#romanogers romanogers fanfic natsha romanoff steve rogers natashaxsteve
nohhh · 7 years
Classified Mission: Eastern Europe. Romanogers fanfic
Chapter 1
 “You’re up early.” Natasha said as Steve came into the main kitchen for breakfast. “Couldn’t sleep” He replied “How do you always get up this early?” Natasha looked up from the frying pan “In the Red Room we got about three hours sleep each night, we used to whisper across the room to each other wondering who would die next.” Steve raised his eyebrows in concern “Old habits are hard to break?” Steve had the same thoughts when he was in the army. They sat in silence for a few minutes as Natasha served up a fried egg and pancake. The silence was always companionable, there was never an awkward silence between them.
“Where do you think they will send us this time?” Steve spoke first.
“Couldn’t be much worse than Afghanistan.” Natasha offered
Steve grinned “Remember the time we were sent to Hong Kong to stop the multi-million dollar drug smuggling and I couldn’t figure out how to use the phones we were given.”
Natasha laughed “I had to give you a crash course on how to use it.”
“The time I forgot to put the phone on silent-“
“And blew our cover.”
“Thank God it wasn’t on full volume.”
“The security guards still heard it.”
“At least they didn’t go straight onto the coms.”
They laughed. A screen came in on the breakfast counter, Maria Hill looked at them through a camera inset on the screen, courtesy of Stark tech. Natasha and Steve straightened.
“I am sure you have been awaiting a mission for a while now, agent Romanoff and captain Rogers and you have one. Be at SHIELD headquarters in one hour.” And she was gone.
“We’ll leave in half an hour.” Steve said, “I’ll wash up, you use the bathroom first”
Natasha nodded, walking to the door of the kitchen.
“Give me ten minutes” Steve grabbed the plates and washed them quickly leaving them drip-dry on the draining board. He walked quickly into the garage to make sure the motorcycles had enough fuel and by the time he came back Natasha was in the kitchen dressed in a black leather jacket and leggings. She nodded at Steve “Eight and a half minutes” Steve laughed. “Give me seven then.” He went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror, he shaved two days ago so that was fine and he had gotten a haircut last week, he brushed his teeth and tugged a comb through his hair. He went into his bedroom and opened the wardrobe, he pulled out his brown leather jacket and a pair of denim jeans and put them on, he also had a white t-shirt. He then went back to the kitchen where Natasha had put away the dishes and brushed the floor “Eight minutes, Rogers” She said facing him. “I’ll speed up in future.” He smiled. “Come on then, I checked the traffic, we would want to be going.”
They raced each other to the garage where two motorcycles were kept for their use.
“I win!” Natasha said gleefully
“I’ll give you that one.” Steve said grinning back at her.
Green and blue eyes widened at the alarm sound.
“Did we trip something by accident?” Steve whispered to Natasha as she grabbed a knife from a worktable.
“We shouldn’t have.” She whispered back “Go around the side, I’ll go through the house. Rendezvous in the kitchen.”
Steve nodded, carefully opening the garage door and slipping outside after Natasha handing him another knife.
Natasha stealthily walked into the main foyer where the coast was clear, she whispered into her com “All clear in the foyer”
“Same here” came the reply
A massive bang came from the spare bedroom.
“The safe” Natasha groaned, “Steve, get to the spare bedroom.”
“30 seconds”
Natasha made her way carefully to the door of the bedroom. She could hear two voices inside.
“If we bring this back to boss, we’re set for life.”
Natasha made a mental checklist of all items stored in the safe, passports, coms, SHIELD papers. Nothing of real value, unless you were forging an identity.
A heavy breath sounded in Natasha’s ear and she turned to see Steve sweating behind her. “I’m going in, you stay here for backup.” Natasha stage-whispered. Steve nodded.
Natasha opened the door silently and saw the robbers in full light, they were wearing black caps, jumpers, track-suit pants’ and boots. They looked like they were carrying weapons. She looked back at Steve and held up a finger, 1 minute.
Natasha crept up silently behind the larger of the pair and kicked him in the back of the knee, while her fist connected in a hook to his side. The man grunted in pain and fell to the floor where Natasha got him in a choke lock, using the man as a platform for gathering momentum to kick the other guy in the face, he dropped a round object that Natasha realized was a grenade. Steve, apparently had noticed a second before her and had it covered with his shield, an explosion sounded inside the shield, echoed by the space confinement. Within the two seconds Steve had covered the blast Natasha had disabled the two men and pinned them to the ground. They were unconscious, for the moment being. Steve flipped them onto their backs to reveal their faces.
Natasha gasped.
“What is it?” Steve’s concerned voice asked
“They, they were from Moscow, when I was in the Red Room they would be outside every morning with Madame B. They’re meant to be dead, in an explosion.”
“Wow, I bet Nick Fury would enjoy this. We’ll take the car. Put them into the back.”
Natasha nodded in reply.
Ten minutes later they were waiting at a roundabout when one of the men came to. Steve was driving and Natasha was keeping an eye on them through the mirror.
“What are we doing here?” A thick, brutish voice asked. Natasha hit him in the head. Steve raised his eyebrows. Natasha shrugged “Cognitive Recalibration.”
Steve laughed
Chapter 2 is finally here! A link to this chapter will be available in the second chapter
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