#romantic half up wedding hairstyles
royal-confessions · 3 months
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“Princess Madeleine's wedding look was not my favorite but her dress is. Yeah, the sleeves were falling off, but aside from that the dress was so beautiful and romantic. I wish she'd gone with different hairstyle and tiara and veil tho, those ruined the whole look for me. I think the Laurel Leaf tiara on a half up-half down hair would have looked better, or she could have opted out of wearing a tiara and gone for a mantilla veil instead to drive home the romantic feel of the dress.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
"It Now Belongs To You" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 2/10: "Sailing Lessons" Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: T Word Count: (2.2K/10.6K) Summary: When Emma and Killian receive a pair of magic beans as a wedding gift, they take a voyage on the Jolly Roger for their honeymoon- but a wrench is thrown into their romantic getaway when they run into a notorious pirate who's staked a claim on the Jolly Roger. Chapter Summary: Now that their voyage on The Jolly Roger is beginning, Emma decides it's time to dress the part- and Killian is awestruck as ever. He then teaches her how to steer The Jolly Roger and they share some sweet moments together. Tags: post-canon, canon compliant, fluff, no smut, suggestive themes, alcohol, gambling, self indulgent fluff with a sprinkling of angst Author's notes: I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as you loved the last one! Cheers!
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Also on Ao3!
Emma took a final glance in the mirror in the captain's quarters. How long Killian had been holding onto a piratesque outfit that was conveniently a perfect fit for her was beyond her understanding, but she cut quite the figure in it. The shirt was white, cut low, and it paired with a flowing black skirt with a side slit cut almost too high. There's nothing too incredibly piratey about that, but when matched with a jeweled belt, a few jeweled bracelets, and mismatched earrings- as well as a hairstyle that Emma felt fell somewhere between Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann- the overall effect was, well, rather piratesque.
 As soon as David had heard about Hook and Emma's plan to visit the Enchanted Forest, he'd made sure Emma was well equipped with the finest sword- who knew her dad's overprotective nature could be so cool sometimes?- and she slid the sword into the sheath in her belt, completing the whole ensemble.
 She walked down the ship's hallway to the top deck, stepping through the hatch into the sunlight. Once she was topside, she made her way up the stairs to the top deck, where her husband stood at the wheel.
 Traditionally in this realm, he'd wear his captain's jacket, but apparently the day was warm enough that he felt the need to forego it, wearing instead simply his his leather pants and a black button down shirt- half the buttons unbuttoned, of course, but Emma didn't expect anything less from him.
 She was a bit taken aback at how at peace he looked, falling in love even more with him just simply seeing him in his element, at home at the helm. How she’d managed to land the hottest pirate in all the realms was still a mystery to her, but she counted herself fortunate to have done so.
 His tranquil moment was interrupted by her presence, but in the way chocolate chips interrupt a batch of cookies, or the way the bloopers interrupt the end credits- like that moment was merely a vessel for her arrival. He turned to her with a dazzling smile, but when he saw her it fell into an awestruck one, eyes widening, jaw dropping.
 He looked at her like he'd been looking for her all of his life- and wasn't about to lose her, like she was a typhoon and he was ready to be devastated, like she was his light and world.
 Emma blushed a little as she realized that he was looking at her, looking at her again like she was everything he ever wanted, ever needed. She glanced down at her shoes, wondering what Killian thought of her new look- but she quickly realized she didn't need to read his mind to know she had him wrapped around her little finger right now- and she may as well have a little fun with it.
 She walked up to him and placed her hand and chin on his shoulders, whispering in his ear even though they were the only ones around.
 "Smooth sailing today, captain?" She asked.
 His eyes were still glued to her, and he blinked a few times and nodded in response, then swallowed the lump in his throat.
 "Aye, love," he said, breathlessly, and stepped back so he could see her whole form better, "Gosh, Swan."
 "Something catch your eye, captain?" She smiled a little and winked.
 He shook his head, smile so wide and breath so heavy a laugh followed it.
 "I wish, I, I don't have the words- not the ones you deserve. Any attempt I could make to convey your beauty to you with my feeble words would be an insult, a cheap apparation reflected against rough waters." He took a step back closer to her, and touched her chin, lifting her head, almost as though he was unsure she was real.
 Emma didn't know how to respond to that besides blushing and placing her hand on his wrist, her other hand on his face.
 "I love you." He said, "I love you. I love you. I love you. No matter how many times I say it, it still doesn't feel like enough."
 "I know what you mean." Emma smiled, "I love you too, Killian. I love you more than words can say."
 He smiled, blushing a little. "Maybe… maybe we could use our lips for more than just words then?"
 "I'd like that."
 "Oh, thank heavens." He smiled, "I couldn't bear another second."
 His response was rushed, as he wasn't usually a man of few words, but his passion seemed to overtake him, and he threw his arms around her as his lips met hers. He held her tightly, her hands on his chest, his hand and hook chasing each other across her back and her side.
 She slid her hands down his shirt, then under his shirt, and up his back, tracing patterns in his skin like ancient runes.
 "Oh," he breathed down her throat "oh, oh, yes, love."
 "Your shirt would be off by now if we were below deck." Emma teased.
 "Then what are we doing up here?" He asked, and she squealed a little as he picked her up.
 "Shouldn't someone be at the wheel?" Emma asked, draping one of her arms around his neck, "You ordered the men to stay below decks so we can have the topside to ourselves."
 "I can call them back up here." Killian said, and he began kissing her again, still holding her in his arms.
 "There'll be plenty of time for that tonight." Emma pulled back. "I'd still like lessons in steering your ship before we next make port."
 "As you wish." He sighed and rolled his eyes as he set her down gently in front of the wheel.
 "Now," and he turned her around, taking her hands in his hand and hook, and placing them on the pegs of the wheel, guiding her arms with his, "steering a ship isn't much different from driving a car- turn the wheel portside, go portside, turn it starboardside," and he shifted the wheel in their arms a little, "go starboardside."
 "Sounds simple enough"
 "The difference between this vessel and your yellow bug though is that, while the dangers of a car involve speed, the danger of a ship comes in its size, making it hard to maneuver. You need to think a few steps ahead, and watch the horizon."
 "Got it." Emma nodded.
 "And you also have to make sure you don't get off course." He took his hand off the wheel a second to gesture with it, then placed it on Emma's hand. "We're heading due north, but if we veer from our course half a hook breadth, we could find ourselves miles off course in half an hour."
 Emma looked down at the compass on the "dashboard." (Killian had never told her what that part of the ship was called, but since the steering wheel was mounted onto it, it only made sense to refer to it as such to herself.)
 "Looks like we're a little off course."
 "Aye, love." Killian said. "You catch on quick."
 "I've got a good teacher."
 They turned the wheel together and set themselves back on course.
 "Think you're ready to steer it on your own?" Killian asked.
 "Yeah." Emma said, "I think I got it."
 He took his hands off hers and placed his right hand on her shoulder, his thumb resting on her collarbone, on the bare skin her wide-cut shirt revealed. His hook rested on her side.
 "This is nice." Emma said. "Almost soothing."
 "Aye." Killian smiled. "I've spent many a year staring out at these very seas, across the deck of this very ship, hoping the waters could smooth and erode the rough edges of a hole in my heart I thought could only be filled with revenge." He chuckled a little. "But it turns out all I needed was love- for someone to see the darkness I reveled in and encourage me to pull myself back into the light."
 "That's what I needed too." Emma said. "I had a hole in my heart- lost love, and parents, and friends- and I chose to fill it by blocking it off and pretending it wasn't there. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't've stayed in Storybrooke."
 "Neither would I without you." He said. "I may have helped you realize you had a home, but you, you gave me a home. Thank you."
 "You're welcome."
 She felt his lips on the top of her head, then his hand gently massaging her shoulder.
 "That's good." She nodded and smiled and bit her lip.
 "Manning the helm can often leave one sore." He said, "Especially for those less experienced. A good shoulder rub can help. I only wish…"
 She thought she felt his hook leave her side and turned down to see if it had, then followed it with her eyes to where he looked down at it in shame.
 "Killian," she said, taking her hands off the wheel and placing them on his hook, "I love you just as you are. You know that, right?"
 "Be honest. Would you love me more…"
 "Hook." She said. "That's the only name I knew you by for so long, and before I met you, Captain Hook was some cartoon fool, some guy always getting chased around by a crocodile or something- but you, you're a hero, my hero."
 She pulled his arm closer, placing his hook over her heart. "Now, when I hear the word 'hook,' I think of a man who sacrifices, who fights for those he loves, who's not gonna back down in the face of any fear. This hook is a reminder that you loved someone so passionately you were willing to sacrifice for them- that no matter what, deep down, you're always the man I fell in love with, the one who fights for true love.
 "So, no." Emma said, holding his hook as naturally as though it were his hand, "I wouldn't love you more if you had a second hand- I can't love you any more than I already do- I love you, hook and all," and she brought his hook to her lips and kissed it as a knight might when meeting a fair maiden, "and don't you forget it."
 He pulled her hands to his lips with his hook and nodded, then kissed both her hands. He then swung his arm over her head and she followed it, now facing the wheel again.
 Emma turned the wheel again, as they'd strayed a hair off course, and Hook placed his hand on her shoulder again, this time a little closer to her neck, more of his fingers on her bare skin.
 And as Emma stood there, dressed as a pirate at the helm of a ship, her hot pirate husband rubbing her shoulder, nothing around but them and open sea, she thought to herself that nothing, nothing, could be more perfect than that quiet moment together- and then she realized she was wrong, because the moment somehow became even more perfect, because, ever so softly, but sweetly, and deeply, Killian began singing.
 It wasn't a song Emma knew, and it didn't sound like any shanty she was familiar with, melody like a lullaby and lyrics like a lovesong- but she ignored the "forest," the words he sang, for the "trees," for how the notes dripped from his lips, like crashing waves against the beach, like her own personal symphony.
 She sighed and leaned back a little, resting her head on his chest and smiling at up at him. His hook brushed her hair out of her face so he could see her more clearly, and his hand trickled across her shoulder, then down her side, then around her waist, resting on her other side, thumb stroking her waist slowly, with the tempo of his song. He wrapped his left arm around her as well, arms crossed near her heart- much like how a pirate buries treasure under an "X," Emma found herself buried under his embrace.
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
Wayne Girls AU, that was Bruce with Rachel and Janis. Especially Rachel.
Grown man had to hype himself up when it was time to lay down the law. Couldn’t stand to have any of them be upset with him. Alfred had to stand guard to make sure he didn’t go back on any of his groundings.
Diana getting a crash course in Girl Dad™️ when Batman had to lecture Robin. The man was close to sobbing into his hands after Robin ran out of the room crying “You’re breaking my heart, Daddy.”
Diana: You’re the parent, is it not normal to discipline one’s child?
Bruce: You don’t understand, she’s mad at me. She won’t want to talk to me now.
Diana: I see, so men are the weaker parent.
Bruce taking Cosmetology classes when he first gets Rachel to make sure that he’s able to do her hair. Brucie Wayne might be a ditzy himbo but his little girls are gonna be rocking the cutest hairstyle anytime they leave the house. Braids, updos, ponytails, bows, clips and ribbons he has it all mastered.
Bruce buying those child alarms that are popular in Japan for all of his girls when they first start as Robin as a precaution. They all get a case of bedazzled pepper spray for a gift at least once.
Bruce having a slight fear of when the girls decide to band together for a common goal that’s not for the greater good. Either he’s gonna get played, someone will have their self esteem destroyed, half a city will be on fire, someone will get robbed, and/or all of the above.
Bruce joking that Carter is his favorite cause he finally has a bro to talk to in the house. But really it’s cause Carter won’t roast him as maniacally when he does or wears something corny.
While all the Robins are quick witted and can talk smack, Janis was the most vicious one. She never lets anyone get the first or final word, any kind of fight she made sure to win, always making sure no one saw any weakness. She was a literature/theater nerd she had a talent with prose and word play.
Though it was never directed at anyone she viewed as defenseless or vulnerable. She tried to be the symbol of strength and protection that Robin was to her.
Tabitha being the best liar of the whole family, cause that’s just how kids with strict parents grow up to be. Can and has gotten away with lying to Superman. Could probably get away with murder but won’t cause then she’ll let Rachel down. Struggles with living up to the image of being a “Good Girl” and her actual thoughts, wants, and needs. Janis jokes that Beth’s anxiety and people pleasing issues are the only things keeping her from taking over the world.
Rachel having conflicted feelings of being settling down and having a family. Not wanting to be tied down so soon but being worried she’ll miss her window. Unsure if she’ll be willing for perform any more emotional labor for more people especially since some days it seems like her sibling will always need her on speed dial. Flip flopping between adopting or wanting to experience pregnancy.
Dami growing up with love advice that basically sums up to “Communication is key” and “Dump him” but each sister was a different interpretation for each situation that she might as well just flip a coin. Janis, a true Jane Austen die hard, maintaining that romantic outlook for her Mister Darcy but is sadly less self reflective than Lizzie.
Alfred being worried that none of the girls will have a traditional wedding but still having a dream wedding journal for each one if the time ever came. He’d be a terrifying drill master to make sure the day went perfectly but it’s all with good intentions.
Bruce having no conscious desire for grandkids cause his babies should stay his babies. But once he gets that first grand baby it’s like he fell in love all over again. All his grandkids are his best friends and he’s their “Grand B/Paw Paw/Grandaddy.”
Sorry I've had this saved in my ask forever bc I keep rereading it because it's always so much Fun when someone engages with your dumb, indulgent AU.
Bruce is, at the same time, both a stricter but also more permissive parent with the girls. You're So Right that he hates when they're mad at him and dotes a bit more on them than he did with the boys. But at the same time he is bound and determined not to make a big deal of the fact that he has daughters, that they're just as capable as sons. He stood up so much for Rachel when she first started as Robin, justifying her skills and making sure no one thought less of her. For all the fights and struggles the kids have with B over the years, they never forget that he supports them 100% and never treats them as less.
I also love exploring the relationship each of the Robins has with their femininity. Rachel came to the Manor way more girly, she was used to parading around the circus in dresses and with pretty accessories. Growing up the adopted daughter of a wealthy billionaire, not to mention becoming the first young sidekick, not to mention female sidekick, made her dial back to be take seriously. Plus as she grew into a beauty it soon became uncomfortable at times to express herself that way. Janis was a Tomboy and saw it as a weakness which is just another point of contention when Beth comes in as (seemingly) a sweet princess. Beth was raised to be a pretty, thoughtless thing so her combining her rougher, more practical side with the fun frivolities of being feminine is about her claiming herself and not what others want to make of her. By the time Dami comes along, there's a whole spectrum and femininity around and she's able to decide what amount works for her.
Tabitha is the first to marry but Janis is the first to have (ie adopt) kids and Bruce, who was so stoic with his kids, just melts for his grandkids. He loves his daughters so much, respects them but also fears them bc of how capable they are a) as vigilantes and b) at manipulating the hell out of him. Beth will turn on her big sad eyes, Rachel will shyly twirl her hair, Dami will bite her lower lip and he will do Anything. The JLA makes fun of him but they're not much better when the Bats use their evil powers on them.
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ficklewhims · 1 year
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     vanessa morgan   .   cis woman   .   she/her   .      /      that’s   anissa saidi   walking   in   to   mrs. brown’s books   -   you   know   ,   the   thirty-one   year   old   author   known   for   moving to lakeview to take care of her elderly grandfather   ?   having   lived   here   for   nine years   ,   their   neighbors   know   them   to   be   amiable   &   charming   ,   but   their   temperamental   &   jealous   tendencies   shine   through   when   there   are   no   buses   in   the   city   .  / @30extra
NAME: anissa saidi. PRONOUNS: she/her. AGE: thirty-one. BIRTH DATE: june 19th, 1991. BIRTH PLACE: dar es salaam, tanzania. HOMETOWN: peachtree, georgia. CURRENT RESIDENCE: lakeview, louisiana. NATIONALITY: american. ETHNICITY: tanzanian / french. RELIGION: agnostic. OCCUPATION: author. LANGUAGES: (fluent) swahili, (fluent) english, (conversational) french SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic.
FACECLAIM: vanessa morgan. EYE COLOR: dark brown. HAIR COLOR: dark brown. HAIRSTYLE: long, wavy or straight depending on the day HEIGHT: 5 feet, 2 inch. WEIGHT: 132 pounds. TATTOOS: none. PIERCINGS: ears. NOTABLE TRAITS: n/a.
anissa's birth was one for the books. her mother actually had no idea that she was pregnant until she went into labor with her - a very, very uncommon and rare occurrence. both of her parents were under the impression that her mother couldn't have children, especially because they had tried on so many occasions. they were actually on vacation in tanzania, where her mother was from, for their fifth wedding anniversary when her mother went into labor in their hotel room. three hours, an ambulance ride and lots of screaming later, anissa was placed in her mother's arms for the first time.
after they got the legalities of everything in order, anissa's parents brought her back to georgia, where they lived, and settled down in their town of peachtree. anissa lived in peachtree for the majority of her life, and she loved it there.
her parents' marriage fell apart shortly after she was born, and by the time she was two years old, they were divorced. the reasoning? her father had been cheating on her mother for several years and had another secret child behind her back - anissa's half sibling. (will be sending in a wanted connection for that!)
as she grew up, she discovered her love of literature and writing from a very young age. she would join writing competitions and win national competitions for the short stories that she wrote. she eventually went on to attend yale university (on a scholarship; her parents could not afford to send her there on their own) and got her degree in english literature.
after graduating from yale with her degree, she almost immediately moved to lakeview to take care of her grandfather after her grandmother passed away. she always had a close relationship with her grandparents, so she didn't really mind taking care of him in his old age.
unfortunately, her grandfather passed away a year ago and left behind his home to her, which she has pretty much taken over as her own.
her first published work, by some stroke of luck, hit the bestseller's list, and she's had success with her multiple book series' ever since then. she tends to write fiction and fantasy for the most part, something that reaches a wide audience of people. she takes her writing very seriously, and hopes that someday one of her series gets picked up by a network or production company and made into a movie or tv show.
she has a little bit of a temper, something that she gets from her mother. although she tries to rein it in as much as possible, but it can be out of her control sometimes. however when she cools down, she almost always usually apologizes to whoever she blew up on.
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beauty-makeover · 1 year
Hair cutting and styling for girls encompass a wide range of options, from short to long hair, classic to trendy, and everything in between. Here are some popular haircuts and styles for girls to consider:Bob Cut:Classic Bob: A timeless chin-length cut thats versatile and suits various face shapes.Long Bob (Lob): A longer version of the bob, typically ending around the shoulders.Inverted Bob: Shorter at the back and longer in the front, creating a stylish angle.Pixie Cut:Short Pixie: A daring and low-maintenance option with short sides and back.Long Pixie: Slightly longer on top while still maintaining the pixies edgy look.Layered Haircuts:Face-Framing Layers: Soft layers that frame the face, adding movement and dimension.Shaggy Layers: A messy, textured look thats playful and trendy.Bangs:Side-Swept Bangs: A classic choice that adds a touch of elegance to any haircut.Blunt Bangs: Straight-across bangs that make a bold statement.Curtain Bangs: Center-parted bangs that frame the face on either side.Long Hair Styles:Beachy Waves: Effortless, tousled waves that give a relaxed vibe.Straight and Sleek: Smooth, straight hair that looks polished and chic.Braids: Various braiding styles, such as fishtail, French, or Dutch braids, for an intricate look.Ponytail: High or low ponytails can be both practical and stylish.Specialty Styles:Updos: Elegant styles for formal events, like buns, chignons, and twists.Half-Up, Half-Down: A combination of up and down styling, providing the best of both worlds.Space Buns: Two buns on the top of the head, often seen as a playful and youthful choice.Color and Highlights:Balayage: Hand-painted highlights for a natural and sun-kissed effect.Ombre: Gradual color transition from roots to ends.Pastel Hues: Soft, muted colors like lavender, pink, or mint for a whimsical look.Bold Colors: Vibrant shades like blue, purple, or red for a striking appearance.Classic Updos:Elegant Bun: A timeless choice that can be styled into a sleek, high bun or a softer, low bun.Chignon: A sophisticated low bun often adorned with accessories like pins or flowers.French Twist: A twist of hair that creates an elegant and polished updo.Half-Up Half-Down Styles:Curled Half-Updo: Half of the hair is pulled up and secured, while the rest is left down in cascading curls or waves.Braided Half-Updo: Incorporate braids into the half-up style for a romantic and bohemian look.Braided Styles:Crown Braid: A braid that wraps around the crown of the head, creating a beautiful halo effect.Waterfall Braid: A flowing braid that cascades down the back or side of the head.Loose Waves and Curls:Soft Waves: Effortless waves that exude a natural and romantic vibe.Loose Curls: A glamorous option that adds texture and movement to the hair.Vintage-Inspired Styles:Retro Waves: Old Hollywood-inspired waves that are glamorous and sophisticated.Victory Rolls: Vintage rolls and twists that evoke a nostalgic feel.Boho-Chic Styles:Messy Updo: A relaxed and tousled updo with loose strands and a carefree vibe.Flower Crown: Adorn any hairstyle with a floral crown for a whimsical and bohemian touch.Sleek and Modern Styles:Straight and Polished: Straight hair styled with a sleek finish for a modern and chic look.Geometric Updo: Create unique shapes and twists for a contemporary and artistic style.Accessories and Embellishments:Hair Accessories: Enhance your hairstyle with decorative pins, combs, tiaras, or hair vines.Veil Integration: Coordinate your hairstyle with your chosen veil placement and style.Formal Events:Classic Chignon: A sophisticated low bun that exudes elegance and grace.French Twist: A polished twist of hair that adds a touch of glamour.Sleek Ponytail: A high or mid-level ponytail thats straight and sleek for a modern look.Vintage Waves: Old Hollywood-inspired waves that bring a touch of retro chic to your style.Side-Swept Curls: Elegant curls swept to one side for a romantic and formal appearance.
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janneymorgan · 3 days
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Enhance Your Bridal Look with Wedding Hair Vine Accessories
Elevate your bridal hairstyle with our exquisite collection of Wedding Hair Vine Accessories. Perfect for brides seeking a delicate, elegant touch, these hair vines are designed to gracefully blend with any hairstyle—whether it’s an updo, half-up style, or loose waves. Each piece is intricately crafted with shimmering crystals, pearls, and floral elements that add a romantic, whimsical charm to your look.
Our wedding hair vine accessories are flexible, lightweight, and easy to style, ensuring a comfortable fit throughout your special day. Discover the perfect finishing touch for your bridal ensemble and make a statement with timeless beauty.
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Discover 4 Perfect Bridesmaid Hairstyles
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Discovering the ideal bridesmaid hairstyle can be a delightful journey.
Whether you're standing beside the bride at a glamorous ballroom wedding or a serene garden ceremony, your hair should complement your beauty and the event's style. Let's explore some stunning bridesmaid hairstyles that will make you look and feel your best.
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Elegant Updos for Bridesmaids
Updos are timeless and elegant, perfect for bridesmaids who want a sophisticated look. Here are some chic updo options to consider:
Classic Chignon
The chignon is a classic updo that exudes grace and sophistication. It's a versatile choice that works well with various hair lengths and textures.
Smooth and Sleek: Ideal for formal events, this style keeps hair neat and polished.
Textured and Tousled: Perfect for a relaxed, bohemian vibe, this style adds volume and a touch of whimsy.
Romantic Braided Updo
A romantic braided updo combines the elegance of an updo with the intricate beauty of braids.
French Braid Bun: Start with a French braid that wraps into a bun at the nape of the neck.
Crown Braid: Braid the hair around the crown of the head, creating a halo effect that is both enchanting and stylish.
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Half-Up, Half-Down Styles for Bridesmaids
If you want a balance between an updo and wearing your hair down, a half-up, half-down hairstyle is perfect. It combines the elegance of an updo with the softness of loose hair.
Classic Half-Up, Half-Down
This style is timeless and chic, ideal for any wedding theme.
Loose Waves: Create gentle waves for a romantic and effortless look.
Sleek and Straight: For a modern and polished appearance, keep the top section smooth and straight.
Braided Half-Up, Half-Down
Adding braids to your half-up, half-down style can enhance its beauty and uniqueness.
Waterfall Braid: A cascading braid that adds a touch of elegance to your look.
Fishtail Braid: This intricate braid provides a beautiful contrast to loose curls or waves.
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Gorgeous Down Styles for Bridesmaids
Wearing your hair down can be just as glamorous as an updo. Here are some stunning down-style options:
Soft, Romantic Waves
Soft waves are perfect for a romantic and feminine look.
Beachy Waves: Create loose, beachy waves for a relaxed and natural look.
Hollywood Glam Waves: For a touch of old Hollywood glamour, go for big, voluminous waves.
Sleek and Straight
For a modern and sophisticated look, sleek and straight hair is a fantastic choice.
Middle Part: A middle part can elongate your face and add a contemporary flair.
Side Part: A deep side part can add volume and create a dramatic effect.
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Unique and Creative Bridesmaid Hairstyles
Sometimes, stepping outside the traditional styles can lead to a truly unique and memorable look.
Boho Braids
Boho braids are perfect for a rustic or outdoor wedding.
Messy Braids: Create loose, messy braids for a relaxed and bohemian vibe.
Braided Crown: A braided crown can add a whimsical touch to your hairstyle.
High Ponytails
A high ponytail is modern, chic, and incredibly versatile.
Sleek High Ponytail: For a polished look, keep the ponytail sleek and smooth.
Curly High Ponytail: Add curls to your ponytail for a fun and playful style.
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Perfect Bridesmaid Hairstyles with MOBILESTYLES
Choosing the perfect bridesmaid hairstyle is all about finding a style that makes you feel beautiful and confident. From elegant updos to romantic waves, there are countless options to explore.
For personalized beauty on demand, consider MOBILESTYLES, where professional beauty experts come to you. Whether you need hair, makeup, or other beauty services, MOBILESTYLES ensures you look your best for every special occasion.
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Matching Couture Wedding Dresses with the Perfect Hairstyle
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Every bride envisions herself looking flawless on her wedding day—a harmonious blend of gown, hair, and details. Couture wedding dresses are the ultimate in luxury bridal fashion, offering an elevated sense of style that’s both heirloom-worthy and unforgettable. But as any bride-to-be knows, it’s not just the dress that completes the look—hairstyles play a key role in enhancing the overall effect.
So, how does a trendy bride of 2024 choose the perfect hairstyle to complement a couture wedding dress? The answer lies in balancing the gown’s design with a hairdo that elevates and completes the vision. Here’s a guide to pairing some of Andrea & Leo's most luxurious couture wedding dresses with the ideal hairstyles, ensuring brides achieve that breathtaking, once-in-a-lifetime look.
The Dramatic Ruff Collar & Tulle Sleeves Gown
Picture this: a gown featuring a ruff collar gathered at the neckline, flowing into long tulle sleeves that bubble around the arm, ending in a delicate lace cuff. The sheer bodice is adorned with lace appliques that trickle down the layered A-line skirt. Bridal buttons along the back add a touch of tradition to this otherwise modern masterpiece.
Hairstyle Match: With such an ornate neckline, a sleek, polished low chignon is the perfect choice. A few delicate tendrils around the face soften the look, ensuring it feels bridal without competing with the gown’s grandeur.
The Baroque Elegance Strapless Mermaid Gown
This strapless mermaid gown is all about drama and sensuality. With glittering baroque motifs, a daring sweetheart neckline, and off-the-shoulder detachable scallop straps, this couture wedding dress screams opulence. The addition of a rhinestone bow belt cinching the waistline adds femininity, while the boned corset ensures both style and comfort.
Hairstyle Match: For this luxurious mermaid silhouette, a classic Old Hollywood wave is the perfect pairing. Let the waves cascade over one shoulder to highlight the off-the-shoulder straps while also maintaining a sense of elegance and glamour.
The Sweetheart Neckline Gown with Dimensional Floral Appliques
This gown, with its layered tulle and dimensional floral appliques, offers a blend of elegance and contemporary flair. The bodice’s sweetheart neckline and thin straps are balanced by a long tulle overlay that adds a touch of drama to the dress. This couture wedding dress is ideal for a bride who wants to feel both modern and timeless.
Hairstyle Match: A relaxed half-up, half-down hairstyle with soft waves would enhance the casual yet sophisticated tone of this gown. A few delicate hairpins or a minimalist veil would be a nice finishing touch.
The Organza Mermaid Dress with Ruffled Tulle Details
This fitted organza mermaid dress with lace applique is all about the details. The strapless sweetheart neckline is complemented by ruffled tulle elements, while the removable Marie Sleeves add a romantic flourish.
Hairstyle Match: A timeless high ponytail with soft waves or gentle curls adds the right amount of modernity to this otherwise classic mermaid gown. It keeps the hair out of the face while still looking bridal, elegant, and utterly chic.
When it comes to pairing couture wedding dresses with the perfect hairstyle, it’s all about finding a balance. The dress and the hair should work together to create a harmonious and unforgettable bridal look. Whether you’re going for drama, romance, or timeless elegance, your hairstyle should enhance—not overshadow—your stunning couture gown. And with Andrea & Leo’s collection, every bride is guaranteed to find a gown worthy of her dream wedding day.
For more information about Formal Dresses Wholesale and Prom Dresses Wholesale please visit:- Andrea & Leo Couture
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vinnisjewelry · 20 days
Style AD Jewelry Sets with Traditional Bridal Outfits
How to Style AD Jewelry Sets with Traditional Bridal Outfits
Regarding bridal fashion, every detail matters, from the intricate embroidery on the dress to the sparkling jewelry that completes the look. For brides who love the allure of diamonds but want an affordable yet dazzling option, AD jewelry sets are the perfect choice. Here's how to style an AD jewelry set with traditional bridal outfits to create a look that’s nothing short of breathtaking.
1. Match the Jewelry with Your Bridal Lehenga or Saree
The first step in styling an AD jewelry set is ensuring it complements your bridal outfit. Whether you’re wearing a heavily embroidered lehenga or a silk saree, choose an AD jewelry set that enhances the color and design of your attire.
For Red and Maroon Outfits: Opt for an AD jewelry set with ruby or garnet stones to accentuate the richness of your outfit.
For Pastel Shades: AD jewelry with soft pink or champagne-colored stones can add a subtle yet sophisticated sparkle.
For Gold or Ivory Outfits: Choose a classic AD jewelry set with clear stones set in gold or rose gold plating.
2. Balance the Bling
Traditional bridal outfits are often elaborate, with intricate designs and rich fabrics. When styling an AD jewelry set, balance is key to avoid overwhelming the look.
Statement Necklace: If your AD jewelry set includes a statement necklace, keep the earrings smaller or more delicate. This ensures that your necklace remains the focal point.
Complete the Look: If you prefer a complete set, choose one that includes a choker, a long necklace, and earrings. Ensure the designs are cohesive, so they enhance rather than compete with each other.
3. Layering AD Jewelry for a Regal Look
Layering jewelry is a popular trend among brides, especially for traditional weddings. AD jewelry sets are perfect for layering as they offer the brilliance of diamonds without the hefty price tag.
Chokers and Rani Haars: Pair a choker with a longer necklace (rani haar) to create a layered effect. This works beautifully with deep-neck blouses or sarees.
Stacked Bangles: Add multiple bangles from your AD jewelry set to one wrist, or split them between both wrists to achieve a balanced yet regal look.
4. Focus on the Details
Details make all the difference in bridal styling. Consider the following when pairing an AD jewelry set with your traditional bridal outfit:
Maang Tikka and Nath: Complement your AD jewelry set with a matching maang tikka or nath (nose ring) for a complete bridal look.
Hair Accessories: Incorporate AD-studded hairpins or a passa (side headpiece) to add a touch of sparkle to your hairstyle.
5. Choose the Right Hairstyle
Your hairstyle can dramatically influence how your AD jewelry set looks with your bridal outfit. Here are some ideas:
Updo with a Choker: A sleek bun or an elegant updo can beautifully highlight a statement AD choker necklace.
Loose Curls with Layered Necklaces: For brides wearing layered AD necklaces, loose curls or a half-up, half-down hairstyle can add a romantic touch.
6. Don’t Forget the Bridal Makeup
Makeup plays a vital role in bringing your entire bridal look together. When wearing an AD jewelry set, consider the following makeup tips:
Highlight Your Eyes: A bold eye makeup look with shimmering eyeshadow can enhance the sparkle of your AD jewelry.
Neutral Lips: If your AD jewelry set is elaborate, balance it with neutral or soft pink lips to keep the focus on your jewelry and outfit.
7. Coordinating with the Groom
For a picture-perfect wedding, consider coordinating your AD jewelry set with the groom's outfit. Whether it’s matching the metal tones or choosing similar gemstone colors, a coordinated look will ensure stunning wedding photographs.
Styling an AD jewelry set with traditional bridal outfits can create a stunning, cohesive look that’s both elegant and affordable. By matching your jewelry with your outfit, balancing the bling, and paying attention to details, you can achieve a bridal look as unique as you are. With the right AD jewelry set, you’ll shine brightly on your big day, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who celebrates with you.
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fbcelebrations1 · 2 months
Elegant Bridal Hair Ideas for Your Big Day
Choosing the ideal bridal hairstyle is important for completing your wedding look.
Classic updo: The traditional updo is a timeless and elegant choice. Choose a sleek chignon or a textured bun with loose tendrils framing your face.
Romantic curls: Soft, flowing curls give a romantic look. Styled down or half-up, this look offers a whimsical touch to any look. Embellish with elegant hairpins or a floral crown.
Braided Beauty: Braids are versatile, from intricate braided updos to loose fishtails. A braided crown or side braid adds a modern twist.
Elegant Ponytail: for a sophisticated look, consider a smart ponytail style either styled sleek and smooth or with added volume at the top and curls at the bottom.
Floral accents: Adding fresh flowers to your wedding hair look adds a natural touch. fresh flowers are always a great option whether woven into braids, pinned in an updo, or scattered through curls. 
Consult with a professional stylist and schedule a hair trial to ensure your chosen style makes you feel beautiful and confident on your big day.
Event Conceptualised, Executed & Managed by @fbcelebrations1 Décor Designing, Execution & Entertainment Curation @fbcelebrations1
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ummichowdhurymua · 2 months
Unlocking the Secrets to Bridal Beauty: Explore Stunning Wedding Hair and Makeup Ideas in East London
Your wedding day is one of the most memorable and beautiful days of your life. As a bride, you deserve to look and feel your absolute best. From the perfect dress to the most charming venue, every detail matters. But one of the most crucial aspects of your bridal look is your hair and makeup. In East London, there are countless options for achieving stunning bridal beauty, and we’re here to help you unlock the secrets to your perfect wedding day look.
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Why Bridal Hair and Makeup Are Essential
Your wedding hair and makeup set the tone for your entire bridal look. They enhance your natural beauty, complement your wedding dress, and help you feel confident as you walk down the aisle. A well-thought-out hair and makeup plan ensures that you look flawless in your photos and throughout the day’s events.
Top Bridal Hair Trends in East London
East London is a hub for the latest bridal beauty trends. Here are some of the top bridal hair trends you might want to consider for your big day:
1. Classic Updos
Classic updos remain a timeless choice for brides. Elegant chignons, sleek buns, and romantic low knots are perfect for achieving a sophisticated look. Add some vintage-inspired hairpins or delicate hair combs for a touch of glamour. These styles work well with both formal and casual wedding themes.
Stylist Recommendation: Check out East London Hair Studio, known for their expertise in creating beautiful classic updos that will leave you feeling like royalty.
2. Soft Waves
Soft, cascading waves offer a romantic and effortless look. This hairstyle works wonderfully for both long and medium-length hair. It adds volume and movement, giving you a naturally beautiful appearance. Soft waves pair beautifully with a bohemian or garden-themed wedding.
Stylist Recommendation: The Glamour Lounge in East London offers stunning soft wave styles that are perfect for a relaxed, yet elegant bridal look.
3. Braided Details
Braids are versatile and can be incorporated into various hairstyles. From fishtail braids to halo braids, these details can add a touch of creativity to your bridal hair. They are perfect for a rustic or outdoor wedding.
Stylist Recommendation: Braids & Blooms specializes in intricate braided hairstyles that are both chic and stylish for your wedding day.
4. Half-Up, Half-Down Styles
This hairstyle combines the best of both worlds—elegant and relaxed. You can have the top half of your hair styled in an updo or curls while letting the rest flow freely. This style is perfect for adding volume and a touch of sophistication.
Stylist Recommendation: East End Beauty Bar offers beautiful half-up, half-down styles that can be customized to suit your wedding theme.
Stunning Bridal Makeup Ideas
Makeup plays a significant role in enhancing your bridal beauty. Here are some of the most popular bridal makeup trends in East London:
1. Natural and Glowing Skin
A radiant, natural look is always in style. Opt for a dewy foundation, subtle highlighter, and a touch of blush for a fresh-faced appearance. This makeup style enhances your natural beauty without overpowering it.
Artist Recommendation: The Beauty Loft in East London excels at creating natural, glowing bridal makeup that highlights your best features.
2. Bold Lip Colors
If you’re looking to make a statement, a bold lip color can be a great choice. Shades like deep red, berry, or even a classic red lipstick can add a pop of color and sophistication to your bridal look.
Artist Recommendation: Glam Up East London offers expert advice on choosing and applying bold lip colors that complement your overall bridal makeup.
3. Smoky Eyes
For a dramatic and glamorous look, smoky eyes are a fantastic choice. This style pairs beautifully with a classic updo or a sleek hairdo, adding depth and allure to your bridal appearance.
Artist Recommendation: East London Glam Squad provides exceptional smoky eye makeup services for brides who want to achieve a bold and beautiful look.
4. Romantic Soft Eyes
For a more understated approach, soft eyes with neutral tones are perfect. This look features gentle eyeshadows, light mascara, and subtle eyeliner to create a soft, romantic vibe.
Artist Recommendation: Chic Beauty Boutique specializes in creating soft, romantic eye looks that are perfect for a classic and elegant bridal style.
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Bridal Hair and Makeup
Choosing the right hair and makeup for your wedding day can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you make the best decision:
1. Start Early
Begin planning your bridal hair and makeup at least 6-9 months before your wedding. This gives you ample time for consultations, trials, and adjustments.
2. Consider Your Dress and Venue
Your hair and makeup should complement your wedding dress and the venue. For example, a glamorous updo pairs well with a formal gown, while soft waves work great with a bohemian dress.
3. Schedule a Trial Session
A trial session allows you to see how your chosen hair and makeup will look on your wedding day. It’s also a chance to make adjustments and ensure you’re happy with the final look.
4. Communicate Your Vision
Be clear about your preferences and any inspirations you have. Bring photos and describe your desired look to your stylist and makeup artist.
5. Prepare for the Big Day
Ensure you have a clean, hydrated face and any necessary hair preparations done before your wedding day. Follow your stylist’s pre-wedding tips to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Book Your Bridal Beauty Experts Today!
East London is brimming with talented hair and makeup artists who can help you achieve your dream bridal look. Whether you’re aiming for classic elegance, modern glam, or romantic simplicity, there’s a professional ready to make it happen.
Neighborhood Glam Studio offers consultations and services for brides seeking exceptional hair and makeup options. Their team of experts is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best on your special day.
Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and achieving the perfect bridal look involves more than just choosing the right dress. Stunning bridal hair and makeup are essential elements of your overall appearance and confidence on your big day. East London offers a wealth of talented professionals and exciting trends to explore. From classic updos and soft waves to natural glowing makeup and bold lip colors, there’s something for every bride.
By following these tips and working with the best in the industry, you can unlock the secrets to bridal beauty and ensure that you look and feel absolutely stunning on your wedding day. Embrace these ideas and find the perfect beauty experts to make your dream wedding a reality.
Feel free to explore the various options in East London to find the perfect hair and makeup styles for your special day. Contact local experts, schedule consultations, and get ready to walk down the aisle looking fabulous!
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shreesangamboutique · 4 months
Lehenga for a Wedding: The Stylist's Guide
The lehenga is an iconic piece of clothing in South Asian weddings, symbolizing tradition, elegance, and celebration. Over the years, this traditional attire has evolved, blending heritage with contemporary fashion trends. If you're a bride-to-be, bridesmaid, or even a wedding guest, choosing the perfect lehenga can be overwhelming. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the world of lehengas, offering tips on styles, fabrics, colors, and accessorizing to ensure you look stunning on the big day.
Understanding the Lehenga
Before diving into the styles and trends, it's essential to understand the basic components of a lehenga:
Lehenga (Skirt): The flared skirt that forms the base of the outfit. It can vary in length, volume, and design.
Choli (Blouse): The fitted top that pairs with the lehenga. It can be short or long-sleeved, cropped or full-length, and embellished in various ways.
Dupatta (Scarf): A long scarf that adds an element of grace and can be draped in multiple styles.
Choosing the Right Lehenga for the Bride
1. Traditional Red Lehenga
Why We Love It: The classic red lehenga is steeped in tradition and symbolizes love and prosperity. It’s a timeless choice for brides who want to honor cultural heritage.
Design Elements: Look for rich fabrics like silk or velvet, adorned with intricate zari work, embroidery, and embellishments like beads, sequins, and mirrors. Traditional motifs such as peacocks, florals, and paisleys add a regal touch.
Styling Tips:
Jewelry: Opt for traditional gold jewelry, including a choker, maang tikka, and bangles.
Makeup: Bold red lips and a winged eyeliner complement the lehenga perfectly.
Hairstyle: A classic bun adorned with fresh flowers or a matha patti (forehead band) adds to the traditional look.
Notable Designers: Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Anita Dongre, Manish Malhotra
2. Pastel Lehenga
Why We Love It: Pastel lehengas have gained popularity for their soft, romantic appeal. Perfect for daytime weddings or brides who prefer subtle elegance.
Design Elements: Choose colors like blush pink, mint green, lavender, or powder blue. These lehengas often feature delicate embroidery, lacework, and light embellishments that add a hint of sparkle.
Styling Tips:
Jewelry: Pearl or diamond jewelry complements the soft hues. Consider a simple necklace, earrings, and a delicate maang tikka.
Makeup: Go for a natural, dewy look with pastel eyeshadows and nude lips.
Hairstyle: Soft curls or a loose updo with floral accents enhance the ethereal vibe.
Notable Designers: Anushree Reddy, Falguni Shane Peacock, Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla
3. Floral Lehenga
Why We Love It: Floral lehengas bring a fresh and vibrant feel to the bridal ensemble. They are ideal for spring or summer weddings and garden venues.
Design Elements: These lehengas feature bold floral prints, intricate embroidery, or 3D floral appliqués. They can range from subtle, pastel florals to bright and bold blooms.
Styling Tips:
Jewelry: Minimalistic jewelry works best. Consider statement earrings or a delicate necklace.
Makeup: Fresh, natural makeup with a pop of color on the lips.
Hairstyle: Loose waves or a half-up, half-down hairstyle with fresh flowers.
Notable Designers: Manish Malhotra, Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Anita Dongre
4. Metallic Lehenga
Why We Love It: For brides who want to make a bold statement, metallic lehengas offer a glamorous and modern twist on traditional bridal wear.
Design Elements: Look for lehengas in gold, silver, bronze, or metallic hues. Fabrics like brocade, silk, and velvet, adorned with heavy sequins, mirror work, and metallic thread embroidery, create a dazzling effect.
Styling Tips:
Jewelry: Bold, statement pieces such as oversized necklaces and chandelier earrings.
Makeup: Dramatic makeup with smoky eyes and a bold lip.
Hairstyle: Sleek buns or high ponytails for a polished look.
Notable Designers: Tarun Tahiliani, Falguni Shane Peacock, Manish Arora
5. Minimalist Lehenga
Why We Love It: Minimalist lehengas are for brides who prefer understated elegance. They focus on clean lines, subtle embellishments, and quality fabrics.
Design Elements: Monochromatic color schemes, delicate embroidery, and minimal sequins or beadwork characterize these lehengas. Fabrics like silk, satin, and chiffon enhance the sophisticated look.
Styling Tips:
Jewelry: Simple and elegant jewelry, such as a delicate necklace, stud earrings, and a classic bracelet.
Makeup: Natural makeup with a focus on flawless skin and soft lip colors.
Hairstyle: Sleek low buns or straight, open hair.
Notable Designers: Anamika Khanna, Ritu Kumar, Payal Khandwala
Lehengas for Bridesmaids and Wedding Guests
1. Vibrant and Colorful Lehengas
Why We Love It: Wedding celebrations are all about joy and color. Vibrant lehengas in bright hues like fuchsia, royal blue, emerald green, and sunshine yellow are perfect for bridesmaids and guests.
Design Elements: Bold colors, playful prints, and light embellishments make these lehengas stand out. Fabrics like georgette, chiffon, and crepe ensure comfort and ease of movement.
Styling Tips:
Jewelry: Playful jewelry like jhumkas, bangles, and statement rings.
Makeup: Bright and cheerful makeup with colorful eyeshadows or bold lips.
Hairstyle: Fun hairstyles like braided buns or beachy waves.
Notable Designers: Ridhi Mehra, Masaba Gupta, Papa Don't Preach by Shubhika
2. Bohemian Chic Lehengas
Why We Love It: Bohemian lehengas bring a free-spirited and relaxed vibe to the wedding attire. They are perfect for destination weddings or outdoor celebrations.
Design Elements: Think flowy skirts, light fabrics, and unconventional prints. Embroidery, tassels, and fringe details add to the boho-chic look.
Styling Tips:
Jewelry: Layered necklaces, feather earrings, and stacked bangles.
Makeup: Natural makeup with earthy tones and a hint of shimmer.
Hairstyle: Loose, tousled waves or a messy bun.
Notable Designers: Anushree Reddy, Arpita Mehta, Payal Singhal
3. Fusion Lehengas
Why We Love It: Fusion lehengas blend traditional and contemporary elements, making them a versatile choice for bridesmaids and guests who want to experiment with their look.
Design Elements: Look for asymmetrical hemlines, crop tops, capes, and draped skirts. Fusion lehengas often incorporate Western design elements, creating a modern yet traditional look.
Styling Tips:
Jewelry: Contemporary jewelry like ear cuffs, statement necklaces, and hand harnesses.
Makeup: Bold and modern makeup with metallic eyeshadows and defined contours.
Hairstyle: Sleek ponytails or chic updos.
Notable Designers: Shivan & Narresh, Gaurav Gupta, Monisha Jaising
Fabrics and Embellishments
Choosing the right fabric is crucial for the comfort and overall look of the lehenga. Here are some popular options:
1. Silk
Why We Love It: Silk exudes luxury and elegance, making it a popular choice for bridal lehengas. It drapes beautifully and has a natural sheen.
Types: Banarasi silk, Kanjeevaram silk, and raw silk are popular choices for lehengas.
2. Velvet
Why We Love It: Velvet offers a rich and opulent look, perfect for winter weddings. It adds volume and structure to the lehenga.
Types: Pure velvet and crushed velvet are commonly used in lehenga designs.
3. Georgette
Why We Love It: Georgette is lightweight and flowy, making it comfortable for long hours. It’s ideal for bridesmaids and wedding guests.
Types: Pure georgette and faux georgette are used in lehenga designs.
4. Chiffon
Why We Love It: Chiffon is light and airy, providing a delicate and feminine look. It’s great for summer weddings.
Types: Silk chiffon and polyester chiffon are commonly used.
5. Brocade
Why We Love It: Brocade features rich, woven patterns and is perfect for a regal look. It’s often used in bridal lehengas.
Types: Banarasi brocade and Kanjeevaram brocade are popular choices.
Accessorizing Your Lehenga
Accessories can make or break your lehenga look. Here are some tips for accessorizing:
For Traditional Lehengas: Opt for gold jewelry with traditional designs.
For Pastel Lehengas: Pearl or diamond jewelry works best.
For Floral Lehengas: Minimalistic jewelry to let the floral design stand out.
For Metallic Lehengas: Bold, statement pieces in matching metallic tones.
For Minimalist Lehengas: Simple and elegant jewelry.
Comfort is Key: Choose comfortable footwear like juttis, mojaris, or embellished sandals.
Match the Lehenga: Ensure your footwear matches or complements the lehenga’s color and style.
Hair Accessories
Flowers: Fresh flowers or floral tiaras for a natural look.
Hairpins and Clips: Embellished hairpins or clips for a touch of glamour.
Matha Patti and Maang Tikka: Traditional headpieces for an added element of grace.
Selecting the perfect lehenga for a wedding involves considering various factors such as style, fabric, color, and accessories. Whether you’re the bride aiming for a timeless, regal look or a bridesmaid opting for vibrant, fun attire, there’s a lehenga out there to suit every taste and occasion.
Remember, the key to looking stunning in a lehenga is to feel comfortable and confident. Choose a style that resonates with your personality and makes you feel your best. With the right choice, you’ll be sure to make a memorable impression at any wedding celebration. Happy shopping!
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freeciaprofessional · 7 months
Adorn Your Tresses: A Stylish Guide to Hair Accessories
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Your hair is a canvas waiting to be adorned with stylish accessories that can transform your look from ordinary to extraordinary. Hair accessories have the power to add flair, elegance, and personality to your hairstyle, making each day a chance to express your unique style. In this guide, we'll explore a variety of hair accessories that can elevate your tresses and turn heads wherever you go.
1. Headbands: Effortless Elegance
Headbands are timeless accessories that effortlessly add a touch of elegance to any hairstyle. From thin, minimalist bands for a classic look to bold, embellished headbands for a statement piece, this accessory is versatile and suits various hair lengths and styles.
Styling Tip: Wear a headband with loose waves for a bohemian vibe or pair it with a sleek ponytail for a polished look.
2. Bobby Pins: Chic Versatility
Bobby pins are not just functional; they're a chic accessory that can be used to create intricate patterns, hold hair in place, or add a subtle sparkle. Experiment with different colors and designs to match your outfit or make a subtle statement.
Styling Tip: Create a trendy geometric pattern using bobby pins to add a touch of modernity to your hairstyle.
3. Hair Clips and Barrettes: Classic Charm
Hair clips and barrettes are perfect for adding a classic touch to your hairstyle. From vintage-inspired designs to modern geometric shapes, these accessories can be strategically placed to create a sophisticated and polished look.
Styling Tip: Use a statement hair clip to pin back one side of your hair for an effortlessly chic appearance.
4. Scrunchies: Comfortable Style
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Scrunchies have made a comeback, and they're not just practical; they're also a stylish accessory. Opt for velvet or silk scrunchies to add a luxurious feel to your ponytail or bun. Mix and match colors to suit your mood or outfit.
Styling Tip: Wrap a scrunchie around a low bun for a casual yet put-together look.
5. Hair Combs: Graceful Glamour
Hair combs are ideal for achieving a graceful and glamorous look. Choose combs adorned with pearls, crystals, or intricate designs to effortlessly secure an updo or add a touch of sophistication to loose waves.
Styling Tip: Slide a decorative hair comb into a half-up, half-down hairstyle for an elegant twist.
6. Floral Crowns: Boho Vibes
For a whimsical and bohemian flair, floral crowns are the perfect choice. Whether you're attending a music festival, a wedding, or simply embracing your inner flower child, floral crowns add a touch of nature-inspired beauty to your locks.
Styling Tip: Wear a floral crown with loose, tousled waves for a carefree and romantic look.
7. Scarves and Bandanas: Retro Chic
Wrap a stylish scarf or bandana around your head for a retro-inspired look. This versatile accessory can be tied in various ways, adding a pop of color or pattern to your hairstyle. Perfect for both casual and dressy occasions.
Styling Tip: Tie a silk scarf into a bow on the top of your head for a playful and retro vibe.
8. Hair Chains: Edgy Glam
For a bold and edgy statement, consider hair chains. These accessories add a touch of glamour and are perfect for special events or when you want to stand out. Choose from delicate chains for a subtle look or bold statement pieces for added drama.
Styling Tip: Incorporate a hair chain into a sleek updo for a modern and edgy appearance.
The world of hair accessories is a playground of creativity. Whether you're aiming for timeless elegance, bohemian vibes, or edgy glamour, there's a perfect accessory for every style. Adorn your tresses with confidence and let your hair accessories be an extension of your unique personality and fashion sense. Elevate your look, one accessory at a time!
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dragonfly92 · 11 months
It had been an interesting year but everything was alright after sometime apart Harp and Joe had made up, thankfully also has CC and Hannah also Sarah was an Auntie again Mel turns out the sickness was morning sickness she had given birth to two healthy twins a girl and a boy the girl was named Cora Grace Eagleton and a healthy baby boy named Noah Alexander Eagleton Noah is the older twin only by a minute and Sarah had fallen in love with the both of them, also Harper and Joe had decided on a wedding date and it wouldn't be until next year which gives them plenty of time to get ready but Harper had decided on having two maids of honours which was super sweet, Sarah and Andy was doing very well all the group was thrilled that they had finally gotten together after all these years.
Right now she was on warped tour supporting Andy which was the best thing ever, after a few months they finally had their intimate moment it was super sweet and Sarah celebrated her 24th birthday but as they was both together the others unfortunately couldn't be there but after what happened at Harper and Hannah's 22nd birthday party so they had a romantic dinner just the two of them it was seriously sweet Andy was of course wearing a suit and Sarah was wearing a dress for her birthday present he had given her a homemade gift which meant alot to Sarah it was a picture frame with them when they had their first day and a locket necklace with a picture of him and her parents inside which was one of the best presents she could ask for, also he performed a song for her, also a cuddly toy of Stitch and Angel which was adorable.
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Right now they was both on warped tour together, which did feel weird when it was Just him and Sarah but Lonny was also there but it just wasn't the same without the others but of course Sarah had kept in contact with them Mel would sometimes join them bringing the twins along which was so much fun especially as Sarah loved babysitting with Andy whilst the parents would go out on dates or get some sleep because right now with the twins they found it very difficult but they was so thankfully for Sarah and Andy because without them their honestly wouldn't know what to do.
Right now they was back in their hometown it had been awhile since they had last visited but this time they had others with them they had Palaye Royale who Sarah had meet before and had bonded with all three of the guys straight away and then there was William Control who is a really sweet guy, they decided to do some exploring thankfully Andy's parents was coming to the show when they found out that Sarah and Andy was finally dating they was both over the moon as they saw Sarah as the daughter they never had right now in the hotel room Sarah was getting ready for the day thankfully Andy wasn't performing until this evening so they might've been keeping themselves entertained but to fair he had plenty of time to get ready.
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Whilst Andy was in the shower getting ready there was a knock on the hotel room door of course they was sharing a room so she went to answer looking through the peephole first seeing that it was Palaye Royale and so she opened the door all three guys greeted her of course she greeted them back letting them in Sebastian was the last one to enter so he closed the door and joined the others who was sitting on the couch, Remington speaks up asking her "So where's the better half then?" Sarah speaks up saying, "Right now he's in the shower shouldn't be too long though so you guys excited about performing tonight?" Emerson speaks up saying, "Yeah very excited what about you looking forward to the show tonight in your and Andy's hometown?"
Sarah speaks up saying, "Yeah actually I am a little nervous but think I'm gonna be okay, plus Andy's parents are gonna be there and I honestly can't wait it's amazing how supportive they are of him, well also they're like my second parents I honestly thought when he told them that we started dating that they wouldn't approve but turns out I was completely wrong which took a weight off my shoulders." A few more minutes the four of them was still talking and laughing amongst themselves to the point that they didn't even know that Andy who was fully dressed had come out of the bathroom that was until he coughed catching the groups attention.
Sarah speaks up saying, "Oh hey babes didn't see you there." He smirks saying, "Yeah I noticed you all seem to be in deep conversation." Remington speaks up saying, "Hey dude right seeing as we've got some time to kill why don't we all go and get some food?" Sarah is the one to answer saying, "Yeah I could go for some food right about now." That is when Sebastian speaks up laughing a little saying, "Yeah I bet you've got an appetite after what you two was up too." That catches Sarah's attention and she laughs a little speaking up saying, "What was that Seb?" He shakes his head saying, "Oh nothing come on let's go and get some food we've only got a couple of hours till you other half is performing."
So the group left the hotel room of course Sarah and Andy making sure they haven't forgotten anything, as they was walking down on the corridor to get to the elevator holding hands which is something that they've gotten use too Sarah would get these butterflies still even if they've been together for nearly a year, they had decided on where to eat and it happened to be close to the venue which was perfect of course Sarah was protective of Andy because he didn't do well when it comes to speak to people and he was so appreciated for her help, the group ended up just hanging out at the restaurant.
The show was due to start at 7pm so the group had left after paying so they started getting ready to perform for the huge crowd of people that had come to see Andy, Palaye Royale and William Control who had joined them whilst at the restaurant it was almost time for Andy to go on stage and perform Lonny had also joined them but again it was still weird that the others wasn't there but they had been keeping themselves busy, whilst Andy was performing Sarah was allowed to stay at the side of the stage but she wasn't on her own she had Palaye Royale so whilst he was performing the four of them would dance, Remington would twirl Sarah around, they all had a bond with Sarah which is pretty awesome and to be fair they're down to earth guys.
Of course all four of them had already exchanged numbers so they would keep in contact the first time they had meet, Andy was performing his last song and then the guys would be going on stage next to perform a few of their songs, a little while later Andy had come off the stage after introducing the guys which the crowd was going crazy, the three brothers went on stage all excited Andy had joined Sarah at the side of the stage giving her a kiss she honestly didn't care that he was sweaty she loved him regardless and he went to change out of his clothes, Sarah decided to stay at the side of the stage just so that he couldn't get distracted.
Five minutes later he had reappeared beside Sarah putting his arms around her neck but of course not to hurt her and he rested his head on top of hers after a few more minutes his parents had come to the side of the stage after seeing his performance and Amy his mom gave Sarah the biggest hug possible without hurting her she speaks up saying, "Well look how grown up you've become it only seems like yesterday that you guys had become friends and now look at you he finally asked you out took him long enough but I am so happy for you guys."
Andy gets a little embarrassed saying, "Mom I love you but seriously do you have to embarrass me in front of my girlfriend." Sarah laughs side hugging his mom saying, "Aww my poor baby is getting embarrassed that is so sweet." She laughs and then he speaks up saying, "Dad can you help me out here please it's two against one here." Chris he's dad laughs putting his hands up and speaks up saying, "Sorry Andy but I'm not gonna get involved but in all serious we are both so proud of you two and just happy that you two finally got together." Sarah moves from Amy to Andy giving him a side hug and he put one of his arms around her waist, kissing her forehead.
Palaye Royale had finished their set and Remington introduces the final act of the night which of course is William Control and when he got on stage the three guys joined the others who was teasing Andy a little but he knew that they was just having some fun, Seb speaks up asking "Alright what's going on here why is Andy blushing?" Sarah laughs is the one to speak up saying, "We're talking about old stories about when Andy was little and how he would like to be introduced into the room to fair he did have a cute name." 
It was finally the end of the day Andy's parents had gone home as it was getting late but of course they separately gave Sarah a hug which she very much appreciated and once they had gone, the guys had also left of course again each of the guys gave Sarah a hug separately of course, Then both Sarah and Andy went into their hotel room to get some much deserved sleep after all they had a very busy day and they was too tired to do anything else mainly sexually but that didn't stop them from getting all snuggle in bed, looking forward to the next stop as they didn't have many more stops left.  
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asianbridal · 11 months
Unveiling Elegance: Indian Wedding Hairstyles
Indian weddings are renowned for their grandeur, tradition, and opulence. Amidst all the preparations and festivities, one aspect that holds a special place is the bride's look. Choosing the perfect wedding hairstyle is a crucial part of this process, as it can significantly enhance the bride's overall appearance. In this blog, we'll explore some stunning wedding hairstyles for Indian weddings that blend tradition and modernity to create a timeless, elegant look.
The Significance of Wedding Hairstyles
In Indian culture, hair is considered a symbol of strength and beauty. The way a bride's hair is styled carries cultural and emotional importance. It's not just about looking beautiful; it's about reflecting the bride's personality and the traditions she upholds. Here are some exquisite wedding hairstyles that capture the essence of Indian weddings:
1. The Classic Bun
The traditional bun is a timeless favorite among Indian brides. It's a versatile style that can be customized to suit various bridal looks. The classic bun can be adorned with delicate flowers, ornamental hairpins, or bejeweled accessories. This style keeps the hair neatly in place, allowing the focus to remain on the bride's face and attire.
2. The Half-Up, Half-Down Style
The half-up, half-down hairstyle offers a blend of tradition and modernity. It allows the bride to showcase her long, luscious hair while also keeping it under control. This style can be enhanced with braids, twists, or curls, and it pairs beautifully with traditional headpieces or veils.
3. The Timeless Braid
Braids have an eternal charm and can be intricately woven to create stunning bridal hairstyles. Whether it's a fishtail braid, a waterfall braid, or a simple three-strand braid, this style adds a touch of grace to the bride's look. Braids can be adorned with flowers, beads, or jewellery to match the wedding theme.
4. The Side-Swept Elegance
A side-swept hairstyle exudes sophistication and charm. The hair is elegantly swept to one side, creating a romantic and soft look. This style complements various bridal accessories, such as maang tikkas and jhumar headpieces.
5. The Floral Extravaganza
Floral hairstyles are a popular choice for Indian brides, especially for outdoor and daytime weddings. Flowers like roses, jasmine, and marigolds are woven into the bride's hair, adding a natural, fragrant touch. Floral hair garlands, known as "gajras," are often used to adorn buns or braids.
6. The Statement Updo
The statement updo is all about creating a striking bridal look. This style often involves intricate and artistic hair designs that showcase the bride's elegance. It's an ideal choice for brides who want to make a bold and memorable entrance.
Accessorizing Your Wedding Hairstyle
Adding accessories to your wedding hairstyle can elevate the overall look. Here are some popular options:
Maang Tikka: A central piece worn on the forehead, it's a symbol of blessings and honor.
Jhumar: A side headpiece that adds a regal touch to the hairstyle.
Hairpins and Combs: Decorative hairpins and combs can be used to secure the hair and add a touch of glamour.
Matha Patti: A forehead ornament that frames the face beautifully.
Nath: A nose ring that can add a unique charm to the bride's look.
In an Indian wedding, the bride's hairstyle is not just a part of her look; it's a reflection of her culture, traditions, and personal style. The wedding hairstyles for Indian weddings are a beautiful blend of classic charm and contemporary flair. They complement the bride's attire and accessories, creating a captivating and timeless look.
When choosing your wedding hairstyle, consider your cultural background, personal preferences, and the theme of your wedding. And, most importantly, select a style that makes you feel confident, beautiful, and ready to embark on your journey of love and togetherness.
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blushandglow2023 · 1 year
Varieties of Bridal Hair Styles a Hair Stylist Can Offer on the Day
A wedding day is one of the most beautiful moments in life and every bride wants to look and feel the best. When it comes to a bride’s beauty, the right hairstyle makes a huge difference. As a professional hairdresser, you have the opportunity to offer a wide range of bridal hairstyles to help the bride achieve her dream look on her special day. Here are some popular bridal hairstyle options that a bridal hair artist in Surrey and other places can offer. 
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Classic Updo
The timeless elegance of a classic updo will never go out of style. Updos vary from simple and elegant to laid-back and romantic, making them a versatile choice for brides of all tastes. 
Romantic Waves
Soft flowing waves exude romance and are a popular choice for bohemian weddings and beach weddings. These hairstyles are often adorned with delicate floral accessories and bridal veils. 
Beauty of Braids
A bridal hair stylist in Ascot and other locations elaborate braided hairstyles such as fishtail braids and waterfall braids add sophistication and charm. Brides can choose a fully braided updo or incorporate braids into other styles. 
Half Up and Half Down
This style combines the best of both worlds, allowing brides to show off their beauty without having to tuck their long hair into their faces. Customise with curls, twists and accessories in Ascot. 
Bohemian Chic
Loose, structured and effortless hairstyles are perfect for brides who want a bohemian look. Incorporating flowers, braids and hairpins will add to the bohemian vibe. 
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Natural and Minimalist
According to a bridal hair artist in Surrey and other regions, some brides prefer a more natural and minimalist look. It takes advantage of your hair's natural texture and adds subtle highlights to enhance its beauty.  
Wedding hair artists consult with the bride to understand her vision, dress style and wedding theme. Through preliminary trial training, brides can see how their chosen hairstyle will fit into their look. Providing these diverse bridal hairstyle options and tailoring them to each bride's tastes, brides can find the perfect hairstyle for their special day and give them the perfect look as they walk the Wedding Road. Therefore, professionals can feel your confidence and beauty!
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