#rooms for rent in Montego Bay
afimivilla · 22 days
Escape to Paradise: Mountain View Vacation Villa for a memorable stay in Jamaica
Jamaica, with its lush landscapes and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for many travelers. Whether you’re seeking a serene retreat or a lively adventure, the island offers options to suit every taste. For those looking to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of Jamaica, a mountain view vacation villa is an ideal choice. Meanwhile, rooms for rent in Montego Bay provide a convenient and…
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dbtngthomas · 1 year
Slave Meat
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Ann broke, really and truly broke this time.  Suddenly sobbing quietly as she hung from the log with three other women.  There were two other logs, all hanging from the ceiling in the warehouse, all with four women hanging down from each log.  It should be noted that all the women were white.  
At the end of the warehouse, there was a rather nice room where several other women were enjoying a cocktail party.  Again, for context, all the women at the party were women of color or Asian.
Ann didn’t know exactly how long she’d been there.  There, being Cuba, she at least knew that.  She had been on a girl’s vacation with five friends, college friends.  They would get together every few years for a week long vacation.  All now in their 30s, but all still very attractive.
This year’s reunion was in Jamaica.  They were in a resort near Montego Bay.  
The rented a party catamaran out of Montego Bay, through their resort.  Jamaica has a reputation of being dangerous if you strayed outside the confines of the resorts, because they rented through the resort and because the captain and crew of the boat were all women, Ann and her friends felt safe.
Plus, from Ann’s perspective, the fit black women were nice to look at and potential conquest for the evening.
So, out they went on the boat.  Wine flowed, snacks were available.  After a while the captain pointed out that they were near was the Cuban coast.  Ann and her five friends thought that was cool, as they knew getting to Cuba, while no longer illegal, was difficult to do.
After a few hours of fun and relaxation, the captain brought out a bottle of champagne, compliments of the staff to celebrate for the women.  The women, already a little tipsy cheered.  The crew poured the champagne.  Ann and her friends toasted their friendship and drank the champagne.
Soon all six women began to get lightheaded and woozy.  And one by one they passed out.  Ann remembered thinking at the time, she had been drugged.
When Ann came to, she was, naked, in a cage in a dank room.  She tried the door and it was locked.  She could see other cages down a long hallway.   The lighting wasn’t strong, so she couldn’t see far.
Instinctively she started yelling for help.  Ann shouted for a few seconds, as she did she saw hands grabbing the bars of the other cells.
In short order she heard footsteps come approaching.  She saw two women, black women, in fatigues round a corner and come toward her cell.
Ann angrily and anxiously began shouting questions; where was she, who were they.  All the usual questions you would expect from someone who had woken up in a strange cell.
The black women said nothing.  Nor did their faces give anything away.  They simply opened the cell door, drew out short whips and started beating Ann.  Ann screamed and backed up, falling down and scooting back on her hands.  The whole time screaming and crying, alternating between begging to stop, asking why was going on, and swearing at them.  Although the more she was beaten, the less she was swearing at them.
Finally she just sobbed, and curled up into the fetal position.
The black women stopped whipping her.  They rolled Ann on her stomach and one kneeled on her back.  Ann started to scream again, but they continued their work.  They shackled Ann’s ankles together and then did the same with her wrists.
Then one produced a ball gag and moved toward Ann’s face.  Ann did not want to be gagged, she had too many questions, so she shut her lips tight.  The black women looked at each other and laughed.  The one without the ball gag, took her whip and struck Ann again.  Ann screamed and voila, ball gag inserted.  Next came a blindfold.
They hoisted Ann to her feet, and one grabbed her wrist shackles and frog-marched Ann out of her cell.
Ann did not know where she was going and struggled to keep her balance.  She could not see anything and tried to walk slower than her captors wanted to walk.  However, her captors were very no nonsense and seemed to drag Ann more than she walked.
After some time, they half carried, half dragged Ann up some steps and suddenly there was carpet under Ann’s feet.  A kick to the back of one of Ann’s knees and a push down on her should found Ann kneeling on the carpet.  The two women stood by Ann with their hands on each of Ann’s shoulders keep her on her knees and in her place.  
Then they removed the blindfold.  As Ann’s eyes adjusted she took in her surroundings.  She was in a large, well-appointed office, And a few feet in front of Ann was a rather large desk.
Behind the desk was a small Hispanic woman.  She appeared to Ann to be in her 60s.  But Ann could see as she got up and came around the desk she looked very fit.  Her grey hair was pulled back and she wore a very severe looking suit.  She looked like a CEO.
Ann shouted through the gag.  She wanted answers, she wanted to know what was going on, she wanted to go home.  What Ann got was a jolt from a cattle prod in her back.  Ann screamed into the gag and would have fallen over had her guards not held her up.
The older woman leans against the desk, and reaches back for what appears to be Ann’s bag from the sailing trip.
She takes something out.  It appears to be a credit card.
“Ann XXXXX from XXXXX, Ohio,” she says, then looks straight at Ann, “Hello Ann XXXXX from XXXXX Ohio.”
She walks over to Ann and strokes Ann’s cheek.
“I assume you are wondering what is happening?”
Ann tries to say something through the gag, but as soon as her noises start, the cattle prod touches her again, eliciting another scream.
When Ann looks up again, the older woman is back at the desk holding a folder.
“Ann, I see here you’re an accountant…”
Ann tries to communicate again through the gag with the same painful results.
The older woman stars again, “Ann, I would have thought an accountant would be smarter than this?  How many times are we going to have to hurt you before you remain quiet?    Hmmm?’
Ann was crying now, both from the pain and the humiliation.
“Ann, look at me?”
Ann raised her head to look at her tormentor.
“Ann, will you be quiet now?”  The woman’s voice was gentle, almost kind.
Ann nodded through her tears.
“Good girl,” she said, “now let me continue.  You’re an accountant, 34 years old, unmarried, oh and I see you are a lesbian.  That’s good, it will make your transition much smoother.”
The older woman flipped a page in the folder.
“Oh and according to your social media accounts, you have had a relationship with a Black Woman, delightful.  You were made for this.”  And she laugh to herself.
The older woman keep flipping pages in the file.  “We were able to get you medical records.  You appear to be in excellent health.  And you have no tattoos or piercings.  A blank canvas.  That is always popular.”
“I see you have some family and friends, that’s too bad, oh well.  That is an occupational hazard I suppose.”
Ann had no idea what was going on.  And she couldn’t ask, the gag and the pain prevented that from happening.
The older woman put down the folder, stood up and reached for something on her desk, a box.  She took out a cigar and proceeded in what to Ann looked like a ritual.  When the cigar was ready, the woman took an ornate lighter and light the cigar.  She drew a breath in to get the cigar going.  Then she exhaled.
“Ann, I suppose you want to know what is going on, right?”
Ann nodded, still afraid to talk.
“Of course you do, well I will tell you.”
Then the older woman drew on her cigar again.  She let Ann wait several seconds, which seemed like hours to Ann, before she continued.
“At this time, the world is a wild place.  There is much money floating around and unlike many years ago, there is a lot of money in the hands of women.  And much of it is in the hands of women of color around the globe.  You know this right?”
Ann nodded again.
The older woman started to speak again.
“Well…” she stopped and looked right at Ann, “would you like me to have the gag removed?”
Ann nodded vigorously.
“First, I want to make sure you know two things; the pain if you speak out of turn, right?”
Ann nodded again.
“And If I ask you any questions you always answer me completely and you will always refer to me as Doña understand?” the older woman asked.
Ann dropped her head and again, nodded, although this time with less enthusiasm.  Ann was starting to take in what was happening to her.
“And just to make sure, because the cattle prod can mark you and we do not want that, we will make sure any further pain that is required will not be noticeable..”
She gestured to the third guard, the one not standing beside Ann.   That guard took something, it looked like the rabbit vibrator Ann had at home.  She used her boot to kick Ann’s knees further part and then she inserted the device into Ann’s pussy.  She gave the controller to the older woman.
“Now I will show you how this works.” And she pushed the button.  Ann’s pussy exploded in pain.
“See, no marks….by the way, that was the lowest setting.  So we understand each other now, correct?”
Ann was sobbing from the pain but managed to let the woman know.
Doña gestured to the two guards beside Ann, now holding Ann up more than guarding her.  They removed the gag.  Ann sucked in a huge lungful of air, but maintained her composure and did not speak.  Although her whimpers were now noticeable.
“Now where was I? Doña asked herself, “Oh yes, women of color with money.  So these women now have the means to buy almost anything they want.  But it was not until the last few years, the fall of the former Soviet Union, where larger criminal gangs started operating and young women were, what is the phrase Americans use?...Oh yes, trafficked.”
She puffed on her cigar.
“Well that was small time, poor peasants from the poor third world countries, the former Soviet Bloc, turned into prostitutes.  Too many low quality women used for a short period of time.  But then it became obvious to me, if this business model works, why not branch out from there.”
Another puff.
“Did not Toyota make Lexus.  Was there not a need for a top of the line model here as well?  And you can solve two problems.  Find white women, women reviled by the third world for the problems they caused.  And not just recent problems, going back to your civil war and slavery.  And turn these women into sex slaves available for sale to women of color from around the globe.”
Ann could not believe what she was hearing.  Shew heard the airport messages about stopping human trafficking, but that was for other women, not professional women like her.  It was for poor women from other countries.  Ann started to cry harder.
Forgetting herself, Ann said, “my friends…”
And that is as far as Ann got before she felt the searing pain in her pussy.
“Ann, I thought you were a smart girl, I thought you understood the rules?  Do we need the gag again?
“I…I…I’m…m…m s..s..s..sorry Doña. It w..won’t happen again.” Ann stammered out.
“Your friends, yes, well you see. The boat captain is always on the lookout for potential product, I bought 3 of you, two went to another slave trainer and I believe the captain wanted the little blonde for herself.  We may see her again in the future, but I suspect she will be a little worse for wear at that time.”
The older woman finished her cigar and put it out. 
“Before I tell you what will happen to you next, perhaps I can answer any questions?  You may ask me a question Ann.”
“They’ll look for me Doña,” Ann said, trying to sound brave.
“Of course they will my child, but they will look in Jamaica.  And the captain will spin a tale of your group wanting to go with another group of men and she did not know you vanished until the police just told her.”
The older woman came over to Ann and gently stroked her cheek.  
“Ann, you are now a slave, a piece of chattel property to be sold.  Soon you will be away from here in the service of your new owner, desperately trying to please them so they keep you.”
Ann just kept crying.
“But enough of that, here is what is going to happen…”
The older women, proceeded to tell Ann that she had been doing this for 15 years and was now quite wealthy.  But she continues because, aside from owning slave girls, knowing what the Americans did to her Cuba, she loves seeing them suffer.
Doña told Ann that the next sale was in 3 months and that she was going to be trained for that sale.  Doña said that she has a reputation for the most well-trained slave girls and her clientele is exclusive for girls well versed in the sapphic arts.  That is why Ann being a lesbian is a bonus.
Ann was going to be prepared for sale for the first week.  This would involve pictures for the auction brochure online via the dark web.  This was done after the girl was initially taken, so there was still some spirit in the new slaves eyes.  And as the training was rigorous and sleep at a premium, pictures too close to the auction were just not good marketing.
During the first week, all new slaves were collared with a leather collar, with soft interior, and ankle and wrist shackles were removed.  As this was a long term process, Doña wanted to make sure the girls had as few marks as possible when they were sold.  Bondage was used as required, but it was not a permanent state.
Then they were  pierced, in their nipples and clit hood.  Other piercings could be added at the new owners discretion.  A slave number was tattooed on the inside of her lip.  Doña delighted in pointing out that this is what happened to race horses.  A very seriously strong depilatory cream was used so that all the hair below the neck was permanently removed.  Ann was informed no slave girl of Doña’s was ever allowed hair below her neck.
The final and most painful part and what caused Ann to go half insane with fear was the last thing.  All of Doña’s girls were branded with Doña’s mark, so that all future buyers would know who trained this slave girl.  
And true to her word, and Ann’s expectations, at the end of the first week, was the branding.  Ann was strapped down in the cage area, where the salves were kept during their training.  All the other girls and there were 11 others, were forced to watch.  Looking away was punished.  The straps held Ann tight.  She was unable to move her lower body.  The brazier with the brand was in front of her, so she could see the torture implement.  Doña as always spoke at this ceremony telling the slave girls it was an honor to wear this brand.  
Ann watched as one of the guards took the brand from the brazier.  She held it in front of Ann’s face.  Ann could feel the heat and was screaming, begging Doña not to do this.  This was the one time Doña did not punish a slave girl for speaking out of turn.  Truth be told, Doña loved to hear the begging and screaming from the white girls.
Then the guard went around, and what seemed like forever to Ann, she waited until Doña nodded.  Then the branding iron was placed on to the right ass cheek of the slave girl.  Ann screamed and passed out.  When she came to she was in an infirmary bed, on her stomach, tied to the bed so she could not move.  For two days a doctor (of the Mengele variety) watched the wound heal, making sure the definition of the mark remained visible to all buyers.
Once Ann was pierced, tattooed and branded, her life became one of sexual service and punishment.  Every day was the same, woken up after too little sleep, (sleep deprived slaves were easier to break down), a nourishing, but not filling meal, and ablutions, over a hole in the ground.
The girls, Ann discovered there were 11 other girls, but none who were from her vacation group.  They had all been there for a relatively short time.
The girls were able to talk quietly in their cells at the end of the day.  Ann discovered that there were two auctions annually, that gave the Mistress, Doña, time to procure new slaves and give them at least 3 months of training.  One of the slave girls, Beth, a blonde from Southern California, spoke fluent Spanish and had heard the guards talking.  Plus Doña provided information to the girls when her mood suited that.
The routine each day, and slave girl life, was 24/7/365, and was simple.  After breakfast there were exercised to keep weight down and tone up.  Beautiful slaves girls brought higher process.
The afternoon was spent practicing sexual services.  Often times peasant women were brought in for the slaves to practice their oral skills.  Ann found this distasteful as these women did not shave and usually came straight from work, so their pussies and asses were hairy and ripe. 
Ann found out this was to train the slave girls to never hesitate when a free woman demanded sexual services.  The slave girls learned the hard way (whips, crops, or cattle prods) when they hesitated or when their were complaints about the slaves performance.  Over time, the slaves dove right in for any sexual request.
This training also include the sexual arousal, BUT, never the release of the slave girls.  In fact unauthorized orgasms were met with the worst punishments, the slave girl was to have her clit surgically removed.  This edging and denial routine served to make the slave girls incredibly sexually responsive.
Punishment was harsh and capricious.  Often times there was a reason given, even if it was not really true.  Sometimes the guards just beat the slaves.  Other time Doña wanted to hear a white girl scream.  But the slaves learned to behave and accept their lot.
At the end of the day, another meal and clean up.  A communal show gave the 12 slave girls another chance to talk as they cleaned each other.  Over time, all the edging served to make these showers, almost mini orgies.  However, the slave girls, at least those in Ann’s group, never went over the line.
Ann noticed that all the sex and punishment made the girls more sexually responsive to each other and caused them to be more tender to each other.  This was the only time when the slave girls were able to offer tender touches and hugs o each other.  While slave orgasms were not permitted, Doña encouraged this behavior as it made the slaves more sexually responsive, and again, drove up their price, plus some camaraderie keep the slave girls’ fragile psyches balanced.  Crazy did not sell well.
One evening, after the slave girls had their bath time and were settled in their cells, Doña came in.  As was required, all the slave girls immediately stopped what they were doing and assumed a slave’s kneeling position at their cell door; knees apart, hands om their knees palms up, with their eyes cast downward.
The slave girls did not know this, but this was also part of the training routine.  Doña explained that the auction would occur in 7 days.  A murmur/whimper came up from the slave girls.
“SILENCE.” Doña said, is a raised voice.
The room got quiet again.
“This is why you are being trained.”
Doña proceeded to walk up and down the cages and explain what was to happen.
The slave girls were not to be touched over the next 7 days.  This meant no punishments but they were still required to edge.  However, over this period, only Doña’s staff touched the girls.  They were allowed more sleep and their wounds were tended to.  Bruises and cuts were allowed to heal.  The slaves must be made beautiful for their sale.
At the end of the week, Doña came to the dormitory where the slaves were held. All they were told was that there was a reception for the buyers tomorrow evening, and then the auction would be the day after that.
“I tell you this tonight slaves,” Doña said, “because the first time a slave is sold it is very traumatic…”
When Doña said this, Ann and the rest of the slaves had their first chance to reflect upon what was about to happen to them.  The previous weeks were a non-stop stream of pain, sex, humiliation and training.  There was not real time to think about the future, but after a week of, what amounted to, for a slave girl, pampering and with adequate rest, these white women, formerly free white women, now had the stark reality of their future explained to them.  They all started crying and begging.
Doña continued, “but you need to be beautiful for the next two days.  It is in your own interests.  Yes you are slaves, that is done, but who buys you, you still have some control over that.”
Doña paced between the beds.
“Slaves that do not act pleasing, that do not look pleasing do not attract a buyer.  Those slaves are moved on to lower class bidders.  Drug cartels, prostitution rings, all less desirable outcomes.  You will be gone in three days’ time, where, it is up to you.  So get your tears out.  Your new life awaits you.”
With that Doña turned on her heels, left the room and the lights went out.  Ann listened as the crying abated and soon all the slave girls were asleep.
The slave girls were awakened the next day.  They were released from their beds and their hands cuffed behind them.  They were admonished not to struggle, for it might reduce their value.  That threat carried more weight based on what Doña said the previous evening.
The slave girls had their collar removed, for the first time since they each were kidnapped.
The guards did everything for them now.  They were fed and helped to use the bathroom.  There were bathed and perfumed, their hair and make-up were done.  The looked at each other, not having seen how beautiful each could be while they were trained as slaves.
Then a new collar was put on each slave girl.  This one was metal and their were two prongs that poked into the slave girls’ necks.  They were told that this was a shock collar that would go off, anytime the slave girl spoke or made a loud noise.  The shock was proportional to the amount of noise the girl made.  After weeks of cattle prod training, no girl wanted to test the device.
The head guard told them that were going to be on display for the next several hours.  And they needed to be quiet.
Then the guards took them one by one out of their dormitory.  Ann was the fifth girl taken.  What she saw was each girl was tied up, by rope in rather intricate bondage.  Once all the slave girls were tied up, they were taken, four at a time away.
They were taken to a warehouse type room, it was dimly light.  On the floor were three logs.  Each slave girl was attached to a log, four on each log.  Then Ann could hear the whirring of a motor.  The logs were being raised up.    Soon all the slave girls hung from the log.
Ann wondered what was happening.  Then one wall was opening and light flooded the room.  In walked Doña with several women.  All the women were women of color.  All were exquisitely dressed and had drinks in their hand.  This was a cocktail party.
Ann could hear Doña talking.
“Ladies, here is the merchandise.  Those of you familiar with the process, now what this is about but for the few first time buyers, please feel free to review my product.  Touch them, slap them, but don’t damage them…until you own them of course.”  That last sentence was met with laughter.
Then the realization hit Ann.  And it hit her hard (probably all the other slaves as well). 
“WE ARE MEAT’” Ann screamed in her head, “just meat on a meat hook.  That’s why we cannot speak without punishment.  These women can do what they want to us as we hang here.”  With this realization Ann broke.  All the punishment, all the deprivations since her kidnapping, all that was child’s play.  This showed Ann what she was now.  She wasn’t a person, she was a commodity, meat to be looked over and critiqued.  Meat to be bought and used, and then, another more horrifying thought occurred to her.  Used until there was nothing left and  thrown away.
And Ann and the rest of the slave girls just hung there.  With Ann being finally broken,, she lost a concept of time.  She did not know how long she was there.  She remembered these women groping her, checking her ass and pussy, checking her teeth and muscles.  She recognized African and Caribbean accents, Spanish accents, Indian accents, there were even a couple of Asian women.  And while this was happening to the slave girls, their future owners wandered around with drinks and appetizers, thoroughly enjoying a party while these white women suffered.  Knowing that tomorrow, these white women, women who were hated just for their skin color would be for sale.
As the reception broke up, the logs were lowered.  The slave girls were untied and their cuffs replaced.  They were helped to the clean dormitory for their last night.  In the dark the girls cried and tried to comfort one another.  Each know their dark fate would be met alone.  The camaraderie they had as slaves, which in some perverse way help each other was over.
The actual auction was rather anti-climactic for Ann.  The slave girls were prepared again, by stylists and makeup artist.  They all looked beautiful.  All of the slave girls were brought to a small stage erected in the same room they hung as meat the night before.  Each girl was then led by one of Doña’s employees, someone Ann had never seen before, not a guard, but a younger Hispanic woman also dressed nicely, but severely in all black leather.
But Ann knew her place now, she was a slave now and knew there was no escape from this fate.  Maybe she thought there might be a rescue or some way in which she was saved, but hanging from the log last night left Ann no doubt as to her future. 
So Ann tried to maintain a posture that showed she was happy and obedient and submissive.  She wanted to make sure someone bought her.
If there was good news, it was all the slave girls were sold.  Ann was amazed at the money.  She was in her 30s, but still was sold for $2.7 million.  Beth, the blonde from Southern California was the costliest.  There was a bidding war for her, a Nigerian Princess and a Chinese Gang Leader both wanted the blonde, and she went for $5.1 million to the Nigerian Princess.
Ann’s new owner was a black woman from South Africa.   She did not tell Ann what her business was.
When Ann was brought to her, Ann, as was practiced during her training, gracefully slide to her knees and said, “Thank you for buying me Mistress, I will be a good slave.”
“What is your name girl?” her new owner asked.
“Ann, Mistress.” 
“That will not do.  When we land in South Africa, I will give you a new name.”
“Yes Mistress, as you wish,” said Ann. And the only thing Ann had left was going to be taken away from her.
Ann hung her head and waited to be prepared for transport to her new life as a white slave girl.
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Runaway Bay's All-Inclusive Resorts for a Dream Getaway
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Imagine a perfect vacation with fun in the sun, white sand beaches, clear water, and joyful moments. Runaway Bay, Jamaica, all-inclusive resorts provide just that. These resorts are thoughtfully designed to provide a comprehensive family experience and ensure a smooth holiday for their guests. Now, let's look at the specifics that define these resorts in Runaway Bay.
Why Choose Runaway Bay?
You can describe Runaway Bay as an inexpensive, small resort in Jamaica's northern part. Destined to relax, because it is less crowded than other tourist attractions, such as Montego Bay or Ocho Rios, this makes it a perfect place, especially for a holiday or to relax. Well, fear not, there is always something to do here!
What to Expect at All-Inclusive Resorts
When you rent an all-inclusive resort in Runaway Bay, Jamaica, you will find that almost everything you need is just a short distance away. Here are some of the key features of these resorts:
Accommodation: These resorts have well-furnished and spacious rooms with beautiful ocean views.
Food and Drink: You can get all kinds of meals and drinks, including Jamaican meals and other meals from around the world.
Leisure Activities: In these resorts, you can enjoy water games, fitness sessions, and nighttime fun.
This implies that a single fee now includes all the previously mentioned features. There is nothing to fear about other rising expenses.
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Fun Activities to Try
Visitors at Runaway Bay Jamaica all-inclusive resorts are always in high demand. Here are some exciting activities you can enjoy:
Snorkelling and Diving: Submerge into the water and watch the underwater beauty of coral reefs and fish.
Golf: Go to the local park and have a round of golf on nearby courses.
Horseback Riding: Explore the sunny coast and see beautiful sites.
Excursions: Go on a tour to Dunn's River Falls or Green Grotto Caves.
What to Do to Make Your Stay Iconic
Several things can help you make your stay at these resorts genuinely memorable.
Book Early: Unlike hotels, resorts can fill up quickly during the designated seasons, months, or weeks of the year.
Pack Smart: Remember personal effects such as sun cream, swimming dresses, proper fitting, and loose clothes.
Plan Your Activities: It is always good to be bored, but to make your vacation enjoyable, it is wise to make some bookings for a few activities to do.
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Final Thoughts
Booking a room with one of the all-inclusive resorts in Runaway Bay, Jamaica, removes all complications and stress. It offers the chance to enjoy beautiful beaches, tasty food, and exciting activities. You can do all this within your chosen resort. It is the best way to relax and create memorable moments that mark the entire family's lifetime calendar.
So, if you're planning a dream vacation, you must stay at these all-inclusive resorts. These resorts cater to your leisure, free time, and fun needs. They provide everything you expect from a vacation, plus more. Visit today and start packing for the vacation of your dreams!
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remaxelitejm · 10 months
Land for Sale in Kingston and St Andrew, Jamaica
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Remax Elite Realty provides a chosen collection of Land for Sale in Kingston and St Andrew, Jamaica, you can unlock the potential of exceptional real estate. These listings provide a variety of chances to establish your idea, whether you are an investor, developer, or prospective homeowner. From residential plots to commercial properties, our products accommodate a wide range of tastes and project ambitions. Dive into the thriving real estate markets of Kingston and St Andrew, and grab your slice of paradise with our carefully picked land offerings.
 Types of Properties are available-
Open market houses in Jamaica
Beachfront land for sale Jamaica
Land for sale bull bay Jamaica
Furnished room for rent in montego bay
Houses for sale in havendale Jamaica
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esoutherngolf · 11 months
Aqua Bay - Jamaica Open Presenting Sponsor
A Love of Jamaican Culture and a desire to grow the game of golf sets Aqua Bay up as a presenting sponsor of Jamaica Open When the Jamaica Open Golf Championship is staged this week at the picturesque Tryall Club in Hanover, just outside Montego Bay, it will be the fourth year in a row that Aqua Bay Resort will return as the presenting sponsor. This sponsorship has already become a perfect fit for the tournament, and it was born out of a love of Jamaican culture and a burning desire to grow the game of golf in this island nation. Scott Summy is the Owner of Aqua Bay, and his motives for sponsoring the Jamaica Open are very clear-cut. "My objectives really don't have anything to do with making money for Aqua Bay," he said. "Aqua Bay does just fine and rents out almost every single week that we're not occupying it. Our interest was to give back to Jamaica. It's a place that my family and I have come to love. We love that we can play great golf in Jamaica, and we know that many people in Jamaica can't play golf from a socioeconomic standpoint. "So, we thought to ourselves, 'What if we amplified the game of golf by keeping the Jamaica Open alive and well? We decided to sponsor it. And when we did, it was right before the (Covid) pandemic and then the pandemic hit which would really have thrown the Jamaica Open into a state of flux. We decided to step up and keep it going during that time, even though much of the world was struggling to stay open. Golf was one of those sports that you can play outside, and we thought, 'What a great way to keep this tournament running!' And after that, we fell in love with the Jamaica Open and decided to keep it going, and here we are." Born in Oklahoma and raised in Texas, Summy has become a Jamaican by choice. Fifteen years ago, he was tempted by a friend to come for a visit. "Even though the villa was great, I fell in love with the people and the culture. My friend had a staff on site, and they were just phenomenal. And then I met other Jamaicans, and we started going there three or four times every year. And then I decided that I needed my own villa because this place is so awesome. My kids, my family, we love Jamaicans, we love the culture, and my kids often talk about how they could live here fulltime. They have learned the language, the patois, and that is really what brought us back, and keeps bringing us back." Located right on the oceanfront at the western end of Tryall Club, Aqua Bay redefines the concept of ocean style. The elegant villa boasts a splendid zero-edge heated pool with a spa and two swimming holes on a coastal strip fed with seawater and edged by a white sand elevated beach. "What we've built is a villa that was really just for our family," said Summy, a career lawyer who is the Environmental Litigation Group (ELG) leader and a shareholder at Baron & Budd. "It's got four bedrooms, a TV room combined with a game, a gym and a massage spa room and we are right on the water. It is just gorgeous. We have an incredible staff and everybody who stays there, they all want to come back and so that's why it's hard to get even a week there. It’s one of the hottest and most popular villas at Tryall.  It's fantastic." Summy is also a massive fan of Tryall Club, which has long been regarded as the best golf course in Jamaica. Designed in 1958 by the renowned Texan golf course architect Ralph Plummer, the layout combines the island's hilly terrain with other natural elements for a unique golfing experience. "It's an amazing golf course," Summy said. "The front nine takes you down by the ocean, and you feel like you are playing ocean golf. You've got the various wind changes that occur daily; the wind sweeps down through there, and you've got to control the golf ball. Plus, you have a lot of water that comes into play on that front nine. "And then you turn to the back nine and head up into the hills and you feel like you are playing mountain golf. You've got a lot of elevation and the lies are not even, and it's like you are playing a totally different course on the back nine at Tryall. It gives you this great combination of ocean golf and mountain golf all in one round. And it has this unique character. You get to the seventh hole, and they call it the waterwheel hole. It is an old waterwheel that used to treat and provide water for the pineapple plantation and so you have this relic of the past that you see visions of as you play this golf course. It has tremendous character." Due to his commitments as the presenting sponsor, Summy does not plan to play in the Jamaica Open as an amateur, but he hopes that his 27-year-old son, Hunter, who competes on various mini-tours, will get the chance to play. "He's coming off a back injury and he hasn't played in about a month, and we are hoping he gets to play," said Summy. "He is dying to play. We will see what happens. So I will be following him, if he gets to play, and I usually go out and try to catch several holes. And then on the last day, I try to watch the leaders play a lot. It's a great tournament and it's a lot of fun." Having fun is a key component of the Jamaica Open; for Summy, it is all part of the laidback Jamaican vibe. "The Jamaican vibe is very distinctive, and it makes me think of that song, 'Don't Worry, Be Happy'," he said, referring to the 1988 No. 1 U.S. pop hit from American jazz singer and songwriter Bobby McFerrin. "I always think of that song whenever I am in Jamaica. In America. We have such drive, desire, and work ethic, and that's all great. But we also have a lot of anxiety...and for good reason because I think there is a lot of pressure to do things and work hard. "But when you go to Jamaica, you sort of let your guard down and you're able to relax and you're able to get perspective on what's important and what's not important. And I think the Jamaican people carry that with them. They seem to have great perspective on life, and I have really enjoyed my time there and when I go there, I spend a lot of time really in thought and recharge mode and getting perspective on life." Read the full article
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rigorwh0retis · 4 years
Payback Part 1
Pairing: Adrien/Keone (Keke belongs to @schmeesky)
Warning: Mentions of Violence, Mentions snuff films, Mentions of the deep web, public sex, indecent sex and misogyny (kinda I guess? Just in case)
    A haze filled the narrow alleyway as Adrien leaned against the building behind him, the buildings rough exterior dug into his back as he took another drag of his cigarette. Adrien's eyes wandered to the others, most looked like employees of the surrounding restaurants lingered around for a smoke break. Their features almost unrecognizable by the dimly lit light that flickered so often as moths surrounded it like it was their own little haven. He watched them more until one looked up from his phone and met Adrien's gaze which quickly made him look away to gaze out to the open street in front of them. 
               Laughter and indistinctive chatter of people filled the warm night air as they roamed the sidewalks. The scent of spice, grilled meat and nicotine wafted throughout the streets while lights twinkled from the distant buildings as cars bustled across the streets to their current destinations. Tonight was a special night, something that sent an excited chill down Adrien's spine.
             He was back in Jamaica again, it was his second time coming here though Adrien didn't think he'd return so quickly after a couple of months. He mainly came back to see Keone, how he missed that bratty douchebag and his fat cock. Though, there was another reason why he came back so fast as well. Adrien was getting a constant flood of demands for snuff films from his most high paying customers, they were getting insatiable with their hunger for slashing of flesh. He came over to get as many requests done as he could though Adrien had been procrastinating for a while since he was still sore from the previous trip he had. Being in a forgien country it would be harder for detectives to trace the murders back to him through the videos he made for his clients if shit went south. Adrien mainly just had to be on the lookout for the local police if things got sloppy when he rids of his victim's bodies though a missing tourist surely isn't something they haven't encountered nor would they care too much about.
    Adrien was keeping an eye out for any potential play toys in between the little fuck sessions he had with Keone. He spent many nights after getting railed wandering (more like limping) around the villa to find any promising tourists that might peak his clients interests, many of them were picky and each of these perverts had their own flavors of people they craved to watch get skewered for their own sick enjoyment. Sadly, many of the visitors here were just old rich prunes with too much money and time on their hands including way too many slabs of wrinkles slipping out from under their bathing suits. He was getting tired being bombarded with the smell of those old hags musty perfume wafting all around him wherever he went, about to give up after sitting by the pool side with a beer in his hand until he saw the perfect toy swaying her hips and shaking her ass as she entered the pool area.
                 She was a skinny little thing with giant fake tits and an even faker huge ass on her while this bitch wore some skimpy red stringed bikini that barely covered anything with long bleach blonde hair that reached her mid back. She had a generic face, no interesting features that made her any special from any other dumb bitch on the street with a shitty orange tan and cheaply slapped on acrylic nails. She was perfect. One of his clients, skullfucker69 they liked to call themselves, had a thing for blonde little bimbos and this girl would be an easy kill.
                  The girl had been eyeing him from the moment she stepped into the pool area.  Throwing glances his way when she wasn't speaking to her equally bland looking friends, fluttering her eyelashes at him and giving him a wink. He couldn't help but chuckle at her flirting, it was almost cute how desperate she was for some dick that wasn't aged like wine. Adrien took a swig of his beer and leisurely made his way over to her. It didn't take Adrien long to charm the girl, her name was Ashley and she came all the way from New York. He doesn't remember too much of the details she threw at him, after a while her incessant rambling was boring him so he cut to the chase and asked her out for dinner in the downtown area of Montego Bay.
              Adrien took another drag of his cigarette, chuckling to himself at how easy this will be. Throwing his cigarette on the ground, extinguishing the small nicotine bud with his flip flop the man made his way around the corner and entered the restaurant. The light were dimmed, letting the fluorescent, colored lights of the bar shone brightly against the glossy wood as rows of bottles sat on the shelf behind it were illuminated like little disco balls. Across the bar were red and white little tables, only big enough to hold two people, seated in several neatly organized rows with little fake candles that barely gave off any real life flickered softly. It was a small little place, hardly anyone was here except for the odd elderly couple and Ashley who sat memorized looking at her phone in the very back of the place away from everyone. Their table was right by the big, black curtain that swayed gently on the other half of the room, separating the restaurant half from the little dance floor they rented out to parties. 
              Adrien walks through the mazes of chairs, trying to stealthily make it through without bumping into anyone or anything as he makes his way to his newest victim, like a predator stalking closer to its prey before he's standing in front of her. Ashley is so fixated by her phone, probably texting her friends thinking she'll get dicked down as her nails click against the glass of her phone. Adrien clears his throat, growing annoyed by the lack of attention from this little cunt. Ashley jumped in her seat, her brown eyes widened as she snapped her head up to see Adrien towering over her. 
                  "O-Oh! Hey, there Adrien." The blonde stuttered out, quickly throwing her phone in her purse. Ashley pushed her arms up against the side of her tits to make them poke out more up more from the tiny pink tube top she wore. Her brown eyes looked at him through her fake, long eyelashes. How cute. She's trying to seduce him but Adrien isn't easily swayed by blow up dolls. Adrien smirked at her before he pulled out his chair and sat down.
                   "Hey, there cutie. Sorry to keep you waiting so long, I just had to smoke real quick. Hope you'll forgive." Adrien said as he flashed her with a pearly white smile and a wink. A blush bloomed on her tanned cheeks and she sat their almost awe struck at him before she replied.
                   "Oh no, it's totally okay. I mean I wasn't even waiting that long. I was just texting my friends because I was thinking maybe going clubbing and maybe you wanna come with me because I know a great place and I get a little loose..." Ashley continued to ramble on and on. Adrien stared at her, giving some responses here and there but letting this whore talk for the most part as she continued to talk about herself. Adrien was getting bored letting her do all the talking and wanted to hurry this up to the part where he sliced open this dumb sluts stomach.
                    "Actually," Adrien interrupted her in mid sentence causing her to raise her eyebrows at him. "I was thinking we could do something a little...crazy. There's this place outside of town that is-" Adrien paused as he felt calloused fingers gently glide up the skin of his thigh and ghost over his soft, placid cock before gripping it. Adrien jumped at the contact to his cock and let out a small hiss as the hand continued to palm Adrien as he grew harder. He looked up to see Ashley looking at him with a wider variation of emotions. Adrien had to quickly come up with something before she's scared away. Adrien quickly threw his dinner knife on the floor. 
                     "Oh shit sorry my knife fell on my foot. Don't worry I'm fine let me get it." Adrien quickly said before he hunched over to be met with a pair of golden eyes staring back at him. Keke sat between his legs, his tiny body being able to fit underneath the table without being noticed by Ashley as Keke continued to touch the blonde man. Adrien had no idea how in the hell Keke even got here until he glanced over to see the drapery next to them was pulled back. That little fucker had snuck in here and for what reason he didn't know why. Adrien bit his lip when he felt Keke tug at his now hardening cock roughly. 
                       "Keke, right now is not the time for this. This is for a very important so I can't fuck this up." Adrien hissed at him. As much as Adrien didn't wanna lose this bitch for his client, he couldn't help but like this new risky side of Keke that made a delicious electrifying chill run up his spine to be touched right in front of someone. Adrien has to mentality slap himself, he had to get his job done or he will lose this high paying customer. He tried pushing Keke away from him only to feel the smaller man's nails dig deep into the meat of Adrien's thigh.
                       "Keone. You need to fuck off right now or I'm gonna make your cunt so loose from when I destroy it so leav-" 
                       "Ummm, Adrien is everything okay down there? " Ashley questioned from the table above. 
                      "Yeah everything's fine just got butter fingers and keep dropping be right up in a second, princess." Adrien yelled from below before glaring down at Keke who had a toothy smirk plastered on his lips as he started to pump Adrien's cock. 
                   "F-Fuck! Ugh fine you fucking brat you can stay and continue but if you make me mess up kiss that cunt of your destroyed, bitch." Adrien growled at Keke who replied by harshly squeezing the blondes balls. Adrien sat with the knife in his hand only to be met with the confused face of his date.
                 "Sorry about that, sweetie. It's been one of those nights, huh?" Adrien said before laying his hands on the table to keep himself from touching Keke.
                "Yeah I guess…" Ashley replied and sipped her wine and looked anywhere but Adrien. Shit she must be disinterested from the knife incident, Adrien tried to figure out something to break the ice.
                "So tell me more about New York. What places did you like to shop at since you clearly love...fashion." Adrien said through gritted teeth when he felt Keke unzip his shorts, letting Adrien's cock spring forward before running his warm tongue along the hardened cock. Adrien let out a shaky breathe and clenched his hands as he waited for Ashley to answer. Not noticing or not caring, she perked up and started rambling again but Adrien couldn't focus on anything she was saying.
                   He was lost into the sensation of Keone slowly running his tongue over the head of Adrien's cock and light stroking him. Keke would take a little bit of Adrien in his mouth, sucking softly and slowly licking him, so close to bringing Adrien to the edge before pulling away. He then would start dragging those sharp canines over Adrien's cock, those teeth feeling like needles dragging across the sensitive skin which the pain caused Adrien to hiss in pleasure and pain. Adrien looked up to see Ashley with an expression of disgust and confusion. Before Adrien could say anything, he felt Keke take his entire cock into his throat. Feeling Keone's tight, warm wet throat tightly squeezing around Adrien made him lose it, the blonde let out a deep throaty moan as Keke bobbed his head on Adrien's cock, taking him all the way down to the base until Keone's nose was pressed into the the trail of hair the covered the taller man.
        Adrien's heart stopped when he realized what he just did. He looked over to see Ashley's mouth agape in horror as she stared with utter shock and disgust. Adrien saw the other customers in the restaurant stare at him with equal horror. Before Adrien could explain himself, Ashley stood up quickly with her purse in hand.
               "Ihavetogotothebathroom." Ashley quickly said before she made a dash to the bathrooms to hide until someone came get her or until he left. Adrien felt anger bubble up in him and he went to snatch Keke up by his air only to grab air. Somehow Adrien didn't notice Keke had slipped away after the blonde made a commotion. The tall man needed to get out of here before any cops came for the indecent thing going on here but more importantly to beat that little twinks ass red. Adrien tucked himself in his pants before throwing a random amount of money and scurrying out into the open, abandoned streets. He turned the corner into the alleyway and decided to take the backstreets towards the villa. As he made his way through the darkened path, he was met with a pair of golden eyes glaring at him in the shadows before at lighting speed slammed right into him causing Adrien fall to the ground as pain bloomed throughout his back. 
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afimivilla · 8 months
AFIMI Beach House: Upscale Family Vacation Villa Rental in Montego Bay
AFIMI Beach House invites guests to savor delectable meals in family friendly settings, from the balcony and gardens to the romantic Beach Grill night. The Beach Grill night, a unique experience, allows guests to indulge in their favorite meals grilled right on the beach, creating an intimate ambiance with candlelight and tiki torches. AFIMI’s Montego Bay family villa rentals features an air-conditioned TV/family room equipped with BOSE surround sound and Smart TV, ensuring entertainment options for every taste, is a complete experience. The gourmet kitchen, overseen by a full-time chef, produces exceptional meals to satisfy the most discerning palates, savor the true Jamaican culinary delight with master chef at disposal. AFIMI Villa includes a full complement of staff, including a personal butler, housekeepers, and a gardener, ensuring that every aspect of your stay is attended to with the utmost care. With its prime location, breathtaking views, and a commitment to personalized service, this beachfront haven promises an unforgettable escape for those seeking the perfect blend of opulence and relaxation. The beach house’s exquisite interior design blends modern elegance with Caribbean flair, featuring spacious living areas, high-end furnishings, and meticulous attention to detail. Every aspect of this vacation retreat venue has been meticulously curated to provide an unforgettable experience. For blissful vacation escape in the beautiful Montego Bay, AFIMI Villa facilitates quintessential vacation experience with exquisite vacation rentals properties, escape to paradise and discover the ultimate beachfront vacations in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Feel the powdery sand beneath your toes as you take leisurely walks along the shore, or find your perfect spot to unwind while listening to the gentle lapping of the waves. The private beach ensures tranquility, allowing you to escape the crowds and truly immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. In-house amenities like infinity pool, 2 tennis courts, gym, garden & more this beach house rentals ideal gateway to ultimate vacation in experience. in case, if you are looking rooms for rent in Montego Bay, AFIMI Villa in lagoons offers upscale amenities including fully equipped kitchen, a fitness center, high-speed internet, and attentive staff to cater to your every need, and complementary water sports gears and equipment. Prepare for an unforgettable journey of relaxation, exploration, and pure bliss in the heart of Jamaica's enchanting coastline. Immerse yourself in luxury, tranquility, and natural beauty as you indulge in the best of what this tropical paradise has to offer. So, if you are seeking an unforgettable family escape where every desire is met, this luxury beachfront vacation house is your ticket to a slice of paradise in Montego Bay, Jamaica. 
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onelovescuba-blog · 5 years
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Your Ultimate Guide To Scuba Diving In Jamaica.
Jamaica has an incredible reputation for Scuba Diving and so many things that draw travelers from around the world original reggae, stunning beaches, delicious rum and coffee, lush mountains, incredible jerk chicken, and beyond.
Planning to head to a Jamaican all-inclusive to dive?
Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
While the dive schedules are refreshingly civilized (no pre-sunrise call times here!) morning dives will be deeper and more advanced, so it’s worth waking up if you want to go to the more spectacular sites. If you’re diving with a less experienced friend or family member like me, the afternoon dive sites will be lovely as well.
The staff is used to new divers, so if you go on a few dives and show them that you are confident and competent, they will probably be pretty pumped to guide you to the more advanced locations. Once you establish a relationship, they will very likely take your requests and preferences into account when planning the day’s dive sites.
All equipment is included aside from a wetsuit rental, or you can bring your own and rent a locker in the dive shop. Wetsuits aside, I was happy with all the rental gear. From what we’ve read and gathered, Negril is generally considered to have Jamaica’s best Scuba diving,
Negril of the almost two dozen dive sites near Negril, the Throne Room is considered the best! The Throne Room is a cavern dive that is at a depth of 40 feet (12 meters) to 70 feet (21 meters). Novice divers can dive here staying in the area that has direct access. Advanced divers can use an exit window near the bottom of the cavern at 70 feet (21 meters). Both novice and advanced divers will also have wreck dives and a number of outstanding reefs. Wall dives near the trench are also available. The world is renowned by the beauty of Scuba diving in Jamaica.
The Negril Jamaica bloody bay attracts divers from around the world. More than 50,000 of them visit every year. Baited by the one of a kind marvels of the wetland Forest and the underwater deep-sea diving mesmerizes with its reefs, aquatic creatures surrounding you, drivers additionally value its glare visibility and safe conditions. Scuba diving and snorkeling are especially good in this protected reef areas.
Montego Bay
Montego Bay widow-maker’s Cave is the most famous of the dive sites in Montego Bay. The cave is an opening on a reef at 35 feet (11 meters) that sloops down and exits at 80 feet (24 meters). The walls are covered in black coral and other soft corals.
Ocho Rios
The SS Kathryn Wreck, a WWII mine-sweeper, generally gets top billing of the many dive sites of Ocho Rios. She sits in just 50 feet (15 meters) of water with its topmost structure a mere 20 feet (6 meters) below the surface. The wreck is completely covered by coral and has a great population of reef fish.
Snorkeling in Jamaica
Snorkeling is a very popular activity to do for the tourist that visits the island. Many of the dive sites that are used for dive training are also used for snorkeling. Party boats that start with snorkeling is a very popular tour.
Fishes and Coral
The reefs are making a healthy recovery from the early abuses. They are full of a variety of reef fish. While sharks and other large pelagic are seen they are not as common as in other Caribbean destinations like the Bahamas or Cuba for example.
Diving Safety
If you are planning an upcoming scuba dive trip or traveling to Jamaica, it is a really good idea to invest in travel insurance for scuba diving, because you never know what could happen and when you might need it (because accidents do happen!). I recommend this diving insurance as they offer worldwide coverage and focus on providing scuba divers a quality insurance and medical assistance service.
While Jamaica does not have a strong following as a scuba diving destination, it does have some great diving. It is a great location to consider if you are looking for a destination where dive sites won’t be so busy!
Travel Guide
Now that you know all about the underwater world, you might want to start planning your scuba holiday in Jamaica!
OneLoveScuba - Best Scuba divining in Negril
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islanddazerp · 5 years
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X’travagance offers a once-in-a-lifetime luxury getaway for tourists seeking an exclusive and elevated island experience. The lifestyle company provides a limo, deluxe hotel rooms, access to the best restaurants and bars, a celebrity client list, a yacht, models, and guards—all of which, at the end of the day, are enormously fake and ill-gotten. Rented, borrowed, begged for, or stolen; beyond the gaze, X’travagance is truly just a troubled group of regular people who originally struggled to sell drugs in an over-saturated market. One of them thought of a better way to earn money and now they’re cleverly scamming rich tourists into paying them a high price for a fake luxury island experience. The scheme was easy: set up an Instagram account, pay for followers, pay real people to comment, purchase a high quality camera and take pictures, pay beautiful people to be in those pictures, buy alcohol (lots of it), drink the alcohol (lots of it), take scenic pictures of Montego Bay—well, steal scenic pictures of Montego Bay—slap on a logo and call it X’travagance. Within time, word got around to Instagram influencers whose rich followers want the exclusivity they offer. Although hiccups are standard, the group has figured out how to seamlessly incorporate the desires of their clients. There’s always the risk of being caught and of not having the luxuries and services they claim to provide. Outside of X’travagance they’re regular people with average jobs, some of whom have left behind a stable income to do this job full-time.
THE PROMOTER – responsible for getting clients, basically like any club promoter who says ladies get in free before 11 and sends you messages to make sure you're coming. THE EYE CANDY ( 4 ) – beautiful, alluring, responsible for partying with the clients. THE MUSCLE ( 2 ) – unfuckwittables who are responsible for the clients, acting as bodyguards. THE PLANT – the person there to literally make everything seem amazing. THE FINESSER – charming as hell, responsible for getting them access to: clubs, bars, drugs, hotels, gosh dang tigers. THE BORED RICH KID – formerly a victim who wants to have fun, too. THE DRIVER – vroom vroom motherfucka, responsible for limosine swervin'. THE ACE – does whatever job when someone else is out.
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remaxelitejm · 11 months
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Remax Elite Jamaica is a Jamaican real estate agent that offers Gated Community Houses for Sale in Kingston, Jamaica. Discover your perfect house in one of these private enclaves, where safety and elegance combine. Explore our carefully picked collection of properties for sale to find the ideal balance of comfort and security.
Types of Properties are available-
Open market houses in Jamaica
Beachfront land for sale Jamaica
Land for sale bull bay Jamaica
Furnished room for rent in montego bay
Houses for sale in havendale Jamaica
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christinahobbsofc · 2 years
Cheap Countries To Visit In February
Cheap Countries To Visit In February Cheap Countries To Visit In February. February is one of the best months for cheap travel if you're looking to go on a getaway. You don't have to look very far to find a cheap location with fantastic weather and interesting attractions because many travel destinations around the world are in between high seasons. It's the month when travelers on a tight budget should act. image of Cheap Countries To Visit In February If you don't mind the cold weather, February is a great time to visit Yellowstone National Park. At this time of year, crowds disperse and prices decrease in Rome. One of the most affordable months to visit the Taj Mahal is February. Additionally, Punta Cana and Cozumel are great options if you want to visit the beach on a budget. Check out our list of the best cheap places to travel in February for more suggestions on inexpensive getaways. 1. Cozumel, Mexico If your hometown is constantly covered in snow, by February you'll probably be itching for a sunny getaway. Fortunately, Cozumel, Mexico, offers affordable options. The island paradise, which is off the coast of the Yucatán Peninsula, has turquoise water, soft white sand, and a laid-back atmosphere that will instantly put you in the mood for vacation. By staying at an all-inclusive resort, modest lodge, bed-and-breakfast, or even a vacation rental, you can keep the cost of your trip to Cozumel low. Your biggest expense in Cozumel will be activities, followed by lodging. The days of your vacation can easily be spent relaxing on the beach for no cost. Additionally, you can eat at delicious (yet inexpensive!) restaurants in San Miguel and visit the Ruins of San Gervasio for less than $10. You can also rent snorkeling equipment for very little money to explore the marine life. 2. Italy: Rome Even the most seasoned travelers find it challenging to fully appreciate the historic sites in Rome due to the heavy crowds there. However, the number of tourists in the city drastically decreases in February, providing bargain hunters with the chance to book hotels at incredibly low rates and have the city's top attractions to themselves. However, be sure to bring some warm clothing because February temperatures in Rome rarely rise above 13 degrees Celsius. Rome is an easy place to stretch your travel budget this time of year because lodging is so inexpensive there. The cost of visiting places like the Colosseum, the Arch of Constantine, the Pantheon, and the Roman Forum is extremely low or nonexistent. Additionally, you can fill up on a substantial bowl of pasta at any one of the city's many small eateries for between 10 and 15 euros. A ticket for the Rome Hop-On Hop-Off Sightseeing Tour might be worthwhile if you only have a limited amount of time so that you can visit all the attractions and get skip-the-line access to some sites. 3. Montego Bay, Jamaica Budget travelers will probably be priced out of most Caribbean islands during high season, but in Montego Bay in February, they can still find some decent hotels for less than $50 per night. In February, there are typically only three rainy days and a temperature range of 21 to 29 degrees Celsius, making it the ideal time of year to visit Montego Bay's beaches and other top tourist destinations. By forgoing meals at resort restaurants in favor of Jamaican jerk from beachside vendors, you can further stretch your budget. 4. The Dominican Republic's Punta Cana One of the most affordable locations in the Western Hemisphere to enjoy a few days at a gorgeous beach is the Dominican Republic, even in the height of high season. On the easternmost point of the Caribbean nation, particularly in the popular tourist destination of Punta Cana, search for affordable resorts. In February, you can typically book a room at a three- or four-star hotel for no more than $80 per night. Spend your hotel savings wisely by going whale watching while visiting the Dominican Republic. From January through March, humpback whales migrate south to mate off the coast of Punta Cana, and boats take tourists out to sea every day to try to catch a glimpse of these enormous animals. Punta Cana's kitesurfing is another reason why it's one of the most affordable places to travel in February. Between November and March, when the breezes reach the required minimum of 10 knots for this water sport, tens of thousands of people swarm to the location to engage in this activity. 5. United States' Yellowstone National Park Wide swaths of unspoiled wilderness and abundant wildlife can be found in Yellowstone National Park. Even though it receives more than four million visitors each year, very few visitors arrive in February. However, those who do go to Yellowstone in the off-season can score fantastic lodging discounts. If there are any road closures, keep an eye on the park's website and try to stay as warm as you can. Thankfully, there are warming stations located all over the park where you can find shelter and a hot beverage. Yellowstone National Park is still beautiful in the winter despite the extreme cold. Animals emerge from hiding when there are fewer people around, and visitors can easily see bighorn sheep, bald eagles, and gray wolves, among other creatures. Additionally, you can take a fun snowcoach tour of the park, go snowshoeing, and rent snowmobiles. 6. Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni Bolivia's wet season deters most visitors, which helps to keep costs down from January to March. Even so, February is the best month of the year to view the hypnotic mirror effect at Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt flat in the world, which is located in the Andes Mountains. The salt flat appears to be a perfectly clear glass mirror, reflecting the clouds and the sky above thanks to the optical illusion produced by the floodwater covering it. Visit the Eduardo Avaroa Reserve, which is another of the best things to do in Bolivia during the rainy season. This time of year, about 25,000 flamingos congregate at the reserve's Red Lagoon to mate. Bird lovers worldwide won't want to miss this spectacular sight. To improve your chances of finding a good deal on a trip, make reservations with tour operators in advance. 7. Colombia's Cartagena Cartagena is among the most affordable destinations in February because the high season ends in mid-January. You'll experience sunny, pleasant weather in addition to significantly fewer visitors than at other times of the year in this hip city. In Cartagena, there are a ton of attractions and activities. Visit the ancient walled city today. Daytime visitors can explore the painstakingly restored neighborhood and take in its bustling squares. After dark, roving bands' music can be heard all over the plazas. If your travel budget permits it, try to find a deal at one of the walled city's opulent hotels during the month of February. In Cartagena, it is the most practical location to stay. Visitors can enjoy some of Cartagena's most popular yearly events in February as well. The city hosts the Hay Festival, an international literary event with readings, movie screenings, and musical performances, in early February (or occasionally late January). The Feast of Our Lady of La Candelaria, which occurs around the same time of the month, features a parade toward La Popa Hall that highlights the city's Catholic faith. And in the days preceding Ash Wednesday, it's worthwhile to travel to Barranquilla for the day (it takes two hours to get there from Cartagena) to celebrate Carnival with the locals. Make sure to wear your best glitter and feathers. 8. Austria's Innsbruck Do you think tourists on a tight budget can't go skiing in Europe? Think again. Innsbruck, a small mountain town in the Austrian Alps, has fantastic slopes and lift tickets that are considerably less expensive than those at most other ski resorts. Innsbruck is a great destination to visit if you're interested in culture and sightseeing, in addition to its ski resorts. With its palaces, stores, and cafés, Maria Theresa Street exudes an old-world charm. The Old Town is teeming with medieval structures that have been painted in a color scheme befitting an Easter egg. Additionally, the Hofburg, the former court palace of Innsbruck, will astound you with its exquisitely painted ceilings, grand hall made of polished marble, and opulent apartments. Overall, the location is ideal for a winter sports enthusiast looking for extras during their European ski trip. 9. Venice, Italy Valentine's Day is celebrated in February, so if you want a cheap romantic getaway, think about going to Venice. The "Queen of the Adriatic," like the rest of Italy, sees significantly fewer visitors in February than at other times of the year. The result is a decrease in hotel rates and less crowded sightseeing in Venice. When in Venice, you must undoubtedly go on a boat tour of the canals. Nevertheless, February also marks the height of opera season, so you might want to attend a performance at La Fenice. Warm up inside the Gallerie dell'Accademia among pre-19th-century artworks to escape the chilly February weather. Also, during the month of February, don't forget to check out the Carnevale celebrations in the area of Piazza San Marco. 10. Barcelona, Spain Barcelona's February prices are at an all-time low, making it one of the most affordable travel destinations. Expect temperatures to range from five to 15 degrees Celsius on average, with very little chance of precipitation. The weather will be chilly but not oppressively so. The lack of beaches is the only drawback to visiting Barcelona in February. Having said that, there are still a ton of other fantastic attractions and activities in the city, and they're even more enjoyable when you're not pressed up against large groups of other tourists. Visit Gaud's whimsical surrealist park and the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia, Barcelona's most recognizable landmarks, both of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. View the Magic Fountain of Montjuc's light display. The Monestir de Pedralbes' Catalan Gothic architecture is also worth seeing. 11. Amsterdam, Netherlands Nobody goes to Amsterdam in February just to enjoy the weather. This time of year, the city is chilly and dark. What it lacks in sunshine, however, it more than makes up for with incredibly cheap airfare and lodging. In addition, a lot of Amsterdam's top attractions are indoors, providing you with a seemingly limitless number of worthwhile alternatives to the chilly outside weather. The Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Rembrandt House Museum, and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam are just a few of the more than 40 museums in Amsterdam. The Anne Frank House is a good place to learn more about one of the most well-known Holocaust victims. The Royal Palace of Amsterdam offers English-language guided tours where you can see one of the finest furniture collections in the world. Visit some of the well-known churches, such as Nieuwe Kerk and Oude Kerk, the latter of which dates back to 1306 and offers breathtaking views of the entire city. 12. India's Agra Every traveler has a dream trip that includes visiting the Taj Mahal in the small city of Agra. Travelers have been awestruck by this magnificent Mughal attraction for centuries. Although it attracts large crowds all year long, February is one of the most affordable months to make this pilgrimage. In this region of India, tourism rates decline in February, and hotel room costs follow suit. The Taj Mahal is only one of the amazing sights and locations in Agra, though. The UNESCO World Heritage Site Agra Fort, Itimad-ud-Tomb, Daulah's the gardens and mausoleum of Akbar the Great, and the bustling Old City of Agra are all excellent places for tourists to spend their days sightseeing. Even if you're on a very tight budget, Agra offers a great value for your money because the majority of attractions have low (or no) admission fees. QnA Cheap Countries To Visit In February What country is best to visit in February? Thank go, for all these best holiday destinations in February that you can visit with your family or prtner for a memorable holiday. Copenhagen – Denmark. Bahamas. Venice – Italy. Sri Lanka – South Asia. Costa Rica – Central America. Melbourne – Australia. Hanoi – Vietnam. Cancun – Mexico. What is the cheapest country to visit? 14 Of the cheapest countries to visit Cambodia. Southeast Asia is a notoriously cheap area to visit. Laos. Laos is another affordable country in Southeast Asia. Vietnam. Indonesia. Nepal. Morocco. Nicaragua. El Salvador. Where is the cheapest warm place to vacation? 9 Cheap & Warm Places To Spend The Winter Holidays Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Roatan, Honduras. Roatan, Honduras. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Credit: Bigstockphoto.com. Thailand. Thailand. Bali, Indonesia. Credit: Bigstock.com. Cartagena, Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia. Jamaica. Canary Islands, Spain. Where is good for a holiday in February? February's best performing locations are Thailand and Malaysia, which are particularly blessed with beautiful weather at this time of year. Dubai is also outstanding to visit, as the weather is warm but not to the point that it is uncomfortable. Read on to see our top “Where to holiday in February” locations. Where is the best place to vacation in February 2022? Best places to go in February in the US and Americas Los Cabos, Mexico – for fun family time. Montreal, Canada – for family winter activities. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – for Mardi Gras. Costa Rica – for warm weather. How is Bali in February? February is still rainy season on Bali, luckily with slightly less rainfalls compared to January. You even can spend times at the pool or enjoying the sun at the beach. However, be aware of rain in the afternoon hours or any time of the day. February is interesting because Balinese are preparing for Nyepi. What is the cheapest country to visit 2022? 10 Cheapest Countries To Visit in 2022Backpacking Trips To Make for Beginners Vietnam. Colombia. Peru. Albania. Sri Lanka. Turkey. Georgia. Nepal. Which country is cheapest in Europe? Bulgaria Bulgaria often tops the list of inexpensive countries to visit in Europe – and with good reason. Is it cheap to visit Bali? For many people visiting Bali, prices on the island will seem ridiculously cheap, particularly to those coming from Australia or other Western countries. However, budget backpackers arriving from other spots in Southeast Asia may find Bali a little pricey, especially compared to places like Vietnam and Cambodia. Where is the cheapest place to travel in the winter? Best Cheap Winter Vacations Quebec City. Cozumel. San Miguel de Allende. Banff. Gatlinburg. Merida. Santa Fe. Lake Tahoe. Where is the warmest place to go in February? On average, some of the hottest places to visit in February are: Phuket (33.1 °C) Cancun (32.3 °C) Singapore (31.6 °C) Barbados (29.2 °C) Dominican Republic (28.9 °C) Cape Town (27.3 °C) Melbourne (26.7 °C) Auckland (24.2 °C) Where is the cheapest place to travel right now? Cheapest places to travel right now in Asia Visit Cambodia. Cambodia is a country often overshadowed by its popular neighbor, Thailand. Go on vacation in Laos. Meet Vietnam. Do a volunteer work in Thailand. Visit Nepal. Live in Sri Lanka for a while. Go on vacation in Italy. Finally meet Greece. Where in Europe is warm in February? Where's hot in Europe in February Country Destination Average highs Spain Lanzarote 20°C Spain La Palma 20°C Portugal Algarve 16°C Portugal Madeira 17°C Where is best for sun in February? Best places for winter sun Cape Town, South Africa. Average winter temperature 22C. Fuerteventura. Average winter temperature 18C. The Maldives. Average winter temperature 27C. Funchal, Madeira. Average winter temperature 16C. Miami, US. Zanzibar, Tanzania. Canggu, Bali, Indonesia. Soufrière, St Lucia. What is Greece like February? In some parts of Greece, this is the coldest month of the year, averaging a high of only 57 Fahrenheit on the mainland. In general, expect cool weather, lots of gray cloudy days, and a high probability of rain, which falls on about half of February days, on average.   Read the full article
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cbjamaica · 3 years
Top 3 Featured Properties For Sale In Jamaica
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CB Jamaica is recognized as one of Jamaica's most established and prestigious firms in the real estate market that offers the best Featured and affordable Properties In Jamaica.CB Jamaica has a wide range of property listings in a single place where you can sell, rent or buy your properties. CB Jamaica has a wide collection of Development Land, Ocho Rios apartment for sale, St. Elizabeth House for sale, Norbrook house for rent, Cherry Gardens house for sale, villas in Montego Bay, Whitehouse Beach Club, and many more. 
3 Recently Added Properties-
Apartment For Sale
Apartment for Sale in Kingston 8
3 Bathrooms 2 Bedrooms, Townhouse for Sale in May Pen
7 DORSETSHIRE AVENUE, Kingston & St. Andrew
JMD $35,500,000
USD $230,654 | CAD $293,826 | £176,687 | €205,583
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New stunning and Prestigious Villas and Apartments in Jamaica for sale at pre-construction prices in Kingston 8. This development has 15 spacious units of approximately 1,250 sq. ft. to 2,500 sq. ft with 2 bedrooms/3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms/3.5 bathrooms respectively, with a large open concept living/dining room, walk-in closet, in-unit laundry, spacious kitchen with modern features, and a spacious balcony. 
The complex amenities include a roof-top entertainment area, gym, elevator, underground parking,  roof-top infinity swimming pool,  and 24 hours security. The property is located within close proximity to shopping malls, restaurants, schools, and more.
Resort Apartment/Villa for Sale
Resort Apartment/Villa for Sale in Sandy Bay
USD $3,000,000
JMD $461,730,000 | CAD $3,821,635 | €2,673,905 | £2,298,079
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Beautifully decorated, Tryall's Premier Villas are the five bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, living and dining areas.These three master suites and deluxe suites have their own stunning view and two of these suites open onto the pool terrace and the heated fifty-foot swimming pool surrounded by beautiful royal palm trees and beautiful landscaping all add to the extreme comfort of the property. 
Townhouse for Sale 
3 Bathrooms 2 Bedrooms, Townhouse for Sale in May Pen
JMD $27,500,000
USD $178,676 | £136,870 | €159,254 CAD | $227,611
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A new residential development, Glenmuir Country Club, an upscale, secured gated community located in Glenmuir, May Pen, 45 minutes from Kingston/Mandeville, will be an ideal place to call your home. This complex combines 3-bedroom/3-bathroom bungalows, 2-bathroom/3-bedroom bungalows, and 2-bedroom/2.5-bathroom duplex townhouses. 
This affordable 1,265 sq. ft, 2-bedroom/2.5 -bathroom townhouse with kitchen, dining, living, linen closet, verandah, and in a unit laundry room on about 3,391 sq. ft. lot is tastefully finished with porcelain tiles, Moen faucets, granite countertops, and hardwood cabinets. Amenities will include 24-hour security, Tryall Clubhouse, convenience store, gym, and swimming pool. 
Wrap Up-
If you have Development Land for sale, Round Hill Hotel and Villas, Jamaica Villa Rental, and Luxury homes for sale in Jamaica, you can list your properties on CB Jamaica’s official website and you will get a great deal! You can find many featured properties for sale in Kingston, Jamaica on their website. 
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locatorzoneluxe · 3 years
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Located in one of Montego Bay, Jamaica’s most prestigious community, Mango Walk Country Club “Checks all the boxes".
This fully furnished three bedroom / two and half bath townhome is the one to call home.
Owned by Ms. Clean, this well appointed townhome is immediately available for long ‘term or short term’ rentals.
Located only 10 minutes from Montego Bay’s International Airport (Donald Sangster International) and a “stone’s throw’ from amazing beaches, fine dining and various points of interest.
This gem comes fully equipped with air condition units in every room, exquisite furnishings throughout and amazing views from the unit.
The endless vistas can also be explored throughout the entire community.
This amenity filled gated enclave is also secure with 24×7 security guard, a grocery store, recreation areas and posses all the creature comforts within it’s walls.
The rent is negotiable and the owner will entertain all reasonable offers and terms.
For additional information, please contact LocatorZONE today.
USA: 305-702-6324
Caribbean: 876-833-3226 (WhatsApp)
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afimivilla · 2 years
Which is the Best Vacation Retreat Venue in Jamaica?
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Jamaica is the most beautiful & picturesque island destination for tourists and travelers. It is famed as a tropical vacation paradise for couples, offering numerous recreational activities in and out of the Sea and majestic mountains. People explore exotic beaches, duty-free shopping, delicious seafood, Jamaican Rum, Blue Mountain Coffee, Red Stripe Beer, Jerk Cuisine delights while explore pristine beaches, waterfalls and rainforest adventure. Montego Bay on the north coast of Jamaica is dotted with amazing all-inclusive resorts and private villa providing world class amenities & services. Affordable rooms for rent in Montego Bay with AFIMI Villa rental is equipped with private beach and decorated with authentic Caribbean antiques and artwork.
World famous Jamaican reggae music doesn’t need any introduction as it’s a most popular music played and enjoyed not only in Jamaica but in the entire world. The legendary musician Bob Marley made Jamaican Reggae Music popular worldwide and Kingston is a place where you will find The Bob Marley Museum, which holds the collection of his legendary music and personal belongings. The rich and diverse Montego Bay can be best explored through spacious, private, theme decorated family villa rentals Montego Bay with AFIMI Villa. The beach view villa is centrally nested between tourist sites, hiking trails, shops, & is in close proximity with duty-free shops.
Montego Bay is the capital of the parish of St. James in Jamaica and perhaps the most popular and stunning vacation destination in the entire Jamaica. Montego Bay offers unique way to scout the beaches through swimming with horses in the Caribbean Sea. The amazing Green Grotto Caves which happens to be 1.5 km long provide the unmatched experience of the underground world. Martha Brae’s bamboo rafting is very popular among the couples and love birds offering some romantic time in water with your partner. The Braco Hill is a best place to hike and bike in case you don’t want to get your feet’s wet on the stunning beaches of Montego Bay. Montego Bay day tours are best enjoyed by couples and family giving you the sight tours of the amazing Dunn’s River waterfalls, mesmerizing landscape, rivers, and lush green forest.
Some of the must visit waterfalls, you don’t want to miss out during your vacationing in the Caribbean include Dunn’s River Falls, Blue Hole, Reach Falls, YS Falls, Mayfield Falls, Somerset Falls, Konoko Falls, Turtle River Falls, Reggae Falls, Kwame Falls. All these waterfalls offers natural pool that you can dip into for a refreshing splash, these breath taking waterfalls will give you immense pleasure and inner peace while you appreciate their beauty.
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caseremains · 7 years
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As the assistant editor of Frommer’s Travel Guides, Claudia Ann Kirschhoch was well accustomed to traveling. But when she was tasked with visiting Cuba’s new Sandals resort in 2000, this bright New Yorker had no idea the trip would be her last. Kirschhoch made the journey to Montego Bay, Jamaica, with three other travel journalists in tow, who were then scheduled to fly on to Havana. However, after learning that they would not be granted entry to Cuba, Kirchhoch and another journalist, Tania Grossinger, opted to visit the Sandals resort at Negril instead. While Grossinger arranged a flight out of Jamaica just three days later, Kirschhoch decided to stay on at Sandals until more US flights became available. That afternoon she was spotted by a lifeguard walking along the beach, and has tragically never been heard from again.
When her parents realised she was missing a few days later, an investigation was launched in Jamaica. A search of her room revealed that the only items that were missing were Kirschhoch’s bikini, portable radio and t-shirt - the same possessions she had been spotted with on the beach. All of her valuables, including her passport, cash, mobile phone and return ticket, were found in her hotel room. Despite the fact her room was a potential crime scene, management removed her belongings and rented it out to other guests. At some point during this process, her mobile phone disappeared, as did the log book recording all license plate numbers entering in and out of the resort. CCTV footage would also provide no leads, as it was accidentally recorded over after Kirschhoch’s disappearance.
Anthony Grant, a bartender at the resort who Kirschhoch had befriended, called in sick the day after her last sighting and did not return for four days. Numerous evidence pointed towards Grant, including hair and a small amount of blood found on his belongings, but DNA testing and a lie detector test both proved inconclusive. Kirschhoch’s family believe that he, and potentially other members of staff at the resort, know what happened to their daughter and have alleged that the company greatly impeded the investigation into her disappearance. With no leads to follow, Kirschhoch was declared legally dead in 2002, and her case remains unsolved.
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aras-charas · 4 years
Ian Thatcher
{FC: Misha Collins} 32 | June 17, 1686 | Gemini
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T H E   B A S I C S
Born June 17th in Montego Bay, Jamaica Species: Human Gender: Male Sexual orientation: Bisexual Religion: Christianity (loosely) Spoken Languages: English Current residency: Montego Bay, Jamaica; Boston, Massachusetts (Modern AU) Occupation: Ex-Royal Navy, Doctor’s apprentice; Cardiac Surgeon (Modern AU)
P H Y S I C A L   T R A I T S
Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Height: 6’0”
Weight: 169 lbs Tattoos + piercings: None
Intelligence: Above Average Favorite color: Gray-blue Likes: Medical documentaries, Thai food Dislikes: His father, the color red Disposition: Reserved and polite, always takes responsibility for his actions.   Hobbies: Cooking, crossword puzzles, cycling, reading, running/jogging
B I R T H   C H A R T
Sun Sign: Gemini Moon Sign: Libra Rising Sign: Gemini
I A N ' S   S T O R Y
Ian was born on June 17th, 1686 in Montego Bay, Jamaica. He had a fairly uneventful childhood, but was encouraged by his father to join the King's Navy when he became of age. At the age of 2, his mother, Amelia, was killed and his father, William, remarried a woman named Florence Loughton. William and Florence birthed a son, Nolan, who became Ian's step-brother. In his late teenage years, Ian obeyed his father's wishes and enrolled in the Navy. For several years, he spent his days at sea on several HMS vessels, going wherever he was needed. Occasionally, the orders had him stationed on different islands in the Caribbean. Nothing too eventful took place on the job aside from the occasional capture of a wanted fugitive - primarily pirates. When he turned 31, he was stationed on a ship that would eventually come under attack by pirates. On that ship, he met a man who truly peaked his interests and made him begin to question his sexuality. Appalled and knowing such thoughts were unacceptable, he forced himself away from the man and pushed his feelings aside. A month later, the ship came under attack by pirates who would take no quarter. The ship was badly damaged and most of the men - including the man Ian had come to have stirrings for - were dead. He tried to pull himself to his feet but realized he was injured and pinned to the deck by other fallen bodies. Just as he was about to give up hope, the attack stopped. Not long after that, he met Alyssandra Degaldo, who, along with other medics, rescued Ian and the other surviving men. She tended to his injuries and the two became very close. Despite being ten years her elder, Ian and Alyssandra began having feelings for each other. She came to stay aside of him in Montego Bay, at a local doctor's establishment. The two apprenticed for the doctor for a year, and in the midst of it all, came to form a romantic relationship with each other. However, when an injured man was brought to their place seeking treatment for an infection in his leg, Ian was taken with him the same way he'd been with the now-deceased soldier a year ago. He and Alyssandra treated the man's infection and came to learn that his name was Layne Sheppard and that he was a pirate. Ian initially attempted to hide his attraction for the other man, trying to use the same excuses he had before, as well as the fact he was trying to pursue a relationship with Alyssandra. It was of little use - once Layne healed, he seemed equally interested in Ian and the two became friends (albeit begrudgingly on Ian's side). One night when the two were drinking together, Layne asked Ian to come up to his room for a talk.   With the alcohol buzzing through his system, Ian agreed, and followed Layne to the room he'd rented in the tavern. It wasn't long before their talk shifted from daily ongoings to discussing their feelings for one another. It was obvious that Layne found the other man intriguing, and Ian finally gave in. The two shared a lustful, passionate night together, which Ian immediately came to regret in the morning. Despite wanting it to be a one-night-stand, their encounters seemed to become more frequent and were always kept hidden from Alyssandra. When Alyssandra eventually uncovers their relationship, she leaves Ian. Ian and Layne are finally able to be together, until Alyssandra informs Ian that he has impregnated her. Ian reluctantly parts from Layne and marries Alyssandra. She gives birth to fraternal twins, Mallory and Elias Thatcher. A few months after, she is diagnosed with a terminal illness and tells Ian to be with Layne, and for the two of them to raise the babies together. Ian is devastated when Alyssandra dies, but he makes a promise to always be there for his children. Ian and Layne become fathers to Ian's children and raise them the best they can. Modern AU: Ian meets Layne while working as a cardiac surgeon at a hospital they both work at in Boston.  Despite the fact that he’s dating Alyssandra, Ian and Layne become close, spending most of their lunch and dinner breaks eating together in the hospital’s cafeteria when time allows.  After Alyssandra dies of Stage IV brain cancer, he marries Layne and they raise his children - Elias and Mallory Thatcher - alongside each other.
| Mother: Amelia Thatcher (née Ormond) {DECEASED} | Father: William Thatcher | | Siblings: Nolan Thatcher (stepbrother) | | Main Pairing: Alyian (with Alyssandra Degaldo); Laynian (with Layne Sheppard) | | Children: Mallory and Elias Thatcher (with Alyssandra Degaldo) | | Others |
Florence Thatcher (née Loughton) - Stepmother
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