patrickxpearson · 1 year
@romanatticusbeckett​ || continues from here ( X )
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It was his namesake’s day and while Patrick liked to keep a slightly low profile when it came to parties and other events that the Haus threw their way – there was something about this particular one that made him want to be more adventurous. Maybe it was the alcohol that was flowing or something deeper that seemed to click inside his brain. Whatever the reason – Patrick went along with the theme of the party. Give away coins to get something in return. What better way to keep people interested than to give them small previews of what he could do? He wouldn’t willingly kiss everyone because he could. But the gold coins did provide the right excuse for him to do what he did best. A smile lingered on his lips as the other man approached them and Patrick made absolutely sure to kiss him back with everything he had. Always slow for he was not in a rush. The sort of lingering kiss that makes the skin tingle in all the right ways as Patrick gently sucked the other’s tongue into his mouth. “Thank ye’, darlin’.” The personal trained chuckled as he brushed his nose against Roman’s, giving him a quick wink. “Yer’ a great kisser.”
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nathanxcline · 1 year
closed started for @romanatticusbeckett location: sapphire strip club
It had been a solid month since he'd met Roman when he came into the spa for a massage. Since then, the dancer had caught so much of his attention that it was difficult not to think about him daily. And who could blame him? Roman was gorgeous, funny, and complimented him pretty much ever single time they spoke. The only problem was their conflicting schedules and the fact they never seemed to be able to catch more than a moment together. No more. Nathan was determined to get his time with Roman, no matter what it took. That's why he decided to go to Sapphire tonight with every intention of stealing some time in whatever way he possibly could.
When he arrived, he scanned the room, looking for that familiar face. Catching sight of Roman, his face wasn't exactly the first thing he noticed. Fuck he was sexy. And, thankfully, he wasn't in anyone's lap at the moment. Knowing that could change at the drop of a bill, Nathan pushed his way through the crowd to where Roman was dancing. He watched for a moment, just wanting to see him in action. Nathan likely would have been happy just standing there, watching him work. But he had something else in mind. Once the other turned his way, he waved to get his attention and beckoned him over. What he was going to suggest was, in some ways, totally insane. He wouldn't be surprised if Roman didn't go for it even a little bit. That didn't stop him from wanting to try.
With Roman in talking distance, he smiled. "Hey, beautiful. I've got a proposition for you."
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dominicraven · 1 year
@romanatticusbeckett​ - continued from here
Dominic let out a loud bark of laughter as he shook his head. “Absolutely not. I may be old but I am not predictable. Just call me Dominic or whatever variation ya like.” Cheeky kid. No doubt but at least it gave him a good laugh. “I do have a feeling, though, you won’t be the last one to say that to me.” He half expected it since the island was the place to let your kinks run wild and it was refreshing to be amongst a more honest crowd. “But now I have to ask. That one of your kinks?”
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elianxnavarro · 1 year
closed starter for @romanatticusbeckett
Elian hadn't been told much more than the fact that there had been an accident with one of the dancers at the Sapphire Strip Club. That's all he really needed to know before grabbing his bag and heading out. There weren't many serious injuries to deal with here on the island. It was very quiet compared to the ER back home. He still couldn't figure out which he preferred, though the Haus certainly had its perks. But it was times like this that really got his blood pumping, when he was truly needed, even if it wasn't a true emergency. He could never get past how much he loved this line of work.
After arriving, he was led back to a private room where they'd put the dancer in question on a very comfortable looking couch to wait for him. At first glance, he didn't look terribly injured, but Elian knew that looks could be deceiving. "Hello. I'm Dr. Navarro." He introduced himself, setting his bag down and then kneeling next to the couch to get on the other's level. "Can you tell me what happened?" While he asked, he had his eyes on the boy's face, checking for any clear signs of a concussion.
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nevadaxsaunders · 1 year
Hey daddy, wanna take my coin and then fuck me on the bar in front of everyone? 😉
💖 Roman
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He was fucked. It was hearing Roman call him daddy that had Nevada's cock already straining against the fabric of his jeans. Instead of reaching out to take the coin from the dancer, he wrapped his hand around his jaw as he pulled him forward to smash their lips together to kiss him hungrily as he growled playfully. The kiss didn't last long as he suddenly turned Roman around, pressing him up against the bar. His hand now wrapped around his throat, pulling Ro back into him as his lips feather over the back of his ear. "You think your ass knows the shape of my cock, by now?" He muttered, pressing against Roman's ass. "If I fuck you here are you going to scream my name like a good little slut."
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aslanxkilic · 1 year
@romanatticusbeckett continued from here
Aslan was lost in the boy's movements for a moment, watching the way he danced with such passion and ease. It was magical... until the other caught sight of him. Roman's scream jarred Aslan from his daydream and made him stand up straight from the door. His cheeks heated fast and he was probably blushing, though he'd never actually seen himself blush before. Thank god he'd been working out and was already warm or he might have actually flushed from head to toe. "I'm so sorry." Aslan apologized immediately, feeling terrible for scaring him so badly. He shouldn't have just been watching him like some creep. Of course it freaked him out.
"No, nothing like that." Aslan rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, I heard it, and I was just curious. I didn't think anyone else was here this late. I didn't mean to... be a total creep." Roman didn't seem too worried about him watching, more so that he had disturbed Aslan, which wasn't the case at all. He was sweet for caring at all. "I won't tell anyone, promise." Aslan chuckled and moved another step into the room. This felt extremely awkward but no point in backing out now. "I was just getting my workout in, I didn't mean to disturb you... but that was really something." It was difficult to compliment him when he couldn't put into words how he felt watching him move. So, instead, he switched gears. "I'm Aslan."
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stevenxblackwell · 1 year
@romanatticusbeckett​ || continues from here ( X )
Why limit himself to quaint little requests like kisses? That was child’s play – and he would never kiss someone who didn’t deserve it. For Steven Blackwell, kisses were a manifestation of power and influence. They were to be earned. Deserved. He was a motherfucking Blackwell and he wouldn’t go around kissing sheep just because they had gold coins to spare and knew how to bat their eyelashes. With him, a kiss would need to be deserved. Impress him enough to have his tongue down someone’s throat and his hand on their cheek. So why ask for something he wasn’t going to give willingly… when he could ask for something far more interesting? Like a fucking lapdance? Now that… that was fun. Would a gold coin suffice? Probably yes. The guys around the island would never lose a chance to show off and receiving a gold coin for it was just the incentive they needed to show off their goods and make themselves a lot more desirable in the eyes of others. Steven didn’t even complain as he was pushed back onto a chair. His gaze was on the other man. On the seductive movements performed, designed to enrapture someone’s attention. The Blackwell rested his chin against the back of his right hand, his gaze locked on the other man’s pelvic movements. He was selling it well and the Blackwell had to admit that he was somewhat entertained. And once the pants were out of the way and those skimpy green swim shorts were shown, he knew he had made the right decision. Perfectly round ass, the sort that deserved a nice, proper spanking just to feel the vibration spreading all over his fingertips. A well-spent gold coin. And the Blackwell wouldn’t just throw pointless praise for the sake of conserving someone’s ego. To hell with that shit.
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“Not bad.” His hand captured Roman’s wrist and without a damn care in the fucking world, Steven pulled the other man to his lap, making absolutely sure that Roman was sitting on his crotch while he wrapped one arm in a possessive grip around his waist. “You have done this before.” It was a statement. He had been to enough strip clubs in his life – plus being the former owner – to recognize a professional when he saw it. “I believe you deserve something.” Like a snake coiling to wrap itself around its prey, Steven took a rather possessive hold on Roman’s crotch, massaging the other man’s member over the fabric of his shorts. “If you like a show…” Blue eyes turned to the other occupants of the bar. “I’ll make you the centerpiece of one. Just say yes…”
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emmethills · 1 year
For @romanatticusbeckett Continued from here Cutie... Emmet hung onto that choice of word. He really shouldn't expect anything else from Roman by now. Not that they knew each other well, but it was obviously something Roman would say. His outgoing personality and openness was... infectious. He was just the type of person you wanted to be around. Hence why Emmet had texted him that invite.
He had said thirty minutes, but the client was at the bar ten minutes early. Getting a shot to loosen up and then finding a table for them with a drink in hand. Thankfully it didn't take long before that peacock of a man showed up. "Hey, Roman." Emmet stood to greet him, offering a smile with less nerves showing than usual. "I'm glad you wanted to come. Come sit, drinks on me."
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oscarribeiro · 1 year
Hi, cutie. Coin for a snog? 😘
💖 Roman
A snog. That was one he hadn't heard before, it was cute. Especially with the twinks lovely accent. But it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the other was after, he knew. "Sure thing, doll." He replied, pulling Roman towards him and pressing their lips together.
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xrhettmatthews · 1 year
Hello my love, coin for a cheeky snog? Bonus points if it’s romcom level dramatic. 😁
💖 Roman
"Oh, Roman, my love, don't you know? I've always wanted to be a leading man in a romantic comedy." Rhett batted his eyelashes dramatically for a moment before he pulled the scarf off from around his neck and hooked it around Roman's neck, pulling himself closer to the fellow Brit. Rhett's eyes searched the others for a moment, smiling softly. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against Roman's, wasting no time in deepening the kiss with a pleased hum.
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julianxharris · 1 year
Closed starter for: @romanatticusbeckett Location: Sunset Beach Bar
Would Roman think it was weird Julian had bid on him? It was a whole weekend together after all, and the two hadn't exactly met before. Julian had seen the young man saunter around the island for.. a week? Maybe more? And the boy was handsome and seemed outspoken. Perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea to get to know him this way.
The client had requested for the staffer to meet him at the bar for a few drinks first. He had plans laid for them for the evening, depending on how their initial meeting went. They could also scrap them all together, should things go in a different direction. Either way, Julian figured a drink or two to start, could loosen the both up a bit. He was already halfway through a whiskey, when his company for the evening showed up. How could one not notice such a beautiful young man entering the room? Or, the bar at that. Standing, Julian approached Roman, a polite smile creeping onto his lips. "Hi, Roman, is it? I believe you're... with me for weekend. I'm Julian."
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eistrada · 1 year
@romanatticusbeckett: Roman smiled wide, batting his lashes at the older male as his cheeks flushed. The dancer was interested, most definitely. "How about we start with one, and see where the mood takes us?" Ro's bright green eyes scaled the man in front of him. "Where would you like to taste first, honey?"
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oliver wasn't one to bear his desire out loud; and, when he did, it was blushingly and with an (hopefully endearingly) awkwardness in his tone, besides an intense choice of words. "that... sounds like a plan, yeah..." there's a thankful smile, but he's unsure if he should go for it. after a moment of contemplation (and of interior worship of those emerald eyes), he takes the younger hands in his, and brings it to his lips. two small pecks and one fuller kiss, taking in the soft kiss and the sweet scent. another kiss, and his voice is deep when he whispers out. "yeah, that's the first."
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nathanxcline · 1 year
How about a coin in exchange for kissing me anywhere you want on my body for five minutes straight? 😉
💖 Roman
Nathan got chills at the sound of his voice. Roman was one of the sexiest people he'd ever met, and he didn't disappoint with his outfit tonight. Taking him in first with his eyes, Nathan soon had his hands on the other boy's waist, pulling him close. "So, what I'm hearing is that you want me to worship your gorgeous body." He smirked, leaning down to press a kiss to his neck, lowering his voice. "I can cover a lot of ground in five minutes."
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dominicraven · 1 year
Hello darling, token for some company while I rest my feet in the seat next to you? 😘
💖 Roman
"If the pleasure of my company is all it takes to make sure my glass will not run dry, sure, kid. Take a seat." He raised his glass to the other man which was filled with some glittery green liquid. Not his first choice of drink but the bartender insisted on following the theme of the event and it actually went down quite smoothly.
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damianbyrd · 1 year
@romanatticusbeckett​​ contuined from here 
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There’s a little brush of his tongue over Damian’s lower lip as the other showed zero shame about his little show earlier- and there was something utterly attractive about that to Damian. Maybe it was just because he had a thing for sluts and debauchery, but still, that confidence did send a shiver down his spine. His head tilted back against the seat as the other moved to tease that crotch in front of his face, Damian’s smirk never leaving his lips as he enjoyed those rolling hips even as his eyes flicked up to the other at those words. 
“It certainly sounded like it.”  Which might have betrayed that Damian had been rather captivated by the sight when he’d seen it. His breath danced closed to Roman’s crotch as he clicked his tongue at that next question, a hand moving up to tease along the others thigh as he answered. “Oh I could have watched you getting fucked for hours, pretty boy.  Watching a pretty thing like you being used- it was fucking hot. You have the prettiest moans..”  He complimented, even as he enjoyed this little show the other was putting on. 
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zionsakuri · 1 year
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