#rook being canonically a big eater with a predatory tilt
belliesandburps · 4 months
Would you be willing to do dialogue for Epel?
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(Surprisingly, I got quite a few Epel requests, so I'm gonna blend them all into this one like Ruggie and Jack.)
Burping in public (Around dormmates)
(blushes and covers mouth) "Ah...! E-Excuse me...!!"
(goes wide-eyed and clamps mouth shut) "......S-S-Sorry, dorm leader..."
(smiles nervously) "...T-That was because of a potion, I swear..."
(covers his mouth) "Oh, g-goodness! Pardon me, that was...(feels another burp coming, but swallows it down and grimaces)...mph...(palms his chest)...p-pardon me..."
(pushes a fist to his mouth) "Mph, sorry...my stomach has been bothering me all day..."
(looks around nervously) "...You won't tell Vil about that, right...?"
Burping in public (Around friends)
"Whew! (pats his stomach) That was a GOOD one!"
"Oof! Sweet tarnation! They ain't gettin' any quieter, haha!"
"Damn, that felt good!"
(grins) "Let's see ya top THAT!"
Woooo boy... (rubs his stomach) Ah may'uh wolfed down mah lunch a lil too dang fast, heh..."
"Pfft, that was weak, hol' up... (gulps down more and more air until he can't take anymore, then lets out a MUCH louder and longer belch that ends with him sighing) Haaaaaahhhhh...whew...THAT'S more like it..."
Burping for the first time around friends
(grins) "What? Didn't think I could let a monster like that rip?"
"Hehe, I know, 'so dainty and proper, probably doesn't even KNOW how to burp,' right?"
(smirks and daintily covers his mouth) "Hehe, ex-CUSE me...where'd my manners go all'uh the sudden?"
(sighs boorishly and pats his belly shamelessly) "Haaaahhhh...WHEW! Heh, sorry 'bout-uUrp-that, mph...shouldn't'uh had lunch before studyin' with Vil. Ah been stuck 'round him fer hours so I had t'hold that one in all dang day..."
(smirks cockily) "Pfft, that was nothin'. Check THIS out...(takes in several gulps of air, puts his hand on his stomach as it fills up with the excess air, then pushes down firmly and lets rip a HUGE burp, before sighing with relief and patting his belly)"
(grins and folds his arms behind his head carefree) "Heh, pretty loud, ain't they? Back home, I could out-burp anybody foolhardy 'nuff t'try and take me on...(grins more impishly)...still can..."
Burping after chugging a soda
"Oof...oh man, think ah done guzzled that one a lil fast...OOOOUUUUURRRRRP!!!! Guhhh..."
"Gaaaahhh...haha! Did y'all HEAR that?! Hot DAMN!"
(blushes and smile sheepishly) "H-Heh, s'cuse me...guess ah was kinda thirsty..."
"Woo dang...! (rubs his stomach firmly) So bubbly...bruUuUuUuph...BWWWOOOOURRRAAAAAAAPH!!!!! Phew...! (pats his belly)"
"Haahhh...(palms his chest) That's the stuff right there..."
(grins cheekily) "Hehe, imagine if VIL heard that one...(smile dips)...actually, let's not..."
Burping after stuffing himself
"Gruuuoooohhhh man...(rubs his bulging belly up and down)...feels like ah'm gonna BURST..."
"Haaahhh...(pats his rounded gut contently)...ain't had pies that good in ages..."
"Whew...that was a biggun, ain't it...(gropes his overstuffed middle and gives it a light jostle)...an' right now, so am I, heh..."
(huffs and hits his chest to knock loose another fierce burp) "Gaahhhh...sorry, when I'm THIS dang bloated, all that there gas gets kinda stuck..."
(sighs contently and holds his belly with both hands) "Haaaahhhhhh...felt my gut shake like crazy with that one..."
(gives a hiccup and a dainty afterburp before flopping onto his back; his large belly jutting up over him) "...Urgh...s-so...dang...ffFUUUUUUUULL...!!!"
Burping to kink-tease
"Ah, heh, s'cuse me...ain't very gentlemanly, huh?"
(smirks) "Hehe, ya like that? Don'tchu worry...(rubs his stomach teasingly)...loooooots more where that came from..."
"Pfft, that gets yer goat goin', does it? Well, good thing fer you that I'm a burpin' machine, hehe."
"You want bigger? (grins cockily) Ya came t'the right guy...(swallows more and more air, holding his stomach as it fills up with the excess oxygen, and then grips it tightly as a MASSIVE belch blasts past his maw and leaves him moaning)...hhhhhaaaaaaaahhhh...toldja I'm the champ."
"Hehe, sorry, did that rile ya up a lil too much? (quickly gulps down a sharp but single gulp of air and immediately burps it back up) There, that was smaller, so it oughta be easier fer ya, right?"
"Ahhhh, hehe...y'know, I dunno what I love more. Burpin' or watchin' you get all hot'n bothered every time I do..."
Nauseous burps
(quickly covers mouth) "Urrf...oOohh, that one hurt..."
(holds his churning stomach) "...Guhh...sorry, dorm leadeEUurp!! (quickly covers mouth) Oh no..."
(clamps mouth shut and burps heavily behind his fist) "Mph...ohhhh man...(rubs his belly slowly)...my gut's burblin' like grandma's gumbo..."
(rubs his stomach up and down) "Urgh...there's so much gas in my gut...(swallows down air)...BRRRAAAAAAAPH!!! Guh...BLLUUUUUOOORRRRUUUP!!!! Ugh...just keeps comin'..."
(slumps forward and clutches his knees) "...Uuuuugh...hoooo man...ah feel another burp just brewin' but...definitely feel somethin' else brewin' too..."
(goes green and covers his mouth) "...Mph...somethin' definitely came up with that one...hrrrMMMmph! BBBRRRRRMMMPH!!! (hugs his stomach and goes wide-eyed as he rushes to the bathroom)"
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