#roland deschain deserved better 2k04 gdi
janiedean · 5 years
So, because I'm weird I used to read the last line of any book I bought. Bad habit. I know. It was just the last line. It wasn't going to spoil me anything. Right? Wrong. I went to the shop and read the last line of the seventh Dark Tower book when it was released while I was still reading Susannah's Song. That cured me of the habit. Do you remember that line? What did you think of it? it's hit and miss with King's endings, but I quite liked this one.
....................... HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA ha ha ha. okay. buckle up because we’re getting into The Topic Of The Century Ie My Hateboner For The Ending of VII Even If I Don’t Dislike That Line. under the cut in case.
so, thing is, the loop theory was a thing that most ppl thought was possible back in the day and I also used to lurk on the now defunct dt.net forums where people were theorizing all the time so I did get into VII thinking that might be the ending line BUT problem: as I had read insomnia in preparation for the DT, I had figured it would line up with stuff that happened in that book where the kid had the vision with roland and another younger guy at the tower, so I had gotten myself into theorizing that roland got there with either jake or eddie most likely jake, died into the field of roses and the gunslinger following flagg might not have been him, and I really liked my own damned theory, which... means... that I obv. got disappointed that it didn’t go like that BUUUUTTT here we go into the problem I have with the ending as in:
I thought everything post eddie’s death didn’t make sense and susannah’s characterization was all over the place and honestly I got a lot of things but the idea that she didn’t go with roland to the tower just irked me to no end esp. bc she swore eddie that she would but nvm
king utterly ignored 90% of the stuff he did with insomnia and he just stuck patrick at the end because he had to be there but it wasn’t lining up with what was in the actual original book and just WHY
also the way the crimson king died was... I mean idk what editor didn’t ask stephen WHAT THE HELL HE WAS THINKING but if he was going for underwhelming villains to send a message it was.. a bad message bc it just made me go like I DIDN’T GET ALL THE WAY HERE FOR THIS
anyway then there’s the part where I thoroughly, utterly and absolutely detest the first ending (the susannah one) because a) THAT DAMNED TROPE WHERE EVERYONE FORGETS EVERYTHING JESUS KING WHY DO YOU LIKE IT IT ERASES CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I HATE IT, b) she’s not gone with actual jake and eddie, those two are doubles from another world/twinners so like.... wow those two died and fuck them and she got the happy ending with the similarbutnotexactsame version? I mean they’re not the people I cried my eyes out for I’m not considering that their happy ending, c) ... so even if that was the message it means that whatever they had with roland was only worth for one loop and then bye? yeah sorry nope I don’t buy that
now, given the above, I didn’t mind the ending that much bc I thought the loop thing was actually smart, but good lord roland forgetting everything for the what TWENTIETH TIME was the cruelest thing I’ve ever seen done to a fictional character ever and just IMPLYING that this might be the last time was... like... king that’s not gonna cut it sorry
so I hc-ed that eddie and jake actually are with roland in all the loops and it’s the other person who is in for the ride and he’s going to draw them again which was actually not too clownish bc at some point in 5 eddie def. had deja vu ie I ALREADY HAVE DONE THIS BEFORE and that’s the only way I can have peace with that ending because otherwise it’s too bleak and I can’t even, regardless of how much sk thinks it’s not bleak.
but as an ending line itself it was badass ;) ;) ;) I just wish I... appreciated... the context and that he hadn’t killed off flagg that early just to not do shit with him and have that anticlimactic thing at the end sdlkjgjksd 
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