mechanicalaura · 4 years
penny has never felt so off-balance before, as if she has no idea what to do next. and she really doesn’t. 
she went from being on a ship, surrounded by her friends, trying to comprehend what just happened, to a city she doesn’t recognize. she’s worried, because if she’s here then what exactly is happening in atlas right now, and she’s fairly certain that she can’t just walk out of the city and return to atlas.
does she just have fun, do what she wants while here? she hasn’t been able to do that for... a while, since being rebuilt after the vtal festival, really, and it would be nice, but it also feels wrong. there are things she is supposed to be doing, yet can’t while here.
penny shakes her head, frowning lightly as she walks through the streets. this is hard.
she’s not going anywhere specific, simply walking and seeing what the city is like, when she sees a red cape. a very familiar red cape. “ruby!”
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her worries and concerns bleed away as a large smile spreads across her face, already running at her friend. “ruby!” when she gets close enough, she throws herself at ruby, tackle-hugging her.
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deathreversed · 4 years
Something like this always happens. The city hosts a slew of seasonal activities, Nier wanders somewhere out of curiosity, has a pleasant enough time, and just as she decides to leave, something goes wrong. She just wanted to see the Crystal Funhouse and spend some time doing something other than sitting in her room, but of course she got herself lost within the mirror maze. Something like this always, always, always happens to her.
Nier brushes away the tears that trickle down her cheeks, because they tend to freeze after a few seconds, and it hurts more than she’d have thought. Wrapping her robes more tightly around herself only seems to help a little, and she doesn’t have any magic that might be able to help her. Perhaps it would be her fate to perish alone in this ice-cold labyrinth. Unable to bear the weight pressing down upon her, Nier sinks to her knees, weeping amidst the featureless sheets of ice.
Before too long, however, footsteps from the other end of the hall draw Nier’s attention. She doesn’t have it in her to rise, so instead she simply waits for the other person to reach her; a girl her own age, by the looks of it. Nier’s ears flick as she wipes her eyes again, sniffling through her words.
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“D-did you get lost too...? I-I didn’t know this place had a maze in it, otherwise I wouldn’t have come... I-I just wanted to see the ice sculptures...”
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isolaradiale · 4 years
i'd like to drop ruby rose from rwby! she was housed in 316! thank you!
She’ll be dropped for you!
-          ⋆ Aspidiske
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einsamkalte · 4 years
@rosenhuntress / event starter.
❅ : weiss feels more than a bit silly after having let the shopkeeper at hallow’s ascent talk her into this knight costume, but at least the attire doesn’t feel entirely too clunky to move around in. what makes her feel even more silly, however, is that ruby has roped her into some ridiculous endeavor involving... ghosts? really? really? she’s not even entirely certain she believes in such nonsense. grimm are one thing — monstrosities that are all too real and very much able to kill you — but spirits that may or may not exist seem like a children’s story and a waste of time.
so if her hand trembles slightly when she holds the flashlight, she ignores it. weiss has long since abandoned the ornate helmet that came with her costume near the gaping entrance in the side of this ghastly ship.
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‘ruby... this is ridiculous. can we go home yet?’ there are other supposed “tools” on her belt, but quite frankly she’s not ready to humor the prospect of ghosts existing, not yet.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
hello! i'd like to place ruby rose from rwby on hiatus! the date is 12/15!
hello! ruby’s hiatus will be noted!
– ⋆ arcturus.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
here on prior reserve is ruby rose from rwby! this is a reapp with my old url being amandirosa!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Ruby!
You'll be housed in APARTMENT 318
You'll retain everything you had during your previous stay.
Enjoy! :)
– ⋆ δCaeli
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isolaradiale · 2 years
without a prior reserve i'd like to reapply with ruby rose from rwby! her previous url was rosenhuntress!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Ruby!
You will be housed in HOUSE 125.
You will retain everything you were given in your previous stay.
– mod pleiades.
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