.
But today he would have no advantage, as his body refused to coalesse into the flow of aether to allow him to pass through his portal, so he could feel the sun on his skin, and bask idly by the sea. He just wanted to be outside.
His mismatched gaze searched frantically across the mostly empty room, as if it might hold a secret to his release. His foot tapped erratically upon the ground, before he set off into a pace. Back and forth, back and forth, his temper growing. Then subsiding. Then growing again. Every minute that passed he seemed to talk himself down, only to raise his annoyance back up again.
Finally, with an annoyed sigh, his pacing led him to the sofa in which he would all but faceplant. “I hate this place,” words were muttered into the leather as he buried his face into the soft sofa.
One leg and one arm spilled off the side onto the floor, his tail giving a flurry before it came to settle over the back of the chair, draping rolanberry coloured fur over the black leather.
He inhaled, slowly, deeply, before letting it out through flared nostrils and eyes closed.
He could wait here. Possibly. For as long as it took for his body to stop failing him and he could pass through back into the mortal world - or until an acquaintance realised he had been gone for… moons. Moons? Had it really been moons?
He rolled onto his back with a loud groan, hand coming to rub over his face before falling back to his side. He stared blankly upon the ceiling.
“I really fucking hate this place.”
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sylviazem · 8 days
FFXIV Write 2024- Prompt #16: Third-rate
"So, Rolanberry," Mirka asked while setting up a campfire. "Are you actually interested in me, or was I just an excuse to get out of the city?"
"A bit of both, I suppose," she pondered. "But I do like you. You're fun. And sexy."
"Thank you!"
"...I still don't understand, though," Rolanberry sat next to Mirka as she lit the fire. "Why me? I'm just some third-rate barmaid."
"Oh, darling, you are so much better," Mirka put her arm around Rolanberry. "...Why do you disregard yourself so?"
"...You know what, I have no idea," she leaned against her feline friend. "Maybe it's because I feel very happy around you. I'm used to people leaving me."
"Well," Mirka pulled her close and pressed her forehead against Rolanberry. "I'm not leaving any time soon."
"...Do you want to kiss-"
"Yes, desperately."
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valkariel · 11 months
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War Queen
Head: Rakshasa Kanmuri of Casting - default Body: Fierce Tyrant's Cuirass - ink blue Hands: Exarchic Gloves of Casting - default Legs: Spaekona'a Skirt - rolanberry red Feet: Distance Greaves of Casting - default
Earring: Prototype Midan Earrings of Casting Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Rod of the Black Khan Replica - rolanberry red Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Location: Ishgard - The Pillars - The Architects
Shader: Faeberry Bloom
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avirael · 14 days
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FFxivWrite 2024
Day 10 - Stable
Rael’s morning had started pretty normal, or as normal as it had gotten since the four of them had moved to Ishgard. Apart from the servants Rael usually was the first person in the house to be awake, so when they went downstairs and passed the dining room to get to Lord Fortemps personal library, there were only a few other people around yet doing their daily works.
One of the maids, who by now seemed to have remembered Rael’s habit of getting up quite early, greeted them friendly.
“Good Morning, Master Rael! The cook should have your breakfast finished in a moment…”
After the bathing (and dressing) incident on their first day here, a few of them had tried to call them Mistress Rael for a few days but the Viera had quickly tried to stop them from doing so. After demanding to just call them Rael and a few exasperated questions of “What else should we call you then, my lady” (somehow that was even worse!), they had reluctantly decided to call them Master Rael instead and Rael had simply rolled their eyes and accepted their fate.
Apart from such difficulties everybody was extremely friendly and accommodating though. Rael had insisted they didn’t need any special treatment and could absolutely wait until everybody else was awake too to have their breakfast but nonetheless the servants had developed a habit of preparing it early for them anyway.
“Thank you very much.”, they replied with a nod. “I will get some books from the library and then come to the dining room.”
“As you wish.”, the woman answered with a short bow and hurried away. Rael would never get used to having servants around but had long stopped questioning why this seemed to be normal here in Ishgard.
As announced they went to the library and fetched two books that had caught their interest a few days ago before returning for breakfast.
The first few days here in Ishgard Rael had usually left the house very early, at least if the weather allowed it, and wandered the still silent city looking for a place that felt… familiar. A place to recharge, to rest, to meditate. But it had proven difficult, so they had simply stopped trying after a while.
Breakfast turned out not to be a horrible alternativ though. Of course the Ishgardians exaggerated even that immensely in amount and effort but this was fixable by speaking to the cook fortunately. So Rael didn’t get any fancy dishes with luxurious ingredients and heavy sauces unless they ate with everybody else for once.
A clear soup (against the cold the servants insisted), some fruits and a slice of bread were more than enough for such an early hour.
All of that was accompanied by a cup of tea, although here in Ishgard they had quite different habits of making tea it seemed. It was mostly milk, yak milk as Rael was told, in which some dried tea leaves simmered for a while. The first time Rael was served this it was quite unusual and also horribly sweet due to the maple sugar the servant added to it but without the insane amount of sugar it was drinkable. Still a little thin due to being mostly milk but nonetheless tasty.
They had barely started eating, while browsing through one of the books, when hurried footsteps echoed down the hallway. Confused Rael looked up as A’viloh appeared in the doorframe with a grin on his face.
“There you are! I was afraid you left already!”, he exclaimed.
Rael wrinkled their brow, looked to the clock and back to A’viloh. It was way to early for him to be awake already and especially so joyful about it.
“Don’t look at me as if you’ve seen a ghost! Yes I’m awake already! It’s a wonderful day, isn’t it?”, he beamed and sat down beside them stealing a rolanberry from their plate.
“Someone’s in a good mood, huh?”, Rael observed while still trying to focus on the text they were reading. Not that they disliked the fact but it was strange. Then their conversation from the last evening returned to their mind and their reading was instantly forgotten. Closely they squinted at A’viloh observing every little movement on his face…
“What?”, he asked, still grinning. Suspicious…
Dismissively Rael shook their head and returned their attention to the breakfast before casually saying, “I assume you had a nice evening?”
“I did, yes…”, he replied before he realised the tone in the Viera’s voice. “Wait! No!!”, he blurted out and blushed a little, “I mean it was a nice evening but not whatever you mean!”
Even the maid chuckled and Rael was pretty sure that A’viloh was the only one unaware about the rumours everyone kept repeating behind his back. For some reason Rael preferred these over people mistaking A’vi and them for a couple…
“Really? Why the sudden good mood then? Not that I’m objecting…”
“I have a plan! I got up extra early so I would catch you before you run of to the astrologian’s guild or elsewhere.”, the Miqo’te explained while stealing yet another piece of fruit from Rael’s plate. “But you will have to put your boring books down for a while…”
“A plan?”, Rael repeated unimpressed. “For what?”
“You will see soon enough!”, A’viloh grinned. “Alright, put that book away. You can eat the rest of your breakfast on the way!”
“On the way to where?”
But he ignored them and instead turned to the maid. “Is it possible I can get one of these sandwiches too?”
She was already halfway out of the door when he jumped up and yelled, “No, wait! Don’t worry, I’ll go myself! There’s something else I need!”
Just as fast as he had appeared he was gone again, only stopping at the door one last time to look back at Rael.
“Hurry up! We’ll meet in a quarter bell in front of the house!”
Confused the Viera kept staring at the now empty doorframe before turning their still quizzical gaze to the housemaid, who just shrugged too.
Rael had only quickly finished their breakfast and went to their room to fetch their bag and grimoire, before heading outside as they were told to. Just as they opened the front door A’viloh hurried out of the corridor that led to the kitchen, throwing a bag over his shoulder and stuffing a sandwich into his mouth.
“Good, you’re ready! Follow me!”, he commanded between bites and began to walk without giving any clue where they were going.
For a while they just walked in silence. About one thing so far A’viloh had been right. By Ishgardian standards the weather was really nice. The sun had just risen and now shone from a cloudless blue sky, the morning air was still crisp but maybe it would be a little warmer today than usually. Their path led down the roads and staircases to the lower parts of the city where they crossed Saint Reinette’s Forum and finally passed the Skysteel Manufactury.
By then Rael realised they could only be headed for the Chocobo stables, or the Holy Stables as the Ishgardians called it. Rael had never understood why they needed to add the word holy to all and everything. Well, they had understood but found it completely ridiculous! It was just a normal stable like any other, maybe the birds there were a little more special but there still wasn’t anything divine about it!
“The stables?”, Rael asked, wondering if this was everything A’viloh had been so secretive about.
“Yes! You need to see the Chocobo!”, he answered excitedly. “But that’s not everything… First things first, though! Come on!”
Impatiently he waved for Rael to follow as he showed one of the caretaker a piece of paper he pulled from his jacket. With a short bow he let the two pass and left to get the chocobo.
A moment they waited before the man returned followed by a tall dark-feathered bird in Ishgardian barding. He handed the reigns to A’viloh and left again, going back to his work, while A’viloh happily greeted the bird who chirped at him in return.
“Isn’t she pretty?”, he asked proudly. “I still can’t believe Haurchefant gifted me a chocobo! He said her name is Chloé but that I might change it if I want to. But I kinda like it…”
Admittedly Rael didn’t understand much about chocobo breeding but to them it looked like an especially beautiful bird, with shining black feathers and attentively sparkling eyes.
“Indeed a very pretty bird.”
“Did you hear that, Chloé?”, A’viloh addressed the bird cheerfully and ruffled the feathers at the side of her neck. “Rael thinks you’re pretty too!”
As if she understood, the bird fluttered excitedly and turned her head towards the Miqo’te so he could pet it some more. Then the Chocobo kwehed and turned her curious eyes to Rael who in return stepped closer and scratched her beak.
“Haurchefant said she can fly too.”, A’viloh said. “I haven’t tried yet… Would you like to?”
“Me?”, Rael asked, although the idea of a chocobo that could fly seemed interesting. “It’s your chocobo.”
“That doesn’t seem fair. She could be our chocobo!”, A’viloh offered. “I’m not sure if she could carry both of us at once though…”
“She is quite tall, so maybe she could…”, Rael mused. “But this was your gift A’vi. It is a kind offer but I am not sure if it would be alright to accept it.”
A’viloh shook his head.
“Haurchefant surely doesn’t mind. He gave me the idea for this trip after all!”
“Trip?”, Rael asked confused.
“Oh yes! And we should go or we will miss the airship!”, A’viloh explained. “We will spent the day at Camp Cloudtop. I mean, if you want to, of course. But I thought it would cheer you up since you liked that place…”
“I do…”, Rael was a little speechless about the fact that A’viloh seriously seemed to have put thought into a plan to cheer them up.
A’viloh beamed and held up his bag. “I even brought food! We can have lunch at a nice spot like the one we found last time. You can collect some more flowers or herbs or whatever and we can see if Chloé can really fly!”
As happily as not in a long time Rael smiled and was grateful for having such a kind friend.
“Thank you A’vi, that sounds like a wonderful idea…”
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ifyougochasingrabbits · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass: White Rabbit
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Quick Facts
Height: 4'8" | 142cm
Age: She'll say 27, which isn't too far off.
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
She's very curious and would enjoy learning about you.
As a bubbly bundle of gleeful giggles, she's here to have fun, filled with smiles and laughter.
Dancing is one of the many things she thinks is fun. While she prefers a casual jig with another/others while someone(s) plays a tune, she'll get up close and personal if you'd like to waltz instead.
Speaking of getting close, she likes touch— being touched, touching others. She'll slip an arm around your waist and/or move yours around her shoulders(have you seen how short she is?). Hope your lap isn't spoken for, cause she'll be taking that seat. And cuddles. She really likes getting tangled up in cuddles.
Don't worry if you're not "experienced", she is and isn't afraid to take the lead. Or help you learn to take it yourself. If you are, she'd love to see how much.
She's resilient. If she gets knocked down, she'll get back up laughing and if her plans burn, she'll roast some marshmallows.
She's very curious and will learn about you.
And as she peels back every layer she can find, she'll hold it up in your face asking what— oh what is this?
While not usually malicious(also related to the above), she is manipulative. If there is something she wants from you, whether it's as simple as a drink or deeper like knowledge, she'll most likely get it. If she's unable to, that doesn't mean she'll end up empty-handed.
She commonly hangs around less-than-savory folks— those who sell drugs, have violent tendencies, and/or would so kindly lighten your pockets. If you're that type, maybe you'd find this a pro instead.
She may or may not have some targets on her back at any given time. Most people would be concerned about that. Not her. She thinks it's pretty damn entertaining.
She's a whore technically a courtesan. Not in a derogatory way, but literally. While she wouldn't think it's a con, some folks do. Don't expect her to drop the job, she's not going to. She loves it too much!
She's also an informant and drug dealer. The latter is reserved for a select few.
Donned atop her head, she wears plush rabbit ears like a crown held in place by a ton of hidden hairpins. She rarely takes them off, even when she's working: the ears stay on.
She's chaotic neutral, neither being solely good nor bad.
Dramatically theatric, she'll lay the back of her hand over her forehead, make wide, sweeping motions, and try and impersonate other's voices as entertainment.
She has an abundance of connections she can hook you up with. From mercenaries to a tailor, a painter, and tinkerers of magitek to name a few. If you're in need of someone she doesn't know personally, she most likely knows someone who does.
While it's widely known that rolanberries are a favorite fruit, her most favorite are white peaches in both taste and smell. She likes wearing white peach perfume due to it.
She's been stabbed once.
Open her closet and you'll see she only owns one, maybe two pairs of pants, possibly more if we're counting PJs.
Romantically: Don't expect it, in fact, turn around, sit down, and contemplate your life choices which brought you to even think about her romantically. Are you okay? On a more serious note— surprising I know— she's greyromantic. She really doesn't think much about romance below surface level. Nor has she experienced romantic feelings for now, so she's been told. She'd rather not. It sounds like a load of chocobo-shite spritzed with rose perfume. If the topic does get brought up you'll find her rolling her eyes if she doesn't make some snide remark first. Then she'll roll her eyes. Any unlucky soul who happens to win her affection(how?) would be smothered in so much love. Little gifts left in places to be found, shaking hands with your skeletons, and a tenderness her clients think they're getting, but it's not the same kind as you'd get. Just not those three words.
Sexually: Outside of her job this adventurous gremlin has a handful of friends with benefits and a long list of one-night stands that grows every month. Men, women, anyone, and everyone in between. Solo, duo, three or more. It doesn't matter! If she thinks you're pretty, she might see if you'd like to go somewhere a little more private. Show her a fun time and she'll come back for more. Which is a lot of words to say she is bisexually, non-monogamous. She leans dominant and will top you if you'd like, she has the toys for it. Don't worry if you tower over her, she'll make it work. She can dom as a bottom too. Once you earn her trust or if she thinks you'll be really fun, she enjoys submitting. As a treat mostly for her. Persuading her into submission would be even better. Or you can wrestle for it. Of course, she'll lose, being as small as she is. Something something, it's not the destination, but the "journey".
Tagged by: @mythandral & @luck-and-larceny did an open tag so, yoink! Tagging: @odt-ff, @starryseasiren, @vizakethla & anyone who wants to, you're it.
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc)
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ckkikilukilu · 23 days
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FFXIVWrite2024 : Masterpost Prompt 1 : Steer Title : A Reflection On Direction Summary : Kikilu muses at life's changes.
[Read below, or over on AO3]
After hours of crafting herbal remedies, Kikilu emerges from her apothecary den to get some fresh air and sunshine. It’s early afternoon and Kikilu has already finished all the orders for the day. All that’s left now is to deliver them to her customers, but she has a dedicated Post Moogle for that, and while she waits for their arrival, she can take a well-earned break.
As she lowers to sit in the grass, she sets down a rolanberry shaped bag, from which she pulls out a thermos flask. Taking the cup from the top, she unscrews the lid and pours herself some tea, before replacing the lid again. Taking a slow sip, she breathes in the warm drink’s aroma, and relaxes her shoulders with a satisfying sigh.
Camomile, roasted chicory root, and spiced vanilla. A special blend of her own making, intended to encourage moments of calm. Leaning back on the tree stump behind her, she closes her eyes for a moment or two, before looking out to that which surrounds her. The lush green grass, the beautiful blue sky, the leaves of the trees that sway gently when a breeze whispers by... it wasn't so long ago she was touring around the world with her partner Zezedoku, singing their hearts out, and dancing 'til their feet were sore. They were the busiest, and loudest, times of her life. And now here she is, in one of the calmest moments, with only the sounds of nature surrounding her.
And what should come after this moment? Only time will tell.
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