zmeydeva-arch · 1 year
❛ i know all the things that aren’t good for me. and i want them just the same. ❜ ( from zelda ! )
⊹ ⁺ rule of wolves sentence starters ) ACCEPTING!
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         ONLY IN VENERATION I CAN COME CLOSER TO YOU,    I CAN CROSS INTO THE BOUNDARY OF DAWN.    diplomacy is counterintuitive to the dragon's sensibilities.   beast of the earth and queen of the wild,    there is little she sees of herself behind stone walls and stained glass windows.   what interests and keeps her is what is housed within these confines.    ruler of morning light,    goddess trapped to flesh and forced to be both smaller and grander than she truly is.    it is in these cavernous halls that echo each step that the sainted witch becomes a fixture by the monarch's side.    ❛   you certainly know how to charm a woman with your words,    princess.   ❜    behind a veil of silver a smirk can be seen,    she has embraced the pageantry her new station required of her and did so with an almost gaudy excess.   
        ❛   am i not good?   i have laid down my claws for you,    i have blunted my teeth...    we live in this cage together now.   ❜    longing for the sky will forever be a result of her condition.   here,    with sweeping arches and domed roof-tops she seldom could fathom the stars as she would like.    BUT A WOMAN CANNOT BE CONTENT IN HER LONESOME FOR ALL TIME.   there is a certain liminality to this alliance,    it cannot be enduring as they be forced to contend with what time will make of them.   although,    the present hour is ripe and zoya plucks that fruit and east with little abandon.   ❛   or perhaps you mean in other,    more subtle ways.   ❜    their shoulders collide as she dips into zelda's pathway;   a winged creature changing course.    
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warsrage · 1 year
what have i been to you ?  what would you have me be ? ( vax and guil <3 )
THE SLOWLY DYING GLOW OF THE FIRE ILLUMINATES THE HALF-ELF'S FACE JUST ENOUGH, EMBERS FLICKERING ACROSS ABSURDLY HIGH CHEEKBONES. it's annoyingly flattering on @duskildan, truth be told, so much so that guillaume frowns in its wake and turns his attention back to warming his hands by the embers. not that he needs the warmth. with even his nature aside, enough of it seems to exist between them without assistance that anything else seems extraneous - but he chooses overheating over appearing not to know what to do with his hands. no amount of etiquette training could have prepared him for how to act while sitting fireside with a handsome rogue who had, on multiple occasions now, chosen to protect him, even if that protection wasn't beneficial to vax at the time. ( at the very least, any sense should have seen the rogue collecting a fee on the young prince's head or tossing him into danger to save his own skin ; the fact he hasn't done so is nearly baffling. )
❝ seems a bit deferential by your standards, asking me what I want of you, vax, ❞ he answers, picking up an errant stick to poke at the embers, watching them flare as he does so. ❝ careful, or I'll think you're planning to pledge your loyalty to me as my vassal next. become a royalist. ❞ a joke, wholly and completely - although there's a hesitation to the delivery that weakens the effect. what have I been to you? it is not a question easily answered. there's a depth there that guillaume isn't quite prepared to face. what would you have me be? a strange echo of devotion which by any means should not exist, creeping under his skin insidiously like shadow at dusk.
the prince of the dawn draws his shoulders in, curls in upon himself, makes himself smaller. he knows the question being asked ; it is the right answer which eludes him. he feels like no prince out here in the wilds - but he cannot deny the truth of his birth, a truth which drives a wedge between him and somebody like vax'ildan, no matter how much he wishes it were not true.
❝ what I would have you be and what is possible may not align. but I've always been somewhat unrealistic. ❞ guillaume attempts to sound casual, breezy, moving to smooth his bedroll and fluff the rolled blanket he uses as a pillow, as if to distract himself. there's little point. vax is no fool and gil ... well. when it comes down to it, he's always been a bit of a shit liar, hasn't he? all of his father's talent for charm with none of his skill for twisting the truth. ❝ what sort of future ruler does it make me if I say I'd let you break my heart? ❞
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popstr · 1 year
FOR AS EFFECTIVE AS HIS PUBLIC PERSONA TYPICALLY IS, SIMEON CANNOT ALWAYS HIDE HIS INHERENT MELANCHOLY, specifically from those who know him well. he exists in the world with a glow from within, the sort of person who draws the eyes of everyone in the room when he enters it, who charms and disarms and fascinates almost habitually - yet from that image is wiped clean the far more complicated reality that exists beneath the surface, humming under his skin as though constantly attempting to break through and saturate the fabric of his life with that much more chaos. for as often as he shimmers and shines, he falls almost equally often into his own personal pit of despair, unable as he is to consistently maintain an appropriate balance in the way he feels his own emotions. he's been worse, certainly, but at times he feels he will never quite be well in the way that others are. for the moment, it's as though the pit of his chest has turned to ice and he holds a fleece blanket tightly around his shoulders to stave off the chill, despite the fact that it's coming from within him.
it must look awfully strange, the way he elects to sit in the dark alone, practically motionless but for the very slight rocking back and forth on the sofa. he senses @rosenvale's august before he sees her silhouette out of the corner of his eye. her voice settles over his restless mind like a swath of silk, cool and gentle and soothing. “ did you want to be alone? ” 
he clutches the blanket closer, pulling it more tightly against his broad shoulders, drawing his knees that much closer to his chest. he never knows how to explain the feeling that envelops him when he gets here, the way it festers in the depths of him, a sickness for which he has never been able to find a cure. years of therapy have again and again reiterated to him that there is nothing inherently wrong with him, that his unique challenges simply help to make up the constellation of who he is, who he has become despite all he's been through.
❝ uh ... no, ❞ he admits softly, his voice strained, pressed, as though he dances close to tears - although he cannot point to a single reason why he would be. he feels her drift closer, but still, he does not look at her ; it is not in his nature to seek to overwhelm when his tumultuous emotions drive him into such a dismal corner. rather, he seeks to be loved, pushes toward it fiercely with both the ambition of an olympian and the petulance of a small child, as though he can force it upon others, force them to adore him - and in his most basic and charming form, he has grown quite good at it. it is only when the rot begins to show itself that people begin to scatter, and for that, simeon cannot truly blame them. a pit rises in his throat, forcing the sting of moisture to his eyes, and he continues to stare pointedly at his own knees. ❝ would you ... I mean, could you stay with me? just for a bit, I - um ... please? ❞
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nursective · 2 years
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there   is   fear   that   hangs   in   her   heart   as   she   exits   the   grocery   store   ,   the   anxiety   of   being   in   an   area   unknown   , speaking   a   language   she   almost   knows   nothing   of   making   her   heart   race.   everything   is   so   new   to   her   ,   but   she's   doing   her   best   to   trek   on. after   all   ,   she   did   tell   harlan   that   one   day   she   would   go   out   &   travel   ,   &   see   places   she's   never   been   to   before.   harlan   .   .   .   a   moment   of   sadness   passes   over   the   nurse   as   she   remembers   her   dear   ,   old   friend   ,   still   having   a   hard   time   imagining   that   he's   now   gone.   they've   had   many   conversations   talking   about   their   dreams   &   aspirations   ,   revealing   secrets to each other   that   no   one   else   has   ever   heard   ,   one   of   them   being   marta's   fear   of   travel   ,   as   well   as   her   inexperience   with   it.   harlan   thrombey   had   been   everywhere   around   the   world   &   insisted   that   she   go   out   &   explore   it   for   herself.   you're   young   .   .   .   you   need   to   open   your   horizons   ,   he   told   her   one   evening   &   even   though   this   trip   has   been   a   bit   of   a   struggle   ,   she's   doing   it   both   for   herself   &   for   the   sake   of   an   old   friend.
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harlan   had   once   created   a   list   for her of   places   he   suggest   she   visit   one   day   &   this   little   town   was   one   of   them.   staying   in   a   small   cottage   not   too   far   away   ,   marta   carries   a   brown   paper   bag   filled   with   fresh   groceries   ,   the   smell   of   the   earthy   food   a   stark   difference   from   the   fresh   veggies   she's   usually bought   back   home.   in   her   pondering   over   her   old   friend   ,   she   didn't   notice   the   growing   tear   at   the   bottom   of   her   bag   ,   so   when   she   shuffles   the   groceries   around   in   her   arms to get more comfortable   ,   the   bag   tears   open   &   all   the   contents   spill   out   ,   potatoes   rolling   down   the   street   ,   eggs   breaking   ━━   a   disaster.   ❝ shit   ,   ❞   she   utters   softly   ,   rushing   to   grab   everything   before   making   an   even   bigger   mess   than   she   had.   luckily   for   the   nurse   ,   a   blonde   woman   sees   her   distress   &   helps   her   grab   the   items   she   had   spilled   ,   bringing   them   back   to   her   after   a   few   minutes   of   rushing   ,   her   smile   &   kind   eyes   the   first   real   kind   welcome   she's   gotten   since   she   arrived   in   this   town.
❝   we   make   a   pretty   good   team.   ❞
marta's   casts   down   her   gaze   for   a   moment   ,   embarrassed   that   she   allowed   something   so   silly   to   happen   to   her.   still   ,   she's   thankful   that   this   woman   was   kind   enough   to   help   her   &   she   knows   better   than   to   not   say   anything   in   appreciation.      ❝   you   saved   me   from   making   a   bigger   fool   of   myself.   ❞   she's   still   crouched   down   as   she   picks   up   the   last   of   her   food   ,   struggling   to   cradle   everything   in   her   arms.   ❝   thank   you   for   your   help.   i   would   have   been   lost   if   you   didn't   come   in   &   rescue   me.   ❞
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THE   DUSTY   TOY   BOX.   featuring   @rosenvale   as   august   sirin.
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vipier · 1 year
ANGER. jaw clenching, hands balling into fists, teeth grinding, yelling, going non-verbal, stuttering speech, rushed speech, slow concise speech, rambling, quiet, arms crossing, shaking head, tearing up, animated, expressionless, projects, internalises, vents, withdraws, passive aggressive, direct, physical outbursts, verbal outbursts.
JOY. easy smiles, fighting back grins, suppressed laughter, loud laughter, giggles, chuckling, smirks, whole body laughs, covers mouth when laughing / giggling, throws head back when laughing, slaps leg, touches people around them when laughing, looks down when laughing, looks for eye contact when laughing, sparkling eyes, bubbly happiness, quiet subtle happiness, obnoxious happiness, wants to spread joy, quietly savours joy.
SADNESS. crying, bottling it up, seeks distractions, wallows, meditates, trains and processes, avoidance, seeks out comfort, withdraws, talks it out, internalises it, sad smiles, depression naps, uses alcohol, uses drugs, seeks out sources of joy, fidgets with sentimental item, sits in silence, broods, gets moody, wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, nurtures others to make themselves feel better.
EMBARRASSMENT / SHAME. blushing, looking away, rubbing at back of head, covering face, laughing nervously, laughs it off, overthinks, lets it go, self-deprecating humor, deflects, gets irritated, smiles, withdraws, crossing arms over stomach, crossing arms over chest, hands in pockets, shoulders sinking, shrugs, falling into silence until comfortable again, talking a lot to compensate.
GUILT. avoiding eye contact, shoulders sinking low, head hanging down, crying, chest aches, lashes out, internalises, apologises, deflects, communicates, withdraws, grand gestures for forgiveness, accepts fault easily, punishes themselves, martyrdom, victim complex, guilt complex, healthy conscience, internalises even after forgiveness, seeking redemption, moves on easily, denial, lack of guilt / conscience, sorry they got caught more than caused harm, can’t handle knowing they hurt others.
FEAR / ANXIETY. trembling, crying, sarcasm / sass to cope, rambles, goes silent, gets angry, fidgeting, clenching jaw, picking at nails, chewing at lip, pulling at clothes, adjusting jewellery / clothing, swallowing thickly, eyes widening, over-reacts, under-reacts, calm, logical, panic, irrational, overthinks, carefully analyses, talks to themselves, breathing exercises, flight, fight, withdraw, fawn.
tagged by : the incomparable @daylighter! tagging : @reporther, @zmeydeva, @rosenvale ( spike, august, impa, anyone you want! ), @sheikage, @vicioushope, @w4ntd, @debelltio, @barrelborne, @lunaccult ( nesta and/or jude! ), @beartsar, and anyone else who wants to!
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tewwor-moving · 1 year
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notoroiously bad with songs so have some aesthetics instead! 
brilliance of the sun’s first spill over the uneven horizon, you shine and shine and shine for all to see but it never reaches inwards, make a mistake — rewind — repeat, make a mistake — break the bones — sew the flesh — rewind — repeat, poorly written paint smeared to the back of a beaten up convertable that reads ‘JUST ALIVE!’ tearing down a dirt road with the clatter of pots and pans tied to a crooked bumper, confusion of continents where the accents don’t blend, looking at the mirror that looks back at you as a stranger — you do not know who you are.
“Keep your chin up little stargazer at worlds above our own, you are small but you are stardust and that’s worth more than you’ve known, for every sun and solar flare is made up just like you, and if they’re cause for wonder then I promise you are too. Look out little stargazer ‘til nothing’s left unseen, and know there’s not a patch of sky where no=one else’s eyes have been, that the darkness that enfolds you holds countless other starlit hearts, and with this you stand together though you live lifetimes apart. Be brave now little stargazer the sky is growing light, and courage wanes like moonbeams when it’s pulled out from the night, but like those who gazed before you; know when your heart is full of fear, that it is always in your darkness that the stars start to appear.” — erin hanson
“I know, you never intended to be in the world. But you're in it all the same. So why not get started immediately. I mean, belonging in it. There is so much to admire, to weep over. And to write music or poems about. Bless the feet that take you to and fro. Bless the eyes and the listening ears. Bless the tongue, the marvel of taste. Bless touching.” — unknown
"I feel closest to the angels when I’m in the middle of a thunderstorm, soaked to the skin, shook up with sound, waiting for my bones to become branches of white light.” — waiting, keaton st. james
"This is why it hurts the way it hurts. You have too many words in your head. There are too many ways to describe the way you feel. You will never have the luxury of a dull ache. You must suffer through the intricacy of feeling too much.” — i wrote this for you and only you, page 91
“I’m not up to picturing a whole person because I’m not a whole person myself. And how can I imagine a face if I don’t know what kind of expression I need on it?” — the passion according to g.h., clarice lispector
"those who fly closest to the sun.. get the sickest of sunburns.” — a past friend of mine irl.com
Tagged by: dug it up from my old blog hehe hoho
Tagging: @womanlives @temporalobjects @aresdeus @thanatologies @astremourante @godclaws @kingsmanne @kurjaks @voraxiia @barrelborne @natterghast @mythvoiced @eriny3s @reliicsoul @rosenvale @uroborosymphony @icarusplunged @ohshadow + you!!
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ragedagainst · 1 year
ANGER. jaw clenching, hands balling into fists, teeth grinding, yelling, going non-verbal, stuttering speech, rushed speech, slow concise speech, rambling, quiet, arms crossing, shaking head, tearing up, animated, expressionless, projects, internalises, vents, withdraws, passive aggressive, direct, physical outbursts, verbal outbursts.
JOY. easy smiles, fighting back grins, suppressed laughter, loud laughter, giggles, chuckling, smirks, whole body laughs, covers mouth when laughing / giggling, throws head back when laughing, slaps leg, touches people around them when laughing, looks down/away when laughing, looks for eye contact when laughing, sparkling eyes, bubbly happiness, quiet subtle happiness, obnoxious happiness, wants to spread joy, quietly savours joy.
SADNESS. crying, bottling it up, seeks distractions, wallows, meditates, trains and processes, avoidance, seeks out comfort, withdraws, talks it out, internalises it, sad smiles, depression naps, uses alcohol, uses drugs, seeks out sources of joy, fidgets with sentimental item, sits in silence, broods, gets moody, wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, nurtures others to make themselves feel better.
EMBARRASSMENT / SHAME. blushing, looking away, rubbing at back of head, covering face, laughing nervously, laughs it off, overthinks, lets it go, self-deprecating humor, deflects, gets irritated, smiles, withdraws, crossing arms over stomach, crossing arms over chest, hands in pockets, shoulders sinking, shrugs, falling into silence until comfortable again, talking a lot to compensate.
GUILT. avoiding eye contact, shoulders sinking low, head hanging down, crying, chest aches, lashes out, internalises, apologises, deflects, communicates, withdraws, grand gestures for forgiveness, accepts fault easily, punishes themselves, martyrdom, victim complex, guilt complex, healthy conscience, internalises even after forgiveness, seeking redemption, moves on easily, denial, lack of guilt / conscience, sorry they got caught more than caused harm, can’t handle knowing they hurt others.
FEAR / ANXIETY. trembling, crying, sarcasm / sass to cope, rambles, goes silent, gets angry, fidgeting, clenching jaw, picking at nails, chewing at lip, pulling at clothes, adjusting jewellery / clothing, swallowing thickly, eyes widening, over-reacts, under-reacts, calm, logical, panic, irrational, overthinks, carefully analyses, talks to themselves, breathing exercises, flight, fight, withdraw, fawn.
tagged by: @vipier & @gunbash & @sheikage LOVE YALL! tagging: @hollowedchest (cassian and/or joel!), @cami1a / @razshaya , @rosenvale (kaz), @debelltio , @proditeur , @pistolslinger , @kenoebi , @appleyed , and you !!
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loric2020 · 2 years
7 mars - 9 mars, Adélaïde, terre des aborigènes de la communauté Kaurna, GMT+10h30
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Commonwealth et french connection réunis.
L'émotion est grande quand nous atterrissons à Adélaïde. Quel beau nom pour une ville pleine de charme, nom hérité de la princesse d'origine allemande devenue reine consort du Royaume-Uni et de Hanovre comme épouse de Guillaume IV, roi de 1830 à 1837. En 2020, nous avions dû nous résoudre à rentrer en raison du covid sans aucune certitude de pouvoir revenir. Nous sommes bien en 2023 et nous ne boudons pas le plaisir de retourner au central market, un marché couvert où tous les produits sont plus alléchants les uns que les autres. Ici, on achète, on déguste et on prend du plaisir à dévorer des yeux les étals. Nous découvrons le zoo d'Adélaïde pour la première fois. Les loutres nous font toujours autant marrer. Un panda mâle, du nom de Wang Wang, rechigne à sortir mais accepte tout de même de montrer sa belle frimousse. La journée de jeudi est toute consacrée à visiter la vallée de Barossa, l'un des deux vignobles les plus connus autour d'Adélaïde avec celui de la vallée de MacLaren. Nous avons rendez-vous devant l'hôtel Hilton d'Adélaïde où nous attend le bus. Nous sommes 22 à prendre place pour des dégustations dans 4 domaines vinicoles : château Yaldara, Peter Lehmanns, Rosenvale Wines and Wolf Blass. Les ressortissants du Commonwealth sont présents en force ce matin : australiens, canadiens, britanniques. Le bus est presque 100% anglophone. L'ambiance, d'abord silencieuse pendant le trajet qui nous conduit au premier château, va progressivement se libérer à mesure que les verres de vin vont se vider, à raison de 6 dégustations par domaine, soit 24 dosettes de vin, rouge, blanc, pétillant... Un minimum pour les gourmands qui n'hésitent pas à jouer la troisième mi-temps allègrement et goulûment. La journée se termine comme elle a commencé, dans le silence de ceux qui cuvent. Le mot de la fin revient au guide et chauffeur du bus qui accepte gentiment de nous déposer près de la ligne de bus qui dessert notre hôtel en annonçant "french connection !*. That's it 🤩
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Barossa Valley Wine Tours
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We head now to Menglers Hill lookout for a view and a half! Check out the Valley, see where you’ve been and where you’re heading, as it’s now time to head to the 3rd winery and the most exclusive cellar door experience of your tour the stunning Rosenvale Winery. Opening only for Taste the Barossa guests, prepare to be WOW’d!!! The passion is palpable as Rosenvale’s hosts generously share with you the most spectacular wines you will surely ever taste. World Class is an understatement! Barossa Valley Wine Tours
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cattosclub · 5 months
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chapter i, introduction
shed light upon absolute self-confidence bound to pull, whispers all amongst society who stumbled upon this page; manifold ways to address me, as it is fully written millicent rosenvale, either within mils, millie, milly, or as anything sweet suits your preference to be comfortable with! ★_★ one of the air sign zodiacs has charmed me, try to guess that. as recent mbti attests to my being infj, a designation that speaks volumes about the inner workings of my mind. for well, i'm not a minor anymore, composed me in a nonchalant persona, an easygoing demeanor that belies a depth of complexity beneath its surface. yet, despite this facade of casual indifference, there burns within me an ember of eagerness, a fervent desire to engage and converse with all who cross my path. for in the art of interaction lies a boundless joy, a symphony of words and ideas that sings to the very core of my being. cast aside the shackles of inhibition and embrace the boundless expanse of conversation. whether through whispered secrets exchanged in the dead of night or lively banter shared beneath the noonday sun, i propose we revel in the beauty of connection and the endless possibilities it presents.
chapter ii, things i like
as i stroll through my halls of favored things, k-pop makes its front-liner, which after surveying all that was good and all that was strifet bought me in eagerness mostly towards enhypen, ive, aespa, newjeans, boynextdoor, stayc, illit, etc : ] as they lend me peace between dark days loom. when it comes to silence, i’d summon up another preference song, which is worth massive o’ silent recital which catches ears easily to tune in daily, as i frequently listen to taylor swift, bruno mars, niki, my chemical romance, voilá, black sabbath, the weeknd, benson boone, henry moodie, james arthur, tate mcrae, new hope club, sabrina carpenter, grentperez, keshi, olivia rodrigo, lewis capaldi, anson seabra, mahalini, so7, tulus, awdella, bernadya, juicy luicy, etc (gosh.. that's a lot). in the meantime, i am fond of spending all day on any genre of movie and series, but the gore one is an exception. i savoring each sip of coffee, iced tea and spicy food, watching windah basudara and F1 (i'm a fwb and a tifosi XD), and relishing time spent on drawing, writing, cooking, editing, playing games on plato. but amongst all, being a cat lover is what i tend to love the most. i'm a pawrent who has one orange cat as my furry child! 🐈
chapter iii, before you follow
come take a sip within this note, as i forbid people who try to fit the basic dni criteria including arrogant people, being minors under the age of 16, enforcing strict grammar rules, homophobic, and zionist, should refrain from interacting with me. also, accounts that are inactive or have never been used for interact with me are generally soft-blocked by me with no hard feelings, and we all could do the same to foster a comfortable environment for all.
. . .
ⓘ since i have some things that can trigger me and make me anxious or uncomfortable, please use the CW / TW mark for the following content: gecko, lizard, animal abuse, gore, murder or accident scenes, heavy nsfw, jumpscares, and ghosts.
. . .
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shifting-light · 2 years
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For ever after. Pinky promise. Ty and Tina show off their wedding rings. #wedding #weddinvows #brideandgroom #weddinportrait #weddingphotography #weddingphotographer #shiftinglightphotography #weddingportrait (at Rosenvale) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIrG_iL4AI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sirgal · 2 years
@rosenvale​  (  as  ARTHUR  )  sent  :  ❛ can i ask… what happened? ❜
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          ❝   YOU MAY ASK, BUT THAT DOES NOT GUARANTEE AN ANSWER.   ❞       sir galavant’s bright tone of voice overlies a dryness, a sort of mystery that has simply become a part of the hero’s facade.  he’s a dry sort of man  -  an unexpected fact to some, who expect him to always maintain an   EARNESTNESS   about him that reflects his fabled heroism.  but rarely do myths properly reflect  truth  and this man is no exception  -  though the question still remains whether the king of legend lives up to his name in flesh and blood.  dropping his gaze to the blade in his lap, he wipes it clean of blood on an oil cloth, leaving streaks so dark on the fabric that they nearly appear black.  the sword itself shines brightly as new, fresh as always in the face of the death.   (  the knight, too, has long since disposed with any squeamishness he may once have had ;  any trace of it serves as little more than a   DISTANT MEMORY   now.  )   ❝   besides, I should think it is  …  self-evident.  I, of course, made a sincere attempt to resolve the issue   PEACEFULLY,   your majesty, but I am afraid negotiations concluded rather quickly.   ❞   with this statement, the knight stands, tossing away the oilcloth and sheathing his sword again at his hip before turning halfway to face the king.  a man is only a man, unless history makes him otherwise,  and history is bound to make arthur otherwise if anything galavant has heard is true.
          perhaps his loyalties will not be misplaced, if he chooses to keep company with   THIS   ruler for a longer period of time, gal thinks.
          ❝   I apologize if you’d prefer I be more  subtle.   ❞   although something in his tone implies that he is not actually   PARTICULARLY SORRY.   ❝   subtlety has rarely ever been my  style,  you see.   ❞
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alla-manniskor · 4 years
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rosenvall, 4, senai
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discovercreate · 7 years
lilac garden wedding new zealand
Shantelle and Kelly held their garden nuptials in the lush green surroundings of Rosenvale, New Zealand. from weddinggawker http://ift.tt/2sjSDcb
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tewwor-moving · 2 years
❛Do not spurn me again like that, do you hear me?❜ ( vincenzo @ his fave building manager )
* & hades ask meme ( accepting ) — @rosenvale
The ringing's still there — shrill and tinny, resonate more in the left ear than the right. Of all the lessons learned, the mistakes so clumsily collected, it takes a full beating to really set him straight. Or in the very least, to realign the sight of each mask worn to fool those around him. One used around his beloved wife and daughter, a second for the select few that obtained some token of friendship, third for those with bridges burned, and a fourth — arguably the most fortified — firmly clasped around none other than Vincenzo Cassano himself. 
Yet even the most ironclad locks can come undone with lucky timing and brute force. Both of which were shattered under the high risk taken for an even higher reward. 
Obtaining the Guillotine File’s nothing to scoff at. It takes a certain kind of person to strategize it’s retrieval, but even the flightiness of impatience got the best of him. He, who worked so well, so closely, to the notorious Cassano family’s consigliere. Youngwoon never forget who he was dealing with. Quite the opposite, actually. Each slight of betrayal dug further into the tender flesh of confliction. 
To aid the man that saved him, or to hinder for a greater pursuit.
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Much like a child made to participate in timeout rather than recess, Youngwoon sits in the midst of the ransacked temple with the heavy air of defeat. The jig’s up. What he assumed to be a royal flush ended up forcing him to fold prematurely. That’s what he gets, though. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Now all he has is a new spread of bruises to decorate his perpetually sore body. Not to mention the giant strike to his own ego — what was left of it anyways.
“Clear.. enough.” Would’ve been crystal if he hadn’t been smacked upside the head one too many times, but he didn’t dare test the luck of a loose tongue just yet. 
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"Be prepared to say yes" David Rosenvall (at Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple)
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