youredreamingofroo · 4 months
Jordynn Sienna Norman-Lloyd
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35 years old, DOB: 13/09/1988 Roo's eldest sister. Better known as Jordy or Jory Jordynn and Harvey [Roo] are the only two kids born under Reese and Virginia
"She's kind-hearted, and Jory's always had maternal instincts, she cares about every like they're her kid. My mother often loathed her, Jory managed to stay positive even after my father died, and mom wanted nothing to do with us, so at 7 years old, she [Jory] took care of me." - Roo
Jordynn has a reputation for being remarkably kind, nothing can shatter her kindness, she's like a brick wall, that can only spout words of affirmations, however, she has moments where she isn't kind, and that's only in times where someone needs to be disciplined or put into their place, typical Mom behavior. She's been married to a man named Sean Lloyd (37) for 6 years, having been with him for a total of 15 years, from Highschool sweethearts, to Lifelong lovers, bound together til they lay to rest. Jordynn's also got two kids, her oldest child, Evan Kian Lloyd (5) and her youngest child, Josey Mia Lloyd (1), She loves Evan and Josey to bits and would do just about anything for her kids. Keeping them well-disciplined, she hopes that her children can grow up just as well and happy as she did, and she'll definitely be the Mother asking her kids "when are you going to have grandkids!"
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
Deliahna Quincy Norman
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15 years old, DOB: 14/2/2009 Roo's younger sister, also goes by Delilah, Deliahn and Deli. Born under Virginia and Noah Blom.
"I miss Deli everyday, I can't see her much because she lives in Sweden and I live in the US, but after I began recovery [at 21], I got a phone-call from my Mom, she was completely disheartened, Noah had left her, it was even more surprising when she told me he had left her so long ago [7 years ago], and Noah had been required by law to take Deli and Devan into his custody due to her [Virginia] conditions, she asked me to come back to Sweden to visit her, on behalf of her [Virginia], I agreed. I came to find out Deli had been bullied for being herself, she was only 7 years old, so I did what any older brother would do and stood up for her, she never left my side since. I'll never forget the pleading in her face as I began boarding my flight back to the US." - Roo
[Rest under the cut cuz its long :)]
She's the weird kid, with her silly outfits, her "out-of-place" personality and obsession with the outdoors, she wants to explore the world, she wants to see the coldest 'bergs in the Arctic, and the hottest dunes of the Deserts around the world, but this adventurous and carefree child was almost reaped of her joy, with no mother present, a father too busy arguing with his son and nobody to fend for her, she was vulnerable to bullying. Upon starting Year 1 (Lågstadiet / The equiv to first grade in the US), kids caught onto her strange behavior, while her school encouraged no bullying, it didn't stop the kids from isolating her away from the others, she adopted this behavior, becoming introverted, and when visiting her mother and telling her about school, Virginia felt uneasy, at which point she called Roo and asked for his help.
The bullying stopped, kids may not have warmed up to her quite yet, and she still had a rather introverted personality, she was... Happier, because of Roo, she went with him everywhere, she did everything with him, she didn't really realize he didn't just live in Sweden, nor could he afford to do so. When the time came for Roo to depart back to America, time stopped, Deli's savior, her brother, the only person who cared, was leaving her, she pleaded, she begged, she even suggested hiding her away in his luggage, anything to be with someone who loved her, but he didn't budge, he couldn't budge, and that didn't click with her, he was supposed to stay forever and save her. Noah practically ripped her off of Roo, she said her broken goodbyes, and Roo expressed how much he cared for her, and how much he hoped she would continue to be herself, if not for herself, then for him, and she promised him, pinky promise.
Deli continues to be weird and be outlandish compared to the other kids, but it was charming, and she has a little trio of her own that all aspire to travel the world together, while she didn't initially recover from Roo's departure, she promises him everyday in spirit to be herself, she's almost 16 (as of writing this, and will be 16 in a couple days :)) and is swiftly on her way to Year 10 (equiv = 11th grade), she does periodically experience depression and bouts of loneliness, as a trauma response to her childhood and lack of parental guidance and parental figures. She isn't sure what is wrong with her, and she doesn't really recognize it as "wrong," and rather normal. Not only that, but she's also currently interested in a fellow student...
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
loveeee this tag game it's so cute! It was made by the lovely @swallowprettybird
I got tagged by @gamyrmaiden 🫶 A little stumped on who to choose, but who better than to choose the very domestic couple, Jordynn and Sean
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picrew / comic (optional)
I don't know who to tag for this, so if you see this, I tag YOU 🫵🫵🫵🫵 (do it if you want or don't if you don't want to or have already done it)
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
Devan Collins Norman
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18 years old, DOB: 24/4/2005 Roo's youngest brother. Born under Virginia and a Swedish man she hooked up with, named Noah Blom
"Sometimes I have a hard time understanding him, he only really speaks Swedish, which he learned from Noah, Mom wasn't around a lot to teach him proper English, and Noah didn't know enough English to teach him, so me and Jory have to teach him, he's passionate about language, but I only ever see him once a year, Jory's busy with Josey and Evan, so Devan is left speaking broken english, we make do however, I've picked up a lot of Swedish from him, as has Jory, so we don't have to translate back and forth as much as we used to." - Roo
Devan has always been regarded as the "pretty boy" at his school, he never really pays any mind, he doesn't like to egg on this persona that everyone puts onto him [being the pretty boy], and he's had to reject girl after girl for dozens of weeks, he knows their intentions, and he'd rather not get involved in some of their lives. He wishes other students wouldn't pay him as much mind as they do, he just wants to learn linguistics, and pursue a higher education, but it's practically impossible while every students tries to talk to him, resorting to literally pleading for them to stop, but they don't listen, he's like a lamp to moths. Devan has asked his father time and time again to put him into homeschooling, for his own benefit, but Noah didn't want to have to teach him, and couldn't afford a tutor, Virginia wasn't in the mindset to even care for him, and no matter how many times Devan promised Noah that he could teach himself, He never budged, and always said No.
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
The Family Tree of Roo
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Now that I've posted pretty much the entire family, here's the family tree :) I still have some characters to make, notably: Sean, Evan and Josey I'm thinking of doing Mateo and Noah, but I'm not sure... 🤔
Clarifications that weren't obvious (or were) that I wanted to make clear under the cut, as well as mentions of death, custody court cases, and just bad parenting. Also it gets long
And if you've looked at the tags in my pinned post, you'll notice a few new names not listed in the family tree or that haven't been mentioned in Roo's story, so to clarify: The Roo-seum's intent was to show off his story, while I could've (and should've) included stories like him going to Sweden for Deli, I didn't... and that's a me thing because I actually hadn't developed that much of the story at that point, but I still don't think I would've included it in the Roo-seum, because it's about him, and his story, and also he didn't even know his siblings that well, sure, I could've included Jordy in his story, but I didn't, womp womp.
Some other things to clarify, language and origins:
Virginia is Swedish, but lived in the US with her parents, so she does not know Swedish that well. Reese is not fully Swedish, but has Swedish blood, his blood has traces of DNA from all over the Scandinavia area, and Swedish is the highest presenting. Roo and Jordy are Swedish, Jordy, for whatever reason, does not look like her parents at all, and they still aren't sure why, a DNA test proved she was Swedish, and was their child. Devan and Deli are Swedish, Devan speaks primarily Swedish, and speaks broken English, relying on (previously) Roo and (now) Jordy, however he is very passionate about linguistics (as mentioned in his post), so he wants to learn about languages, learn new languages and become fluent in English. Deli is fluent in both Swedish and English, Roo taught her most of her English and Virginia taught her some English when she visited, and Deli was able to fill in the dots for English herself. Juno is a Swede-Spaniard, she's fluent in Spanish and English, although her Spanish speaking skills are slowly becoming more and more rusty as Mateo progressively speaks more English to her.
Age, death and relationships:
Virginia and Reese met in High School, and were inseparable since than, eventually beginning to date when she was 18, and he was 20, and Virginia ended up pregnant with Jordy after one special night Virginia had Jordy when she was 20, and Reese was 24 Reese died August 5th, 1995 at the age of 31, a couple months before Roo was born, Jordy was almost 7 years old at the time, and Virginia was 29 years old Reese's cause of death is unknown (aka undetermined, haven't chosen what it should be yet) After Reese died, Virginia spiraled and began having hookups with guys, one of which was Noah Blom, who, after finding out she was pregnant, decided to stay by her side to care for the child, although regardless, Virginia was determined unable to care for the child, and Noah was to take care of Devan, Virginia co-parented on the sidelines and Noah and her continued to date. After one night, however, she completely vanished, leaving Noah, she didn't tell him anything other then that she was off for work. 9 months later, on Feb 16, 2009, she returned to Sweden, to Noah, to hand over her second child of his, Deliahna, to which he was disgusted and perturbed, he couldn't believe she held back such a lie from him, breaking up with her right then and there, however he was still required to take care of Deli, with Virginia co-parenting, and so he did (a terrible job at taking care of my baby Deli). Virginia moved to Spain after a while, to pursue something new and get away from Sweden, which reminded her so much of Reese and what she thought was the cause for her irregular pattern of depression, having another hookup with a man, named Mateo García, they separated shortly after, but it didn't take long for her to come back to him with a pregnancy test that said positive, and where he was elated, she was heartbroken, another child of hers, cursed to a life of no mother, she just wanted one child she could care for, so when it came around for the custody court case, she tried to prove that she was capable of caring for a child, but she was still not allowed to keep custody over Juno, and Mateo gladly took over parenting for Virginia while she recovered, with occasional visits to/for Juno, Mateo and Virginia didn't pursue anything, they felt no attraction to each other, but were glad to co-parent (even though internally Virginia was furious, wishing she could just be the main parent).
If I can think of anymore things that need to be clarified, I will add them later :).
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
Juniper Camila Norman
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14 years old, DOB: 14/1/2010
Roo's youngest sister, Better known as Juno.
Born under Virginia and a man she met in Spain, Mateo García.
"I don't really... know Juniper, she lives in Spain with her father, Mateo, my Mother had another hookup some years ago and had Juniper, Juniper couldn't be cared for by her Mother, due to her inconsistent patterns of depression, while she pled sane, begging to keep her daughter in her custody, it was denied, and Mateo decided to take her, he didn't want her to end up in a janky foster home, he's kind and I love that for him, but from what I've heard from Mateo and my Mother, on the occasions that she can visit, it's nothing good, she seems to... use Mateo's kindness for her own enjoyment and manipulation, I hope what they're saying isn't true... but... last time my Mother told me about my younger sister, she was right... I worry for Mateo, and Juniper." - Roo
[Rest under the cut just in case, as it describes Juniper, who's overly exploitative of her father, doing things kids shouldn't be doing - nothing sexual 👍 E.G, Drugs, Vaping/Smoking, Drinking. There's also content involving an Eating disorder and fatphobia]
Juno is a terrible child, she's exploitative of Mateo's overly forgiving and kind person, Mateo is a very "she deserves a second chance," kind of guy, and at this point, he's given her at least 400 chances, and she's ruined each one, she's currently in 3º ESO, and averages around a 1.00-0.50 GPA, she views school as menial labour, and would rather hang out with her boyfriend and circle of friends. She spends most of her freetime [or otherwise, time where she's supposed to be in school] vaping, smoking, and getting drunk, the sheer rush of doing something she wasn't supposed to made her continue, but it was the rush she got from doing drugs, it made her feel like shit, and she regretted it afterwards, but it came full circle just for the rush.
She has struggled with her body, her boyfriend is openly against "fat" women, he will aloud judge her body in public, leaving her feel embarrassed, especially since she chooses to dress in more revealing clothes, leaving her vulnerable to judgement, and her boyfriend was her biggest critic. She doesn't eat much, she OMADs (One Meal a Day) quite frequently and fasts often, she's frail, but she does it for her boyfriend, and overtime, has become incredibly critical of other people and their body, while she doesn't openly state it like her boyfriend does to her, she finds herself doing it to her friends and sometimes telling her friends about people she saw and their bodies. With every passing week, she becomes weaker, she's still not considered severely underweight, but at 92 pounds, the effects of being underweight begin to take place, her periods slowly stopped occurring, she began getting dizzy frequently, she was always tired, she bruised easily and always felt like she was a sneeze away from collapsing. Mateo slowly noticed these symptoms, he cared for her and wanted her to be okay, so he took her to see a doctor, who had her sent to a treatment center.
Juno still suffers from a mild eating disorder, but has mostly recovered, Mateo makes sure to monitor her, as per her and the doctor's request, but she continues to be a pain in the ass to most people, and since recovering, she's lost all her friends and her boyfriend ended things with her, but he couldn't end it like a normal person, and had to call her all kinds of things, but the worst for her was "fat." Juno has lasting effects from being underweight and a recovering addict, she had to be pulled out of school, and resides with her father, who is helping her recover, while she more than definitely appreciates it, she has a persona that she has to keep up and acts annoyed and pissy with Mateo, but he knows better. She still has retained some habits from her old circle of friends, like dressing in revealing clothing (more specifically as a habit from her ex), putting on (sometimes) messy makeup, and getting her nails done.
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
💌 Post 4 pictures from Pinterest that describe your OC. Send this to 3 other simmers to keep the chain going!
I've already done this, but I'll do it again with different characters! with Roo's siblings 😈 this took forever cuz i was busy irl plus i was busy with the Vday post lmao
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Juno's is under the cut because of drugs and drinking connotation(?? idk)
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
Virginia Norman
"You're so beautiful, did you know that Virginia?"
"Oh Reese, stop it,"
"But it's true, the way your eyes shine in the light is magnificent, and don't get me started on your smile"
(younger Virginia / older Virginia)
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
Reese Arnett/Norman
"So what was he like?"
"Your Father?... Well, he was perfect"
"...That's it?"
"Harvey, there's no word in the dictionary that will ever be able to perfectly describe him,"
(younger Reese / older Reese)
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