dryangon · 6 years
minecraft is real i fucked an enderman myself
finally. a man of culture
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dryangon · 6 years
wtf is that anon talking about, minecraft is absolutely real life. you got cows. grass. ender dragon. pretty bog standard real life
anon do you mean to say you DONT come face to face with your gods after slaying a giant dragon and then jumping into the void?
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dryangon · 7 years
😆: tell a funny storyalrightyso at my school we have some really shitty vending machines. and i mean really. the kind of vending machines that when the administration puts up a piece of paper and tells us to “rate your experience” with said vending machine most of the answers scribbled down on this shit are below zero and have comments ranging from “thanks obama” to “this made me actively suicidal.” but they still won’t replace the damn things because missouri is cheap as hell.anyway so one day me and my boy rylie are taking a trip down to vending machine town and there are these two freshman boys in front of us. one of them feeds the machine a $5 dollar bill, and the vending machine, being the piece of shit that it is, eats it. the kid’s standing there for a good few minutes waiting for the machine to give him back his damn money. eventually he smacks the thing and walks away, defeated, and i shit you not, literally 3 seconds after he left the vending machine finally registered that he put in $5. but he was already gone, right (or at least 15 feet away), so i punch in the number for what i want, rylie punches in what she wants, and we both walk away with snacks and i have an extra $3.75 in my pocket. i live in constant fear that a friend of the kid saw me do this, and one day i may have to battle a freshman. it is sure to be a quick fight.
🎮: favorite video game?right now its stardew valley because i’m going on another kick
🎁: what is the best gift you’ve received? What’s the best gift you’ve given?the best gift i’ve ever received is my mother fuckin sword. the best gift i’ve ever given is probably the password and username to my steam account
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dryangon · 7 years
So your icon looks like you're getting ready to join the black parade lol
god damn youre right
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dryangon · 6 years
jajajajajajajajaja hello
hey whats up
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dryangon · 7 years
1-30 on the artist asks do it
jesus h fuck alright
gonna put this in a readmore
Do you prefer traditional drawing, or digital?
only recently ive been preferring digital, i think it has more to do with the fact that i dont usually do my own style when drawing traditionally cause art class
How long have you been drawing?
since i was like 3 my dude although i only seriously started trying to get better in fifth grade so about 5 years
How many classes have you taken?
ive taken four? so far? depends on whether or not digital media counts
Do you have a DeviantArt, personal website, or art blog?
do not have any of those things except art blog, youre looking at it
What’s your favorite thing to draw?
What’s your least favorite thing to draw?
b a c k g r o u n d s
How often do you use references?
not that often unless im trying to nail down a specific background or someone requests something that requires a reference
Do you draw professionally, or just for fun?
just for fun, ive been thinking about commissions but idk if ill ever set that up
How much time do you spend drawing on an average day?
really depends on the day. since schools out i spend a good four hours drawing (not consecutively)
Are you confident about your art?
wiggles hand uncertainly
How many art-related blogs do you follow?
uhhhhhhhhhh like 70ish
Is it okay for people to ask you about your process?
yeah i dont mind! i probably am not the best person to ask for help tho
Do you prefer to keep your art personal, or do you like drawing things for other people?
theres a line between personal art and public art in my head, i dont mind drawing things for others but i dont like people looking at the stuff that ive done for my personal use
Do you ever collaborate with others?
i would if i was asked
How long does an average piece take you to complete?
usually what you see on my blog are sketches and lineart and those take me anywhere from 30 min to an hour, colored things take me like 2 hours
Do you draw more today than you did in the past, or do you draw less?
i think i draw more, just because when i was a little kid teachers and stuff would take away anything i was drawing with even in art classes if i was supposed to be paying attention or some shit
i remember in sixth grade my social studies teacher took my notebook away from me because i was doodling in her class while taking notes
there was also once that a substitute yelled at me for drawing after we finished a test
Do you think you’re justified in giving other people art advice?
i mean i guess with lines and stuff but with color im completely hopeless
i can tell you what i think looks good but other than that 
What are you currently trying to improve on?
What is the most difficult thing for you to draw?
What is the easiest thing for you to draw?
Do you like to challenge yourself?
i do but its really hard for me to do sometimes because often ill get distracted and forget to focus on this one piece of art
Are you confident that you’re improving steadily?
mnot really
i guess i can sort of see it in my older pieces but i really dont know
the other thing is sometimes i like the way my style turns out but then i progress and i cant revert back to what i liked
Do you draw more fanart, or more original art?
fanart on this blog, original in my notebooks
Do you feel jealous when you see other people’s art, or inspired? (Be honest!)
i dont really get jealous, but i guess sometimes i do get sad just because they found this really cool style and im still trying to find mine
Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
i like drawing with music but a lot of the time i end up drawing in silence bc my playlist ran through entirely
For digital artists: what program(s) do you use?
artrage 4
For digital artists: how many layers does a typical piece require?
sketches: 4-5. colored: 10+
For traditional artists: what medium do you like most? (Pencil, charcoals, etc)
For traditional artists: How do you usually start on a big piece? (Light sketch, colored lead, sketchpaper, etc)
light sketch
What inspires you to not just make art, but to be a better artist?
i have a lot of fuckin ideas and i want to be able to put them on paper goddamn it
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dryangon · 7 years
Also I had a dream where Ratsu from Ciikos Bridge was going around smacking everyone with his staff like Rafiki
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dryangon · 7 years
Were you ever into hybrid au?
a little bit, makethatashirt introduced me to deer ray and i jam with that
i havent done a whole lot of hybrid stuff but its good shit
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dryangon · 7 years
Ahh your new avie looks so good and snarky!!!
thank u!!!! i just pulled a frame from the lovely day video that will land me in hell
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dryangon · 7 years
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sp,icy i cant draw muscles for shit please accept this instead and consider it imagined
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dryangon · 7 years
side note: i have to restrain myself from asking you to draw joel/ray 5 times in a row because i am still joelay trash in 2017
lol i feel that pain buddy
we’ve all got those ships that we justnever let go jack
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dryangon · 7 years
I just wanted to say I love your art. The lines go swoosh and make my brain go !!! and I'm really thankful for every piece you draw at my request.
aaaa!!!! thank u so much :,) tbh i live off of requests and its really encouraging to get them from people like u (especially multiple) cause it lets me kno im doing something right and people enjoy it enough to request more,,,,,, im really grateful for the requests that you send in and i really enjoy fulfilling them
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dryangon · 7 years
fun fact ray and ryan have hairy chest and joel shaves because he needs to move in the watet like a swimmer
g bless,,,, this certainly is a fun fact
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dryangon · 7 years
Hey so your art is soooo good????? Like How?????? Good job pls keep doing what you do
aaaaaaa aa a a?????????? thank you so much!!!!! im glad you like my art!!!!
ho boy i dont really know what to say but just imagine a small nerd sitting in an office chair and smiling like an idiot
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dryangon · 8 years
U has wonderfull arts i Loves it!!!
thank you!!!!! :’D
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dryangon · 8 years
So how many times can I request art before you get mad at me?
haha i don’t mind at all!! i really enjoy it whenever i get requests so send as many as you like!!
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