#role swap ramsey
wishesofeternity · 6 months
"There is one clear early Hellenistic example of a regnant basilissa:  Amastris, who ruled Herakleia Pontika after the death of her husband, its tyrant Dionysios. She eponymously founded the neighboring city of Amastris c. 300 BCE, and from there issued coins bearing the legend “of basilissa Amastris" (ΑΜΑΣΤΡΙΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ). Like many other women ruling as monarchs, Amastris came into direct power because her husband had died and her sons were under age. She brought her own royal credentials to the situation, however, as a niece of Dareios III (daughter of his brother Oxyathres). Like Apama, Alexander had married her to one of his generals (Krateros). After 323 Krateros swapped her for Phila, and she moved to Herakleia to live with Dionysios, who, as Memnon tells us later (probably after 306), began to call himself basileus. Although supervising the regency for her sons, Amastris faced interventions by Antigonos Monophthalmos, ostensibly on the children’s behalf, to control Herakleia, and then by Lysimachos, who also married her. By 300 she was solo again with no outside interference, and her foundation of Amastris marks the point when she fully embraced the role of a regnant basilissa. Although her sons soon came of age, she maintained this role until they assassinated her c. 284."
-Gillian Ramsey, "Apama and Stratonike," "The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World" (edited by Elizabeth D. Carney and Sabine Müller)
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breakthrough88 · 9 months
Don’t know when I’m gonna start talking about it but I have thought of my own role swap AU
“Epithet Shifted”
The swaps are:
Sylvie and Molly
Lorelai and Giovanni
Zora and Percy
Rick and Ramsey
Naven and Mera
Yoomtah and Indus
Phoenica and Howie
Trixie and Gorou
Some clarification before I do more with this
Calliope is still alive
Despite swapping with adults, Trixie and Phoenica are still children and Howie and Gorou are still adults.
Yes Trixie is the Sheriff of Redwood Run despite being a literal child.
Gorou has no relevance whatsoever
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merrock · 1 year
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Don't worry, we haven't forgotten activity checks! Lindsey and I have been working behind the scenes at ironing out some changes to how we do activity checks, to give you guys a little more leniency while allowing us to stay on top of things with less stress / guilt.
Starting on Monday, May 8th, our activity requirements will be changing. Any account inactive for two weeks will be automatically unfollowed. Accounts that are inactive for one week, display inconsistent activity and/or are not replying to open starters will be warned. Checks will be done twice a month -- once at the beginning/end, and once in the middle. That should give people plenty of time in between and also a little more structure. I will have a more detailed post on this on Monday, as well as adjusting our rules then, so if you have any questions, please ask!
Another thing that we are introducing at this point in time is our 'extended reserve for future use' section, in which players can now reserve one face that they plan on developing a character around. Only one, however! We don't want to encourage face hogging, and if a significant amount of time passes, we will reach out to check and see if you're still moving forward with said character. We know (from our own current experiences!) that it can sometimes take much, much longer than one week to properly research and develop a character, and want to extend that courtesy to our writers.
So! To get everyone on the same page and with a fresh, clean start, we are giving everyone this weekend to contact us and interact with this post. If you are good to go, just like it, we'll cross you off the list and your roles are yours. If you need to drop or swap, or pause anyone, or make any changes, let us know! Happy to help.
Anna -- Sylvia Cuenco-Burke, Reyna Delgadillo, Jayla Hopkins, Alec Jacobs, Wesley James, Corrine Khang, Cathy Pacheco, Esperanza Tamayo.
Bri - Cordelia Browning, Eliza Edelman, Fallon Harris, Spencer Lawrence, Emeline Newman, Marquis Owusu, Vivienne Quinn, Ramsey Salazar.
Chayya -- Marlow Newman.
Emily -- Veila Madison. -- @veilamadison
Erin -- Lara Marie Caruso, Miranda Hartman, Bryan Lawrence, Jamie Mariadaga-Evans, Vincent Matthews, Mekelah Reddy, Joella Suh, Alice Zhao.
Frankie -- Deacon Newman.
Janessa -- Mateo Fuentes, Zoey Lawrence, Chloe Nwokobia, Yesenia Rivera, Elizabeth Stewart, Alexander Stone, Jennifer Suh.
Jen -- Thomas Browning.
Katie -- Owen Anderson, Rafael Bardales, Estelle Carter, Nari Gim, Olivia Hartman, Joshua Lane, Cage Newman, Darrius Powell.
Lindsey -- Aleja Alverez, Chetan Gupta, Greyson McVey, Kellan Newman, Elise Quinn, Trey Wright, Iris Xanthe, Amina Zaidi.
Mags -- Cassidy Miller.
Maria -- Vitus Aydin.
Myr -- Amanda Howard.
Nikki -- September Grant. @sxpt-xmbxr
Steph -- Katherine Evans, Thalia Williams.
MOD NOTE: I will cross names off of this list as they like the post and/or reach out to us. Those on hiatus automatically get a pass for now, and have been exempted. If you have not responded by Friday morning, we will tag you, just to give you a little notice. Unfollows for those who have not interacted with and/or messaged us will be done on Monday.
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THE IDOL 1x03: Review
For me the best thing from this episode was the new (or unreleased) song from the Weeknd: “Take Me Back”. The lyrics are so powerful and so truthful to this episode. At least, Abel is good at something. So please, stick to the music and stop acting (even if it was a little be better this time because you were mostly wearing sunglasses). Did you notice that so far he doesn’t appear in the short behind the episode. 
Also, again, some shots were amazing, especially the one from the pool. 
I will not comment on the “sex scenes”, because honestly I couldn’t care less, and someone told me they are just not realistic at all (position, fonctionnement, ...). I will not look at the fitting rooms the same way. 
The hairbrush during Jocelyn and Chloé’s scene should have told us a clue about the revelation we’ve got at the end of the episode. But I don’t understand Chloé’s role in all of this. 
Honestly congratulations to Lily-Rose for playing in front someone so bad (as Abel). There is nothing left in his eyes and his glance have really something bovine in them. Il n’y a plus rien dans ses yeux. And his face is all bloated.
Even Tedros’ name is stupid. 
So, we just learned that Jocelyn’s label wants her to be portrayed as a “bad girl”, it’s not her wishes. Like they did to Britney Spears? 
Honestly, the cover album with cum on her face as a success? 
As all the cocaïne in LA will have inside it Fentanyl? 
Jocelyn smoking to mirror a French girl? 
Tedros’ family gives me more and more Manson’s cult vibes (who killed Sharon Tate). From the club to the house. 
Can someone explain to me who are Head (the guy with the tattoo) and Ramsey (The new girl with black hair)? It’s like they appear out of thin air. 
Finally, the girl from Vanity Fair is not present. 
But Nikki is replacing step by step Jocelyn by Dyanne. The music industry will keep chugging along with or without you and that they don’t care about your individual Voice or Vision as an artist what matters most at the end of the day is how they can turn a profit and it doesn’t matter who they use to do that.
At least in Euphoria, the make up was amazing. 
Every intervention of Leia is kind of dumb. 
The conversation between Izaak (which’s still gay) and Jocelyn raises the question of whether or not embracing pain can lead life changing art that is truly impactful? I must agree with it, because it’s bring something so powerful after it, that’s completely addictive. 
We just learned that Jocelyn is on her third album only and her last hit was “Daybreak” on her second album.
The diner scene was truly amazing! But question: who cooked? Knowing that Andrés, the chef has been fired. haha.  At least, this time Tedros was asking the good questions. He is a fucking good narcissistic parasite. He becomes in control of almost every aspect of Jocelyn’s life. 
Whether it’s the music industry or Tedros’ manipulation, it’s so so fucked up to use Jocelyn like this, knowing the state of her mind. 
Her team’s concern is hypocritical. They couldn’t save or help her from her mother, so how could they save her from the grip of Tedros. 
Finally, the real villain is the music industry that preys on those seeking fame and fortune, and they’ll pit women against each other in the process as long as you play by their rules you will get the career you want but it comes at the cost of your own voice as an artist, this further the undeniable parallels between Tedros’ cult and the music industry, both groups are attempting to exploit and profit off of the artist through any means necessary however they have vastly different approaches to doing so but what are these differences. Well the music industry and record label Executives believe that proven data tired clichés and previous methods of success can be repackaged and resold to the masses. They think the general public will listen to or watch anything that is put in front of them because of this they’re more likely to keep all the pieces that work and swap out old artists for new ones that are willing to do their bidding ultimately it is about business over the individual person. As on the other hand, Tedros represents the complete opposite. He encourages being as unique and individualistic as possible because your personal experiences shape your art in a distinct way. Tedros believes in taking risks rather than calculated bets he goes so far as to encourage Jocelyn to lean into publish the leaked intimate photo being used for her own personal gain rather than letting the world paint a picture of who she is without her input it could work or fail but at least she would have tried something new rather than stick with the old such as the music industry typically does although both groups are extremely exploitative and harmful to the artist the series showcases how both sides push Jocelyn into making a difficult decision exploit yourself or be exploited. 
Jocelyn inevitably chooses to exploit herself her pain and her trauma as this will allow her to be the artist she always dreamed of becoming but what is that trauma she has yet to tap into and why hasn’t she done so before you see the reason I found the opening sequence to be ironic and the concern of her team to be hypocritical is because of what we learn about Jocelyn’s mother and their involvement or lack thereof she was physically mentally and emotionally abusive toward Jocelyn and she controlled almost every aspect of her life we get hints of this unprocessed trauma in previous episodes when Jocelyn would spend a significant amount of time in front of a mirror brushing her hair it was with this hairbrush; being the perfect daughter and pop star the physical and emotional scars from that abuse were evident to her team but Tedros points out that no one stepped in to stop what was happening because they were all profiting off of Jocelyn at the time. Tedros sees this as an opening to fully indoctrinate Jocelyn into his cult by convincing her to embrace her pain in order to create music that is authentic and comes from somewhere deep within her earlier in the episode. 
The next day Jocelyn thanks Tedros for taking care of her symbolizing her falling back into the cycle of abuse she was familiar with in the past will result in Justin becoming crazy relatively unstuck 
Overall it was a tough episode to stomach as there were many uncomfortable and provocative questions being raised about Jocelyn’s experience in the industry to me it’s clear that the series is highlighting the similarities amongst the music industry, Tedros’ cult and Jocelyn’s family as they all claim to be looking out for her best interests but that they all are only comfortable with her exploitation as long as they profit from it or have something to gain even Leia who is positioned as someone seemingly innocent and genuinely worried about Jocelyn’s well-being is only okay with exploitation if she is under her management team’s guidance we have to remember that while she’s Jocelyn’s best friend she is also her employee whose livelihood is dependent on Jocelyn’s success as a pop idol.
Honestly, I don’t think that the show is glamorizing these difficult topics just for the sake of being shocking it is trying to make a point about how Fame and the spotlight dehumanized the person behind the music and ultimately turns them into a profit generating machine that commodify is their own trauma.
Dream is never easy and oftentimes it is filled with wolves in sheep’s clothing. 
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spliinkles · 5 years
(I know it's too late to say but I think Epithet Switched is a good name for a swap au)
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You know what? You're so right.
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bastierree · 5 years
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@spliinkles​ oops i did it agAIN
more under cut!
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imagine getting ur ass beat by some western yeehonk clown with crayons
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malcontentonline · 5 years
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I have been drawing an excessive amount of the rat man recently so here he is as the redwood run trio!
I’ll probably make one of these for persey and zora too cos there really fun..
love @spliinkles role swap au and saw this post and was like yep i’m a’ just combine them.
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goldbki · 5 years
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@spliinkles role swap au is a total banger my dudes check them out 
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velqur · 5 years
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would you like a swap ramsey in these trying times,, @spliinkles
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cyclone-sally-art · 5 years
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@spliinkles cleaned up angst
now its readable!
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Swap Ramsey: I can live on bread and cheese.
Canon Zora: And only on that?
S. Ramsey: Yeah.
C. Zora: So can a rat!
(Every time I hear the song “anything you can do I can do better” I can’t help but picture these two trying to outdo each other)
Swap AU by @spliinkles
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himsfuntime · 5 years
You can find this fanfiction on my Ao3
Expect a LOT more content for him, I really love him SOB 
Roleswap Yeehaw Ramsey belongs to @spliinkles
also sorry if it is not the best, this is my first fanfic
I do not support or condone any yandere or obsessive behavior.
character death
There were only two types of love, obsessive and pure.
And yours, was the latter. It was soothing to have such a loving and caring person that loved you. On your good days and on your bad days.
There was nothing more, nothing less. So when you saw your lover covered in solid gold and an envelope with a heart taping it shut, you thought you were seeing things. You rushed to their side as your mind tried to scramble for answers: Why would someone do this? Who would do something like this?
During your sobs you were caressing your lover’s cheek, and that's when you felt it, that engraving on their face. You wiped your eyes and looked closer, examining the carving, it was sloppy but the hand-writing looked all too familiar.
Ramsey Murdoch
“ Ramsey did this..? ”
You softly said aloud, it wasn’t meant to be a question, it was confirmation that what you were looking at was his doing. Of course you already knew who did it, his signature carved on your darling’s metal cheek. You should’ve known better.
You should’ve never tried to show kindness to such an evil man.
You remember when you met him. The infamous Ramsey Murdoch.
He came to your job, as if it were his own house. Like he owned it. You just thought he was a cosplayer that had a little more pride than he should have. You took the time to look at him.  A poncho covered most of his upper body features. Under his poncho however was an open button shirt, but when you squinted, you noticed it didn't have buttons in the first place.
His pants held up with a gold buckle belt. The pants trailed from his hips to his ankles along with triangular tassels following the trails. His heeled boots clicked and jingled against the store floor.
He started to hum a soft tune as he examined the decor, drawing out the time before he got to your post.
Though his slow, long strides were more than intimidating. He must've known you were eyeballing him as he turned slightly and met your gaze, smirking as he strolled to the counter. He leaned forward and eyed you up and down, inhaling your scent. You raised a brow at the odd behavior but you asked him the essential question nonetheless.
“May I help you?”
You ask, giving him a smile. You promised your darling that you’d try to be nice for the week. This man was lucky not to get a snarl after the whole ‘walking slowly and then sniffing you’ ordeal.
He blinked a bit at your question. He wasn't expecting you to not be cowering in fear, you guessed. He was at a loss of words, he really wasn't expecting your kindness. You snorted a bit, your smile becoming more genuine than forced. Maybe this non-forced kindness might be a good thing.
Even after his little taken aback expression, he carried conversation with you well enough to get your name. He came back, every time earlier than the last. To the point almost everyday he was in your store, talking to you. He eventually told you who he was, you were open minded about it. Just like your significant other always said:
‘Everyone has a good side even if it is mixed with the bad.’
So you stuck with that, and eventually, you started seeing his small acts of kindness. Under that smirk was a man looking for someone to share his life with. You were ecstatic to tell your lover of how you’ve made a friend with a bad-person-who-might-still-have-a-chance-to-be-good but you couldn’t. Because when you came back they were fucking dead.
Oh how naive you were, thinking those visits and those conversations were just harmless interactions. You were feeding an insatiable hunger for love by a lonely rat faced man .
You ran a finger across the gold, slowly as if your touch would retract the harm that has already been done. They were so good to you, always the best for you despite you trying to push them away. They were always waiting with open arms, and you ran into them, you embraced them. Easily you fell for them, their kindness and eagerness to help clashed with yours. You took them for granted, they were taken from you, all because of-
“ The one and only! ”
A deep, sultry voice chirped from the darkness as it emerged to the light illuminating the room. His heels softly  jingling and clicking onto the floor. His figure came into view, his poncho opening as his hands raised as he slowly bent down, crossing his foot over the other.
He was … bowing?
What in epithet’s name gave him any sense to do something like that? And peek his head up with a smile like he didn’t just murder the love of your life?! You clenched your fist, your aggression showing as your nails dug into your palm.
“ I’m guessin’ ya saw my present?---- ” His eyes motion to the body of your most likely deceased lover. You glare at him, parting your lips to speak only to say nothing as you were cut off as if he never paused in the first place.
“ ---Did ya read the letter, doll? ” His voice sounded like he was holding in excitement, as if this was normal to him. As if seeing the dead body of your lover was equivalent to being given a puppy for Valentine's Day. You never broke eye contact to grab the letter, so your hand scrambled to find it. When it did come in contact with paper, you snatched it up and opened it and pulled a folded note from the pocket. Your eyes skimmed the paper before sternly returning to him. He didn’t seem too pleased with this as his smirk faltered. He huffed, arms up in defeat, rolling them as he turned around.
“ Will ya read it now? ” He snorted, you finally tore your eyes off him to really read the letter.
God, did you regret that decision.
Before you could even read the first word, Ramsey was already sitting behind you, legs crossed with you in his lap. His whip on his thigh as a subtle reminder that you shouldn’t dare try anything. You immediately thrashed and kicked, trying to shove this monster off you. You didn't notice you were crying again until you opened your eyes, met with a bare chest. Soothing backrubs as a soft hum rumbled the chest you were leaning on. You almost succumbed to the comfort. Up until you noticed it was that that fucking monster cuddling you like he never did what he did. Like he didn't take the love of your life away from you and everyone else in their life.
You shoved away from him wanting nothing more than for him to leave you be. Let you at least recover from this ache in your heart. Since this caught him off guard, you sprinted out the door. Running and running while turning back to see if he was following you.
You darted towards a populated area so it was harder to find you. Bumping into others and yelling out your apologies to them as you dashed passed them. You saw your store and bolted for it, gripping the handle and yanking it in hope it would open to no avail. You pat yourself for your keys and fumble to get them out your pocket. Shaking from the fear and adrenaline of getting caught from him.
You quickly shut the door and lock it behind you, a soft jangle hitting the floor once you were darting for the counter and ducking behind there. You silently scrambled for a weapon, finding a wrench. You let in air that you didn't know you never inhaled. Your chest rising falling as you panicked, what if he found you? Fuck that, what was he going to do to you if he did?
Deciding it would be best to stop your overthinking before it gets you caught and you’ll have to live that nightmare, you try to distract yourself. Yet before that even is a possibility, you heard soft humming coming from outside your store. You cautiously peek over the counter, before you, outside your store doors people were encased in gold. All frozen in place, all staring at.. You?
Before you even had time to process what had been done somet--rather-- someone, fell from above. They were kneeling, their hum filled the place as they rose to their feet. That’s when the hopelessness set in, when your eyes met a signature gold eye. A frown etched on his features as he stalked towards your shop.
“ STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING MURDERER! ” You yell, vice grip on the wrench in your hand. Your eyes locked with the male who didn't say a word as each jingled step caused the ground beneath his sole to turn to gold. You were shaking, the only relief from the tension you got was when he grunted as he tried to open the unlocked door. He tried again, his gloved fist banged onto the glass as gold spread quickly. He removed his hand from the now golden surface, as he took in a few breaths. You must have been too scared before but under his hat his usually combed down hair was disheveled. As his breathing turned more rigid, he took his face into his palms and let out a yell.
“ FUCK! ”
He screamed, kicking and stomping down on golden pedestrians. You felt slight empathy for the man as he had his rage but it was short lived before he turned back towards you. This time you saw it in his eyes, the pain, the hurt, the madness and the.. love in his deadly gaze. He spit onto the ground, turning whatever the spit hit into gold. He squinted, walking back towards the store. Instinctively you raised your arm ready to either throw or clobber him with it. You thought he’d get more mad, but he wasn't even fazed. You hesitantly followed his gaze, seeing it lead to a door in the backroom.
“ Don’t you fucking dare.” You warned when he stared back with his intimidating eye contact, but before you could move, he was already gone and out of your view. You run to the backroom, pressing your body to the door to try and add weight to the door. You patted yourself for your keys, only to feel your heart drop when you remember in your hurried scramble you dropped the keys near the door of the shop.
While you were distracted, the door swung open and you were just lucky enough to get out the way just in time. You scramble to your feet but before you could even move, something wrapped around your waist tightly and painfully as you tried to fight against it. You were yanked into the embrace of a desperate, love rat named Ramsey Murdoch.
“Oh, sweetpea, you scared me so much.. I thought I'd never get you back in my arms!” He exclaimed, nuzzling into your shaken form.
“ If you even conjure another disgusting thought of leaving me, ” He started, his voice becoming flat as a soft growled accompanied the words.
“ I’ll take your pretty lil’ legs for so long you’ll forget how to walk. ” His grip was suffocating, and his tone was serious. You wanted to fight and shove him off but this dread you felt overwhelmed any fighting sense you had. He nuzzled into your hair, silently smelling your locks as your shoulders dropped. You’d succumb for now. Make him feel like his sick fantasy was real. You felt a finger guide your head up, your eyes locking with his gaze again.  His smug grin and half lidded eyes may not have looked like much to others, but to you? That eye, it had a different sort of love for you. One you were not prepared for.
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mistxmood · 4 years
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pov a man after your head walks up to you and asks you for your opinion on his new look
Epithet: Switched by @spliinkles​!
(A bonus/more crude addition below cut!)
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vynicaledeactivated · 5 years
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drew ramsey for @spliinkles epithet erased swap au because shes my best friend and i realised i havent drawn anything for it- please enjoy skwye
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indigoidiot · 5 years
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@spliinkles I love your cowboy rat in a hat so so so much please take this because i couldn’t stop thinkin about he until I drew him...
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spliinkles · 5 years
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IT'S DONE!! My Swap!au version of that cool ass poster that @jelloapocalypse released!!
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