#rona norgreen
mappsiedoodles · 4 years
Starting off late because of busy days but here's my first chibi for oc-tober:
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Rona Norgreen, messenger and bodyguard to the Queens of Ferelden, as established a few years back in the Dragon Age Origins rpg gm'ed by the awesome @valerie-cousland whose imagination never fails to astonish me 💕💕💕
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mapplestrudel · 5 years
I was tagged by @gugle1980 to build an OC in this picrew --> https://picrew.me/image_maker/227881 Thank you so much ^_^
I couldn’t stop, so here’s my main three
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Rona Norgreen (with Bookshop!AU flair)
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Lynx with a new haircut (elf ears missing)
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And Ruth van de Graaff ^_^
Tagging @waitinginthepen @princess-underthemountain @soerdinan @john-cousland @cdhurricane​ @novamm66​ (if you guys are up to it), and anybody who wants to do it (tag me if you do, yes? ^_^)
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cdhurricane · 5 years
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Inktober 2019 Day 27 COAT
Rona Norgreen and Dinlas'al'ras (OCs belongs to the lovely @mapplestrudel)
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valerie-royeaux · 6 years
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XVI - The Tower
“The Tower shows a tall tower pitched atop a craggy mountain. Lightning strikes and flames burst from the building’s windows. People are seen to be leaping from the tower in desperation, wanting to flee such destruction and turmoil. (...) The lightning bolt breaks down existing forms in order to make room for new ones.”
“Upright meaning: Unexpected change, Renovation, Catastrophe, Destruction, Accident or damage. Reversed meaning: Obstacles, Volatile situation, Losses, Illness.”
Today, I celebrate @mapplestrudel‘s birthday with the Tarot Card of her amazing and resilient Rona Norgreen. The girl from Honnleath who overcame death to become death and life itself. A bastion in face of adversity, humiliation, and ambition. A bulwark in the face of hubris, exaltation and pride. Grounded, steady, a fortress.
@mapplestrudel grew closer and closer to us as Rona endured wave after wave crashing against her. Now, a full year after she joined us, she is our dear friend, someone I feel really happy to have known, and just like Rona, her sweetness devours us all!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag meine Schwester!
John Cousland’s Alvonigrum Tarot Deck: XII - The Hanged One  XV - The Devil XVI - The Tower
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loulous-scribbles · 7 years
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The lovely Rona “Fuzzles” Norgreen for the even more lovely @mapplestrudel ^^
I loved doing these, she has all of the things I love to paint: curly red hair, battle scars, and freckles! All on one girl! Sign me uppp 👌 👌 👌
Commission info!
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mapplestrudel · 5 years
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It's been weeks already since they've arrived, and last weekend I finally managed to take some nice pictures to show them off - my second Plushy OTP, Ruth van de Graaff and Jim Raynor, as made by plushy magician @tokutenshi-crafts 💕💕💕
And of course they were joined by Plushy OTP No. 1, i. e. Rona and Din ^_^
Once more I'm amazed at the details!
I mean, look at Jim? The tattoos, the cigarette pack, the grey streaks, the skull on his shin bracer? THE TACTICAL VEST IN ITS ENTIRETY??? Marvelous, and most excellent!!!
(He actually also has cuffs/gloves, but I had forgotten to take them with us on this day..)
Also, if you look closely, Ruth's right arm is shorter because she lost her right hand. Aaand her pilot jumpsuit is removable! Aaaand her luscious locks with the undercut are mighty enviable 💕💕💕
I love them all very much 😌🤗
Thank you so much @tokutenshi-crafts for bringing my OTPs to such lovable plushie life 💕💕💕
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mapplestrudel · 5 years
👀 !!!
Miss Ladybug!!! Thank you for asking ^_^ 💕
I perused my Goo Drive and I found this thing which I had totally forgotten about but now I have the RoDin feels again and want to finish it:
Din was excited. He wanted to show something to Rona and looked around for her on her usual spots. He finally found her with a group of new "recruits", the ones who survived Rookie week, and the aftermath.
He observed her showing them some blocking techniques, and smiled. They looked grumpy, but hung on her lips. She was good at that. it's not what she wanted, he knew that, but it's what she had in this moment and she was working with it as best as she could.
Still, in the last few months since she got out of isolation, he had noticed changes in her. More harsh, more grumpy. She had never smiled a lot, but she even smiled less now.
He worried that Milligan's plan, as far as he understood it, would succeed.
She locked up so many things, and he knew that they would explode at some point, maybe leaving nothing behind to be mended.
He wanted to cheer her up, show her something to look at and imagine a better life.
Rona noticed him lingering in the back. She'd become quite good at feeling where Din was. And whenever she felt him near a little smile would creep into her face, unnoticeable for most, but Din would see it. A slight "come on" gesture from him, a little nod from her. They've been spending so much time together that they could read each other quite well.
Rona gave the recruits an exercise task and left the training yard, Mira at her heels.
The mabari ran up to the elf who knelt down to receive sloppy kisses. Mira whined in delight as Din scratched that spot on her left flank.
(tagging @waitinginthepen @john-cousland @cdhurricane in case they're interested ^_^)
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mapplestrudel · 5 years
Hey miss Mappsie! Can I ask for 1, 7, 14 and 18 from the oc asks for Rona & Ruth, please?
Hey Miss Ladybug, hope you are doing fine! Thank you for indulging me and asking about y about my sweet mind childs <3
1. How do they respond to having a song stuck in their head? Does that happen to them often?
Both Ruth and Rona like to sing and have really nice voices actually. Rona is a bit shy, though, so she usually lowkey hums along with the stuck song. Ruth doesn't care and sings at the top of her lungs. If she must suffer the song stuck in her mind then so shall the others xD
Ruth is the one where this happens more often. She's also seldom seen without her music player at hand ^_^
7. How do they cope with losing an argument?
Rona rather loses an argument than having it escalate. She will be cranky though, if she feels it was an unfair solution. That's actually a thing she has to work on xD
Ruth mopes for a while if she loses. If over time she recognizes the merit in the other one's points/decisions, she'll approach them and comment as much, but it'll take a while because Pride is her vice and she has to overcome her stubbed ego first xD
She's totally up for escalating a heated argument into sexy times - only with Jim, though. There's no losers in that one ;)
14. Would they prefer to act or react?
Rona definitely is more a reacting type.
Ruth on the other hand likes to jump in and deal with the details as they come up.
18. What is the most inappropriate thing they have ever done in public?
That one time, a 10 year old Rona brought a Fereldan Fire Frog to the chantry service. Now, the Fereldan Fire Frog - and I quote from The Concise Illustrated Guide to the Flora and Fauna of Ferelden by Daveth Attbrough:
"is a remarkable animal. Small and of nondescript green-brownish colour, it is overseen easily in its natural habitat of muddy ponds and lakes. However, one will never forget an encounter with an angry specimen. If provoked sufficiently, its colour turns to an angry red, and it oozes off a slimy substance that sticks to everything that touches it, and causes red rashes not unlike stinging nettles, but of larger size and longer lasting pain. In this agitated state, the frog will also hop around frantically as a means of distracting potential enemies, to then go into hiding again and watch them agonize." *
Suffice to say chaos ensued when the frog escaped Rona's hold. The service ended prematurely and half the community had rashes and was very angry at Rona xD
For Ruth, it was hat one time during her days at the Military Academy in Amapá, Brasil, when she mooned one of the instructors she didn't like during a lecture. She had drawn two sleepy eyes on her buttocks, and written "BOOOORING!" above them in bold black letters. If you dig deep enough there's still the video circulating in the 'Net. Brother Ezra almost choked from laughing, but her parents were not so amused and had to pull a few favours so Ruth wouldn't get suspended.
(Odd-ish OC asks) 
((* taken from the unpublished Chapter 3 of my discontinued fic about Rona ))
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mappsiedoodles · 5 years
My sweet mindchild Rona Norgreen as a pony from Equestria ^_^
She’s a children’s books author and a teacher.
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For more MLP!AU see here ^_^
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mapplestrudel · 5 years
Hiiiiii Jo, thank you for checking in! 💕💕💕Here's this comic idea I sketched about Rona's escape from her imprisonment in Milligan's Pit:
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(Rona, Din and Mira the Mabari are close to the secret tunnel's exit, when a bloodmage activates the demon that is bound to Din with a magical branding (Rona has one, too, but it doesn't "work" anymore due to interference from another spirit). She doesn't want to fight him, so she tries and chokes him in a headlock and leaves him behind, not sure if he's actually still alive...)
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mapplestrudel · 5 years
Hey miss Mappsie! Can I ask for number 11 for Rona & Din, 22 for Ruth & Jim, and 29 for both ships from the ship meme please?? 💕💕
Miss Ladybug! 💕💕💕I’m sorry thinking about this took so long o_OAlso, this is just the first half of it, to reduce the WOTness (I got carried away…. xD)
So here’s for Rona and Din first:
11. What do they hide from one another?
They met when Milligan added Rona to his “stock of fighters” in the Pit and assigned Din to teach her how to fight. They didn’t like each other in the beginning, but over time a mutual respect and friendship grew. Slowly but slowly they fell in love, too, and this they hid, as best as they could, to keep each other safe. There wasn’t any open acknowledgement about this until later when they met again in freedom.
So they’ve been through hell together and seen each other at their worst, thus there’s not much left to hide from each other, at least from the past ;) But, what Rona does hide from Din is that there is still a little tiny spot in her heart for Milligan. Yes, she does hate that two-faced megalomaniac bastard, but before he showed his true face, he was the one who listened to her and what she wanted after her mother had her locked up in the convent. He was the one who helped her to escape and laid the world to her feet. It was with him that she felt free, alive and happy for the first time in years. So yes, she does have fond memories of the time, and she does mourn this, but she never tells Din.
As for Din, I’m a bit stumped because he usually wears his heart on his sleeve, and that’s why answering this took so long. He tries to hide when he is overwhelmed at times, the sun is too bright, the people too loud, their two kids too much to handle for the moment. But Rona knows the signs and keeps his back free. He also at some point starts to take in wandering cats from the outside and tries to hide those at first, but, well, they’re cats and there’s a whole bunch a Mabari/Fereldan pointer mix doggos running about, too, and hiding doesn’t work out too well for long… So… I’m still not sure, if there’s something he manages to completely hide… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Rona’s heart grows a little more every time she sees Din interacting with their kids, be it playing catch in a bundle of children and dogs, or singing the Dalish Lullaby to them, or telling them watered down versions of their own adventures as bedtime stories. 
And Din? When Rona takes charge and as the official bodyguard takes care that Queen Anora and Queen Gwen are safe and when she does things that he knows were outside her comfort zone once, he’s like so superproud of her and basically 
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Also, that nose scrunch she does when she laughs? He just melts. And whenever she scratches and massages his scalp he internally renews his wedding vows while he completely zones out and relaxes.
Thank you so much for asking! This was a good mind juggle ^_^Ruth and Jim are on their way, too, but they’ll need a few more days ;)
I’mma tag, @john-cousland @cdhurricane and @soerdinan 
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mapplestrudel · 5 years
The character profile tag thing for Rona Norgreen ^_^
Thank you so much for asking about Rona, Soerdi! 💕Sorry it took so long to get to it, but: here we go, finally :D
(The referred post can be found here.)
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(Art by @merrillydraws)
Full Name: Rona Norgreen
Gender and Sexuality: female, demisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: half-elf (which she doesn’t know until age 27, when her new-born baby has pointy elfy ears)
Birthplace and Birthdate: a little village in the Frostback Mountains, 15th Bloomingtide 9:11 Dragon
Guilty Pleasures: With all she’s been through she doesn’t feel guilty anymore about the little pleasures she indulges in… like, a hot bath; a slice of freshly baked bread with butter, water cress and salt; apple pie.
Phobias: darkness, closed spaces; dark and closed spaces are the worst (she declined a mission that would have brought her into the Deep Roads… started shaking and getting pale just from looking at the map). She’s also very scared of losing her loved ones.
What They Would Be Famous For: helping to slay two dragons in a relative short amount of time. First Evin Milligan, High Priest of the Andrastian Dragon Cult in the Frostbacks and ex-husband of hers, who took the body of a high dragon. The Avvar gave her the name of Deathsting after that ^_^ Then she also helped to kill the Arch Demon and thus end the Fifth Blight.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Trying to escape - from home, from the convent her mother put her in, from Milligan’s Pit where he tried to forge her into a queen worthy to rule by his side.
OC You Ship Them With: Dinlas'al'ras (RoDin is my OTP, thank you very much ^_^)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: her mother
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Adventures, guides on nature things, i.e. plants, animals, rocks, mushrooms…
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: n/a
Talents and/or Powers: Rona has a wonderful singing voice and Din is often caught staring at her with starry eyes whenever she sings or hums to herself or later to their kids. She’s also super quick with her two daggers. And her daggers themselves are something special, too: Not only are they masterworks, but the remaining spirit of the Lady in Black resides in them, granting even more power. And since she and the LiB are connected in their wrath, the daggers start glowing ghostly when Rona is angry.Also, she’s pretty good at carving little things (statues, toys) - she learned that from the man who she thought was her father.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Din loves her unrelenting will to survive and live, also her curiosity and cuddliness. And as mentioned above, he loves to listen to her sing. Also, that she can best him in a training fight ^_^
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Her mother hates her just for who she is, an unwanted half-elven bastard with an attitude.
How They Change: One big change is that she grows less angry the older she gets, less angry and more kind. This is thanks to Din, of course, but also Mimi and Thomas Roberts who took her in after her escape from the Pit and gave her time and space to heal. Later, the hardships of parenting 2 kids teach her another thing or two about anger, patience and kindness; fortunately, being the personal bodyguard of Queen Anora has its perks and she and Din get a lot of support.
Edit: On a more meta level, she changed from a sorta self-insert proxy being shipped with Cullen to a losely based-on-me OC on her own being shipped with another OC, my gateway into OCxOC hell heaven ^_^
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mappsiedoodles · 6 years
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Yesterday I made myself tear up thinking about how Rona and Din would die (of old age, rather than in battle), so I needed some happiness today for my two lovebirds.
More under the cut.
After a (relatively) long life, Rona would fall sick, and when it's obvious her end draws near, all her loved ones would gather around the bed: Din of course, heartbroken already, but still trying to cheer everyone up, their children Layla and Flynn (maybe even with their own families), Morrigan, Anora and Gwen, Alice Amell, maybe even Leliana, Sten and Alistair. And a pack of ragtag mabari mixes. They'd all say their quiet (and/or slobbery) goodbyes. And in a far corner Rona would see her old friends who already have passed: Mira her trusted mabari who had passed many years ago and left an empty space that couldn't be filled; the Lady in Black who in all her spiritness had adopted Rona and helped bring down her own son; Falon'uvenia, Din's mother who planted the seed of immeasurable love into Din's heart which grew despite the dire circumstances he had to grow up in and in turn saved Rona from herself and others uncountable times.
A last long sigh and gone she is and Din, used to Death as he is, would not be able to keep it in anymore. The others would leave silently to let him mourn, Layla would bring a blanket. In the morning though, when she'd go check on him, she'd find him lying half on the bed, Rona's hand clasped, dead.
So they both would be buried under the same apple tree where they had already put Mira and Hunter.
And now I'm teared up again, dammit ;_________;
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mapplestrudel · 6 years
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So I wanted some happy fluff for Rona and commissioned the skilled and awesome @elevanetheirin and got this cuddly and wonderful family picture of Rona and Din and their kids Layla and Flynn. I love it and I love them and their cuddliness is my happy place and THANK YOU ANGELIQUE! <3 <3 <3
Tagging the usual suspects ;) @gwen-cousland @john-cousland @bloodmagespectre and @spaceborn--vagabond 
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mapplestrudel · 6 years
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My daughter kissed these two snuggly fluffbirds goodnight today and my heart melted a little...*___*
@tokutenshi-crafts Look! They're doing fine and I love them so much and thank you again for making them 💕
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mapplestrudel · 6 years
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They’re here!
My two fluffy fluffbirds Rona and Din, made by fiber magician @tokutenshi-crafts
I love their colours and their “feel” (the hair!!! it is so fluffyyyyy!!!!!) and omg just to have my sweet mindchilds IN MY HANDS AND CUDDLING THEM IS SO! AMAZING! 
And look at Rona’s shredded ear!
Thank you so much @tokutenshi-crafts! I love them dearly! <3 <3 <3 
Tagging @gwen-cousland, @john-cousland, @bloodmagespectre, @spaceborn--vagabond bc Mr. and Mrs. Fluff, and maybe @soerdinan and @waitinginthepen could be interested, too?
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