halfsevil · 2 years
*   ₒ   𝙸 𝙽 𝙲 𝙾 𝙼 𝙸 𝙽 𝙶   𝙳 𝙴 𝙻 𝙸 𝚅 𝙴 𝚁 𝚈   ʿ  ⁰² ʾ                     ⤷    @rosebead​​​​    ₓ
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         “   did   you   really   mean   what   you   said   back   there   ?   ”
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lowskey · 2 years
ྀ  ‧ ₊  ✩  。 °  ꒰ @rosebead​​​ ꒱ . 💌    
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              ‘’  sorry  —  i’m  late  ,  practice  ...  ’’  he  sighs.  ‘’  well  ,  how  do  i  look  ?  ready  to  meet  your  parents  ?  ’’
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ofdamnation · 2 years
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          ‘  what  the  hell  is  this  ?   why  would  you  write  something  like  that  ?   am  i  some  kind  of  joke  to  you  ?  ’     //     closed  starter  for  @rosebead​​  ,  based  on  this  plot!
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kitsunesx · 2 years
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“You seem like you get into a lot of trouble,” Willow said, her tone fairly judgmental as she studied the individual before her. The truth was, she didn’t actually see anything wrong with someone that liked to get into trouble because she was probably someone that could also fall under that category. “Or does it tend to find you?”
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khianat · 2 years
˚﹑   closed starter 💜  𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘵.  @rosebead​​﹐   ₊ ˚ ⊹
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‘i don’t have too much time, i’ve an important exam tomorrow and need to attempt some last minute studies. not my strongest subject, if you know what i mean’ reo settled down in the free chair on the small table, bag placed carefully down on the floor. ‘your text seemed, mh not urgent but like there was something you wanted to talk about?’ 
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earlydew · 2 years
     𓏲 。  ๋ ˖ 𓂃   𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑟  @rosebead​​​   ꒱   ♡
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     “ we may have gotten a little too ambitious with this one... look at it! it looks like we skipped the house part of the gingerbread house. is it even edible? ”
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springbreezc · 2 years
♡  — for @rosebead​
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minjae’s eyes always fell to robin. running the operations of the night club was exhausting considering he still also put in work as a company executive for a financial firm. but this was the test that his father had bestowed upon him, and minjae had never been anything less than a perfectionist. failing was not an option. and falling wasn’t either. the way that he always wound up searching for robin in the crowded club was dangerous — but tonight it paid dividends, because he caught the code red situation right on time. being dragged off by one of their patrons, minjae perceived panic in robin’s glossy, doe eyes. or maybe he just saw what he wanted to see. regardless, rage curled in his stomach, cold and cutting, and he jumped into action. “hey, get the fuck over here,” he called for the bouncers as he made his way through the crowd and grabbed onto robin’s wrist, the one that the overstepping, drunk patron wasn’t clinging to. “show this client the door.” the bouncers understood the hidden meaning behind the directive, the order spoken evenly and without room for discussion. as the parton was dragged away to be dealt with, minjae kept ahold of robin, bringing him to his back office and not letting go until the door was shut. jaw locking, his gaze roamed over robin, as if searching for evidence of something nefarious. “were you just going to let them drag you away?” he grit out harshly, hands moving outward as if to touch the other man before he crossed his arms. permission nor consent had been granted to him for him to feel at liberty to put his hands on robin. his employee. he had no right to. softening his expression, he heaved out a sigh, his shoulders tense as he searched for assurances from robin that he was alright. “did they do anything to you?”
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wndrbcy · 2 years
closed starter for @rosebead​​
muse: hot girl hazel
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                ♡       “i barely recognize you, you completely changed.”
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seoulvirtue · 2 years
—   Starter for: @rosebead​
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♡  — "LISTEN, right you know I’m right.” Chaeyi was always semi-right about things, she had that inate ablility in her. “So, your counter arguement?” She enjoyed this conversation it was meaningless about certain combinations of food.
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halfsevil · 2 years
  ₒ   𝙸 𝙽 𝙲 𝙾 𝙼 𝙸 𝙽 𝙶   𝙳 𝙴 𝙻 𝙸 𝚅 𝙴 𝚁 𝚈   ʿ  ⁰¹ ʾ                  ⤷    @rosebead​    ₓ
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           “   i   think   you’re   in   way   over   your   head   .   .   .   ”
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gardenwalls · 2 years
. ˖   ꒰  💌  ꒱   ,   erika  &  siwoo
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        young   athlete   laughs   at   the   implication   of   him   being   a   waste   of   her   time   .   ego   with   the   size   of   the   universe   assumes   no   man   better   than   him    would   give   her   time   .  should   be   honored   that   he   is   intrigued   by   her   .  ‘   yet   here   you   are  .  .  .  .   still   talking   to   me   ’   signature   cocky   smirk   prompts   on   well   crafted   features  .   ‘   no   gun   is   pointed   at   you  .   no   chain   on   your   ankle  .   you   can   just   walkaway  .  ’    suggestion   highly   encouraged   to   take  .   always   been   a   fond   of   the   chase   .   everything   in   life   is   served   on   a  silver   platter  .   nothing   for   him   to   work   on   .  nothing   challenges   him   but   her  .    ‘   date  ?  no  .  fuck ,  yes  .  is  that   enough   of   a   help  ?   ’    inquires   with   a   dimpled   smile  .
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         does  not  wish  to  address  conscious  decision  to  not  distance  self  at  once  ,  though  deflecting  will   likely  cast  suspicion  on  known   escape  artist  herself  .   ‘   just   because   i   don’t   want   to   give   you   the   satisfaction   of   having   the   last   word   doesn’t   mean   i’m   having   the   time   of   my   life   here   .   ’   alters   truth   to   own   benefit   ,   frame   leaning   close   enough   to   feel   faintest   warmth   radiating   in   miniscule   gap   between   pair   .   ‘   that   does   help   shed   some   light   on   whatever   this   is   ,   thank   you   .   an   intriguing   offer   ,   really   .   ’   honey   like   timbre   spills   from   plump   pair   ,   tips   taking   hold   of   opposing   collar   ,   tugging   firmly   so   .   beam   shines   bright   ,   inviting   even   ,   as   fabric   wrinkles   under   touch   .   ‘   but   i   have   a   sitrict   no   assholes   policy   and   quite   frankly   ,   you’re   not   good   enough   for   me   to   make   an   exception   .   ’   will   release   grasp   in   mere   blink   of   an   eye   ,   chasm   minimal   nonetheless   .
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ofdamnation · 1 year
muse  :  go  haeun  ,  22  ,  bisexual  . closed  starter  :  for  @rosebead​ . possible  connections  :  m  /  f  /  nb  .
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                ‘  you  don’t  really  mean  that  ,  right  ?  ’    hurt  in  her  expression  as  she  lifts  her  gaze  to  meet  their  own  .    ‘  do  you  ?  ’
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kitsunesx · 2 years
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balance and revenge 
another seemingly intimidating figure. some only know you for revenge and fear you. however, you’re fair and provide justice and balance to your worshippers. you are regarded as the judge, jury, and executioner and no one can escape.
tagged by: @temporalobjects​
tagging: @lustxpersonified, @rosebead, @n0chanxes, @pulchraxchao​
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interglctycs · 2 years
*    :     @rosebead​    sent    :    ❛    why    can’t    you    just    let    it    go    ?    ❜
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thomas    raises    an    eyebrow,    unable    to    understand    the    ease    with    which    cloud    asks    him    that    question.    it    sounds    so    easy,    as    if    he    could    do    it    with    a    snap    of    his    fingers,    when    it    was    more    difficult    than    it    seemed,   at    least    for    him.    the    brunette’s    gaze    falls    on    cloud    and    crosses    his    arms    against    his    chest.    ❛    how    am    i    supposed    to    do    that    ?    ❜    he    asks    softly.    ❛    tell    me,    how    do    i    do    it    after    all    that    has    happened    ?    ❜
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scinglives · 2 years
Ben was throwing their six month old in the air as they looked outside at the snow falling, tickling her non stop because he adored the sound of her laughter first thing in the morning. “Are you excited to go outside?” He asked in his higher pitched voice as he looked at her. “We can build snowmen, and make snow angels.” He mused to himself as his girlfriend headed down to join them with all the winter clothes they were going to need to brave the weather. 
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springbreezc · 2 years
♡ — for @rosebead​ / continued from here
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being haphazard with his life was new. there were few that noeul would act as a shield for, and saint had earned her spot as one of them. the princess couldn’t know that the depth of his affections for her cemented that her life became a priority. meaning far more than his own. he’s a sentimental creature, his profession and lifestyle that clung to the shadows and embraced the darkness contrasting the warmth that spread through his fingertips and kept his heart beating in his ribcage. the same ribcage that had cracked open underneath the pressure of fists that had been flown his way. “you could have died. that’s why i did it.” his breathing was labored, but his own pain numbed and dulled in favor of ensuring that no harm had befallen saint. because he valued her life more than his own. should he die, elixir would go on without him, and he would have no qualms or regrets. when he was satisfied with the knowledge that her body was unmarred, he slightly leaned back as she wrapped the shirt around his wound. his lips curled into a thin line, shaking his head as the blood loss started to affect his motions, hand sluggish as he found a way to push himself upward and onto his shaky feet. he leaned against the nearest surface. “i don’t need a hospital. there’s a man...” he had to pause, ribs rattling as he breathed. “that can stitch me up. not far from here. no hospital.” his words began to slur. 
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