#rome might suck but this game is so hecking fun
foxstens · 2 years
replaying parts of brotherhood trying to get 75% sync and its kinda fun
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foxstens · 2 years
actually fuck it. after nearly 75 hours im done with brotherhood.
this game is technically shorter than ac2 and i also like it less so why did i spend so much time on it lmao. i can’t really be assed to put my thoughts into sentences so i’ll just make a list. i’ve already said most of my opinions anyway.
- bad parts
1. lag. laaaaaaaaaaag so much lag. i’ve never seen this much lag in my entire life what the fuck. and technically fewer outright glitches but more bugs with missions n shit
2. feels pointless story-wise even if it has some good parts like the central conflict could have been resolved so easily i didnt need to fix the entirety of rome for it. i guess it was going for the idea that ezio needs the support of the people i guess but the people were already against the borgia and outside of the recruits it’s not like they /do/ much to help him 
3. some challenges whether they be races or parkour rooms or even one specific assassin assignment, they’re just badly designed. pc controls suck which definitely doesn’t help but even apart from that
4. rome is a nightmare to traverse even with fast travel points and i despise it. it’s not built for roof jumping and in the countryside it’s full of hills that you gotta go around to fucking get on, and there’s this huge ass wall all around the city that you just. you just can’t climb it. there’s no way to climb the coolest structure in the game wtf
6. 10 feathers. if you put 101 borgia flags in the game, i think you could’ve put like 40 feathers as well. especially since this time there’s a map for them. i guess i should be thankfully since they didn’t force me to explore rome more than necessary but still.
- mixed parts
1. the music. some tracks i do like and they fit the atmosphere but it felt like i heard five tracks the entire game and none are as memorable as the ones from ac2
2. the people. rome has too many people and they’re so freaking annoying but the vigilantes were great and so were the random thieves that dropped nice loot
3. weapons. i tried to pay more attention to the weapons in this game and it worked, the ranged weapons are so great i ended up barely ever using the hidden blade, but i also didn’t make the most of it. i never got the hang of the heavy weapons or the daggers, and i also never used the throwing knives after seeing how bad they are at aiming. 
4. visuals. the cutscenes and the colours look so much better than ac2, idk how since it only came out a year later, but i hate the way rome looks and the overall feel of the city.
5. money. you really have to manage your finances in the beginning which i liked but it doesn’t take long until you have nothing to spend it on and you end up sitting on 600k for the last 20 hours of the game
6. side quests. there’s a lot of them and they can help with getting the sync requirements for the cristina memories for example, but there is /a lot/ of them and i just don’t see the point. same with the guild challenges.
7. the leonardo parts. the leonardo dlc was actually pretty cool if difficult and the warmachine parts were pretty well-designed imo but also long and pointless, i didn’t have the most fun with them and i do not care about the reward.
8. i just didn’t find it that fun a lot of the time? i still had fun and loved the experience, wouldn’t have spent 75 hours on it otherwise, but it rarely made me feel the ‘ahhh i love this game :’)))’ feeling that i crave
9. the pacing is literally up to you so you could have a balanced experience with both slower and faster parts, or you could be dumb like me and spend a million years in one specific sequence just doing every side thing possible, therefore making that sequence too slow and everything else too fast
- good parts
1. borgia towers. i absolutely adored scouting out each area and devising a strategy for dealing with each captain and the guards and finding the easiest way to climb the tower. it was fun it was engaging and it felt like i was making a difference
2. rebuilding rome. i hate rome but being able to rebuild each area after liberating it, and especially repairing the aqueduct that runs through the countryside was great. also felt like i was making a difference when some areas previously overrun with guards were now full of people and buildings
3. the romulus lairs. i had mixed feelings about the assassin tombs in ac2, some i loved and some i literally couldn’t do, but these were a lot better for some reason. i loved all of them
4. the combat. now you get a crossbow and you can chain-kill and each weapon has a special finishing move and you can stun enemies by kicking them and it’s so raaaaaaaaaad i love the combat
5. the cristina memories. the best optional stuff, the only story-related part of this game to make me feel something, the only part that felt like it gave ezio substantial development. amazing 10/10 best ever, i just wish it wasn’t so fucking sad
6. assassin recruits. helping out a citizen in need and then sending them on missions until they become full-fledged assassin is just a really cool concept in general and it’s implemented really well, i just never made use of them outside of the arrow storm due to fear of them dying.
7. some missions are really cool and unique and they really make you think and strategize and use all of your options. i don’t play games to /think/ but since i’m supposed to be an assassin here it’s a good thing.
8. the modern stuff. i do not play these games for the modern stuff and i really disliked it in ac2 but here it was a lot better. you leave the animus when you choose to and in the beginning and end there’s parkouring challenges, and you get to explore modern monteriggioni and later the colosseum, it’s all really cool. i didn’t look for any glyphs tho lmao.
9. minor things like the existence of the aqueduct and the relationship between ezio and claudia being more fleshed out and even the traitor subplot. 
dang that’s a long post. that’s pretty mcuh all my thoughts at the moment but they might change after i go back to ac2 and after i play revelations. but at the moment it’s a pretty mixed game for me. i guess technically ac2 was also mixed since it too has flaws n parts i don’t like but it had so many parts that blew me away, those flaws seem minor in comparison. that’s not really the case here sadly :(
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